/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Author and copyright: Laurent Thomas, open-cells.com * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ #include <openair3/UICC/usim_interface.h> #include <openair3/NAS/COMMON/milenage.h> #define UICC_SECTION "uicc" #define UICC_CONFIG_HELP_OPTIONS " list of comma separated options to interface a simulated (real UICC to be developped). Available options: \n"\ " imsi: user imsi\n"\ " key: cyphering key\n"\ " opc: cyphering OPc\n" /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* configuration parameters for the rfsimulator device */ /* optname helpstr paramflags XXXptr defXXXval type numelt */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define UICC_PARAMS_DESC {\ {"imsi", "USIM IMSI\n", 0, strptr:&(uicc->imsiStr), defstrval:"", TYPE_STRING, 0 },\ {"nmc_size" "number of digits in NMC", 0, iptr:&(uicc->nmc_size), defintval:2, TYPE_INT, 0 },\ {"key", "USIM Ki\n", 0, strptr:&(uicc->keyStr), defstrval:"", TYPE_STRING, 0 },\ {"opc", "USIM OPc\n", 0, strptr:&(uicc->opcStr), defstrval:"", TYPE_STRING, 0 },\ {"amf", "USIM amf\n", 0, strptr:&(uicc->amfStr), defstrval:"8000", TYPE_STRING, 0 },\ {"sqn", "USIM sqn\n", 0, strptr:&(uicc->sqnStr), defstrval:"000000", TYPE_STRING, 0 },\ }; const char *hexTable="0123456789abcdef"; static inline uint8_t mkDigit(unsigned char in) { for (int i=0; i<16; i++) if (in==hexTable[i]) return i; LOG_E(SIM,"Impossible hexa input: %c\n",in); return 0; } static inline void to_hex(char *in, uint8_t *out, int size) { for (size_t i=0; in[i]!=0 && i < size*2 ; i+=2) { *out++=(mkDigit(in[i]) << 4) | mkDigit(in[i+1]); } } uicc_t *init_uicc(char *sectionName) { uicc_t *uicc=(uicc_t *)calloc(sizeof(uicc_t),1); paramdef_t uicc_params[] = UICC_PARAMS_DESC; // here we call usim simulation, but calling actual usim is quite simple // the code is in open-cells.com => program_uicc open source // we can read the IMSI from the USIM // key, OPc, sqn, amf don't need to be read from the true USIM int ret = config_get( uicc_params,sizeof(uicc_params)/sizeof(paramdef_t),sectionName); AssertFatal(ret >= 0, "configuration couldn't be performed"); LOG_I(SIM, "UICC simulation: IMSI=%s, Ki=%s, OPc=%s\n", uicc->imsiStr, uicc->keyStr, uicc->opcStr); to_hex(uicc->keyStr,uicc->key, sizeof(uicc->key) ); to_hex(uicc->opcStr,uicc->opc, sizeof(uicc->opc) ); to_hex(uicc->sqnStr,uicc->sqn, sizeof(uicc->sqn) ); to_hex(uicc->amfStr,uicc->amf, sizeof(uicc->amf) ); return uicc; } void uicc_milenage_generate(uint8_t *autn, uicc_t *uicc) { // here we call usim simulation, but calling actual usim is quite simple // the code is in open-cells.com => program_uicc open source milenage_generate(uicc->opc, uicc->amf, uicc->key, uicc->sqn, uicc->rand, autn, uicc->ik, uicc->ck, uicc->milenage_res); log_dump(SIM,uicc->opc,sizeof(uicc->opc), LOG_DUMP_CHAR,"opc:"); log_dump(SIM,uicc->amf,sizeof(uicc->amf), LOG_DUMP_CHAR,"amf:"); log_dump(SIM,uicc->key,sizeof(uicc->key), LOG_DUMP_CHAR,"key:"); log_dump(SIM,uicc->sqn,sizeof(uicc->sqn), LOG_DUMP_CHAR,"sqn:"); log_dump(SIM,uicc->rand,sizeof(uicc->rand), LOG_DUMP_CHAR,"rand:"); log_dump(SIM,uicc->ik,sizeof(uicc->ik), LOG_DUMP_CHAR,"milenage output ik:"); log_dump(SIM,uicc->ck,sizeof(uicc->ck), LOG_DUMP_CHAR,"milenage output ck:"); log_dump(SIM,uicc->milenage_res,sizeof(uicc->milenage_res), LOG_DUMP_CHAR,"milenage output res:"); log_dump(SIM,autn,sizeof(autn), LOG_DUMP_CHAR,"milenage output autn:"); }