Commit d6d60927 authored by Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux

[CI][DOCKER] fix indentation

Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Defosseux <>
parent 49a53387
......@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@ class Containerize():
# we need to update them with proper tag
mySSH.command('sed -i -e "s#' + sharedimage + ':latest#' + sharedimage + ':' + imageTag + '#" docker/Dockerfile.' + pattern + self.dockerfileprefix, '\$', 5)
mySSH.command(self.cli + ' build --target ' + image + ' --tag ' + image + ':' + imageTag + ' --file docker/Dockerfile.' + pattern + self.dockerfileprefix + ' . > cmake_targets/log/' + image + '.log 2>&1', '\$', 1200)
# checking the status of the build
mySSH.command(self.cli + ' image inspect --format=\'Size = {{.Size}} bytes\' ' + image + ':' + imageTag, '\$', 5)
# split the log
mySSH.command('mkdir -p cmake_targets/log/' + image, '\$', 5)
mySSH.command('python3 ci-scripts/ --logfilename=cmake_targets/log/' + image + '.log', '\$', 5)
# checking the status of the build
mySSH.command(self.cli + ' image inspect --format=\'Size = {{.Size}} bytes\' ' + image + ':' + imageTag, '\$', 5)
if (mySSH.getBefore().count('No such object') != 0) or (mySSH.getBefore().count('no such image') != 0):
logging.error('Could not build properly ' + image)
status = False
......@@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ class Containerize():
# Analyzing the logs
mySSH.command('cd ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5)
mySSH.command('mkdir -p build_log_' + self.testCase_id, '\$', 5)
mySSH.command('mv log/* ' + 'build_log_' + self.testCase_id, '\$', 5)
mySSH.command('cd ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5)
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