Commit aa3a9591 authored by Javier Morgade's avatar Javier Morgade

fembms: handle MBMS in new RLC

Signed-off-by: default avatarJavier Morgade <>
parent 6402fb5c
......@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ rlc_op_status_t rlc_data_req (const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP,
// LOG_I(RLC,"DUY rlc_data_req: mbms_rb_id in RLC instant is: %d\n", mbms_rb_id);
if (sdu_pP != NULL) {
if (sdu_sizeP > 0) {
LOG_I(RLC,"received a packet with size %d for MBMS \n", sdu_sizeP);
LOG_D(RLC,"received a packet with size %d for MBMS \n", sdu_sizeP);
new_sdu_p = get_free_mem_block (sdu_sizeP + sizeof (struct rlc_um_data_req_alloc), __func__);
if (new_sdu_p != NULL) {
......@@ -640,6 +640,7 @@ rlc_union_t *rrc_rlc_add_rlc (
} else if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_KEY_NOT_EXISTS) {
rlc_union_p = calloc(1, sizeof(rlc_union_t));
h_rc = hashtable_insert(rlc_coll_p, key, rlc_union_p);
if(MBMS_flagP != TRUE)
h_lcid_rc = hashtable_insert(rlc_coll_p, key_lcid, rlc_union_p);
if ((h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) && (h_lcid_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK)) {
......@@ -800,7 +800,37 @@ void dl_config_req_UE_MAC_dci(int sfn,
UE_mac_inst[ue_id].first_ULSCH_Tx = 1;
} else {
//else if (dl_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_BCH_PDU_TYPE) {
// // BCH case: Last parameter is 1 if first time synchronization and zero
// // otherwise. Not sure which value to put for our case.
// if (UE_mac_inst[Mod_id].UE_mode[0] == NOT_SYNCHED){
// dl_phy_sync_success(Mod_id, sfn, 0, 1);
// "%s(): Received MIB: UE_mode: %d, sfn/sf: %d.%d\n",
// __func__,
// UE_mac_inst[Mod_id].UE_mode[0],
// sfn,
// sf);
// UE_mac_inst[Mod_id].UE_mode[0] = PRACH;
// } else {
// dl_phy_sync_success(Mod_id, sfn, 0, 0);
// }
//} else if (dl_config_pdu_list[i].pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_MCH_PDU_TYPE){
// if (UE_mac_inst[Mod_id].UE_mode[0] == NOT_SYNCHED) {
// /* this check is in the code before refactoring, but I don't know
// * why. Leave it in here for the moment */
// continue;
// }
// nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *dl_config_pdu_tmp = &dl_config_pdu_list[i];
// const int pdu_index = dl_config_pdu_tmp->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index;
// ue_send_mch_sdu(Mod_id, 0, sfn,
// tx_request_pdu_list[pdu_index].segments[0].segment_data,
// tx_request_pdu_list[pdu_index].segments[0].segment_length,
// 0,0);
else {
LOG_W(MAC, "can not handle special RNTI %x\n", rnti);
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