#ifndef TELNETSRV_H #define TELNETSRV_H #define TELNETSRV_MODNAME "telnetsrv" #define TELNET_PORT 9090 #define TELNET_MAX_MSGLENGTH 2048 #define TELNET_PROMPT "softmodem> " #define TELNET_MAXCMD 20 #define TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE 10 #define TELNET_HELPSTR_SIZE 80 /* status return by the command parser after it analysed user input */ #define CMDSTATUS_NOCMD 0 #define CMDSTATUS_EXIT 1 #define CMDSTATUS_FOUND 2 #define CMDSTATUS_VARNOTFOUND 3 #define CMDSTATUS_NOTFOUND 4 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* structure to be used when adding a module to the telnet server */ /* This is the second parameter of the add_telnetcmd function, which can be used */ /* to add a set of new command to the telnet server shell */ typedef void(*telnet_printfunc_t)(const char* format, ...); typedef int(*cmdfunc_t)(char*, int, telnet_printfunc_t prnt); typedef struct cmddef { char cmdname[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE]; char helpstr[TELNET_HELPSTR_SIZE]; cmdfunc_t cmdfunc; } telnetshell_cmddef_t; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*structure to be used when adding a module to the telnet server */ /* This is the first parameter of the add_telnetcmd function, which can be used */ /* to add a set of new variables which can be got/set from the telnet server shell */ #define TELNET_VARTYPE_INT32 1 #define TELNET_VARTYPE_INT16 2 #define TELNET_VARTYPE_INT64 3 #define TELNET_VARTYPE_STRING 4 #define TELNET_VARTYPE_DOUBLE 5 #define TELNET_VARTYPE_PTR 6 typedef struct variabledef { char varname[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE]; char vartype; void *varvalptr; } telnetshell_vardef_t; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* internal structure definitions */ /* cmdparser_t is used to store all modules which have been added to the telnet server. */ /* Each time the add_telnetcmd function is used, the internal array cmdparser_t[] of the */ /* telnet server is populated with the new commands and variables */ typedef struct cmdparser { char module[TELNET_CMD_MAXSIZE]; // module name = first token of the telnet shell command telnetshell_cmddef_t *cmd; // array of functions added to the shell telnetshell_vardef_t *var; // array of variables added to the shell } cmdparser_t; /* telnetsrv_params_t is an internal structure storing all the current parameters and */ /* global variables used by the telnet server */ typedef struct { pthread_t telnet_pthread; // thread id of the telnet server int telnetdbg; // debug level of the server int priority; // server running priority int new_socket; // socket of the client connection int logfilefd; // file id of the log file when log output is redirected to a file int saved_stdout; // file id of the previous stdout, used to be able to restore original stdout cmdparser_t CmdParsers[TELNET_MAXCMD]; // array of registered modules. char msgbuff[TELNET_MAX_MSGLENGTH]; // internal buffer of the client_printf function which is used to print to the client terminal */ unsigned int listenport; // ip port the telnet server is listening on unsigned int listenaddr; // ip address the telnet server is listening on unsigned int loopcount; // loop command param: number of loop iteration unsigned int loopdelay; // loop command param: delay in ms between 2 iterations unsigned int phyprntbuff_size; // for phy module, dump_eNB_stats function buffer size } telnetsrv_params_t; typedef int(*addcmdfunc_t)(char*, telnetshell_vardef_t*, telnetshell_cmddef_t*); typedef void(*settelnetmodule_t)(char *name, void *ptr); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* VT escape sequence definition, for smarter display.... */ #define ESC "\x1b" #define CSI "\x1b[" #define BOLD "\x1b[1m" #define RED "\x1b[31m" #define GREEN "\x1b[32m" #define BLUE "\x1b[34m" #define MAGENTA "\x1b[35m" #define CYAN "\x1b[36m" #define STDFMT "\x1b[0m" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef TELNETSERVERCODE int add_telnetcmd(char *modulename, telnetshell_vardef_t *var, telnetshell_cmddef_t *cmd); void set_sched(pthread_t tid, int pid,int priority); void set_affinity(pthread_t tid, int pid, int coreid); extern int get_phybsize(); #endif #endif