/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/dlsch_decoding.c * \brief Top-level routines for transmission of the PDSCH 38211 v 15.2.0 * \author Guy De Souza * \date 2018 * \version 0.1 * \company Eurecom * \email: desouza@eurecom.fr * \note * \warning */ #include "nr_dlsch.h" #include "nr_dci.h" #include "nr_sch_dmrs.h" #include "PHY/MODULATION/nr_modulation.h" //#define DEBUG_DLSCH //#define DEBUG_DLSCH_MAPPING void nr_pdsch_codeword_scrambling(uint8_t *in, uint32_t size, uint8_t q, uint32_t Nid, uint32_t n_RNTI, uint32_t* out) { uint8_t reset, b_idx; uint32_t x1, x2, s=0; reset = 1; x2 = (n_RNTI<<15) + (q<<14) + Nid; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { b_idx = i&0x1f; if (b_idx==0) { s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset); reset = 0; if (i) out++; } *out ^= (((in[i])&1) ^ ((s>>b_idx)&1))<<b_idx; //printf("i %d b_idx %d in %d s 0x%08x out 0x%08x\n", i, b_idx, in[i], s, *out); } } uint8_t nr_generate_pdsch(NR_gNB_DLSCH_t *dlsch, NR_gNB_DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc, uint32_t ***pdsch_dmrs, int32_t** txdataF, int16_t amp, int frame, uint8_t slot, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, nfapi_nr_config_request_t *config, time_stats_t *dlsch_encoding_stats, time_stats_t *dlsch_scrambling_stats, time_stats_t *dlsch_modulation_stats) { NR_DL_gNB_HARQ_t *harq = dlsch->harq_processes[dci_alloc->harq_pid]; nfapi_nr_dl_config_dlsch_pdu_rel15_t *rel15 = &harq->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel15; nfapi_nr_dl_config_pdcch_parameters_rel15_t pdcch_params = dci_alloc->pdcch_params; uint32_t scrambled_output[NR_MAX_NB_CODEWORDS][NR_MAX_PDSCH_ENCODED_LENGTH>>5]; int16_t **mod_symbs = (int16_t**)dlsch->mod_symbs; int16_t **tx_layers = (int16_t**)dlsch->txdataF; int8_t Wf[2], Wt[2], l0, l_prime[2], delta; uint16_t nb_symbols = rel15->nb_mod_symbols; uint8_t Qm = rel15->modulation_order; uint32_t encoded_length = nb_symbols*Qm; /// CRC, coding, interleaving and rate matching AssertFatal(harq->pdu!=NULL,"harq->pdu is null\n"); start_meas(dlsch_encoding_stats); nr_dlsch_encoding(harq->pdu, frame, slot, dlsch, frame_parms); stop_meas(dlsch_encoding_stats); #ifdef DEBUG_DLSCH printf("PDSCH encoding:\nPayload:\n"); for (int i=0; i<harq->B>>7; i++) { for (int j=0; j<16; j++) printf("0x%02x\t", harq->pdu[(i<<4)+j]); printf("\n"); } printf("\nEncoded payload:\n"); for (int i=0; i<encoded_length>>3; i++) { for (int j=0; j<8; j++) printf("%d", harq->f[(i<<3)+j]); printf("\t"); } printf("\n"); #endif /// scrambling start_meas(dlsch_scrambling_stats); for (int q=0; q<rel15->nb_codewords; q++) memset((void*)scrambled_output[q], 0, (encoded_length>>5)*sizeof(uint32_t)); uint16_t n_RNTI = (pdcch_params.search_space_type == NFAPI_NR_SEARCH_SPACE_TYPE_UE_SPECIFIC)? \ ((pdcch_params.scrambling_id==0)?pdcch_params.rnti:0) : 0; uint16_t Nid = (pdcch_params.search_space_type == NFAPI_NR_SEARCH_SPACE_TYPE_UE_SPECIFIC)? \ pdcch_params.scrambling_id : config->sch_config.physical_cell_id.value; for (int q=0; q<rel15->nb_codewords; q++) nr_pdsch_codeword_scrambling(harq->f, encoded_length, q, Nid, n_RNTI, scrambled_output[q]); stop_meas(dlsch_scrambling_stats); #ifdef DEBUG_DLSCH printf("PDSCH scrambling:\n"); for (int i=0; i<encoded_length>>8; i++) { for (int j=0; j<8; j++) printf("0x%08x\t", scrambled_output[0][(i<<3)+j]); printf("\n"); } #endif /// Modulation start_meas(dlsch_modulation_stats); for (int q=0; q<rel15->nb_codewords; q++) nr_modulation(scrambled_output[q], encoded_length, Qm, mod_symbs[q]); stop_meas(dlsch_modulation_stats); #ifdef DEBUG_DLSCH printf("PDSCH Modulation: Qm %d(%d)\n", Qm, nb_symbols); for (int i=0; i<nb_symbols>>3; i++) { for (int j=0; j<8; j++) { printf("%d %d\t", mod_symbs[0][((i<<3)+j)<<1], mod_symbs[0][(((i<<3)+j)<<1)+1]); } printf("\n"); } #endif /// Layer mapping nr_layer_mapping(mod_symbs, rel15->nb_layers, nb_symbols, tx_layers); #ifdef DEBUG_DLSCH printf("Layer mapping (%d layers):\n", rel15->nb_layers); for (int l=0; l<rel15->nb_layers; l++) for (int i=0; i<(nb_symbols/rel15->nb_layers)>>3; i++) { for (int j=0; j<8; j++) { printf("%d %d\t", tx_layers[l][((i<<3)+j)<<1], tx_layers[l][(((i<<3)+j)<<1)+1]); } printf("\n"); } #endif /// Antenna port mapping //to be moved to init phase potentially, for now tx_layers 1-8 are mapped on antenna ports 1000-1007 /// DMRS QPSK modulation uint16_t n_dmrs = ((rel15->n_prb+rel15->start_prb)*rel15->nb_re_dmrs)<<1; int16_t mod_dmrs[n_dmrs<<1]; uint8_t dmrs_type = config->pdsch_config.dmrs_type.value; uint8_t mapping_type = config->pdsch_config.mapping_type.value; l0 = get_l0(mapping_type, 2);//config->pdsch_config.dmrs_typeA_position.value); nr_modulation(pdsch_dmrs[l0][0], n_dmrs, DMRS_MOD_ORDER, mod_dmrs); // currently only codeword 0 is modulated. Qm = 2 as DMRS is QPSK modulated #ifdef DEBUG_DLSCH printf("DMRS modulation (single symbol %d, %d symbols, type %d):\n", l0, n_dmrs>>1, dmrs_type); for (int i=0; i<n_dmrs>>4; i++) { for (int j=0; j<8; j++) { printf("%d %d\t", mod_dmrs[((i<<3)+j)<<1], mod_dmrs[(((i<<3)+j)<<1)+1]); } printf("\n"); } #endif /// Resource mapping // Non interleaved VRB to PRB mapping uint16_t start_sc = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + rel15->start_prb*NR_NB_SC_PER_RB; if (start_sc >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) start_sc -= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size; #ifdef DEBUG_DLSCH_MAPPING printf("PDSCH resource mapping started (start SC %d\tstart symbol %d\tN_PRB %d\tnb_symbols %d)\n", start_sc, rel15->start_symbol, rel15->n_prb, rel15->nb_symbols); #endif for (int ap=0; ap<rel15->nb_layers; ap++) { // DMRS params for this ap get_Wt(Wt, ap, dmrs_type); get_Wf(Wf, ap, dmrs_type); delta = get_delta(ap, dmrs_type); l_prime[0] = 0; // single symbol ap 0 uint8_t dmrs_symbol = l0+l_prime[0]; #ifdef DEBUG_DLSCH_MAPPING printf("DMRS params for ap %d: Wt %d %d \t Wf %d %d \t delta %d \t l_prime %d \t l0 %d\tDMRS symbol %d\n", ap, Wt[0], Wt[1], Wf[0], Wf[1], delta, l_prime[0], l0, dmrs_symbol); #endif uint8_t k_prime=0; uint16_t m=0, n=0, dmrs_idx=0, k=0; if (dmrs_type == NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE1) // another if condition to be included to check pdsch config type (reference of k) dmrs_idx = rel15->start_prb*6; else dmrs_idx = rel15->start_prb*4; for (int l=rel15->start_symbol; l<rel15->start_symbol+rel15->nb_symbols; l++) { k = start_sc; for (int i=0; i<rel15->n_prb*NR_NB_SC_PER_RB; i++) { if ((l == dmrs_symbol) && (k == ((start_sc+get_dmrs_freq_idx(n, k_prime, delta, dmrs_type))%(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)))) { ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1] = (Wt[l_prime[0]]*Wf[k_prime]*amp*mod_dmrs[dmrs_idx<<1]) >> 15; ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (Wt[l_prime[0]]*Wf[k_prime]*amp*mod_dmrs[(dmrs_idx<<1) + 1]) >> 15; #ifdef DEBUG_DLSCH_MAPPING printf("dmrs_idx %d\t l %d \t k %d \t k_prime %d \t n %d \t txdataF: %d %d\n", dmrs_idx, l, k, k_prime, n, ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1], ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1]); #endif dmrs_idx++; k_prime++; k_prime&=1; n+=(k_prime)?0:1; } else { ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1] = (amp * tx_layers[ap][m<<1]) >> 15; ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * tx_layers[ap][(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15; #ifdef DEBUG_DLSCH_MAPPING printf("m %d\t l %d \t k %d \t txdataF: %d %d\n", m, l, k, ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1], ((int16_t*)txdataF[ap])[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1]); #endif m++; } if (++k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) k -= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size; } } } return 0; }