From 27b9fa6935cecbef130121499d5c278ec21871ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Javier Morgade <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2020 09:46:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] 	fembms: CI/DC adding missing commit

Signed-off-by: Javier Morgade <>
 ci-scripts/ | 95 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ci-scripts/       | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 184 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ci-scripts/ b/ci-scripts/
index 897f9285e9..b05ccf39db 100755
--- a/ci-scripts/
+++ b/ci-scripts/
@@ -620,6 +620,101 @@ function report_test {
             #IPERF_TESTS=`ls $ARCHIVES_LOC/${TMODE}_${BW}MHz_${CN_CONFIG}_iperf_ul*client*txt | grep -v mbms 2> /dev/null`
+        # FeMBMS Case
+        CN_CONFIG="noS1"
+        TMODE="fdd"
+        BW_CASES=(05)
+        for BW in ${BW_CASES[@]}
+        do
+            echo "      <tr bgcolor = \"#8FBC8F\" >" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+            echo "          <td align = \"center\" colspan = 4 >Test FeMBMS without EPC (aka noS1): ${TMODE} -- ${BW}MHz </td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+            echo "      </tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+            ENB_LOG=$ARCHIVES_LOC/${TMODE}_${BW}MHz_${CN_CONFIG}_enb_fembms.log
+            UE_LOG=`echo $ENB_LOG | sed -e "s#enb#ue#"`
+            if [ -f $ENB_LOG ] && [ -f $UE_LOG ]
+            then
+                NAME_ENB=`echo $ENB_LOG | sed -e "s#$ARCHIVES_LOC/##"`
+                NAME_UE=`echo $UE_LOG | sed -e "s#$ARCHIVES_LOC/##"`
+                echo "      <tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                echo "        <td>$NAME_ENB --- $NAME_UE</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                echo "        <td>N/A</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                #NB_ENB_GOT_SYNC=`egrep -c "got sync" $ENB_LOG`
+                NB_ENB_TUNNEL_UP=`egrep -c "Interface oaitun_enb1 successfully configured" $ENB_LOG`
+                NB_ENB_MTUNNEL_UP=`egrep -c "Interface oaitun_enm1 successfully configured" $ENB_LOG`
+                #NB_UE_GOT_SYNC=`egrep -c "rfsimulator: Success" $UE_LOG`
+                #NB_ENB_SYNCED_WITH_UE=`egrep -c "Generating RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete" $UE_LOG`
+                NB_UE_TUNNEL_UP=`egrep -c "Interface oaitun_ue1 successfully configured" $UE_LOG`
+                NB_UE_MTUNNEL_UP=`egrep -c "Interface oaitun_uem1 successfully configured" $UE_LOG`
+                NB_UE_MBMS_PUSH_MSG=`egrep -c "TRIED TO PUSH MBMS DATA TO" $UE_LOG`
+                #if [ $NB_ENB_GOT_SYNC -gt 0 ] && [ $NB_UE_GOT_SYNC -gt 0 ] && [ $NB_ENB_SYNCED_WITH_UE -gt 0 ] && [ $NB_UE_MBMS_PUSH_MSG -gt 0 ]
+                if  [ $NB_UE_MBMS_PUSH_MSG -gt 0 ]
+                then
+                    echo "        <td bgcolor = \"green\" >OK</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                else
+                    echo "        <td bgcolor = \"red\" >KO</td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                fi
+                echo "        <td><pre>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                #if [ $NB_ENB_GOT_SYNC -gt 0 ]
+                #then
+                #    echo "<font color = \"blue\">- eNB --> got sync</font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                #else
+                #    echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- eNB NEVER got sync</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                #fi
+                if [ $NB_ENB_TUNNEL_UP -gt 0 ]
+                then
+                    echo "<font color = \"blue\">- eNB mounted oaitun_enb1 interface</font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                else
+                    echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- eNB NEVER mounted oaitun_enb1 interface</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                fi
+                if [ $NB_ENB_MTUNNEL_UP -gt 0 ]
+                then
+                    echo "<font color = \"blue\">- eNB mounted oaitun_enm1 interface</font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                else
+                    echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- eNB NEVER mounted oaitun_enm1 interface</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                fi
+                #if [ $NB_UE_GOT_SYNC -gt 0 ]
+                #then
+                #    echo "<font color = \"blue\">- LTE UE --> got sync</font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                #else
+                #    echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- LTE UE NEVER got sync</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                #fi
+                #if [ $NB_ENB_SYNCED_WITH_UE -gt 0 ]
+                #then
+                #    echo "<font color = \"blue\">- LTE UE attached to eNB</font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                #else
+                #    echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- LTE UE NEVER attached to eNB</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                #fi
+                if [ $NB_UE_TUNNEL_UP -gt 0 ]
+                then
+                    echo "<font color = \"blue\">- LTE UE mounted oaitun_ue1 interface</font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                else
+                    echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- LTE UE NEVER mounted oaitun_ue1 interface</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                fi
+                if [ $NB_UE_MTUNNEL_UP -gt 0 ]
+                then
+                    echo "<font color = \"blue\">- LTE UE mounted oaitun_uem1 interface</font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                else
+                    echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- LTE UE NEVER mounted oaitun_uem1 interface</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                fi
+                if [ $NB_UE_MBMS_PUSH_MSG -gt 0 ]
+                then
+                    echo "<font color = \"blue\">- LTE UE tried to push ${NB_UE_MBMS_PUSH_MSG} MBMS DATA</font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                else
+                    echo "<font color = \"red\"><b>- LTE UE NEVER pushed MBMS DATA</b></font>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                fi
+                echo "        </pre></td>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+                echo "      </tr>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
+            fi
+            #PING_LOGS=`ls $ARCHIVES_LOC/${TMODE}_${BW}MHz_${CN_CONFIG}_ping*.log 2> /dev/null`
+            #analyzePingFiles
+            #IPERF_TESTS=`ls $ARCHIVES_LOC/${TMODE}_${BW}MHz_${CN_CONFIG}_iperf_dl*client*txt | grep -v mbms 2> /dev/null`
+            #analyzeIperfFiles
+            #IPERF_TESTS=`ls $ARCHIVES_LOC/${TMODE}_${BW}MHz_${CN_CONFIG}_iperf_ul*client*txt | grep -v mbms 2> /dev/null`
+            #analyzeIperfFiles
+        done
         echo "   </table>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
         echo "   </div>" >> ./test_simulator_results.html
diff --git a/ci-scripts/ b/ci-scripts/
index 0db2264c76..1ac5e3a920 100755
--- a/ci-scripts/
+++ b/ci-scripts/
@@ -2050,6 +2050,95 @@ function run_test_on_vm {
             echo "LTE RFSIM seems to FAIL"
             echo "LTE: TEST_KO" > $ARCHIVES_LOC/test_final_status.log
+        ####################
+        ## FeMSMS CASE noS1 ##
+        ####################
+        CONF_FILE=lte-fdd-fembms-basic-sim.conf
+        CN_CONFIG="noS1"
+        S1_NOS1_CFG=0
+        LTEBOX=0
+        TMODE="fdd"
+        FREQUENCY=2680
+        BW_CASES=(05)
+        FeMBMS_STATUS=0
+        for BW in ${BW_CASES[@]}
+        do
+            if [[ $BW =~ .*05.* ]]; then PRB=25; fi
+            if [[ $BW =~ .*10.* ]]; then PRB=50; fi
+            if [[ $BW =~ .*20.* ]]; then PRB=100; fi
+            echo "############################################################"
+            echo "${CN_CONFIG} : Starting the eNB with MSMS in ${TMODE}-${BW}MHz mode"
+            echo "############################################################"
+            CURRENT_ENB_LOG_FILE=${TMODE}_${BW}MHz_${CN_CONFIG}_enb_fembms.log
+            echo "############################################################"
+            echo "${CN_CONFIG} : Starting the UE"
+            echo "############################################################"
+            CURRENT_UE_LOG_FILE=${TMODE}_${BW}MHz_${CN_CONFIG}_ue_fembms.log
+            if [ $UE_SYNC -eq 0 ]
+            then
+                echo "Problem w/ eNB and UE not syncing"
+                terminate_enb_ue_basic_sim $ENB_VM_CMDS $ENB_VM_IP_ADDR 1
+                terminate_enb_ue_basic_sim $UE_VM_CMDS $UE_VM_IP_ADDR 2
+                scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@$ENB_VM_IP_ADDR:/home/ubuntu/tmp/cmake_targets/log/$CURRENT_ENB_LOG_FILE $ARCHIVES_LOC
+                scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@$UE_VM_IP_ADDR:/home/ubuntu/tmp/cmake_targets/log/$CURRENT_UE_LOG_FILE $ARCHIVES_LOC
+                STATUS=-1
+                break
+            fi
+            echo "############################################################"
+            echo "${CN_CONFIG} : iperf DL -- UE is server and eNB is client"
+            echo "############################################################"
+            get_enb_mbms_noS1_ip_addr $ENB_VM_CMDS $ENB_VM_IP_ADDR
+            IPERF_LOG_FILE=${TMODE}_${BW}MHz_${CN_CONFIG}_iperf_dl_fembms
+            get_ue_mbms_ip_addr $UE_VM_CMDS $UE_VM_IP_ADDR 1
+            THROUGHPUT=2
+            scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@$UE_VM_IP_ADDR:/home/ubuntu/${IPERF_LOG_FILE}_server.txt $ARCHIVES_LOC
+            scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@$ENB_VM_IP_ADDR:/home/ubuntu/${IPERF_LOG_FILE}_client.txt $ARCHIVES_LOC
+            #check_iperf $ARCHIVES_LOC/$IPERF_LOG_FILE $THROUGHPUT
+            echo "############################################################"
+            echo "${CN_CONFIG} : Terminate enb/ue simulators"
+            echo "############################################################"
+            terminate_enb_ue_basic_sim $ENB_VM_CMDS $ENB_VM_IP_ADDR 1
+            terminate_enb_ue_basic_sim $UE_VM_CMDS $UE_VM_IP_ADDR 2
+            scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@$ENB_VM_IP_ADDR:/home/ubuntu/tmp/cmake_targets/log/$CURRENT_ENB_LOG_FILE $ARCHIVES_LOC
+            scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@$UE_VM_IP_ADDR:/home/ubuntu/tmp/cmake_targets/log/$CURRENT_UE_LOG_FILE $ARCHIVES_LOC
+            if [ $NB_UE_FeMBMS_MESSAGES -eq 0 ]; then FeMBMS_STATUS=-1; fi
+        done
+        full_l2_sim_destroy
+        echo "############################################################"
+        echo "Checking run status"
+        echo "############################################################"
+        if [ $PING_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then STATUS=-1; fi
+        if [ $IPERF_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then STATUS=-1; fi
+        if [ $FeMBMS_STATUS -eq 0 ]
+        then
+            echo "LTE FeMBMS RFSIM seems OK"
+        else
+            echo "LTE FeMBMS RFSIM seems to FAIL"
+            STATUS=-1
+        fi
+        if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]
+        then
+            echo "LTE RFSIM seems OK"
+            echo "LTE: TEST_OK" > $ARCHIVES_LOC/test_final_status.log
+        else
+            echo "LTE RFSIM seems to FAIL"
+            echo "LTE: TEST_KO" > $ARCHIVES_LOC/test_final_status.log
+        fi
     if [[ "$RUN_OPTIONS" == "complex" ]] && [[ $VM_NAME =~ .*-rf-sim.* ]]