/* Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file l2_interface_nb_iot.c * \brief layer 2 interface, used to support different RRC sublayer * \author Raymond Knopp and Navid Nikaein * \date 2010-2014 * \version 1.0 * \company Eurecom * \email: raymond.knopp@eurecom.fr */ #include "PHY/defs.h" #include "SCHED/defs.h" #include "platform_types.h" #include "defs_nb_iot.h" //RRC #include "LAYER2/MAC/defs_nb_iot.h" //MAC #include "extern.h" #include "LAYER2/MAC/extern.h" #include "UTIL/LOG/log.h" #include "UTIL/OCG/OCG_vars.h" #include "rrc_eNB_UE_context.h" #include "pdcp_primitives.h" #include "pdcp.h" #include "msc.h" #include "UTIL/LOG/vcd_signal_dumper.h" #include "gtpv1u.h" #include "osa_defs.h" #ifdef PHY_EMUL #include "SIMULATION/simulation_defs.h" extern EMULATION_VARS *Emul_vars; extern eNB_MAC_INST *eNB_mac_inst; extern UE_MAC_INST *UE_mac_inst; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI) # include "intertask_interface.h" #endif //#define RRC_DATA_REQ_DEBUG #define DEBUG_RRC 1 //to add into platform types typedef boolean_t srb1bis_flag_t; #define SRB1BIS_FLAG_NO FALSE #define SRB1BIS_FLAG_YES TRUE //defined in interTask-interface = 1 mui_t mui=0; //XXX MP: just temporary usage since i put in one single file all the primitives modified (but they should be relocated in the //proper file where they are defined as indicated in the comments //XXX access of protected variables in pdcp.h extern unsigned int pdcp_eNB_UE_instance_to_rnti_index; extern rnti_t pdcp_eNB_UE_instance_to_rnti[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX]; extern list_t pdcp_sdu_list; //extern struct mac_data_req rlc_am_mac_data_request (const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxtP,void * const rlc_pP); //extern eNB_MAC_INST_NB *eNB; extern void rlc_tm_init ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, rlc_tm_entity_t * const rlcP); extern void rlc_tm_set_debug_infos( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, rlc_tm_entity_t * const rlcP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, const rb_id_t rb_idP, const logical_chan_id_t chan_idP); extern void rlc_tm_configure( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, rlc_tm_entity_t * const rlcP, const boolean_t is_uplink_downlinkP); extern void rlc_am_rx (const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxtP,void * const rlc_pP, struct mac_data_ind); extern tbs_size_t mac_rlc_serialize_tb (char*, list_t); extern struct mac_data_ind mac_rlc_deserialize_tb ( char *buffer_pP, const tb_size_t tb_sizeP, num_tb_t num_tbP, crc_t *crcs_pP); /*---------------------------------RRC-MAC-----------------------------------*/ //defined in MAC/config.c //FIXME: this function has no implication in terms of logical channel configuration for MAC int NB_rrc_mac_config_req_eNB( module_id_t Mod_idP, int CC_idP, int rntiP, //FIXME: Raymond bug? int physCellId, int p_eNB, int Ncp, long eutra_band,//FIXME: frequencyBandIndicator in sib1 (is a long not an int!!) struct NS_PmaxList_NB_r13 *frequencyBandInfo, //optional SIB1 struct MultiBandInfoList_NB_r13 *multiBandInfoList, //optional SIB1 struct DL_Bitmap_NB_r13 *dl_bitmap, //optional SIB1 long* eutraControlRegionSize, //optional sib1 long* nrs_CRS_PowerOffset, //optional uint8_t *SIwindowsize, //maybe no more needed because TDD only uint16_t *SIperiod, //maybe no more needed because TDD only uint32_t dl_CarrierFreq, uint32_t ul_CarrierFreq, BCCH_BCH_Message_NB_t *mib_NB, RadioResourceConfigCommonSIB_NB_r13_t *radioResourceConfigCommon, struct PhysicalConfigDedicated_NB_r13 *physicalConfigDedicated, MAC_MainConfig_NB_r13_t *mac_MainConfig, //most probably not needed since only used at UE side long logicalChannelIdentity,//FIXME: decide how to use it LogicalChannelConfig_NB_r13_t *logicalChannelConfig //FIXME: decide how to use it ) { int i; int UE_id = -1; //eNB_MAC_INST_NB *eNB = &eNB_mac_inst_NB[Mod_idP]; UE_list_NB_t *UE_list= &eNB_mac_inst_NB->UE_list; VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RRC_MAC_CONFIG, VCD_FUNCTION_IN); UE_id = find_UE_id(Mod_idP, rntiP); if (mib_NB!=NULL) { if (eNB_mac_inst == NULL) l2_init_eNB(); //XXX MP: to be included in the MAC/main.c mac_top_init_eNB(); //XXX MP: to be included in the MAC/main.c eNB_mac_inst_NB[Mod_idP].common_channels[CC_idP].mib_NB = mib_NB; eNB_mac_inst_NB[Mod_idP].common_channels[CC_idP].physCellId = physCellId; eNB_mac_inst_NB[Mod_idP].common_channels[CC_idP].p_eNB = p_eNB; eNB_mac_inst_NB[Mod_idP].common_channels[CC_idP].Ncp = Ncp; eNB_mac_inst_NB[Mod_idP].common_channels[CC_idP].eutra_band = eutra_band; eNB_mac_inst_NB[Mod_idP].common_channels[CC_idP].dl_CarrierFreq = dl_CarrierFreq; // NB_phy_config_mib_eNB(Mod_idP,CC_idP, //XXX MP: defined by Nick in lte_init_nb_iot.c // eutra_band, // physCellId, // Ncp, // p_eNB, // dl_CarrierFreq, // ul_CarrierFreq, // mib_NB->message.operationModeInfo_r13); mac_init_cell_params(Mod_idP,CC_idP); } //phy_config_sib1_eNB--> not implemented for NB_IoT if (radioResourceConfigCommon!=NULL) { LOG_I(MAC,"[CONFIG]SIB2/3-NB Contents (partial)\n"); LOG_I(MAC,"[CONFIG]npusch_ConfigCommon_r13.dmrs_Config_r13->threeTone_CyclicShift_r13= %d\n", radioResourceConfigCommon->npusch_ConfigCommon_r13.dmrs_Config_r13->threeTone_CyclicShift_r13); LOG_I(MAC,"[CONFIG]npusch_ConfigCommon_r13.dmrs_Config_r13->sixTone_CyclicShift_r13= %d\n", radioResourceConfigCommon->npusch_ConfigCommon_r13.dmrs_Config_r13->sixTone_CyclicShift_r13); LOG_I(MAC,"[CONFIG]npusch_ConfigCommon_r13.ul_ReferenceSignalsNPUSCH_r13.groupHoppingEnabled_r13= %d\n", radioResourceConfigCommon->npusch_ConfigCommon_r13.ul_ReferenceSignalsNPUSCH_r13.groupHoppingEnabled_r13); LOG_I(MAC,"[CONFIG]npusch_ConfigCommon_r13.ul_ReferenceSignalsNPUSCH_r13.groupAssignmentNPUSCH_r13= %d\n", radioResourceConfigCommon->npusch_ConfigCommon_r13.ul_ReferenceSignalsNPUSCH_r13.groupAssignmentNPUSCH_r13); eNB_mac_inst_NB[Mod_idP].common_channels[CC_idP].radioResourceConfigCommon = radioResourceConfigCommon; if (ul_CarrierFreq>0) eNB_mac_inst_NB[Mod_idP].common_channels[CC_idP].ul_CarrierFreq = ul_CarrierFreq; //no ul_Bandwidth // NB_phy_config_sib2_eNB( //XXX MP: defined by Nick in lte_init_nb_iot.c // Mod_idP, // CC_idP, // radioResourceConfigCommon, // NULL //ul_carrier_frequency // ); } if (logicalChannelConfig!= NULL) { if (UE_id == -1) { LOG_E(MAC,"%s:%d:%s: ERROR, UE_id == -1\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); } else { //no logical channel group not defined for nb-iot --> no UL specific Parameter //XXX: lcgidmap in MAC/defs.h most probably is not needed } } ///mac_mainConfig not needed for the eNB side but only for UE if (physicalConfigDedicated != NULL) { if (UE_id == -1) LOG_E(MAC,"%s:%d:%s: ERROR, UE_id == -1\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); else { // NB_phy_config_dedicated_eNB( //XXX MP: defined by Nick in lte_init_nb_iot.c // Mod_idP, // CC_idP, // UE_RNTI(Mod_idP, UE_id), // physicalConfigDedicated); } } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RRC_MAC_CONFIG, VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return(0); } //defined in L2_interface int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB( const module_id_t Mod_idP, const int CC_id, const frame_t frameP, const rb_id_t Srb_id, uint8_t* const buffer_pP, uint32_t start_sfn_sib1_NB, //starting frame for sib1 transmission uint32_t nb_sib1_NB_rep, //number of sib1 repetitions const frame_t h_frameP, //HSFN long si_periodicity, //SI-periodicity long si_windowLength //Si-windwolength ) { SRB_INFO *Srb_info; uint8_t Sdu_size=0; uint32_t y = 0; uint32_t sib1_NB_period = 256; //from specs TS 36.331 #ifdef DEBUG_RRC int i; LOG_T(RRC,"[eNB %d] NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB to SRB ID=%d\n",Mod_idP,Srb_id); #endif if((Srb_id & RAB_OFFSET) == BCCH) { if(eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].SI.Active==0) { return 0; } //I have to check which SIB is transmitted if (eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1_NB == 255) { LOG_E(RRC,"[eNB %d] MAC Request for SIB1-NB and SIB1-NB not initialized\n",Mod_idP); mac_xface->macphy_exit("mac_rrc_data_req: MAC Request for SIB1-NB and SIB1-NB not initialized"); } //the entire scheduling of SIB1-NB is based on the SchedulingInfoSIB1 of MIB-NB //SIB1-NB transmission occurs in subframe #4 of every other frame in 16 continuous frames //schedule with a periodicity of 2560 ms (256 Radio Frames) and repetitions (4, 8 or 16) are made, equally spaced, //within the 2560 ms period //Implementation: //FIXME should be checked if compatible if SIB23-NB scheduling //SchedulingInfoSIB_r13 = 0 --> n�repetitions= 4 + NcelliD mod 4 = 1 --> start_sfn_sib1_Nb = 16 /*logic*/ //1) check if the current frame is before/after the starting frame of sib1-NB transmission //2) check if the current frame is considered in the 16 continuous frame of sib1-NB transmission in the periodicity if(frameP < start_sfn_sib1_NB) return 0; //calculate offset between SIB1-NB repetitions int offset = (sib1_NB_period-(16*nb_sib1_NB_rep))/nb_sib1_NB_rep; for( int i = 0; i < nb_sib1_NB_rep; i++) { y = start_sfn_sib1_NB+ i*(16+offset); if(frameP>= y && frameP <= (y+15)) //SIB1_NB transmission { memcpy(&buffer_pP[0], eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].SIB1_NB, eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1_NB); #ifdef DEBUG_RRC LOG_T(RRC,"[eNB %d] Frame %d : BCCH request => SIB1_NB\n",Mod_idP,frameP); for (i=0; i<eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1_NB; i++) { LOG_T(RRC,"%x.",buffer_pP[i]); } LOG_T(RRC,"\n"); #endif return (eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1_NB); } } ///if we are here means that is a SIB23-NB transmission //**for NB_IoT Implementations //parameters that comes into play (defined in SIB1-NB): //1_ si_windowlenght (w) (same for all SI messages) = 160 ms //2_ si_radioFrameOffset (same for all SI messages) (not considered) //3_ si_periodicity (T) = 64 rf //4_ si_repetitionPattern = every2nd frame /*logic (see TS 36.331 5.2.3a)*/ //since we have only 1 entry in the SchedulingInfoList (SIB23-NB) --> n=1 //therefore x = (n-1)*w = 0 //Starting RF --> (HSFN*1024 + SFN) mod T = FLOOR(x/10 = 0) + si_radioFrameOffset (suppose = 0) //Si-Window start radio frame = 0,64,... //Assume that SIB23_NB transmission occur in SF #4 (like SIB1-NB) --> when this function should be called for(int i = 0; i < (1024L/si_periodicity); i++) { if(frameP >= i*si_periodicity && frameP <= i*(si_periodicity)+ si_windowLength -1) { if((frameP%2)==1) //every2ndframe --> si_repetitionPattern { memcpy(&buffer_pP[0], eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].SIB23_NB, eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB23_NB); #ifdef DEBUG_RRC LOG_T(RRC,"[eNB %d] Frame %d BCCH request => SIB 2-3\n",Mod_idP,frameP); for (i=0; i<eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB23_NB; i++) { LOG_T(RRC,"%x.",buffer_pP[i]); } LOG_T(RRC,"\n"); #endif return(eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB23_NB); } } } return(0); } if( (Srb_id & RAB_OFFSET ) == CCCH) { LOG_T(RRC,"[eNB %d] Frame %d CCCH request (Srb_id %d)\n",Mod_idP,frameP, Srb_id); if(eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].Srb0.Active==0) { LOG_E(RRC,"[eNB %d] CCCH Not active\n",Mod_idP); return -1; } Srb_info=&eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].Srb0; // check if data is there for MAC if(Srb_info->Tx_buffer.payload_size>0) { //Fill buffer LOG_D(RRC,"[eNB %d] CCCH (%p) has %d bytes (dest: %p, src %p)\n",Mod_idP,Srb_info,Srb_info->Tx_buffer.payload_size,buffer_pP,Srb_info->Tx_buffer.Payload); memcpy(buffer_pP,Srb_info->Tx_buffer.Payload,Srb_info->Tx_buffer.payload_size); Sdu_size = Srb_info->Tx_buffer.payload_size; Srb_info->Tx_buffer.payload_size=0; } return (Sdu_size); } return(0); } //defined in L2_interface //called by rx_sdu only in case of CCCH message (e.g RRCConnectionRequest-NB) int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_ind_eNB( const module_id_t module_idP, const int CC_id, const frame_t frameP, const sub_frame_t sub_frameP, const rnti_t rntiP, const rb_id_t srb_idP,//could be skipped since always go through the CCCH channel const uint8_t* sduP, const sdu_size_t sdu_lenP ) { SRB_INFO *Srb_info; protocol_ctxt_t ctxt; sdu_size_t sdu_size = 0; /* for no gcc warnings */ (void)sdu_size; //MP: XXX eNB_index (last parameter) set = 0 (verify) PROTOCOL_CTXT_SET_BY_MODULE_ID(&ctxt, module_idP, ENB_FLAG_YES, rntiP, frameP, sub_frameP,0); Srb_info = &eNB_rrc_inst_NB[module_idP].carrier[CC_id].Srb0; LOG_T(RRC,"[eNB %d] Received SDU for CCCH on SRB %d\n",module_idP,Srb_info->Srb_id); //this messages are used by the RRC if ITTI enabled #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI) { MessageDef *message_p; int msg_sdu_size = sizeof(RRC_MAC_CCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).sdu); if (sdu_lenP > msg_sdu_size) { LOG_E(RRC, "SDU larger than CCCH SDU buffer size (%d, %d)", sdu_lenP, msg_sdu_size); sdu_size = msg_sdu_size; } else { sdu_size = sdu_lenP; } message_p = itti_alloc_new_message (TASK_MAC_ENB, RRC_MAC_CCCH_DATA_IND); RRC_MAC_CCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).frame = frameP; RRC_MAC_CCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).sub_frame = sub_frameP; RRC_MAC_CCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).rnti = rntiP; RRC_MAC_CCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).sdu_size = sdu_size; RRC_MAC_CCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).CC_id = CC_id; memset (RRC_MAC_CCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).sdu, 0, CCCH_SDU_SIZE); memcpy (RRC_MAC_CCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).sdu, sduP, sdu_size); itti_send_msg_to_task (TASK_RRC_ENB, ctxt.instance, message_p); } #else if (sdu_lenP > 0) { memcpy(Srb_info->Rx_buffer.Payload,sduP,sdu_lenP); Srb_info->Rx_buffer.payload_size = sdu_lenP; rrc_eNB_decode_ccch_NB(&ctxt, Srb_info, CC_id); } #endif return(0); } //defined in L2_interface void NB_mac_eNB_rrc_ul_failure( const module_id_t mod_idP, const int CC_idP, const frame_t frameP, const sub_frame_t subframeP, const rnti_t rntiP) { struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_NB_s* ue_context_p = NULL; ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context_NB( &eNB_rrc_inst_NB[mod_idP], rntiP); if (ue_context_p != NULL) { LOG_I(RRC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: UE %x UL failure, activating timer\n",frameP,subframeP,rntiP); ue_context_p->ue_context.ul_failure_timer=1; } else { LOG_W(RRC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: UL failure: UE %x unknown \n",frameP,subframeP,rntiP); } NB_rrc_mac_remove_ue(mod_idP,rntiP); } //defined in eNB_scheduler_primitives.c int NB_rrc_mac_remove_ue( module_id_t mod_idP, rnti_t rntiP) { int i; UE_list_t *UE_list = &eNB_mac_inst_NB[mod_idP].UE_list; int UE_id = find_UE_id(mod_idP,rntiP); //may should be changed int pCC_id; if (UE_id == -1) { printf("MAC: cannot remove UE rnti %x\n", rntiP); LOG_W(MAC,"NB_rrc_mac_remove_ue: UE %x not found\n", rntiP); mac_phy_remove_ue(mod_idP, rntiP); //PHY/defs.h return 0; } pCC_id = UE_PCCID(mod_idP,UE_id); printf("MAC: remove UE %d rnti %x\n", UE_id, rntiP); LOG_I(MAC,"Removing UE %d from Primary CC_id %d (rnti %x)\n",UE_id,pCC_id, rntiP); dump_ue_list(UE_list,0); //may should be changed UE_list->active[UE_id] = FALSE; UE_list->num_UEs--; // clear all remaining pending transmissions UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].bsr_info[LCGID0] = 0; UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].bsr_info[LCGID1] = 0; UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].bsr_info[LCGID2] = 0; UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].bsr_info[LCGID3] = 0; UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].ul_SR = 0; UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].rnti = NOT_A_RNTI; UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].ul_active = FALSE; eNB_ulsch_info[mod_idP][pCC_id][UE_id].rnti = NOT_A_RNTI; eNB_ulsch_info[mod_idP][pCC_id][UE_id].status = S_UL_NONE; eNB_dlsch_info[mod_idP][pCC_id][UE_id].rnti = NOT_A_RNTI; eNB_dlsch_info[mod_idP][pCC_id][UE_id].status = S_DL_NONE; NB_mac_phy_remove_ue(mod_idP,rntiP); // check if this has an RA process active RA_TEMPLATE_NB *RA_template; for (i=0;i<NB_RA_PROC_MAX;i++) { RA_template = (RA_TEMPLATE_NB *)&eNB_mac_inst[mod_idP].common_channels[pCC_id].RA_template[i]; if (RA_template->rnti == rntiP){ RA_template->RA_active=FALSE; RA_template->generate_rar=0; RA_template->generate_Msg4=0; RA_template->wait_ack_Msg4=0; RA_template->timing_offset=0; RA_template->RRC_timer=20; RA_template->rnti = 0; //break; } } return 0; } //defined in L2_interface void NB_mac_eNB_rrc_ul_in_sync( const module_id_t mod_idP, const int CC_idP, const frame_t frameP, const sub_frame_t subframeP, const rnti_t rntiP) { struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_NB_s* ue_context_p = NULL; ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context_NB( &eNB_rrc_inst_NB[mod_idP], rntiP); if (ue_context_p != NULL) { LOG_I(RRC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: UE %x to UL in synch\n", frameP, subframeP, rntiP); ue_context_p->ue_context.ul_failure_timer = 0; } else { LOG_E(RRC,"Frame %d, Subframe %d: UE %x unknown \n", frameP, subframeP, rntiP); } } //defined in L2_interface int NB_mac_eNB_get_rrc_status( const module_id_t Mod_idP, const rnti_t rntiP ) { struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL; ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context_NB( &eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP], rntiP); if (ue_context_p != NULL) { return(ue_context_p->ue_context.Status); } else { return RRC_INACTIVE; } } /*----------------------------------RRC-PDCP--------------------------------------*/ //defined in pdcp_security.c //called in NB_pdcp_data_req //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NB_pdcp_apply_security( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, pdcp_t *const pdcp_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, const rb_id_t rb_id, //rb_idP % maxDRB_NB_r13 const uint8_t pdcp_header_len, const uint16_t current_sn, uint8_t * const pdcp_pdu_buffer, const uint16_t sdu_buffer_size ) { uint8_t *buffer_encrypted = NULL; stream_cipher_t encrypt_params; DevAssert(pdcp_pP != NULL); DevAssert(pdcp_pdu_buffer != NULL); DevCheck(rb_id < NB_RB_MAX_NB_IOT && rb_id >= 0, rb_id, NB_RB_MAX_NB_IOT, 0); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_APPLY_SECURITY, VCD_FUNCTION_IN); encrypt_params.direction = (pdcp_pP->is_ue == 1) ? SECU_DIRECTION_UPLINK : SECU_DIRECTION_DOWNLINK; encrypt_params.bearer = rb_id - 1; encrypt_params.count = pdcp_get_next_count_tx(pdcp_pP, srb_flagP, current_sn); encrypt_params.key_length = 16; if (srb_flagP) { /* SRBs */ uint8_t *mac_i; LOG_D(PDCP, "[OSA][RB %d] %s Applying control-plane security %d \n", rb_id, (pdcp_pP->is_ue != 0) ? "UE -> eNB" : "eNB -> UE", pdcp_pP->integrityProtAlgorithm); encrypt_params.message = pdcp_pdu_buffer; encrypt_params.blength = (pdcp_header_len + sdu_buffer_size) << 3; encrypt_params.key = pdcp_pP->kRRCint + 16; // + 128; mac_i = &pdcp_pdu_buffer[pdcp_header_len + sdu_buffer_size]; /* Both header and data parts are integrity protected for * control-plane PDUs */ stream_compute_integrity(pdcp_pP->integrityProtAlgorithm, &encrypt_params, mac_i); encrypt_params.key = pdcp_pP->kRRCenc; // + 128 // bit key } else { LOG_D(PDCP, "[OSA][RB %d] %s Applying user-plane security\n", rb_id, (pdcp_pP->is_ue != 0) ? "UE -> eNB" : "eNB -> UE"); encrypt_params.key = pdcp_pP->kUPenc;// + 128; } encrypt_params.message = &pdcp_pdu_buffer[pdcp_header_len]; encrypt_params.blength = sdu_buffer_size << 3; buffer_encrypted = &pdcp_pdu_buffer[pdcp_header_len]; /* Apply ciphering if any requested */ stream_encrypt(pdcp_pP->cipheringAlgorithm, &encrypt_params, &buffer_encrypted); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_APPLY_SECURITY, VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return 0; } //FIXME for the moment we not configure PDCP for SRB1bis (but used as it is SRB1) //defined in pdcp.c boolean_t NB_rrc_pdcp_config_asn1_req ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, SRB_ToAddModList_NB_r13_t *const srb2add_list_pP, DRB_ToAddModList_NB_r13_t *const drb2add_list_pP, DRB_ToReleaseList_NB_r13_t *const drb2release_list_pP, const uint8_t security_modeP, uint8_t *const kRRCenc_pP, uint8_t *const kRRCint_pP, uint8_t *const kUPenc_pP, rb_id_t *const defaultDRB, long LCID //its only for check purposes (if correctly called could be deleted) ) { long int lc_id = 0; DRB_Identity_t srb_id = 0; rlc_mode_t rlc_type = RLC_MODE_NONE; DRB_Identity_t drb_id = 0; DRB_Identity_t *pdrb_id_p = NULL; uint8_t drb_sn = 7; //SN for NB-IoT DRB TS 36.323 Table (user data plane) uint8_t srb_sn = 5; // fixed sn for SRBs (control plane) uint8_t drb_report = 0; //may not supported in NB-IoT long int cnt = 0; uint16_t header_compression_profile = 0; //no compression config_action_t action = CONFIG_ACTION_ADD; SRB_ToAddMod_NB_r13_t *srb_toaddmod_p = NULL; DRB_ToAddMod_NB_r13_t *drb_toaddmod_p = NULL; pdcp_t *pdcp_p = NULL; hash_key_t key = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_rc; hash_key_t key_defaultDRB = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_defaultDRB_rc; LOG_T(PDCP, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" %s() SRB2ADD %p DRB2ADD %p DRB2RELEASE %p\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), __FUNCTION__, srb2add_list_pP, drb2add_list_pP, drb2release_list_pP); // srb2add_list does not define pdcp config, we use rlc info to setup the pdcp dcch0 and dcch1 channels if (srb2add_list_pP != NULL) { if(LCID == DCCH0) //SRB1bis { LOG_E(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" PDCP Configiration for SRB1bis not allowed\n"); return 0; } else { //is SRB1 srb_id = DCCH1; lc_id = srb_id; } /*Security Mode Failure*/ if(security_modeP == -1){ LOG_D(PDCP, "SecurityModeFailure --> NB_rrc_pdcp_config_asn1_req --> Disabling security for srb2add_list_pP\n"); for(int cnt=0; cnt< srb2add_list_pP->list.count; cnt++)//may not needed a loop { key = PDCP_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ENB_FLAG_YES, srb_id, SRB_FLAG_YES); h_rc = hashtable_get(pdcp_coll_p,key, (void**)&pdcp_p); if(h_rc != HASH_TABLE_OK){ LOG_I(PDCP, "SecurityModeFailure --> NB_rrc_pdcp_config_asn1_req not available pdcp entity for disable security for this SRB"); continue; } pdcp_config_set_security( ctxt_pP, pdcp_p, srb_id,//DCCH1 lc_id, //1 security_modeP,// should be -1 kRRCenc_pP,//Should be NULL kRRCint_pP,//Should be NULL kUPenc_pP //Should be NULL ); } return 0; } for (cnt=0; cnt<srb2add_list_pP->list.count; cnt++) { srb_toaddmod_p = srb2add_list_pP->list.array[cnt]; rlc_type = RLC_MODE_AM; //only mode available in NB-IOT key = PDCP_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, srb_id, SRB_FLAG_YES); h_rc = hashtable_get(pdcp_coll_p, key, (void**)&pdcp_p); if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) { action = CONFIG_ACTION_MODIFY; LOG_D(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_ACTION_MODIFY key 0x%"PRIx64"\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), key); } else { action = CONFIG_ACTION_ADD; pdcp_p = calloc(1, sizeof(pdcp_t)); h_rc = hashtable_insert(pdcp_coll_p, key, pdcp_p); //if all ok should get h_rc = HASH_TABLE_OK if (h_rc != HASH_TABLE_OK) { LOG_E(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_ACTION_ADD key 0x%"PRIx64" FAILED\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), key); free(pdcp_p); return TRUE; } else { LOG_D(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_ACTION_ADD key 0x%"PRIx64"\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), key); } } if (srb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13) { switch (srb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->present) { case SRB_ToAddMod_NB_r13__rlc_Config_r13_PR_NOTHING: break; case SRB_ToAddMod_NB_r13__rlc_Config_r13_PR_explicitValue: switch (srb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->choice.explicitValue.present) { case RLC_Config_NB_r13_PR_NOTHING: break; default: //configure the pdcp depend on the action //is a switch case on the "action" parameter NB_pdcp_config_req_asn1 ( ctxt_pP, pdcp_p, SRB_FLAG_YES, rlc_type, action, lc_id, srb_id, srb_sn, //rb_sn 0, // drb_report 0, // header compression no for SRBs security_modeP, kRRCenc_pP, kRRCint_pP, kUPenc_pP); break; } break; case SRB_ToAddMod_NB_r13__rlc_Config_r13_PR_defaultValue: NB_pdcp_config_req_asn1 ( ctxt_pP, pdcp_p, SRB_FLAG_YES, rlc_type, action, lc_id, srb_id, srb_sn, 0, // drb_report 0, // header compression security_modeP, kRRCenc_pP, kRRCint_pP, kUPenc_pP); // already the default values break; default: DevParam(srb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->present, ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti); break; } } } } // reset the action if (drb2add_list_pP != NULL) { for (cnt=0; cnt<drb2add_list_pP->list.count; cnt++) { drb_toaddmod_p = drb2add_list_pP->list.array[cnt]; drb_id = drb_toaddmod_p->drb_Identity_r13;// + drb_id_offset; if (drb_toaddmod_p->logicalChannelIdentity_r13) { lc_id = *(drb_toaddmod_p->logicalChannelIdentity_r13); } else { LOG_E(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" logicalChannelIdentity is missing in DRB-ToAddMod-NB information element!\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p)); continue; } if (lc_id == 1 || lc_id == 2 || lc_id == 3) { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" logicalChannelIdentity = %ld is invalid in RRC message when adding DRB!\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), lc_id); continue; } DevCheck4(drb_id < maxDRB_NB_r13, drb_id, maxDRB_NB_r13, ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti); key = PDCP_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, drb_id, SRB_FLAG_NO); h_rc = hashtable_get(pdcp_coll_p, key, (void**)&pdcp_p); if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) { action = CONFIG_ACTION_MODIFY; LOG_D(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_ACTION_MODIFY key 0x%"PRIx64"\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), key); } else { action = CONFIG_ACTION_ADD; pdcp_p = calloc(1, sizeof(pdcp_t)); h_rc = hashtable_insert(pdcp_coll_p, key, pdcp_p); // save the first configured DRB-ID as the default DRB-ID if ((defaultDRB != NULL) && (*defaultDRB == drb_id)) { key_defaultDRB = PDCP_COLL_KEY_DEFAULT_DRB_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag); h_defaultDRB_rc = hashtable_insert(pdcp_coll_p, key_defaultDRB, pdcp_p); } else { h_defaultDRB_rc = HASH_TABLE_OK; // do not trigger any error handling if this is not a default DRB } if (h_defaultDRB_rc != HASH_TABLE_OK) { LOG_E(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_ACTION_ADD ADD default DRB key 0x%"PRIx64" FAILED\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), key_defaultDRB); free(pdcp_p); return TRUE; } else if (h_rc != HASH_TABLE_OK) { LOG_E(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_ACTION_ADD ADD key 0x%"PRIx64" FAILED\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), key); free(pdcp_p); return TRUE; } else { LOG_D(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_ACTION_ADD ADD key 0x%"PRIx64"\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), key); } } if (drb_toaddmod_p->pdcp_Config_r13) { if (drb_toaddmod_p->pdcp_Config_r13->discardTimer_r13) { //TODO: set the value of the timer } if (drb_toaddmod_p->pdcp_Config_r13) { //Status report operation is not defined for NB-IoT rlc_type = RLC_MODE_AM; } switch (drb_toaddmod_p->pdcp_Config_r13->headerCompression_r13.present) { case PDCP_Config_NB_r13__headerCompression_r13_PR_NOTHING: case PDCP_Config_NB_r13__headerCompression_r13_PR_notUsed: header_compression_profile=0x0; break; case PDCP_Config_NB_r13__headerCompression_r13_PR_rohc: // parse the struc and get the rohc profile //XXX MP: for NB-IoT only some profiles are defined in PDCP-Config-NB IE if(drb_toaddmod_p->pdcp_Config_r13->headerCompression_r13.choice.rohc.profiles_r13.profile0x0002) { header_compression_profile=0x0002; } else if(drb_toaddmod_p->pdcp_Config_r13->headerCompression_r13.choice.rohc.profiles_r13.profile0x0003) { header_compression_profile=0x0003; } else if(drb_toaddmod_p->pdcp_Config_r13->headerCompression_r13.choice.rohc.profiles_r13.profile0x0004) { header_compression_profile=0x0004; } else if(drb_toaddmod_p->pdcp_Config_r13->headerCompression_r13.choice.rohc.profiles_r13.profile0x0006) { header_compression_profile=0x0006; } else if(drb_toaddmod_p->pdcp_Config_r13->headerCompression_r13.choice.rohc.profiles_r13.profile0x0102) { header_compression_profile=0x0102; } else if(drb_toaddmod_p->pdcp_Config_r13->headerCompression_r13.choice.rohc.profiles_r13.profile0x0103) { header_compression_profile=0x0103; } else if(drb_toaddmod_p->pdcp_Config_r13->headerCompression_r13.choice.rohc.profiles_r13.profile0x0104) { header_compression_profile=0x0104; } else { header_compression_profile=0x0; LOG_W(PDCP,"unknown header compression profile\n"); } // set the applicable profile break; default: LOG_W(PDCP,PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT"[RB %ld] unknown drb_toaddmod->PDCP_Config_NB->headerCompression->present \n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,pdcp_p), drb_id); break; } NB_pdcp_config_req_asn1 ( ctxt_pP, pdcp_p, SRB_FLAG_NO, rlc_type, action, lc_id, drb_id, drb_sn, drb_report, header_compression_profile, security_modeP, kRRCenc_pP, kRRCint_pP, kUPenc_pP); } } } if (drb2release_list_pP != NULL) { for (cnt=0; cnt<drb2release_list_pP->list.count; cnt++) { pdrb_id_p = drb2release_list_pP->list.array[cnt]; drb_id = *pdrb_id_p; key = PDCP_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, srb_id, SRB_FLAG_NO); h_rc = hashtable_get(pdcp_coll_p, key, (void**)&pdcp_p); if (h_rc != HASH_TABLE_OK) { LOG_E(PDCP, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" PDCP REMOVE FAILED drb_id %ld\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), drb_id); continue; } lc_id = pdcp_p->lcid; action = CONFIG_ACTION_REMOVE; NB_pdcp_config_req_asn1 ( ctxt_pP, pdcp_p, SRB_FLAG_NO, rlc_type, action, lc_id, drb_id, 0, //drb_sn 0, 0, security_modeP, kRRCenc_pP, kRRCint_pP, kUPenc_pP); h_rc = hashtable_remove(pdcp_coll_p, key); if ((defaultDRB != NULL) && (*defaultDRB == drb_id)) { // default DRB being removed. nevertheless this shouldn't happen as removing default DRB is not allowed in standard key_defaultDRB = PDCP_COLL_KEY_DEFAULT_DRB_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag); h_defaultDRB_rc = hashtable_get(pdcp_coll_p, key_defaultDRB, (void**)&pdcp_p); if (h_defaultDRB_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) { h_defaultDRB_rc = hashtable_remove(pdcp_coll_p, key_defaultDRB); } else { LOG_E(PDCP, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" PDCP REMOVE FAILED default DRB\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP)); } } else { key_defaultDRB = HASH_TABLE_OK; // do not trigger any error handling if this is not a default DRB } } } return 0; } //defined in pdcp.c --> should be called only by a SRB1 (is internal to PDCP so is not an interface) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean_t NB_pdcp_config_req_asn1 ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, pdcp_t * const pdcp_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, const rlc_mode_t rlc_modeP, //rlc_type const config_action_t actionP, const uint16_t lc_idP, // 1 = SRB1 // 3 = SRB1bis // >= 4 for DRBs const rb_id_t rb_idP, const uint8_t rb_snP, //5 if srb_sn // 7 is drb_sn // 0 if drb_sn to be removed const uint8_t rb_reportP, //not for SRBand not for NB-IOT const uint16_t header_compression_profileP, //not for SRB only DRB const uint8_t security_modeP, uint8_t *const kRRCenc_pP, uint8_t *const kRRCint_pP, uint8_t *const kUPenc_pP) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- { switch (actionP) { case CONFIG_ACTION_ADD: pdcp_pP->is_ue = FALSE; //is an eNB PDCP pdcp_eNB_UE_instance_to_rnti[pdcp_eNB_UE_instance_to_rnti_index] = ctxt_pP->rnti; pdcp_pP->is_srb = (srb_flagP == SRB_FLAG_YES) ? TRUE : FALSE; pdcp_pP->lcid = lc_idP; pdcp_pP->rb_id = rb_idP; pdcp_pP->header_compression_profile = header_compression_profileP; pdcp_pP->status_report = rb_reportP; if (rb_snP == 7) { //the only applicable for NB-IoT RLC-AM DRBs pdcp_pP->seq_num_size = PDCP_SN_7BIT; } else { //control plane (SRBs) pdcp_pP->seq_num_size = PDCP_SN_5BIT; } //check on RLC mode (in principle should not exist) if(rlc_modeP == RLC_MODE_UM) { LOG_E(PDCP,"Error: NB-IoT cannot work in RLC-UM mode\n" ); return (0); } pdcp_pP->rlc_mode = rlc_modeP; pdcp_pP->next_pdcp_tx_sn = 0; pdcp_pP->next_pdcp_rx_sn = 0; pdcp_pP->next_pdcp_rx_sn_before_integrity = 0; pdcp_pP->tx_hfn = 0; pdcp_pP->rx_hfn = 0; pdcp_pP->last_submitted_pdcp_rx_sn = 4095; //MP: ?? pdcp_pP->first_missing_pdu = -1; pdcp_pP->rx_hfn_offset = 0; LOG_N(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" Action ADD LCID %d (%s id %d) " "configured with SN size %d bits and RLC %s\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,pdcp_pP), lc_idP, (srb_flagP == SRB_FLAG_YES) ? "SRB" : "DRB", rb_idP, pdcp_pP->seq_num_size, (rlc_modeP == RLC_MODE_AM ) ? "AM" : "TM"); /* Setup security */ if (security_modeP != 0xff) { pdcp_config_set_security( ctxt_pP, pdcp_pP, rb_idP, lc_idP, security_modeP, kRRCenc_pP, kRRCint_pP, kUPenc_pP); } break; case CONFIG_ACTION_MODIFY: DevAssert(pdcp_pP != NULL); pdcp_pP->header_compression_profile=header_compression_profileP; pdcp_pP->status_report = rb_reportP; pdcp_pP->rlc_mode = rlc_modeP; /* Setup security */ if (security_modeP != 0xff) { pdcp_config_set_security( ctxt_pP, pdcp_pP, rb_idP, lc_idP, security_modeP, kRRCenc_pP, kRRCint_pP, kUPenc_pP); } if (rb_snP == 7) { pdcp_pP->seq_num_size = 7; } else { pdcp_pP->seq_num_size=5; } LOG_N(PDCP,PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" Action MODIFY LCID %d " "RB id %d reconfigured with SN size %d and RLC %s \n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,pdcp_pP), lc_idP, rb_idP, rb_snP, (rlc_modeP == RLC_MODE_AM) ? "AM" : "TM"); break; case CONFIG_ACTION_REMOVE: DevAssert(pdcp_pP != NULL); //#warning "TODO pdcp_module_id_to_rnti" //pdcp_module_id_to_rnti[ctxt_pP.module_id ][dst_id] = NOT_A_RNTI; LOG_D(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_ACTION_REMOVE LCID %d RBID %d configured\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,pdcp_pP), lc_idP, rb_idP); /* Security keys */ if (pdcp_pP->kUPenc != NULL) { free(pdcp_pP->kUPenc); } if (pdcp_pP->kRRCint != NULL) { free(pdcp_pP->kRRCint); } if (pdcp_pP->kRRCenc != NULL) { free(pdcp_pP->kRRCenc); } memset(pdcp_pP, 0, sizeof(pdcp_t)); break; case CONFIG_ACTION_SET_SECURITY_MODE: pdcp_config_set_security( ctxt_pP, pdcp_pP, rb_idP, lc_idP, security_modeP, kRRCenc_pP, kRRCint_pP, kUPenc_pP); break; default: DevParam(actionP, ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti); break; } return 0; } //defined in L2_interface/pdcp.c //FIXME SRB1bis should bypass the pdcp //Distinction between different SRBs will be done by means of rd_id uint8_t NB_rrc_data_req( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const rb_id_t rb_idP, const mui_t muiP, const confirm_t confirmP, const sdu_size_t sdu_sizeP, uint8_t* const buffer_pP, const pdcp_transmission_mode_t modeP //when go through SRB1bis should be set as Transparent mode ) { MSC_LOG_TX_MESSAGE( ctxt_pP->enb_flag ? MSC_RRC_ENB : MSC_RRC_UE, ctxt_pP->enb_flag ? MSC_PDCP_ENB : MSC_PDCP_UE, buffer_pP, sdu_sizeP, MSC_AS_TIME_FMT"RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ UE %x MUI %d size %u", MSC_AS_TIME_ARGS(ctxt_pP), ctxt_pP->rnti, muiP, sdu_sizeP); //check srb1bis (preliminar) if(rb_idP == 3 && modeP != PDCP_TRANSMISSION_MODE_TRANSPARENT) LOG_E(PDCP,"ERROR: SRB1bis should go through PDCP transparently"); //FIXME: the following type of messages are used by the pdcp_run function in pdcp.c --> should be left?(put out from ITTI) #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI) { MessageDef *message_p; // Uses a new buffer to avoid issue with PDCP buffer content that could be changed by PDCP (asynchronous message handling). uint8_t *message_buffer; message_buffer = itti_malloc ( ctxt_pP->enb_flag ? TASK_RRC_ENB : TASK_RRC_UE, ctxt_pP->enb_flag ? TASK_PDCP_ENB : TASK_PDCP_UE, sdu_sizeP); memcpy (message_buffer, buffer_pP, sdu_sizeP); message_p = itti_alloc_new_message (ctxt_pP->enb_flag ? TASK_RRC_ENB : TASK_RRC_UE, RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ); RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ (message_p).frame = ctxt_pP->frame; RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ (message_p).enb_flag = ctxt_pP->enb_flag; RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ (message_p).rb_id = rb_idP; RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ (message_p).muip = muiP; RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ (message_p).confirmp = confirmP; RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ (message_p).sdu_size = sdu_sizeP; RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ (message_p).sdu_p = message_buffer; RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ (message_p).mode = modeP; RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ (message_p).module_id = ctxt_pP->module_id; RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ (message_p).rnti = ctxt_pP->rnti; RRC_DCCH_DATA_REQ (message_p).eNB_index = ctxt_pP->eNB_index; itti_send_msg_to_task ( ctxt_pP->enb_flag ? TASK_PDCP_ENB : TASK_PDCP_UE, ctxt_pP->instance, message_p); return TRUE; // TODO should be changed to a CNF message later, currently RRC lite does not used the returned value anyway. } #else //MP:in this case since is called by RRC for sure we have "SRB_FLAG_YES" return NB_pdcp_data_req( ctxt_pP, SRB_FLAG_YES, rb_idP, muiP, confirmP, sdu_sizeP, buffer_pP, modeP); #endif } //we distinguish the SRBs based on the logical channel id and the transmission mode boolean_t NB_pdcp_data_req( protocol_ctxt_t* ctxt_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, //SRB_FLAG_YES if called by RRC const rb_id_t rb_idP, const mui_t muiP, const confirm_t confirmP, const sdu_size_t sdu_buffer_sizeP, //the size of message that i should transmit unsigned char *const sdu_buffer_pP, const pdcp_transmission_mode_t modeP ) { pdcp_t *pdcp_p = NULL; uint8_t i = 0; uint8_t pdcp_header_len = 0; uint8_t pdcp_tailer_len = 0; uint16_t pdcp_pdu_size = 0; uint16_t current_sn = 0; mem_block_t *pdcp_pdu_p = NULL; rlc_op_status_t rlc_status; boolean_t ret = TRUE; hash_key_t key = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_rc; VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_IN); CHECK_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP); #if T_TRACER if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag != ENB_FLAG_NO) T(T_ENB_PDCP_DL, T_INT(ctxt_pP->module_id), T_INT(ctxt_pP->rnti), T_INT(rb_idP), T_INT(sdu_buffer_sizeP)); #endif if (sdu_buffer_sizeP == 0) { LOG_W(PDCP, "Handed SDU is of size 0! Ignoring...\n"); return FALSE; } /* * XXX MAX_IP_PACKET_SIZE is 4096, shouldn't this be MAX SDU size, which is 8188 bytes? * * MP: (LTE) The maximum supported size of a PDCP SDU (both data or control) is 8188 octets * (NB-IoT) The maximum supported size of a PDCP SDU (both data or control) is 1600 octets * MAX_IP_PACKET_SIZE = 1500 (typical MTU for IPv4 packet) * MAX_IP_PACKET_SIZE = 1514 for Ethernet (1500 bytes IP packet + 14 bytes ethernet header) * ---> i think that the check for the MAX_IP_PACKET_SIZE should be left as it is */ if (sdu_buffer_sizeP > MAX_IP_PACKET_SIZE) { LOG_E(PDCP, "Requested SDU size (%d) is bigger than that can be handled by PDCP (%u)!\n", sdu_buffer_sizeP, MAX_IP_PACKET_SIZE); // XXX What does following call do? mac_xface->macphy_exit("PDCP sdu buffer size > MAX_IP_PACKET_SIZE"); } //check for MBMS not needed for NB-IoT*/ //if (modeP == PDCP_TRANSMISSION_MODE_TRANSPARENT) { //AssertError (rb_idP < NB_RB_MBMS_MAX, return FALSE, "RB id is too high (%u/%d) %u %u!\n", rb_idP, NB_RB_MBMS_MAX, ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti); //} else { if (srb_flagP) { AssertError (rb_idP < 4 , return FALSE, "RB id is too high (%u/%d) %u %u!\n", rb_idP, 3, ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti); } else {//is a DRB //FIXME: check if correct AssertError (rb_idP < 3+ maxDRB_NB_r13, return FALSE, "RB id is too high (%u/%d) %u %u!\n", rb_idP, maxDRB_NB_r13, ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti); } key = PDCP_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ENB_FLAG_YES, rb_idP, srb_flagP); h_rc = hashtable_get(pdcp_coll_p, key, (void**)&pdcp_p); if (h_rc != HASH_TABLE_OK) { //if not included in the hashtable means that should be transparent mode if (modeP != PDCP_TRANSMISSION_MODE_TRANSPARENT) { LOG_W(PDCP, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" Instance is not configured for rb_id %d Ignoring SDU...\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), rb_idP); ctxt_pP->configured=FALSE; return FALSE; } }else{ // instance for a given RB is configured ctxt_pP->configured=TRUE; } //XXX Start/stop meas are used for measuring the CPU time if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { start_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } else { start_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } //PDCP transparent mode for SRB1bis //MP: Check may not useful if((modeP == PDCP_TRANSMISSION_MODE_TRANSPARENT && rb_idP != 3) || (modeP != PDCP_TRANSMISSION_MODE_TRANSPARENT && rb_idP == 3 )) LOG_E(PDCP, "PDCP_TRANSMISSION_MODE_TRANSPARENT set not for SRB1bis"); if(modeP == PDCP_TRANSMISSION_MODE_TRANSPARENT && rb_idP == 3 && srb_flagP == SRB_FLAG_YES) { LOG_D(PDCP, " [SRB1bis TM] Asking for a new mem_block of size %d\n",sdu_buffer_sizeP); pdcp_pdu_p = get_free_mem_block(sdu_buffer_sizeP, __func__); if (pdcp_pdu_p != NULL) { memcpy(&pdcp_pdu_p->data[0], sdu_buffer_pP, sdu_buffer_sizeP); #if defined(DEBUG_PDCP_PAYLOAD) rlc_util_print_hex_octets(PDCP, (unsigned char*)&pdcp_pdu_p->data[0], sdu_buffer_sizeP); #endif rlc_status = NB_rlc_data_req(ctxt_pP, srb_flagP, rb_idP, muiP, confirmP, sdu_buffer_sizeP, pdcp_pdu_p); //MP: if all ok rlc_status = RLC_OP_STATUS_OK } else { rlc_status = RLC_OP_STATUS_OUT_OF_RESSOURCES; LOG_W(PDCP,PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" PDCP_DATA_REQ SDU for SRB1bis DROPPED, OUT OF MEMORY \n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP)); #if defined(STOP_ON_IP_TRAFFIC_OVERLOAD) AssertFatal(0, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[RB %u] PDCP_DATA_REQ for SRB1bis SDU DROPPED, OUT OF MEMORY \n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), rb_idP); #endif } } else { //not transparent mode (SRB1 or DRBs) // calculate the pdcp header and trailer size if (srb_flagP) { //control plane SDU (SRB) pdcp_header_len = PDCP_CONTROL_PLANE_DATA_PDU_SN_SIZE; pdcp_tailer_len = PDCP_CONTROL_PLANE_DATA_PDU_MAC_I_SIZE; } else { // data PDU (DRBs) pdcp_header_len = PDCP_USER_PLANE_DATA_PDU_SHORT_SN_HEADER_SIZE; //Only 7bit SN allowed for NB-IoT pdcp_tailer_len = 0; } pdcp_pdu_size = sdu_buffer_sizeP + pdcp_header_len + pdcp_tailer_len; LOG_D(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT"Data request notification pdu size %d (header%d, trailer%d)\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,pdcp_p), pdcp_pdu_size, pdcp_header_len, pdcp_tailer_len); /* * Allocate a new block for the new PDU (i.e. PDU header and SDU payload) */ pdcp_pdu_p = get_free_mem_block(pdcp_pdu_size, __func__); if (pdcp_pdu_p != NULL) { /* * Create a Data PDU with header and append data * * Place User Plane PDCP Data PDU header first */ if (srb_flagP) { //MP: Control plane PDCP Data PDU --> 5 bit SN + 3 bit reserved + 4 byte (MAC-I) pdcp_control_plane_data_pdu_header pdu_header; pdu_header.sn = pdcp_get_next_tx_seq_number(pdcp_p); current_sn = pdu_header.sn; memset(&pdu_header.mac_i[0],0,PDCP_CONTROL_PLANE_DATA_PDU_MAC_I_SIZE); memset(&pdcp_pdu_p->data[sdu_buffer_sizeP + pdcp_header_len],0,PDCP_CONTROL_PLANE_DATA_PDU_MAC_I_SIZE); if (pdcp_serialize_control_plane_data_pdu_with_SRB_sn_buffer((unsigned char*)pdcp_pdu_p->data, &pdu_header) == FALSE) { LOG_E(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" Cannot fill PDU buffer with relevant header fields!\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,pdcp_p)); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return FALSE; } } else { //MP: user plane (DRBs) --> NB-IoT use only short SN with 7 bits pdcp_user_plane_data_pdu_header_with_short_sn pdu_header; pdu_header.dc = (modeP == PDCP_TRANSMISSION_MODE_DATA) ? PDCP_DATA_PDU_BIT_SET : PDCP_CONTROL_PDU_BIT_SET; pdu_header.sn = pdcp_get_next_tx_seq_number(pdcp_p); current_sn = pdu_header.sn ; if (pdcp_serialize_user_plane_data_pdu_with_short_sn_buffer((unsigned char*)pdcp_pdu_p->data, &pdu_header) == FALSE) { LOG_E(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" Cannot fill PDU buffer with relevant header fields!\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,pdcp_p)); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return FALSE; } } /* * Validate incoming sequence number, there might be a problem with PDCP initialization */ if (current_sn > pdcp_calculate_max_seq_num_for_given_size(pdcp_p->seq_num_size)) { LOG_E(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" Generated sequence number (%"PRIu16") is greater than a sequence number could ever be!\n"\ "There must be a problem with PDCP initialization, ignoring this PDU...\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,pdcp_p), current_sn); free_mem_block(pdcp_pdu_p, __func__); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return FALSE; } LOG_D(PDCP, "Sequence number %d is assigned to current PDU\n", current_sn); /* Then append data... */ memcpy(&pdcp_pdu_p->data[pdcp_header_len], sdu_buffer_pP, sdu_buffer_sizeP); //For control plane data that are not integrity protected, // the MAC-I field is still present and should be padded with padding bits set to 0. // NOTE: user-plane data are never integrity protected //XXX MP: in OAI seems that they not use integrity protection at all --> they padding to 0 all bits for (i=0; i<pdcp_tailer_len; i++) { pdcp_pdu_p->data[pdcp_header_len + sdu_buffer_sizeP + i] = 0x00;// pdu_header.mac_i[i]; } #if defined(ENABLE_SECURITY) if ((pdcp_p->security_activated != 0) && (((pdcp_p->cipheringAlgorithm) != 0) || ((pdcp_p->integrityProtAlgorithm) != 0))) { if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { start_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].apply_security); } else { start_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].apply_security); } //FIXME also this function should be checked for NB-IoT (defined in pdcp_security.c) NB_pdcp_apply_security(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p, srb_flagP, rb_idP % maxDRB_NB_r13, pdcp_header_len, current_sn, pdcp_pdu_p->data, sdu_buffer_sizeP); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].apply_security); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].apply_security); } } #endif /* Print octets of outgoing data in hexadecimal form */ LOG_D(PDCP, "Following content with size %d will be sent over RLC (PDCP PDU header is the first two bytes)\n", pdcp_pdu_size); //util_print_hex_octets(PDCP, (unsigned char*)pdcp_pdu_p->data, pdcp_pdu_size); //util_flush_hex_octets(PDCP, (unsigned char*)pdcp_pdu->data, pdcp_pdu_size); } else { LOG_E(PDCP, "Cannot create a mem_block for a PDU!\n"); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } #if defined(STOP_ON_IP_TRAFFIC_OVERLOAD) AssertFatal(0, "[FRAME %5u][%s][PDCP][MOD %u/%u][RB %u] PDCP_DATA_REQ SDU DROPPED, OUT OF MEMORY \n", ctxt_pP->frame, (ctxt_pP->enb_flag) ? "eNB" : "UE", ctxt_pP->enb_module_id, ctxt_pP->ue_module_id, rb_idP); #endif VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return FALSE; } /* * Ask sublayer to transmit data and check return value * to see if RLC succeeded */ #ifdef PDCP_MSG_PRINT int i=0; LOG_F(PDCP,"[MSG] PDCP DL %s PDU on rb_id %d\n", (srb_flagP)? "CONTROL" : "DATA", rb_idP); for (i = 0; i < pdcp_pdu_size; i++) { LOG_F(PDCP,"%02x ", ((uint8_t*)pdcp_pdu_p->data)[i]); } LOG_F(PDCP,"\n"); #endif rlc_status = NB_rlc_data_req(ctxt_pP, srb_flagP,rb_idP, muiP, confirmP, pdcp_pdu_size, pdcp_pdu_p); } switch (rlc_status) { case RLC_OP_STATUS_OK: LOG_D(PDCP, "Data sending request over RLC succeeded!\n"); ret=TRUE; break; case RLC_OP_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETER: LOG_W(PDCP, "Data sending request over RLC failed with 'Bad Parameter' reason!\n"); ret= FALSE; break; case RLC_OP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR: LOG_W(PDCP, "Data sending request over RLC failed with 'Internal Error' reason!\n"); ret= FALSE; break; case RLC_OP_STATUS_OUT_OF_RESSOURCES: LOG_W(PDCP, "Data sending request over RLC failed with 'Out of Resources' reason!\n"); ret= FALSE; break; default: LOG_W(PDCP, "RLC returned an unknown status code after PDCP placed the order to send some data (Status Code:%d)\n", rlc_status); ret= FALSE; break; } if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_req); } /* * Control arrives here only if rlc_data_req() returns RLC_OP_STATUS_OK * so we return TRUE afterwards */ VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return ret; } //defined in L2_interface void NB_rrc_data_ind( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const rb_id_t Srb_id, const sdu_size_t sdu_sizeP, const uint8_t* const buffer_pP, const srb1bis_flag_t srb1bis_flag ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { rb_id_t DCCH_index; if(srb1bis_flag == SRB1BIS_FLAG_YES) DCCH_index = 3; //SRb1bis (LCID=3) over DCCH0 else DCCH_index = Srb_id; if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { LOG_N(RRC, "[UE %x] Frame %d: received a DCCH %d message on SRB %d with Size %d from eNB %d\n", ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame, DCCH_index,Srb_id,sdu_sizeP, ctxt_pP->eNB_index); } else { LOG_N(RRC, "[eNB %d] Frame %d: received a DCCH %d message on SRB %d with Size %d from UE %x\n", ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame, DCCH_index, Srb_id, sdu_sizeP, ctxt_pP->rnti); } //FiXME: MP: we should put out this messages from ITTI #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI) //From PDCP to RRC { MessageDef *message_p; // Uses a new buffer to avoid issue with PDCP buffer content that could be changed by PDCP (asynchronous message handling). uint8_t *message_buffer; message_buffer = itti_malloc (ctxt_pP->enb_flag ? TASK_PDCP_ENB : TASK_PDCP_UE, ctxt_pP->enb_flag ? TASK_RRC_ENB : TASK_RRC_UE, sdu_sizeP); memcpy (message_buffer, buffer_pP, sdu_sizeP); message_p = itti_alloc_new_message (ctxt_pP->enb_flag ? TASK_PDCP_ENB : TASK_PDCP_UE, RRC_DCCH_DATA_IND); RRC_DCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).frame = ctxt_pP->frame; RRC_DCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).dcch_index = DCCH_index; RRC_DCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).sdu_size = sdu_sizeP; RRC_DCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).sdu_p = message_buffer; RRC_DCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).rnti = ctxt_pP->rnti; RRC_DCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).module_id = ctxt_pP->module_id; RRC_DCCH_DATA_IND (message_p).eNB_index = ctxt_pP->eNB_index; itti_send_msg_to_task (ctxt_pP->enb_flag ? TASK_RRC_ENB : TASK_RRC_UE, ctxt_pP->instance, message_p); } #else if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_YES) { rrc_eNB_decode_dcch_NB( ctxt_pP, DCCH_index, //--> becomes the srb_id in decode_dcch buffer_pP, sdu_sizeP); } else { //#warning "LG put 0 to arg4 that is eNB index" rrc_ue_decode_dcch( ctxt_pP, DCCH_index, buffer_pP, 0); } #endif } //defined in pdcp.c boolean_t NB_pdcp_remove_UE( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP ); /*---------------------------------RRC-RLC-----------------------------------*/ //defined in rlc_rrc.c rlc_op_status_t NB_rrc_rlc_config_asn1_req ( const protocol_ctxt_t * const ctxt_pP, const SRB_ToAddModList_NB_r13_t * const srb2add_listP, const DRB_ToAddModList_NB_r13_t * const drb2add_listP, const DRB_ToReleaseList_NB_r13_t * const drb2release_listP, srb1bis_flag_t srb1bis_flag //may is not so much needed ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rb_id_t rb_id = 0; logical_chan_id_t lc_id = 0; DRB_Identity_t drb_id = 0; DRB_Identity_t* pdrb_id = NULL; long int cnt = 0; const SRB_ToAddMod_NB_r13_t *srb_toaddmod_p = NULL; const DRB_ToAddMod_NB_r13_t *drb_toaddmod_p = NULL; rlc_union_t *rlc_union_p = NULL; hash_key_t key = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_rc; //no MBMS in NB-IoT( The RLC config for MBMS was UM) /* for no gcc warnings */ (void)rlc_union_p; (void)key; (void)h_rc; LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG REQ ASN1 \n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP)); #ifdef OAI_EMU CHECK_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP) #endif if (srb2add_listP != NULL) { if(srb1bis_flag == SRB1BIS_FLAG_YES){ rb_id = DCCH0; }//srb1bis else{ rb_id = DCCH1; }//srb1 lc_id = rb_id; for (cnt=0; cnt<srb2add_listP->list.count; cnt++) { //MP: should be only 1 iteration LOG_D(RLC, "Adding SRB, rb_id %d\n",rb_id); srb_toaddmod_p = srb2add_listP->list.array[cnt]; if (srb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13) { switch (srb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->present) { case SRB_ToAddMod_NB_r13__rlc_Config_r13_PR_NOTHING: break; case SRB_ToAddMod_NB_r13__rlc_Config_r13_PR_explicitValue: switch (srb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->choice.explicitValue.present) { case RLC_Config_NB_r13_PR_NOTHING: break; case RLC_Config_NB_r13_PR_am: if (NB_rrc_rlc_add_rlc (ctxt_pP, SRB_FLAG_YES, rb_id, lc_id, RLC_MODE_AM) != NULL) { NB_config_req_rlc_am_asn1 ( ctxt_pP, SRB_FLAG_YES, &srb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->choice.explicitValue.choice.am, rb_id, lc_id); } else { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" ERROR IN ALLOCATING SRB %d \n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), rb_id); } break; default: LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" UNKNOWN RLC CONFIG %d \n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), srb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->choice.explicitValue.present); break; } break; //RLC explicit value case SRB_ToAddMod_NB_r13__rlc_Config_r13_PR_defaultValue: //#warning TO DO SRB_ToAddMod__rlc_Config_PR_defaultValue LOG_I(RRC, "RLC SRB1/SRB1bis is default value !!\n"); struct RLC_Config_NB_r13__am * config_am_pP = &srb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->choice.explicitValue.choice.am; config_am_pP->ul_AM_RLC_r13.t_PollRetransmit_r13 = T_PollRetransmit_NB_r13_ms25000; config_am_pP->ul_AM_RLC_r13.maxRetxThreshold_r13 = UL_AM_RLC_NB_r13__maxRetxThreshold_r13_t4; config_am_pP->dl_AM_RLC_r13.enableStatusReportSN_Gap_r13 = NULL; //should be disabled if (NB_rrc_rlc_add_rlc (ctxt_pP, SRB_FLAG_YES, rb_id, lc_id, RLC_MODE_AM) != NULL) { NB_config_req_rlc_am_asn1 ( ctxt_pP, SRB_FLAG_YES, &srb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->choice.explicitValue.choice.am, rb_id,lc_id); } else { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" ERROR IN ALLOCATING SRB %d \n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), rb_id); } break; default: ; } } } } if (drb2add_listP != NULL) { for (cnt=0; cnt<drb2add_listP->list.count; cnt++) { drb_toaddmod_p = drb2add_listP->list.array[cnt]; drb_id = drb_toaddmod_p->drb_Identity_r13; if (drb_toaddmod_p->logicalChannelIdentity_r13) { lc_id = *drb_toaddmod_p->logicalChannelIdentity_r13; } else { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" logicalChannelIdentity is missing from drb-ToAddMod information element!\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP)); continue; } if (lc_id == 1 || lc_id == 2 || lc_id == 3) { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" logicalChannelIdentity = %d is invalid in RRC message when adding DRB!\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), lc_id); continue; } LOG_D(RLC, "Adding DRB %ld, lc_id %d\n",drb_id,lc_id); if (drb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13) { switch (drb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->present) { case RLC_Config_NB_r13_PR_NOTHING: break; case RLC_Config_NB_r13_PR_am: if (NB_rrc_rlc_add_rlc (ctxt_pP, SRB_FLAG_NO, drb_id, lc_id, RLC_MODE_AM) != NULL) { NB_config_req_rlc_am_asn1 ( ctxt_pP, SRB_FLAG_NO, &drb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->choice.am, drb_id, lc_id); } break; default: LOG_W(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[RB %ld] unknown drb_toaddmod_p->rlc_Config_r13->present \n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), drb_id); } } } } if (drb2release_listP != NULL) { for (cnt=0; cnt<drb2release_listP->list.count; cnt++) { pdrb_id = drb2release_listP->list.array[cnt]; NB_rrc_rlc_remove_rlc( ctxt_pP, SRB_FLAG_NO, *pdrb_id); } } //MP: MBMS not in NB-IoT LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG REQ ASN1 END \n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP)); return RLC_OP_STATUS_OK; } //defined in rlc_am.c //from TS 36.331 V14.2.1 uint32_t pollRetransmit_NB_tab[T_PollRetransmit_NB_r13_spare1] = {250,500,1000,2000,3000,4000,6000,10000,15000,25000,40000,60000,90000,120000,180000}; uint32_t maxRetxThreshold_NB_tab[UL_AM_RLC_NB_r13__maxRetxThreshold_r13_t32 +1] = {1,2,3,4,6,8,16,32}; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NB_config_req_rlc_am_asn1 ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, const struct RLC_Config_NB_r13__am * const config_am_pP, //extracted from the srb_toAddMod const rb_id_t rb_idP, const logical_chan_id_t chan_idP) { rlc_union_t *rlc_union_p = NULL; rlc_am_entity_t *l_rlc_p = NULL; hash_key_t key = RLC_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, rb_idP, srb_flagP); hashtable_rc_t h_rc; h_rc = hashtable_get(rlc_coll_p, key, (void**)&rlc_union_p); if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) { l_rlc_p = &rlc_union_p->rlc.am; //MP: TODO: check if this conditions are correct if ((config_am_pP->ul_AM_RLC_r13.maxRetxThreshold_r13 <= UL_AM_RLC_NB_r13__maxRetxThreshold_r13_t32) && (config_am_pP->ul_AM_RLC_r13.t_PollRetransmit_r13 < T_PollRetransmit_NB_r13_spare1)) //&&(config_am_pP->dl_AM_RLC_r13.enableStatusReportSN_Gap_r13 == NULL) //MP: may this check is not needed { MSC_LOG_RX_MESSAGE( (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_YES) ? MSC_RLC_ENB:MSC_RLC_UE, (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_YES) ? MSC_RRC_ENB:MSC_RRC_UE, NULL, 0, MSC_AS_TIME_FMT" "PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_MSC_FMT" CONFIG-REQ t_PollRetx_NB %u", MSC_AS_TIME_ARGS(ctxt_pP), PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_MSC_ARGS(ctxt_pP, l_rlc_p), pollRetransmit_NB_tab[config_am_pP->ul_AM_RLC_r13.t_PollRetransmit_r13]); LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_REQ (max_retx_threshold_NB = %d t_poll_retransmit_NB = %d \n", PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,l_rlc_p), maxRetxThreshold_NB_tab[config_am_pP->ul_AM_RLC_r13.maxRetxThreshold_r13], pollRetransmit_NB_tab[config_am_pP->ul_AM_RLC_r13.t_PollRetransmit_r13]); //FIXME: the following function are ok for NB_IoT?? rlc_am_init(ctxt_pP, l_rlc_p); rlc_am_set_debug_infos(ctxt_pP, l_rlc_p, srb_flagP, rb_idP, chan_idP); NB_rlc_am_configure(ctxt_pP, l_rlc_p, maxRetxThreshold_NB_tab[config_am_pP->ul_AM_RLC_r13.maxRetxThreshold_r13], pollRetransmit_NB_tab[config_am_pP->ul_AM_RLC_r13.t_PollRetransmit_r13], config_am_pP->dl_AM_RLC_r13.enableStatusReportSN_Gap_r13); //may not needed to be passed } else { MSC_LOG_RX_DISCARDED_MESSAGE( (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_YES) ? MSC_RLC_ENB:MSC_RLC_UE, (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_YES) ? MSC_RRC_ENB:MSC_RRC_UE, NULL, 0, MSC_AS_TIME_FMT" "PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_MSC_FMT" CONFIG-REQ", MSC_AS_TIME_ARGS(ctxt_pP), PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_MSC_ARGS(ctxt_pP, l_rlc_p)); LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_FMT"ILLEGAL CONFIG_REQ (max_retx_threshold_NB=%ld t_poll_retransmit_NB=%ld), RLC-AM NOT CONFIGURED\n", PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,l_rlc_p), config_am_pP->ul_AM_RLC_r13.maxRetxThreshold_r13, config_am_pP->ul_AM_RLC_r13.t_PollRetransmit_r13); } } else { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_FMT"CONFIG_REQ --> RLC NOT FOUND\n", PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,l_rlc_p)); } } //defined in rlc_am_init.c //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NB_rlc_am_configure( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, rlc_am_entity_t *const rlc_pP, const uint16_t max_retx_thresholdP, const uint16_t t_poll_retransmitP, const uint16_t* const enableStatusReportSN_Gap ) { if (rlc_pP->configured == TRUE) { LOG_I(RLC, PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_FMT"[RECONFIGURE] max_retx_threshold_NB %d t_poll_retransmit_NB %d\n", PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,rlc_pP), max_retx_thresholdP, t_poll_retransmitP ); //FIXME: rlc_am_entity_t should be modified?? rlc_pP->max_retx_threshold = max_retx_thresholdP; rlc_pP->protocol_state = RLC_DATA_TRANSFER_READY_STATE; rlc_pP->t_poll_retransmit.ms_duration = t_poll_retransmitP; rlc_pP->enableStatusReportSN_Gap = enableStatusReportSN_Gap; //FIXME: new defined in rlc_am_entity } else { LOG_I(RLC, PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_FMT"[CONFIGURE] max_retx_threshold_NB %d t_poll_retransmit_NB %d\n", PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,rlc_pP), max_retx_thresholdP, t_poll_retransmitP //enableStatusReportSN_Gap ); rlc_pP->max_retx_threshold = max_retx_thresholdP; rlc_pP->protocol_state = RLC_DATA_TRANSFER_READY_STATE; rlc_pP->enableStatusReportSN_Gap = enableStatusReportSN_Gap; rlc_am_init_timer_poll_retransmit(ctxt_pP, rlc_pP, t_poll_retransmitP); rlc_pP->configured = TRUE; } } //defined in rlc_rrc.c //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rlc_union_t* NB_rrc_rlc_add_rlc ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, const rb_id_t rb_idP, const logical_chan_id_t chan_idP, const rlc_mode_t rlc_modeP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hash_key_t key = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_rc; hash_key_t key_lcid = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_lcid_rc; rlc_union_t *rlc_union_p = NULL; #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14) logical_chan_id_t lcid = 0; #endif #ifdef OAI_EMU CHECK_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP) #endif AssertFatal (rb_idP < NB_RB_MAX_NB_IOT, "RB id is too high (%u/%d)!\n", rb_idP, NB_RB_MAX); AssertFatal (chan_idP < RLC_MAX_LC, "LC id is too high (%u/%d)!\n", chan_idP, RLC_MAX_LC); { key = RLC_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, rb_idP, srb_flagP); key_lcid = RLC_COLL_KEY_LCID_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, chan_idP, srb_flagP); } h_rc = hashtable_get(rlc_coll_p, key, (void**)&rlc_union_p); if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) { LOG_W(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[%s %u] rrc_rlc_add_rlc , already exist %s\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", rb_idP, (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB"); AssertFatal(rlc_union_p->mode == rlc_modeP, "Error rrc_rlc_add_rlc , already exist but RLC mode differ"); return rlc_union_p; } else if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_KEY_NOT_EXISTS) { rlc_union_p = calloc(1, sizeof(rlc_union_t)); h_rc = hashtable_insert(rlc_coll_p, key, rlc_union_p); h_lcid_rc = hashtable_insert(rlc_coll_p, key_lcid, rlc_union_p); if ((h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) && (h_lcid_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK)) { { LOG_I(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" [%s %u] rrc_rlc_add_rlc %s\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", rb_idP, (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB"); } rlc_union_p->mode = rlc_modeP; return rlc_union_p; } else { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[%s %u] rrc_rlc_add_rlc FAILED %s (add by RB_id=%d; add by LC_id=%d)\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", rb_idP, (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", h_rc, h_lcid_rc); free(rlc_union_p); rlc_union_p = NULL; return NULL; } } else { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[%s %u] rrc_rlc_add_rlc , INTERNAL ERROR %s\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", rb_idP, (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB"); } return NULL; } //defined in rlc_rrc.c //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rlc_op_status_t NB_rrc_rlc_remove_rlc ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, const rb_id_t rb_idP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical_chan_id_t lcid = 0; hash_key_t key = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_rc; hash_key_t key_lcid = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_lcid_rc; rlc_union_t *rlc_union_p = NULL; #ifdef OAI_EMU CHECK_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP) #endif if(rb_idP == 2){ LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[%s %u] NB_rrc_rlc_remove_rlc --> rb_id = 2 (SRB2) should not be used in NB-IoT!\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", rb_idP); } /* for no gcc warnings */ (void)lcid; { //MP: this function know that if i have to search for a DRB the rb_idP that i pass could also be 1,3,... so add something ?? //see NB_rrc_rlc_remove_ue key = RLC_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, rb_idP, srb_flagP); } AssertFatal (rb_idP < NB_RB_MAX_NB_IOT, "RB id is too high (%u/%d)!\n", rb_idP, NB_RB_MAX_NB_IOT); h_rc = hashtable_get(rlc_coll_p, key, (void**)&rlc_union_p); if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) { // also remove the hash-key created by LC-id //MP: UM mode not allowed for NB-IoT switch (rlc_union_p->mode) { case RLC_MODE_AM: lcid = rlc_union_p->rlc.am.channel_id; break; case RLC_MODE_TM: lcid = rlc_union_p->rlc.tm.channel_id; break; default: LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[%s %u] RLC mode is unknown!\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", rb_idP); } //MP:for lcid key_lcid = RLC_COLL_KEY_LCID_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, lcid, srb_flagP); h_lcid_rc = hashtable_get(rlc_coll_p, key_lcid, (void**)&rlc_union_p); } else { h_lcid_rc = HASH_TABLE_KEY_NOT_EXISTS; } if ((h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) && (h_lcid_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK)) { h_lcid_rc = hashtable_remove(rlc_coll_p, key_lcid); h_rc = hashtable_remove(rlc_coll_p, key); LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[%s %u LCID %d] RELEASED %s\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", rb_idP, lcid, (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB"); } else if ((h_rc == HASH_TABLE_KEY_NOT_EXISTS) || (h_lcid_rc == HASH_TABLE_KEY_NOT_EXISTS)) { LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[%s %u LCID %d] RELEASE : RLC NOT FOUND %s, by RB-ID=%d, by LC-ID=%d\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", rb_idP, lcid, (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", h_rc, h_lcid_rc); } else { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[%s %u LCID %d] RELEASE : INTERNAL ERROR %s\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", rb_idP, lcid, (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB"); } return RLC_OP_STATUS_OK; } //defined in rlc_rrc.c //used only for process_RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete --> CONFIG_ACTION_REMOVE //used also for rrc_t310_expiration --> I don't know if it is used (probably not) rlc_op_status_t NB_rrc_rlc_config_req ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, const config_action_t actionP, const rb_id_t rb_idP, const rlc_info_t rlc_infoP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //rlc_op_status_t status; LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_REQ for RAB %u\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), rb_idP); #ifdef OAI_EMU CHECK_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP) #endif AssertFatal (rb_idP < NB_RB_MAX_NB_IOT, "RB id is too high (%u/%d)!\n", rb_idP, NB_RB_MAX_NB_IOT); switch (actionP) { //XXX MP:is not used for adding rlc instance?? case CONFIG_ACTION_ADD: if (NB_rrc_rlc_add_rlc(ctxt_pP, srb_flagP, rb_idP, rb_idP, rlc_infoP.rlc_mode) != NULL) { return RLC_OP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } // no break, fall to next case case CONFIG_ACTION_MODIFY: switch (rlc_infoP.rlc_mode) { case RLC_MODE_AM: LOG_I(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[RB %u] MODIFY RB AM\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), rb_idP); NB_config_req_rlc_am( ctxt_pP, srb_flagP, &rlc_infoP.rlc.rlc_am_info_NB, //MP: pass the volatile structure for NB_IoT protocol params in rlc_am_init.h rb_idP, rb_idP); break; case RLC_MODE_TM: LOG_I(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[RB %u] MODIFY RB TM\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), rb_idP); NB_config_req_rlc_tm( //MP: TM mode configuration ctxt_pP, srb_flagP, &rlc_infoP.rlc.rlc_tm_info, rb_idP, rb_idP); break; default: return RLC_OP_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETER; } break; case CONFIG_ACTION_REMOVE: return NB_rrc_rlc_remove_rlc(ctxt_pP, srb_flagP, rb_idP); break; default: return RLC_OP_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETER; } return RLC_OP_STATUS_OK; } //defined in rlc_am.c //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NB_config_req_rlc_am ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, rlc_am_info_NB_t * const config_am_pP, //XXX: MP: rlc_am_init.c --> this structure has been modified for NB-IoT const rb_id_t rb_idP, const logical_chan_id_t chan_idP ) { rlc_union_t *rlc_union_p = NULL; rlc_am_entity_t *l_rlc_p = NULL; hash_key_t key = RLC_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, rb_idP, srb_flagP); hashtable_rc_t h_rc; h_rc = hashtable_get(rlc_coll_p, key, (void**)&rlc_union_p); if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) { l_rlc_p = &rlc_union_p->rlc.am; LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_REQ (max_retx_threshold=%d t_poll_retransmit=%d)\n", PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,l_rlc_p), config_am_pP->max_retx_threshold, config_am_pP->t_poll_retransmit //enableStatusReportSN_Gap_r13 ); rlc_am_init(ctxt_pP, l_rlc_p); rlc_am_set_debug_infos(ctxt_pP, l_rlc_p, srb_flagP, rb_idP, chan_idP); NB_rlc_am_configure(ctxt_pP, l_rlc_p, config_am_pP->max_retx_threshold, config_am_pP->t_poll_retransmit, config_am_pP->enableStatusReportSN_Gap); } else { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_REQ RLC NOT FOUND\n", PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP,l_rlc_p)); } } //defined in rlc_tm_init.c (nothing to be changed) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NB_config_req_rlc_tm ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, const rlc_tm_info_t * const config_tmP, const rb_id_t rb_idP, const logical_chan_id_t chan_idP ) { rlc_union_t *rlc_union_p = NULL; rlc_tm_entity_t *rlc_p = NULL; hash_key_t key = RLC_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, rb_idP, srb_flagP); hashtable_rc_t h_rc; h_rc = hashtable_get(rlc_coll_p, key, (void**)&rlc_union_p); if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) { rlc_p = &rlc_union_p->rlc.tm; LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_RLC_TM_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_REQ (is_uplink_downlink=%d) RB %u\n", PROTOCOL_RLC_TM_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, rlc_p), config_tmP->is_uplink_downlink, rb_idP); //MP: i think this functions are fine also for NB-IoT rlc_tm_init(ctxt_pP, rlc_p); rlc_p->protocol_state = RLC_DATA_TRANSFER_READY_STATE; rlc_tm_set_debug_infos(ctxt_pP, rlc_p, srb_flagP, rb_idP, chan_idP); rlc_tm_configure(ctxt_pP, rlc_p, config_tmP->is_uplink_downlink); } else { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_RLC_TM_CTXT_FMT" CONFIG_REQ RB %u RLC NOT FOUND\n", PROTOCOL_RLC_TM_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, rlc_p), rb_idP); } } //defined in rlc_rrc.c rlc_op_status_t NB_rrc_rlc_remove_ue ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rb_id_t rb_id; //XXX MP: rb_id = 2 should be not used (SRB2 not defined for NB-IoT) for (rb_id = 1; rb_id <= 3; rb_id++) { if(rb_id != 2){ NB_rrc_rlc_remove_rlc(ctxt_pP, SRB_FLAG_YES, rb_id); } else { LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[%s %u] NB_rrc_rlc_remove_ue --> removing an UE with rb_id = 2 in NB_IoT!\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), "SRB", rb_id); } } for (rb_id = 1; rb_id <= maxDRB_NB_r13; rb_id++) { //FIXME: maxDRB_NB_r13 +3 ?? if(rb_id != 2){ NB_rrc_rlc_remove_rlc(ctxt_pP, SRB_FLAG_NO, rb_id); } else LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[%s %u] NB_rrc_rlc_remove_ue --> removing an UE with rb_id = 2 in NB_IoT!\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), "DRB", rb_id); } return RLC_OP_STATUS_OK; } //defined in rlc_rrc.c --> NO MORE USED PROBABLY //void NB_rrc_rlc_register_rrc ( //what do? // rrc_data_ind_cb_t rrc_data_indP, // rrc_data_conf_cb_t rrc_data_confP // ); /*--------------------------------------------RLC-PDCP--------------------------------------------------*/ //defined in rlc.c //-------------------------------------------- void NB_rlc_data_ind ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, const srb1bis_flag_t srb1bis_flag, const rb_id_t rb_idP, const sdu_size_t sdu_sizeP, mem_block_t *sdu_pP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(TRACE_RLC_PAYLOAD) LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[%s %u] Display of rlc_data_ind: size %u\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), (srb_flagP) ? "SRB" : "DRB", rb_idP, sdu_sizeP); rlc_util_print_hex_octets(RLC, (unsigned char*)sdu_pP->data, sdu_sizeP); #endif #if T_TRACER if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag) T(T_ENB_RLC_UL, T_INT(ctxt_pP->module_id), T_INT(ctxt_pP->rnti), T_INT(rb_idP), T_INT(sdu_sizeP)); #endif NB_pdcp_data_ind ( ctxt_pP, srb_flagP, srb1bis_flag, rb_idP, sdu_sizeP, sdu_pP); } //defined in rlc.c //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rlc_op_status_t NB_rlc_data_req (const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, const rb_id_t rb_idP, const mui_t muiP, confirm_t confirmP, sdu_size_t sdu_sizeP, mem_block_t *sdu_pP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mem_block_t *new_sdu_p = NULL; rlc_mode_t rlc_mode = RLC_MODE_NONE; rlc_union_t *rlc_union_p = NULL; hash_key_t key = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_rc; #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14) logical_chan_id_t log_ch_id = 0; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_RLC_DATA_REQ LOG_D(RLC,PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"rlc_data_req: rb_id %u (MAX %d), muip %d, confirmP %d, sdu_sizeP %d, sdu_pP %p\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), rb_idP, NB_RAB_MAX, //may to be cha ged for NB-IoT muiP, confirmP, sdu_sizeP, sdu_pP); #endif #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14) #else //AssertFatal(MBMS_flagP == 0, "MBMS_flagP %u", MBMS_flagP); #endif #ifdef OAI_EMU CHECK_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP) #endif #if T_TRACER if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag) T(T_ENB_RLC_DL, T_INT(ctxt_pP->module_id), T_INT(ctxt_pP->rnti), T_INT(rb_idP), T_INT(sdu_sizeP)); #endif // if (MBMS_flagP) { // AssertFatal (rb_idP < NB_RB_MBMS_MAX, "RB id is too high (%u/%d)!\n", rb_idP, NB_RB_MBMS_MAX); // } else { // AssertFatal (rb_idP < NB_RB_MAX, "RB id is too high (%u/%d)!\n", rb_idP, NB_RB_MAX); // } DevAssert(sdu_pP != NULL); DevCheck(sdu_sizeP > 0, sdu_sizeP, 0, 0); #if !defined(Rel10) && !defined(Rel14) // DevCheck(MBMS_flagP == 0, MBMS_flagP, 0, 0); #endif VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_IN); #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14) // if (MBMS_flagP == TRUE) { // if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag) { // log_ch_id = rlc_mbms_enb_get_lcid_by_rb_id(ctxt_pP->module_id,rb_idP); // mbms_id_p = &rlc_mbms_lcid2service_session_id_eNB[ctxt_pP->module_id][log_ch_id]; // } else { // log_ch_id = rlc_mbms_ue_get_lcid_by_rb_id(ctxt_pP->rnti,rb_idP); // mbms_id_p = &rlc_mbms_lcid2service_session_id_ue[ctxt_pP->rnti][log_ch_id]; // } // // key = RLC_COLL_KEY_MBMS_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, mbms_id_p->service_id, mbms_id_p->session_id); // } else #endif { key = RLC_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, rb_idP, srb_flagP); } h_rc = hashtable_get(rlc_coll_p, key, (void**)&rlc_union_p); //MP: the RLC entity should be already configured at configuration time if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) { rlc_mode = rlc_union_p->mode; } else { rlc_mode = RLC_MODE_NONE; AssertFatal (0 , "RLC not configured key %ju\n", key); } // if (MBMS_flagP == 0) { LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"[RB %u] Display of rlc_data_req:\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), rb_idP); #if defined(TRACE_RLC_PAYLOAD) rlc_util_print_hex_octets(RLC, (unsigned char*)sdu_pP->data, sdu_sizeP); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_RLC_DATA_REQ LOG_D(RLC,"RLC_TYPE : %d\n", rlc_mode); #endif switch (rlc_mode) { case RLC_MODE_NONE: free_mem_block(sdu_pP, __func__); LOG_E(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" Received RLC_MODE_NONE as rlc_type for rb_id %u\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), rb_idP); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return RLC_OP_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETER; case RLC_MODE_AM: #ifdef DEBUG_RLC_DATA_REQ msg("RLC_MODE_AM\n"); #endif new_sdu_p = get_free_mem_block (sdu_sizeP + sizeof (struct rlc_am_data_req_alloc), __func__); if (new_sdu_p != NULL) { // PROCESS OF COMPRESSION HERE: memset (new_sdu_p->data, 0, sizeof (struct rlc_am_data_req_alloc)); memcpy (&new_sdu_p->data[sizeof (struct rlc_am_data_req_alloc)], &sdu_pP->data[0], sdu_sizeP); ((struct rlc_am_data_req *) (new_sdu_p->data))->data_size = sdu_sizeP; ((struct rlc_am_data_req *) (new_sdu_p->data))->conf = confirmP; ((struct rlc_am_data_req *) (new_sdu_p->data))->mui = muiP; ((struct rlc_am_data_req *) (new_sdu_p->data))->data_offset = sizeof (struct rlc_am_data_req_alloc); free_mem_block(sdu_pP, __func__); rlc_am_data_req(ctxt_pP, &rlc_union_p->rlc.am, new_sdu_p); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return RLC_OP_STATUS_OK; } else { VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return RLC_OP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; //MP: RLC mode UM not defined for NB-IoT case RLC_MODE_TM: new_sdu_p = get_free_mem_block (sdu_sizeP + sizeof (struct rlc_tm_data_req_alloc), __func__); if (new_sdu_p != NULL) { // PROCESS OF COMPRESSION HERE: memset (new_sdu_p->data, 0, sizeof (struct rlc_tm_data_req_alloc)); memcpy (&new_sdu_p->data[sizeof (struct rlc_tm_data_req_alloc)], &sdu_pP->data[0], sdu_sizeP); ((struct rlc_tm_data_req *) (new_sdu_p->data))->data_size = sdu_sizeP; ((struct rlc_tm_data_req *) (new_sdu_p->data))->data_offset = sizeof (struct rlc_tm_data_req_alloc); free_mem_block(sdu_pP, __func__); rlc_tm_data_req(ctxt_pP, &rlc_union_p->rlc.tm, new_sdu_p); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return RLC_OP_STATUS_OK; } else { //handle_event(ERROR,"FILE %s FONCTION rlc_data_req() LINE %s : out of memory\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return RLC_OP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } break; default: free_mem_block(sdu_pP, __func__); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return RLC_OP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } //MBMS not in NB-IoT //#if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14) // } else { /* MBMS_flag != 0 */ // // LOG_I(RLC,"DUY rlc_data_req: mbms_rb_id in RLC instant is: %d\n", mbms_rb_id); // if (sdu_pP != NULL) { // if (sdu_sizeP > 0) { // LOG_I(RLC,"received a packet with size %d for MBMS \n", sdu_sizeP); // new_sdu_p = get_free_mem_block (sdu_sizeP + sizeof (struct rlc_um_data_req_alloc), __func__); // // if (new_sdu_p != NULL) { // // PROCESS OF COMPRESSION HERE: // memset (new_sdu_p->data, 0, sizeof (struct rlc_um_data_req_alloc)); // memcpy (&new_sdu_p->data[sizeof (struct rlc_um_data_req_alloc)], &sdu_pP->data[0], sdu_sizeP); // ((struct rlc_um_data_req *) (new_sdu_p->data))->data_size = sdu_sizeP; // ((struct rlc_um_data_req *) (new_sdu_p->data))->data_offset = sizeof (struct rlc_um_data_req_alloc); // free_mem_block(sdu_pP, __func__); // rlc_um_data_req(ctxt_pP, &rlc_union_p->rlc.um, new_sdu_p); // // //free_mem_block(new_sdu, __func__); // VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); // return RLC_OP_STATUS_OK; // } else { // VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); // return RLC_OP_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETER; // } // } else { // VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); // return RLC_OP_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETER; // } // } else { // VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); // return RLC_OP_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETER; // } // } // //#else // } // else /* MBMS_flag != 0 */ // { // free_mem_block(sdu_pP, __func__); // LOG_E(RLC, "MBMS_flag != 0 while Rel10/Rel14 is not defined...\n"); // //handle_event(ERROR,"FILE %s FONCTION rlc_data_req() LINE %s : parameter module_id out of bounds :%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, module_idP); // VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); // return RLC_OP_STATUS_BAD_PARAMETER; // } //#endif } //defined in pdcp.c //FIXME: should go transparent through the PDCP //-------------------------------------------- boolean_t NB_pdcp_data_ind( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP, const srb1bis_flag_t srb1bis_flag, const rb_id_t rb_idP, const sdu_size_t sdu_buffer_sizeP, mem_block_t* const sdu_buffer_pP ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- { pdcp_t *pdcp_p = NULL; list_t *sdu_list_p = NULL; mem_block_t *new_sdu_p = NULL; uint8_t pdcp_header_len = 0; uint8_t pdcp_tailer_len = 0; pdcp_sn_t sequence_number = 0; volatile sdu_size_t payload_offset = 0; rb_id_t rb_id = rb_idP; boolean_t packet_forwarded = FALSE; hash_key_t key = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_rc; #if defined(LINK_ENB_PDCP_TO_GTPV1U) MessageDef *message_p = NULL; uint8_t *gtpu_buffer_p = NULL; #endif VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_IND,VCD_FUNCTION_IN); #ifdef OAI_EMU CHECK_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP); #endif #ifdef PDCP_MSG_PRINT int i=0; LOG_F(PDCP,"[MSG] PDCP UL %s PDU on rb_id %d\n", (srb_flagP)? "CONTROL" : "DATA", rb_idP); for (i = 0; i < sdu_buffer_sizeP; i++) { LOG_F(PDCP,"%02x ", ((uint8_t*)sdu_buffer_pP->data)[i]); } LOG_F(PDCP,"\n"); #endif #if T_TRACER if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag != ENB_FLAG_NO) T(T_ENB_PDCP_UL, T_INT(ctxt_pP->module_id), T_INT(ctxt_pP->rnti), T_INT(rb_idP), T_INT(sdu_buffer_sizeP)); #endif if (srb1bis_flag) { //SRB1bis if(rb_id != 3) LOG_E(PDCP, "Received SRB1bis but with rb_id = %d", rb_id); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { LOG_D(PDCP, "SRB1bis Data indication notification for PDCP entity from eNB %u to UE %x " "and radio bearer ID %d rlc sdu size %d ctxt_pP->enb_flag %d\n", ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, rb_idP, sdu_buffer_sizeP, ctxt_pP->enb_flag); } else { LOG_D(PDCP, "SRB1bis Data indication notification for PDCP entity from UE %x to eNB %u " "and radio bearer ID %d rlc sdu size %d ctxt_pP->enb_flag %d\n", ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->module_id , rb_idP, sdu_buffer_sizeP, ctxt_pP->enb_flag); } } else { //SRB1 or DRBs rb_id = rb_idP % maxDRB_NB_r13; //XXX --> rb_id = rb_Idp(1,2not,3,4,5)%2 = 1,0,1,0, AssertError (rb_id < maxDRB_NB_r13, return FALSE, "RB id is too high (%u/%d) %u UE %x!\n", rb_id, maxDRB_NB_r13, ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti); AssertError (rb_id > 0, return FALSE, "RB id is too low (%u/%d) %u UE %x!\n", rb_id, maxDRB_NB_r13, ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti); key = PDCP_COLL_KEY_VALUE(ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->rnti, ctxt_pP->enb_flag, rb_id, srb_flagP); h_rc = hashtable_get(pdcp_coll_p, key, (void**)&pdcp_p); if (h_rc != HASH_TABLE_OK) { LOG_W(PDCP, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT"Could not get PDCP instance key 0x%"PRIx64"\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP), key); free_mem_block(sdu_buffer_pP, __func__); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_IND,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return FALSE; } } sdu_list_p = &pdcp_sdu_list; //protected list in pdcp.h file if (sdu_buffer_sizeP == 0) { LOG_W(PDCP, "SDU buffer size is zero! Ignoring this chunk!\n"); return FALSE; } if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag) { start_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } else { start_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } /* * Parse the PDU placed at the beginning of SDU to check * if incoming SN is in line with RX window */ //if (MBMS_flagP == 0 ) { if (srb_flagP) { //SRB1/1bis pdcp_header_len = PDCP_CONTROL_PLANE_DATA_PDU_SN_SIZE; pdcp_tailer_len = PDCP_CONTROL_PLANE_DATA_PDU_MAC_I_SIZE; sequence_number = pdcp_get_sequence_number_of_pdu_with_SRB_sn((unsigned char*)sdu_buffer_pP->data); } else { // DRB pdcp_tailer_len = 0; if (pdcp_p->seq_num_size == PDCP_SN_7BIT) { //MP: the only allowed for NB-IoT (2^7-1 = 127) pdcp_header_len = PDCP_USER_PLANE_DATA_PDU_SHORT_SN_HEADER_SIZE; sequence_number = pdcp_get_sequence_number_of_pdu_with_short_sn((unsigned char*)sdu_buffer_pP->data); } else { //sequence_number = 128 (2^7); LOG_E(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT"wrong sequence number (%d) for this NB-IoT pdcp entity (should be 7 bit) \n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), pdcp_p->seq_num_size); } } /* * Check if incoming SDU is long enough to carry a PDU header */ if (sdu_buffer_sizeP < pdcp_header_len + pdcp_tailer_len ) { LOG_W(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT"Incoming (from RLC) SDU is short of size (size:%d)! Ignoring...\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), sdu_buffer_sizeP); free_mem_block(sdu_buffer_pP, __func__); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_IND,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return FALSE; } if (pdcp_is_rx_seq_number_valid(sequence_number, pdcp_p, srb_flagP) == TRUE) { #if 0 LOG_T(PDCP, "Incoming PDU has a sequence number (%d) in accordance with RX window\n", sequence_number); #endif } else { LOG_W(PDCP, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT"Incoming PDU has an unexpected sequence number (%d), RX window synchronisation have probably been lost!\n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), sequence_number); /* * XXX Till we implement in-sequence delivery and duplicate discarding * mechanism all out-of-order packets will be delivered to RRC/IP */ #if 0 LOG_D(PDCP, "Ignoring PDU...\n"); free_mem_block(sdu_buffer, __func__); return FALSE; #else //LOG_W(PDCP, "Delivering out-of-order SDU to upper layer...\n"); #endif } // SRB1/SRB1bis: control-plane data if (srb_flagP) { #if defined(ENABLE_SECURITY) if (pdcp_p->security_activated == 1) { if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { start_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].validate_security); } else { start_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].validate_security); } pdcp_validate_security(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p, srb_flagP, rb_idP, pdcp_header_len, sequence_number, sdu_buffer_pP->data, sdu_buffer_sizeP - pdcp_tailer_len); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].validate_security); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].validate_security); } } #endif MSC_LOG_TX_MESSAGE( (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO)? MSC_PDCP_UE:MSC_PDCP_ENB, (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO)? MSC_RRC_UE:MSC_RRC_ENB, NULL,0, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" DATA-IND len %u", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), sdu_buffer_sizeP - pdcp_header_len - pdcp_tailer_len); NB_rrc_data_ind(ctxt_pP, rb_id, sdu_buffer_sizeP - pdcp_header_len - pdcp_tailer_len, (uint8_t*)&sdu_buffer_pP->data[pdcp_header_len], (srb1bis_flag) ? SRB1BIS_FLAG_YES : SRB1BIS_FLAG_NO); free_mem_block(sdu_buffer_pP, __func__); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_IND,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return TRUE; } /* * DRBs */ payload_offset=pdcp_header_len;// PDCP_USER_PLANE_DATA_PDU_SHORT_SN_HEADER_SIZE; #if defined(ENABLE_SECURITY) if (pdcp_p->security_activated == 1) { if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { start_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].validate_security); } else { start_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].validate_security); } pdcp_validate_security( ctxt_pP, pdcp_p, srb_flagP, rb_idP, pdcp_header_len, sequence_number, sdu_buffer_pP->data, sdu_buffer_sizeP - pdcp_tailer_len); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].validate_security); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].validate_security); } } #endif // } else { // payload_offset=0; // } #if defined(USER_MODE) && defined(OAI_EMU) if (oai_emulation.info.otg_enabled == 1) { //unsigned int dst_instance; int ctime; if ((pdcp_p->rlc_mode == RLC_MODE_AM)) { //MP: &&(MBMS_flagP==0) pdcp_p->last_submitted_pdcp_rx_sn = sequence_number; } #if defined(DEBUG_PDCP_PAYLOAD) rlc_util_print_hex_octets(PDCP, (unsigned char*)&sdu_buffer_pP->data[payload_offset], sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset); #endif ctime = oai_emulation.info.time_ms; // avg current simulation time in ms : we may get the exact time through OCG? // if (MBMS_flagP == 0){ // LOG_D(PDCP, // PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT"Check received buffer : (dst %d)\n", // PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p), // ctxt_pP->instance); // } if (otg_rx_pkt( ctxt_pP->instance, ctime, (const char*)(&sdu_buffer_pP->data[payload_offset]), sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset ) == 0 ) { free_mem_block(sdu_buffer_pP, __func__); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_IND,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return TRUE; } } #else if (otg_enabled==1) { LOG_D(OTG,"Discarding received packed\n"); free_mem_block(sdu_buffer_pP, __func__); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_IND,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return TRUE; } #endif // XXX Decompression would be done at this point /* * After checking incoming sequence number PDCP header * has to be stripped off so here we copy SDU buffer starting * from its second byte (skipping 0th and 1st octets, i.e. * PDCP header) * *FIXME: to be check if up to know the length of the PDCP packet is ok also for Nb-IoT * */ #if defined(LINK_ENB_PDCP_TO_GTPV1U) if ((TRUE == ctxt_pP->enb_flag) && (FALSE == srb_flagP)) { MSC_LOG_TX_MESSAGE( MSC_PDCP_ENB, MSC_GTPU_ENB, NULL,0, "0 GTPV1U_ENB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ ue %x rab %u len %u", ctxt_pP->rnti, rb_id + 4, sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset); //LOG_T(PDCP,"Sending to GTPV1U %d bytes\n", sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset); gtpu_buffer_p = itti_malloc(TASK_PDCP_ENB, TASK_GTPV1_U, sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset + GTPU_HEADER_OVERHEAD_MAX); AssertFatal(gtpu_buffer_p != NULL, "OUT OF MEMORY"); memcpy(>pu_buffer_p[GTPU_HEADER_OVERHEAD_MAX], &sdu_buffer_pP->data[payload_offset], sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset); message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_PDCP_ENB, GTPV1U_ENB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ); AssertFatal(message_p != NULL, "OUT OF MEMORY"); GTPV1U_ENB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ(message_p).buffer = gtpu_buffer_p; GTPV1U_ENB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ(message_p).length = sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset; GTPV1U_ENB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ(message_p).offset = GTPU_HEADER_OVERHEAD_MAX; GTPV1U_ENB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ(message_p).rnti = ctxt_pP->rnti; GTPV1U_ENB_TUNNEL_DATA_REQ(message_p).rab_id = rb_id + 4; itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_GTPV1_U, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p); packet_forwarded = TRUE; } #else packet_forwarded = FALSE; #endif if (FALSE == packet_forwarded) { new_sdu_p = get_free_mem_block(sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset + sizeof (pdcp_data_ind_header_t), __func__); if (new_sdu_p) { if (pdcp_p->rlc_mode == RLC_MODE_AM ) { pdcp_p->last_submitted_pdcp_rx_sn = sequence_number; } /* * Prepend PDCP indication header which is going to be removed at pdcp_fifo_flush_sdus() */ memset(new_sdu_p->data, 0, sizeof (pdcp_data_ind_header_t)); ((pdcp_data_ind_header_t *) new_sdu_p->data)->data_size = sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset; AssertFatal((sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset >= 0), "invalid PDCP SDU size!"); // Here there is no virtualization possible // set ((pdcp_data_ind_header_t *) new_sdu_p->data)->inst for IP layer here if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_NO) { //UE ((pdcp_data_ind_header_t *) new_sdu_p->data)->rb_id = rb_id; #if defined(OAI_EMU) ((pdcp_data_ind_header_t*) new_sdu_p->data)->inst = ctxt_pP->module_id + oai_emulation.info.nb_enb_local - oai_emulation.info.first_ue_local; #else # if defined(ENABLE_USE_MME) /* for the UE compiled in S1 mode, we need 1 here * for the UE compiled in noS1 mode, we need 0 * TODO: be sure of this */ ((pdcp_data_ind_header_t*) new_sdu_p->data)->inst = 1; # endif #endif } else { //eNB ((pdcp_data_ind_header_t*) new_sdu_p->data)->rb_id = rb_id + (ctxt_pP->module_id * maxDRB_NB_r13); #if defined(OAI_EMU) ((pdcp_data_ind_header_t*) new_sdu_p->data)->inst = ctxt_pP->module_id - oai_emulation.info.first_enb_local; #endif } #ifdef DEBUG_PDCP_FIFO_FLUSH_SDU static uint32_t pdcp_inst = 0; ((pdcp_data_ind_header_t*) new_sdu_p->data)->inst = pdcp_inst++; LOG_D(PDCP, "inst=%d size=%d\n", ((pdcp_data_ind_header_t*) new_sdu_p->data)->inst, ((pdcp_data_ind_header_t *) new_sdu_p->data)->data_size); #endif memcpy(&new_sdu_p->data[sizeof (pdcp_data_ind_header_t)], \ &sdu_buffer_pP->data[payload_offset], \ sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset); list_add_tail_eurecom (new_sdu_p, sdu_list_p); /* Print octets of incoming data in hexadecimal form */ LOG_D(PDCP, "Following content has been received from RLC (%d,%d)(PDCP header has already been removed):\n", sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset + (int)sizeof(pdcp_data_ind_header_t), sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset); //XXX MP: reactivated this utils for the moment LOG_D(PDCP, "HexPrint of the content"); util_print_hex_octets(PDCP, &new_sdu_p->data[sizeof (pdcp_data_ind_header_t)], sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset); util_flush_hex_octets(PDCP, &new_sdu_p->data[sizeof (pdcp_data_ind_header_t)], sdu_buffer_sizeP - payload_offset); /* * Update PDCP statistics * XXX Following two actions are identical, is there a merge error? */ /*if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == 1) { Pdcp_stats_rx[module_id][(rb_idP & RAB_OFFSET2) >> RAB_SHIFT2][(rb_idP & RAB_OFFSET) - DTCH]++; Pdcp_stats_rx_bytes[module_id][(rb_idP & RAB_OFFSET2) >> RAB_SHIFT2][(rb_idP & RAB_OFFSET) - DTCH] += sdu_buffer_sizeP; } else { Pdcp_stats_rx[module_id][(rb_idP & RAB_OFFSET2) >> RAB_SHIFT2][(rb_idP & RAB_OFFSET) - DTCH]++; Pdcp_stats_rx_bytes[module_id][(rb_idP & RAB_OFFSET2) >> RAB_SHIFT2][(rb_idP & RAB_OFFSET) - DTCH] += sdu_buffer_sizeP; }*/ } } #if defined(STOP_ON_IP_TRAFFIC_OVERLOAD) else { AssertFatal(0, PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT" PDCP_DATA_IND SDU DROPPED, OUT OF MEMORY \n", PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_ARGS(ctxt_pP, pdcp_p)); } #endif free_mem_block(sdu_buffer_pP, __func__); if (ctxt_pP->enb_flag) { stop_meas(&eNB_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } else { stop_meas(&UE_pdcp_stats[ctxt_pP->module_id].data_ind); } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_PDCP_DATA_IND,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return TRUE; } /*-----------------------------------MAC-RLC------------------------------------------*/ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //defined in rlc_mac.c void NB_mac_rlc_data_ind ( const module_id_t module_idP, const rnti_t rntiP, const module_id_t eNB_index, const frame_t frameP, const eNB_flag_t enb_flagP, //const MBMS_flag_t MBMS_flagP, const logical_chan_id_t channel_idP, char *buffer_pP, const tb_size_t tb_sizeP, num_tb_t num_tbP, crc_t *crcs_pP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rlc_mode_t rlc_mode = RLC_MODE_NONE; rlc_union_t *rlc_union_p = NULL; hash_key_t key = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_rc; //XXX MP: modify the check on LCID srb_flag_t srb_flag = (channel_idP <= 3) ? SRB_FLAG_YES : SRB_FLAG_NO; srb1bis_flag_t srb1bis_flag = (channel_idP == 3) ? SRB1BIS_FLAG_YES : SRB1BIS_FLAG_NO; //may not needed? protocol_ctxt_t ctxt; PROTOCOL_CTXT_SET_BY_MODULE_ID(&ctxt, module_idP, enb_flagP, rntiP, frameP, 0, eNB_index); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_MAC_RLC_DATA_IND,VCD_FUNCTION_IN); #ifdef DEBUG_MAC_INTERFACE if (num_tbP) { LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" MAC_RLC_DATA_IND on channel %d (%d), rb max %d, Num_tb %d\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS(&ctxt), channel_idP, RLC_MAX_LC, //XXX ??? NB_RB_MAX_NB_IOT, num_tbP); } #endif // DEBUG_MAC_INTERFACE #ifdef OAI_EMU AssertFatal (channel_idP < NB_RB_MAX_NB_IOT, "channel id is too high (%u/%d)!\n", channel_idP, NB_RB_MAX_NB_IOT); CHECK_CTXT_ARGS(&ctxt); #endif #if T_TRACER if (enb_flagP) T(T_ENB_RLC_MAC_UL, T_INT(module_idP), T_INT(rntiP), T_INT(channel_idP), T_INT(tb_sizeP)); #endif //no MBMS flag { key = RLC_COLL_KEY_LCID_VALUE(module_idP, rntiP, enb_flagP, channel_idP, srb_flag); } h_rc = hashtable_get(rlc_coll_p, key, (void**)&rlc_union_p); //XXX MP: also for SRB1bis an RLC-AM mode should be configured if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) { rlc_mode = rlc_union_p->mode; } else { rlc_mode = RLC_MODE_NONE; //AssertFatal (0 , "%s RLC not configured rb id %u lcid %u module %u!\n", __FUNCTION__, rb_id, channel_idP, ue_module_idP); } struct mac_data_ind data_ind = mac_rlc_deserialize_tb(buffer_pP, tb_sizeP, num_tbP, crcs_pP); switch (rlc_mode) { case RLC_MODE_NONE: //handle_event(WARNING,"FILE %s FONCTION mac_rlc_data_ind() LINE %s : no radio bearer configured :%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, channel_idP); break; case RLC_MODE_AM: NB_rlc_am_mac_data_indication(&ctxt, &rlc_union_p->rlc.am, data_ind); break; //XXX MP: no UM mode for NB_IoT case RLC_MODE_TM: rlc_tm_mac_data_indication(&ctxt, &rlc_union_p->rlc.tm, data_ind); break; default: LOG_E(RLC,PROTOCOL_PDCP_CTXT_FMT"mac_rlc_data_ind -> RLC mode unknown"); break; } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_MAC_RLC_DATA_IND,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //defined in rlc_am.c void NB_rlc_am_mac_data_indication ( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, void * const rlc_pP, struct mac_data_ind data_indP ) { rlc_am_entity_t* l_rlc_p = (rlc_am_entity_t*) rlc_pP; #if TRACE_RLC_AM_PDU || MESSAGE_CHART_GENERATOR rlc_am_pdu_info_t pdu_info; rlc_am_pdu_sn_10_t *rlc_am_pdu_sn_10_p; mem_block_t *tb_p; sdu_size_t tb_size_in_bytes; int num_nack; char message_string[7000]; size_t message_string_size = 0; # if ENABLE_ITTI MessageDef *msg_p; # endif int octet_index, index; /* for no gcc warnings */ (void)num_nack; (void)message_string; (void)message_string_size; (void)octet_index; (void)index; #endif (void)l_rlc_p; /* avoid gcc warning "unused variable" */ #if TRACE_RLC_AM_PDU || MESSAGE_CHART_GENERATOR if (data_indP.data.nb_elements > 0) { tb_p = data_indP.data.head; while (tb_p != NULL) { rlc_am_pdu_sn_10_p = (rlc_am_pdu_sn_10_t*)((struct mac_tb_ind *) (tb_p->data))->data_ptr; tb_size_in_bytes = ((struct mac_tb_ind *) (tb_p->data))->size; if ((((struct mac_tb_ind *) (tb_p->data))->data_ptr[0] & RLC_DC_MASK) == RLC_DC_DATA_PDU ) { if (rlc_am_get_data_pdu_infos(ctxt_pP,l_rlc_p,rlc_am_pdu_sn_10_p, tb_size_in_bytes, &pdu_info) >= 0) { #if MESSAGE_CHART_GENERATOR message_string_size = 0; message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], MSC_AS_TIME_FMT" "PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_MSC_FMT" DATA SN %u size %u RF %u P %u FI %u", MSC_AS_TIME_ARGS(ctxt_pP), PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_MSC_ARGS(ctxt_pP, l_rlc_p), pdu_info.sn, tb_size_in_bytes, pdu_info.rf, pdu_info.p, pdu_info.fi); if (pdu_info.rf) { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " LSF %u\n", pdu_info.lsf); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " SO %u\n", pdu_info.so); } if (pdu_info.e) { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "| HE:"); for (index=0; index < pdu_info.num_li; index++) { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " LI %u", pdu_info.li_list[index]); } } MSC_LOG_RX_MESSAGE( (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_YES) ? MSC_RLC_ENB:MSC_RLC_UE, (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_YES) ? MSC_RLC_UE:MSC_RLC_ENB, (char*)rlc_am_pdu_sn_10_p, tb_size_in_bytes, message_string); #endif # if ENABLE_ITTI && TRACE_RLC_AM_PDU message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "Bearer : %u\n", l_rlc_p->rb_id); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "PDU size : %u\n", tb_size_in_bytes); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "Header size : %u\n", pdu_info.header_size); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "Payload size: %u\n", pdu_info.payload_size); if (pdu_info.rf) { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "PDU type : RLC AM DATA IND: AMD PDU segment\n\n"); } else { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "PDU type : RLC AM DATA IND: AMD PDU\n\n"); } message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "Header :\n"); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " D/C : %u\n", pdu_info.d_c); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " RF : %u\n", pdu_info.rf); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " P : %u\n", pdu_info.p); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " FI : %u\n", pdu_info.fi); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " E : %u\n", pdu_info.e); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " SN : %u\n", pdu_info.sn); if (pdu_info.rf) { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " LSF : %u\n", pdu_info.lsf); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " SO : %u\n", pdu_info.so); } if (pdu_info.e) { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "\nHeader extension : \n"); for (index=0; index < pdu_info.num_li; index++) { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " LI : %u\n", pdu_info.li_list[index]); } } message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "\nPayload : \n"); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "------+-------------------------------------------------|\n"); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f |\n"); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "------+-------------------------------------------------|\n"); for (octet_index = 0; octet_index < pdu_info.payload_size; octet_index++) { if ((octet_index % 16) == 0) { if (octet_index != 0) { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " |\n"); } message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " %04d |", octet_index); } /* * Print every single octet in hexadecimal form */ message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " %02x", pdu_info.payload[octet_index]); /* * Align newline and pipes according to the octets in groups of 2 */ } /* * Append enough spaces and put final pipe */ for (index = octet_index; index < 16; ++index) { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " "); } message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " |\n"); msg_p = itti_alloc_new_message_sized (ctxt_pP->enb_flag > 0 ? TASK_RLC_ENB:TASK_RLC_UE , RLC_AM_DATA_PDU_IND, message_string_size + sizeof (IttiMsgText)); msg_p->ittiMsg.rlc_am_data_pdu_ind.size = message_string_size; memcpy(&msg_p->ittiMsg.rlc_am_data_pdu_ind.text, message_string, message_string_size); itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_UNKNOWN, ctxt_pP->instance, msg_p); # else rlc_am_display_data_pdu_infos(ctxt_pP, l_rlc_p, &pdu_info); # endif } } else { if (rlc_am_get_control_pdu_infos(rlc_am_pdu_sn_10_p, &tb_size_in_bytes, &l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info) >= 0) { #if MESSAGE_CHART_GENERATOR message_string_size = 0; message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], MSC_AS_TIME_FMT" "PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_MSC_FMT" STATUS size ACK_SN %u", MSC_AS_TIME_ARGS(ctxt_pP), PROTOCOL_RLC_AM_MSC_ARGS(ctxt_pP, l_rlc_p), l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.ack_sn); for (num_nack = 0; num_nack < l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.num_nack; num_nack++) { if (l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.nack_list[num_nack].e2) { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " NACK SN %u SO START %u SO END %u", l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.nack_list[num_nack].nack_sn, l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.nack_list[num_nack].so_start, l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.nack_list[num_nack].so_end); } else { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " NACK SN %u", l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.nack_list[num_nack].nack_sn); } } MSC_LOG_RX_MESSAGE( (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_YES) ? MSC_RLC_ENB:MSC_RLC_UE, (ctxt_pP->enb_flag == ENB_FLAG_YES) ? MSC_RLC_UE:MSC_RLC_ENB, (char*)rlc_am_pdu_sn_10_p, tb_size_in_bytes, message_string); #endif # if ENABLE_ITTI && TRACE_RLC_AM_PDU message_string_size = 0; message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "Bearer : %u\n", l_rlc_p->rb_id); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "PDU size : %u\n", ((struct mac_tb_ind *) (tb_p->data))->size); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "PDU type : RLC AM DATA IND: STATUS PDU\n\n"); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], "Header :\n"); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " D/C : %u\n", l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.d_c); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " CPT : %u\n", l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.cpt); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " ACK_SN : %u\n", l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.ack_sn); message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " E1 : %u\n", l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.e1); for (num_nack = 0; num_nack < l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.num_nack; num_nack++) { if (l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.nack_list[num_nack].e2) { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " NACK SN %04d SO START %05d SO END %05d", l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.nack_list[num_nack].nack_sn, l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.nack_list[num_nack].so_start, l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.nack_list[num_nack].so_end); } else { message_string_size += sprintf(&message_string[message_string_size], " NACK SN %04d", l_rlc_p->control_pdu_info.nack_list[num_nack].nack_sn); } } msg_p = itti_alloc_new_message_sized (ctxt_pP->enb_flag > 0 ? TASK_RLC_ENB:TASK_RLC_UE , RLC_AM_STATUS_PDU_IND, message_string_size + sizeof (IttiMsgText)); msg_p->ittiMsg.rlc_am_status_pdu_ind.size = message_string_size; memcpy(&msg_p->ittiMsg.rlc_am_status_pdu_ind.text, message_string, message_string_size); itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_UNKNOWN, ctxt_pP->instance, msg_p); # endif } } tb_p = tb_p->next; } } #endif rlc_am_rx (ctxt_pP, rlc_pP, data_indP); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //defined in rlc_mac.c //called by the schedule_ue_spec for getting SDU to be transmitted from SRB1/SRB1bis and DRBs tbs_size_t NB_mac_rlc_data_req_eNB( const module_id_t module_idP, const rnti_t rntiP, const eNB_index_t eNB_index, const frame_t frameP, const MBMS_flag_t MBMS_flagP, const logical_chan_id_t channel_idP, char *buffer_pP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct mac_data_req data_request; rlc_mode_t rlc_mode = RLC_MODE_NONE; rlc_union_t *rlc_union_p = NULL; hash_key_t key = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE; hashtable_rc_t h_rc; srb_flag_t srb_flag = (channel_idP <= 3) ? SRB_FLAG_YES : SRB_FLAG_NO; srb1bis_flag_t srb1bis_flag = (channel_idP == 3) ? SRB1BIS_FLAG_YES : SRB1BIS_FLAG_NO; tbs_size_t ret_tb_size = 0; protocol_ctxt_t ctxt; PROTOCOL_CTXT_SET_BY_MODULE_ID(&ctxt, module_idP, ENB_FLAG_YES, rntiP, frameP, 0,eNB_index); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_MAC_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_IN); #ifdef DEBUG_MAC_INTERFACE LOG_D(RLC, PROTOCOL_CTXT_FMT" MAC_RLC_DATA_REQ channel %d (%d) MAX RB %d, Num_tb %d\n", PROTOCOL_CTXT_ARGS((&ctxt)), channel_idP, RLC_MAX_LC, NB_RB_MAX); #endif // DEBUG_MAC_INTERFACE { //SRB1 or DRBs AssertFatal (channel_idP < NB_RB_MAX_NB_IOT, "channel id is too high (%u/%d)!\n", channel_idP, NB_RB_MAX); } #ifdef OAI_EMU CHECK_CTXT_ARGS(&ctxt); //printf("MBMS_flagP %d, MBMS_FLAG_NO %d \n",MBMS_flagP, MBMS_FLAG_NO); // AssertFatal (MBMS_flagP == MBMS_FLAG_NO ," MBMS FLAG SHOULD NOT BE SET IN mac_rlc_data_req in UE\n"); #endif //no MBMS in NB-IoT { key = RLC_COLL_KEY_LCID_VALUE(module_idP, rntiP, ENB_FLAG_YES, channel_idP, srb_flag); } h_rc = hashtable_get(rlc_coll_p, key, (void**)&rlc_union_p); if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) { rlc_mode = rlc_union_p->mode; } else { rlc_mode = RLC_MODE_NONE; AssertFatal (0 , "mac_rlc_data req --> RLC not configured lcid %u RNTI %x!\n", channel_idP, rntiP); } switch (rlc_mode) { case RLC_MODE_NONE: ret_tb_size =0; break; case RLC_MODE_AM: data_request = rlc_am_mac_data_request(&ctxt, &rlc_union_p->rlc.am, ENB_FLAG_YES); ret_tb_size =mac_rlc_serialize_tb(buffer_pP, data_request.data); break; //UM mode not for NB-IoT case RLC_MODE_TM: data_request = rlc_tm_mac_data_request(&ctxt, &rlc_union_p->rlc.tm); ret_tb_size = mac_rlc_serialize_tb(buffer_pP, data_request.data); break; default: ; } #if T_TRACER if (enb_flagP) T(T_ENB_RLC_MAC_DL, T_INT(module_idP), T_INT(rntiP), T_INT(channel_idP), T_INT(ret_tb_size)); #endif VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_MAC_RLC_DATA_REQ,VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); return ret_tb_size; }