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Source		user_indication.h

Version		0.1

Date		2012/10/25

Product		NAS stack

Subsystem	Application Programming Interface

Author		Frederic Maurel

Description	Defines functions which allow the user application to register
		procedures to be executed upon receiving asynchronous notifi-

#ifndef __USER_IND_H__
#define __USER_IND_H__

#include "commonDef.h"
#include "networkDef.h"

/*********************  G L O B A L    C O N S T A N T S  *******************/

 * Type of notification that may be asynchronously received by the user
typedef enum {
    USER_IND_REG = 0,	/* Registration notification	*/
    USER_IND_LOC,	/* Location notification	*/
    USER_IND_PLMN,	/* Network notification		*/
    USER_IND_PDN,	/* PDN connection notification	*/
} user_ind_t;

 * Registration notification are received whenever there is a change in the
 * UE's network registration status in GERAN/UTRAN/E-UTRAN
typedef struct {
    Stat_t status;	/* network registration status	*/
} user_ind_reg_t;

 * Location notification are received whenever there is a change in the
 * network serving cell in GERAN/UTRAN/E-UTRAN
typedef struct {
    Stat_t status;	/* network registration status	*/
    tac_t tac;		/* Location/Tracking area code	*/
    ci_t ci;		/* GERAN/UTRAN/E-UTRAN cell ID	*/
    AcT_t AcT;		/* Supported Access Technology	*/
} user_ind_loc_t;

 * PDN connection notification are received whenever the user or the network
 * has activated or desactivated a PDN connection
typedef struct {
    UInt8_t cid;		/* PDN connection identifier	*/
    network_pdn_state_t status;	/* PDN connection status	*/
} user_ind_pdn_t;

 * Structure of asynchronous notification received by the user
typedef struct {
    union {
	user_ind_reg_t reg;	/* Registration notification	*/
	user_ind_loc_t loc;	/* Location notification	*/
	user_ind_pdn_t pdn;	/* PDN connection notification	*/
    } notification;
} user_indication_t;

 * Type of procedure executed upon receiving registered notification
typedef int (*user_ind_callback_t) (unsigned char, const void*, size_t);

/************************  G L O B A L    T Y P E S  ************************/

/********************  G L O B A L    V A R I A B L E S  ********************/

/******************  E X P O R T E D    F U N C T I O N S  ******************/

int user_ind_register(user_ind_t ind, unsigned char id, user_ind_callback_t cb);
int user_ind_deregister(user_ind_t ind);
int user_ind_notify(user_ind_t ind, const void* data, size_t size);

#endif /* __USER_IND_H__*/