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    OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is
   included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not,
   see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

  Contact Information
  OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr
  OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr
  OpenAirInterface Dev  : openair4g-devel@lists.eurecom.fr

  Address      : Eurecom, Compus SophiaTech 450, route des chappes, 06451 Biot, France.

Source      esm_ebr_context.h

Version     0.1

Date        2013/05/28

Product     NAS stack

Subsystem   EPS Session Management

Author      Frederic Maurel

Description Defines functions used to handle EPS bearer contexts.

#include <stdlib.h> // malloc, free
#include <string.h> // memset

#include "commonDef.h"
#include "nas_log.h"

#include "emmData.h"
#include "esm_ebr.h"

#include "esm_ebr_context.h"

#include "emm_sap.h"

#if defined(ENABLE_ITTI)
# include "assertions.h"

#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

/****************  E X T E R N A L    D E F I N I T I O N S  ****************/

/*******************  L O C A L    D E F I N I T I O N S  *******************/

static int _esm_ebr_context_check_identifiers(const network_tft_t *,
    const network_tft_t *);
static int _esm_ebr_context_check_precedence(const network_tft_t *,
    const network_tft_t *);

/******************  E X P O R T E D    F U N C T I O N S  ******************/

 **                                                                        **
 ** Name:    esm_ebr_context_create()                                  **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Description: Creates a new EPS bearer context to the PDN with the spe- **
 **      cified PDN connection identifier                          **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Inputs:  ueid:      UE identifier                              **
 **      pid:       PDN connection identifier                  **
 **      ebi:       EPS bearer identity                        **
 **      is_default:    TRUE if the new bearer is a default EPS    **
 **             bearer context                             **
 **      esm_qos:   EPS bearer level QoS parameters            **
 **      tft:       Traffic flow template parameters           **
 **      Others:    _esm_data                                  **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Outputs:     None                                                      **
 **      Return:    The EPS bearer identity of the default EPS **
 **             bearer associated to the new EPS bearer    **
 **             context if successfully created;           **
 **             UNASSIGN EPS bearer value otherwise.       **
 **      Others:    _esm_data                                  **
 **                                                                        **
int esm_ebr_context_create(

  int pid, int ebi, int is_default,
  const network_qos_t *qos, const network_tft_t *tft)
  int                 bid     = 0;
  esm_data_context_t *esm_ctx = NULL;
  esm_pdn_t          *pdn     = NULL;
  //unsigned int        ueid    = 0;


  esm_ctx = &_esm_data;


  LOG_TRACE(INFO, "ESM-PROC  - Create new %s EPS bearer context (ebi=%d) "
            "for PDN connection (pid=%d)",
            (is_default)? "default" : "dedicated", ebi, pid);

  if (pid < ESM_DATA_PDN_MAX) {
    if (pid != esm_ctx->pdn[pid].pid) {
      LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-PROC  - PDN connection identifier %d is "
                "not valid", pid);
    } else if (esm_ctx->pdn[pid].data == NULL) {
      LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-PROC  - PDN connection %d has not been "
                "allocated", pid);
    /* Check the total number of active EPS bearers */
    else if (esm_ctx->n_ebrs > ESM_DATA_EPS_BEARER_TOTAL) {
      LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "ESM-PROC  - The total number of active EPS"
                "bearers is exceeded");
    } else {
      /* Get the PDN connection entry */
      pdn = esm_ctx->pdn[pid].data;

      if (is_default) {
        /* Default EPS bearer entry is defined at index 0 */
        bid = 0;

        if (pdn->bearer[bid] != NULL) {
          LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-PROC  - A default EPS bearer context "
                    "is already allocated");
      } else {
        /* Search for an available EPS bearer context entry */
        for (bid = 1; bid < ESM_DATA_EPS_BEARER_MAX; bid++) {
          if (pdn->bearer[bid] != NULL) {


  if (bid < ESM_DATA_EPS_BEARER_MAX) {
    /* Create new EPS bearer context */
    esm_bearer_t *ebr = (esm_bearer_t *)malloc(sizeof(esm_bearer_t));

    if (ebr != NULL) {
      memset(ebr, 0 , sizeof(esm_bearer_t));
      /* Increment the total number of active EPS bearers */
      esm_ctx->n_ebrs += 1;
      /* Increment the number of EPS bearer for this PDN connection */
      pdn->n_bearers += 1;
      /* Setup the EPS bearer data */
      pdn->bearer[bid] = ebr;
      ebr->bid = bid;
      ebr->ebi = ebi;

      if (qos != NULL) {
        /* EPS bearer level QoS parameters */
        ebr->qos = *qos;

      if ( (tft != NULL) && (tft->n_pkfs < NET_PACKET_FILTER_MAX) ) {
        int i;

        /* Traffic flow template parameters */
        for (i = 0; i < tft->n_pkfs; i++) {
          ebr->tft.pkf[i] =
            (network_pkf_t *)malloc(sizeof(network_pkf_t));

          if (ebr->tft.pkf[i] != NULL) {
            *(ebr->tft.pkf[i]) = *(tft->pkf[i]);
            ebr->tft.n_pkfs += 1;

      if (is_default) {
        /* Set the PDN connection activation indicator */
        esm_ctx->pdn[pid].is_active = TRUE;

        /* Update the emergency bearer services indicator */
        if (pdn->is_emergency) {
          esm_ctx->emergency = TRUE;

        // LG ADD TEMP
           char          *tmp          = NULL;
           char           ipv4_addr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
           //char           ipv6_addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
           char          *netmask      = NULL;
           char           broadcast[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
           struct in_addr in_addr;
           char           command_line[128];
           int            res;

           switch (pdn->type) {
           case NET_PDN_TYPE_IPV4V6:
             //ipv6_addr[0] = pdn->ip_addr[4];
             /* TODO? */

             // etc
           case NET_PDN_TYPE_IPV4:
             // in_addr is in network byte order
             in_addr.s_addr  = pdn->ip_addr[0] << 24                 |
                               ((pdn->ip_addr[1] << 16) & 0x00FF0000) |
                               ((pdn->ip_addr[2] <<  8) & 0x0000FF00) |
                               ( pdn->ip_addr[3]        & 0x000000FF);

             in_addr.s_addr = htonl(in_addr.s_addr);

             tmp = inet_ntoa(in_addr);
             //AssertFatal(tmp ,
             //            "error in PDN IPv4 address %x",
             //            in_addr.s_addr);
             strcpy(ipv4_addr, tmp);

             if (IN_CLASSA(ntohl(in_addr.s_addr))) {
               netmask = "";
               in_addr.s_addr = pdn->ip_addr[0] << 24 |
                                ((255  << 16) & 0x00FF0000) |
                                ((255 <<  8)  & 0x0000FF00) |
                                ( 255         & 0x000000FF);
               in_addr.s_addr = htonl(in_addr.s_addr);
               tmp = inet_ntoa(in_addr);
               //                                AssertFatal(tmp ,
               //                                        "error in PDN IPv4 address %x",
               //                                        in_addr.s_addr);
               strcpy(broadcast, tmp);
             } else if (IN_CLASSB(ntohl(in_addr.s_addr))) {
               netmask = "";
               in_addr.s_addr =  pdn->ip_addr[0] << 24 |
                                 ((pdn->ip_addr[1] << 16) & 0x00FF0000) |
                                 ((255 <<  8)  & 0x0000FF00) |
                                 ( 255         & 0x000000FF);
               in_addr.s_addr = htonl(in_addr.s_addr);
               tmp = inet_ntoa(in_addr);
               //                                AssertFatal(tmp ,
               //                                        "error in PDN IPv4 address %x",
               //                                        in_addr.s_addr);
               strcpy(broadcast, tmp);
             } else if (IN_CLASSC(ntohl(in_addr.s_addr))) {
               netmask = "";
               in_addr.s_addr = pdn->ip_addr[0] << 24 |
                                ((pdn->ip_addr[1] << 16) & 0x00FF0000) |
                                ((pdn->ip_addr[2] <<  8) & 0x0000FF00) |
                                ( 255         & 0x000000FF);
               in_addr.s_addr = htonl(in_addr.s_addr);
               tmp = inet_ntoa(in_addr);
               //                                AssertFatal(tmp ,
               //                                        "error in PDN IPv4 address %x",
               //                                        in_addr.s_addr);
               strcpy(broadcast, tmp);
             } else {
               netmask = "";
               strcpy(broadcast, ipv4_addr);

             res = sprintf(command_line,
                           "ifconfig oip1 %s netmask %s broadcast %s",
                           ipv4_addr, netmask, broadcast);
             (void)res; /* avoid gcc warning "set but not used" */
             //                            AssertFatal((res > 0) && (res < 128),
             //                                    "error in system command line");
             LOG_TRACE(INFO, "ESM-PROC  - executing %s ",

             if (system(command_line)) ; /* TODO: what to do? */


           case NET_PDN_TYPE_IPV6:

         //                AssertFatal(0, "Forced stop in NAS UE");

      /* Return the EPS bearer identity of the default EPS bearer
       * associated to the new EPS bearer context */
      LOG_FUNC_RETURN (pdn->bearer[0]->ebi);

    LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "ESM-PROC  - Failed to create new EPS bearer "
              "context (ebi=%d)", ebi);


 **                                                                        **
 ** Name:    esm_ebr_context_release()                                 **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Description: Releases EPS bearer context entry previously allocated    **
 **      to the EPS bearer with the specified EPS bearer identity  **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Inputs:  ueid:      UE identifier                              **
 **      ebi:       EPS bearer identity                        **
 **      Others:    _esm_data                                  **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Outputs:     pid:       Identifier of the PDN connection entry the **
 **             EPS bearer context belongs to              **
 **      bid:       Identifier of the released EPS bearer con- **
 **             text entry                                 **
 **      Return:    The EPS bearer identity associated to the  **
 **             EPS bearer context if successfully relea-  **
 **             sed; UNASSIGN EPS bearer value otherwise.  **
 **      Others:    _esm_data                                  **
 **                                                                        **
int esm_ebr_context_release(

  int ebi, int *pid, int *bid)
  int found = FALSE;
  esm_pdn_t *pdn = NULL;
  esm_data_context_t *esm_ctx;

  //unsigned int ueid = 0;


  esm_ctx = &_esm_data;

  if (ebi != ESM_EBI_UNASSIGNED) {
     * The identity of the EPS bearer to released is given;
     * Release the EPS bearer context entry that match the specified EPS
     * bearer identity

    /* Search for active PDN connection */
    for (*pid = 0; *pid < ESM_DATA_PDN_MAX; (*pid)++) {
      if ( !esm_ctx->pdn[*pid].is_active ) {

      /* An active PDN connection is found */
      if (esm_ctx->pdn[*pid].data != NULL) {
        pdn = esm_ctx->pdn[*pid].data;

        /* Search for the specified EPS bearer context entry */
        for (*bid = 0; *bid < pdn->n_bearers; (*bid)++) {
          if (pdn->bearer[*bid] != NULL) {
            if (pdn->bearer[*bid]->ebi != ebi) {

            /* The EPS bearer context entry is found */
            found = TRUE;

      if (found) {
  } else {
     * The identity of the EPS bearer to released is not given;
     * Release the EPS bearer context entry allocated with the EPS
     * bearer context identifier (bid) to establish connectivity to
     * the PDN identified by the PDN connection identifier (pid).
     * Default EPS bearer to a given PDN is always identified by the
     * first EPS bearer context entry at index bid = 0
    if (*pid < ESM_DATA_PDN_MAX) {
      if (*pid != esm_ctx->pdn[*pid].pid) {
        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-PROC  - PDN connection identifier %d "
                  "is not valid", *pid);
      } else if (!esm_ctx->pdn[*pid].is_active) {
        LOG_TRACE(WARNING,"ESM-PROC  - PDN connection %d is not active",
      } else if (esm_ctx->pdn[*pid].data == NULL) {
        LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-PROC  - PDN connection %d has not been "
                  "allocated", *pid);
      } else {
        pdn = esm_ctx->pdn[*pid].data;

        if (pdn->bearer[*bid] != NULL) {
          ebi = pdn->bearer[*bid]->ebi;
          found = TRUE;

  if (found) {
    int i, j;

     * Delete the specified EPS bearer context entry
    if (pdn->bearer[*bid]->bid != *bid) {
      LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-PROC  - EPS bearer identifier %d is "
                "not valid", *bid);

    LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "ESM-PROC  - Release EPS bearer context "
              "(ebi=%d)", ebi);

    /* Delete the TFT */
    for (i = 0; i < pdn->bearer[*bid]->tft.n_pkfs; i++) {

    /* Release the specified EPS bearer data */
    pdn->bearer[*bid] = NULL;
    /* Decrement the number of EPS bearer context allocated
     * to the PDN connection */
    pdn->n_bearers -= 1;
    /* Decrement the total number of active EPS bearers */
    esm_ctx->n_ebrs -= 1;

    if (*bid == 0) {
      /* 3GPP TS 24.301, section,
       * If the EPS bearer identity is that of the default bearer to a
       * PDN, the UE shall delete all EPS bearer contexts associated to
       * that PDN connection.
      for (i = 1; pdn->n_bearers > 0; i++) {
        if (pdn->bearer[i]) {

          LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "ESM-PROC  - Release EPS bearer context "
                    "(ebi=%d)", pdn->bearer[i]->ebi);

          /* Delete the TFT */
          for (j = 0; j < pdn->bearer[i]->tft.n_pkfs; j++) {

          /* Set the EPS bearer context state to INACTIVE */
          (void) esm_ebr_set_status(pdn->bearer[i]->ebi,
                                    ESM_EBR_INACTIVE, TRUE);

          /* Release EPS bearer data */
          (void) esm_ebr_release(pdn->bearer[i]->ebi);

          // esm_ebr_release()
          /* Release dedicated EPS bearer data */
          pdn->bearer[i] = NULL;
          /* Decrement the number of EPS bearer context allocated
           * to the PDN connection */
          pdn->n_bearers -= 1;
          /* Decrement the total number of active EPS bearers */
          esm_ctx->n_ebrs -= 1;

      /* Reset the PDN connection activation indicator */
      esm_ctx->pdn[*pid].is_active = FALSE;

      /* Update the emergency bearer services indicator */
      if (pdn->is_emergency) {
        esm_ctx->emergency = FALSE;

    /* 3GPP TS 24.301, section
     * If the UE locally deactivated all EPS bearer contexts, the UE
     * shall perform a local detach and enter state EMM-DEREGISTERED.
    if (esm_ctx->n_ebrs == 0) {
      emm_sap_t emm_sap;
      emm_sap.primitive = EMMESM_ESTABLISH_CNF;
      emm_sap.u.emm_esm.u.establish.is_attached = FALSE;
      (void) emm_sap_send(&emm_sap);
    /* 3GPP TS 24.301, section,
     * If due to the EPS bearer context deactivation only the PDN
     * connection for emergency bearer services remains established,
     * the UE shall consider itself attached for emergency bearer
     * services only.
    else if (esm_ctx->emergency && (esm_ctx->n_ebrs == 1) ) {
      emm_sap_t emm_sap;
      emm_sap.primitive = EMMESM_ESTABLISH_CNF;
      emm_sap.u.emm_esm.u.establish.is_attached = TRUE;
      emm_sap.u.emm_esm.u.establish.is_emergency = TRUE;
      (void) emm_sap_send(&emm_sap);

    LOG_FUNC_RETURN (ebi);


 **                                                                        **
 ** Name:    esm_ebr_context_get_pid()                                 **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Description: Returns the identifier of the PDN connection entry the    **
 **      default EPS bearer context with the specified EPS bearer  **
 **      identity belongs to                                       **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Inputs:  ebi:       The EPS bearer identity of the default EPS **
 **             bearer context                             **
 **      Others:    _esm_data                                  **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Outputs:     None                                                      **
 **      Return:    The identifier of the PDN connection entry **
 **             associated to the specified default EPS    **
 **             bearer context if it exists; -1 otherwise. **
 **      Others:    None                                       **
 **                                                                        **
int esm_ebr_context_get_pid(int ebi)

  int pid;

  for (pid = 0; pid < ESM_DATA_PDN_MAX; pid++) {
    if (_esm_data.pdn[pid].data == NULL) {

    if (_esm_data.pdn[pid].data->bearer[0] == NULL) {

    if (_esm_data.pdn[pid].data->bearer[0]->ebi == ebi) {

  if (pid < ESM_DATA_PDN_MAX) {
    LOG_FUNC_RETURN (pid);


 **                                                                        **
 ** Name:    esm_ebr_context_check_tft()                               **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Description: Checks syntactical errors in packet filters associated to **
 **      the EPS bearer context with the specified EPS bearer      **
 **      identity for the PDN connection entry with the given      **
 **      identifier                                                **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Inputs:  pid:       Identifier of the PDN connection entry the **
 **             EPS bearer context belongs to              **
 **      ebi:       The EPS bearer identity of the EPS bearer  **
 **             context with associated packet filter list **
 **      tft:       The traffic flow template (set of packet   **
 **             filters) to be checked                     **
 **      operation: Traffic flow template operation            **
 **      Others:    _esm_data                                  **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Outputs:     None                                                      **
 **      Return:    RETURNok, RETURNerror                      **
 **      Others:    None                                       **
 **                                                                        **
int esm_ebr_context_check_tft(int pid, int ebi,
                              const network_tft_t *tft,
                              esm_ebr_context_tft_t operation)

  int rc = RETURNerror;
  int i;

  if (pid < ESM_DATA_PDN_MAX) {
    if (pid != _esm_data.pdn[pid].pid) {
      LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-PROC  - PDN connection identifier %d "
                "is not valid", pid);
    } else if (_esm_data.pdn[pid].data == NULL) {
      LOG_TRACE(ERROR, "ESM-PROC  - PDN connection %d has not been "
                "allocated", pid);
    } else if (operation == ESM_EBR_CONTEXT_TFT_CREATE) {
      esm_pdn_t *pdn = _esm_data.pdn[pid].data;

      /* For each EPS bearer context associated to the PDN connection */
      for (i = 0; i < pdn->n_bearers; i++) {
        if (pdn->bearer[i]) {
          if (pdn->bearer[i]->ebi == ebi) {
            /* Check the packet filter identifiers */
            rc = _esm_ebr_context_check_identifiers(tft,

            if (rc != RETURNok) {

          /* Check the packet filter precedence values */
          rc = _esm_ebr_context_check_precedence(tft,

          if (rc != RETURNok) {


/*********************  L O C A L    F U N C T I O N S  *********************/

 **                                                                        **
 ** Name:    _esm_ebr_context_check_identifiers()                      **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Description: Compares traffic flow templates to check whether two or   **
 **      more packet filters have identical packet filter identi-  **
 **      fiers                                                     **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Inputs:  tft1:      The first set of packet filters            **
 **      tft2:      The second set of packet filters           **
 **      Others:    None                                       **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Outputs:     None                                                      **
 **      Return:    RETURNerror if at least one packet filter  **
 **             has same identifier in both traffic flow   **
 **             templates; RETURNok otherwise.             **
 **      Others:    None                                       **
 **                                                                        **
static int _esm_ebr_context_check_identifiers(const network_tft_t *tft1,
    const network_tft_t *tft2)
  int i;
  int j;

  if ( (tft1 == NULL) || (tft2 == NULL) ) {
    return (RETURNok);

  for (i = 0; i < tft1->n_pkfs; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < tft2->n_pkfs; j++) {
      /* Packet filters should have been allocated */
      if (tft1->pkf[i]->id == tft2->pkf[i]->id) {
        /* 3GPP TS 24.301, section, abnormal cases d.1
         * Packet filters have same identifier */
        return (RETURNerror);

  return (RETURNok);

 **                                                                        **
 ** Name:    _esm_ebr_context_check_precedence()                       **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Description: Compares traffic flow templates to check whether two or   **
 **      more packet filters have identical precedence values      **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Inputs:  tft1:      The first set of packet filters            **
 **      tft2:      The second set of packet filters           **
 **      Others:    None                                       **
 **                                                                        **
 ** Outputs:     None                                                      **
 **      Return:    RETURNerror if at least one packet filter  **
 **             has same precedence value in both traffic  **
 **             flow templates; RETURNerror otherwise.     **
 **      Others:    None                                       **
 **                                                                        **
static int _esm_ebr_context_check_precedence(const network_tft_t *tft1,
    const network_tft_t *tft2)
  int i;
  int j;

  if ( (tft1 == NULL) || (tft2 == NULL) ) {
    return (RETURNok);

  for (i = 0; i < tft1->n_pkfs; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < tft2->n_pkfs; j++) {
      /* Packet filters should have been allocated */
      if (tft1->pkf[i]->precedence == tft2->pkf[i]->precedence) {
        /* 3GPP TS 24.301, section, abnormal cases d.2
         * Packet filters have same precedence value */
        /* TODO: Actually if the old packet filters do not belong
         * to the default EPS bearer context, the UE shall not
         * diagnose an error (see, abnormal cases d.2) */
        return (RETURNerror);

  return (RETURNok);