# /* # * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more # * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under # * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # * except in compliance with the License. # * You may obtain a copy of the License at # * # * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 # * # * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # * limitations under the License. # *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: # * contact@openairinterface.org # */ #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Python for CI of OAI-eNB + COTS-UE # # Required Python Version # Python 3.x # # Required Python Package # pexpect #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------- # Version #----------------------------------------------------------- Version = '0.1' #----------------------------------------------------------- # Constants #----------------------------------------------------------- ALL_PROCESSES_OK = 0 ENB_PROCESS_FAILED = -1 ENB_PROCESS_OK = +1 ENB_PROCESS_SEG_FAULT = -11 ENB_PROCESS_ASSERTION = -12 ENB_PROCESS_REALTIME_ISSUE = -13 ENB_PROCESS_NOLOGFILE_TO_ANALYZE = -14 ENB_PROCESS_SLAVE_RRU_NOT_SYNCED = -15 HSS_PROCESS_FAILED = -2 HSS_PROCESS_OK = +2 MME_PROCESS_FAILED = -3 MME_PROCESS_OK = +3 SPGW_PROCESS_FAILED = -4 SPGW_PROCESS_OK = +4 UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE = -5 OAI_UE_PROCESS_NOLOGFILE_TO_ANALYZE = -20 OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC = -21 OAI_UE_PROCESS_ASSERTION = -22 OAI_UE_PROCESS_FAILED = -23 OAI_UE_PROCESS_NO_TUNNEL_INTERFACE = -24 OAI_UE_PROCESS_OK = +6 UE_STATUS_DETACHED = 0 UE_STATUS_DETACHING = 1 UE_STATUS_ATTACHING = 2 UE_STATUS_ATTACHED = 3 X2_HO_REQ_STATE__IDLE = 0 X2_HO_REQ_STATE__TARGET_RECEIVES_REQ = 1 X2_HO_REQ_STATE__TARGET_RRC_RECFG_COMPLETE = 2 X2_HO_REQ_STATE__TARGET_SENDS_SWITCH_REQ = 3 X2_HO_REQ_STATE__SOURCE_RECEIVES_REQ_ACK = 10 #----------------------------------------------------------- # Import #----------------------------------------------------------- import sys # arg import re # reg import pexpect # pexpect import time # sleep import os import subprocess import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import logging import datetime import signal from multiprocessing import Process, Lock, SimpleQueue logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="[%(asctime)s] %(name)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s" ) #----------------------------------------------------------- # Class Declaration #----------------------------------------------------------- class SSHConnection(): def __init__(self): self.FailReportCnt = 0 self.prematureExit = False self.ranRepository = '' self.ranBranch = '' self.ranAllowMerge = False self.ranCommitID = '' self.ranTargetBranch = '' self.eNBIPAddress = '' self.eNBUserName = '' self.eNBPassword = '' self.eNBSourceCodePath = '' self.EPCIPAddress = '' self.EPCUserName = '' self.EPCPassword = '' self.eNB1IPAddress = '' self.eNB1UserName = '' self.eNB1Password = '' self.eNB1SourceCodePath = '' self.eNB2IPAddress = '' self.eNB2UserName = '' self.eNB2Password = '' self.eNB2SourceCodePath = '' self.EPCSourceCodePath = '' self.EPCType = '' self.EPC_PcapFileName = '' self.ADBIPAddress = '' self.ADBUserName = '' self.ADBPassword = '' self.ADBCentralized = True self.testCase_id = '' self.testXMLfiles = [] self.nbTestXMLfiles = 0 self.desc = '' self.Build_eNB_args = '' self.backgroundBuild = False self.backgroundBuildTestId = ['', '', ''] self.Initialize_eNB_args = '' self.eNB_instance = '' self.eNB_serverId = '' self.eNBLogFiles = ['', '', ''] self.eNBOptions = ['', '', ''] self.ping_args = '' self.ping_packetloss_threshold = '' self.iperf_args = '' self.iperf_packetloss_threshold = '' self.iperf_profile = '' self.nbMaxUEtoAttach = -1 self.UEDevices = [] self.UEDevicesStatus = [] self.UEDevicesRemoteServer = [] self.UEDevicesRemoteUser = [] self.UEDevicesOffCmd = [] self.UEDevicesOnCmd = [] self.UEDevicesRebootCmd = [] self.CatMDevices = [] self.UEIPAddresses = [] self.htmlFile = '' self.htmlHeaderCreated = False self.htmlFooterCreated = False self.htmlUEConnected = -1 self.htmleNBFailureMsg = '' self.htmlUEFailureMsg = '' self.picocom_closure = False self.idle_sleep_time = 0 self.x2_ho_options = 'network' self.x2NbENBs = 0 self.x2ENBBsIds = [] self.x2ENBConnectedUEs = [] self.htmlTabRefs = [] self.htmlTabNames = [] self.htmlTabIcons = [] self.repeatCounts = [] self.finalStatus = False self.OsVersion = '' self.KernelVersion = '' self.UhdVersion = '' self.UsrpBoard = '' self.CpuNb = '' self.CpuModel = '' self.CpuMHz = '' self.UEIPAddress = '' self.UEUserName = '' self.UEPassword = '' self.UE_instance = '' self.UESourceCodePath = '' self.UELogFile = '' self.Build_OAI_UE_args = '' self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = '' self.flexranCtrlInstalled = False self.flexranCtrlStarted = False self.expectedNbOfConnectedUEs = 0 self.startTime = 0 def open(self, ipaddress, username, password): count = 0 connect_status = False while count < 4: self.ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh', [username + '@' + ipaddress], timeout = 5) self.sshresponse = self.ssh.expect(['Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?', 'password:', 'Last login', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if self.sshresponse == 0: self.ssh.sendline('yes') self.ssh.expect('password:') self.ssh.sendline(password) self.sshresponse = self.ssh.expect(['\$', 'Permission denied', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if self.sshresponse == 0: count = 10 connect_status = True else: logging.debug('self.sshresponse = ' + str(self.sshresponse)) elif self.sshresponse == 1: self.ssh.sendline(password) self.sshresponse = self.ssh.expect(['\$', 'Permission denied', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if self.sshresponse == 0: count = 10 connect_status = True else: logging.debug('self.sshresponse = ' + str(self.sshresponse)) elif self.sshresponse == 2: # Checking if we are really on the remote client defined by its IP address self.command('stdbuf -o0 ifconfig | egrep --color=never "inet addr:|inet "', '\$', 5) result = re.search(str(ipaddress), str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: self.close() else: count = 10 connect_status = True else: # debug output logging.debug(str(self.ssh.before)) logging.debug('self.sshresponse = ' + str(self.sshresponse)) # adding a tempo when failure if not connect_status: time.sleep(1) count += 1 if connect_status: pass else: sys.exit('SSH Connection Failed') def command(self, commandline, expectedline, timeout): logging.debug(commandline) self.ssh.timeout = timeout self.ssh.sendline(commandline) self.sshresponse = self.ssh.expect([expectedline, pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if self.sshresponse == 0: return 0 elif self.sshresponse == 1: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Unexpected EOF \u001B[0m') logging.debug('Expected Line : ' + expectedline) sys.exit(self.sshresponse) elif self.sshresponse == 2: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Unexpected TIMEOUT \u001B[0m') logging.debug('Expected Line : ' + expectedline) result = re.search('ping |iperf |picocom', str(commandline)) if result is None: logging.debug(str(self.ssh.before)) sys.exit(self.sshresponse) else: return -1 else: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Unexpected Others \u001B[0m') logging.debug('Expected Line : ' + expectedline) sys.exit(self.sshresponse) def close(self): self.ssh.timeout = 5 self.ssh.sendline('exit') self.sshresponse = self.ssh.expect([pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if self.sshresponse == 0: pass elif self.sshresponse == 1: if not self.picocom_closure: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Unexpected TIMEOUT during closing\u001B[0m') else: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Unexpected Others during closing\u001B[0m') def copyin(self, ipaddress, username, password, source, destination): count = 0 copy_status = False logging.debug('scp '+ username + '@' + ipaddress + ':' + source + ' ' + destination) while count < 10: scp_spawn = pexpect.spawn('scp '+ username + '@' + ipaddress + ':' + source + ' ' + destination, timeout = 100) scp_response = scp_spawn.expect(['Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if scp_response == 0: scp_spawn.sendline('yes') scp_spawn.expect('password:') scp_spawn.sendline(password) scp_response = scp_spawn.expect(['\$', 'Permission denied', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if scp_response == 0: count = 10 copy_status = True else: logging.debug('1 - scp_response = ' + str(scp_response)) elif scp_response == 1: scp_spawn.sendline(password) scp_response = scp_spawn.expect(['\$', 'Permission denied', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if scp_response == 0 or scp_response == 3: count = 10 copy_status = True else: logging.debug('2 - scp_response = ' + str(scp_response)) elif scp_response == 2: count = 10 copy_status = True else: logging.debug('3 - scp_response = ' + str(scp_response)) # adding a tempo when failure if not copy_status: time.sleep(1) count += 1 if copy_status: return 0 else: return -1 def copyout(self, ipaddress, username, password, source, destination): count = 0 copy_status = False logging.debug('scp ' + source + ' ' + username + '@' + ipaddress + ':' + destination) while count < 4: scp_spawn = pexpect.spawn('scp ' + source + ' ' + username + '@' + ipaddress + ':' + destination, timeout = 100) scp_response = scp_spawn.expect(['Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if scp_response == 0: scp_spawn.sendline('yes') scp_spawn.expect('password:') scp_spawn.sendline(password) scp_response = scp_spawn.expect(['\$', 'Permission denied', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if scp_response == 0: count = 10 copy_status = True else: logging.debug('1 - scp_response = ' + str(scp_response)) elif scp_response == 1: scp_spawn.sendline(password) scp_response = scp_spawn.expect(['\$', 'Permission denied', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]) if scp_response == 0 or scp_response == 3: count = 10 copy_status = True else: logging.debug('2 - scp_response = ' + str(scp_response)) elif scp_response == 2: count = 10 copy_status = True else: logging.debug('3 - scp_response = ' + str(scp_response)) # adding a tempo when failure if not copy_status: time.sleep(1) count += 1 if copy_status: pass else: sys.exit('SCP failed') def BuildeNB(self): if self.ranRepository == '' or self.ranBranch == '' or self.ranCommitID == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') if self.eNB_serverId == '0': lIpAddr = self.eNBIPAddress lUserName = self.eNBUserName lPassWord = self.eNBPassword lSourcePath = self.eNBSourceCodePath elif self.eNB_serverId == '1': lIpAddr = self.eNB1IPAddress lUserName = self.eNB1UserName lPassWord = self.eNB1Password lSourcePath = self.eNB1SourceCodePath elif self.eNB_serverId == '2': lIpAddr = self.eNB2IPAddress lUserName = self.eNB2UserName lPassWord = self.eNB2Password lSourcePath = self.eNB2SourceCodePath if lIpAddr == '' or lUserName == '' or lPassWord == '' or lSourcePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord) self.command('mkdir -p ' + lSourcePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd ' + lSourcePath, '\$', 5) self.command('if [ ! -e .git ]; then stdbuf -o0 git clone ' + self.ranRepository + ' .; else stdbuf -o0 git fetch; fi', '\$', 600) # Raphael: here add a check if git clone or git fetch went smoothly self.command('git config user.email "jenkins@openairinterface.org"', '\$', 5) self.command('git config user.name "OAI Jenkins"', '\$', 5) # Checking the BUILD INFO file if not self.backgroundBuild: self.command('ls *.txt', '\$', 5) result = re.search('LAST_BUILD_INFO', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: mismatch = False self.command('grep SRC_COMMIT LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) result = re.search(self.ranCommitID, str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: mismatch = True self.command('grep MERGED_W_TGT_BRANCH LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if (self.ranAllowMerge): result = re.search('YES', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: mismatch = True self.command('grep TGT_BRANCH LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if self.ranTargetBranch == '': result = re.search('develop', str(self.ssh.before)) else: result = re.search(self.ranTargetBranch, str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: mismatch = True else: result = re.search('NO', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: mismatch = True if not mismatch: self.close() self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Build_eNB_args, 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) return self.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S git clean -x -d -ff', '\$', 30) # if the commit ID is provided use it to point to it if self.ranCommitID != '': self.command('git checkout -f ' + self.ranCommitID, '\$', 5) # if the branch is not develop, then it is a merge request and we need to do # the potential merge. Note that merge conflicts should already been checked earlier if (self.ranAllowMerge): if self.ranTargetBranch == '': if (self.ranBranch != 'develop') and (self.ranBranch != 'origin/develop'): self.command('git merge --ff origin/develop -m "Temporary merge for CI"', '\$', 5) else: logging.debug('Merging with the target branch: ' + self.ranTargetBranch) self.command('git merge --ff origin/' + self.ranTargetBranch + ' -m "Temporary merge for CI"', '\$', 5) self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5) self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('mkdir -p log', '\$', 5) self.command('chmod 777 log', '\$', 5) # no need to remove in log (git clean did the trick) if self.backgroundBuild: self.command('echo "./build_oai ' + self.Build_eNB_args + '" > ./my-lte-softmodem-build.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('chmod 775 ./my-lte-softmodem-build.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S -E daemon --inherit --unsafe --name=build_enb_daemon --chdir=' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets -o ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/compile_oai_enb.log ./my-lte-softmodem-build.sh', '\$', 5) self.close() self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Build_eNB_args, 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.backgroundBuildTestId[int(self.eNB_instance)] = self.testCase_id return self.command('stdbuf -o0 ./build_oai ' + self.Build_eNB_args + ' 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee compile_oai_enb.log', 'Bypassing the Tests|build have failed', 1500) self.checkBuildeNB(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath, self.testCase_id) def WaitBuildeNBisFinished(self): if self.eNB_serverId == '0': lIpAddr = self.eNBIPAddress lUserName = self.eNBUserName lPassWord = self.eNBPassword lSourcePath = self.eNBSourceCodePath elif self.eNB_serverId == '1': lIpAddr = self.eNB1IPAddress lUserName = self.eNB1UserName lPassWord = self.eNB1Password lSourcePath = self.eNB1SourceCodePath elif self.eNB_serverId == '2': lIpAddr = self.eNB2IPAddress lUserName = self.eNB2UserName lPassWord = self.eNB2Password lSourcePath = self.eNB2SourceCodePath if lIpAddr == '' or lUserName == '' or lPassWord == '' or lSourcePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord) count = 40 buildOAIprocess = True while (count > 0) and buildOAIprocess: self.command('ps aux | grep --color=never build_ | grep -v grep', '\$', 3) result = re.search('build_oai', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: buildOAIprocess = False else: count -= 1 time.sleep(30) self.checkBuildeNB(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath, self.backgroundBuildTestId[int(self.eNB_instance)]) def checkBuildeNB(self, lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath, testcaseId): self.command('cd ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 3) self.command('ls lte_build_oai/build', '\$', 3) self.command('ls lte_build_oai/build', '\$', 3) buildStatus = True result = re.search('lte-softmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: buildStatus = False else: # Generating a BUILD INFO file self.command('echo "SRC_BRANCH: ' + self.ranBranch + '" > ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) self.command('echo "SRC_COMMIT: ' + self.ranCommitID + '" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if (self.ranAllowMerge): self.command('echo "MERGED_W_TGT_BRANCH: YES" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if self.ranTargetBranch == '': self.command('echo "TGT_BRANCH: develop" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) else: self.command('echo "TGT_BRANCH: ' + self.ranTargetBranch + '" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) else: self.command('echo "MERGED_W_TGT_BRANCH: NO" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) self.command('mkdir -p build_log_' + testcaseId, '\$', 5) self.command('mv log/* ' + 'build_log_' + testcaseId, '\$', 5) self.command('mv compile_oai_enb.log ' + 'build_log_' + testcaseId, '\$', 5) if self.eNB_serverId != '0': self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('if [ -e tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip ]; then rm -f tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip; fi', '\$', 5) self.command('zip -r -qq tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip build_log_' + testcaseId, '\$', 5) self.close() if (os.path.isfile('./tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip')): os.remove('./tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip') self.copyin(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip', '.') if (os.path.isfile('./tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip')): self.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, './tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip', self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/.') os.remove('./tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip') self.open(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('unzip -qq -DD tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f tmp_build' + testcaseId + '.zip', '\$', 5) self.close() else: self.close() if buildStatus: self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Build_eNB_args, 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) else: logging.error('\u001B[1m Building OAI eNB Failed\u001B[0m') self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Build_eNB_args, 'KO', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.CreateHtmlTabFooter(False) sys.exit(1) def BuildOAIUE(self): if self.UEIPAddress == '' or self.ranRepository == '' or self.ranBranch == '' or self.UEUserName == '' or self.UEPassword == '' or self.UESourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) self.command('mkdir -p ' + self.UESourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('if [ ! -e .git ]; then stdbuf -o0 git clone ' + self.ranRepository + ' .; else stdbuf -o0 git fetch; fi', '\$', 600) # here add a check if git clone or git fetch went smoothly self.command('git config user.email "jenkins@openairinterface.org"', '\$', 5) self.command('git config user.name "OAI Jenkins"', '\$', 5) self.command('ls *.txt', '\$', 5) result = re.search('LAST_BUILD_INFO', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: mismatch = False self.command('grep SRC_COMMIT LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) result = re.search(self.ranCommitID, str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: mismatch = True self.command('grep MERGED_W_TGT_BRANCH LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if (self.ranAllowMerge): result = re.search('YES', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: mismatch = True self.command('grep TGT_BRANCH LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if self.ranTargetBranch == '': result = re.search('develop', str(self.ssh.before)) else: result = re.search(self.ranTargetBranch, str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: mismatch = True else: result = re.search('NO', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: mismatch = True if not mismatch: self.close() self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Build_eNB_args, 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) return self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S git clean -x -d -ff', '\$', 30) # if the commit ID is provided use it to point to it if self.ranCommitID != '': self.command('git checkout -f ' + self.ranCommitID, '\$', 5) # if the branch is not develop, then it is a merge request and we need to do # the potential merge. Note that merge conflicts should already been checked earlier if (self.ranAllowMerge): if self.ranTargetBranch == '': if (self.ranBranch != 'develop') and (self.ranBranch != 'origin/develop'): self.command('git merge --ff origin/develop -m "Temporary merge for CI"', '\$', 5) else: logging.debug('Merging with the target branch: ' + self.ranTargetBranch) self.command('git merge --ff origin/' + self.ranTargetBranch + ' -m "Temporary merge for CI"', '\$', 5) self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5) self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('mkdir -p log', '\$', 5) self.command('chmod 777 log', '\$', 5) # no need to remove in log (git clean did the trick) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ./build_oai ' + self.Build_OAI_UE_args + ' 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee compile_oai_ue.log', 'Bypassing the Tests|build have failed', 600) self.command('ls lte_build_oai/build', '\$', 3) self.command('ls lte_build_oai/build', '\$', 3) buildStatus = True result = re.search('lte-uesoftmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: buildStatus = False self.command('mkdir -p build_log_' + self.testCase_id, '\$', 5) self.command('mv log/* ' + 'build_log_' + self.testCase_id, '\$', 5) self.command('mv compile_oai_ue.log ' + 'build_log_' + self.testCase_id, '\$', 5) if buildStatus: # Generating a BUILD INFO file self.command('echo "SRC_BRANCH: ' + self.ranBranch + '" > ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) self.command('echo "SRC_COMMIT: ' + self.ranCommitID + '" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if (self.ranAllowMerge): self.command('echo "MERGED_W_TGT_BRANCH: YES" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if self.ranTargetBranch == '': self.command('echo "TGT_BRANCH: develop" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) else: self.command('echo "TGT_BRANCH: ' + self.ranTargetBranch + '" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) else: self.command('echo "MERGED_W_TGT_BRANCH: NO" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) self.close() self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Build_OAI_UE_args, 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK, 'OAI UE') else: self.close() logging.error('\u001B[1m Building OAI UE Failed\u001B[0m') self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Build_OAI_UE_args, 'KO', ALL_PROCESSES_OK, 'OAI UE') self.CreateHtmlTabFooter(False) sys.exit(1) def InitializeHSS(self): if self.EPCIPAddress == '' or self.EPCUserName == '' or self.EPCPassword == '' or self.EPCSourceCodePath == '' or self.EPCType == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): logging.debug('Using the OAI EPC Release 14 Cassandra-based HSS') self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) logging.debug('\u001B[1m Launching tshark on all interfaces \u001B[0m') EPC_PcapFileName = 'epc_' + self.testCase_id + '.pcap' self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f ' + EPC_PcapFileName, '\$', 5) self.command('echo $USER; nohup sudo tshark -f "tcp port not 22 and port not 53" -i any -w ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/' + EPC_PcapFileName + ' > /tmp/tshark.log 2>&1 &', self.EPCUserName, 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S mkdir -p logs', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f hss_' + self.testCase_id + '.log logs/hss*.*', '\$', 5) self.command('echo "oai_hss -j /usr/local/etc/oai/hss_rel14.json" > ./my-hss.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('chmod 755 ./my-hss.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('sudo daemon --unsafe --name=hss_daemon --chdir=' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts -o ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/hss_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ./my-hss.sh', '\$', 5) elif re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): logging.debug('Using the OAI EPC HSS') self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5) self.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S ./run_hss 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 awk \'{ print strftime("[%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S] ",systime()) $0 }\' | stdbuf -o0 tee -a hss_' + self.testCase_id + '.log &', 'Core state: 2 -> 3', 35) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): logging.debug('Using the ltebox simulated HSS') self.command('if [ -d ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts ]; then echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts ; fi', '\$', 5) self.command('mkdir -p ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('cd /opt/hss_sim0609', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f hss.log daemon.log', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S echo "Starting sudo session" && sudo daemon --unsafe --name=simulated_hss --chdir=/opt/hss_sim0609 ./starthss_real ', '\$', 5) else: logging.error('This option should not occur!') self.close() self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.EPCType, 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def InitializeMME(self): if self.EPCIPAddress == '' or self.EPCUserName == '' or self.EPCPassword == '' or self.EPCSourceCodePath == '' or self.EPCType == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): logging.debug('Using the OAI EPC Release 14 MME') self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f mme_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5) self.command('echo "./run_mme --config-file /usr/local/etc/oai/mme.conf --set-virt-if" > ./my-mme.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('chmod 755 ./my-mme.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('sudo daemon --unsafe --name=mme_daemon --chdir=' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts -o ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/mme_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ./my-mme.sh', '\$', 5) elif re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5) self.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('stdbuf -o0 hostname', '\$', 5) result = re.search('hostname\\\\r\\\\n(?P[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)\\\\r\\\\n', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Hostname Not Found! \u001B[0m') sys.exit(1) host_name = result.group('host_name') self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S ./run_mme 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee -a mme_' + self.testCase_id + '.log &', 'MME app initialization complete', 100) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('cd /opt/ltebox/tools', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S ./start_mme', '\$', 5) else: logging.error('This option should not occur!') self.close() self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.EPCType, 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def InitializeSPGW(self): if self.EPCIPAddress == '' or self.EPCUserName == '' or self.EPCPassword == '' or self.EPCSourceCodePath == '' or self.EPCType == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): logging.debug('Using the OAI EPC Release 14 SPGW-CUPS') self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f spgwc_' + self.testCase_id + '.log spgwu_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5) self.command('echo "spgwc -c /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw_c.conf" > ./my-spgwc.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('chmod 755 ./my-spgwc.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('sudo daemon --unsafe --name=spgwc_daemon --chdir=' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts -o ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/spgwc_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ./my-spgwc.sh', '\$', 5) time.sleep(5) self.command('echo "spgwu -c /usr/local/etc/oai/spgw_u.conf" > ./my-spgwu.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('chmod 755 ./my-spgwu.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('sudo daemon --unsafe --name=spgwu_daemon --chdir=' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts -o ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/spgwu_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ./my-spgwu.sh', '\$', 5) elif re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5) self.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S ./run_spgw 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee -a spgw_' + self.testCase_id + '.log &', 'Initializing SPGW-APP task interface: DONE', 30) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('cd /opt/ltebox/tools', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S ./start_xGw', '\$', 5) else: logging.error('This option should not occur!') self.close() self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.EPCType, 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def CheckFlexranCtrlInstallation(self): if self.EPCIPAddress == '' or self.EPCUserName == '' or self.EPCPassword == '': return self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('ls -ls /opt/flexran_rtc/*/rt_controller', '\$', 5) result = re.search('/opt/flexran_rtc/build/rt_controller', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.flexranCtrlInstalled = True logging.debug('Flexran Controller is installed') self.close() def InitializeFlexranCtrl(self): if self.flexranCtrlInstalled == False: return if self.EPCIPAddress == '' or self.EPCUserName == '' or self.EPCPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cd /opt/flexran_rtc', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f log/*.log', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S echo "build/rt_controller -c log_config/basic_log" > ./my-flexran-ctl.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S chmod 755 ./my-flexran-ctl.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S daemon --unsafe --name=flexran_rtc_daemon --chdir=/opt/flexran_rtc -o /opt/flexran_rtc/log/flexranctl_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ././my-flexran-ctl.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('ps -aux | grep --color=never rt_controller', '\$', 5) result = re.search('rt_controller -c ', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: logging.debug('\u001B[1m Initialize FlexRan Controller Completed\u001B[0m') self.flexranCtrlStarted = True self.close() self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def InitializeeNB(self): if self.eNB_serverId == '0': lIpAddr = self.eNBIPAddress lUserName = self.eNBUserName lPassWord = self.eNBPassword lSourcePath = self.eNBSourceCodePath elif self.eNB_serverId == '1': lIpAddr = self.eNB1IPAddress lUserName = self.eNB1UserName lPassWord = self.eNB1Password lSourcePath = self.eNB1SourceCodePath elif self.eNB_serverId == '2': lIpAddr = self.eNB2IPAddress lUserName = self.eNB2UserName lPassWord = self.eNB2Password lSourcePath = self.eNB2SourceCodePath if lIpAddr == '' or lUserName == '' or lPassWord == '' or lSourcePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') check_eNB = False check_OAI_UE = False pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE) if (pStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Initialize_eNB_args, 'KO', pStatus) self.CreateHtmlTabFooter(False) sys.exit(1) # If tracer options is on, running tshark on EPC side and capture traffic b/ EPC and eNB result = re.search('T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args)) if result is not None: self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('ip addr show | awk -f /tmp/active_net_interfaces.awk | egrep -v "lo|tun"', '\$', 5) result = re.search('interfaceToUse=(?P[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)done', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: eth_interface = result.group('eth_interface') logging.debug('\u001B[1m Launching tshark on interface ' + eth_interface + '\u001B[0m') self.EPC_PcapFileName = 'enb_' + self.testCase_id + '_s1log.pcap' self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f /tmp/' + self.EPC_PcapFileName, '\$', 5) self.command('echo $USER; nohup sudo tshark -f "host ' + lIpAddr +'" -i ' + eth_interface + ' -w /tmp/' + self.EPC_PcapFileName + ' > /tmp/tshark.log 2>&1 &', self.EPCUserName, 5) self.close() self.open(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord) self.command('cd ' + lSourcePath, '\$', 5) # Initialize_eNB_args usually start with -O and followed by the location in repository full_config_file = self.Initialize_eNB_args.replace('-O ','') extra_options = '' extIdx = full_config_file.find('.conf') if (extIdx > 0): extra_options = full_config_file[extIdx + 5:] # if tracer options is on, compiling and running T Tracer result = re.search('T_stdout', str(extra_options)) if result is not None: logging.debug('\u001B[1m Compiling and launching T Tracer\u001B[0m') self.command('cd common/utils/T/tracer', '\$', 5) self.command('make', '\$', 10) self.command('echo $USER; nohup ./record -d ../T_messages.txt -o ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '_record.raw -ON -off VCD -off HEAVY -off LEGACY_GROUP_TRACE -off LEGACY_GROUP_DEBUG > ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '_record.log 2>&1 &', lUserName, 5) self.command('cd ' + lSourcePath, '\$', 5) full_config_file = full_config_file[:extIdx + 5] config_path, config_file = os.path.split(full_config_file) else: sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') ci_full_config_file = config_path + '/ci-' + config_file rruCheck = False result = re.search('^rru|^rcc|^du.band', str(config_file)) if result is not None: rruCheck = True # do not reset board twice in IF4.5 case result = re.search('^rru|^enb|^du.band', str(config_file)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 10) result = re.search('type: b200', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: logging.debug('Found a B2xx device --> resetting it') self.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S b2xx_fx3_utils --reset-device', '\$', 10) # Reloading FGPA bin firmware self.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 15) # Make a copy and adapt to EPC / eNB IP addresses self.command('cp ' + full_config_file + ' ' + ci_full_config_file, '\$', 5) self.command('sed -i -e \'s/CI_MME_IP_ADDR/' + self.EPCIPAddress + '/\' ' + ci_full_config_file, '\$', 2); self.command('sed -i -e \'s/CI_ENB_IP_ADDR/' + lIpAddr + '/\' ' + ci_full_config_file, '\$', 2); self.command('sed -i -e \'s/CI_RCC_IP_ADDR/' + self.eNBIPAddress + '/\' ' + ci_full_config_file, '\$', 2); self.command('sed -i -e \'s/CI_RRU1_IP_ADDR/' + self.eNB1IPAddress + '/\' ' + ci_full_config_file, '\$', 2); self.command('sed -i -e \'s/CI_RRU2_IP_ADDR/' + self.eNB2IPAddress + '/\' ' + ci_full_config_file, '\$', 2); if self.flexranCtrlInstalled and self.flexranCtrlStarted: self.command('sed -i -e \'s/FLEXRAN_ENABLED.*;/FLEXRAN_ENABLED = "yes";/\' ' + ci_full_config_file, '\$', 2); else: self.command('sed -i -e \'s/FLEXRAN_ENABLED.*;/FLEXRAN_ENABLED = "no";/\' ' + ci_full_config_file, '\$', 2); # Launch eNB with the modified config file self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5) self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('echo "ulimit -c unlimited && ./lte_build_oai/build/lte-softmodem -O ' + lSourcePath + '/' + ci_full_config_file + extra_options + '" > ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('sed -i -e \'s/CI_RCC_IP_ADDR/' + self.eNBIPAddress + '/\' ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('chmod 775 ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S -E daemon --inherit --unsafe --name=enb' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '_daemon --chdir=' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets -o ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.eNBLogFiles[int(self.eNB_instance)] = 'enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log' if extra_options != '': self.eNBOptions[int(self.eNB_instance)] = extra_options time.sleep(6) doLoop = True loopCounter = 10 while (doLoop): loopCounter = loopCounter - 1 if (loopCounter == 0): # In case of T tracer recording, we may need to kill it result = re.search('T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args)) if result is not None: self.command('killall --signal SIGKILL record', '\$', 5) self.close() doLoop = False logging.error('\u001B[1;37;41m eNB logging system did not show got sync! \u001B[0m') self.CreateHtmlTestRow('-O ' + config_file + extra_options, 'KO', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) # In case of T tracer recording, we need to kill tshark on EPC side result = re.search('T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args)) if result is not None: self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) logging.debug('\u001B[1m Stopping tshark \u001B[0m') self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL tshark', '\$', 5) if self.EPC_PcapFileName != '': time.sleep(0.5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S chmod 666 /tmp/' + self.EPC_PcapFileName, '\$', 5) self.close() time.sleep(1) if self.EPC_PcapFileName != '': copyin_res = self.copyin(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, '/tmp/' + self.EPC_PcapFileName, '.') if (copyin_res == 0): self.copyout(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, self.EPC_PcapFileName, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/.') self.prematureExit = True return else: self.command('stdbuf -o0 cat enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log | egrep --text --color=never -i "wait|sync|Starting"', '\$', 4) if rruCheck: result = re.search('wait RUs', str(self.ssh.before)) else: result = re.search('got sync|Starting F1AP at CU', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: time.sleep(6) else: doLoop = False self.CreateHtmlTestRow('-O ' + config_file + extra_options, 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) logging.debug('\u001B[1m Initialize eNB Completed\u001B[0m') time.sleep(10) self.close() def InitializeUE_common(self, device_id, idx): try: self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) if not self.ADBCentralized: # Reboot UE #self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' ' + self.UEDevicesRebootCmd[idx], '\$', 60) # Wait #time.sleep(60) # Put in LTE-Mode only #self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "settings put global preferred_network_mode 11"\'', '\$', 60) #self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "settings put global preferred_network_mode1 11"\'', '\$', 60) #self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "settings put global preferred_network_mode2 11"\'', '\$', 60) #self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "settings put global preferred_network_mode3 11"\'', '\$', 60) # enable data service #self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "svc data enable"\'', '\$', 60) # we need to do radio on/off cycle to make sure of above changes # airplane mode off // radio on #self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' ' + self.UEDevicesOnCmd[idx], '\$', 60) #time.sleep(10) # airplane mode on // radio off #self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' ' + self.UEDevicesOffCmd[idx], '\$', 60) # normal procedure without reboot # enable data service self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "svc data enable"\'', '\$', 60) # airplane mode on // radio off self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' ' + self.UEDevicesOffCmd[idx], '\$', 60) self.close() return # enable data service self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "svc data enable"', '\$', 60) # The following commands are deprecated since we no longer work on Android 7+ # self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 1', '\$', 10) # self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE --ez state true', '\$', 60) # a dedicated script has to be installed inside the UE # airplane mode on means call /data/local/tmp/off if device_id == '84B7N16418004022': self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "su - root -c /data/local/tmp/off"', '\$', 60) else: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell /data/local/tmp/off', '\$', 60) #airplane mode off means call /data/local/tmp/on logging.debug('\u001B[1mUE (' + device_id + ') Initialize Completed\u001B[0m') self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def InitializeUE(self): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') multi_jobs = [] i = 0 for device_id in self.UEDevices: p = Process(target = self.InitializeUE_common, args = (device_id,i,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) i += 1 for job in multi_jobs: job.join() self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def InitializeOAIUE(self): if self.UEIPAddress == '' or self.UEUserName == '' or self.UEPassword == '' or self.UESourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') result = re.search('--no-L2-connect', str(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args)) if result is None: check_eNB = True check_OAI_UE = False pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE) if (pStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args, 'KO', pStatus) self.CreateHtmlTabFooter(False) sys.exit(1) self.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) # b2xx_fx3_utils reset procedure self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 10) result = re.search('type: b200', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: logging.debug('Found a B2xx device --> resetting it') self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S b2xx_fx3_utils --reset-device', '\$', 10) # Reloading FGPA bin firmware self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 15) else: logging.debug('Did not find any B2xx device') self.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5) self.command('cd cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build', '\$', 5) result = re.search('--no-L2-connect', str(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args)) # We may have to regenerate the .u* files if result is None: self.command('ls /tmp/*.sed', '\$', 5) result = re.search('adapt_usim_parameters', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('sed -f /tmp/adapt_usim_parameters.sed ../../../openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf > ../../../openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ci-ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf', '\$', 5) else: self.command('sed -e "s#93#92#" -e "s#8baf473f2f8fd09487cccbd7097c6862#fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f#" -e "s#e734f8734007d6c5ce7a0508809e7e9c#C42449363BBAD02B66D16BC975D77CC1#" ../../../openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf > ../../../openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ci-ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf .u*', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S ../../../targets/bin/conf2uedata -c ../../../openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ci-ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf -o .', '\$', 5) # Launch UE with the modified config file self.command('echo "ulimit -c unlimited && ./lte-uesoftmodem ' + self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args + '" > ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('chmod 775 ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.UELogFile = 'ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log' # We are now looping several times to hope we really sync w/ an eNB doOutterLoop = True outterLoopCounter = 5 gotSyncStatus = True fullSyncStatus = True while (doOutterLoop): self.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S -E daemon --inherit --unsafe --name=ue' + str(self.UE_instance) + '_daemon --chdir=' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build -o ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) time.sleep(6) self.command('cd ../..', '\$', 5) doLoop = True loopCounter = 10 gotSyncStatus = True # the 'got sync' message is for the UE threads synchronization while (doLoop): loopCounter = loopCounter - 1 if (loopCounter == 0): # Here should never occur logging.error('"got sync" message never showed!') gotSyncStatus = False doLoop = False continue self.command('stdbuf -o0 cat ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log | egrep --text --color=never -i "wait|sync"', '\$', 4) result = re.search('got sync', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: time.sleep(6) else: doLoop = False logging.debug('Found "got sync" message!') if gotSyncStatus == False: # we certainly need to stop the lte-uesoftmodem process if it is still running! self.command('ps -aux | grep --text --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 4) result = re.search('lte-uesoftmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal=SIGINT lte-uesoftmodem', '\$', 4) time.sleep(3) # We are now checking if sync w/ eNB DOES NOT OCCUR # Usually during the cell synchronization stage, the UE returns with No cell synchronization message doLoop = True loopCounter = 10 while (doLoop): loopCounter = loopCounter - 1 if (loopCounter == 0): # Here we do have a great chance that the UE did cell-sync w/ eNB doLoop = False doOutterLoop = False fullSyncStatus = True continue self.command('stdbuf -o0 cat ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log | egrep --text --color=never -i "wait|sync"', '\$', 4) result = re.search('No cell synchronization found', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: time.sleep(6) else: doLoop = False fullSyncStatus = False logging.debug('Found: "No cell synchronization" message! --> try again') time.sleep(6) self.command('ps -aux | grep --text --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 4) result = re.search('lte-uesoftmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal=SIGINT lte-uesoftmodem', '\$', 4) outterLoopCounter = outterLoopCounter - 1 if (outterLoopCounter == 0): doOutterLoop = False if fullSyncStatus and gotSyncStatus: result = re.search('--no-L2-connect', str(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args)) if result is None: self.command('ifconfig oaitun_ue1', '\$', 4) # ifconfig output is different between ubuntu 16 and ubuntu 18 result = re.search('inet addr:1|inet 1', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: logging.debug('\u001B[1m oaitun_ue1 interface is mounted and configured\u001B[0m') tunnelInterfaceStatus = True else: logging.debug(str(self.ssh.before)) logging.error('\u001B[1m oaitun_ue1 interface is either NOT mounted or NOT configured\u001B[0m') tunnelInterfaceStatus = False else: tunnelInterfaceStatus = True self.close() if fullSyncStatus and gotSyncStatus and tunnelInterfaceStatus: self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args, 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK, 'OAI UE') logging.debug('\u001B[1m Initialize OAI UE Completed\u001B[0m') if (self.ADBIPAddress != 'none'): self.UEDevices = [] self.UEDevices.append('OAI-UE') self.UEDevicesStatus = [] self.UEDevicesStatus.append(UE_STATUS_DETACHED) else: self.htmlUEFailureMsg = 'oaitun_ue1 interface is either NOT mounted or NOT configured' self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args, 'KO', OAI_UE_PROCESS_NO_TUNNEL_INTERFACE, 'OAI UE') logging.error('\033[91mInitialize OAI UE Failed! \033[0m') self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() def checkDevTTYisUnlocked(self): self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) count = 0 while count < 5: self.command('echo ' + self.ADBPassword + ' | sudo -S lsof | grep ttyUSB0', '\$', 10) result = re.search('picocom', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: count = 10 else: time.sleep(5) count = count + 1 self.close() def InitializeCatM(self): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.picocom_closure = True self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) # dummy call to start a sudo session. The picocom command does NOT handle well the `sudo -S` self.command('echo ' + self.ADBPassword + ' | sudo -S ls', '\$', 10) self.command('sudo picocom --baud 921600 --flow n --databits 8 /dev/ttyUSB0', 'Terminal ready', 10) time.sleep(1) # Calling twice AT to clear all buffers self.command('AT', 'OK|ERROR', 5) self.command('AT', 'OK', 5) # Disabling the Radio self.command('AT+CFUN=0', 'OK', 5) logging.debug('\u001B[1m Cellular Functionality disabled\u001B[0m') # Checking if auto-attach is enabled self.command('AT^AUTOATT?', 'OK', 5) result = re.search('AUTOATT: (?P[0-9\-]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: if result.group('state') is not None: autoAttachState = int(result.group('state')) if autoAttachState is not None: if autoAttachState == 0: self.command('AT^AUTOATT=1', 'OK', 5) logging.debug('\u001B[1m Auto-Attach enabled\u001B[0m') else: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Could not check Auto-Attach! \u001B[0m') # Force closure of picocom but device might still be locked self.close() self.picocom_closure = False self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.checkDevTTYisUnlocked() def TerminateCatM(self): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.picocom_closure = True self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) # dummy call to start a sudo session. The picocom command does NOT handle well the `sudo -S` self.command('echo ' + self.ADBPassword + ' | sudo -S ls', '\$', 10) self.command('sudo picocom --baud 921600 --flow n --databits 8 /dev/ttyUSB0', 'Terminal ready', 10) time.sleep(1) # Calling twice AT to clear all buffers self.command('AT', 'OK|ERROR', 5) self.command('AT', 'OK', 5) # Disabling the Radio self.command('AT+CFUN=0', 'OK', 5) logging.debug('\u001B[1m Cellular Functionality disabled\u001B[0m') self.close() self.picocom_closure = False self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.checkDevTTYisUnlocked() def AttachCatM(self): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.picocom_closure = True self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) # dummy call to start a sudo session. The picocom command does NOT handle well the `sudo -S` self.command('echo ' + self.ADBPassword + ' | sudo -S ls', '\$', 10) self.command('sudo picocom --baud 921600 --flow n --databits 8 /dev/ttyUSB0', 'Terminal ready', 10) time.sleep(1) # Calling twice AT to clear all buffers self.command('AT', 'OK|ERROR', 5) self.command('AT', 'OK', 5) # Enabling the Radio self.command('AT+CFUN=1', 'SIMSTORE,READY', 5) logging.debug('\u001B[1m Cellular Functionality enabled\u001B[0m') time.sleep(4) # We should check if we register count = 0 attach_cnt = 0 attach_status = False while count < 5: self.command('AT+CEREG?', 'OK', 5) result = re.search('CEREG: 2,(?P[0-9\-]+),', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: mDataConnectionState = int(result.group('state')) if mDataConnectionState is not None: if mDataConnectionState == 1: count = 10 attach_status = True result = re.search('CEREG: 2,1,"(?P[0-9A-Z]+)","(?P[0-9A-Z]+)"', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: networky = result.group('networky') networkz = result.group('networkz') logging.debug('\u001B[1m CAT-M module attached to eNB (' + str(networky) + '/' + str(networkz) + ')\u001B[0m') else: logging.debug('\u001B[1m CAT-M module attached to eNB\u001B[0m') else: logging.debug('+CEREG: 2,' + str(mDataConnectionState)) attach_cnt = attach_cnt + 1 else: logging.debug(str(self.ssh.before)) attach_cnt = attach_cnt + 1 count = count + 1 time.sleep(1) if attach_status: self.command('AT+CESQ', 'OK', 5) result = re.search('CESQ: 99,99,255,255,(?P[0-9]+),(?P[0-9]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: nRSRQ = int(result.group('rsrq')) nRSRP = int(result.group('rsrp')) if (nRSRQ is not None) and (nRSRP is not None): logging.debug(' RSRQ = ' + str(-20+(nRSRQ/2)) + ' dB') logging.debug(' RSRP = ' + str(-140+nRSRP) + ' dBm') self.close() self.picocom_closure = False html_queue = SimpleQueue() self.checkDevTTYisUnlocked() if attach_status: html_cell = '
CAT-M module Attachment Completed in ' + str(attach_cnt+4) + ' seconds'
			if (nRSRQ is not None) and (nRSRP is not None):
				html_cell += '\n   RSRQ = ' + str(-20+(nRSRQ/2)) + ' dB'
				html_cell += '\n   RSRP = ' + str(-140+nRSRP) + ' dBm
' else: html_cell += '' html_queue.put(html_cell) self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'OK', 1, html_queue) else: logging.error('\u001B[1m CAT-M module Attachment Failed\u001B[0m') html_cell = '
CAT-M module Attachment Failed
' html_queue.put(html_cell) self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'KO', 1, html_queue) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() def PingCatM(self): if self.EPCIPAddress == '' or self.EPCUserName == '' or self.EPCPassword == '' or self.EPCSourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') check_eNB = True check_OAI_UE = False pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE) if (pStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', pStatus) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() return try: statusQueue = SimpleQueue() lock = Lock() self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5) if re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): logging.debug('Using the OAI EPC HSS: not implemented yet') self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', pStatus) self.CreateHtmlTabFooter(False) sys.exit(1) else: self.command('egrep --color=never "Allocated ipv4 addr" /opt/ltebox/var/log/xGwLog.0', '\$', 5) result = re.search('Allocated ipv4 addr: (?P[0-9\.]+) from Pool', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: moduleIPAddr = result.group('ipaddr') else: self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', pStatus) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() return ping_time = re.findall("-c (\d+)",str(self.ping_args)) device_id = 'catm' ping_status = self.command('stdbuf -o0 ping ' + self.ping_args + ' ' + str(moduleIPAddr) + ' 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', int(ping_time[0])*1.5) # TIMEOUT CASE if ping_status < 0: message = 'Ping with UE (' + str(moduleIPAddr) + ') crashed due to TIMEOUT!' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.close() self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, moduleIPAddr, device_id, statusQueue, message) return result = re.search(', (?P[0-9\.]+)% packet loss, time [0-9\.]+ms', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: message = 'Packet Loss Not Found!' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.close() self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, moduleIPAddr, device_id, statusQueue, message) return packetloss = result.group('packetloss') if float(packetloss) == 100: message = 'Packet Loss is 100%' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.close() self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, moduleIPAddr, device_id, statusQueue, message) return result = re.search('rtt min\/avg\/max\/mdev = (?P[0-9\.]+)\/(?P[0-9\.]+)\/(?P[0-9\.]+)\/[0-9\.]+ ms', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: message = 'Ping RTT_Min RTT_Avg RTT_Max Not Found!' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.close() self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, moduleIPAddr, device_id, statusQueue, message) return rtt_min = result.group('rtt_min') rtt_avg = result.group('rtt_avg') rtt_max = result.group('rtt_max') pal_msg = 'Packet Loss : ' + packetloss + '%' min_msg = 'RTT(Min) : ' + rtt_min + ' ms' avg_msg = 'RTT(Avg) : ' + rtt_avg + ' ms' max_msg = 'RTT(Max) : ' + rtt_max + ' ms' lock.acquire() logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;44m ping result (' + moduleIPAddr + ') \u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + pal_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + min_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + avg_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + max_msg + '\u001B[0m') qMsg = pal_msg + '\n' + min_msg + '\n' + avg_msg + '\n' + max_msg packetLossOK = True if packetloss is not None: if float(packetloss) > float(self.ping_packetloss_threshold): qMsg += '\nPacket Loss too high' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Packet Loss too high \u001B[0m') packetLossOK = False elif float(packetloss) > 0: qMsg += '\nPacket Loss is not 0%' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m Packet Loss is not 0% \u001B[0m') lock.release() self.close() html_cell = '
CAT-M module\nIP Address  : ' + moduleIPAddr + '\n' + qMsg + '
' statusQueue.put(html_cell) if (packetLossOK): self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'OK', 1, statusQueue) else: self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'KO', 1, statusQueue) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def AttachUE_common(self, device_id, statusQueue, lock, idx): try: self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) if self.ADBCentralized: if device_id == '84B7N16418004022': self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "su - root -c /data/local/tmp/on"', '\$', 60) else: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell /data/local/tmp/on', '\$', 60) else: # airplane mode off // radio on self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' ' + self.UEDevicesOnCmd[idx], '\$', 60) time.sleep(2) max_count = 45 count = max_count while count > 0: if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "dumpsys telephony.registry" | grep -m 1 mDataConnectionState', '\$', 15) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "dumpsys telephony.registry"\' | grep -m 1 mDataConnectionState', '\$', 60) result = re.search('mDataConnectionState.*=(?P[0-9\-]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m mDataConnectionState Not Found! \u001B[0m') lock.acquire() statusQueue.put(-1) statusQueue.put(device_id) statusQueue.put('mDataConnectionState Not Found!') lock.release() break mDataConnectionState = int(result.group('state')) if mDataConnectionState == 2: logging.debug('\u001B[1mUE (' + device_id + ') Attach Completed\u001B[0m') lock.acquire() statusQueue.put(max_count - count) statusQueue.put(device_id) statusQueue.put('Attach Completed') lock.release() break count = count - 1 if count == 15 or count == 30: logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m Retry UE (' + device_id + ') Flight Mode Off \u001B[0m') if self.ADBCentralized: if device_id == '84B7N16418004022': self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "su - root -c /data/local/tmp/off"', '\$', 60) else: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell /data/local/tmp/off', '\$', 60) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' ' + self.UEDevicesOffCmd[idx], '\$', 60) time.sleep(0.5) if self.ADBCentralized: if device_id == '84B7N16418004022': self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "su - root -c /data/local/tmp/on"', '\$', 60) else: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell /data/local/tmp/on', '\$', 60) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' ' + self.UEDevicesOnCmd[idx], '\$', 60) time.sleep(0.5) logging.debug('\u001B[1mWait UE (' + device_id + ') a second until mDataConnectionState=2 (' + str(max_count-count) + ' times)\u001B[0m') time.sleep(1) if count == 0: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m UE (' + device_id + ') Attach Failed \u001B[0m') lock.acquire() statusQueue.put(-1) statusQueue.put(device_id) statusQueue.put('Attach Failed') lock.release() self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def AttachUE(self): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') check_eNB = True check_OAI_UE = False pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE) if (pStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', pStatus) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() return multi_jobs = [] status_queue = SimpleQueue() lock = Lock() nb_ue_to_connect = 0 for device_id in self.UEDevices: if (self.nbMaxUEtoAttach == -1) or (nb_ue_to_connect < self.nbMaxUEtoAttach): self.UEDevicesStatus[nb_ue_to_connect] = UE_STATUS_ATTACHING p = Process(target = self.AttachUE_common, args = (device_id, status_queue, lock,nb_ue_to_connect,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) nb_ue_to_connect = nb_ue_to_connect + 1 for job in multi_jobs: job.join() if (status_queue.empty()): self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() return else: attach_status = True html_queue = SimpleQueue() while (not status_queue.empty()): count = status_queue.get() if (count < 0): attach_status = False device_id = status_queue.get() message = status_queue.get() if (count < 0): html_cell = '
UE (' + device_id + ')\n' + message + '
' else: html_cell = '
UE (' + device_id + ')\n' + message + ' in ' + str(count + 2) + ' seconds
' html_queue.put(html_cell) if (attach_status): cnt = 0 while cnt < len(self.UEDevices): if self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] == UE_STATUS_ATTACHING: self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] = UE_STATUS_ATTACHED cnt += 1 self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) result = re.search('T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args)) if result is not None: logging.debug('Waiting 5 seconds to fill up record file') time.sleep(5) else: self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() def DetachUE_common(self, device_id, idx): try: self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) if self.ADBCentralized: if device_id == '84B7N16418004022': self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "su - root -c /data/local/tmp/off"', '\$', 60) else: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell /data/local/tmp/off', '\$', 60) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' ' + self.UEDevicesOffCmd[idx], '\$', 60) logging.debug('\u001B[1mUE (' + device_id + ') Detach Completed\u001B[0m') self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def DetachUE(self): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') check_eNB = True check_OAI_UE = False pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE) if (pStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', pStatus) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() return multi_jobs = [] cnt = 0 for device_id in self.UEDevices: self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] = UE_STATUS_DETACHING p = Process(target = self.DetachUE_common, args = (device_id,cnt,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) cnt += 1 for job in multi_jobs: job.join() self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) result = re.search('T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args)) if result is not None: logging.debug('Waiting 5 seconds to fill up record file') time.sleep(5) cnt = 0 while cnt < len(self.UEDevices): self.UEDevicesStatus[cnt] = UE_STATUS_DETACHED cnt += 1 def RebootUE_common(self, device_id): try: self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) previousmDataConnectionStates = [] # Save mDataConnectionState self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell dumpsys telephony.registry | grep mDataConnectionState', '\$', 15) self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell dumpsys telephony.registry | grep mDataConnectionState', '\$', 15) result = re.search('mDataConnectionState.*=(?P[0-9\-]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m mDataConnectionState Not Found! \u001B[0m') sys.exit(1) previousmDataConnectionStates.append(int(result.group('state'))) # Reboot UE self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell reboot', '\$', 10) time.sleep(60) previousmDataConnectionState = previousmDataConnectionStates.pop(0) count = 180 while count > 0: count = count - 1 self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell dumpsys telephony.registry | grep mDataConnectionState', '\$', 15) result = re.search('mDataConnectionState.*=(?P[0-9\-]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: mDataConnectionState = None else: mDataConnectionState = int(result.group('state')) logging.debug('mDataConnectionState = ' + result.group('state')) if mDataConnectionState is None or (previousmDataConnectionState == 2 and mDataConnectionState != 2): logging.debug('\u001B[1mWait UE (' + device_id + ') a second until reboot completion (' + str(180-count) + ' times)\u001B[0m') time.sleep(1) else: logging.debug('\u001B[1mUE (' + device_id + ') Reboot Completed\u001B[0m') break if count == 0: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m UE (' + device_id + ') Reboot Failed \u001B[0m') sys.exit(1) self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def RebootUE(self): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') check_eNB = True check_OAI_UE = False pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE) if (pStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', pStatus) self.CreateHtmlTabFooter(False) sys.exit(1) multi_jobs = [] for device_id in self.UEDevices: p = Process(target = self.RebootUE_common, args = (device_id,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) for job in multi_jobs: job.join() self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def DataDisableUE_common(self, device_id, idx): try: self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) # disable data service if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "svc data disable"', '\$', 60) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "svc data disable"\'', '\$', 60) logging.debug('\u001B[1mUE (' + device_id + ') Disabled Data Service\u001B[0m') self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def DataDisableUE(self): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') multi_jobs = [] i = 0 for device_id in self.UEDevices: p = Process(target = self.DataDisableUE_common, args = (device_id,i,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) i += 1 for job in multi_jobs: job.join() self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def DataEnableUE_common(self, device_id, idx): try: self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) # enable data service if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "svc data enable"', '\$', 60) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "svc data enable"\'', '\$', 60) logging.debug('\u001B[1mUE (' + device_id + ') Enabled Data Service\u001B[0m') self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def DataEnableUE(self): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') multi_jobs = [] i = 0 for device_id in self.UEDevices: p = Process(target = self.DataEnableUE_common, args = (device_id,i,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) i += 1 for job in multi_jobs: job.join() self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def GetAllUEDevices(self, terminate_ue_flag): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('adb devices', '\$', 15) self.UEDevices = re.findall("\\\\r\\\\n([A-Za-z0-9]+)\\\\tdevice",str(self.ssh.before)) self.close() else: if (os.path.isfile('./phones_list.txt')): os.remove('./phones_list.txt') self.command('ls /etc/*/phones*.txt', '\$', 5) result = re.search('/etc/ci/phones_list.txt', str(self.ssh.before)) self.close() if (result is not None) and (len(self.UEDevices) == 0): self.copyin(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword, '/etc/ci/phones_list.txt', '.') if (os.path.isfile('./phones_list.txt')): phone_list_file = open('./phones_list.txt', 'r') for line in phone_list_file.readlines(): line = line.strip() result = re.search('^#', line) if result is not None: continue comma_split = line.split(",") self.UEDevices.append(comma_split[0]) self.UEDevicesRemoteServer.append(comma_split[1]) self.UEDevicesRemoteUser.append(comma_split[2]) self.UEDevicesOffCmd.append(comma_split[3]) self.UEDevicesOnCmd.append(comma_split[4]) self.UEDevicesRebootCmd.append(comma_split[5]) phone_list_file.close() if terminate_ue_flag == False: if len(self.UEDevices) == 0: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m UE Not Found! \u001B[0m') sys.exit(1) if len(self.UEDevicesStatus) == 0: cnt = 0 while cnt < len(self.UEDevices): self.UEDevicesStatus.append(UE_STATUS_DETACHED) cnt += 1 def GetAllCatMDevices(self, terminate_ue_flag): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('lsusb | egrep "Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT2232C" | sed -e "s#:.*##" -e "s# #_#g"', '\$', 15) self.CatMDevices = re.findall("\\\\r\\\\n([A-Za-z0-9_]+)",str(self.ssh.before)) else: if (os.path.isfile('./modules_list.txt')): os.remove('./modules_list.txt') self.command('ls /etc/*/modules*.txt', '\$', 5) result = re.search('/etc/ci/modules_list.txt', str(self.ssh.before)) self.close() if result is not None: logging.debug('Found a module list file on ADB server') if terminate_ue_flag == False: if len(self.CatMDevices) == 0: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m CAT-M UE Not Found! \u001B[0m') sys.exit(1) self.close() def CheckUEStatus_common(self, lock, device_id, statusQueue, idx): try: self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "dumpsys telephony.registry"', '\$', 15) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "dumpsys telephony.registry"\'', '\$', 60) result = re.search('mServiceState=(?P[0-9]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) serviceState = 'Service State: UNKNOWN' if result is not None: lServiceState = int(result.group('serviceState')) if lServiceState == 3: serviceState = 'Service State: RADIO_POWERED_OFF' if lServiceState == 1: serviceState = 'Service State: OUT_OF_SERVICE' if lServiceState == 0: serviceState = 'Service State: IN_SERVICE' if lServiceState == 2: serviceState = 'Service State: EMERGENCY_ONLY' result = re.search('mDataConnectionState=(?P[0-9]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) dataConnectionState = 'Data State: UNKNOWN' if result is not None: lDataConnectionState = int(result.group('dataConnectionState')) if lDataConnectionState == 0: dataConnectionState = 'Data State: DISCONNECTED' if lDataConnectionState == 1: dataConnectionState = 'Data State: CONNECTING' if lDataConnectionState == 2: dataConnectionState = 'Data State: CONNECTED' if lDataConnectionState == 3: dataConnectionState = 'Data State: SUSPENDED' result = re.search('mDataConnectionReason=(?P[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) dataConnectionReason = 'Data Reason: UNKNOWN' if result is not None: dataConnectionReason = 'Data Reason: ' + result.group('dataConnectionReason') lock.acquire() logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;44m Status Check (' + str(device_id) + ') \u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + serviceState + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + dataConnectionState + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + dataConnectionReason + '\u001B[0m') statusQueue.put(0) statusQueue.put(device_id) qMsg = serviceState + '\n' + dataConnectionState + '\n' + dataConnectionReason statusQueue.put(qMsg) lock.release() self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def CheckStatusUE(self): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') check_eNB = True check_OAI_UE = False pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE) if (pStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', pStatus) self.CreateHtmlTabFooter(False) sys.exit(1) multi_jobs = [] lock = Lock() status_queue = SimpleQueue() i = 0 for device_id in self.UEDevices: p = Process(target = self.CheckUEStatus_common, args = (lock,device_id,status_queue,i,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) i += 1 for job in multi_jobs: job.join() if self.flexranCtrlInstalled and self.flexranCtrlStarted: self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cd /opt/flexran_rtc', '\$', 5) self.command('curl http://localhost:9999/stats | jq \'.\' > log/check_status_' + self.testCase_id + '.log 2>&1', '\$', 5) self.command('cat log/check_status_' + self.testCase_id + '.log | jq \'.eNB_config[0].UE\' | grep -c rnti | sed -e "s#^#Nb Connected UE = #"', '\$', 5) result = re.search('Nb Connected UE = (?P[0-9]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) passStatus = True if result is not None: nb_ues = int(result.group('nb_ues')) htmlOptions = 'Nb Connected UE(s) to eNB = ' + str(nb_ues) logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;44m ' + htmlOptions + ' \u001B[0m') if self.expectedNbOfConnectedUEs > -1: if nb_ues != self.expectedNbOfConnectedUEs: passStatus = False else: htmlOptions = 'N/A' self.close() else: passStatus = True htmlOptions = 'N/A' if (status_queue.empty()): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(htmlOptions, 'KO', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() else: check_status = True html_queue = SimpleQueue() while (not status_queue.empty()): count = status_queue.get() if (count < 0): check_status = False device_id = status_queue.get() message = status_queue.get() html_cell = '
UE (' + device_id + ')\n' + message + '
' html_queue.put(html_cell) if check_status and passStatus: self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(htmlOptions, 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) else: self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(htmlOptions, 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() def GetAllUEIPAddresses(self): if self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') ue_ip_status = 0 self.UEIPAddresses = [] if (len(self.UEDevices) == 1) and (self.UEDevices[0] == 'OAI-UE'): if self.UEIPAddress == '' or self.UEUserName == '' or self.UEPassword == '' or self.UESourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) self.command('ifconfig oaitun_ue1', '\$', 4) result = re.search('inet addr:(?P[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)|inet (?P[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: if result.group('ueipaddress') is not None: UE_IPAddress = result.group('ueipaddress') else: UE_IPAddress = result.group('ueipaddress2') logging.debug('\u001B[1mUE (' + self.UEDevices[0] + ') IP Address is ' + UE_IPAddress + '\u001B[0m') self.UEIPAddresses.append(UE_IPAddress) else: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m UE IP Address Not Found! \u001B[0m') ue_ip_status -= 1 self.close() return ue_ip_status self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) idx = 0 for device_id in self.UEDevices: if self.UEDevicesStatus[idx] != UE_STATUS_ATTACHED: idx += 1 continue count = 0 while count < 4: if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "ip addr show | grep rmnet"', '\$', 15) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "ip addr show | grep rmnet"\'', '\$', 60) result = re.search('inet (?P[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\/[0-9]+[0-9a-zA-Z\.\s]+', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m UE IP Address Not Found! \u001B[0m') time.sleep(1) count += 1 else: count = 10 if count < 9: ue_ip_status -= 1 continue UE_IPAddress = result.group('ueipaddress') logging.debug('\u001B[1mUE (' + device_id + ') IP Address is ' + UE_IPAddress + '\u001B[0m') for ueipaddress in self.UEIPAddresses: if ueipaddress == UE_IPAddress: logging.debug('\u001B[1mUE (' + device_id + ') IP Address ' + UE_IPAddress + ': has already been allocated to another device !' + '\u001B[0m') ue_ip_status -= 1 continue self.UEIPAddresses.append(UE_IPAddress) idx += 1 self.close() return ue_ip_status def ping_iperf_wrong_exit(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, message): lock.acquire() statusQueue.put(-1) statusQueue.put(device_id) statusQueue.put(UE_IPAddress) statusQueue.put(message) lock.release() def Ping_common(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue): try: # Launch ping on the EPC side (true for ltebox and old open-air-cn) # But for OAI-Rel14-CUPS, we launch from python executor launchFromEpc = True if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): launchFromEpc = False ping_time = re.findall("-c (\d+)",str(self.ping_args)) if launchFromEpc: self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5) ping_status = self.command('stdbuf -o0 ping ' + self.ping_args + ' ' + UE_IPAddress + ' 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', int(ping_time[0])*1.5) else: cmd = 'ping ' + self.ping_args + ' ' + UE_IPAddress + ' 2>&1 > ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log' message = cmd + '\n' logging.debug(cmd) ret = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True) ping_status = ret.returncode self.copyout(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts') self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cat ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) # TIMEOUT CASE if ping_status < 0: message = 'Ping with UE (' + str(UE_IPAddress) + ') crashed due to TIMEOUT!' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.close() self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, message) return result = re.search(', (?P[0-9\.]+)% packet loss, time [0-9\.]+ms', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: message = 'Packet Loss Not Found!' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.close() self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, message) return packetloss = result.group('packetloss') if float(packetloss) == 100: message = 'Packet Loss is 100%' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.close() self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, message) return result = re.search('rtt min\/avg\/max\/mdev = (?P[0-9\.]+)\/(?P[0-9\.]+)\/(?P[0-9\.]+)\/[0-9\.]+ ms', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: message = 'Ping RTT_Min RTT_Avg RTT_Max Not Found!' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.close() self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, message) return rtt_min = result.group('rtt_min') rtt_avg = result.group('rtt_avg') rtt_max = result.group('rtt_max') pal_msg = 'Packet Loss : ' + packetloss + '%' min_msg = 'RTT(Min) : ' + rtt_min + ' ms' avg_msg = 'RTT(Avg) : ' + rtt_avg + ' ms' max_msg = 'RTT(Max) : ' + rtt_max + ' ms' lock.acquire() logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;44m ping result (' + UE_IPAddress + ') \u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + pal_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + min_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + avg_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + max_msg + '\u001B[0m') qMsg = pal_msg + '\n' + min_msg + '\n' + avg_msg + '\n' + max_msg packetLossOK = True if packetloss is not None: if float(packetloss) > float(self.ping_packetloss_threshold): qMsg += '\nPacket Loss too high' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Packet Loss too high \u001B[0m') packetLossOK = False elif float(packetloss) > 0: qMsg += '\nPacket Loss is not 0%' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m Packet Loss is not 0% \u001B[0m') if (packetLossOK): statusQueue.put(0) else: statusQueue.put(-1) statusQueue.put(device_id) statusQueue.put(UE_IPAddress) statusQueue.put(qMsg) lock.release() self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def PingNoS1_wrong_exit(self, qMsg): html_queue = SimpleQueue() html_cell = '
OAI UE ping result\n' + qMsg + '
' html_queue.put(html_cell) self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) def PingNoS1(self): check_eNB = True check_OAI_UE = True pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE) if (pStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', pStatus) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() return ping_from_eNB = re.search('oaitun_enb1', str(self.ping_args)) if ping_from_eNB is not None: if self.eNBIPAddress == '' or self.eNBUserName == '' or self.eNBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') else: if self.UEIPAddress == '' or self.UEUserName == '' or self.UEPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') try: if ping_from_eNB is not None: self.open(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/', '\$', 5) else: self.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/', '\$', 5) self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) ping_time = re.findall("-c (\d+)",str(self.ping_args)) ping_status = self.command('stdbuf -o0 ping ' + self.ping_args + ' 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee ping_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', int(ping_time[0])*1.5) # TIMEOUT CASE if ping_status < 0: message = 'Ping with OAI UE crashed due to TIMEOUT!' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.PingNoS1_wrong_exit(message) return result = re.search(', (?P[0-9\.]+)% packet loss, time [0-9\.]+ms', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: message = 'Packet Loss Not Found!' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.PingNoS1_wrong_exit(message) return packetloss = result.group('packetloss') if float(packetloss) == 100: message = 'Packet Loss is 100%' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.PingNoS1_wrong_exit(message) return result = re.search('rtt min\/avg\/max\/mdev = (?P[0-9\.]+)\/(?P[0-9\.]+)\/(?P[0-9\.]+)\/[0-9\.]+ ms', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: message = 'Ping RTT_Min RTT_Avg RTT_Max Not Found!' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.PingNoS1_wrong_exit(message) return rtt_min = result.group('rtt_min') rtt_avg = result.group('rtt_avg') rtt_max = result.group('rtt_max') pal_msg = 'Packet Loss : ' + packetloss + '%' min_msg = 'RTT(Min) : ' + rtt_min + ' ms' avg_msg = 'RTT(Avg) : ' + rtt_avg + ' ms' max_msg = 'RTT(Max) : ' + rtt_max + ' ms' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;44m OAI UE ping result \u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + pal_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + min_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + avg_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m ' + max_msg + '\u001B[0m') qMsg = pal_msg + '\n' + min_msg + '\n' + avg_msg + '\n' + max_msg packetLossOK = True if packetloss is not None: if float(packetloss) > float(self.ping_packetloss_threshold): qMsg += '\nPacket Loss too high' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Packet Loss too high \u001B[0m') packetLossOK = False elif float(packetloss) > 0: qMsg += '\nPacket Loss is not 0%' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m Packet Loss is not 0% \u001B[0m') self.close() html_queue = SimpleQueue() ip_addr = 'TBD' html_cell = '
OAI UE ping result\n' + qMsg + '
' html_queue.put(html_cell) if packetLossOK: self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) else: self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) # copying on the EPC server for logCollection if ping_from_eNB is not None: copyin_res = self.copyin(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '.') else: copyin_res = self.copyin(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword, self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '.') if (copyin_res == 0): self.copyout(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts') except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def Ping(self): result = re.search('noS1', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args)) if result is not None: self.PingNoS1() return if self.EPCIPAddress == '' or self.EPCUserName == '' or self.EPCPassword == '' or self.EPCSourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') check_eNB = True if (len(self.UEDevices) == 1) and (self.UEDevices[0] == 'OAI-UE'): check_OAI_UE = True else: check_OAI_UE = False pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE) if (pStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', pStatus) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() return ueIpStatus = self.GetAllUEIPAddresses() if (ueIpStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() return multi_jobs = [] i = 0 lock = Lock() status_queue = SimpleQueue() for UE_IPAddress in self.UEIPAddresses: device_id = self.UEDevices[i] p = Process(target = self.Ping_common, args = (lock,UE_IPAddress,device_id,status_queue,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) i = i + 1 for job in multi_jobs: job.join() if (status_queue.empty()): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.ping_args, 'KO', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() else: ping_status = True html_queue = SimpleQueue() while (not status_queue.empty()): count = status_queue.get() if (count < 0): ping_status = False device_id = status_queue.get() ip_addr = status_queue.get() message = status_queue.get() html_cell = '
UE (' + device_id + ')\nIP Address  : ' + ip_addr + '\n' + message + '
' html_queue.put(html_cell) if (ping_status): self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) else: self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() def Iperf_ComputeTime(self): result = re.search('-t (?P\d+)', str(self.iperf_args)) if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Iperf time Not Found! \u001B[0m') sys.exit(1) return result.group('iperf_time') def Iperf_ComputeModifiedBW(self, idx, ue_num): result = re.search('-b (?P[0-9\.]+)[KMG]', str(self.iperf_args)) if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Iperf bandwidth Not Found! \u001B[0m') sys.exit(1) iperf_bandwidth = result.group('iperf_bandwidth') if self.iperf_profile == 'balanced': iperf_bandwidth_new = float(iperf_bandwidth)/ue_num if self.iperf_profile == 'single-ue': iperf_bandwidth_new = float(iperf_bandwidth) if self.iperf_profile == 'unbalanced': # residual is 2% of max bw residualBW = float(iperf_bandwidth) / 50 if idx == 0: iperf_bandwidth_new = float(iperf_bandwidth) - ((ue_num - 1) * residualBW) else: iperf_bandwidth_new = residualBW iperf_bandwidth_str = '-b ' + iperf_bandwidth iperf_bandwidth_str_new = '-b ' + ('%.2f' % iperf_bandwidth_new) result = re.sub(iperf_bandwidth_str, iperf_bandwidth_str_new, str(self.iperf_args)) if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Calculate Iperf bandwidth Failed! \u001B[0m') sys.exit(1) return result def Iperf_analyzeV2TCPOutput(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, iperf_real_options): self.command('awk -f /tmp/tcp_iperf_stats.awk /tmp/CI-eNB/scripts/iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) result = re.search('Avg Bitrate : (?P[0-9\.]+ Mbits\/sec) Max Bitrate : (?P[0-9\.]+ Mbits\/sec) Min Bitrate : (?P[0-9\.]+ Mbits\/sec)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: avgbitrate = result.group('average') maxbitrate = result.group('maximum') minbitrate = result.group('minimum') lock.acquire() logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;44m TCP iperf result (' + UE_IPAddress + ') \u001B[0m') msg = 'TCP Stats :\n' if avgbitrate is not None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m Avg Bitrate : ' + avgbitrate + '\u001B[0m') msg += 'Avg Bitrate : ' + avgbitrate + '\n' if maxbitrate is not None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m Max Bitrate : ' + maxbitrate + '\u001B[0m') msg += 'Max Bitrate : ' + maxbitrate + '\n' if minbitrate is not None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m Min Bitrate : ' + minbitrate + '\u001B[0m') msg += 'Min Bitrate : ' + minbitrate + '\n' statusQueue.put(0) statusQueue.put(device_id) statusQueue.put(UE_IPAddress) statusQueue.put(msg) lock.release() return 0 def Iperf_analyzeV2Output(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, iperf_real_options): result = re.search('-u', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is None: return self.Iperf_analyzeV2TCPOutput(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, iperf_real_options) result = re.search('Server Report:', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: result = re.search('read failed: Connection refused', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Could not connect to iperf server! \u001B[0m') else: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Server Report and Connection refused Not Found! \u001B[0m') return -1 # Computing the requested bandwidth in float result = re.search('-b (?P[0-9\.]+)[KMG]', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = result.group('iperf_bandwidth') req_bw = float(req_bandwidth) result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+K', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Kbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000 result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+M', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Mbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000000 result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+G', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Gbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000000000 result = re.search('Server Report:\\\\r\\\\n(?:|\[ *\d+\].*) (?P[0-9\.]+ [KMG]bits\/sec) +(?P[0-9\.]+ ms) +(\d+\/..\d+) +(\((?P[0-9\.]+)%\))', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: bitrate = result.group('bitrate') packetloss = result.group('packetloss') jitter = result.group('jitter') lock.acquire() logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;44m iperf result (' + UE_IPAddress + ') \u001B[0m') iperfStatus = True msg = 'Req Bitrate : ' + req_bandwidth + '\n' logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m Req Bitrate : ' + req_bandwidth + '\u001B[0m') if bitrate is not None: msg += 'Bitrate : ' + bitrate + '\n' logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m Bitrate : ' + bitrate + '\u001B[0m') result = re.search('(?P[0-9\.]+) [KMG]bits/sec', str(bitrate)) if result is not None: actual_bw = float(str(result.group('real_bw'))) result = re.search('[0-9\.]+ K', bitrate) if result is not None: actual_bw = actual_bw * 1000 result = re.search('[0-9\.]+ M', bitrate) if result is not None: actual_bw = actual_bw * 1000000 result = re.search('[0-9\.]+ G', bitrate) if result is not None: actual_bw = actual_bw * 1000000000 br_loss = 100 * actual_bw / req_bw bitperf = '%.2f ' % br_loss msg += 'Bitrate Perf: ' + bitperf + '%\n' logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m Bitrate Perf: ' + bitperf + '%\u001B[0m') if packetloss is not None: msg += 'Packet Loss : ' + packetloss + '%\n' logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m Packet Loss : ' + packetloss + '%\u001B[0m') if float(packetloss) > float(self.iperf_packetloss_threshold): msg += 'Packet Loss too high!\n' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Packet Loss too high \u001B[0m') iperfStatus = False if jitter is not None: msg += 'Jitter : ' + jitter + '\n' logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m Jitter : ' + jitter + '\u001B[0m') if (iperfStatus): statusQueue.put(0) else: statusQueue.put(-1) statusQueue.put(device_id) statusQueue.put(UE_IPAddress) statusQueue.put(msg) lock.release() return 0 else: return -2 def Iperf_analyzeV2Server(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, iperf_real_options): if (not os.path.isfile('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log')): self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, 'Could not analyze from server log') return # Computing the requested bandwidth in float result = re.search('-b (?P[0-9\.]+)[KMG]', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is None: logging.debug('Iperf bandwidth Not Found!') self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, 'Could not compute Iperf bandwidth!') return else: req_bandwidth = result.group('iperf_bandwidth') req_bw = float(req_bandwidth) result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+K', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Kbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000 result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+M', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Mbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000000 result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+G', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Gbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000000000 server_file = open('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', 'r') br_sum = 0.0 ji_sum = 0.0 pl_sum = 0 ps_sum = 0 row_idx = 0 for line in server_file.readlines(): result = re.search('(?P[0-9\.]+ [KMG]bits\/sec) +(?P[0-9\.]+ ms) +(?P[0-9]+)/ +(?P[0-9]+)', str(line)) if result is not None: bitrate = result.group('bitrate') jitter = result.group('jitter') packetlost = result.group('lostPack') packetsent = result.group('sentPack') br = bitrate.split(' ') ji = jitter.split(' ') row_idx = row_idx + 1 curr_br = float(br[0]) pl_sum = pl_sum + int(packetlost) ps_sum = ps_sum + int(packetsent) if (br[1] == 'Kbits/sec'): curr_br = curr_br * 1000 if (br[1] == 'Mbits/sec'): curr_br = curr_br * 1000 * 1000 br_sum = curr_br + br_sum ji_sum = float(ji[0]) + ji_sum if (row_idx > 0): br_sum = br_sum / row_idx ji_sum = ji_sum / row_idx br_loss = 100 * br_sum / req_bw if (br_sum > 1000): br_sum = br_sum / 1000 if (br_sum > 1000): br_sum = br_sum / 1000 bitrate = '%.2f Mbits/sec' % br_sum else: bitrate = '%.2f Kbits/sec' % br_sum else: bitrate = '%.2f bits/sec' % br_sum bitperf = '%.2f ' % br_loss bitperf += '%' jitter = '%.2f ms' % (ji_sum) if (ps_sum > 0): pl = float(100 * pl_sum / ps_sum) packetloss = '%2.1f ' % (pl) packetloss += '%' else: packetloss = 'unknown' lock.acquire() if (br_loss < 90): statusQueue.put(1) else: statusQueue.put(0) statusQueue.put(device_id) statusQueue.put(UE_IPAddress) req_msg = 'Req Bitrate : ' + req_bandwidth bir_msg = 'Bitrate : ' + bitrate brl_msg = 'Bitrate Perf: ' + bitperf jit_msg = 'Jitter : ' + jitter pal_msg = 'Packet Loss : ' + packetloss statusQueue.put(req_msg + '\n' + bir_msg + '\n' + brl_msg + '\n' + jit_msg + '\n' + pal_msg + '\n') logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;45m iperf result (' + UE_IPAddress + ') \u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;35m ' + req_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;35m ' + bir_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;35m ' + brl_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;35m ' + jit_msg + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;35m ' + pal_msg + '\u001B[0m') lock.release() else: self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, 'Could not analyze from server log') server_file.close() def Iperf_analyzeV3Output(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue): result = re.search('(?P[0-9\.]+ [KMG]bits\/sec) +(?:|[0-9\.]+ ms +\d+\/\d+ \((?P[0-9\.]+)%\)) +(?:|receiver)\\\\r\\\\n(?:|\[ *\d+\] Sent \d+ datagrams)\\\\r\\\\niperf Done\.', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: result = re.search('(?Piperf: error - [a-zA-Z0-9 :]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) lock.acquire() statusQueue.put(-1) statusQueue.put(device_id) statusQueue.put(UE_IPAddress) if result is not None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + result.group('error') + ' \u001B[0m') statusQueue.put(result.group('error')) else: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Bitrate and/or Packet Loss Not Found! \u001B[0m') statusQueue.put('Bitrate and/or Packet Loss Not Found!') lock.release() bitrate = result.group('bitrate') packetloss = result.group('packetloss') lock.acquire() logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;44m iperf result (' + UE_IPAddress + ') \u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m Bitrate : ' + bitrate + '\u001B[0m') msg = 'Bitrate : ' + bitrate + '\n' iperfStatus = True if packetloss is not None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;34m Packet Loss : ' + packetloss + '%\u001B[0m') msg += 'Packet Loss : ' + packetloss + '%\n' if float(packetloss) > float(self.iperf_packetloss_threshold): logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Packet Loss too high \u001B[0m') msg += 'Packet Loss too high!\n' iperfStatus = False if (iperfStatus): statusQueue.put(0) else: statusQueue.put(-1) statusQueue.put(device_id) statusQueue.put(UE_IPAddress) statusQueue.put(msg) lock.release() def Iperf_UL_common(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, idx, ue_num, statusQueue): udpIperf = True result = re.search('-u', str(self.iperf_args)) if result is None: udpIperf = False ipnumbers = UE_IPAddress.split('.') if (len(ipnumbers) == 4): ipnumbers[3] = '1' EPC_Iperf_UE_IPAddress = ipnumbers[0] + '.' + ipnumbers[1] + '.' + ipnumbers[2] + '.' + ipnumbers[3] # Launch iperf server on EPC side (true for ltebox and old open-air-cn0 # But for OAI-Rel14-CUPS, we launch from python executor and we are using its IP address as iperf client address launchFromEpc = True if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): launchFromEpc = False cmd = 'hostname -I' ret = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8') if ret.stdout is not None: EPC_Iperf_UE_IPAddress = ret.stdout.strip() port = 5001 + idx if launchFromEpc: self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) if udpIperf: self.command('echo $USER; nohup iperf -u -s -i 1 -p ' + str(port) + ' > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log &', self.EPCUserName, 5) else: self.command('echo $USER; nohup iperf -s -i 1 -p ' + str(port) + ' > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log &', self.EPCUserName, 5) self.close() else: if self.ueIperfVersion == self.dummyIperfVersion: prefix = '' else: prefix = '' if self.ueIperfVersion == '2.0.5': prefix = '/opt/iperf-2.0.5/bin/' if udpIperf: cmd = 'nohup ' + prefix + 'iperf -u -s -i 1 -p ' + str(port) + ' > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log 2>&1 &' else: cmd = 'nohup ' + prefix + 'iperf -s -i 1 -p ' + str(port) + ' > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log 2>&1 &' logging.debug(cmd) subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8') time.sleep(0.5) # Launch iperf client on UE if (device_id == 'OAI-UE'): self.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5) else: self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) iperf_time = self.Iperf_ComputeTime() time.sleep(0.5) if udpIperf: modified_options = self.Iperf_ComputeModifiedBW(idx, ue_num) else: modified_options = str(self.iperf_args) modified_options = modified_options.replace('-R','') time.sleep(0.5) self.command('rm -f iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) if (device_id == 'OAI-UE'): iperf_status = self.command('iperf -c ' + EPC_Iperf_UE_IPAddress + ' ' + modified_options + ' -p ' + str(port) + ' -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0) else: if self.ADBCentralized: iperf_status = self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "/data/local/tmp/iperf -c ' + EPC_Iperf_UE_IPAddress + ' ' + modified_options + ' -p ' + str(port) + '" 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0) else: iperf_status = self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "/data/local/tmp/iperf -c ' + EPC_Iperf_UE_IPAddress + ' ' + modified_options + ' -p ' + str(port) + '"\' 2>&1 > iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0) self.command('fromdos -o iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) self.command('cat iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) # TIMEOUT Case if iperf_status < 0: self.close() message = 'iperf on UE (' + str(UE_IPAddress) + ') crashed due to TIMEOUT !' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.close() self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, message) return clientStatus = self.Iperf_analyzeV2Output(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, modified_options) self.close() # Kill iperf server on EPC side if launchFromEpc: self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('killall --signal SIGKILL iperf', self.EPCUserName, 5) self.close() else: cmd = 'killall --signal SIGKILL iperf' logging.debug(cmd) subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True) time.sleep(1) self.copyout(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts') # in case of failure, retrieve server log if (clientStatus == -1) or (clientStatus == -2): if launchFromEpc: time.sleep(1) if (os.path.isfile('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log')): os.remove('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log') self.copyin(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.') self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, modified_options) # in case of OAI-UE if (device_id == 'OAI-UE'): self.copyin(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword, self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.') self.copyout(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, 'iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts') def Iperf_common(self, lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, idx, ue_num, statusQueue): try: # Single-UE profile -- iperf only on one UE if self.iperf_profile == 'single-ue' and idx != 0: return useIperf3 = False udpIperf = True self.ueIperfVersion = '2.0.5' if (device_id != 'OAI-UE'): self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) # if by chance ADB server and EPC are on the same remote host, at least log collection will take care of it self.command('if [ ! -d ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts ]; then mkdir -p ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts ; fi', '\$', 5) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) # Checking if iperf / iperf3 are installed if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "ls /data/local/tmp"', '\$', 5) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "ls /data/local/tmp"\'', '\$', 60) result = re.search('iperf3', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: result = re.search('iperf', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: message = 'Neither iperf nor iperf3 installed on UE!' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.close() self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, message) return else: if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "/data/local/tmp/iperf --version"', '\$', 5) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "/data/local/tmp/iperf --version"\'', '\$', 60) result = re.search('iperf version 2.0.5', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.ueIperfVersion = '2.0.5' result = re.search('iperf version 2.0.10', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.ueIperfVersion = '2.0.10' else: useIperf3 = True self.close() else: self.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) self.command('iperf --version', '\$', 5) result = re.search('iperf version 2.0.5', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.ueIperfVersion = '2.0.5' result = re.search('iperf version 2.0.10', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.ueIperfVersion = '2.0.10' self.close() # in case of iperf, UL has its own function if (not useIperf3): result = re.search('-R', str(self.iperf_args)) if result is not None: self.Iperf_UL_common(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, idx, ue_num, statusQueue) return # Launch the IPERF server on the UE side for DL if (device_id == 'OAI-UE'): self.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) result = re.search('-u', str(self.iperf_args)) if result is None: self.command('echo $USER; nohup iperf -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -s -i 1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log &', self.UEUserName, 5) udpIperf = False else: self.command('echo $USER; nohup iperf -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -u -s -i 1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log &', self.UEUserName, 5) else: self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) if self.ADBCentralized: if (useIperf3): self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell /data/local/tmp/iperf3 -s &', '\$', 5) else: self.command('rm -f iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) result = re.search('-u', str(self.iperf_args)) if result is None: self.command('echo $USER; nohup adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "/data/local/tmp/iperf -s -i 1" > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log &', self.ADBUserName, 5) udpIperf = False else: self.command('echo $USER; nohup adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "/data/local/tmp/iperf -u -s -i 1" > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log &', self.ADBUserName, 5) else: self.command('rm -f iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) self.command('echo $USER; nohup ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "/data/local/tmp/iperf -u -s -i 1" \' 2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log &', self.ADBUserName, 60) time.sleep(0.5) self.close() # Launch the IPERF client on the EPC side for DL (true for ltebox and old open-air-cn # But for OAI-Rel14-CUPS, we launch from python executor launchFromEpc = True if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): launchFromEpc = False if launchFromEpc: self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) iperf_time = self.Iperf_ComputeTime() time.sleep(0.5) if udpIperf: modified_options = self.Iperf_ComputeModifiedBW(idx, ue_num) else: modified_options = str(self.iperf_args) time.sleep(0.5) if launchFromEpc: self.command('rm -f iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) else: if (os.path.isfile('iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log')): os.remove('iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log') if (useIperf3): self.command('stdbuf -o0 iperf3 -c ' + UE_IPAddress + ' ' + modified_options + ' 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0) clientStatus = 0 self.Iperf_analyzeV3Output(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue) else: if launchFromEpc: iperf_status = self.command('stdbuf -o0 iperf -c ' + UE_IPAddress + ' ' + modified_options + ' 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0) else: if self.ueIperfVersion == self.dummyIperfVersion: prefix = '' else: prefix = '' if self.ueIperfVersion == '2.0.5': prefix = '/opt/iperf-2.0.5/bin/' cmd = prefix + 'iperf -c ' + UE_IPAddress + ' ' + modified_options + ' 2>&1 > iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log' message = cmd + '\n' logging.debug(cmd) ret = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True) iperf_status = ret.returncode self.copyout(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, 'iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts') self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cat ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) if iperf_status < 0: if launchFromEpc: self.close() message = 'iperf on UE (' + str(UE_IPAddress) + ') crashed due to TIMEOUT !' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') self.ping_iperf_wrong_exit(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, message) return clientStatus = self.Iperf_analyzeV2Output(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, modified_options) self.close() # Kill the IPERF server that runs in background if (device_id == 'OAI-UE'): self.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) self.command('killall iperf', '\$', 5) else: self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell ps | grep --color=never iperf | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "ps" | grep --color=never iperf | grep -v grep\'', '\$', 60) result = re.search('shell +(?P\d+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: pid_iperf = result.group('pid') if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell kill -KILL ' + pid_iperf, '\$', 5) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "kill -KILL ' + pid_iperf + '"\'', '\$', 60) self.close() # if the client report is absent, try to analyze the server log file if (clientStatus == -1): time.sleep(1) if (os.path.isfile('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log')): os.remove('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log') if (device_id == 'OAI-UE'): self.copyin(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword, self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.') else: self.copyin(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword, self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.') self.command('fromdos -o iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, UE_IPAddress, device_id, statusQueue, modified_options) # in case of OAI UE: if (device_id == 'OAI-UE'): if (os.path.isfile('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log')): if not launchFromEpc: self.copyout(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts') else: self.copyin(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword, self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '.') self.copyout(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts') except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def IperfNoS1(self): if self.eNBIPAddress == '' or self.eNBUserName == '' or self.eNBPassword == '' or self.UEIPAddress == '' or self.UEUserName == '' or self.UEPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') check_eNB = True check_OAI_UE = True pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE) if (pStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.iperf_args, 'KO', pStatus) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() return server_on_enb = re.search('-R', str(self.iperf_args)) if server_on_enb is not None: iServerIPAddr = self.eNBIPAddress iServerUser = self.eNBUserName iServerPasswd = self.eNBPassword iClientIPAddr = self.UEIPAddress iClientUser = self.UEUserName iClientPasswd = self.UEPassword else: iServerIPAddr = self.UEIPAddress iServerUser = self.UEUserName iServerPasswd = self.UEPassword iClientIPAddr = self.eNBIPAddress iClientUser = self.eNBUserName iClientPasswd = self.eNBPassword # Starting the iperf server self.open(iServerIPAddr, iServerUser, iServerPasswd) # args SHALL be "-c client -u any" # -c -u -b 1M -t 30 -i 1 -fm -B # -B -u -s -i 1 -fm server_options = re.sub('-u.*$', '-u -s -i 1 -fm', str(self.iperf_args)) server_options = server_options.replace('-c','-B') self.command('rm -f /tmp/tmp_iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5) self.command('echo $USER; nohup iperf ' + server_options + ' > /tmp/tmp_iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '.log 2>&1 &', iServerUser, 5) time.sleep(0.5) self.close() # Starting the iperf client modified_options = self.Iperf_ComputeModifiedBW(0, 1) modified_options = modified_options.replace('-R','') iperf_time = self.Iperf_ComputeTime() self.open(iClientIPAddr, iClientUser, iClientPasswd) self.command('rm -f /tmp/tmp_iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5) iperf_status = self.command('stdbuf -o0 iperf ' + modified_options + ' 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee /tmp/tmp_iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0) status_queue = SimpleQueue() lock = Lock() if iperf_status < 0: message = 'iperf on OAI UE crashed due to TIMEOUT !' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') clientStatus = -2 else: clientStatus = self.Iperf_analyzeV2Output(lock, '', 'OAI-UE', status_queue, modified_options) self.close() # Stopping the iperf server self.open(iServerIPAddr, iServerUser, iServerPasswd) self.command('killall --signal SIGKILL iperf', '\$', 5) time.sleep(0.5) self.close() if (clientStatus == -1): if (os.path.isfile('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '.log')): os.remove('iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '.log') self.copyin(iServerIPAddr, iServerUser, iServerPasswd, '/tmp/tmp_iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_OAI-UE.log') self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(lock, '', 'OAI-UE', status_queue, modified_options) # copying on the EPC server for logCollection copyin_res = self.copyin(iServerIPAddr, iServerUser, iServerPasswd, '/tmp/tmp_iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_OAI-UE.log') if (copyin_res == 0): self.copyout(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_OAI-UE.log', self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts') copyin_res = self.copyin(iClientIPAddr, iClientUser, iClientPasswd, '/tmp/tmp_iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', 'iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_OAI-UE.log') if (copyin_res == 0): self.copyout(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, 'iperf_' + self.testCase_id + '_OAI-UE.log', self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts') iperf_noperf = False if status_queue.empty(): iperf_status = False else: iperf_status = True html_queue = SimpleQueue() while (not status_queue.empty()): count = status_queue.get() if (count < 0): iperf_status = False if (count > 0): iperf_noperf = True device_id = status_queue.get() ip_addr = status_queue.get() message = status_queue.get() html_cell = '
UE (' + device_id + ')\nIP Address  : ' + ip_addr + '\n' + message + '
' html_queue.put(html_cell) if (iperf_noperf and iperf_status): self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'PERF NOT MET', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) elif (iperf_status): self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) else: self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() def Iperf(self): result = re.search('noS1', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args)) if result is not None: self.IperfNoS1() return if self.EPCIPAddress == '' or self.EPCUserName == '' or self.EPCPassword == '' or self.EPCSourceCodePath == '' or self.ADBIPAddress == '' or self.ADBUserName == '' or self.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') check_eNB = True if (len(self.UEDevices) == 1) and (self.UEDevices[0] == 'OAI-UE'): check_OAI_UE = True else: check_OAI_UE = False pStatus = self.CheckProcessExist(check_eNB, check_OAI_UE) if (pStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.iperf_args, 'KO', pStatus) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() return ueIpStatus = self.GetAllUEIPAddresses() if (ueIpStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.iperf_args, 'KO', UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() return self.dummyIperfVersion = '2.0.10' #cmd = 'iperf --version' #logging.debug(cmd + '\n') #iperfStdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) #result = re.search('iperf version 2.0.5', str(iperfStdout.strip())) #if result is not None: # dummyIperfVersion = '2.0.5' #result = re.search('iperf version 2.0.10', str(iperfStdout.strip())) #if result is not None: # dummyIperfVersion = '2.0.10' multi_jobs = [] i = 0 ue_num = len(self.UEIPAddresses) lock = Lock() status_queue = SimpleQueue() for UE_IPAddress in self.UEIPAddresses: device_id = self.UEDevices[i] p = Process(target = SSH.Iperf_common, args = (lock,UE_IPAddress,device_id,i,ue_num,status_queue,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) i = i + 1 for job in multi_jobs: job.join() if (status_queue.empty()): self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.iperf_args, 'KO', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() else: iperf_status = True iperf_noperf = False html_queue = SimpleQueue() while (not status_queue.empty()): count = status_queue.get() if (count < 0): iperf_status = False if (count > 0): iperf_noperf = True device_id = status_queue.get() ip_addr = status_queue.get() message = status_queue.get() html_cell = '
UE (' + device_id + ')\nIP Address  : ' + ip_addr + '\n' + message + '
' html_queue.put(html_cell) if (iperf_noperf and iperf_status): self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'PERF NOT MET', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) elif (iperf_status): self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) else: self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'KO', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() def CheckProcessExist(self, check_eNB, check_OAI_UE): multi_jobs = [] status_queue = SimpleQueue() # in noS1 config, no need to check status from EPC result = re.search('noS1', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args)) if result is None: p = Process(target = SSH.CheckHSSProcess, args = (status_queue,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) p = Process(target = SSH.CheckMMEProcess, args = (status_queue,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) p = Process(target = SSH.CheckSPGWProcess, args = (status_queue,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) else: if (check_eNB == False) and (check_OAI_UE == False): return 0 if check_eNB: p = Process(target = SSH.CheckeNBProcess, args = (status_queue,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) if check_OAI_UE: p = Process(target = SSH.CheckOAIUEProcess, args = (status_queue,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) for job in multi_jobs: job.join() if (status_queue.empty()): return -15 else: result = 0 while (not status_queue.empty()): status = status_queue.get() if (status < 0): result = status if result == ENB_PROCESS_FAILED: fileCheck = re.search('enb_', str(self.eNBLogFiles[0])) if fileCheck is not None: self.copyin(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/' + self.eNBLogFiles[0], '.') logStatus = self.AnalyzeLogFile_eNB(self.eNBLogFiles[0]) if logStatus < 0: result = logStatus self.eNBLogFiles[0] = '' if self.flexranCtrlInstalled and self.flexranCtrlStarted: self.TerminateFlexranCtrl() return result def CheckOAIUEProcessExist(self, initialize_OAI_UE_flag): multi_jobs = [] status_queue = SimpleQueue() if initialize_OAI_UE_flag == False: p = Process(target = SSH.CheckOAIUEProcess, args = (status_queue,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) for job in multi_jobs: job.join() if (status_queue.empty()): return -15 else: result = 0 while (not status_queue.empty()): status = status_queue.get() if (status < 0): result = status if result == OAI_UE_PROCESS_FAILED: fileCheck = re.search('ue_', str(self.UELogFile)) if fileCheck is not None: self.copyin(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword, self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/' + self.UELogFile, '.') logStatus = self.AnalyzeLogFile_UE(self.UELogFile) if logStatus < 0: result = logStatus return result def CheckOAIUEProcess(self, status_queue): try: self.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('lte-uesoftmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m OAI UE Process Not Found! \u001B[0m') status_queue.put(OAI_UE_PROCESS_FAILED) else: status_queue.put(OAI_UE_PROCESS_OK) self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def CheckeNBProcess(self, status_queue): try: self.open(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('lte-softmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m eNB Process Not Found! \u001B[0m') status_queue.put(ENB_PROCESS_FAILED) else: status_queue.put(ENB_PROCESS_OK) self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def CheckHSSProcess(self, status_queue): try: self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep --color=never hss | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): result = re.search('oai_hss -j', str(self.ssh.before)) elif re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): result = re.search('\/bin\/bash .\/run_', str(self.ssh.before)) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): result = re.search('hss_sim s6as diam_hss', str(self.ssh.before)) else: logging.error('This should not happen!') if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m HSS Process Not Found! \u001B[0m') status_queue.put(HSS_PROCESS_FAILED) else: status_queue.put(HSS_PROCESS_OK) self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def CheckMMEProcess(self, status_queue): try: self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep --color=never mme | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): result = re.search('mme -c', str(self.ssh.before)) elif re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): result = re.search('\/bin\/bash .\/run_', str(self.ssh.before)) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): result = re.search('mme', str(self.ssh.before)) else: logging.error('This should not happen!') if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m MME Process Not Found! \u001B[0m') status_queue.put(MME_PROCESS_FAILED) else: status_queue.put(MME_PROCESS_OK) self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def CheckSPGWProcess(self, status_queue): try: self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep --color=never spgw | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('spgwu -c ', str(self.ssh.before)) elif re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep --color=never spgw | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('\/bin\/bash .\/run_', str(self.ssh.before)) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep --color=never xGw | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('xGw', str(self.ssh.before)) else: logging.error('This should not happen!') if result is None: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m SPGW Process Not Found! \u001B[0m') status_queue.put(SPGW_PROCESS_FAILED) else: status_queue.put(SPGW_PROCESS_OK) self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def AnalyzeLogFile_eNB(self, eNBlogFile): if (not os.path.isfile('./' + eNBlogFile)): return -1 enb_log_file = open('./' + eNBlogFile, 'r') exitSignalReceived = False foundAssertion = False msgAssertion = '' msgLine = 0 foundSegFault = False foundRealTimeIssue = False rrcSetupComplete = 0 rrcReleaseRequest = 0 rrcReconfigRequest = 0 rrcReconfigComplete = 0 rrcReestablishRequest = 0 rrcReestablishComplete = 0 rrcReestablishReject = 0 rlcDiscardBuffer = 0 rachCanceledProcedure = 0 uciStatMsgCount = 0 pdcpFailure = 0 ulschFailure = 0 cdrxActivationMessageCount = 0 dropNotEnoughRBs = 0 self.htmleNBFailureMsg = '' isRRU = False isSlave = False slaveReceivesFrameResyncCmd = False X2HO_state = X2_HO_REQ_STATE__IDLE X2HO_inNbProcedures = 0 X2HO_outNbProcedures = 0 for line in enb_log_file.readlines(): if X2HO_state == X2_HO_REQ_STATE__IDLE: result = re.search('target eNB Receives X2 HO Req X2AP_HANDOVER_REQ', str(line)) if result is not None: X2HO_state = X2_HO_REQ_STATE__TARGET_RECEIVES_REQ result = re.search('source eNB receives the X2 HO ACK X2AP_HANDOVER_REQ_ACK', str(line)) if result is not None: X2HO_state = X2_HO_REQ_STATE__SOURCE_RECEIVES_REQ_ACK if X2HO_state == X2_HO_REQ_STATE__TARGET_RECEIVES_REQ: result = re.search('Received LTE_RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE', str(line)) if result is not None: X2HO_state = X2_HO_REQ_STATE__TARGET_RRC_RECFG_COMPLETE if X2HO_state == X2_HO_REQ_STATE__TARGET_RRC_RECFG_COMPLETE: result = re.search('issue rrc_eNB_send_PATH_SWITCH_REQ', str(line)) if result is not None: X2HO_state = X2_HO_REQ_STATE__TARGET_SENDS_SWITCH_REQ if X2HO_state == X2_HO_REQ_STATE__TARGET_SENDS_SWITCH_REQ: result = re.search('received path switch ack S1AP_PATH_SWITCH_REQ_ACK', str(line)) if result is not None: X2HO_state = X2_HO_REQ_STATE__IDLE X2HO_inNbProcedures += 1 if X2HO_state == X2_HO_REQ_STATE__SOURCE_RECEIVES_REQ_ACK: result = re.search('source eNB receives the X2 UE CONTEXT RELEASE X2AP_UE_CONTEXT_RELEASE', str(line)) if result is not None: X2HO_state = X2_HO_REQ_STATE__IDLE X2HO_outNbProcedures += 1 if self.eNBOptions[int(self.eNB_instance)] != '': res1 = re.search('max_rxgain (?P[0-9]+)', self.eNBOptions[int(self.eNB_instance)]) res2 = re.search('max_rxgain (?P[0-9]+)', str(line)) if res1 is not None and res2 is not None: requested_option = int(res1.group('requested_option')) applied_option = int(res2.group('applied_option')) if requested_option == applied_option: self.htmleNBFailureMsg += ' Command line option(s) correctly applied ' + self.eNBOptions[int(self.eNB_instance)] + '\n\n' else: self.htmleNBFailureMsg += ' Command line option(s) NOT applied ' + self.eNBOptions[int(self.eNB_instance)] + '\n\n' result = re.search('Exiting OAI softmodem', str(line)) if result is not None: exitSignalReceived = True result = re.search('[Ss]egmentation [Ff]ault', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundSegFault = True result = re.search('[Cc]ore [dD]ump', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundSegFault = True result = re.search('./lte_build_oai/build/lte-softmodem', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundSegFault = True result = re.search('[Aa]ssertion', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundAssertion = True result = re.search('LLL', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundRealTimeIssue = True if foundAssertion and (msgLine < 3): msgLine += 1 msgAssertion += str(line) result = re.search('Setting function for RU', str(line)) if result is not None: isRRU = True if isRRU: result = re.search('RU 0 is_slave=yes', str(line)) if result is not None: isSlave = True if isSlave: result = re.search('Received RRU_frame_resynch command', str(line)) if result is not None: slaveReceivesFrameResyncCmd = True result = re.search('LTE_RRCConnectionSetupComplete from UE', str(line)) if result is not None: rrcSetupComplete += 1 result = re.search('Generate LTE_RRCConnectionRelease|Generate RRCConnectionRelease', str(line)) if result is not None: rrcReleaseRequest += 1 result = re.search('Generate LTE_RRCConnectionReconfiguration', str(line)) if result is not None: rrcReconfigRequest += 1 result = re.search('LTE_RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE rnti', str(line)) if result is not None: rrcReconfigComplete += 1 result = re.search('LTE_RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest', str(line)) if result is not None: rrcReestablishRequest += 1 result = re.search('LTE_RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete', str(line)) if result is not None: rrcReestablishComplete += 1 result = re.search('LTE_RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject', str(line)) if result is not None: rrcReestablishReject += 1 result = re.search('CDRX configuration activated after RRC Connection', str(line)) if result is not None: cdrxActivationMessageCount += 1 result = re.search('uci->stat', str(line)) if result is not None: uciStatMsgCount += 1 result = re.search('PDCP.*Out of Resources.*reason', str(line)) if result is not None: pdcpFailure += 1 result = re.search('ULSCH in error in round', str(line)) if result is not None: ulschFailure += 1 result = re.search('BAD all_segments_received', str(line)) if result is not None: rlcDiscardBuffer += 1 result = re.search('Canceled RA procedure for UE rnti', str(line)) if result is not None: rachCanceledProcedure += 1 result = re.search('dropping, not enough RBs', str(line)) if result is not None: dropNotEnoughRBs += 1 enb_log_file.close() logging.debug(' File analysis completed') if uciStatMsgCount > 0: statMsg = 'eNB showed ' + str(uciStatMsgCount) + ' "uci->stat" message(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += statMsg + '\n' if pdcpFailure > 0: statMsg = 'eNB showed ' + str(pdcpFailure) + ' "PDCP Out of Resources" message(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += statMsg + '\n' if ulschFailure > 0: statMsg = 'eNB showed ' + str(ulschFailure) + ' "ULSCH in error in round" message(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += statMsg + '\n' if dropNotEnoughRBs > 0: statMsg = 'eNB showed ' + str(dropNotEnoughRBs) + ' "dropping, not enough RBs" message(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += statMsg + '\n' if rrcSetupComplete > 0: rrcMsg = 'eNB completed ' + str(rrcSetupComplete) + ' RRC Connection Setup(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rrcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rrcMsg + '\n' if rrcReleaseRequest > 0: rrcMsg = 'eNB requested ' + str(rrcReleaseRequest) + ' RRC Connection Release(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rrcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rrcMsg + '\n' if rrcReconfigRequest > 0 or rrcReconfigComplete > 0: rrcMsg = 'eNB requested ' + str(rrcReconfigRequest) + ' RRC Connection Reconfiguration(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rrcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rrcMsg + '\n' rrcMsg = ' -- ' + str(rrcReconfigComplete) + ' were completed' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rrcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rrcMsg + '\n' if rrcReestablishRequest > 0 or rrcReestablishComplete > 0 or rrcReestablishReject > 0: rrcMsg = 'eNB requested ' + str(rrcReestablishRequest) + ' RRC Connection Reestablishment(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rrcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rrcMsg + '\n' rrcMsg = ' -- ' + str(rrcReestablishComplete) + ' were completed' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rrcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rrcMsg + '\n' rrcMsg = ' -- ' + str(rrcReestablishReject) + ' were rejected' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rrcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rrcMsg + '\n' if X2HO_inNbProcedures > 0: rrcMsg = 'eNB completed ' + str(X2HO_inNbProcedures) + ' X2 Handover Connection procedure(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rrcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rrcMsg + '\n' if X2HO_outNbProcedures > 0: rrcMsg = 'eNB completed ' + str(X2HO_outNbProcedures) + ' X2 Handover Release procedure(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rrcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rrcMsg + '\n' if self.eNBOptions[int(self.eNB_instance)] != '': res1 = re.search('drx_Config_present prSetup', self.eNBOptions[int(self.eNB_instance)]) if res1 is not None: if cdrxActivationMessageCount > 0: rrcMsg = 'eNB activated the CDRX Configuration for ' + str(cdrxActivationMessageCount) + ' time(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rrcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rrcMsg + '\n' else: rrcMsg = 'eNB did NOT ACTIVATE the CDRX Configuration' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;43m ' + rrcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rrcMsg + '\n' if rachCanceledProcedure > 0: rachMsg = 'eNB cancelled ' + str(rachCanceledProcedure) + ' RA procedure(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rachMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rachMsg + '\n' if isRRU: if isSlave: if slaveReceivesFrameResyncCmd: rruMsg = 'Slave RRU received the RRU_frame_resynch command from RAU' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + rruMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rruMsg + '\n' else: rruMsg = 'Slave RRU DID NOT receive the RRU_frame_resynch command from RAU' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + rruMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rruMsg + '\n' self.prematureExit = True return ENB_PROCESS_SLAVE_RRU_NOT_SYNCED if foundSegFault: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m eNB ended with a Segmentation Fault! \u001B[0m') return ENB_PROCESS_SEG_FAULT if foundAssertion: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m eNB ended with an assertion! \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += msgAssertion return ENB_PROCESS_ASSERTION if foundRealTimeIssue: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m eNB faced real time issues! \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += 'eNB faced real time issues!\n' #return ENB_PROCESS_REALTIME_ISSUE if rlcDiscardBuffer > 0: rlcMsg = 'eNB RLC discarded ' + str(rlcDiscardBuffer) + ' buffer(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + rlcMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg += rlcMsg + '\n' return ENB_PROCESS_REALTIME_ISSUE return 0 def AnalyzeLogFile_UE(self, UElogFile): if (not os.path.isfile('./' + UElogFile)): return -1 ue_log_file = open('./' + UElogFile, 'r') exitSignalReceived = False foundAssertion = False msgAssertion = '' msgLine = 0 foundSegFault = False foundRealTimeIssue = False uciStatMsgCount = 0 pdcpDataReqFailedCount = 0 badDciCount = 0 rrcConnectionRecfgComplete = 0 no_cell_sync_found = False mib_found = False frequency_found = False plmn_found = False self.htmlUEFailureMsg = '' for line in ue_log_file.readlines(): result = re.search('Exiting OAI softmodem', str(line)) if result is not None: exitSignalReceived = True result = re.search('System error|[Ss]egmentation [Ff]ault|======= Backtrace: =========|======= Memory map: ========', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundSegFault = True result = re.search('[Cc]ore [dD]ump', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundSegFault = True result = re.search('./lte-uesoftmodem', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundSegFault = True result = re.search('[Aa]ssertion', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundAssertion = True result = re.search('LLL', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundRealTimeIssue = True if foundAssertion and (msgLine < 3): msgLine += 1 msgAssertion += str(line) result = re.search('uci->stat', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: uciStatMsgCount += 1 result = re.search('PDCP data request failed', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: pdcpDataReqFailedCount += 1 result = re.search('bad DCI 1A', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: badDciCount += 1 result = re.search('Generating RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete', str(line)) if result is not None: rrcConnectionRecfgComplete += 1 # No cell synchronization found, abandoning result = re.search('No cell synchronization found, abandoning', str(line)) if result is not None: no_cell_sync_found = True result = re.search("MIB Information => ([a-zA-Z]{1,10}), ([a-zA-Z]{1,10}), NidCell (?P\d{1,3}), N_RB_DL (?P\d{1,3}), PHICH DURATION (?P\d), PHICH RESOURCE (?P.{1,4}), TX_ANT (?P\d)", str(line)) if result is not None and (not mib_found): try: mibMsg = "MIB Information: " + result.group(1) + ', ' + result.group(2) self.htmlUEFailureMsg += mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug('\033[94m' + mibMsg + '\033[0m') mibMsg = " nidcell = " + result.group('nidcell') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += mibMsg logging.debug('\033[94m' + mibMsg + '\033[0m') mibMsg = " n_rb_dl = " + result.group('n_rb_dl') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug('\033[94m' + mibMsg + '\033[0m') mibMsg = " phich_duration = " + result.group('phich_duration') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += mibMsg logging.debug('\033[94m' + mibMsg + '\033[0m') mibMsg = " phich_resource = " + result.group('phich_resource') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug('\033[94m' + mibMsg + '\033[0m') mibMsg = " tx_ant = " + result.group('tx_ant') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug('\033[94m' + mibMsg + '\033[0m') mib_found = True except Exception as e: logging.error('\033[91m' + "MIB marker was not found" + '\033[0m') result = re.search("Measured Carrier Frequency (?P\d{1,15}) Hz", str(line)) if result is not None and (not frequency_found): try: mibMsg = "Measured Carrier Frequency = " + result.group('measured_carrier_frequency') + ' Hz' self.htmlUEFailureMsg += mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug('\033[94m' + mibMsg + '\033[0m') frequency_found = True except Exception as e: logging.error('\033[91m' + "Measured Carrier Frequency not found" + '\033[0m') result = re.search("PLMN MCC (?P\d{1,3}), MNC (?P\d{1,3}), TAC", str(line)) if result is not None and (not plmn_found): try: mibMsg = 'PLMN MCC = ' + result.group('mcc') + ' MNC = ' + result.group('mnc') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug('\033[94m' + mibMsg + '\033[0m') plmn_found = True except Exception as e: logging.error('\033[91m' + "PLMN not found" + '\033[0m') result = re.search("Found (?P[\w,\s]{1,15}) \(name from internal table\)", str(line)) if result is not None: try: mibMsg = "The operator is: " + result.group('operator') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug('\033[94m' + mibMsg + '\033[0m') except Exception as e: logging.error('\033[91m' + "Operator name not found" + '\033[0m') result = re.search("SIB5 InterFreqCarrierFreq element (.{1,4})/(.{1,4})", str(line)) if result is not None: try: mibMsg = "SIB5 InterFreqCarrierFreq element " + result.group(1) + '/' + result.group(2) self.htmlUEFailureMsg += mibMsg + ' -> ' logging.debug('\033[94m' + mibMsg + '\033[0m') except Exception as e: logging.error('\033[91m' + "SIB5 InterFreqCarrierFreq element not found" + '\033[0m') result = re.search("DL Carrier Frequency/ARFCN : (?P\d{1,15}/\d{1,4})", str(line)) if result is not None: try: freq = result.group('carrier_frequency') new_freq = re.sub('/[0-9]+','',freq) float_freq = float(new_freq) / 1000000 self.htmlUEFailureMsg += 'DL Freq: ' + ('%.1f' % float_freq) + ' MHz' logging.debug('\033[94m' + " DL Carrier Frequency is: " + freq + '\033[0m') except Exception as e: logging.error('\033[91m' + " DL Carrier Frequency not found" + '\033[0m') result = re.search("AllowedMeasBandwidth : (?P\d{1,7})", str(line)) if result is not None: try: prb = result.group('allowed_bandwidth') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += ' -- PRB: ' + prb + '\n' logging.debug('\033[94m' + " AllowedMeasBandwidth: " + prb + '\033[0m') except Exception as e: logging.error('\033[91m' + " AllowedMeasBandwidth not found" + '\033[0m') ue_log_file.close() if rrcConnectionRecfgComplete > 0: statMsg = 'UE connected to eNB (' + str(rrcConnectionRecfgComplete) + ' RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message(s) generated)' logging.debug('\033[94m' + statMsg + '\033[0m') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += statMsg + '\n' if uciStatMsgCount > 0: statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(uciStatMsgCount) + ' "uci->stat" message(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += statMsg + '\n' if pdcpDataReqFailedCount > 0: statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(pdcpDataReqFailedCount) + ' "PDCP data request failed" message(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += statMsg + '\n' if badDciCount > 0: statMsg = 'UE showed ' + str(badDciCount) + ' "bad DCI 1A" message(s)' logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m ' + statMsg + ' \u001B[0m') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += statMsg + '\n' if foundSegFault: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m UE ended with a Segmentation Fault! \u001B[0m') return ENB_PROCESS_SEG_FAULT if foundAssertion: logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m UE showed an assertion! \u001B[0m') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += 'UE showed an assertion!\n' if not mib_found or not frequency_found: return OAI_UE_PROCESS_ASSERTION if foundRealTimeIssue: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m UE faced real time issues! \u001B[0m') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += 'UE faced real time issues!\n' #return ENB_PROCESS_REALTIME_ISSUE if no_cell_sync_found and not mib_found: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m UE could not synchronize ! \u001B[0m') self.htmlUEFailureMsg += 'UE could not synchronize!\n' return OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC return 0 def TerminateeNB(self): if self.eNB_serverId == '0': lIpAddr = self.eNBIPAddress lUserName = self.eNBUserName lPassWord = self.eNBPassword lSourcePath = self.eNBSourceCodePath elif self.eNB_serverId == '1': lIpAddr = self.eNB1IPAddress lUserName = self.eNB1UserName lPassWord = self.eNB1Password lSourcePath = self.eNB1SourceCodePath elif self.eNB_serverId == '2': lIpAddr = self.eNB2IPAddress lUserName = self.eNB2UserName lPassWord = self.eNB2Password lSourcePath = self.eNB2SourceCodePath if lIpAddr == '' or lUserName == '' or lPassWord == '' or lSourcePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord) self.command('cd ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('lte-softmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S daemon --name=enb' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '_daemon --stop', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT lte-softmodem || true', '\$', 5) time.sleep(10) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('lte-softmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + lPassWord + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL lte-softmodem || true', '\$', 5) time.sleep(5) self.command('rm -f my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.close() # If tracer options is on, stopping tshark on EPC side result = re.search('T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_eNB_args)) if result is not None: self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) logging.debug('\u001B[1m Stopping tshark \u001B[0m') self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL tshark', '\$', 5) time.sleep(1) if self.EPC_PcapFileName != '': self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S chmod 666 /tmp/' + self.EPC_PcapFileName, '\$', 5) self.copyin(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, '/tmp/' + self.EPC_PcapFileName, '.') self.copyout(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, self.EPC_PcapFileName, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/.') self.close() logging.debug('\u001B[1m Replaying RAW record file\u001B[0m') self.open(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord) self.command('cd ' + lSourcePath + '/common/utils/T/tracer/', '\$', 5) enbLogFile = self.eNBLogFiles[int(self.eNB_instance)] raw_record_file = enbLogFile.replace('.log', '_record.raw') replay_log_file = enbLogFile.replace('.log', '_replay.log') extracted_txt_file = enbLogFile.replace('.log', '_extracted_messages.txt') extracted_log_file = enbLogFile.replace('.log', '_extracted_messages.log') self.command('./extract_config -i ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + raw_record_file + ' > ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + extracted_txt_file, '\$', 5) self.command('echo $USER; nohup ./replay -i ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + raw_record_file + ' > ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + replay_log_file + ' 2>&1 &', lUserName, 5) self.command('./textlog -d ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + extracted_txt_file + ' -no-gui -ON -full > ' + lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + extracted_log_file, '\$', 5) self.close() self.copyin(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + extracted_log_file, '.') logging.debug('\u001B[1m Analyzing eNB replay logfile \u001B[0m') logStatus = self.AnalyzeLogFile_eNB(extracted_log_file) self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.eNBLogFiles[int(self.eNB_instance)] = '' else: analyzeFile = False if self.eNBLogFiles[int(self.eNB_instance)] != '': analyzeFile = True fileToAnalyze = self.eNBLogFiles[int(self.eNB_instance)] self.eNBLogFiles[int(self.eNB_instance)] = '' if analyzeFile: copyin_res = self.copyin(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, lSourcePath + '/cmake_targets/' + fileToAnalyze, '.') if (copyin_res == -1): logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Could not copy eNB logfile to analyze it! \u001B[0m') self.htmleNBFailureMsg = 'Could not copy eNB logfile to analyze it!' self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', ENB_PROCESS_NOLOGFILE_TO_ANALYZE) return if self.eNB_serverId != '0': self.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, './' + fileToAnalyze, self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/') logging.debug('\u001B[1m Analyzing eNB logfile \u001B[0m ' + fileToAnalyze) logStatus = self.AnalyzeLogFile_eNB(fileToAnalyze) if (logStatus < 0): self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', logStatus) self.preamtureExit = True return else: self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) else: self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def TerminateHSS(self): self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT oai_hss || true', '\$', 5) time.sleep(2) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep hss | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('oai_hss -j', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL oai_hss || true', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/my-hss.sh', '\$', 5) elif re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT run_hss oai_hss || true', '\$', 5) time.sleep(2) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep hss | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('\/bin\/bash .\/run_', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL run_hss oai_hss || true', '\$', 5) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S daemon --name=simulated_hss --stop', '\$', 5) time.sleep(1) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL hss_sim', '\$', 5) else: logging.error('This should not happen!') self.close() self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def TerminateMME(self): self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) if re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT run_mme mme || true', '\$', 5) time.sleep(2) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep mme | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('mme -c', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL run_mme mme || true', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/my-mme.sh', '\$', 5) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('cd /opt/ltebox/tools', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S ./stop_mme', '\$', 5) else: logging.error('This should not happen!') self.close() self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def TerminateSPGW(self): self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT spgwc spgwu || true', '\$', 5) time.sleep(2) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep spgw | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('spgwc -c |spgwu -c ', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL spgwc spgwu || true', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/my-spgw*.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep tshark | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('-w ', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT tshark || true', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S chmod 666 ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts/*.pcap', '\$', 5) elif re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT run_spgw spgw || true', '\$', 5) time.sleep(2) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep spgw | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('\/bin\/bash .\/run_', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL run_spgw spgw || true', '\$', 5) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('cd /opt/ltebox/tools', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S ./stop_xGw', '\$', 5) else: logging.error('This should not happen!') self.close() self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def TerminateFlexranCtrl(self): if self.flexranCtrlInstalled == False or self.flexranCtrlStarted == False: return if self.EPCIPAddress == '' or self.EPCUserName == '' or self.EPCPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S daemon --name=flexran_rtc_daemon --stop', '\$', 5) time.sleep(1) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL rt_controller', '\$', 5) time.sleep(1) self.close() self.flexranCtrlStarted = False self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def TerminateUE_common(self, device_id, idx): try: self.open(self.ADBIPAddress, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword) # back in airplane mode on (ie radio off) if self.ADBCentralized: if device_id == '84B7N16418004022': self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "su - root -c /data/local/tmp/off"', '\$', 60) else: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell /data/local/tmp/off', '\$', 60) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' ' + self.UEDevicesOffCmd[idx], '\$', 60) logging.debug('\u001B[1mUE (' + device_id + ') Detach Completed\u001B[0m') if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "ps | grep --color=never iperf | grep -v grep"', '\$', 5) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "ps | grep --color=never iperf | grep -v grep"\'', '\$', 60) result = re.search('shell +(?P\d+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: pid_iperf = result.group('pid') if self.ADBCentralized: self.command('stdbuf -o0 adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "kill -KILL ' + pid_iperf + '"', '\$', 5) else: self.command('ssh ' + self.UEDevicesRemoteUser[idx] + '@' + self.UEDevicesRemoteServer[idx] + ' \'adb -s ' + device_id + ' shell "kill -KILL ' + pid_iperf + '"\'', '\$', 60) self.close() except: os.kill(os.getppid(),signal.SIGUSR1) def TerminateUE(self): terminate_ue_flag = True self.GetAllUEDevices(terminate_ue_flag) multi_jobs = [] i = 0 for device_id in self.UEDevices: p = Process(target= SSH.TerminateUE_common, args = (device_id,i,)) p.daemon = True p.start() multi_jobs.append(p) i += 1 for job in multi_jobs: job.join() self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def TerminateOAIUE(self): self.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('ps -aux | grep --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('lte-uesoftmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S daemon --name=ue' + str(self.UE_instance) + '_daemon --stop', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT lte-uesoftmodem || true', '\$', 5) time.sleep(10) self.command('ps -aux | grep --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('lte-uesoftmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL lte-uesoftmodem || true', '\$', 5) time.sleep(5) self.command('rm -f my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.close() result = re.search('ue_', str(self.UELogFile)) if result is not None: copyin_res = self.copyin(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword, self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/' + self.UELogFile, '.') if (copyin_res == -1): logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Could not copy UE logfile to analyze it! \u001B[0m') self.htmlUEFailureMsg = 'Could not copy UE logfile to analyze it!' self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', OAI_UE_PROCESS_NOLOGFILE_TO_ANALYZE, 'UE') self.UELogFile = '' return logging.debug('\u001B[1m Analyzing UE logfile \u001B[0m') logStatus = self.AnalyzeLogFile_UE(self.UELogFile) result = re.search('--no-L2-connect', str(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args)) if result is not None: ueAction = 'Sniffing' else: ueAction = 'Connection' if (logStatus < 0): logging.debug('\u001B[1m' + ueAction + ' Failed \u001B[0m') self.htmlUEFailureMsg = '' + ueAction + ' Failed\n' + self.htmlUEFailureMsg self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', logStatus, 'UE') # In case of sniffing on commercial eNBs we have random results # Not an error then if (logStatus != OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC) or (ueAction != 'Sniffing'): self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = '' self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB() else: logging.debug('\u001B[1m' + ueAction + ' Completed \u001B[0m') self.htmlUEFailureMsg = '' + ueAction + ' Completed\n' + self.htmlUEFailureMsg self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.UELogFile = '' else: self.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def AutoTerminateUEandeNB(self): if (self.ADBIPAddress != 'none'): self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-UE' self.desc = 'Automatic Termination of UE' self.ShowTestID() self.TerminateUE() if (self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args != ''): self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-UE' self.desc = 'Automatic Termination of UE' self.ShowTestID() self.TerminateOAIUE() if (self.Initialize_eNB_args != ''): self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-eNB' self.desc = 'Automatic Termination of eNB' self.ShowTestID() self.eNB_instance = '0' self.TerminateeNB() if self.flexranCtrlInstalled and self.flexranCtrlStarted: self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-flexran-ctl' self.desc = 'Automatic Termination of FlexRan CTL' self.ShowTestID() self.TerminateFlexranCtrl() self.prematureExit = True def IdleSleep(self): time.sleep(self.idle_sleep_time) self.CreateHtmlTestRow(str(self.idle_sleep_time) + ' sec', 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def X2_Status(self, idx, fileName): cmd = "curl --silent http://" + self.EPCIPAddress + ":9999/stats | jq '.' > " + fileName message = cmd + '\n' logging.debug(cmd) subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True) if idx == 0: cmd = "jq '.mac_stats | length' " + fileName strNbEnbs = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) self.x2NbENBs = int(strNbEnbs.strip()) cnt = 0 while cnt < self.x2NbENBs: cmd = "jq '.mac_stats[" + str(cnt) + "].bs_id' " + fileName bs_id = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) self.x2ENBBsIds[idx].append(bs_id.strip()) cmd = "jq '.mac_stats[" + str(cnt) + "].ue_mac_stats | length' " + fileName stNbUEs = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) nbUEs = int(stNbUEs.strip()) ueIdx = 0 self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[idx].append([]) while ueIdx < nbUEs: cmd = "jq '.mac_stats[" + str(cnt) + "].ue_mac_stats[" + str(ueIdx) + "].rnti' " + fileName rnti = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[idx][cnt].append(rnti.strip()) ueIdx += 1 cnt += 1 msg = "FlexRan Controller is connected to " + str(self.x2NbENBs) + " eNB(s)" logging.debug(msg) message += msg + '\n' cnt = 0 while cnt < self.x2NbENBs: msg = " -- eNB: " + str(self.x2ENBBsIds[idx][cnt]) + " is connected to " + str(len(self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[idx][cnt])) + " UE(s)" logging.debug(msg) message += msg + '\n' ueIdx = 0 while ueIdx < len(self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[idx][cnt]): msg = " -- UE rnti: " + str(self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[idx][cnt][ueIdx]) logging.debug(msg) message += msg + '\n' ueIdx += 1 cnt += 1 return message def Perform_X2_Handover(self): html_queue = SimpleQueue() fullMessage = '
		msg = 'Doing X2 Handover w/ option ' + self.x2_ho_options
		fullMessage += msg + '\n'
		if self.x2_ho_options == 'network':
			if self.flexranCtrlInstalled and self.flexranCtrlStarted:
				self.x2ENBBsIds = []
				self.x2ENBConnectedUEs = []
				fullMessage += self.X2_Status(0, self.testCase_id + '_pre_ho.json') 

				msg = "Activating the X2 Net control on each eNB"
				fullMessage += msg + '\n'
				eNB_cnt = self.x2NbENBs
				cnt = 0
				while cnt < eNB_cnt:
					cmd = "curl -XPOST http://" + self.EPCIPAddress + ":9999/rrc/x2_ho_net_control/enb/" + str(self.x2ENBBsIds[0][cnt]) + "/1"
					fullMessage += cmd + '\n'
					subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True)
					cnt += 1
				# Waiting for the activation to be active
				msg = "Switching UE(s) from eNB to eNB"
				fullMessage += msg + '\n'
				cnt = 0
				while cnt < eNB_cnt:
					ueIdx = 0
					while ueIdx < len(self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[0][cnt]):
						cmd = "curl -XPOST http://" + self.EPCIPAddress + ":9999/rrc/ho/senb/" + str(self.x2ENBBsIds[0][cnt]) + "/ue/" + str(self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[0][cnt][ueIdx]) + "/tenb/" + str(self.x2ENBBsIds[0][eNB_cnt - cnt - 1])
						fullMessage += cmd + '\n'
						subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True)
						ueIdx += 1
					cnt += 1
				# check
				logging.debug("Checking the Status after X2 Handover")
				fullMessage += self.X2_Status(1, self.testCase_id + '_post_ho.json') 
				cnt = 0
				x2Status = True
				while cnt < eNB_cnt:
					if len(self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[0][cnt]) == len(self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[1][cnt]):
						x2Status = False
					cnt += 1
				if x2Status:
					msg = "X2 Handover was successful"
					fullMessage += msg + '
' html_queue.put(fullMessage) self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) else: msg = "X2 Handover FAILED" logging.error(msg) fullMessage += msg + '' html_queue.put(fullMessage) self.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'OK', len(self.UEDevices), html_queue) else: self.CreateHtmlTestRow('Cannot perform requested X2 Handover', 'KO', ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def LogCollectBuild(self): if (self.eNBIPAddress != '' and self.eNBUserName != '' and self.eNBPassword != ''): IPAddress = self.eNBIPAddress UserName = self.eNBUserName Password = self.eNBPassword SourceCodePath = self.eNBSourceCodePath elif (self.UEIPAddress != '' and self.UEUserName != '' and self.UEPassword != ''): IPAddress = self.UEIPAddress UserName = self.UEUserName Password = self.UEPassword SourceCodePath = self.UESourceCodePath else: sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') self.open(IPAddress, UserName, Password) self.command('cd ' + SourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f build.log.zip', '\$', 5) self.command('zip build.log.zip build_log_*/*', '\$', 60) self.close() def LogCollecteNB(self): self.open(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f enb.log.zip', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S zip enb.log.zip enb*.log core* enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap enb_*txt', '\$', 60) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm enb*.log core* enb_*record.raw enb_*.pcap enb_*txt', '\$', 5) self.close() def LogCollectPing(self): self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f ping.log.zip', '\$', 5) self.command('zip ping.log.zip ping*.log', '\$', 60) self.command('rm ping*.log', '\$', 5) self.close() def LogCollectIperf(self): self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f iperf.log.zip', '\$', 5) self.command('zip iperf.log.zip iperf*.log', '\$', 60) self.command('rm iperf*.log', '\$', 5) self.close() def LogCollectHSS(self): self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f hss.log.zip', '\$', 5) if re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('zip hss.log.zip hss*.log', '\$', 60) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm hss*.log', '\$', 5) if re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('zip hss.log.zip logs/hss*.* *.pcap', '\$', 60) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f logs/hss*.* *.pcap', '\$', 5) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('cp /opt/hss_sim0609/hss.log .', '\$', 60) self.command('zip hss.log.zip hss.log', '\$', 60) else: logging.error('This option should not occur!') self.close() def LogCollectMME(self): self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f mme.log.zip', '\$', 5) if re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('zip mme.log.zip mme*.log', '\$', 60) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm mme*.log', '\$', 5) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('cp /opt/ltebox/var/log/*Log.0 .', '\$', 5) self.command('zip mme.log.zip mmeLog.0 s1apcLog.0 s1apsLog.0 s11cLog.0 libLog.0 s1apCodecLog.0', '\$', 60) else: logging.error('This option should not occur!') self.close() def LogCollectSPGW(self): self.open(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.EPCSourceCodePath + '/scripts', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f spgw.log.zip', '\$', 5) if re.match('OAI', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('zip spgw.log.zip spgw*.log', '\$', 60) self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S rm spgw*.log', '\$', 5) elif re.match('ltebox', self.EPCType, re.IGNORECASE): self.command('cp /opt/ltebox/var/log/xGwLog.0 .', '\$', 5) self.command('zip spgw.log.zip xGwLog.0', '\$', 60) else: logging.error('This option should not occur!') self.close() def LogCollectOAIUE(self): self.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) self.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath, '\$', 5) self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -f ue.log.zip', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S zip ue.log.zip ue*.log core* ue_*record.raw ue_*.pcap ue_*txt', '\$', 60) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S rm ue*.log core* ue_*record.raw ue_*.pcap ue_*txt', '\$', 5) self.close() def RetrieveSystemVersion(self, machine): if self.eNBIPAddress == 'none' or self.UEIPAddress == 'none': self.OsVersion = 'Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS' self.KernelVersion = '4.15.0-45-generic' self.UhdVersion = '' self.UsrpBoard = 'B210' self.CpuNb = '4' self.CpuModel = 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U' self.CpuMHz = '2399.996 MHz' return 0 if machine == 'eNB': if self.eNBIPAddress != '' and self.eNBUserName != '' and self.eNBPassword != '': IPAddress = self.eNBIPAddress UserName = self.eNBUserName Password = self.eNBPassword else: return -1 if machine == 'UE': if self.UEIPAddress != '' and self.UEUserName != '' and self.UEPassword != '': IPAddress = self.UEIPAddress UserName = self.UEUserName Password = self.UEPassword else: return -1 self.open(IPAddress, UserName, Password) self.command('lsb_release -a', '\$', 5) result = re.search('Description:\\\\t(?P[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\ ]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.OsVersion = result.group('os_type') logging.debug('OS is: ' + self.OsVersion) self.command('uname -r', '\$', 5) result = re.search('uname -r\\\\r\\\\n(?P[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.KernelVersion = result.group('kernel_version') logging.debug('Kernel Version is: ' + self.KernelVersion) self.command('dpkg --list | egrep --color=never libuhd003', '\$', 5) result = re.search('libuhd003:amd64 *(?P[0-9\.]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.UhdVersion = result.group('uhd_version') logging.debug('UHD Version is: ' + self.UhdVersion) self.command('echo ' + Password + ' | sudo -S uhd_find_devices', '\$', 15) result = re.search('product: (?P[0-9A-Za-z]+)\\\\r\\\\n', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.UsrpBoard = result.group('usrp_board') logging.debug('USRP Board is: ' + self.UsrpBoard) self.command('lscpu', '\$', 5) result = re.search('CPU\(s\): *(?P[0-9]+).*Model name: *(?P[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.\ \(\)]+).*CPU MHz: *(?P[0-9\.]+)', str(self.ssh.before)) if result is not None: self.CpuNb = result.group('nb_cpus') logging.debug('nb_cpus: ' + self.CpuNb) self.CpuModel = result.group('model') logging.debug('model: ' + self.CpuModel) self.CpuMHz = result.group('cpu_mhz') + ' MHz' logging.debug('cpu_mhz: ' + self.CpuMHz) self.close() #----------------------------------------------------------- # HTML Reporting.... #----------------------------------------------------------- def CreateHtmlHeader(self): if (not self.htmlHeaderCreated): logging.debug('\u001B[1m----------------------------------------\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1m Creating HTML header \u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1m----------------------------------------\u001B[0m') self.htmlFile = open('test_results.html', 'w') self.htmlFile.write('\n') self.htmlFile.write('\n') self.htmlFile.write('\n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' Test Results for TEMPLATE_JOB_NAME job build #TEMPLATE_BUILD_ID\n') self.htmlFile.write('\n') self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' Job Summary -- Job: TEMPLATE_JOB_NAME -- Build-ID: TEMPLATE_BUILD_ID\n') self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') if (self.ranAllowMerge): self.htmlFile.write(' \n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') if (self.ranAllowMerge): self.htmlFile.write(' \n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') if (self.ranAllowMerge): self.htmlFile.write(' \n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') if self.ranAllowMerge != '': commit_message = subprocess.check_output("git log -n1 --pretty=format:\"%s\" " + self.ranCommitID, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) commit_message = commit_message.strip() self.htmlFile.write(' \n') if (self.ranAllowMerge): self.htmlFile.write(' \n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') if (self.ranAllowMerge): self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') if (self.ranTargetBranch == ''): self.htmlFile.write(' \n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write('
GIT Repository ' + self.ranRepository + '
Job Trigger Merge-RequestPush to Branch
Source Branch Branch' + self.ranBranch + '
Source Commit ID Commit ID ' + self.ranCommitID + '
Source Commit Message Commit Message ' + commit_message + '
Target Branch develop' + self.ranTargetBranch + '
\n') if (self.ADBIPAddress != 'none'): terminate_ue_flag = True self.GetAllUEDevices(terminate_ue_flag) self.GetAllCatMDevices(terminate_ue_flag) self.htmlUEConnected = len(self.UEDevices) self.htmlFile.write('

' + str(len(self.UEDevices)) + ' UE(s) is(are) connected to ADB bench server

\n') self.htmlFile.write('

' + str(len(self.CatMDevices)) + ' CAT-M UE(s) is(are) connected to bench server

\n') else: self.UEDevices.append('OAI-UE') self.htmlUEConnected = len(self.UEDevices) self.htmlFile.write('

' + str(len(self.UEDevices)) + ' OAI UE(s) is(are) connected to CI bench

\n') self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.close() def CreateHtmlTabHeader(self): if (not self.htmlHeaderCreated): if (not os.path.isfile('test_results.html')): self.CreateHtmlHeader() self.htmlFile = open('test_results.html', 'a') if (self.nbTestXMLfiles == 1): self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.write('

Test Summary for ' + self.testXMLfiles[0] + '

\n') else: self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') if (self.htmlUEConnected == -1): terminate_ue_flag = True if (self.ADBIPAddress != 'none'): self.GetAllUEDevices(terminate_ue_flag) self.GetAllCatMDevices(terminate_ue_flag) else: self.UEDevices.append('OAI-UE') self.htmlUEConnected = len(self.UEDevices) i = 0 while (i < self.htmlUEConnected): self.htmlFile.write(' \n') i += 1 self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlHeaderCreated = True def CreateHtmlTabFooter(self, passStatus): if ((not self.htmlFooterCreated) and (self.htmlHeaderCreated)): self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') if passStatus: self.htmlFile.write(' \n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write('
Relative Time (ms)Test IdTest DescTest OptionsTest StatusUE' + str(i) + ' Status
Final Tab StatusPASS FAIL
\n') self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.close() time.sleep(1) if passStatus: cmd = "sed -i -e 's/__STATE_" + self.htmlTabNames[0] + "__//' test_results.html" subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True) else: cmd = "sed -i -e 's/__STATE_" + self.htmlTabNames[0] + "__/<\/span>/' test_results.html" subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True) self.htmlFooterCreated = False def CreateHtmlFooter(self, passStatus): if (os.path.isfile('test_results.html')): logging.debug('\u001B[1m----------------------------------------\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1m Creating HTML footer \u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1m----------------------------------------\u001B[0m') self.htmlFile = open('test_results.html', 'a') self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.write('

\n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') machines = [ 'eNB', 'UE' ] for machine in machines: res = self.RetrieveSystemVersion(machine) if res == -1: continue self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') if passStatus: self.htmlFile.write(' \n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write('
' + str(machine) + ' Server Characteristics
OS Version' + self.OsVersion + 'Kernel Version' + self.KernelVersion + 'UHD Version' + self.UhdVersion + 'USRP Board' + self.UsrpBoard + '
Nb CPUs' + self.CpuNb + 'CPU Model Name' + self.CpuModel + 'CPU Frequency' + self.CpuMHz + '
Final StatusPASS FAIL
\n') self.htmlFile.write('

\n') self.htmlFile.write('
End of Test Report -- Copyright 2018 OpenAirInterface. All Rights Reserved.
\n') self.htmlFile.write('
\n') self.htmlFile.write('\n') self.htmlFile.close() def CreateHtmlRetrySeparator(self): if ((not self.htmlFooterCreated) and (self.htmlHeaderCreated)): self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' Try Run #' + str(self.FailReportCnt) + '\n') self.htmlFile.write(' \n') def CreateHtmlTestRow(self, options, status, processesStatus, machine='eNB'): if ((not self.htmlFooterCreated) and (self.htmlHeaderCreated)): currentTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - self.startTime self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' ' + format(currentTime / 1000, '.1f') + '\n') self.htmlFile.write(' ' + self.testCase_id + '\n') self.htmlFile.write(' ' + self.desc + '\n') self.htmlFile.write(' ' + str(options) + '\n') if (str(status) == 'OK'): self.htmlFile.write(' ' + str(status) + '\n') elif (str(status) == 'KO'): if (processesStatus == 0): self.htmlFile.write(' ' + str(status) + '\n') elif (processesStatus == ENB_PROCESS_FAILED): self.htmlFile.write(' KO - eNB process not found\n') elif (processesStatus == OAI_UE_PROCESS_FAILED): self.htmlFile.write(' KO - OAI UE process not found\n') elif (processesStatus == ENB_PROCESS_SEG_FAULT): self.htmlFile.write(' KO - ' + machine + ' process ended in Segmentation Fault\n') elif (processesStatus == ENB_PROCESS_ASSERTION) or (processesStatus == OAI_UE_PROCESS_ASSERTION): self.htmlFile.write(' KO - ' + machine + ' process ended in Assertion\n') elif (processesStatus == ENB_PROCESS_REALTIME_ISSUE): self.htmlFile.write(' KO - ' + machine + ' process faced Real Time issue(s)\n') elif (processesStatus == ENB_PROCESS_NOLOGFILE_TO_ANALYZE) or (processesStatus == OAI_UE_PROCESS_NOLOGFILE_TO_ANALYZE): self.htmlFile.write(' OK?\n') elif (processesStatus == ENB_PROCESS_SLAVE_RRU_NOT_SYNCED): self.htmlFile.write(' KO - ' + machine + ' Slave RRU could not synch\n') elif (processesStatus == OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC): self.htmlFile.write(' KO - UE could not sync\n') elif (processesStatus == HSS_PROCESS_FAILED): self.htmlFile.write(' KO - HSS process not found\n') elif (processesStatus == MME_PROCESS_FAILED): self.htmlFile.write(' KO - MME process not found\n') elif (processesStatus == SPGW_PROCESS_FAILED): self.htmlFile.write(' KO - SPGW process not found\n') elif (processesStatus == UE_IP_ADDRESS_ISSUE): self.htmlFile.write(' KO - Could not retrieve UE IP address\n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' ' + str(status) + '\n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' ' + str(status) + '\n') if (len(str(self.htmleNBFailureMsg)) > 2): cellBgColor = 'white' result = re.search('ended with|faced real time issues', self.htmleNBFailureMsg) if result is not None: cellBgColor = 'red' else: result = re.search('showed|Reestablishment|Could not copy eNB logfile', self.htmleNBFailureMsg) if result is not None: cellBgColor = 'orange' self.htmlFile.write('
' + self.htmleNBFailureMsg + '
\n') self.htmleNBFailureMsg = '' elif (len(str(self.htmlUEFailureMsg)) > 2): cellBgColor = 'white' result = re.search('ended with|faced real time issues', self.htmlUEFailureMsg) if result is not None: cellBgColor = 'red' else: result = re.search('showed|Could not copy UE logfile|oaitun_ue1 interface is either NOT mounted or NOT configured', self.htmlUEFailureMsg) if result is not None: cellBgColor = 'orange' self.htmlFile.write('
' + self.htmlUEFailureMsg + '
\n') self.htmlUEFailureMsg = '' else: i = 0 while (i < self.htmlUEConnected): self.htmlFile.write(' -\n') i += 1 self.htmlFile.write(' \n') def CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self, options, status, ue_status, ue_queue): if ((not self.htmlFooterCreated) and (self.htmlHeaderCreated)): currentTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - self.startTime addOrangeBK = False self.htmlFile.write(' \n') self.htmlFile.write(' ' + format(currentTime / 1000, '.1f') + '\n') self.htmlFile.write(' ' + self.testCase_id + '\n') self.htmlFile.write(' ' + self.desc + '\n') self.htmlFile.write(' ' + str(options) + '\n') if (str(status) == 'OK'): self.htmlFile.write(' ' + str(status) + '\n') elif (str(status) == 'KO'): self.htmlFile.write(' ' + str(status) + '\n') else: addOrangeBK = True self.htmlFile.write(' ' + str(status) + '\n') i = 0 while (i < self.htmlUEConnected): if (i < ue_status): if (not ue_queue.empty()): if (addOrangeBK): self.htmlFile.write(' ' + str(ue_queue.get()).replace('white', 'orange') + '\n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' ' + str(ue_queue.get()) + '\n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' -\n') else: self.htmlFile.write(' -\n') i += 1 self.htmlFile.write(' \n') #----------------------------------------------------------- # ShowTestID() #----------------------------------------------------------- def ShowTestID(self): logging.debug('\u001B[1m----------------------------------------\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1mTest ID:' + self.testCase_id + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1m' + self.desc + '\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1m----------------------------------------\u001B[0m') #----------------------------------------------------------- # Usage() #----------------------------------------------------------- def Usage(): print('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print('main.py Ver:' + Version) print('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print('Usage: python main.py [options]') print(' --help Show this help.') print(' --mode=[Mode]') print(' TesteNB') print(' InitiateHtml, FinalizeHtml') print(' TerminateeNB, TerminateUE, TerminateHSS, TerminateMME, TerminateSPGW') print(' LogCollectBuild, LogCollecteNB, LogCollectHSS, LogCollectMME, LogCollectSPGW, LogCollectPing, LogCollectIperf') print('---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Git Options --') print(' --ranRepository=[OAI RAN Repository URL]') print(' --ranBranch=[OAI RAN Repository Branch]') print(' --ranCommitID=[OAI RAN Repository Commit SHA-1]') print(' --ranAllowMerge=[Allow Merge Request (with target branch) (true or false)]') print(' --ranTargetBranch=[Target Branch in case of a Merge Request]') print('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eNB Server Options --') print(' --eNBIPAddress=[eNB\'s IP Address]') print(' --eNBUserName=[eNB\'s Login User Name]') print(' --eNBPassword=[eNB\'s Login Password]') print(' --eNBSourceCodePath=[eNB\'s Source Code Path]') print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OAI UE Server Options --') print(' --UEIPAddress=[UE\'s IP Address]') print(' --UEUserName=[UE\'s Login User Name]') print(' --UEPassword=[UE\'s Login Password]') print(' --UESourceCodePath=[UE\'s Source Code Path]') print('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPC Server Options --') print(' --EPCIPAddress=[EPC\'s IP Address]') print(' --EPCUserName=[EPC\'s Login User Name]') print(' --EPCPassword=[EPC\'s Login Password]') print(' --EPCSourceCodePath=[EPC\'s Source Code Path]') print(' --EPCType=[EPC\'s Type: OAI or ltebox or OAI-Rel14-CUPS]') print('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABD Server Options --') print(' --ADBIPAddress=[ADB\'s IP Address]') print(' --ADBUserName=[ADB\'s Login User Name]') print(' --ADBPassword=[ADB\'s Login Password]') print('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print(' --XMLTestFile=[XML Test File to be run]') print('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') def CheckClassValidity(action,id): if action != 'Build_eNB' and action != 'WaitEndBuild_eNB' and action != 'Initialize_eNB' and action != 'Terminate_eNB' and action != 'Initialize_UE' and action != 'Terminate_UE' and action != 'Attach_UE' and action != 'Detach_UE' and action != 'Build_OAI_UE' and action != 'Initialize_OAI_UE' and action != 'Terminate_OAI_UE' and action != 'DataDisable_UE' and action != 'DataEnable_UE' and action != 'CheckStatusUE' and action != 'Ping' and action != 'Iperf' and action != 'Reboot_UE' and action != 'Initialize_FlexranCtrl' and action != 'Terminate_FlexranCtrl' and action != 'Initialize_HSS' and action != 'Terminate_HSS' and action != 'Initialize_MME' and action != 'Terminate_MME' and action != 'Initialize_SPGW' and action != 'Terminate_SPGW' and action != 'Initialize_CatM_module' and action != 'Terminate_CatM_module' and action != 'Attach_CatM_module' and action != 'Detach_CatM_module' and action != 'Ping_CatM_module' and action != 'IdleSleep' and action != 'Perform_X2_Handover': logging.debug('ERROR: test-case ' + id + ' has wrong class ' + action) return False return True def GetParametersFromXML(action): if action == 'Build_eNB': SSH.Build_eNB_args = test.findtext('Build_eNB_args') SSH.eNB_instance = test.findtext('eNB_instance') if (SSH.eNB_instance is None): SSH.eNB_instance = '0' SSH.eNB_serverId = test.findtext('eNB_serverId') if (SSH.eNB_serverId is None): SSH.eNB_serverId = '0' xmlBgBuildField = test.findtext('backgroundBuild') if (xmlBgBuildField is None): SSH.backgroundBuild = False else: if re.match('true', xmlBgBuildField, re.IGNORECASE): SSH.backgroundBuild = True else: SSH.backgroundBuild = False if action == 'WaitEndBuild_eNB': SSH.Build_eNB_args = test.findtext('Build_eNB_args') SSH.eNB_instance = test.findtext('eNB_instance') if (SSH.eNB_instance is None): SSH.eNB_instance = '0' SSH.eNB_serverId = test.findtext('eNB_serverId') if (SSH.eNB_serverId is None): SSH.eNB_serverId = '0' if action == 'Initialize_eNB': SSH.Initialize_eNB_args = test.findtext('Initialize_eNB_args') SSH.eNB_instance = test.findtext('eNB_instance') if (SSH.eNB_instance is None): SSH.eNB_instance = '0' SSH.eNB_serverId = test.findtext('eNB_serverId') if (SSH.eNB_serverId is None): SSH.eNB_serverId = '0' if action == 'Terminate_eNB': SSH.eNB_instance = test.findtext('eNB_instance') if (SSH.eNB_instance is None): SSH.eNB_instance = '0' SSH.eNB_serverId = test.findtext('eNB_serverId') if (SSH.eNB_serverId is None): SSH.eNB_serverId = '0' if action == 'Attach_UE': nbMaxUEtoAttach = test.findtext('nbMaxUEtoAttach') if (nbMaxUEtoAttach is None): SSH.nbMaxUEtoAttach = -1 else: SSH.nbMaxUEtoAttach = int(nbMaxUEtoAttach) if action == 'CheckStatusUE': expectedNBUE = test.findtext('expectedNbOfConnectedUEs') if (expectedNBUE is None): SSH.expectedNbOfConnectedUEs = -1 else: SSH.expectedNbOfConnectedUEs = int(expectedNBUE) if action == 'Build_OAI_UE': SSH.Build_OAI_UE_args = test.findtext('Build_OAI_UE_args') if action == 'Initialize_OAI_UE': SSH.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = test.findtext('Initialize_OAI_UE_args') SSH.UE_instance = test.findtext('UE_instance') if (SSH.UE_instance is None): SSH.UE_instance = '0' if action == 'Terminate_OAI_UE': SSH.eNB_instance = test.findtext('UE_instance') if (SSH.UE_instance is None): SSH.UE_instance = '0' if action == 'Ping' or action == 'Ping_CatM_module': SSH.ping_args = test.findtext('ping_args') SSH.ping_packetloss_threshold = test.findtext('ping_packetloss_threshold') if action == 'Iperf': SSH.iperf_args = test.findtext('iperf_args') SSH.iperf_packetloss_threshold = test.findtext('iperf_packetloss_threshold') SSH.iperf_profile = test.findtext('iperf_profile') if (SSH.iperf_profile is None): SSH.iperf_profile = 'balanced' else: if SSH.iperf_profile != 'balanced' and SSH.iperf_profile != 'unbalanced' and SSH.iperf_profile != 'single-ue': logging.debug('ERROR: test-case has wrong profile ' + SSH.iperf_profile) SSH.iperf_profile = 'balanced' if action == 'IdleSleep': string_field = test.findtext('idle_sleep_time_in_sec') if (string_field is None): SSH.idle_sleep_time = 5 else: SSH.idle_sleep_time = int(string_field) if action == 'Perform_X2_Handover': string_field = test.findtext('x2_ho_options') if (string_field is None): SSH.x2_ho_options = 'network' else: if string_field != 'network': logging.error('ERROR: test-case has wrong option ' + string_field) SSH.x2_ho_options = 'network' else: SSH.x2_ho_options = string_field #check if given test is in list #it is in list if one of the strings in 'list' is at the beginning of 'test' def test_in_list(test, list): for check in list: check=check.replace('+','') if (test.startswith(check)): return True return False def receive_signal(signum, frame): sys.exit(1) #----------------------------------------------------------- # Parameter Check #----------------------------------------------------------- mode = '' SSH = SSHConnection() argvs = sys.argv argc = len(argvs) cwd = os.getcwd() while len(argvs) > 1: myArgv = argvs.pop(1) # 0th is this file's name if re.match('^\-\-help$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): Usage() sys.exit(0) elif re.match('^\-\-mode=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-mode=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) mode = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNBRepository=(.+)$|^\-\-ranRepository(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): if re.match('^\-\-eNBRepository=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNBRepository=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) else: matchReg = re.match('^\-\-ranRepository=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.ranRepository = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNB_AllowMerge=(.+)$|^\-\-ranAllowMerge=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): if re.match('^\-\-eNB_AllowMerge=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNB_AllowMerge=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) else: matchReg = re.match('^\-\-ranAllowMerge=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) doMerge = matchReg.group(1) if ((doMerge == 'true') or (doMerge == 'True')): SSH.ranAllowMerge = True elif re.match('^\-\-eNBBranch=(.+)$|^\-\-ranBranch=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): if re.match('^\-\-eNBBranch=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNBBranch=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) else: matchReg = re.match('^\-\-ranBranch=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.ranBranch = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNBCommitID=(.*)$|^\-\-ranCommitID=(.*)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): if re.match('^\-\-eNBCommitID=(.*)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNBCommitID=(.*)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) else: matchReg = re.match('^\-\-ranCommitID=(.*)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.ranCommitID = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNBTargetBranch=(.*)$|^\-\-ranTargetBranch=(.*)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): if re.match('^\-\-eNBTargetBranch=(.*)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNBTargetBranch=(.*)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) else: matchReg = re.match('^\-\-ranTargetBranch=(.*)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.ranTargetBranch = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNBIPAddress=(.+)$|^\-\-eNB[1-2]IPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): if re.match('^\-\-eNBIPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNBIPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNBIPAddress = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNB1IPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNB1IPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNB1IPAddress = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNB2IPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNB2IPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNB2IPAddress = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNBUserName=(.+)$|^\-\-eNB[1-2]UserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): if re.match('^\-\-eNBUserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNBUserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNBUserName = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNB1UserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNB1UserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNB1UserName = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNB2UserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNB2UserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNB2UserName = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNBPassword=(.+)$|^\-\-eNB[1-2]Password=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): if re.match('^\-\-eNBPassword=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNBPassword=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNBPassword = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNB1Password=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNB1Password=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNB1Password = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNB2Password=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNB2Password=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNB2Password = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNBSourceCodePath=(.+)$|^\-\-eNB[1-2]SourceCodePath=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): if re.match('^\-\-eNBSourceCodePath=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNBSourceCodePath=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNBSourceCodePath = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNB1SourceCodePath=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNB1SourceCodePath=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNB1SourceCodePath = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-eNB2SourceCodePath=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-eNB2SourceCodePath=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.eNB2SourceCodePath = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-EPCIPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-EPCIPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.EPCIPAddress = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-EPCBranch=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-EPCBranch=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.EPCBranch = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-EPCUserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-EPCUserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.EPCUserName = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-EPCPassword=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-EPCPassword=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.EPCPassword = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-EPCSourceCodePath=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-EPCSourceCodePath=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.EPCSourceCodePath = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-EPCType=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-EPCType=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) if re.match('OAI', matchReg.group(1), re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('ltebox', matchReg.group(1), re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('OAI-Rel14-CUPS', matchReg.group(1), re.IGNORECASE): SSH.EPCType = matchReg.group(1) else: sys.exit('Invalid EPC Type: ' + matchReg.group(1) + ' -- (should be OAI or ltebox or OAI-Rel14-CUPS)') elif re.match('^\-\-ADBIPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-ADBIPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.ADBIPAddress = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-ADBUserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-ADBUserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.ADBUserName = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-ADBType=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-ADBType=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) if re.match('centralized', matchReg.group(1), re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('distributed', matchReg.group(1), re.IGNORECASE): if re.match('distributed', matchReg.group(1), re.IGNORECASE): SSH.ADBCentralized = False else: SSH.ADBCentralized = True else: sys.exit('Invalid ADB Type: ' + matchReg.group(1) + ' -- (should be centralized or distributed)') elif re.match('^\-\-ADBPassword=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-ADBPassword=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.ADBPassword = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-XMLTestFile=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-XMLTestFile=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.testXMLfiles.append(matchReg.group(1)) SSH.nbTestXMLfiles += 1 elif re.match('^\-\-UEIPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-UEIPAddress=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.UEIPAddress = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-UEUserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-UEUserName=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.UEUserName = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-UEPassword=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-UEPassword=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.UEPassword = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-UESourceCodePath=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-UESourceCodePath=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) SSH.UESourceCodePath = matchReg.group(1) elif re.match('^\-\-finalStatus=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE): matchReg = re.match('^\-\-finalStatus=(.+)$', myArgv, re.IGNORECASE) finalStatus = matchReg.group(1) if ((finalStatus == 'true') or (finalStatus == 'True')): SSH.finalStatus = True else: Usage() sys.exit('Invalid Parameter: ' + myArgv) if re.match('^TerminateeNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.eNBIPAddress == '' or SSH.eNBUserName == '' or SSH.eNBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.eNB_serverId = '0' SSH.eNB_instance = '0' SSH.eNBSourceCodePath = '/tmp/' SSH.TerminateeNB() elif re.match('^TerminateUE$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if (SSH.ADBIPAddress == '' or SSH.ADBUserName == '' or SSH.ADBPassword == ''): Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, receive_signal) SSH.TerminateUE() elif re.match('^TerminateOAIUE$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.UEIPAddress == '' or SSH.UEUserName == '' or SSH.UEPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, receive_signal) SSH.TerminateOAIUE() elif re.match('^TerminateHSS$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.EPCIPAddress == '' or SSH.EPCUserName == '' or SSH.EPCPassword == '' or SSH.EPCType == '' or SSH.EPCSourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.TerminateHSS() elif re.match('^TerminateMME$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.EPCIPAddress == '' or SSH.EPCUserName == '' or SSH.EPCPassword == '' or SSH.EPCType == '' or SSH.EPCSourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.TerminateMME() elif re.match('^TerminateSPGW$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.EPCIPAddress == '' or SSH.EPCUserName == '' or SSH.EPCPassword == '' or SSH.EPCType == '' or SSH.EPCSourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.TerminateSPGW() elif re.match('^LogCollectBuild$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if (SSH.eNBIPAddress == '' or SSH.eNBUserName == '' or SSH.eNBPassword == '' or SSH.eNBSourceCodePath == '') and (SSH.UEIPAddress == '' or SSH.UEUserName == '' or SSH.UEPassword == '' or SSH.UESourceCodePath == ''): Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.LogCollectBuild() elif re.match('^LogCollecteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.eNBIPAddress == '' or SSH.eNBUserName == '' or SSH.eNBPassword == '' or SSH.eNBSourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.LogCollecteNB() elif re.match('^LogCollectHSS$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.EPCIPAddress == '' or SSH.EPCUserName == '' or SSH.EPCPassword == '' or SSH.EPCType == '' or SSH.EPCSourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.LogCollectHSS() elif re.match('^LogCollectMME$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.EPCIPAddress == '' or SSH.EPCUserName == '' or SSH.EPCPassword == '' or SSH.EPCType == '' or SSH.EPCSourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.LogCollectMME() elif re.match('^LogCollectSPGW$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.EPCIPAddress == '' or SSH.EPCUserName == '' or SSH.EPCPassword == '' or SSH.EPCType == '' or SSH.EPCSourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.LogCollectSPGW() elif re.match('^LogCollectPing$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.EPCIPAddress == '' or SSH.EPCUserName == '' or SSH.EPCPassword == '' or SSH.EPCSourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.LogCollectPing() elif re.match('^LogCollectIperf$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.EPCIPAddress == '' or SSH.EPCUserName == '' or SSH.EPCPassword == '' or SSH.EPCSourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.LogCollectIperf() elif re.match('^LogCollectOAIUE$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.UEIPAddress == '' or SSH.UEUserName == '' or SSH.UEPassword == '' or SSH.UESourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH.LogCollectOAIUE() elif re.match('^InitiateHtml$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if (SSH.ADBIPAddress == '' or SSH.ADBUserName == '' or SSH.ADBPassword == ''): Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') count = 0 foundCount = 0 while (count < SSH.nbTestXMLfiles): xml_test_file = cwd + "/" + SSH.testXMLfiles[count] xml_test_file = sys.path[0] + "/" + SSH.testXMLfiles[count] if (os.path.isfile(xml_test_file)): xmlTree = ET.parse(xml_test_file) xmlRoot = xmlTree.getroot() SSH.htmlTabRefs.append(xmlRoot.findtext('htmlTabRef',default='test-tab-' + str(count))) SSH.htmlTabNames.append(xmlRoot.findtext('htmlTabName',default='Test-' + str(count))) SSH.htmlTabIcons.append(xmlRoot.findtext('htmlTabIcon',default='info-sign')) foundCount += 1 count += 1 if foundCount != SSH.nbTestXMLfiles: SSH.nbTestXMLfiles = foundCount SSH.CreateHtmlHeader() elif re.match('^FinalizeHtml$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): SSH.CreateHtmlFooter(SSH.finalStatus) elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): if SSH.eNBIPAddress == '' or SSH.ranRepository == '' or SSH.ranBranch == '' or SSH.eNBUserName == '' or SSH.eNBPassword == '' or SSH.eNBSourceCodePath == '' or SSH.EPCIPAddress == '' or SSH.EPCUserName == '' or SSH.EPCPassword == '' or SSH.EPCType == '' or SSH.EPCSourceCodePath == '' or SSH.ADBIPAddress == '' or SSH.ADBUserName == '' or SSH.ADBPassword == '': Usage() sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') if (SSH.EPCIPAddress != '') and (SSH.EPCIPAddress != 'none'): SSH.copyout(SSH.EPCIPAddress, SSH.EPCUserName, SSH.EPCPassword, cwd + "/tcp_iperf_stats.awk", "/tmp") SSH.copyout(SSH.EPCIPAddress, SSH.EPCUserName, SSH.EPCPassword, cwd + "/active_net_interfaces.awk", "/tmp") else: if SSH.UEIPAddress == '' or SSH.ranRepository == '' or SSH.ranBranch == '' or SSH.UEUserName == '' or SSH.UEPassword == '' or SSH.UESourceCodePath == '': Usage() sys.exit('UE: Insufficient Parameter') #read test_case_list.xml file # if no parameters for XML file, use default value if (SSH.nbTestXMLfiles != 1): xml_test_file = cwd + "/test_case_list.xml" else: xml_test_file = cwd + "/" + SSH.testXMLfiles[0] xmlTree = ET.parse(xml_test_file) xmlRoot = xmlTree.getroot() exclusion_tests=xmlRoot.findtext('TestCaseExclusionList',default='') requested_tests=xmlRoot.findtext('TestCaseRequestedList',default='') if (SSH.nbTestXMLfiles == 1): SSH.htmlTabRefs.append(xmlRoot.findtext('htmlTabRef',default='test-tab-0')) SSH.htmlTabNames.append(xmlRoot.findtext('htmlTabName',default='Test-0')) repeatCount = xmlRoot.findtext('repeatCount',default='1') SSH.repeatCounts.append(int(repeatCount)) all_tests=xmlRoot.findall('testCase') exclusion_tests=exclusion_tests.split() requested_tests=requested_tests.split() #check that exclusion tests are well formatted #(6 digits or less than 6 digits followed by +) for test in exclusion_tests: if (not re.match('^[0-9]{6}$', test) and not re.match('^[0-9]{1,5}\+$', test)): logging.debug('ERROR: exclusion test is invalidly formatted: ' + test) sys.exit(1) else: logging.debug(test) #check that requested tests are well formatted #(6 digits or less than 6 digits followed by +) #be verbose for test in requested_tests: if (re.match('^[0-9]{6}$', test) or re.match('^[0-9]{1,5}\+$', test)): logging.debug('INFO: test group/case requested: ' + test) else: logging.debug('ERROR: requested test is invalidly formatted: ' + test) sys.exit(1) if (SSH.EPCIPAddress != '') and (SSH.EPCIPAddress != 'none'): SSH.CheckFlexranCtrlInstallation() #get the list of tests to be done todo_tests=[] for test in requested_tests: if (test_in_list(test, exclusion_tests)): logging.debug('INFO: test will be skipped: ' + test) else: #logging.debug('INFO: test will be run: ' + test) todo_tests.append(test) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, receive_signal) SSH.CreateHtmlTabHeader() SSH.FailReportCnt = 0 SSH.prematureExit = True SSH.startTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) while SSH.FailReportCnt < SSH.repeatCounts[0] and SSH.prematureExit: SSH.prematureExit = False # At every iteratin of the retry loop, a separator will be added SSH.CreateHtmlRetrySeparator() for test_case_id in todo_tests: if SSH.prematureExit: break for test in all_tests: if SSH.prematureExit: break id = test.get('id') if test_case_id != id: continue SSH.testCase_id = id SSH.desc = test.findtext('desc') action = test.findtext('class') if (CheckClassValidity(action, id) == False): continue SSH.ShowTestID() GetParametersFromXML(action) if action == 'Initialize_UE' or action == 'Attach_UE' or action == 'Detach_UE' or action == 'Ping' or action == 'Iperf' or action == 'Reboot_UE' or action == 'DataDisable_UE' or action == 'DataEnable_UE' or action == 'CheckStatusUE': if (SSH.ADBIPAddress != 'none'): terminate_ue_flag = False SSH.GetAllUEDevices(terminate_ue_flag) if action == 'Build_eNB': SSH.BuildeNB() elif action == 'WaitEndBuild_eNB': SSH.WaitBuildeNBisFinished() elif action == 'Initialize_eNB': SSH.InitializeeNB() elif action == 'Terminate_eNB': SSH.TerminateeNB() elif action == 'Initialize_UE': SSH.InitializeUE() elif action == 'Terminate_UE': SSH.TerminateUE() elif action == 'Attach_UE': SSH.AttachUE() elif action == 'Detach_UE': SSH.DetachUE() elif action == 'DataDisable_UE': SSH.DataDisableUE() elif action == 'DataEnable_UE': SSH.DataEnableUE() elif action == 'CheckStatusUE': SSH.CheckStatusUE() elif action == 'Build_OAI_UE': SSH.BuildOAIUE() elif action == 'Initialize_OAI_UE': SSH.InitializeOAIUE() elif action == 'Terminate_OAI_UE': SSH.TerminateOAIUE() elif action == 'Initialize_CatM_module': SSH.InitializeCatM() elif action == 'Terminate_CatM_module': SSH.TerminateCatM() elif action == 'Attach_CatM_module': SSH.AttachCatM() elif action == 'Detach_CatM_module': SSH.TerminateCatM() elif action == 'Ping_CatM_module': SSH.PingCatM() elif action == 'Ping': SSH.Ping() elif action == 'Iperf': SSH.Iperf() elif action == 'Reboot_UE': SSH.RebootUE() elif action == 'Initialize_HSS': SSH.InitializeHSS() elif action == 'Terminate_HSS': SSH.TerminateHSS() elif action == 'Initialize_MME': SSH.InitializeMME() elif action == 'Terminate_MME': SSH.TerminateMME() elif action == 'Initialize_SPGW': SSH.InitializeSPGW() elif action == 'Terminate_SPGW': SSH.TerminateSPGW() elif action == 'Initialize_FlexranCtrl': SSH.InitializeFlexranCtrl() elif action == 'Terminate_FlexranCtrl': SSH.TerminateFlexranCtrl() elif action == 'IdleSleep': SSH.IdleSleep() elif action == 'Perform_X2_Handover': SSH.Perform_X2_Handover() else: sys.exit('Invalid action') SSH.FailReportCnt += 1 if SSH.FailReportCnt == SSH.repeatCounts[0] and SSH.prematureExit: logging.debug('Testsuite failed ' + str(SSH.FailReportCnt) + ' time(s)') SSH.CreateHtmlTabFooter(False) sys.exit('Failed Scenario') else: logging.info('Testsuite passed after ' + str(SSH.FailReportCnt) + ' time(s)') SSH.CreateHtmlTabFooter(True) else: Usage() sys.exit('Invalid mode') sys.exit(0)