/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ #ifndef MSC_H_ #define MSC_H_ #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdint.h> typedef enum { MIN_MSC_ENV = 0, MSC_E_UTRAN = MIN_MSC_ENV, MSC_E_UTRAN_LIPA, MSC_MME_GW, MSC_MME, MSC_SP_GW, MAX_MSC_ENV } msc_env_t; typedef enum { MIN_MSC_PROTOS = 0, MSC_IP_UE = MIN_MSC_PROTOS, MSC_NAS_UE, MSC_RRC_UE, MSC_PDCP_UE, MSC_RLC_UE, MSC_MAC_UE, MSC_PHY_UE, MSC_PHY_ENB, MSC_MAC_ENB, MSC_RLC_ENB, MSC_PDCP_ENB, MSC_RRC_ENB, MSC_IP_ENB, MSC_S1AP_ENB, MSC_GTPU_ENB, MSC_GTPU_SGW, MSC_S1AP_MME, MSC_MMEAPP_MME, MSC_NAS_MME, MSC_NAS_EMM_MME, MSC_NAS_ESM_MME, MSC_SP_GWAPP_MME, MSC_S11_MME, MSC_S6A_MME, MSC_HSS, MSC_F1AP_CU, MSC_F1AP_DU, MSC_X2AP_SRC_ENB, MSC_X2AP_TARGET_ENB, MAX_MSC_PROTOS, } msc_proto_t; // Access stratum #define MSC_AS_TIME_FMT "%05u:%02u" #define MSC_AS_TIME_ARGS(CTXT_Pp) \ (CTXT_Pp)->frame, \ (CTXT_Pp)->subframe typedef int(*msc_init_t)(const msc_env_t, const int ); typedef void(*msc_start_use_t)(void ); typedef void(*msc_end_t)(void); typedef void(*msc_log_event_t)(const msc_proto_t,char *, ...); typedef void(*msc_log_message_t)(const char *const, const msc_proto_t, const msc_proto_t, const uint8_t *const, const unsigned int, char *, ...); typedef struct msc_interface { int msc_loaded; msc_init_t msc_init; msc_start_use_t msc_start_use; msc_end_t msc_end; msc_log_event_t msc_log_event; msc_log_message_t msc_log_message; } msc_interface_t; #ifdef MSC_LIBRARY int msc_init(const msc_env_t envP, const int max_threadsP); void msc_start_use(void); void msc_flush_messages(void); void msc_end(void); void msc_log_declare_proto(const msc_proto_t protoP); void msc_log_event(const msc_proto_t protoP,char *format, ...); void msc_log_message( const char *const message_operationP, const msc_proto_t receiverP, const msc_proto_t senderP, const uint8_t *const bytesP, const unsigned int num_bytes, char *format, ...); #else #define MESSAGE_CHART_GENERATOR msc_interface.msc_loaded msc_interface_t msc_interface; #define MSC_INIT(arg1,arg2) if(msc_interface.msc_loaded) msc_interface.msc_init(arg1,arg2) #define MSC_START_USE if(msc_interface.msc_loaded) msc_interface.msc_start_use #define MSC_END if(msc_interface.msc_loaded) msc_interface.msc_end #define MSC_LOG_EVENT(mScPaRaMs, fORMAT, aRGS...) if(msc_interface.msc_loaded) msc_interface.msc_log_event(mScPaRaMs, fORMAT, ##aRGS) #define MSC_LOG_RX_MESSAGE(rECEIVER, sENDER, bYTES, nUMbYTES, fORMAT, aRGS...) if(msc_interface.msc_loaded) msc_interface.msc_log_message("<-",rECEIVER, sENDER, (const uint8_t *)bYTES, nUMbYTES, fORMAT, ##aRGS) #define MSC_LOG_RX_DISCARDED_MESSAGE(rECEIVER, sENDER, bYTES, nUMbYTES, fORMAT, aRGS...) if(msc_interface.msc_loaded) msc_interface.msc_log_message("x-",rECEIVER, sENDER, (const uint8_t *)bYTES, nUMbYTES, fORMAT, ##aRGS) #define MSC_LOG_TX_MESSAGE(sENDER, rECEIVER, bYTES, nUMbYTES, fORMAT, aRGS...) if(msc_interface.msc_loaded) msc_interface.msc_log_message("->",sENDER, rECEIVER, (const uint8_t *)bYTES, nUMbYTES, fORMAT, ##aRGS) #define MSC_LOG_TX_MESSAGE_FAILED(sENDER, rECEIVER, bYTES, nUMbYTES, fORMAT, aRGS...) if(msc_interface.msc_loaded) msc_interface.msc_log_message("-x",sENDER, rECEIVER, (const uint8_t *)bYTES, nUMbYTES, fORMAT, ##aRGS) #endif #endif