uint16_tdl_bandwidth;//Carrier bandwidth for DL in MHz [38.104, sec 5.3.2] Values: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40,50, 60, 70, 80,90,100,200,400
nfapi_uint16_tlv_tdl_bandwidth;//Carrier bandwidth for DL in MHz [38.104, sec 5.3.2] Values: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40,50, 60, 70, 80,90,100,200,400
uint32_tdl_frequency;//Absolute frequency of DL point A in KHz [38.104, sec5.2 and 38.211 sec] Value: 450000 -> 52600000
nfapi_uint32_tlv_tdl_frequency;//Absolute frequency of DL point A in KHz [38.104, sec5.2 and 38.211 sec] Value: 450000 -> 52600000
uint16_tdl_k0[5];//𝑘_{0}^{𝜇} for each of the numerologies [38.211, sec 5.3.1] Value: 0 ->23699
nfapi_uint16_tlv_tdl_k0[5];//𝑘_{0}^{𝜇} for each of the numerologies [38.211, sec 5.3.1] Value: 0 ->23699
uint16_tdl_grid_size[5];//Grid size 𝑁_{𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑑}^{𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒,𝜇} for each of the numerologies [38.211, sec 4.4.2] Value: 0->275 0 = this numerology not used
nfapi_uint16_tlv_tdl_grid_size[5];//Grid size 𝑁_{𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑑}^{𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒,𝜇} for each of the numerologies [38.211, sec 4.4.2] Value: 0->275 0 = this numerology not used
uint16_tnum_tx_ant;//Number of Tx antennas
nfapi_uint16_tlv_tnum_tx_ant;//Number of Tx antennas
uint16_tuplink_bandwidth;//Carrier bandwidth for UL in MHz. [38.104, sec 5.3.2] Values: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40,50, 60, 70, 80,90,100,200,400
nfapi_uint16_tlv_tuplink_bandwidth;//Carrier bandwidth for UL in MHz. [38.104, sec 5.3.2] Values: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40,50, 60, 70, 80,90,100,200,400
uint32_tuplink_frequency;//Absolute frequency of UL point A in KHz [38.104, sec5.2 and 38.211 sec] Value: 450000 -> 52600000
nfapi_uint32_tlv_tuplink_frequency;//Absolute frequency of UL point A in KHz [38.104, sec5.2 and 38.211 sec] Value: 450000 -> 52600000
uint16_tul_k0[5];//𝑘0 𝜇 for each of the numerologies [38.211, sec 5.3.1] Value: : 0 ->23699
nfapi_uint16_tlv_tul_k0[5];//𝑘0 𝜇 for each of the numerologies [38.211, sec 5.3.1] Value: : 0 ->23699
uint16_tul_grid_size[5];//Grid size 𝑁𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒,𝜇 for each of the numerologies [38.211, sec 4.4.2]. Value: 0->275 0 = this numerology not used
nfapi_uint16_tlv_tul_grid_size[5];//Grid size 𝑁𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒,𝜇 for each of the numerologies [38.211, sec 4.4.2]. Value: 0->275 0 = this numerology not used
uint8_tfrequency_shift_7p5khz;//Indicates presence of 7.5KHz frequency shift. Value: 0 = false 1 = true
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tfrequency_shift_7p5khz;//Indicates presence of 7.5KHz frequency shift. Value: 0 = false 1 = true
uint8_tframe_duplex_type;//Frame duplex type Value: 0 = FDD 1 = TDD
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tframe_duplex_type;//Frame duplex type Value: 0 = FDD 1 = TDD
//table 3-23
//table 3-23
uint32_tss_pbch_power;//SSB Block Power Value: TBD (-60..50 dBm)
nfapi_uint32_tlv_tss_pbch_power;//SSB Block Power Value: TBD (-60..50 dBm)
uint8_tbch_payload;//Defines option selected for generation of BCH payload, see Table 3-13 (v0.0.011 Value: 0: MAC generates the full PBCH payload 1: PHY generates the timing PBCH bits 2: PHY generates the full PBCH payload
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tbch_payload;//Defines option selected for generation of BCH payload, see Table 3-13 (v0.0.011 Value: 0: MAC generates the full PBCH payload 1: PHY generates the timing PBCH bits 2: PHY generates the full PBCH payload
uint8_tscs_common;//subcarrierSpacing for common, used for initial access and broadcast message. [38.211 sec 4.2] Value:0->3
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tscs_common;//subcarrierSpacing for common, used for initial access and broadcast message. [38.211 sec 4.2] Value:0->3
uint8_tnum_root_sequences;//Number of root sequences for a particular FD occasion that are required to generate the necessary number of preambles
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tnum_root_sequences;//Number of root sequences for a particular FD occasion that are required to generate the necessary number of preambles
uint16_tk1;//Frequency offset (from UL bandwidth part) for each FD. [38.211, sec] Value: from 0 to 272
nfapi_uint16_tlv_tk1;//Frequency offset (from UL bandwidth part) for each FD. [38.211, sec] Value: from 0 to 272
uint8_tprach_zero_corr_conf;//PRACH Zero CorrelationZone Config which is used to dervive 𝑁𝑐𝑠 [38.211, sec] Value: from 0 to 15
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tprach_zero_corr_conf;//PRACH Zero CorrelationZone Config which is used to dervive 𝑁𝑐𝑠 [38.211, sec] Value: from 0 to 15
uint8_tnum_unused_root_sequences;//Number of unused sequences available for noise estimation per FD occasion. At least one unused root sequence is required per FD occasion.
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tnum_unused_root_sequences;//Number of unused sequences available for noise estimation per FD occasion. At least one unused root sequence is required per FD occasion.
uint8_t*unused_root_sequences_list;//Unused root sequence or sequences per FD occasion. Required for noise estimation.
nfapi_uint8_tlv_t*unused_root_sequences_list;//Unused root sequence or sequences per FD occasion. Required for noise estimation.
uint8_tprach_sequence_length;//RACH sequence length. Long or Short sequence length. Only short sequence length is supported for FR2. [38.211, sec] Value: 0 = Long sequence 1 = Short sequence
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tprach_sequence_length;//RACH sequence length. Only short sequence length is supported for FR2. [38.211, sec] Value: 0 = Long sequence 1 = Short sequence
uint8_tprach_sub_c_spacing;//Subcarrier spacing of PRACH. [38.211 sec 4.2] Value:0->4
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tprach_sub_c_spacing;//Subcarrier spacing of PRACH. [38.211 sec 4.2] Value:0->4
uint8_trestricted_set_config;//PRACH restricted set config Value: 0: unrestricted 1: restricted set type A 2: restricted set type B
nfapi_uint8_tlv_trestricted_set_config;//PRACH restricted set config Value: 0: unrestricted 1: restricted set type A 2: restricted set type B
uint8_tnum_prach_fd_occasions;//Number of RACH frequency domain occasions. Corresponds to the parameter 𝑀 in [38.211, sec] which equals the higher layer parameter msg1FDM Value: 1,2,4,8
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tnum_prach_fd_occasions;//Corresponds to the parameter 𝑀 in [38.211, sec] which equals the higher layer parameter msg1FDM Value: 1,2,4,8
uint32_tssb_mask;//Bitmap for actually transmitted SSB. MSB->LSB of first 32 bit number corresponds to SSB 0 to SSB 31 MSB->LSB of second 32 bit number corresponds to SSB 32 to SSB 63 Value for each bit: 0: not transmitted 1: transmitted
nfapi_uint32_tlv_tssb_mask;//Bitmap for actually transmitted SSB. MSB->LSB of first 32 bit number corresponds to SSB 0 to SSB 31 MSB->LSB of second 32 bit number corresponds to SSB 32 to SSB 63 Value for each bit: 0: not transmitted 1: transmitted
uint8_tbeam_id[64];//BeamID for each SSB in SsbMask. For example, if SSB mask bit 26 is set to 1, then BeamId[26] will be used to indicate beam ID of SSB 26. Value: from 0 to 63
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tbeam_id[64];//BeamID for each SSB in SsbMask. For example, if SSB mask bit 26 is set to 1, then BeamId[26] will be used to indicate beam ID of SSB 26. Value: from 0 to 63
uint16_tssb_offset_point_a;//Offset of lowest subcarrier of lowest resource block used for SS/PBCH block. Given in PRB [38.211, section] Value: 0->2199
nfapi_uint16_tlv_tssb_offset_point_a;//Offset of lowest subcarrier of lowest resource block used for SS/PBCH block. Given in PRB [38.211, section] Value: 0->2199
uint8_tbeta_pss;//PSS EPRE to SSS EPRE in a SS/PBCH block [38.213, sec 4.1] Values: 0 = 0dB
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tbeta_pss;//PSS EPRE to SSS EPRE in a SS/PBCH block [38.213, sec 4.1] Values: 0 = 0dB
uint8_tssb_subcarrier_offset;//ssbSubcarrierOffset or 𝑘𝑆𝑆𝐵 (38.211, section Value: 0->31
nfapi_uint8_tlv_tssb_subcarrier_offset;//ssbSubcarrierOffset or 𝑘𝑆𝑆𝐵 (38.211, section Value: 0->31
uint32_tMIB;//MIB payload, where the 24 MSB are used and represent the MIB in [38.331 MIB IE] and represent 0 1 2 3 1 , , , ,..., A− a a a a a [38.212, sec 7.1.1]
nfapi_uint32_tlv_tMIB;//MIB payload, where the 24 MSB are used and represent the MIB in [38.331 MIB IE] and represent 0 1 2 3 1 , , , ,..., A− a a a a a [38.212, sec 7.1.1]
LOG_D(PHY,"SSB first subcarrier %d (%d,%d)\n",fp->ssb_start_subcarrier,cfg->sch_config.n_ssb_crb.value,cfg->sch_config.ssb_subcarrier_offset.value);
LOG_D(PHY,"SSB first subcarrier %d (%d,%d)\n",fp->ssb_start_subcarrier,cfg->ssb_table.ssb_offset_point_a.value,cfg->ssb_table.ssb_subcarrier_offset.value);