Commit 304cd520 authored by Mohammed Ismail's avatar Mohammed Ismail

CI: html tab extention to add more details on built shared and target images

    fix ssh connection when remote server has public key
Signed-off-by: default avatarMohammed Ismail <>
parent 427a79f9
......@@ -228,16 +228,16 @@ class Containerize():
imageSize = imageSize / 1000
if imageSize < 1000:
logging.debug('\u001B[1m ran-build size is ' + ('%.0f' % imageSize) + ' kbytes\u001B[0m')
self.allImagesSize['ran-build'] = str(imageSize) + ' kbytes'
self.allImagesSize['ran-build'] = str(round(imageSize,1)) + ' kbytes'
imageSize = imageSize / 1000
if imageSize < 1000:
logging.debug('\u001B[1m ran-build size is ' + ('%.0f' % imageSize) + ' Mbytes\u001B[0m')
self.allImagesSize['ran-build'] = str(imageSize) + ' Mbytes'
self.allImagesSize['ran-build'] = str(round(imageSize,1)) + ' Mbytes'
imageSize = imageSize / 1000
logging.debug('\u001B[1m ran-build size is ' + ('%.3f' % imageSize) + ' Gbytes\u001B[0m')
self.allImagesSize['ran-build'] = str(imageSize) + ' Gbytes'
self.allImagesSize['ran-build'] = str(round(imageSize,1)) + ' Gbytes'
logging.debug('ran-build size is unknown')
for image,pattern in imageNames:
......@@ -252,16 +252,16 @@ class Containerize():
imageSize = imageSize / 1000
if imageSize < 1000:
logging.debug('\u001B[1m ' + image + ' size is ' + ('%.0f' % imageSize) + ' kbytes\u001B[0m')
self.allImagesSize[image] = str(imageSize) + ' kbytes'
self.allImagesSize[image] = str(round(imageSize,1)) + ' kbytes'
imageSize = imageSize / 1000
if imageSize < 1000:
logging.debug('\u001B[1m ' + image + ' size is ' + ('%.0f' % imageSize) + ' Mbytes\u001B[0m')
self.allImagesSize[image] = str(imageSize) + ' Mbytes'
self.allImagesSize[image] = str(round(imageSize,1)) + ' Mbytes'
imageSize = imageSize / 1000
logging.debug('\u001B[1m ' + image + ' size is ' + ('%.3f' % imageSize) + ' Gbytes\u001B[0m')
self.allImagesSize[image] = str(imageSize) + ' Gbytes'
self.allImagesSize[image] = str(round(imageSize,1)) + ' Gbytes'
logging.debug('ran-build size is unknown')
if not status:
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class HTMLManagement():
self.htmlFile.write(' <div id="build-tab" class="tab-pane fade">\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <table class="table" border = "1">\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <tr bgcolor = "#33CCFF" >\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <th>Relative Time (ms)</th>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <th>Relative Time (s)</th>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <th>Test Id</th>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <th>Test Desc</th>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <th>Test Options</th>\n')
......@@ -399,6 +399,53 @@ class HTMLManagement():
self.htmlFile.write(' </tr>\n')
def CreateHtmlNextTabHeaderTestRow(self, collectInfo, allImagesSize, machine='eNB'):
if (self.htmlFooterCreated or (not self.htmlHeaderCreated)):
self.htmlFile = open('test_results.html', 'a')
if bool(collectInfo) == False:
self.htmlFile.write(' <tr bgcolor = "red" >\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <td colspan=' + str(5+self.htmlUEConnected) + '><b> ----IMAGES BUILDING FAILED - Unable to recover the image logs ---- </b></td>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' </tr>\n')
for image in collectInfo:
files = collectInfo[image]
# TabHeader for image logs on built shared and target images
self.htmlFile.write(' <tr bgcolor = "#F0F0F0" >\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <td colspan=' + str(5+self.htmlUEConnected) + '><b> ---- ' + image + ' IMAGE STATUS ----> Size ' + allImagesSize[image] + ' </b></td>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' </tr>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <tr bgcolor = "#33CCFF" >\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <th colspan="2">Element</th>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <th>Nb Errors</th>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <th>Nb Warnings</th>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <th colspan=' + str(1+self.htmlUEConnected) + '>Status</th>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' </tr>\n')
for fil in files:
parameters = files[fil]
# TestRow for image logs on built shared and target images
self.htmlFile.write(' <tr>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <td colspan="2" bgcolor = "lightcyan" >' + fil + ' </td>\n')
if (parameters['errors'] == 0):
self.htmlFile.write(' <td bgcolor = "green" >' + str(parameters['errors']) + '</td>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <td bgcolor = "red" >' + str(parameters['errors']) + '</td>\n')
if (parameters['warnings'] == 0):
self.htmlFile.write(' <td bgcolor = "green" >' + str(parameters['warnings']) + '</td>\n')
elif ((parameters['warnings'] > 0) and (parameters['warnings'] <= 20)):
self.htmlFile.write(' <td bgcolor = "orange" >' + str(parameters['warnings']) + '</td>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <td bgcolor = "red" >' + str(parameters['warnings']) + '</td>\n')
if (parameters['errors'] == 0) and (parameters['warnings'] == 0):
self.htmlFile.write(' <th colspan=' + str(1+self.htmlUEConnected) + ' bgcolor = "green" ><font color="white">OK </font></th>\n')
elif (parameters['errors'] == 0) and ((parameters['warnings'] > 0) and (parameters['warnings'] <= 20)):
self.htmlFile.write(' <th colspan=' + str(1+self.htmlUEConnected) + ' bgcolor = "orange" ><font color="white">OK </font></th>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' <th colspan=' + str(1+self.htmlUEConnected) + ' bgcolor = "red" > NOT OK </th>\n')
self.htmlFile.write(' </tr>\n')
def CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self, options, status, ue_status, ue_queue):
if ((not self.htmlFooterCreated) and (self.htmlHeaderCreated)):
self.htmlFile = open('test_results.html', 'a')
......@@ -52,13 +52,11 @@ class SSHConnection():
self.picocom_closure = True
def open(self, ipaddress, username, password):
extraSshOptions = ''
count = 0
connect_status = False
if ipaddress == '':
extraSshOptions = ' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
while count < 4:
self.ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh', [username + '@' + ipaddress + extraSshOptions], timeout = 5)
self.ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no {}@{}'.format(username,ipaddress))
self.ssh.timeout = 5
self.sshresponse = self.ssh.expect(['Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?', 'password:', 'Last login', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT])
if self.sshresponse == 0:
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