`ue_ambr_ul`bigint(20)unsignedDEFAULT'50000000'COMMENT'The Maximum Aggregated uplink MBRs to be shared across all Non-GBR bearers according to the subscription of the user.',
`ue_ambr_ul`bigint(20)unsignedDEFAULT'50000000'COMMENT'The Maximum Aggregated uplink MBRs to be shared across all Non-GBR bearers according to the subscription of the user.',
`ue_ambr_dl`bigint(20)unsignedDEFAULT'100000000'COMMENT'The Maximum Aggregated downlink MBRs to be shared across all Non-GBR bearers according to the subscription of the user.',
`ue_ambr_dl`bigint(20)unsignedDEFAULT'100000000'COMMENT'The Maximum Aggregated downlink MBRs to be shared across all Non-GBR bearers according to the subscription of the user.',
`access_restriction`int(10)unsignedDEFAULT'60'COMMENT'Indicates the access restriction subscription information. 3GPP TS.29272 #7.3.31',
`access_restriction`int(10)unsignedDEFAULT'60'COMMENT'Indicates the access restriction subscription information. 3GPP TS.29272 #7.3.31',
`mme_cap`int(10)unsignedzerofillDEFAULTNULLCOMMENT'Indicates the capabilities of the MME with respect to core functionality e.g. regional access restrictions.',
`mme_cap`int(10)unsignedzerofillDEFAULTNULLCOMMENT'Indicates the capabilities of the MME with respect to core functionality e.g. regional access restrictions.',
`RFSP-Index`smallint(5)unsignedNOTNULLDEFAULT'1'COMMENT'An index to specific RRM configuration in the E-UTRAN. Possible values from 1 to 256',
`RFSP-Index`smallint(5)unsignedNOTNULLDEFAULT'1'COMMENT'An index to specific RRM configuration in the E-UTRAN. Possible values from 1 to 256',
`urrp_mme`tinyint(1)NOTNULLDEFAULT'0'COMMENT'UE Reachability Request Parameter indicating that UE activity notification from MME has been requested by the HSS.',
`urrp_mme`tinyint(1)NOTNULLDEFAULT'0'COMMENT'UE Reachability Request Parameter indicating that UE activity notification from MME has been requested by the HSS.',