/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file flexran_agent.h * \brief top level flexran agent receive thread and itti task * \author Xenofon Foukas and Navid Nikaein and shahab SHARIAT BAGHERI * \date 2017 * \version 0.1 */ #include "flexran_agent.h" #include void *send_thread(void *args); void *receive_thread(void *args); pthread_t new_thread(void *(*f)(void *), void *b); Protocol__FlexranMessage *flexran_agent_timeout(void* args); int agent_task_created = 0; /* * enb agent task mainly wakes up the tx thread for periodic and oneshot messages to the controller * and can interact with other itti tasks */ void *flexran_agent_task(void *args){ //flexran_agent_info_t *d = (flexran_agent_info_t *) args; Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg; void *data; int size; err_code_t err_code=0; int priority = 0; MessageDef *msg_p = NULL; int result; struct flexran_agent_timer_element_s * elem = NULL; itti_mark_task_ready(TASK_FLEXRAN_AGENT); do { // Wait for a message itti_receive_msg (TASK_FLEXRAN_AGENT, &msg_p); DevAssert(msg_p != NULL); switch (ITTI_MSG_ID(msg_p)) { case TERMINATE_MESSAGE: LOG_W(FLEXRAN_AGENT, " *** Exiting FLEXRAN thread\n"); itti_exit_task (); break; case MESSAGE_TEST: LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Received %s\n", ITTI_MSG_NAME(msg_p)); break; case TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED: msg = flexran_agent_process_timeout(msg_p->ittiMsg.timer_has_expired.timer_id, msg_p->ittiMsg.timer_has_expired.arg); if (msg != NULL){ data=flexran_agent_pack_message(msg,&size); elem = get_timer_entry(msg_p->ittiMsg.timer_has_expired.timer_id); if (flexran_agent_msg_send(elem->agent_id, FLEXRAN_AGENT_DEFAULT, data, size, priority)) { err_code = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_ERR__MSG_ENQUEUING; goto error; } LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"sent message with size %d\n", size); } break; default: LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Received unexpected message %s\n", ITTI_MSG_NAME (msg_p)); break; } result = itti_free (ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(msg_p), msg_p); AssertFatal (result == EXIT_SUCCESS, "Failed to free memory (%d)!\n", result); continue; error: if (err_code != 0) LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"flexran_agent_task: error %d occured\n",err_code); } while (1); return NULL; } void *receive_thread(void *args) { flexran_agent_info_t *d = args; void *data; int size; int priority; err_code_t err_code=0; Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg; while (1) { while (flexran_agent_msg_recv(d->mod_id, FLEXRAN_AGENT_DEFAULT, &data, &size, &priority) == 0) { LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"received message with size %d\n", size); // Invoke the message handler msg=flexran_agent_handle_message(d->mod_id, data, size); free(data); // check if there is something to send back to the controller if (msg != NULL){ data=flexran_agent_pack_message(msg,&size); if (flexran_agent_msg_send(d->mod_id, FLEXRAN_AGENT_DEFAULT, data, size, priority)) { err_code = PROTOCOL__FLEXRAN_ERR__MSG_ENQUEUING; goto error; } LOG_D(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"sent message with size %d\n", size); } } } return NULL; error: if (err_code != 0) LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"receive_thread: error %d occured\n",err_code); return NULL; } /* utility function to create a thread */ pthread_t new_thread(void *(*f)(void *), void *b) { pthread_t t; pthread_attr_t att; if (pthread_attr_init(&att)){ fprintf(stderr, "pthread_attr_init err\n"); exit(1); } struct sched_param sched_param_recv_thread; sched_param_recv_thread.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO) - 1; pthread_attr_setschedparam(&att, &sched_param_recv_thread); pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&att, SCHED_FIFO); if (pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&att, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED)) { fprintf(stderr, "pthread_attr_setdetachstate err\n"); exit(1); } if (pthread_create(&t, &att, f, b)) { fprintf(stderr, "pthread_create err\n"); exit(1); } if (pthread_attr_destroy(&att)) { fprintf(stderr, "pthread_attr_destroy err\n"); exit(1); } return t; } int channel_container_init = 0; int flexran_agent_start(mid_t mod_id) { flexran_agent_info_t *flexran = RC.flexran[mod_id]; int channel_id; char *in_ip = flexran->remote_ipv4_addr; uint16_t in_port = flexran->remote_port; /* if this agent is disabled, return and don't do anything */ if (!flexran->enabled) { LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "FlexRAN Agent for eNB %d is DISABLED\n", mod_id); return 100; } /* * Initialize the channel container */ if (!channel_container_init) { flexran_agent_init_channel_container(); channel_container_init = 1; } /*Create the async channel info*/ flexran_agent_async_channel_t *channel_info = flexran_agent_async_channel_info(mod_id, in_ip, in_port); /*Create a channel using the async channel info*/ channel_id = flexran_agent_create_channel((void *) channel_info, flexran_agent_async_msg_send, flexran_agent_async_msg_recv, flexran_agent_async_release); if (channel_id <= 0) { goto error; } flexran_agent_channel_t *channel = get_channel(channel_id); if (channel == NULL) { goto error; } /*Register the channel for all underlying agents (use FLEXRAN_AGENT_MAX)*/ flexran_agent_register_channel(mod_id, channel, FLEXRAN_AGENT_MAX); /*Example of registration for a specific agent(MAC): *flexran_agent_register_channel(mod_id, channel, FLEXRAN_AGENT_MAC); */ /*Initialize the continuous stats update mechanism*/ flexran_agent_init_cont_stats_update(mod_id); new_thread(receive_thread, flexran); /* Register and initialize the control modules */ flexran_agent_register_mac_xface(mod_id); flexran_agent_init_mac_agent(mod_id); flexran_agent_register_rrc_xface(mod_id); AGENT_PDCP_xface *pdcp_agent_xface = (AGENT_PDCP_xface *) malloc(sizeof(AGENT_PDCP_xface)); flexran_agent_register_pdcp_xface(mod_id, pdcp_agent_xface); /* * initilize a timer */ flexran_agent_init_timer(); /* * start the enb agent task for tx and interaction with the underlying network function */ if (!agent_task_created) { if (itti_create_task (TASK_FLEXRAN_AGENT, flexran_agent_task, flexran) < 0) { LOG_E(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "Create task for FlexRAN Agent failed\n"); return -1; } agent_task_created = 1; } pthread_mutex_init(&flexran->mutex_node_ctrl, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&flexran->cond_node_ctrl, NULL); if (flexran->node_ctrl_state == ENB_WAIT) { /* wait three seconds before showing message and waiting "for real". * This way, the message is (hopefully...) the last one and the user knows * what is happening. If the controller sends a reconfiguration message in * the meantime, the softmodem will never wait */ sleep(3); LOG_I(ENB_APP, " * eNB %d: Waiting for FlexRAN RTController command *\n", mod_id); pthread_mutex_lock(&flexran->mutex_node_ctrl); while (ENB_NORMAL_OPERATION != flexran->node_ctrl_state) pthread_cond_wait(&flexran->cond_node_ctrl, &flexran->mutex_node_ctrl); pthread_mutex_unlock(&flexran->mutex_node_ctrl); /* reconfigure RRC again, the agent might have changed the configuration */ MessageDef *msg_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_ENB_APP, RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ); RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ(msg_p) = RC.rrc[mod_id]->configuration; itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_RRC_ENB, ENB_MODULE_ID_TO_INSTANCE(mod_id), msg_p); } return 0; error: LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT,"there was an error\n"); return 1; } Protocol__FlexranMessage *flexran_agent_timeout(void* args){ // flexran_agent_timer_args_t *timer_args = calloc(1, sizeof(*timer_args)); //memcpy (timer_args, args, sizeof(*timer_args)); flexran_agent_timer_args_t *timer_args = (flexran_agent_timer_args_t *) args; LOG_UI(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "flexran_agent %d timeout\n", timer_args->mod_id); //LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "eNB action %d ENB flags %d \n", timer_args->cc_actions,timer_args->cc_report_flags); //LOG_I(FLEXRAN_AGENT, "UE action %d UE flags %d \n", timer_args->ue_actions,timer_args->ue_report_flags); return NULL; }