#! /usr/bin/python #****************************************************************************** # OpenAirInterface # Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom # OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is # included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not, # see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # Contact Information # OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr # OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr # OpenAirInterface Dev : openair4g-devel@lists.eurecom.fr # Address : Eurecom, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes, CS 50193 - 06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex, FRANCE # *******************************************************************************/ # \file test01.py # \brief test 01 for OAI # \author Navid Nikaein # \date 2013 - 2015 # \version 0.1 # @ingroup _test import tempfile import threading import sys import traceback import wave import os import time import datetime import getpass import math #from time import clock import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import re import numpy as np import log from openair import * import paramiko import subprocess import commands sys.path.append('/opt/ssh') sys.path.append(os.path.expandvars('$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/')) from lib_autotest import * import ssh from ssh import SSHSession import argparse # \brief write a string to a file # \param filename name of file # \param string string to write # \mode file opening mode (default=write) def write_file(filename, string, mode="w"): text_file = open(filename, mode) text_file.write(string) text_file.close() # \brief function to check if test case passed throughput test # \param filename name of file which has throughput results (usually from iperf -s ... # \param min_tput minimum throughput # \param max_tuput maximum throughput # \param average average throughput # \param min_duration minimum duration of throughput #The throughput values found in file must be higher than values from from arguments 2,3,4,5 #The function returns True if throughput conditions are saisfied else it returns fails def tput_test(filename, min_tput, max_tput, average, min_duration): if os.path.exists(filename): with open (filename, "r") as myfile: data=myfile.read() p=re.compile('(\d*.\d*) Mbits/sec') array=p.findall(data) array = [ float(x) for x in array ] duration = array.__len__() if duration !=0: min_list = min(array) max_list = max(array) average_list = np.mean(array) else: min_list = 0 max_list = 0 average_list=0 tput_string=' ( '+ "min=%0.2f" % min_list + ' Mbps / ' + "max=%0.2f" % max_list + ' Mbps / ' + "avg=%0.2f" % average_list + ' Mbps / ' + "dur=%0.2f" % duration + ' s) ' if (min_list >= min_tput and max_list >= max_tput and average_list >= average and duration >= min_duration): return True , tput_string else: return False , tput_string else: return False , tput_string # \brief Convert string to float or return None if there is exception def try_convert_to_float(string, fail=None): try: return float(string) except Exception: return fail; # \brief get throughput statistics from log file # \param search_expr search expression found in test_case_list.xml file # \param logfile_traffic logfile which has traffic statistics def tput_test_search_expr (search_expr, logfile_traffic): result=0 tput_string='' if search_expr !='': if search_expr.find('throughput_test')!= -1 : p= re.compile('min\s*=\s*(\d*.\d*)\s*Mbits/sec') min_tput=p.findall(search_expr) if min_tput.__len__()==1: min_tput = min_tput[0] else: min_tput = None p= re.compile('max\s*=\s*(\d*.\d*)\s*Mbits/sec') max_tput=p.findall(search_expr) if max_tput.__len__()==1: max_tput = max_tput[0] else: max_tput = None p= re.compile('average\s*=\s*(\d*.\d*)\s*Mbits/sec') avg_tput=p.findall(search_expr) if avg_tput.__len__()==1: avg_tput=avg_tput[0] else: avg_tput = None p= re.compile('duration\s*=\s*(\d*.\d*)\s*s') duration=p.findall(search_expr) if duration.__len__()==1: duration = duration[0] else: duration = None min_tput = try_convert_to_float(min_tput) max_tput = try_convert_to_float(max_tput) avg_tput = try_convert_to_float(avg_tput) duration = try_convert_to_float(duration) if (min_tput != None and max_tput != None and avg_tput != None and duration != None ): result, tput_string = tput_test(logfile_traffic, min_tput, max_tput, avg_tput, duration) else: result=1 return result, tput_string # \brief function to copy files to/from remote machine # \param username user with which to make sftp connection # \param password password of user # \param hostname host to connect # \ports port of remote machine on which server is listening # \paramList This is list of operations as a set {operation: "get/put", localfile: "filename", remotefile: "filename" # \param logfile Ignored currently and set once at the beginning of program def sftp_module (username, password, hostname, ports, paramList,logfile): #localD = localfile #remoteD = remotefile #fd, paramiko_logfile = tempfile.mkstemp() #res = os.close(fd ) #paramiko logfile path should not be changed with multiple calls. The logs seem to in first file regardless error = "" #The lines below are outside exception loop to be sure to terminate the test case if the network connectivity goes down or there is authentication failure transport = paramiko.Transport(hostname, ports) transport.connect(username = username, password = password) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) # index =0 for param in paramList: try: operation = param["operation"] localD = param["localfile"] remoteD = param["remotefile"] if operation == "put": sftp.put(remotepath=remoteD, localpath=localD) elif operation == "get": sftp.get(remotepath=remoteD, localpath=localD) else : print "sftp_module: unidentified operation:<" + operation + "> Exiting now" print "hostname = " + hostname print "ports = " + ports print "localfile = " + localD print "remotefile = " + remoteD print "operation = " + operation sys.exit() except Exception, e: error = error + ' In function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: ' + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e) error = error + '\n username = ' + username + '\n hostname = ' + hostname + '\n localfile = ' + localD + '\n remotefile = ' + remoteD + '\n operation = ' + operation + '\nlogfile = ' + logfile + '\n ports = ' + str(ports) + '\n' error = error + traceback.format_exc() print error sftp.close() transport.close() res = os.system('\n echo \'SFTP Module Log for Machine: <' + hostname + '> starts...\' >> ' + logfile + ' 2>&1 ') res = os.system('cat ' + paramiko_logfile + ' >> ' + logfile + ' 2>&1 \n') write_file(logfile, error, "a") res = os.system('\n echo \'SFTP Module Log for Machine: <' + hostname + '> ends...\' >> ' + logfile + ' 2>&1 \n') # \brief bash script stub put at the end of scripts to terminate it # \param timeout_cmd terminate script after timeout_cmd seconds # \param terminate_missing_procs if True terminate all the processes launched by script if one of them terminates prematurely (due to error) def finalize_deploy_script (timeout_cmd, terminate_missing_procs='False'): cmd = 'declare -i timeout_cmd='+str(timeout_cmd) + '\n' if terminate_missing_procs == 'True': cmd = cmd + """ #The code below checks if one the processes launched in background has crashed. #If it does, then the code below terminates all the child processes created by this script declare -i wakeup_interval=1 declare -i step=0 echo \"Array pid = ${array_exec_pid[@]}\" while [ "$step" -lt "$timeout_cmd" ] do declare -i break_while_loop=0 #Iterate over each process ID in array_exec_pid for i in "${array_exec_pid[@]}" do numchild=`pstree -p $i | perl -ne 's/\((\d+)\)/print " $1"/ge' |wc -w` echo "PID = $i, numchild = $numchild" if [ "$numchild" -eq "0" ] ; then echo "Process ID $i has finished unexpectedly. Now preparing to kill all the processes " break_while_loop=1 break fi done if [ "$break_while_loop" -eq "1" ] ; then break fi step=$(( step + wakeup_interval )) sleep $wakeup_interval done echo "Final time step (Duration of test case) = $step " date """ else: #We do not terminate the script if one of the processes has existed prematurely cmd = cmd + 'sleep ' + str(timeout_cmd) + ' ; date \n' return cmd # \brief run python script and update config file params of test case # \param oai module with already open connection # \param config_string config string taken from xml file # \param logdirRepo directory of remote repository # \param python_script python script location def update_config_file(oai, config_string, logdirRepo, python_script): cmd="" if config_string : stringArray = config_string.splitlines() #python_script = '$OPENAIR_DIR/targets/autotests/tools/search_repl.py' for string in stringArray: #split the string based on space now string1=string.split() cmd = cmd + 'python ' + python_script + ' ' + logdirRepo+'/'+string1[0] + ' ' + string1[1] + ' '+ string1[2] + '\n' #cmd = cmd + 'perl -p -i -e \'s/'+ string1[1] + '\\s*=\\s*"\\S*"\\s*/' + string1[1] + ' = "' + string1[2] +'"' + '/g\' ' + logdirRepo + '/' +string1[0] + '\n' return cmd #result = oai.send_recv(cmd) # \brief thread safe sshsession wrapper due to occasional connection issues with ssh # \param machine name of machine # \param username user login for remote machine # \param key_file file name which has keys to enable passwordless login # \param password password for remote machine # \param logdir_remote remote directory # \param logdir_local_base local directory # \param operation operation to perform (get_all, put_all) transfers recursively for directories def SSHSessionWrapper(machine, username, key_file, password, logdir_remote, logdir_local_base, operation): max_tries = 100 i=0 while i <= max_tries: i = i +1 try: ssh = SSHSession(machine , username, key_file, password) if operation == "get_all": ssh.get_all(logdir_remote , logdir_local_base) elif operation == "put_all": ssh.put_all(logdir_local_base, logdir_remote ) else: print "Error: Uknown operation in SSHSessionWrapper. Exiting now..." sys.exit(1) break except Exception, e: error='' error = error + ' In Class = function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: ' + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e) error = error + '\n username = ' + username + '\n machine = ' + machine + '\n logdir_remote = ' + logdir_remote + '\n logdir_local_base = ' + logdir_local_base error = error + traceback.format_exc() print error print " Retrying again in 1 seconds" time.sleep(1) print "Continuing ..." if i ==max_tries: print "Fatal Error: Max no of retries reached. Exiting now..." sys.exit(1) # \briefFunction to clean old programs that might be running from earlier execution # \param oai - parameter for making connection to machine # \parm programList list of programs that must be terminated before execution of any test case # \param CleanUpAluLteBox program to terminate AlU Bell Labs LTE Box # \param ExmimoRfStop String to stop EXMIMO card (specified in test_case_list.xml) def cleanOldPrograms(oai, programList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop): cmd = 'killall -q -r ' + programList result = oai.send(cmd, True) print "Killing old programs..." + result programArray = programList.split() programListJoin = '|'.join(programArray) cmd = cleanupOldProgramsScript + ' ' + '\''+programListJoin+'\'' #result = oai.send_recv(cmd) #print result result = oai.send_expect_false(cmd, 'Match found', False) print "Looking for old programs..." + result res=oai.send_recv(CleanUpAluLteBox, True) res = oai.send_recv(ExmimoRfStop, False) # \brief Class thread to launch a generic command on remote machine # \param threadID number of thread (for book keeping) # \param threadname string of threadname (for book keeping) # \param machine machine name on which to run the command # \param username username with which to login # \param password password with which to login # \param cmd command as a string to run on remote machine # \parma sudo if True sudo is set # \param timeout timeout of command in seconds class oaiThread (threading.Thread): def __init__(self, threadID, threadname, machine, username, password, cmd, sudo, timeout): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.threadID = threadID self.threadname = threadname self.machine = machine self.username = username self.password = password self.cmd = cmd self.sudo = sudo self.timeout = timeout def run(self): try: oai = openair('localdomain',self.machine) oai.connect(self.username, self.password) print "Starting " + self.threadname + " on machine " + self.machine result = oai.send_recv(self.cmd, self.sudo, self.timeout) print "result = " + result print "Exiting " + self.threadname oai.disconnect() except Exception, e: error='' error = error + ' In class oaiThread, function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: ' + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e) error = error + '\n threadID = ' + str(self.threadID) + '\n threadname = ' + self.threadname + '\n timeout = ' + str(self.timeout) + '\n machine = ' + self.machine + '\n cmd = ' + self.cmd + '\n timeout = ' + str(self.timeout) + '\n username = ' + self.username + '\n' error = error + traceback.format_exc() print error # \brief This class runs test cases with class {execution, compilatation} # \param threadID number of thread (for book keeping) # \param name string of threadname (for book keeping) # \param machine machine name on which to run the command # \param logdirOAI5GRepo directory on remote machine which as openairinterface5g repo installed # \param testcasename name of test case to run on remote machine # \param CleanupAluLteBox string that contains commands to stop ALU Bell Labs LTEBox (specified in test_case_list.xml) # \param user username with which to login # \param password password with which to login # \param timeout timeout of command in seconds # \param ExmimoRfStop command to stop EXMIMO Card class testCaseThread_generic (threading.Thread): def __init__(self, threadID, name, machine, logdirOAI5GRepo, testcasename,oldprogramList, CleanupAluLteBox, user, password, timeout, ExmimoRfStop): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.threadID = threadID self.name = name self.testcasename = testcasename self.timeout = timeout self.machine = machine self.logdirOAI5GRepo = logdirOAI5GRepo self.oldprogramList = oldprogramList self.CleanupAluLteBox = CleanupAluLteBox self.password=password self.ExmimoRfStop = ExmimoRfStop self.user = user def run(self): try: mypassword='' #addsudo = 'echo \'' + mypassword + '\' | sudo -S -E ' addpass = 'echo \'' + mypassword + '\' | ' #user = getpass.getuser() print "Starting test case : " + self.testcasename + " On machine " + self.machine + " timeout = " + str(self.timeout) oai = openair('localdomain',self.machine) oai.connect(self.user, self.password) #cleanOldPrograms(oai, self.oldprogramList, self.CleanupAluLteBox, self.ExmimoRfStop) logdir_local = os.environ.get('OPENAIR_DIR') logdir_local_testcase = logdir_local +'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ self.testcasename logdir_local_base = logdir_local +'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/' logdir_remote_testcase = self.logdirOAI5GRepo + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/' + self.testcasename logdir_remote = self.logdirOAI5GRepo + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/' logfile_task_testcasename = logdir_local_testcase + '/test_task' + '_' + self.testcasename + '_.log' logfile_task_testcasename_out = logdir_remote + '/test_task_out' + '_' + self.testcasename + '_.log' #print "logdir_local_testcase = " + logdir_local_testcase #print "logdir_remote_testcase = " + logdir_remote_testcase #if os.path.exists(logdir_local_testcase) == True : # os.removedirs(logdir_local_testcase) #os.mkdir(logdir_local_testcase) os.system("rm -fr " + logdir_local_testcase ) os.system("mkdir -p " + logdir_local_testcase) cmd = "mkdir -p " + logdir_remote_testcase res = oai.send_recv(cmd, False, self.timeout) #print "res = " + res cmd = "( cd " + self.logdirOAI5GRepo + " \n " cmd = cmd + "source oaienv \n" cmd = cmd + "$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_autotests.bash --run-group \"" + self.testcasename + "\" -p \'\'" cmd = cmd + " ) >& " + logfile_task_testcasename_out + " ; " + "mkdir -p " + logdir_remote_testcase + "; mv " + logfile_task_testcasename_out + " " +logdir_remote_testcase #print "cmd = " + cmd res = oai.send_recv(cmd, False, self.timeout) #print "res = " + res #print "ThreadID = " + str(self.threadID) + "ThreadName: " + self.name + " testcasename: " + self.testcasename + "Execution Result = " + res write_file(logfile_task_testcasename, cmd, mode="w") #Now we copy all the remote files #ssh = SSHSession(self.machine , username=user, key_file=None, password=self.password) #ssh.get_all(logdir_remote_testcase , logdir_local_base) SSHSessionWrapper(self.machine, self.user, None, self.password, logdir_remote_testcase, logdir_local_base, "get_all") print "Finishing test case : " + self.testcasename + " On machine " + self.machine #cleanOldPrograms(oai, self.oldprogramList, self.CleanupAluLteBox, self.ExmimoRfStop) #oai.kill(user,mypassword) oai.disconnect() except Exception, e: error='' error = error + ' In Class = testCaseThread_generic, function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: ' + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e) error = error + '\n threadID = ' + str(self.threadID) + '\n threadName = ' + self.name + '\n testcasename = ' + self.testcasename + '\n machine = ' + self.machine + '\n logdirOAI5GRepo = ' + self.logdirOAI5GRepo + '\n' + '\n timeout = ' + str(self.timeout) + '\n user = ' + self.user error = error + traceback.format_exc() print error print "Continuing with next test case..." #sys.exit() # \bried function to run a command as a sudo # \param cmd command as a string # \param password password to be supplied def addsudo (cmd, password=""): cmd = 'echo \'' + password + '\' | sudo -S -E bash -c \' ' + cmd + '\' ' return cmd # \brief handler for executing test cases (compilation, execution) # \param name of testcase # \param threadListGeneric list of threads which are already running on remote machines # \param oldprogramList list of programs which must be terminated before running a test case # \param logdirOAI5GRepo directory on remote machine which as openairinterface5g repo installed # \param MachineList list of all machines on which generic test cases can be run # \param user username with which to login # \param password password with which to login # \param CleanupAluLteBox string that contains commands to stop ALU Bell Labs LTEBox (specified in test_case_list.xml) # \param timeout timeout of command in seconds # \param ExmimoRfStop command to stop EXMIMO Card def handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGeneric, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineList, user, password, CleanupAluLteBox,timeout, ExmimoRfStop): try: mypassword=password MachineListFree=[] threadListNew=[] while MachineListFree.__len__() == 0 : MachineListBusy=[] MachineListFree=[] threadListNew=[] #first we need to find the list of free machines that we could run our test case if threadListGeneric.__len__() ==0 : #This means no thread is started yet MachineListFree = MachineList[:] else : for param in threadListGeneric : thread_id = param["thread_id"] machine = param["Machine"] testcasenameold = param["testcasename"] thread_id.join(1) if thread_id.isAlive() == True: threadListNew.append(param) print "thread_id is alive: testcasename: " + testcasenameold + " on machine "+ machine if machine not in MachineListBusy: MachineListBusy.append(machine) else : print "thread_id is finished: testcasename: " + testcasenameold + " on machine " + machine #threadListGeneric.remove(param) #if machine not in MachineListFree: # MachineListFree.append(machine) #Now we check if there is at least one free machine MachineListFree = MachineList[:] for machine in MachineListBusy: if machine in MachineListFree: MachineListFree.remove(machine) print "MachineListFree = " + ','.join(MachineListFree) print "MachineListBusy = " + ','.join(MachineListBusy) print "MachineList = " + ','.join(MachineList) machine = MachineListFree[0] thread = testCaseThread_generic(1,"Generic Thread_"+testcasename+"_"+ "machine_", machine, logdirOAI5GRepo, testcasename, oldprogramList, CleanupAluLteBox, user, password, timeout, ExmimoRfStop) param={"thread_id":thread, "Machine":machine, "testcasename":testcasename} thread.start() threadListNew.append(param) return threadListNew except Exception, e: error='' error = error + ' In function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: ' + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e) error = error + '\n testcasename = ' + testcasename + '\n logdirOAI5GRepo = ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '\n MachineList = ' + ','.join(MachineList) + '\n timeout = ' + str(timeout) + '\n' + 'user = ' + user error = error + traceback.format_exc() print error print "Continuing..." #sys.exit(1) # \brief Blocking wait for all threads related to generic testcase execution, class (compilation and execution) # \param threadListGeneric list of threads which are running on remote machines # \param timeout time to wait on threads in seconds def wait_testcaseclass_generic_threads(threadListGeneric, timeout = 1): threadListGenericNew=[] for param in threadListGeneric: thread_id = param["thread_id"] machine = param["Machine"] testcasenameold = param["testcasename"] thread_id.join(timeout) if thread_id.isAlive() == True: threadListGenericNew.append(param) print "thread_id on machine: " + machine + " is still alive: testcasename: " + testcasenameold print " Exiting now..." sys.exit(1) else: print "thread_id on machine: " + machine + " is stopped: testcasename: " + testcasenameold #threadListGeneric.remove(param) return threadListGenericNew # \brief handler for executing test cases (lte-softmodem) # \param testcase name of testcase # \param oldprogramList list of programs which must be terminated before running a test case # \param logdirOAI5GRepo directory on remote machine which has openairinterface5g repo installed # \param logdirOpenaircnRepo directory on remote machine which has openair-cn repo installed # \param MachineList list of all machines on which test cases can be run # \param user username with which to login # \param password password with which to login # \param CleanupAluLteBox string that contains commands to stop ALU Bell Labs LTEBox (specified in test_case_list.xml) # \param ExmimoRfStop command to stop EXMIMO Card # \param nruns_lte-softmodem global parameter to override number of runs (nruns) within the test case def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo , logdirOpenaircnRepo, MachineList, user, password, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, nruns_lte_softmodem, timeout_cmd): #We ignore the password sent to this function for secuirity reasons for password present in log files #It is recommended to add a line in /etc/sudoers that looks something like below. The line below will run sudo without password prompt # your_user_name ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL mypassword='' #addsudo = 'echo \'' + mypassword + '\' | sudo -S -E ' addpass = 'echo \'' + mypassword + '\' | ' #user = getpass.getuser() testcasename = testcase.get('id') testcaseclass = testcase.findtext('class',default='') if timeout_cmd == '': timeout_cmd = testcase.findtext('TimeOut_cmd',default='') timeout_cmd = int(float(timeout_cmd)) #Timeout_thread is more than that of cmd to have room for compilation time, etc timeout_thread = timeout_cmd + 300 if nruns_lte_softmodem == '': nruns = testcase.findtext('nruns',default='') else: nruns = nruns_lte_softmodem nruns = int(float(nruns)) tags = testcase.findtext('tags',default='') RRHMachine = testcase.findtext('RRH',default='') RRH_compile_prog = testcase.findtext('RRH_compile_prog',default='') RRH_compile_prog_args = testcase.findtext('RRH_compile_prog_args',default='') RRH_pre_exec = testcase.findtext('RRH_pre_exec',default='') RRH_pre_exec_args = testcase.findtext('RRH_pre_exec_args',default='') RRH_main_exec = testcase.findtext('RRH_main_exec',default='') RRH_main_exec_args = testcase.findtext('RRH_main_exec_args',default='') RRH_terminate_missing_procs = testcase.findtext('RRH_terminate_missing_procs',default='True') eNBMachine = testcase.findtext('eNB',default='') eNB_config_file = testcase.findtext('eNB_config_file',default='') eNB_compile_prog = testcase.findtext('eNB_compile_prog',default='') eNB_compile_prog_args = testcase.findtext('eNB_compile_prog_args',default='') eNB_pre_exec = testcase.findtext('eNB_pre_exec',default='') eNB_pre_exec_args = testcase.findtext('eNB_pre_exec_args',default='') eNB_main_exec = testcase.findtext('eNB_main_exec',default='') eNB_main_exec_args = testcase.findtext('eNB_main_exec_args',default='') eNB_traffic_exec = testcase.findtext('eNB_traffic_exec',default='') eNB_traffic_exec_args = testcase.findtext('eNB_traffic_exec_args',default='') eNB_terminate_missing_procs = testcase.findtext('eNB_terminate_missing_procs',default='True') eNB_search_expr_true = testcase.findtext('eNB_search_expr_true','') if re.compile('\w+').match(eNB_search_expr_true) != None: eNB_search_expr_true = eNB_search_expr_true + ' duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's' UEMachine = testcase.findtext('UE',default='') UE_config_file = testcase.findtext('UE_config_file',default='') UE_compile_prog = testcase.findtext('UE_compile_prog',default='') UE_compile_prog_args = testcase.findtext('UE_compile_prog_args',default='') UE_pre_exec = testcase.findtext('UE_pre_exec',default='') UE_pre_exec_args = testcase.findtext('UE_pre_exec_args',default='') UE_main_exec = testcase.findtext('UE_main_exec',default='') UE_main_exec_args = testcase.findtext('UE_main_exec_args',default='') UE_traffic_exec = testcase.findtext('UE_traffic_exec',default='') UE_traffic_exec_args = testcase.findtext('UE_traffic_exec_args',default='') UE_terminate_missing_procs = testcase.findtext('UE_terminate_missing_procs',default='True') UE_search_expr_true = testcase.findtext('UE_search_expr_true','') UE_stop_script = testcase.findtext('UE_stop_script','') if re.compile('\w+').match(UE_search_expr_true) != None: UE_search_expr_true = UE_search_expr_true + ' duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's' EPCMachine = testcase.findtext('EPC',default='') EPC_config_file = testcase.findtext('EPC_config_file',default='') EPC_compile_prog = testcase.findtext('EPC_compile_prog',default='') EPC_compile_prog_args = testcase.findtext('EPC_compile_prog_args',default='') HSS_compile_prog = testcase.findtext('HSS_compile_prog',default='') HSS_compile_prog_args = testcase.findtext('HSS_compile_prog_args',default='') EPC_pre_exec= testcase.findtext('EPC_pre_exec',default='') EPC_pre_exec_args = testcase.findtext('EPC_pre_exec_args',default='') EPC_main_exec= testcase.findtext('EPC_main_exec',default='') EPC_main_exec_args = testcase.findtext('EPC_main_exec_args',default='') HSS_main_exec= testcase.findtext('HSS_main_exec',default='') HSS_main_exec_args = testcase.findtext('HSS_main_exec_args',default='') EPC_traffic_exec = testcase.findtext('EPC_traffic_exec',default='') EPC_traffic_exec_args = testcase.findtext('EPC_traffic_exec_args',default='') EPC_terminate_missing_procs = testcase.findtext('EPC_terminate_missing_procs',default='True') EPC_search_expr_true = testcase.findtext('EPC_search_expr_true','') if re.compile('\w+').match(EPC_search_expr_true) != None: EPC_search_expr_true = EPC_search_expr_true + ' duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's' index_eNBMachine = MachineList.index(eNBMachine) index_UEMachine = MachineList.index(UEMachine) index_EPCMachine = MachineList.index(EPCMachine) cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source oaienv ; env|grep OPENAIR' oai_eNB = openair('localdomain', eNBMachine) oai_eNB.connect(user, password) res= oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd) oai_UE = openair('localdomain', UEMachine) oai_UE.connect(user, password) res = oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd) oai_EPC = openair('localdomain', EPCMachine) oai_EPC.connect(user, password) res = oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd) if RRHMachine != '': cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source oaienv ; env|grep OPENAIR' index_RRHMachine = MachineList.index(RRHMachine) oai_RRH = openair('localdomain', RRHMachine) oai_RRH.connect(user, password) res= oai_RRH.send_recv(cmd) #cleanOldPrograms(oai_eNB, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop) #cleanOldPrograms(oai_UE, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop) #cleanOldPrograms(oai_EPC, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop) logdir_local = os.environ.get('OPENAIR_DIR') if logdir_local is None: print "Environment variable OPENAIR_DIR not set correctly" sys.exit() #Make the log directory of test case #cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + logdir_eNB #result = oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd) #cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + logdir_UE #result = oai_UE.send_recv(cmd) #cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + logdir_EPC #result = oai_EPC.send_recv(cmd) print "Updating the config files for ENB/UE/EPC..." #updating the eNB/UE/EPC configuration file from the test case #update_config_file(oai_eNB, eNB_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo) #update_config_file(oai_UE, UE_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo) #update_config_file(oai_EPC, EPC_config_file, logdirOpenaircnRepo) test_result=1 test_result_string='' start_time=time.time() for run in range(0,nruns): run_result=1 run_result_string='' logdir_eNB = logdirOAI5GRepo+'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/run_' + str(run) logdir_RRH = logdirOAI5GRepo+'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/run_' + str(run) logdir_UE = logdirOAI5GRepo+'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/run_' + str(run) logdir_EPC = logdirOpenaircnRepo+'/TEST/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/run_' + str(run) logdir_local_testcase = logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/run_' + str(run) #Make the log directory of test case if RRHMachine != '': cmd = 'rm -fr ' + logdir_RRH + ' ; mkdir -p ' + logdir_RRH result = oai_RRH.send_recv(cmd) cmd = 'rm -fr ' + logdir_eNB + ' ; mkdir -p ' + logdir_eNB result = oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd) cmd = 'rm -fr ' + logdir_UE + ' ; mkdir -p ' + logdir_UE result = oai_UE.send_recv(cmd) cmd = 'rm -fr ' + logdir_EPC + '; mkdir -p ' + logdir_EPC result = oai_EPC.send_recv(cmd) cmd = ' rm -fr ' + logdir_local_testcase + ' ; mkdir -p ' + logdir_local_testcase result = os.system(cmd) if RRHMachine != '': logfile_compile_RRH = logdir_RRH + '/RRH_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_exec_RRH = logdir_RRH + '/RRH_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_pre_exec_RRH = logdir_RRH + '/RRH_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_RRH_compile_out = logdir_RRH + '/RRH_task_compile_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_RRH_compile = logdir_local_testcase + '/RRH_task_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_RRH_out = logdir_RRH + '/RRH_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_RRH = logdir_local_testcase + '/RRH_task' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' task_RRH_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n' task_RRH_compile = task_RRH_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n' task_RRH_compile = task_RRH_compile + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n' if RRH_compile_prog != "": task_RRH_compile = task_RRH_compile + ' ( ' + RRH_compile_prog + ' '+ RRH_compile_prog_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_compile_RRH + ' 2>&1 \n' task_RRH_compile = task_RRH_compile + ' date ) > ' + logfile_task_RRH_compile_out + ' 2>&1 ' write_file(logfile_task_RRH_compile, task_RRH_compile, mode="w") task_RRH = ' ( uname -a ; date \n' task_RRH = task_RRH + ' export OPENAIR_TESTDIR=' + logdir_RRH + '\n' task_RRH = task_RRH + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n' task_RRH = task_RRH + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n' + 'array_exec_pid=() \n' if RRH_pre_exec != "": task_RRH = task_RRH + ' ( date; ' + RRH_pre_exec + ' '+ RRH_pre_exec_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_pre_exec_RRH + ' 2>&1 \n' if RRH_main_exec != "": task_RRH = task_RRH + ' ( date; ' + addsudo(RRH_main_exec + ' ' + RRH_main_exec_args, mypassword) + ' ) > ' + logfile_exec_RRH + ' 2>&1 & \n' task_RRH = task_RRH + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n' task_RRH = task_RRH + 'echo eNB_main_exec PID = $! \n' #terminate the eNB test case after timeout_cmd seconds task_RRH = task_RRH + finalize_deploy_script (timeout_cmd, RRH_terminate_missing_procs) + ' \n' task_RRH = task_RRH + 'handle_ctrl_c' + '\n' task_RRH = task_RRH + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_RRH_out + ' 2>&1 ' write_file(logfile_task_RRH, task_RRH, mode="w") logfile_compile_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_exec_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_pre_exec_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_traffic_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_eNB_compile_out = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_task_compile_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_eNB_compile = logdir_local_testcase + '/eNB_task_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_eNB_out = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_eNB = logdir_local_testcase + '/eNB_task' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_local_traffic_eNB_out = logdir_local_testcase + '/eNB_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_tshark_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_tshark' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_pcap_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_tshark' + '_' + str(run) + '_.pcap' logfile_pcap_zip_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_tshark' + '_' + str(run) + '_.pcap.zip' logfile_pcap_tmp_eNB = '/tmp/' + '/eNB_tshark' + '_' + str(run) + '_.pcap' task_eNB_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n' task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n' task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n' task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + update_config_file(oai_eNB, eNB_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo, '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/search_repl.py') + '\n' if eNB_compile_prog != "": task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + ' ( ' + eNB_compile_prog + ' '+ eNB_compile_prog_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_compile_eNB + ' 2>&1 \n' task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + ' date ) > ' + logfile_task_eNB_compile_out + ' 2>&1 ' write_file(logfile_task_eNB_compile, task_eNB_compile, mode="w") task_eNB = ' ( uname -a ; date \n' task_eNB = task_eNB + ' export OPENAIR_TESTDIR=' + logdir_eNB + '\n' task_eNB = task_eNB + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n' task_eNB = task_eNB + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n' + 'array_exec_pid=() \n' if eNB_pre_exec != "": task_eNB = task_eNB + ' ( date; ' + eNB_pre_exec + ' '+ eNB_pre_exec_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_pre_exec_eNB + ' 2>&1 \n' if eNB_main_exec != "": task_eNB = task_eNB + ' ( date; ' + addsudo(eNB_main_exec + ' ' + eNB_main_exec_args, mypassword) + ' ) > ' + logfile_exec_eNB + ' 2>&1 & \n' task_eNB = task_eNB + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n' task_eNB = task_eNB + 'echo eNB_main_exec PID = $! \n' if eNB_traffic_exec != "": cmd_traffic = eNB_traffic_exec + ' ' + eNB_traffic_exec_args if cmd_traffic.find('-c') >= 0: cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + ' -t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60) task_eNB = task_eNB + ' (date; ' + cmd_traffic + ' ) > ' + logfile_traffic_eNB + ' 2>&1 & \n' task_eNB = task_eNB + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n' task_eNB = task_eNB + 'echo eNB_traffic_exec PID = $! \n' task_eNB = task_eNB + ' (date; sudo rm -f ' + logfile_pcap_tmp_eNB + ' ; sudo -E tshark -i any -s 65535 -a duration:' + str(timeout_cmd-10)+ ' -w ' + logfile_pcap_tmp_eNB+ ' ; sudo -E chown ' + user + ' ' + logfile_pcap_tmp_eNB + ' ; zip -j -9 ' + logfile_pcap_zip_eNB + ' ' + logfile_pcap_tmp_eNB + ' ) > ' + logfile_tshark_eNB + ' 2>&1 & \n ' task_eNB = task_eNB + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n' task_eNB = task_eNB + 'echo eNB_tshark_exec PID = $! \n' #terminate the eNB test case after timeout_cmd seconds task_eNB = task_eNB + finalize_deploy_script (timeout_cmd, eNB_terminate_missing_procs) + ' \n' #task_eNB = task_eNB + 'sleep ' + str(timeout_cmd) + ' \n' task_eNB = task_eNB + 'handle_ctrl_c' + '\n' task_eNB = task_eNB + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_eNB_out + ' 2>&1 ' write_file(logfile_task_eNB, task_eNB, mode="w") #task_eNB = 'echo \" ' + task_eNB + '\" > ' + logfile_script_eNB + ' 2>&1 ; ' + task_eNB logfile_compile_UE = logdir_UE + '/UE_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_exec_UE = logdir_UE + '/UE_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_pre_exec_UE = logdir_UE + '/UE_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_traffic_UE = logdir_UE + '/UE_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_UE_out = logdir_UE + '/UE_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_UE = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_task' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_UE_compile_out = logdir_UE + '/UE_task_compile_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_UE_compile = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_task_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_local_traffic_UE_out = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' task_UE_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n' task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n' task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '\n' task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'source oaienv \n' task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n' task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n' task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + update_config_file(oai_UE, UE_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo, '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/search_repl.py') + '\n' if UE_compile_prog != "": task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + ' ( ' + UE_compile_prog + ' '+ UE_compile_prog_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_compile_UE + ' 2>&1 \n' task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_UE_compile_out + ' 2>&1 ' write_file(logfile_task_UE_compile, task_UE_compile, mode="w") task_UE = ' ( uname -a ; date \n' task_UE = task_UE + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n' task_UE = task_UE + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '\n' task_UE = task_UE + 'source oaienv \n' task_UE = task_UE + 'source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n' task_UE = task_UE + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n' if UE_pre_exec != "": task_UE = task_UE + ' ( date; ' + UE_pre_exec + ' '+ UE_pre_exec_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_pre_exec_UE + ' 2>&1 \n' if UE_main_exec != "": task_UE = task_UE + ' ( date; ' + addsudo(UE_main_exec + ' ' + UE_main_exec_args, mypassword) + ' ) > ' + logfile_exec_UE + ' 2>&1 & \n' task_UE = task_UE + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n' task_UE = task_UE + 'echo UE_main_exec PID = $! \n' if UE_traffic_exec != "": cmd_traffic = UE_traffic_exec + ' ' + UE_traffic_exec_args if cmd_traffic.find('-c') >= 0: cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + ' -t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60) task_UE = task_UE + ' ( date; ' + cmd_traffic + ' ) >' + logfile_traffic_UE + ' 2>&1 & \n' task_UE = task_UE + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n' task_UE = task_UE + 'echo UE_traffic_exec PID = $! \n' #terminate the UE test case after timeout_cmd seconds task_UE = task_UE + finalize_deploy_script (timeout_cmd, UE_terminate_missing_procs) + ' \n' #task_UE = task_UE + 'sleep ' + str(timeout_cmd) + ' \n' task_UE = task_UE + 'handle_ctrl_c' + '\n' task_UE = task_UE + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_UE_out + ' 2>&1 ' write_file(logfile_task_UE, task_UE, mode="w") #task_UE = 'echo \" ' + task_UE + '\" > ' + logfile_script_UE + ' 2>&1 ; ' + task_UE logfile_compile_EPC = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_compile_HSS = logdir_EPC + '/HSS_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_exec_EPC = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_pre_exec_EPC = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_exec_HSS = logdir_EPC + '/HSS_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_traffic_EPC = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_EPC_out = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_EPC = logdir_local_testcase + '/EPC_task' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_EPC_compile_out = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_task_compile_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_task_EPC_compile = logdir_local_testcase + '/EPC_task_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_local_traffic_EPC_out = logdir_local_testcase + '/EPC_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' task_EPC_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n' task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n' task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOpenaircnRepo + ' ; source oaienv \n' task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + update_config_file(oai_EPC, EPC_config_file, logdirOpenaircnRepo, logdirOpenaircnRepo+'/TEST/autotests/tools/search_repl.py') + '\n' task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + 'source BUILD/TOOLS/build_helper \n' if EPC_compile_prog != "": task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + '(' + EPC_compile_prog + ' ' + EPC_compile_prog_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_compile_EPC + ' 2>&1 \n' if HSS_compile_prog != "": task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + '(' + HSS_compile_prog + ' ' + HSS_compile_prog_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_compile_HSS + ' 2>&1 \n' task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_EPC_compile_out + ' 2>&1 ' write_file(logfile_task_EPC_compile, task_EPC_compile, mode="w") task_EPC = ' ( uname -a ; date \n' task_EPC = task_EPC + ' export OPENAIRCN_TESTDIR=' + logdir_EPC + '\n' task_EPC = task_EPC + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n' task_EPC = task_EPC + 'cd ' + logdirOpenaircnRepo + '; source oaienv\n' task_EPC = task_EPC + 'source BUILD/TOOLS/build_helper \n' if EPC_pre_exec != "": task_EPC = task_EPC + ' ( date; ' + EPC_pre_exec + ' '+ EPC_pre_exec_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_pre_exec_EPC + ' 2>&1 \n' if HSS_main_exec != "": task_EPC = task_EPC + '( date; ' + addsudo (HSS_main_exec + ' ' + HSS_main_exec_args, mypassword) + ' ) > ' + logfile_exec_HSS + ' 2>&1 & \n' task_EPC = task_EPC + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n' task_EPC = task_EPC + 'echo HSS_main_exec PID = $! \n' if EPC_main_exec != "": task_EPC = task_EPC + '( date; ' + addsudo (EPC_main_exec + ' ' + EPC_main_exec_args, mypassword) + ' ) > ' + logfile_exec_EPC + ' 2>&1 & \n' task_EPC = task_EPC + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n' task_EPC = task_EPC + 'echo EPC_main_exec PID = $! \n' if EPC_traffic_exec != "": cmd_traffic = EPC_traffic_exec + ' ' + EPC_traffic_exec_args if cmd_traffic.find('-c') >= 0: cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + ' -t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60) task_EPC = task_EPC + '( date; ' + cmd_traffic + ' ) > ' + logfile_traffic_EPC + ' 2>&1 & \n' task_EPC = task_EPC + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n' task_EPC = task_EPC + 'echo EPC_traffic_exec PID = $! \n' #terminate the EPC test case after timeout_cmd seconds task_EPC = task_EPC + finalize_deploy_script (timeout_cmd, EPC_terminate_missing_procs) + '\n' #task_EPC = task_EPC + 'sleep ' + str(timeout_cmd) + '\n' task_EPC = task_EPC + 'handle_ctrl_c' '\n' task_EPC = task_EPC + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_EPC_out + ' 2>&1 ' write_file(logfile_task_EPC, task_EPC, mode="w") #first we compile all the programs thread_EPC = oaiThread(1, "EPC_thread", EPCMachine, user, password , task_EPC_compile, False, timeout_thread) thread_eNB = oaiThread(2, "eNB_thread", eNBMachine, user, password , task_eNB_compile, False, timeout_thread) thread_UE = oaiThread(3, "UE_thread", UEMachine, user, password , task_UE_compile, False, timeout_thread) if RRHMachine != '': thread_RRH = oaiThread(4, "RRH_thread", RRHMachine, user, password , task_RRH_compile, False, timeout_thread) threads=[] threads.append(thread_eNB) threads.append(thread_UE) threads.append(thread_EPC) if RRHMachine != '': threads.append(thread_RRH) # Start new Threads thread_eNB.start() thread_UE.start() thread_EPC.start() if RRHMachine != '': thread_RRH.start() #Wait for all the compile threads to complete for t in threads: t.join() #Now we execute all the threads thread_EPC = oaiThread(1, "EPC_thread", EPCMachine, user, password , task_EPC, False, timeout_thread) thread_eNB = oaiThread(2, "eNB_thread", eNBMachine, user, password , task_eNB, False, timeout_thread) thread_UE = oaiThread(3, "UE_thread", UEMachine, user, password , task_UE, False, timeout_thread) if RRHMachine != '': thread_RRH = oaiThread(4, "RRH_thread", RRHMachine, user, password , task_RRH, False, timeout_thread) threads=[] threads.append(thread_eNB) threads.append(thread_UE) threads.append(thread_EPC) if RRHMachine != '': threads.append(thread_RRH) # Start new Threads thread_eNB.start() thread_UE.start() thread_EPC.start() if RRHMachine != '': thread_RRH.start() #Wait for all the compile threads to complete for t in threads: t.join() #Now we get the log files from remote machines on the local machine if RRHMachine != '': cleanOldProgramsAllMachines([oai_eNB, oai_UE, oai_EPC, oai_RRH] , oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop) else: cleanOldProgramsAllMachines([oai_eNB, oai_UE, oai_EPC] , oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop) logfile_UE_stop_script_out = logdir_UE + '/UE_stop_script_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' logfile_UE_stop_script = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_stop_script' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' if UE_stop_script != "": cmd = ' ( uname -a ; date \n' cmd = cmd + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n' cmd = cmd + 'env |grep OPENAIR \n' + 'array_exec_pid=() \n' cmd = cmd + UE_stop_script + '\n' cmd = cmd + ') > ' + logfile_UE_stop_script_out + ' 2>&1 ' write_file(logfile_UE_stop_script , cmd, mode="w") thread_UE = oaiThread(4, "UE_thread", UEMachine, user, password , cmd, False, timeout_thread) thread_UE.start() thread_UE.join() #Now we change the permissions of the logfiles to avoid some of them being with root permissions cmd = 'sudo -E chown -R ' + user + ' ' + logdir_eNB res= oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd) print "Changing permissions of logdir <" + logdir_eNB + "> in eNB machine..." + res cmd = 'sudo -E chown -R ' + user + ' ' + logdir_UE res= oai_UE.send_recv(cmd) print "Changing permissions of logdir <" + logdir_UE + "> in UE machine..." + res cmd = 'sudo -E chown -R ' + user + ' ' + logdir_EPC res= oai_EPC.send_recv(cmd) print "Changing permissions of logdir <" + logdir_EPC + "> in EPC machine..." + res if RRHMachine != '': cmd = 'sudo -E chown -R ' + user + ' ' + logdir_RRH res= oai_RRH.send_recv(cmd) print "Changing permissions of logdir <" + logdir_RRH + "> in RRH machine..." + res print "Copying files from EPCMachine : " + EPCMachine + "logdir_EPC = " + logdir_EPC SSHSessionWrapper(EPCMachine, user, None, password, logdir_EPC, logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename, "get_all") print "Copying files from eNBMachine " + eNBMachine + "logdir_eNB = " + logdir_eNB SSHSessionWrapper(eNBMachine, user, None, password, logdir_eNB, logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename, "get_all") print "Copying files from UEMachine : " + UEMachine + "logdir_UE = " + logdir_UE SSHSessionWrapper(UEMachine, user, None, password, logdir_UE, logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename, "get_all") if RRHMachine != '': print "Copying files from RRHMachine : " + RRHMachine + "logdir_RRH = " + logdir_RRH SSHSessionWrapper(RRHMachine, user, None, password, logdir_RRH, logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename, "get_all") #Currently we only perform throughput tests tput_run_string='' result, tput_string = tput_test_search_expr(eNB_search_expr_true, logfile_local_traffic_eNB_out) tput_run_string = tput_run_string + tput_string run_result=run_result&result result, tput_string = tput_test_search_expr(EPC_search_expr_true, logfile_local_traffic_EPC_out) run_result=run_result&result tput_run_string = tput_run_string + tput_string result, tput_string = tput_test_search_expr(UE_search_expr_true, logfile_local_traffic_UE_out) run_result=run_result&result tput_run_string = tput_run_string + tput_string if run_result == 1: run_result_string = ' RUN_'+str(run) + ' = PASS' else: run_result_string = ' RUN_'+str(run) + ' = FAIL' run_result_string = run_result_string + tput_run_string test_result=test_result & run_result test_result_string=test_result_string + run_result_string oai_eNB.disconnect() oai_UE.disconnect() oai_EPC.disconnect() #We need to close the new ssh session that was created #if index_eNBMachine == index_EPCMachine: # oai_EPC.disconnect() #Now we finalize the xml file of the test case end_time=time.time() duration= end_time - start_time xmlFile = logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/test.' + testcasename + '.xml' if test_result ==0: result='FAIL' else: result = 'PASS' xml="\n<testcase classname=\'"+ testcaseclass + "\' name=\'" + testcasename + "."+tags + "\' Run_result=\'" + test_result_string + "\' time=\'" + str(duration) + " s \' RESULT=\'" + result + "\'></testcase> \n" write_file(xmlFile, xml, mode="w") # \brief This function searches if test case is present in list of test cases that need to be executed by user # \param testcasename the test case to search for # \param testcasegroup list that is passed from the arguments # \param test_case_exclude list of test cases excluded from execution (specified in test_case_list.xml) def search_test_case_group(testcasename, testcasegroup, test_case_exclude): if test_case_exclude != "": testcase_exclusion_list=test_case_exclude.split() for entry in testcase_exclusion_list: if entry.find('+') >=0: match = re.search(entry, testcasename) if match: print "\nSkipping test case as it is found in black list: " + testcasename return False else: match = entry.find(testcasename) if match >=0: print "\nSkipping test case as it is found in black list: " + testcasename return False if testcasegroup == '': return True else: testcaselist = testcasegroup.split() for entry in testcaselist: if entry.find('+') >=0: match = re.search(entry, testcasename) if match: return True else: match = testcasename.find(entry) if match >=0: return True return False # \brief thread that cleans up remote machines from pre-existing test case executions # \param threadID number of thread (for book keeping) # \param threadname name of thread (for book keeping) # \param oai handler that can be used to execute programs on remote machines # \param CleanUpOldProgs list of programs which must be terminated before running a test case (specified in test_case_list.xml) # \param CleanupAluLteBox string that contains commands to stop ALU Bell Labs LTEBox (specified in test_case_list.xml) # \param ExmimoRfStop command to stop EXMIMO Card class oaiCleanOldProgramThread (threading.Thread): def __init__(self, threadID, threadname, oai, CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.threadID = threadID self.threadname = threadname self.oai = oai self.CleanUpOldProgs = CleanUpOldProgs self.CleanUpAluLteBox = CleanUpAluLteBox self.ExmimoRfStop = ExmimoRfStop def run(self): try: cleanOldPrograms(self.oai, self.CleanUpOldProgs, self.CleanUpAluLteBox, self.ExmimoRfStop) except Exception, e: error='' error = error + ' In class oaiCleanOldProgramThread, function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: ' + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e) error = error + '\n threadID = ' + str(self.threadID) + '\n threadname = ' + self.threadname + '\n CleanUpOldProgs = ' + self.CleanUpOldProgs + '\n CleanUpAluLteBox = ' + self.CleanUpAluLteBox + '\n ExmimoRfStop = ' + self.ExmimoRfStop + '\n' error = error + traceback.format_exc() print error print "There is error in cleaning up old programs....." #sys.exit(1) # \brief Run parallel threads in all machines for clean up old execution of test cases # \param oai_list list of handlers that can be used to execute programs on remote machines # \param CleanUpOldProgs list of programs which must be terminated before running a test case (specified in test_case_list.xml) # \param CleanupAluLteBox string that contains commands to stop ALU Bell Labs LTEBox (specified in test_case_list.xml) # \param ExmimoRfStop command to stop EXMIMO Card def cleanOldProgramsAllMachines(oai_list, CleanOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop): threadId=0 threadList=[] for oai in oai_list: threadName="cleanup_thread_"+str(threadId) thread=oaiCleanOldProgramThread(threadId, threadName, oai, CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop) threadList.append(thread) thread.start() threadId = threadId + 1 for t in threadList: t.join() debug = 0 pw ='' i = 0 dlsim=0 localshell=0 GitOAI5GRepo='' GitOAI5GRepoBranch='' GitOAI5GHeadVersion='' user='' pw='' testcasegroup='' NFSResultsShare='' cleanUpRemoteMachines=False openairdir_local = os.environ.get('OPENAIR_DIR') if openairdir_local is None: print "Environment variable OPENAIR_DIR not set correctly" sys.exit() locallogdir = openairdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log' MachineList = '' MachineListGeneric='' flag_remove_logdir=False flag_start_testcase=False nruns_lte_softmodem='' flag_skip_git_head_check=False flag_skip_oai_install=False Timeout_cmd='' print "Number of arguments argc = " + str(len(sys.argv)) #for index in range(1,len(sys.argv) ): # print "argv_" + str(index) + " : " + sys.argv[index] i=1 while i < len (sys.argv): arg=sys.argv[i] if arg == '-r': flag_remove_logdir=True elif arg == '-s' : flag_start_testcase=True elif arg == '-g' : testcasegroup = sys.argv[i+1].replace("\"","") i = i +1 elif arg == '-c': cleanUpRemoteMachines=True elif arg == '-5GRepo': GitOAI5GRepo = sys.argv[i+1] i = i +1 elif arg == '-5GRepoBranch': GitOAI5GRepoBranch = sys.argv[i+1] i = i +1 elif arg == '-5GRepoHeadVersion': GitOAI5GHeadVersion = sys.argv[i+1] #We now find the branch that corresponds to this Git Head Commit cmd = "git show-ref --head " + " | grep " + GitOAI5GHeadVersion cmd_out = subprocess.check_output ([cmd], shell=True) cmd_out=cmd_out.replace("\n","") cmd_out = cmd_out.split('/') GitOAI5GRepoBranch = cmd_out[-1] if GitOAI5GRepoBranch == '': print "Error extracting GitBranch from head commit. Exiting now..." sys.exit(1) i = i +1 elif arg == '-u': user = sys.argv[i+1] i = i +1 elif arg == '-p': pw = sys.argv[i+1] i = i +1 elif arg == '-n': NFSResultsShare = sys.argv[i+1] i = i +1 elif arg == '--nrun_lte_softmodem': nruns_lte_softmodem = sys.argv[i+1] i = i +1 elif arg == '-MachineList': MachineList = sys.argv[i+1] MachineList = MachineList.replace("\"","") MachineList = MachineList.replace("\'","") i = i +1 elif arg == '-MachineListGeneric': MachineListGeneric = sys.argv[i+1] MachineListGeneric = MachineListGeneric.replace("\"","") MachineListGeneric = MachineListGeneric.replace("\'","") i = i +1 elif arg == '--skip-git-head-check': flag_skip_git_head_check=True elif arg == '--timeout_cmd': Timeout_cmd = sys.argv[i+1] i = i +1 elif arg == '--skip-oai-install': flag_skip_oai_install=True elif arg == '-h' : print "-s: This flag *MUST* be set to start the test cases" print "-r: Remove the log directory in autotests" print "-g: Run test cases in a group" print "-c: Run cleanup scripts on remote machines and exit" print "-5GRepo: Repository for OAI 5G to use to run tests (overrides GitOAI5GRepo in test_case_list.xml)" print "-5GRepoBranch: Branch for OAI 5G Repository to run tests (overrides the branch in test_case_list.xml)" print "-5GRepoHeadVersion: Head commit on which to run tests (overrides the branch in test_case_list.xml)" print "-u: use the user name passed as argument" print "-p: use the password passed as an argument" print "-n: Set the NFS share passed as an argument" print "--nrun_lte_softmodem: Set the number of runs for lte-softmodem test case class" print "-MachineList : overrides the MachineList parameter in test_case_list.xml" print "-MachineListGeneric : overrides the MachineListGeneric parameter in test_case_list.xml" print "--skip-git-head-check: skip checking of GitHead remote/local branch (only for debugging)" print "--timeout_cmd: Override the default parameter (timeout_cmd) in test_case_list.xml. This parameter is in seconds and should be > 120" print "--skip-oai-install: Skips the openairinterface5g installer" sys.exit() else : print "Unrecongnized Option: <" + arg + ">. Use -h to see valid options" sys.exit() i= i + 1 try: os.environ["OPENAIR1_DIR"] except KeyError: print "Please set the environment variable OPENAIR1_DIR in the .bashrc" sys.exit(1) try: os.environ["OPENAIR2_DIR"] except KeyError: print "Please set the environment variable OPENAIR2_DIR in the .bashrc" sys.exit(1) try: os.environ["OPENAIR_TARGETS"] except KeyError: print "Please set the environment variable OPENAIR_TARGETS in the .bashrc" sys.exit(1) print "Killing zombie ssh sessions from earlier sessions..." cmd='ps aux |grep \"/usr/bin/ssh -q -l guptar\"|tr -s \" \" :|cut -f 2 -d :|xargs kill -9 ' os.system(cmd) if flag_start_testcase == False: print "You need to start the testcase by passing option -s. Use -h to see all options. Aborting now..." sys.exit(1) # get the oai object host = os.uname()[1] #oai = openair('localdomain','calisson') oai_list = [] #start_time = time.time() # datetime.datetime.now() if user=='': user = getpass.getuser() if pw=='': pw = getpass.getpass() print "Killing zombie ssh sessions from earlier sessions..." cmd='ps aux |grep \"/usr/bin/ssh -q -l guptar\"|tr -s \" \" :|cut -f 2 -d :|xargs kill -9 ' cmd = cmd + '; ps aux |grep \"/usr/bin/ssh -q -l ' + user + '\"|tr -s \" \" :|cut -f 2 -d :|xargs kill -9 ' os.system(cmd) print "host = " + host print "user = " + user xmlInputFile=os.environ.get('OPENAIR_DIR')+"/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml" NFSResultsDir = '/mnt/sradio' cleanupOldProgramsScript = '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/remove_old_programs.bash' logdir = '/tmp/' + 'OAITestFrameWork-' + user + '/' logdirOAI5GRepo = logdir + 'openairinterface5g/' logdirOpenaircnRepo = logdir + 'openair-cn/' if flag_remove_logdir == True: print "Removing directory: " + locallogdir os.system(' rm -fr ' + locallogdir + '; mkdir -p ' + locallogdir ) paramiko_logfile = os.path.expandvars('$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/log/paramiko.log') res=os.system(' echo > ' + paramiko_logfile) paramiko.util.log_to_file(paramiko_logfile) #pw=getpass.getpass() #Now we parse the xml file for basic configuration xmlTree = ET.parse(xmlInputFile) xmlRoot = xmlTree.getroot() if MachineList =='': MachineList = xmlRoot.findtext('MachineList',default='') NFSResultsShare = xmlRoot.findtext('NFSResultsShare',default='') GitOpenaircnRepo = xmlRoot.findtext('GitOpenair-cnRepo',default='') if GitOAI5GRepo == '': GitOAI5GRepo = xmlRoot.findtext('GitOAI5GRepo',default='') if GitOAI5GRepoBranch == '': GitOAI5GRepoBranch = xmlRoot.findtext('GitOAI5GRepoBranch',default='') GitOpenaircnRepoBranch = xmlRoot.findtext('GitOpenair-cnRepoBranch',default='') CleanUpOldProgs = xmlRoot.findtext('CleanUpOldProgs',default='') CleanUpAluLteBox = xmlRoot.findtext('CleanUpAluLteBox',default='') Timeout_execution = int (xmlRoot.findtext('Timeout_execution')) if MachineListGeneric == '': MachineListGeneric = xmlRoot.findtext('MachineListGeneric',default='') TestCaseExclusionList = xmlRoot.findtext('TestCaseExclusionList',default='') ExmimoRfStop = xmlRoot.findtext('ExmimoRfStop',default='') if nruns_lte_softmodem == '': nruns_lte_softmodem = xmlRoot.findtext('nruns_lte-softmodem',default='') print "MachineList = " + MachineList print "GitOpenair-cnRepo = " + GitOpenaircnRepo print "GitOAI5GRepo = " + GitOAI5GRepo print "GitOAI5GBranch = " + GitOAI5GRepoBranch print "GitOpenaircnRepoBranch = " + GitOpenaircnRepoBranch print "NFSResultsShare = " + NFSResultsShare print "nruns_lte_softmodem = " + nruns_lte_softmodem print "Timeout_cmd = " + Timeout_cmd if GitOAI5GHeadVersion == '': cmd = "git show-ref --heads -s "+ GitOAI5GRepoBranch GitOAI5GHeadVersion = subprocess.check_output ([cmd], shell=True) GitOAI5GHeadVersion=GitOAI5GHeadVersion.replace("\n","") print "GitOAI5GHeadVersion = " + GitOAI5GHeadVersion print "CleanUpOldProgs = " + CleanUpOldProgs print "Timeout_execution = " + str(Timeout_execution) if GitOAI5GHeadVersion == '': print "Error getting the OAI5GBranch Head version...Exiting" sys.exit() NFSTestsResultsDir = NFSResultsShare + '/'+ GitOAI5GRepoBranch + '/' + GitOAI5GHeadVersion print "NFSTestsResultsDir = " + NFSTestsResultsDir MachineList = MachineList.split() MachineListGeneric = MachineListGeneric.split() #index=0 for machine in MachineList: oai_list.append( openair('localdomain',machine)) #index = index + 1 print "\nTesting the sanity of machines used for testing..." if localshell == 0: try: index=0 for machine in MachineList: print '\n******* Note that the user <'+user+'> should be a sudoer *******\n' print '******* Connecting to the machine <'+machine+'> to perform the test *******\n' if not pw : print "username: " + user #pw = getpass.getpass() #print "password: " + pw else : print "username: " + user #print "password: " + pw # issues in ubuntu 12.04 oai_list[index].connect(user,pw) print '\nChecking for sudo permissions on machine <'+machine+'>...' result = oai_list[index].send_expect_false('sudo -S -v','may not run sudo',True) print "Sudo permissions..." + result print '\nCleaning Older running programs : ' + CleanUpOldProgs cleanOldPrograms(oai_list[index], CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop) #result = oai_list[index].send('mount ' + NFSResultsDir, True) #print "Mounting NFS Share " + NFSResultsDir + "..." + result # Check if NFS share is mounted correctly. #print 'Checking if NFS Share<' + NFSResultsDir + '> is mounted correctly...' #cmd = 'if grep -qs '+NFSResultsDir+ ' /proc/mounts; then echo \'' + NFSResultsDir + ' is mounted\' ; fi' #search_expr = NFSResultsDir + ' is mounted' #print "cmd = " + cmd #print "search_expr = " + search_expr #result = oai_list[index].send_expect(cmd, search_expr) #print "Mount NFS_Results_Dir..." + result index = index + 1 #oai.connect2(user,pw) #oai.get_shell() except : print 'Fail to connect to the machine: '+ machine sys.exit(1) else: pw = '' oai_list[0].connect_localshell() #We now prepare the machines for testing index=0 threads_init_setup=[] for oai in oai_list: try: print "setting up machine: " + MachineList[index] #print oai_list[oai].send_recv('echo \''+pw+'\' |sudo -S -v') #print oai_list[oai].send_recv('sudo su') #print oai_list[oai].send_recv('who am i') #cleanUpPrograms(oai_list[oai] cmd = 'sudo -S -E rm -fr ' + logdir + ' ; mkdir -p ' + logdir result = oai.send_recv(cmd) setuplogfile = logdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt' setup_script = locallogdir + '/setup_script_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt' cmd = ' ( \n' #cmd = cmd + 'rm -fR ' + logdir + '\n' #cmd = cmd + 'mkdir -p ' + logdir + '\n' cmd = cmd + 'cd '+ logdir + '\n' cmd = cmd + 'git config --global http.sslVerify false \n' cmd = cmd + 'git clone '+ GitOAI5GRepo +' \n' cmd = cmd + 'git clone '+ GitOpenaircnRepo + ' \n' cmd = cmd + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '\n' cmd = cmd + 'git checkout ' + GitOAI5GRepoBranch + '\n' #cmd = cmd + 'git checkout ' + GitOAI5GHeadVersion + '\n' cmd = cmd + 'git_head=`git ls-remote |grep \'' + GitOAI5GRepoBranch + '\'` \n' cmd = cmd + 'git_head=($git_head) \n' cmd = cmd + 'git_head=${git_head[0]} \n' cmd = cmd + 'echo \"GitOAI5GHeadVersion_remote = $git_head\" \n' cmd = cmd + 'echo \"GitOAI5GHeadVersion_local = ' + GitOAI5GHeadVersion + '\" \n' if flag_skip_git_head_check==True: cmd = cmd + 'echo \"skipping GitHead check...\" \n ' else: cmd = cmd + 'if [ \"$git_head\" != \"'+ GitOAI5GHeadVersion + '\" ]; then echo \"error: Git openairinterface5g head version does not match\" ; fi \n' cmd = cmd + 'source oaienv' + '\n' if flag_skip_oai_install == False: cmd = cmd + 'source $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n' cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing core OAI dependencies...Start\" \n' cmd = cmd + '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/build_oai -I --install-optional-packages \n' cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing core OAI dependencies...Finished\" \n' #cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing BLADERF OAI dependencies...Start\" \n' #cmd = cmd + 'check_install_bladerf_driver \n' #cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing BLADERF OAI dependencies...Finished\" \n' #cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing USRP OAI dependencies...Start\" \n' #cmd = cmd + 'check_install_usrp_uhd_driver \n' #cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing USRP OAI dependencies...Finished\" \n' cmd = cmd + 'cd ' + logdirOpenaircnRepo + '\n' cmd = cmd + 'git checkout ' + GitOpenaircnRepoBranch + '\n' cmd = cmd + 'env |grep OPENAIR' + '\n' cmd = cmd + ' cd ' + logdir + '\n' cmd = cmd + ' ) > ' + setuplogfile + ' 2>&1 \n' #cmd = cmd + 'echo \' ' + cmd + '\' > ' + setup_script + ' 2>&1 \n ' #result = oai_list[index].send_recv(cmd, False, 300 ) write_file(setup_script, cmd, mode="w") tempThread = oaiThread(index, 'thread_setup_'+str(index)+'_' + MachineList[index] , MachineList[index] , user, pw, cmd, False, 3000) threads_init_setup.append(tempThread ) tempThread.start() index = index + 1 except Exception, e: print 'There is error in one of the commands to setup the machine '+ MachineList[index] error='' error = error + ' In function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: ' + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e) error = error + traceback.format_exc() print error sys.exit(1) #Now we wait for all the threads to complete index = 0 for t in threads_init_setup: t.join() setuplogfile = logdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt' setup_script = locallogdir + '/setup_script_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt' localfile = locallogdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt' remotefile = logdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt' port = 22 paramList=[] sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(locallogdir + '/sftp_module.log') paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} ) #sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], port, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get") #Now we copy test_case_list.xml on the remote machines localfile = os.path.expandvars('$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml') remotefile = logdirOAI5GRepo + '/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml' paramList.append ( {"operation":'put', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} ) sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(locallogdir + '/sftp_module.log') sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], port, paramList, sftp_log) cmd = ' cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; env|grep OPENAIR \n' res = oai_list[index].send_recv(cmd) index = index +1 if os.path.exists(localfile) == 0: print "Setup log file <" + localfile + "> missing for machine <" + MachineList[index] + ">. Please check the setup log files. Exiting now" sys.exit(1) #Now we process all the test cases #Now we check if there was error in setup files status, out = commands.getstatusoutput('grep ' + ' -il \'error\' ' + locallogdir + '/setup_log*') if (out != '') : print "There is error in setup of machines" print "status = " + str(status) + "\n Check files for error = " + out print "Exiting now..." sys.exit(1) cleanOldProgramsAllMachines(oai_list, CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop) if cleanUpRemoteMachines == True: sys.exit(0) threadListGlobal=[] testcaseList=xmlRoot.findall('testCase') #print testcaseList for testcase in testcaseList: try: testcasename = testcase.get('id') testcaseclass = testcase.findtext('class',default='') desc = testcase.findtext('desc',default='') #print "Machine list top level = " + ','.join(MachineList) if search_test_case_group(testcasename, testcasegroup, TestCaseExclusionList) == True: if testcaseclass == 'lte-softmodem' : eNBMachine = testcase.findtext('eNB',default='') UEMachine = testcase.findtext('UE',default='') EPCMachine = testcase.findtext('EPC',default='') #index_eNBMachine = MachineList.index(eNBMachine) #index_UEMachine = MachineList.index(UEMachine) #index_EPCMachine = MachineList.index(EPCMachine) if (eNBMachine not in MachineList)|(UEMachine not in MachineList)|(UEMachine not in MachineList): print "One of the machines is not in the machine list" print "eNBMachine : " + eNBMachine + "UEMachine : " + UEMachine + "EPCMachine : " + EPCMachine + "MachineList : " + ','.join(MachineList) print "testcasename = " + testcasename + " class = " + testcaseclass threadListGlobal = wait_testcaseclass_generic_threads(threadListGlobal, Timeout_execution) #cleanOldProgramsAllMachines(oai_list, CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop) handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, logdirOpenaircnRepo, MachineList, user, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, nruns_lte_softmodem, Timeout_cmd ) elif (testcaseclass == 'compilation'): threadListGlobal = handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGlobal, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineListGeneric, user, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox,Timeout_execution, ExmimoRfStop) elif (testcaseclass == 'execution'): threadListGlobal = handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGlobal, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineListGeneric, user, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox, Timeout_execution, ExmimoRfStop) else : print "Unknown test case class: " + testcaseclass sys.exit() except Exception, e: error='' error = error + ' In function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: ' + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e) error = error + '\n testcasename = ' + testcasename + '\n testcaseclass = ' + testcaseclass + '\n desc = ' + 'desc' + '\n' error = error + traceback.format_exc() print error print "Continuing to next test case..." #sys.exit(1) print "Exiting the test cases execution now. Waiting for existing threads to complete..." for param in threadListGlobal: thread_id = param["thread_id"] thread_id.join() print "Creating xml file for overall results..." cmd = "cat $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/log/*/*.xml > $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/log/results_autotests.xml " res=os.system(cmd) print "Now copying files to NFS Share" oai_localhost = openair('localdomain','localhost') oai_localhost.connect(user,pw) cmd = ' rm -fr ' + NFSTestsResultsDir + ' ; mkdir -p ' + NFSTestsResultsDir res = oai_localhost.send_recv(cmd) print "Deleting NFSTestResults Dir..." + res print "Copying files from GilabCI Runner Machine : " + host + " .locallogdir = " + locallogdir + ", NFSTestsResultsDir = " + NFSTestsResultsDir SSHSessionWrapper('localhost', user, None, pw , NFSTestsResultsDir , locallogdir, "put_all") sys.exit()