################################################################################ # OpenAirInterface # Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom # # OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # # OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is # included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not, # see . # # Contact Information # OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr # OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr # OpenAirInterface Dev : openair4g-devel@eurecom.fr # # Address : Eurecom, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes, CS 50193 - 06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex, FRANCE # ################################################################################ # file build_helper.bash # brief # author Lionel Gauthier and Navid Nikaein # company Eurecom # email: lionel.gauthier@eurecom.fr and navid.nikaein@eurecom.fr # ####################################### # Helper Func ###################################### declare ROOT_UID=0 declare E_NOTROOT=67 declare NUM_CPU=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l` declare OAI_INSTALLED=1 declare PWD=`pwd` declare USER=`whoami` declare BUILD_FROM_MAKEFILE=0 declare SUDO='' declare PW='' declare UBUNTU_REL=`lsb_release -r | cut -f2` declare UBUNTU_REL_NAME=`lsb_release -cs` set_build_from_makefile(){ BUILD_FROM_MAKEFILE=$1 } check_for_root_rights() { # if [[ $EUID -ne $ROOT_EUID ]]; then if [ $USER != "root" ]; then SUDO="sudo -E " echo "Run as a sudoers" return 1 else echo "Run as a root" return 0 fi } test_install_package() { # usage: test_install_package package_name if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then dpkg -s "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 && { echo "$1 is installed." } || { echo "$1 is not installed." OAI_INSTALLED=0 $SUDO apt-get install -y $@ } fi } test_uninstall_package() { if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then dpkg -s "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 && { $SUDO apt-get remove --assume-yes $1 echo "$1 is uninstalled." } || { echo "$1 is not installed." } fi } test_command_install_script() { # usage: test_command_install_script searched_binary script_to_be_invoked_if_binary_not_found command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo_warning "Program $1 is not installed. Trying installing it." >&2; bash $2; command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo_fatal "Program $1 is not installed. Aborting." >&2; };} echo_success "$1 available" } check_for_machine_type(){ MACHINE_TYPE=`uname -m` if [ ${MACHINE_TYPE} = "x86_64" ]; then return 64 # 64-bit stuff here else if [ ${MACHINE_TYPE} = "i686" ]; then return 32 # 32-bit stuff here else return -1 fi fi } #################################################### ## OAI related functions ##################################################### #################################################### # 1. install the required packages #################################################### make_certs(){ # for certtificate generation rm -rf demoCA mkdir -m 777 -p demoCA echo 01 > demoCA/serial touch demoCA/index.txt echo "creating the certificate" user=$(whoami) HOSTNAME=$(hostname -f) echo "Creating certificate for user '$HOSTNAME'" # CA self certificate openssl req -new -batch -x509 -days 3650 -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -out cacert.pem -keyout cakey.pem -subj /CN=eur/C=FR/ST=PACA/L=Aix/O=Eurecom/OU=CM # openssl genrsa -out user.key.pem 1024 openssl genrsa -out hss.key.pem 1024 #openssl req -new -batch -out user.csr.pem -key user.key.pem -subj /CN=$HOSTNAME.eur/C=FR/ST=PACA/L=Aix/O=Eurecom/OU=CM openssl req -new -batch -out hss.csr.pem -key hss.key.pem -subj /CN=hss.eur/C=FR/ST=PACA/L=Aix/O=Eurecom/OU=CM openssl ca -cert cacert.pem -keyfile cakey.pem -in hss.csr.pem -out hss.cert.pem -outdir . -batch if [ ! -d /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter ]; then echo "Creating non existing directory: /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter/" $SUDO mkdir /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter/ fi echo "Copying *.pem to /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter/" $SUDO cp *.pem /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter/ mv *.pem bin/ # openssl genrsa -out ubuntu.key.pem 1024 # openssl req -new -batch -x509 -out ubuntu.csr.pem -key ubuntu.key.pem -subj /CN=ubuntu.localdomain/C=FR/ST=BdR/L=Aix/O=fD/OU=Tests # openssl ca -cert cacert.pem -keyfile cakey.pem -in ubuntu.csr.pem -out ubuntu.cert.pem -outdir . -batch } check_install_nettle(){ if [ ! -f ./.lock_oaibuild ]; then if [ $UBUNTU_REL = "12.04" ]; then test_uninstall_package nettle-dev test_uninstall_package nettle-bin if [ ! -d /usr/local/src/ ]; then echo "/usr/local/src/ doesn't exist please create one" exit -1 fi if [ ! -w /usr/local/src/ ]; then echo "You don't have permissions to write to /usr/local/src/, installing as a sudoer" # exit -1 fi cd /usr/local/src/ echo "Downloading nettle archive" if [ -f nettle-2.5.tar.gz ]; then $SUDO rm -f nettle-2.5.tar.gz fi if [ -f nettle-2.5.tar ]; then $SUDO rm -f nettle-2.5.tar fi if [ -d nettle-2.5 ]; then $SUDO rm -rf nettle-2.5/ fi $SUDO wget ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/security/lsh/nettle-2.5.tar.gz $SUDO gunzip nettle-2.5.tar.gz $SUDO echo "Uncompressing nettle archive" $SUDO tar -xf nettle-2.5.tar cd nettle-2.5/ $SUDO ./configure --disable-openssl --enable-shared --prefix=/usr if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit -1 fi echo "Compiling nettle" $SUDO make -j $NUM_CPU $SUDO make check $SUDO make install cd ../ fi fi } check_install_freediamter(){ if [ $UBUNTU_REL = "12.04" ]; then if [ ! -d /usr/local/src/ ]; then echo "/usr/local/src/ doesn't exist please create one" exit -1 fi if [ ! -w /usr/local/src/ ]; then echo "You don't have permissions to write to /usr/local/src/, installing as a sudoer" # exit -1 fi cd /usr/local/src/ echo "Downloading nettle archive" if [ -f nettle-2.5.tar.gz ]; then $SUDO rm -f nettle-2.5.tar.gz fi if [ -f nettle-2.5.tar ]; then $SUDO rm -f nettle-2.5.tar fi if [ -d nettle-2.5 ]; then $SUDO rm -rf nettle-2.5/ fi $SUDO wget ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/security/lsh/nettle-2.5.tar.gz $SUDO gunzip nettle-2.5.tar.gz $SUDO echo "Uncompressing nettle archive" $SUDO tar -xf nettle-2.5.tar cd nettle-2.5/ $SUDO ./configure --disable-openssl --enable-shared --prefix=/usr if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit -1 fi echo "Compiling nettle" $SUDO make -j $NUM_CPU $SUDO make check $SUDO make install cd ../ fi echo "Downloading gnutls archive" if [ -f gnutls-3.1.0.tar.xz ]; then $SUDO rm -f gnutls-3.1.0.tar.xz fi if [ -d gnutls-3.1.0/ ]; then $SUDO rm -rf gnutls-3.1.0/ fi test_uninstall_package libgnutls-dev $SUDO wget ftp://ftp.gnutls.org/gcrypt/gnutls/v3.1/gnutls-3.1.0.tar.xz $SUDO tar -xf gnutls-3.1.0.tar.xz echo "Uncompressing gnutls archive ($PWD)" cd gnutls-3.1.0/ $SUDO ./configure --prefix=/usr if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit -1 fi echo "Compiling gnutls" $SUDO make -j $NUM_CPU $SUDO make install cd ../ echo "Downloading freeDiameter archive" if [ -f 1.1.5.tar.gz ]; then $SUDO rm -f 1.1.5.tar.gz fi if [ -d freeDiameter-1.1.5/ ]; then $SUDO rm -rf freeDiameter-1.1.5/ fi $SUDO wget http://www.freediameter.net/hg/freeDiameter/archive/1.1.5.tar.gz $SUDO tar -xzf 1.1.5.tar.gz echo "Uncompressing freeDiameter archive" cd freeDiameter-1.1.5 $SUDO patch -p1 < $OPENAIRCN_DIR/S6A/freediameter/freediameter-1.1.5.patch $SUDO mkdir build cd build $SUDO cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr ../ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit -1 fi echo "Compiling freeDiameter" $SUDO make -j $NUM_CPU #make help $SUDO make test $SUDO sudo make install # make_certs } check_epc_s6a_certificate() { if [ -d /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter ] then if [ -f /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter/user.cert.pem ] then full_hostname=`cat /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter/user.cert.pem | grep "Subject" | grep "CN" | cut -d '=' -f6` if [ a$full_hostname == a`hostname`.${1:-'eur'} ] then echo_success "EPC S6A: Found valid certificate in /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter" return 1 fi fi fi echo_error "EPC S6A: Did not find valid certificate in /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter" echo_warning "EPC S6A: generatting new certificate in /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter..." cd $OPENAIRCN_DIR/S6A/freediameter ./make_certs.sh ${1:-'eur'} if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then check_epc_s6a_certificate ${1:-'eur'} 2 fi exit 1 } check_hss_s6a_certificate() { if [ -d /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter ]; then if [ -f /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter/hss.cert.pem ]; then full_hostname=`cat /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter/hss.cert.pem | grep "Subject" | grep "CN" | cut -d '=' -f6` if [ a$full_hostname == a`hostname`.${1:-'eur'} ] then echo_success "HSS S6A: Found valid certificate in /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter" return 0 else echo_error "Bad hss hostname found in cert file: "$full_hostname " hostname is "`hostname` fi fi fi echo_error "S6A: Did not find valid certificate in /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter" echo_warning "S6A: generatting new certificate in /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter..." cd $OPENAIRCN_DIR/OPENAIRHSS/conf ./make_certs.sh ${1:-'eur'} if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then __i=check_hss_s6a_certificate ${1:-'eur'} 2 return $__i fi return 1 } check_install_usrp_uhd_driver(){ if [ ! -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ettus.list ] ; then $SUDO bash -c 'echo "deb http://files.ettus.com/binaries/uhd/repo/uhd/ubuntu/`lsb_release -cs` `lsb_release -cs` main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ettus.list' $SUDO apt-get update fi $SUDO apt-get install -t $UBUNTU_REL_NAME uhd test_install_package python test_install_package libboost-all-dev test_install_package libusb-1.0-0-dev #test_install_package uhd } check_install_oai_software() { if [ ! -f ./.lock_oaibuild ]; then $SUDO apt-get update if [ $UBUNTU_REL = "12.04" ]; then test_uninstall_package nettle-dev test_uninstall_package nettle-bin else test_install_package nettle-dev test_install_package nettle-bin fi test_install_package autoconf test_install_package automake test_install_package bison test_install_package build-essential test_install_package dialog test_install_package flex test_install_package gawk test_install_package gcc test_install_package gdb test_install_package make test_install_package cmake test_install_package openssh-client test_install_package openssh-server sudo service ssh start test_install_package unzip test_install_package autoconf test_install_package automake test_install_package bison test_install_package build-essential test_install_package check test_install_package ethtool test_install_package flex test_install_package g++ test_install_package gawk test_install_package gcc test_install_package gccxml test_install_package gdb test_install_package guile-2.0-dev test_install_package iperf test_install_package iproute test_install_package iptables test_install_package libatlas-base-dev test_install_package libatlas-dev test_install_package libblas3gf test_install_package libblas-dev # if [ $MACHINE_ARCH = 64 ]; then test_install_package libconfig8-dev # else # test_install_package libconfig-dev # fi test_install_package libforms-bin test_install_package libforms-dev test_install_package libgcrypt11-dev test_install_package libgmp-dev test_install_package libgtk-3-dev test_install_package libidn11-dev test_install_package libidn2-0-dev test_install_package libpgm-dev test_install_package libpgm-5.1-0 test_install_package libpthread-stubs0-dev test_install_package libsctp1 test_install_package libsctp-dev test_install_package libtasn1-3-dev test_install_package libxml2 test_install_package libxml2-dev # test_install_package linux-headers-`uname -r` test_install_package openssl test_install_package libssl-dev test_install_package pkg-config test_install_package python-dev test_install_package python-pexpect test_install_package sshfs test_install_package subversion test_install_package valgrind test_install_package doxygen test_install_package graphviz # TODO: install the USRP UHD packages # if [ $1 = "USRP" ] ; then # test_install_package libboost-all-dev if [ $OAI_INSTALLED = 1 ]; then touch ./.lock_oaibuild fi else echo_info "All the required packages installed: skip" fi } check_install_hss_software() { if [ ! -f ./.lock_oaibuild ]; then $SUDO apt-get update if [ $UBUNTU_REL = "12.04" ]; then test_uninstall_package nettle-dev test_uninstall_package nettle-bin else test_install_package nettle-dev test_install_package nettle-bin fi test_install_package autoconf test_install_package automake test_install_package bison test_install_package build-essential test_install_package cmake test_install_package cmake-curses-gui test_install_package dialog test_install_package dkms test_install_package flex test_install_package gawk test_install_package gcc test_install_package gdb test_install_package guile-2.0-dev test_install_package g++ test_install_package libgmp-dev test_install_package libgcrypt11-dev test_install_package libidn11-dev test_install_package libidn2-0-dev test_install_package libmysqlclient-dev test_install_package libtasn1-3-dev test_install_package libsctp1 test_install_package libsctp-dev test_install_package libxml2-dev # test_install_package linux-headers-`uname -r` test_install_package make test_install_package mysql-client-core-5.5 test_install_package mysql-server-core-5.5 test_install_package mysql-server-5.5 test_install_package openssh-client test_install_package openssh-server sudo service ssh start test_install_package phpmyadmin test_install_package python-dev test_install_package sshfs test_install_package swig test_install_package unzip # test_install_package nettle-bin # test_install_package nettle-dev test_install_package valgrind if [ $OAI_INSTALLED = 1 ]; then touch ./.lock_oaibuild fi else echo_info "All the required packages installed: skip" fi } check_install_epc_software() { if [ ! -f ./.lock_oaibuild ]; then $SUDO apt-get update if [ $UBUNTU_REL = "12.04" ]; then test_uninstall_package nettle-dev test_uninstall_package nettle-bin else test_install_package nettle-dev test_install_package nettle-bin fi test_install_package autoconf test_install_package automake test_install_package bison test_install_package build-essential test_install_package check test_install_package cmake test_install_package cmake-curses-gui test_install_package dialog test_install_package ethtool test_install_package flex test_install_package g++ test_install_package gawk test_install_package gcc test_install_package gccxml test_install_package gdb test_install_package guile-2.0-dev test_install_package gtkwave test_install_package iperf test_install_package iproute test_install_package iptables test_install_package iptables-dev test_install_package libatlas-base-dev test_install_package libatlas-dev test_install_package libblas test_install_package libblas-dev # if [ $MACHINE_ARCH = 64 ]; then test_install_package libconfig8-dev # else # test_install_package libconfig-dev # fi test_install_package libforms-bin test_install_package libforms-dev test_install_package libgcrypt11-dev test_install_package libgmp-dev test_install_package libgtk-3-dev test_install_package libidn11-dev test_install_package libidn2-0-dev test_install_package libmysqlclient-dev test_install_package libpgm-dev test_install_package libpthread-stubs0-dev test_install_package libsctp1 test_install_package libsctp-dev test_install_package libtasn1-3-dev test_install_package libtool test_install_package libxml2 test_install_package libxml2-dev # test_install_package linux-headers-`uname -r` test_install_package make test_install_package openssh-client test_install_package openssh-server $SUDO service ssh start test_install_package openssl test_install_package openvpn test_install_package pkg-config test_install_package python-dev test_install_package sshfs test_install_package subversion test_install_package swig test_install_package tshark test_install_package uml-utilities test_install_package unzip test_install_package valgrind test_install_package vlan if [ $OAI_INSTALLED = 1 ]; then touch ./.lock_oaibuild fi else echo_info "All the required packages installed: skip" fi } check_install_asn1c(){ test_command_install_script "asn1c" "$OPENAIRCN_DIR/SCRIPTS/install_asn1c_0.9.24.modified.bash $SUDO" # One mor check about version of asn1c ASN1C_COMPILER_REQUIRED_VERSION_MESSAGE="ASN.1 Compiler, v0.9.24" ASN1C_COMPILER_VERSION_MESSAGE=`asn1c -h 2>&1 | grep -i ASN\.1\ Compiler` ##ASN1C_COMPILER_VERSION_MESSAGE=`trim $ASN1C_COMPILER_VERSION_MESSAGE` if [ "$ASN1C_COMPILER_VERSION_MESSAGE" != "$ASN1C_COMPILER_REQUIRED_VERSION_MESSAGE" ]; then # diff <(echo -n "$ASN1C_COMPILER_VERSION_MESSAGE") <(echo -n "$ASN1C_COMPILER_REQUIRED_VERSION_MESSAGE") echo_error "Version of asn1c is not the required one, do you want to install the required one (overwrite installation) ? (Y/n)" echo_error "$ASN1C_COMPILER_VERSION_MESSAGE" while read -r -n 1 -s answer; do if [[ $answer = [YyNn] ]]; then [[ $answer = [Yy] ]] && $OPENAIRCN_DIR/SCRIPTS/install_asn1c_0.9.24.modified.bash $SUDO [[ $answer = [Nn] ]] && echo_error "Version of asn1c is not the required one, exiting." && exit 1 break fi done fi } ################################################# # 2. compile ################################################ compile_hss() { cd $OPENAIRCN_DIR/OPENAIRHSS if [ "$1" -eq 1 ]; then echo_info "build a clean HSS" rm -rfv obj* rm -rfv m4 rm -rfv .autom4* rm -fv configure fi OBJ_DIR=`find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname obj*` if [ ! -n "$OBJ_DIR" ]; then OBJ_DIR="objs" mkdir --verbose -m 777 ./$OBJ_DIR else OBJ_DIR=`basename $OBJ_DIR` fi if [ ! -f "$OBJ_DIR"/Makefile ]; then if [ ! -d m4 ]; then mkdir --verbose -m 777 m4 fi echo_success "Invoking autogen" ./autogen.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi cd $OBJ_DIR echo_success "Invoking configure" ../configure if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi else cd $OBJ_DIR fi if [ -f Makefile ]; then echo_success "Compiling..." make ; #-j $NUM_CPU if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_error "Build failed, exiting" return 1 else cp -pfv ./openair-hss $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin return 0 fi else echo_error "Configure failed, aborting" fi return 1 } compile_epc() { cd $OPENAIRCN_DIR if [ $1 = 1 ]; then echo_info "build a clean EPC" bash_exec "rm -rf obj" fi OBJ_DIR=`find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname obj*` if [ ! -n "$OBJ_DIR" ]; then OBJ_DIR="objs" bash_exec "mkdir -m 777 ./$OBJ_DIR" echo_success "Created $OBJ_DIR directory" else OBJ_DIR=`basename $OBJ_DIR` fi if [ ! -f $OBJ_DIR/Makefile ]; then if [ ! -n "m4" ]; then mkdir -m 777 m4 fi bash_exec "autoreconf -i -f" echo_success "Invoking autogen" bash_exec "libtoolize" bash_exec "./autogen.sh" cd ./$OBJ_DIR echo_success "Invoking configure" if [ $DEBUG -ne 0 ]; then ../configure --enable-debug --enable-standalone-epc --enable-gtp1u-in-kernel LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib else ../configure --enable-standalone-epc --enable-gtp1u-in-kernel LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib fi else cd ./$OBJ_DIR fi # pkill oai_epc # pkill tshark if [ -f Makefile ]; then echo_success "Compiling..." make -j $NUM_CPU if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_error "Build failed, exiting" return 1 else cp -pf ./OAI_EPC/oai_epc $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin fi else echo_error "Configure failed, exiting" return 1 fi cd $OPENAIRCN_DIR/GTPV1-U/GTPUAH; make if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_error "Build GTPUAH module failed, exiting" return 1 else cp -pfv ./Bin/libxt_*.so /lib/xtables cp -pfv ./Bin/*.ko $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin fi cd $OPENAIRCN_DIR/GTPV1-U/GTPURH; make if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_error "Build GTPURH module failed, exiting" return 1 else cp -pfv ./Bin/libxt_*.so /lib/xtables cp -pfv ./Bin/*.ko $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin fi return 0 } compile_exmimo2_driver() { cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS/ARCH/EXMIMO/DRIVER/eurecom && make clean && make || exit 1 cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS/ARCH/EXMIMO/USERSPACE/OAI_FW_INIT && make clean && make || exit 1 # TO DO CHECKS... } compile_ltesoftmodem() { cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER if [ -f Makefile ]; then rm -f ./lte-softmodem echo "LTE softmodem compiling directives: $SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES" if [ $OAI_CLEAN -ne 0 ]; then echo "Cleaning LTE softmodem" make cleanall > /dev/null 2>&1 fi make -j $NUM_CPU $SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # to locate easily compilation error in log file make $SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [ ! -f ./lte-softmodem ]; then echo_error "Build lte-softmodem failed, returning" return 1 else cp -pf ./lte-softmodem $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin return 0 fi else cp -pf ./lte-softmodem $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin return 0 fi else echo_error "make file for oai softmodem not found, returning" return 1 fi } compile_oaisim() { cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS/SIMU/USER if [ -f Makefile ]; then echo "Compiling for oaisim target ($OAISIM_DIRECTIVES)" make cleanall > /dev/null make -j $NUM_CPU $OAISIM_DIRECTIVES if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_error "Build oaisim failed, returning" return 1 else cp -pf ./oaisim $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin return 0 fi else echo_error "Makefile not found for oaisim target, returning" return 1 fi } compile_unisim() { cd $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY if [ -f Makefile ]; then echo "Compiling for UNISIM target ..." make cleanall make -j $NUM_CPU all if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_error "Build unisim failed, returning" return 1 else cp -pf ./dlsim $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin cp -pf ./ulsim $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin cp -pf ./pucchsim $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin cp -pf ./prachsim $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin cp -pf ./pdcchsim $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin cp -pf ./pbchsim $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin cp -pf ./mbmssim $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin return 0 fi else echo_error "Configure failed, exiting" return 1 fi } ################################################ # 1. check if the executable functions exist ############################################### check_for_ltesoftmodem_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER/lte-softmodem ]; then echo_error "Cannot find lte-softmodem executable object in directory $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER" echo_error "Check the compilation logs in bin/install_log.txt" exit 1 fi } check_for_epc_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIRCN_DIR/objs/OAI_EPC/oai_epc ]; then echo_error "Cannot find oai_epc executable object in directory $OPENAIRCN_DIR/objs/OAI_EPC/" echo_error "Please make sure you have compiled OAI EPC with --enable-standalone-epc option" fi } check_for_hss_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIRCN_DIR/OPENAIRHSS/objs/openair-hss ]; then echo_error "Cannot find openair-hss executable object in directory $OPENAIRCN_DIR/OPENAIRHSS/objs/" echo_error "Please make sure you have compiled OAI HSS" exit 1 fi } check_for_sgw_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIRCN_DIR/objs/OAI_SGW/oai_sgw ]; then echo_error "Cannot find oai_sgw executable object in directory $OPENAIR3_DIR/OPENAIRMME/objs/OAI_SGW/" echo_fatal "Please make sure you have compiled OAI EPC without --enable-standalone-epc option" fi } check_for_oaisim_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIR_TARGETS/SIMU/USER/oaisim ]; then echo_error "Cannot find oaisim executable object in directory $OPENAIR_TARGETS/SIMU/USER" echo_error "Check the compilation logs in bin/install_log.txt" fi } check_for_dlsim_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/dlsim ]; then echo_error "Cannot find dlsim executable object in directory $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY" echo_error "Check the compilation logs in bin/install_log.txt" fi } check_for_ulsim_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/ulsim ]; then echo_error "Cannot find ulsim executable object in directory $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY" echo_error "Check the compilation logs in bin/install_log.txt" fi } check_for_pucchsim_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/pucchsim ]; then echo_error "Cannot find pucchsim executable object in directory $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY" echo_error "Check the compilation logs in bin/install_log.txt" fi } check_for_prachsim_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/prachsim ]; then echo_error "Cannot find prachsim executable object in directory $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY" echo_error "Check the compilation logs in bin/install_log.txt" fi } check_for_pdcchsim_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/pdcchsim ]; then echo_error "Cannot find pdcchsim executable object in directory $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY" echo_error "Check the compilation logs in bin/install_log.txt" fi } check_for_pbchsim_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/pbchsim ]; then echo_error "Cannot find pbchsim executable object in directory $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY" echo_error "Check the compilation logs in bin/install_log.txt" fi } check_for_mbmssim_executable() { if [ ! -f $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/mbmssim ]; then echo_error "Cannot find mbmssim executable object in directory $OPENAIR1_DIR/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY" echo_error "Check the compilation logs in bin/install_log.txt" fi } ################################################ # 1. check if the executable functions exist ############################################### install_ltesoftmodem() { # RT if [ $1 = "RTAI" ]; then if [ ! -f /tmp/init_rt_done.tmp ]; then echo_info " 8.1 Insert RTAI modules" $SUDO$ insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_hal.ko > /dev/null 2>&1 $SUDO$ insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_sched.ko > /dev/null 2>&1 $SUDO$ insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_sem.ko > /dev/null 2>&1 $SUDO$ insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_fifos.ko > /dev/null 2>&1 $SUDO$ insmod /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_mbx.ko > /dev/null 2>&1 $SUDO$ touch /tmp/init_rt_done.tmp $SUDO$ chmod 666 /tmp/init_rt_done.tmp else echo_warning " 8.1 RTAI modules already inserted" fi fi #HW if [ $2 = "EXMIMO" ]; then echo_info " 8.2 [EXMIMO] creating RTAI fifos" for i in `seq 0 64`; do have_rtfX=`ls /dev/ |grep -c rtf$i`; if [ "$have_rtfX" -eq 0 ] ; then $SUDO mknod -m 666 /dev/rtf$i c 150 $i; fi; done echo_info " 8.3 [EXMIMO] Build lte-softmodemdrivers" cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS/ARCH/EXMIMO/DRIVER/eurecom && make clean && make # || exit 1 cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS/ARCH/EXMIMO/USERSPACE/OAI_FW_INIT && make clean && make # || exit 1 echo_info " 8.4 [EXMIMO] Setup RF card" cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER . ./init_exmimo2.sh else if [ $2 = "USRP" ]; then echo_info " 8.2 [USRP] " fi fi # ENB_S1 if [ $3 = 0 ]; then cd $OPENAIR2_DIR && make clean && make nasmesh_netlink.ko #|| exit 1 cd $OPENAIR2_DIR/NAS/DRIVER/MESH/RB_TOOL && make clean && make # || exit 1 fi } install_oaisim() { if [ $1 = 0 ]; then cd $OPENAIR2_DIR && make clean && make nasmesh_netlink.ko #|| exit 1 cd $OPENAIR2_DIR/NAS/DRIVER/MESH/RB_TOOL && make clean && make # || exit 1 fi } ################################## # create HSS DB ################################ # arg 1 is mysql user (root) # arg 2 is mysql password (linux) create_hss_database(){ EXPECTED_ARGS=2 E_BADARGS=65 MYSQL=`which mysql` rv=0 if [ $# -ne $EXPECTED_ARGS ] then echo_fatal "Usage: $0 dbuser dbpass" rv=1 fi set_openair_env Q1="CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${BTICK}oai_db${BTICK};" SQL="${Q1}" $MYSQL -u $1 --password=$2 -e "$SQL" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_error "oai_db creation failed" rv=1 else echo_success "oai_db creation succeeded" fi $MYSQL -u $1 --password=$2 oai_db < $OPENAIRCN_DIR/OPENAIRHSS/db/oai_db.sql if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_error "oai_db tables creation failed" rv=1 else echo_success "oai_db tables creation succeeded" fi Q1="GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'hssadmin'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin' WITH GRANT OPTION;" Q2="FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" SQL="${Q1}${Q2}" $MYSQL -u $1 --password=$2 -e "$SQL" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_error "hssadmin permissions failed" rv=1 else echo_success "hssadmin permissions succeeded" fi return rv } ################################ # set_openair_env ############################### set_openair_env(){ fullpath=`readlink -f $BASH_SOURCE` [ -f "/.$fullpath" ] || fullpath=`readlink -f $PWD/$fullpath` openair_path=${fullpath%/targets/*} openair_path=${openair_path%/openair-cn/*} openair_path=${openair_path%/openair[123]/*} export OPENAIR_DIR=$openair_path export OPENAIR_HOME=$openair_path export OPENAIR1_DIR=$openair_path/openair1 export OPENAIR2_DIR=$openair_path/openair2 export OPENAIR3_DIR=$openair_path/openair3 export OPENAIRCN_DIR=$openair_path/openair-cn export OPENAIR_TARGETS=$openair_path/targets } ######################################## ### print help ###################################### print_help(){ echo_success "Name : build_oai - install and build OAI" echo_success "Usage: build_oai.bash -a -b -c -d -e RTAI -m -r REL8 -s -t OAISIM -w EXMIMO -x" echo_success "-a | --doxygen : Enable doxygen for documentation (default disabled)" echo_success "-b | --disable-s1 : Disable S1 interface for eNB (default enabled)" echo_success "-c | --clean : Enable clean OAI build (default disabled)" echo_success "-C | --config-file : Set the config file local path" echo_success "-d | --debug : Enable debug mode (default disabled)" echo_success "-D | --disable-check-installed-software : Disable the checking of installed software (default is check)" echo_success "-e | --realtime : Set realtime mode: RTAI, NONE (default NONE)" echo_success "-g | --run-with-gdb : Run the executable built by this script with gdb" echo_success "-K | --itti-dump-file : Set the execution events trace file" echo_success "-l | --build-target : Set the LTE build target: ENB,EPC,HSS,NONE (default ENB)" echo_success "-m | --build-from-makefile : Enable build from the makefile (default disabled)" echo_success "-r | --3gpp-release : Set the release: REL8, REL10 (default REL8)" echo_success "-R | --run : Run the executable built by this script" echo_success "-s | --check : Enable OAI testing and sanity check (default disabled)" echo_success "-t | --enb-build-target : Set the eNB build target: ALL, SOFTMODEM,OAISIM,UNISIM (default ALL)" echo_success "-V | --vcd : Log vcd events" echo_success "-w | --hardware : Set the hardware platform: EXMIMO, USRP (also installs UHD driver), ETHERNET, NONE, (default EXMIMO)" echo_success "-x | --xforms : Enable xforms (default disabled)" echo_success "-z | --defaults : Set the default build options" } ############################### ## echo and family ############################### black='\E[30m' red='\E[31m' green='\E[32m' yellow='\E[33m' blue='\E[34m' magenta='\E[35m' cyan='\E[36m' white='\E[37m' reset_color='\E[00m' cecho() # Color-echo # arg1 = message # arg2 = color { local default_msg="No Message." message=${1:-$default_msg} color=${2:-$green} if [ $BUILD_FROM_MAKEFILE = 0 ]; then echo -e -n "$color$message$reset_color" echo else echo "$message" fi return } echo_error() { local my_string="" until [ -z "$1" ] do my_string="$my_string$1" shift done cecho "$my_string" $red } echo_fatal() { local my_string="" until [ -z "$1" ] do my_string="$my_string$1" shift done echo_error "$my_string" exit -1 } echo_warning() { local my_string="" until [ -z "$1" ] do my_string="$my_string$1" shift done cecho "$my_string" $yellow } echo_success() { local my_string="" until [ -z "$1" ] do my_string="$my_string$1" shift done cecho "$my_string" $green } echo_info() { local my_string="" until [ -z "$1" ] do my_string="$my_string$1" shift done cecho "$my_string" $blue } bash_exec() { output=$($1 2>&1) result=$? if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then echo_success "$1" else echo_error "$1: $output" fi } wait_process_started () { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo_error "WAITING FOR PROCESS START: NO PROCESS" return 1 fi ps -C $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 while [ $? -ne 0 ]; do echo_warning "WAITING FOR $1 START" sleep 2 ps -C $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 done echo_success "PROCESS $1 STARTED" return 0 } is_process_started () { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo_error "WAITING FOR PROCESS START: NO PROCESS" return 1 fi ps -C $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo_success "PROCESS $1 NOT STARTED" return 1 fi echo_success "PROCESS $1 STARTED" return 0 } assert() { # If condition false # exit from script with error message E_PARAM_ERR=98 E_PARAM_FAILED=99 if [ -z "$2" ] ; then # Not enought parameters passed. return $E_PARAM_ERR fi lineno=$2 if [ ! $1 ]; then echo_error "Assertion failed: \"$1\"" echo_fatal "File \"$0\", line $lineno" fi }