/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file ethernet_lib.c * \brief API to stream I/Q samples over standard ethernet * \author add alcatel Katerina Trilyraki, Navid Nikaein, Pedro Dinis, Lucio Ferreira, Raymond Knopp * \date 2015 * \version 0.2 * \company Eurecom * \maintainer: navid.nikaein@eurecom.fr * \note * \warning */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vcd_signal_dumper.h" #include "common_lib.h" #include "ethernet_lib.h" #define DEBUG 0 //struct sockaddr_in dest_addr[MAX_INST]; //struct sockaddr_in local_addr[MAX_INST]; //int addr_len[MAX_INST]; uint16_t pck_seq_num = 1; uint16_t pck_seq_num_cur=0; uint16_t pck_seq_num_prev=0; int eth_socket_init_udp(openair0_device *device) { eth_state_t *eth = (eth_state_t*)device->priv; char str_local[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; char str_remote[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; const char *local_ip, *remote_ip; int local_port=0, remote_port=0; int sock_dom=0; int sock_type=0; int sock_proto=0; int enable=1; if (device->host_type == RRH_HOST ) { local_ip = device->openair0_cfg->my_addr; local_port = device->openair0_cfg->my_port; remote_ip = ""; remote_port = 0; printf("[%s] local ip addr %s port %d\n", "RRH", local_ip, local_port); } else { local_ip = device->openair0_cfg->my_addr; local_port = device->openair0_cfg->my_port; remote_ip = device->openair0_cfg->remote_addr; remote_port = device->openair0_cfg->remote_port; printf("[%s] local ip addr %s port %d\n","BBU", local_ip, local_port); } /* Open socket to send on */ sock_dom=AF_INET; sock_type=SOCK_DGRAM; sock_proto=IPPROTO_UDP; if ((eth->sockfd = socket(sock_dom, sock_type, sock_proto)) == -1) { perror("ETHERNET: Error opening socket"); exit(0); } /* initialize addresses */ bzero((void *)&(eth->dest_addr), sizeof(eth->dest_addr)); bzero((void *)&(eth->local_addr), sizeof(eth->local_addr)); eth->addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); eth->dest_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; inet_pton(AF_INET,remote_ip,&(eth->dest_addr.sin_addr.s_addr)); eth->dest_addr.sin_port=htons(remote_port); inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(eth->dest_addr.sin_addr), str_remote, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); eth->local_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; inet_pton(AF_INET,local_ip,&(eth->local_addr.sin_addr.s_addr)); eth->local_addr.sin_port=htons(local_port); inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(eth->local_addr.sin_addr), str_local, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); /* set reuse address flag */ if (setsockopt(eth->sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &enable, sizeof(int))) { perror("ETHERNET: Cannot set SO_REUSEADDR option on socket"); exit(0); } /* want to receive -> so bind */ if (bind(eth->sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)ð->local_addr,eth->addr_len)<0) { perror("ETHERNET: Cannot bind to socket"); exit(0); } else { printf("[%s] binding to %s:%d\n","RRH",str_local,ntohs(eth->local_addr.sin_port)); } return 0; } int trx_eth_read_udp_IF4p5(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *timestamp, void **buff, int nsamps, int cc) { // Read nblocks info from packet itself int nblocks = nsamps; int bytes_received=-1; eth_state_t *eth = (eth_state_t*)device->priv; ssize_t packet_size = sizeof_IF4p5_header_t; IF4p5_header_t *test_header = (IF4p5_header_t*)(buff[0]); int block_cnt=0; int again_cnt=0; packet_size = max(UDP_IF4p5_PRACH_SIZE_BYTES, max(UDP_IF4p5_PULFFT_SIZE_BYTES(nblocks), UDP_IF4p5_PDLFFT_SIZE_BYTES(nblocks))); while(bytes_received == -1) { again: bytes_received = recvfrom(eth->sockfd, buff[0], packet_size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)ð->dest_addr, (socklen_t *)ð->addr_len); if (bytes_received ==-1) { eth->num_rx_errors++; if (errno == EAGAIN) { /* again_cnt++; usleep(10); if (again_cnt == 1000) { perror("ETHERNET IF4p5 READ (EAGAIN): "); exit(-1); } else { printf("AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN \n"); goto again; } */ printf("Lost IF4p5 connection with %s\n", inet_ntoa(eth->dest_addr.sin_addr)); exit(-1); } else if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { block_cnt++; usleep(10); if (block_cnt == 1000) { perror("ETHERNET IF4p5 READ (EWOULDBLOCK): "); exit(-1); } else { printf("BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK \n"); goto again; } } else { perror("ETHERNET IF4p5 READ"); printf("(%s):\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } } else { *timestamp = test_header->sub_type; eth->rx_actual_nsamps = bytes_received>>1; eth->rx_count++; } } //printf("size of third %d subtype %d frame %d subframe %d symbol %d \n", bytes_received, test_header->sub_type, ((test_header->frame_status)>>6)&0xffff, ((test_header->frame_status)>>22)&0x000f, ((test_header->frame_status)>>26)&0x000f) ; eth->rx_nsamps = nsamps; return(bytes_received); } int trx_eth_write_udp_IF4p5(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp timestamp, void **buff, int nsamps, int cc, int flags) { int nblocks = nsamps; int bytes_sent = 0; eth_state_t *eth = (eth_state_t*)device->priv; ssize_t packet_size; if (flags == IF4p5_PDLFFT) { packet_size = UDP_IF4p5_PDLFFT_SIZE_BYTES(nblocks); } else if (flags == IF4p5_PULFFT) { packet_size = UDP_IF4p5_PULFFT_SIZE_BYTES(nblocks); } else if (flags == IF4p5_PULTICK) { packet_size = UDP_IF4p5_PULTICK_SIZE_BYTES; } else if (flags == IF4p5_PRACH) { packet_size = UDP_IF4p5_PRACH_SIZE_BYTES; } else { printf("trx_eth_write_udp_IF4p5: unknown flags %d\n",flags); return(-1); } eth->tx_nsamps = nblocks; bytes_sent = sendto(eth->sockfd, buff[0], packet_size, 0, (struct sockaddr*)ð->dest_addr, eth->addr_len); if (bytes_sent == -1) { eth->num_tx_errors++; perror("ETHERNET WRITE: "); exit(-1); } else { eth->tx_actual_nsamps = bytes_sent>>1; eth->tx_count++; } return (bytes_sent); } int trx_eth_write_udp(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp timestamp, void **buff, int nsamps,int cc, int flags) { int bytes_sent=0; eth_state_t *eth = (eth_state_t*)device->priv; int sendto_flag =0; int i=0; //sendto_flag|=flags; eth->tx_nsamps=nsamps; for (i=0;ipck_header.seq_num = pck_seq_num; //eth->pck_header.antenna_id = 1+(i<<1); //eth->pck_header.timestamp = timestamp; *(uint16_t *)buff2 = pck_seq_num; *(uint16_t *)(buff2 + sizeof(uint16_t)) = 1+(i<<1); *(openair0_timestamp *)(buff2 + sizeof(int32_t)) = timestamp; VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_VARIABLE_BY_NAME( VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_VARIABLES_TX_SEQ_NUM, pck_seq_num); while(bytes_sent < UDP_PACKET_SIZE_BYTES(nsamps)) { #if DEBUG printf("------- TX ------: buff2 current position=%d remaining_bytes=%d bytes_sent=%d \n", (void *)(buff2+bytes_sent), UDP_PACKET_SIZE_BYTES(nsamps) - bytes_sent, bytes_sent); #endif /* Send packet */ bytes_sent += sendto(eth->sockfd, buff2, UDP_PACKET_SIZE_BYTES(nsamps), sendto_flag, (struct sockaddr*)ð->dest_addr, eth->addr_len); if ( bytes_sent == -1) { eth->num_tx_errors++; perror("ETHERNET WRITE: "); exit(-1); } else { #if DEBUG printf("------- TX ------: nu=%d an_id=%d ts%d bytes_send=%d\n", *(int16_t *)buff2, *(int16_t *)(buff2 + sizeof(int16_t)), *(openair0_timestamp *)(buff2 + sizeof(int32_t)), bytes_sent); dump_packet((device->host_type == BBU_HOST)? "BBU":"RRH", buff2, UDP_PACKET_SIZE_BYTES(nsamps), TX_FLAG); #endif eth->tx_actual_nsamps=bytes_sent>>2; eth->tx_count++; pck_seq_num++; if ( pck_seq_num > MAX_PACKET_SEQ_NUM(nsamps,device->openair0_cfg->samples_per_frame) ) pck_seq_num = 1; } } /* tx buffer values restored */ *(int32_t *)buff2 = temp0; *(openair0_timestamp *)(buff2 + sizeof(int32_t)) = temp1; } return (bytes_sent-APP_HEADER_SIZE_BYTES)>>2; } int trx_eth_read_udp(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *timestamp, void **buff, int nsamps, int cc) { int bytes_received=0; eth_state_t *eth = (eth_state_t*)device->priv; // openair0_timestamp prev_timestamp = -1; int rcvfrom_flag =0; int block_cnt=0; int again_cnt=0; int i=0; eth->rx_nsamps=nsamps; for (i=0;isockfd, buff2, UDP_PACKET_SIZE_BYTES(nsamps), rcvfrom_flag, (struct sockaddr *)ð->dest_addr, (socklen_t *)ð->addr_len); if (bytes_received ==-1) { eth->num_rx_errors++; if (errno == EAGAIN) { again_cnt++; usleep(10); if (again_cnt == 1000) { perror("ETHERNET READ: "); exit(-1); } else { printf("AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN \n"); goto again; } } else if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { block_cnt++; usleep(10); if (block_cnt == 1000) { perror("ETHERNET READ: "); exit(-1); } else { printf("BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK \n"); goto again; } } } else { #if DEBUG printf("------- RX------: nu=%d an_id=%d ts%d bytes_recv=%d\n", *(int16_t *)buff2, *(int16_t *)(buff2 + sizeof(int16_t)), *(openair0_timestamp *)(buff2 + sizeof(int32_t)), bytes_received); dump_packet((device->host_type == BBU_HOST)? "BBU":"RRH", buff2, UDP_PACKET_SIZE_BYTES(nsamps),RX_FLAG); #endif /* store the timestamp value from packet's header */ *timestamp = *(openair0_timestamp *)(buff2 + sizeof(int32_t)); /* store the sequence number of the previous packet received */ if (pck_seq_num_cur == 0) { pck_seq_num_prev = *(uint16_t *)buff2; } else { pck_seq_num_prev = pck_seq_num_cur; } /* get the packet sequence number from packet's header */ pck_seq_num_cur = *(uint16_t *)buff2; //printf("cur=%d prev=%d buff=%d\n",pck_seq_num_cur,pck_seq_num_prev,*(uint16_t *)(buff2)); if ( ( pck_seq_num_cur != (pck_seq_num_prev + 1) ) && !((pck_seq_num_prev==MAX_PACKET_SEQ_NUM(nsamps,device->openair0_cfg->samples_per_frame)) && (pck_seq_num_cur==1 )) && !((pck_seq_num_prev==1) && (pck_seq_num_cur==1))) { printf("out of order packet received1! %d|%d|%d\n",pck_seq_num_cur,pck_seq_num_prev,(int)*timestamp); } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_VARIABLE_BY_NAME( VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_VARIABLES_RX_SEQ_NUM,pck_seq_num_cur); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_VARIABLE_BY_NAME( VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_VARIABLES_RX_SEQ_NUM_PRV,pck_seq_num_prev); eth->rx_actual_nsamps=bytes_received>>2; eth->rx_count++; } } /* tx buffer values restored */ *(int32_t *)buff2 = temp0; *(openair0_timestamp *)(buff2 + sizeof(int32_t)) = temp1; } return (bytes_received-APP_HEADER_SIZE_BYTES)>>2; } int eth_set_dev_conf_udp(openair0_device *device) { eth_state_t *eth = (eth_state_t*)device->priv; void *msg; ssize_t msg_len; /* a BBU client sents to RRH a set of configuration parameters (openair0_config_t) so that RF front end is configured appropriately and frame/packet size etc. can be set */ msg=malloc(sizeof(openair0_config_t)); msg_len=sizeof(openair0_config_t); memcpy(msg,(void*)device->openair0_cfg,msg_len); if (sendto(eth->sockfd,msg,msg_len,0,(struct sockaddr *)ð->dest_addr,eth->addr_len)==-1) { perror("ETHERNET: sendto conf_udp"); printf("addr_len : %d, msg_len %d\n",eth->addr_len,msg_len); exit(0); } return 0; } int eth_get_dev_conf_udp(openair0_device *device) { eth_state_t *eth = (eth_state_t*)device->priv; char str1[INET_ADDRSTRLEN],str[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; void *msg; ssize_t msg_len; msg=malloc(sizeof(openair0_config_t)); msg_len=sizeof(openair0_config_t); inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(eth->local_addr.sin_addr), str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(eth->dest_addr.sin_addr), str1, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); /* RRH receives from BBU openair0_config_t */ if (recvfrom(eth->sockfd, msg, msg_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)ð->dest_addr, (socklen_t *)ð->addr_len)==-1) { perror("ETHERNET: recv_from conf_udp"); exit(0); } device->openair0_cfg=(openair0_config_t *)msg; /* get remote ip address and port */ /* inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(eth->dest_addr.sin_addr), str1, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); */ /* device->openair0_cfg->remote_port =ntohs(eth->dest_addr.sin_port); */ /* device->openair0_cfg->remote_addr =str1; */ /* /\* restore local ip address and port *\/ */ /* inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(eth->local_addr.sin_addr), str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); */ /* device->openair0_cfg->my_port =ntohs(eth->local_addr.sin_port); */ /* device->openair0_cfg->my_addr =str; */ /* printf("[RRH] mod_%d socket %d connected to BBU %s:%d %s:%d\n", Mod_id, eth->sockfd,str1, device->openair0_cfg->remote_port, str, device->openair0_cfg->my_port); */ return 0; }