/******************************************************************************* OpenAirInterface Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Contact Information OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr OpenAirInterface Dev : openair4g-devel@eurecom.fr Address : Eurecom, Compus SophiaTech 450, route des chappes, 06451 Biot, France. *******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Source emm_recv.c Version 0.1 Date 2013/01/30 Product NAS stack Subsystem EPS Mobility Management Author Frederic Maurel Description Defines functions executed at the EMMAS Service Access Point upon receiving EPS Mobility Management messages from the Access Stratum sublayer. *****************************************************************************/ #include "emm_recv.h" #include "commonDef.h" #include "nas_log.h" #include "emm_msgDef.h" #include "emm_cause.h" #include "emm_proc.h" #include <string.h> // memcpy /****************************************************************************/ /**************** E X T E R N A L D E F I N I T I O N S ****************/ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /******************* L O C A L D E F I N I T I O N S *******************/ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /****************** E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S ******************/ /****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ /********************* L O C A L F U N C T I O N S *********************/ /****************************************************************************/ /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Functions executed by both the UE and the MME upon receiving EMM messages * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_status() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes EMM status message ** ** ** ** Inputs: ueid: UE lower layer identifier ** ** msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_status(unsigned int ueid, emm_status_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received EMM Status message (cause=%d)", msg->emmcause); /* * Message checking */ *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS; /* * Message processing */ rc = emm_proc_status_ind(ueid, msg->emmcause); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Functions executed by the UE upon receiving EMM message from the network * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef NAS_UE /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_attach_accept() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Attach Accept message ** ** ** ** Inputs: msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_attach_accept(attach_accept_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc; int i; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Attach Accept message"); /* * Message checking */ if (msg->tailist.typeoflist != TRACKING_AREA_IDENTITY_LIST_ONE_PLMN_CONSECUTIVE_TACS) { /* Only list of TACs belonging to one PLMN with consecutive * TAC values is supported */ *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_IE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } else if ( (msg->presencemask & ATTACH_ACCEPT_GUTI_PRESENT) && (msg->guti.guti.typeofidentity != EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_GUTI) ) { /* The only supported type of EPS mobile identity is GUTI */ *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_IE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* Handle message checking error */ if (*emm_cause != EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS) { LOG_FUNC_RETURN (RETURNerror); } /* * Message processing */ /* Compute timers value */ long T3412, T3402 = -1, T3423 = -1; T3412 = gprs_timer_value(&msg->t3412value); if (msg->presencemask & ATTACH_ACCEPT_T3402_VALUE_PRESENT) { T3402 = gprs_timer_value(&msg->t3402value); } if (msg->presencemask & ATTACH_ACCEPT_T3423_VALUE_PRESENT) { T3423 = gprs_timer_value(&msg->t3423value); } /* Get the tracking area list the UE is registered to */ /* LW: number of elements is coded as N-1 (0 -> 1 element, 1 -> 2 elements...), * see 3GPP TS 24.301, section */ int n_tais = msg->tailist.numberofelements + 1; tai_t tai[n_tais]; for (i = 0; i < n_tais; i++) { tai[i].plmn.MCCdigit1 = msg->tailist.mccdigit1; tai[i].plmn.MCCdigit2 = msg->tailist.mccdigit2; tai[i].plmn.MCCdigit3 = msg->tailist.mccdigit3; tai[i].plmn.MNCdigit1 = msg->tailist.mncdigit1; tai[i].plmn.MNCdigit2 = msg->tailist.mncdigit2; tai[i].plmn.MNCdigit3 = msg->tailist.mncdigit3; tai[i].tac = msg->tailist.tac + i; } /* Get the GUTI */ GUTI_t *pguti = NULL; GUTI_t guti; if (msg->presencemask & ATTACH_ACCEPT_GUTI_PRESENT) { pguti = &guti; guti.gummei.plmn.MCCdigit1 = msg->guti.guti.mccdigit1; guti.gummei.plmn.MCCdigit2 = msg->guti.guti.mccdigit2; guti.gummei.plmn.MCCdigit3 = msg->guti.guti.mccdigit3; guti.gummei.plmn.MNCdigit1 = msg->guti.guti.mncdigit1; guti.gummei.plmn.MNCdigit2 = msg->guti.guti.mncdigit2; guti.gummei.plmn.MNCdigit3 = msg->guti.guti.mncdigit3; guti.gummei.MMEgid = msg->guti.guti.mmegroupid; guti.gummei.MMEcode = msg->guti.guti.mmecode; guti.m_tmsi = msg->guti.guti.mtmsi; } /* Get the list of equivalent PLMNs */ int n_eplmns = 0; plmn_t eplmn; if (msg->presencemask & ATTACH_ACCEPT_EQUIVALENT_PLMNS_PRESENT) { n_eplmns = 1; eplmn.MCCdigit1 = msg->equivalentplmns.mccdigit1; eplmn.MCCdigit2 = msg->equivalentplmns.mccdigit2; eplmn.MCCdigit3 = msg->equivalentplmns.mccdigit3; eplmn.MNCdigit1 = msg->equivalentplmns.mncdigit1; eplmn.MNCdigit2 = msg->equivalentplmns.mncdigit2; eplmn.MNCdigit3 = msg->equivalentplmns.mncdigit3; } /* Execute attach procedure accepted by the network */ rc = emm_proc_attach_accept(T3412, T3402, T3423, n_tais, tai, pguti, n_eplmns, &eplmn, &msg->esmmessagecontainer.esmmessagecontainercontents); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_attach_reject() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Attach Reject message ** ** ** ** Inputs: msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_attach_reject(attach_reject_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Attach Reject message (cause=%d)", msg->emmcause); /* * Message checking */ if ( (msg->emmcause == EMM_CAUSE_ESM_FAILURE) && !(msg->presencemask & ATTACH_REJECT_ESM_MESSAGE_CONTAINER_PRESENT) ) { /* The ATTACH REJECT message shall be combined with a PDN * CONNECTIVITY REJECT message contained in the ESM message * container information element */ *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_INVALID_MANDATORY_INFO; } /* Handle message checking error */ if (*emm_cause != EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS) { LOG_FUNC_RETURN (RETURNerror); } /* * Message processing */ if (msg->presencemask & ATTACH_REJECT_ESM_MESSAGE_CONTAINER_PRESENT) { /* Execute attach procedure rejected by the network */ rc = emm_proc_attach_reject(msg->emmcause, &msg->esmmessagecontainer.esmmessagecontainercontents); } else { /* Execute attach procedure rejected by the network */ rc = emm_proc_attach_reject(msg->emmcause, NULL); } LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_detach_accept() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Detach Accept message ** ** ** ** Inputs: msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_detach_accept(detach_accept_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Detach Accept message"); /* * Message processing */ /* Execute the UE initiated detach procedure completion by the UE */ rc = emm_proc_detach_accept(); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_identity_request() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Identity Request message ** ** ** ** Inputs: msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_identity_request(identity_request_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Identity Request message"); /* * Message processing */ /* Get the requested identity type */ emm_proc_identity_type_t type; if (msg->identitytype == IDENTITY_TYPE_2_IMSI) { type = EMM_IDENT_TYPE_IMSI; } else if (msg->identitytype == IDENTITY_TYPE_2_IMEI) { type = EMM_IDENT_TYPE_IMEI; } else if (msg->identitytype == IDENTITY_TYPE_2_IMEISV) { type = EMM_IDENT_TYPE_IMEISV; } else if (msg->identitytype == IDENTITY_TYPE_2_TMSI) { type = EMM_IDENT_TYPE_TMSI; } else { /* All other values are interpreted as IMSI */ type = EMM_IDENT_TYPE_IMSI; } /* Execute the identification procedure initiated by the network */ rc = emm_proc_identification_request(type); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_authentication_request() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Authentication Request message ** ** ** ** Inputs: msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_authentication_request(authentication_request_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Authentication Request message"); /* * Message checking */ if ( (msg->authenticationparameterrand.rand.length == 0) || (msg->authenticationparameterautn.autn.length == 0) ) { /* RAND and AUTN parameters shall not be null */ *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_INVALID_MANDATORY_INFO; } /* Handle message checking error */ if (*emm_cause != EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS) { LOG_FUNC_RETURN (RETURNerror); } /* * Message processing */ /* Execute the authentication procedure initiated by the network */ rc = emm_proc_authentication_request( msg->naskeysetidentifierasme.tsc != NAS_KEY_SET_IDENTIFIER_MAPPED, msg->naskeysetidentifierasme.naskeysetidentifier, &msg->authenticationparameterrand.rand, &msg->authenticationparameterautn.autn); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_authentication_reject() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Authentication Reject message ** ** ** ** Inputs: msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_authentication_reject(authentication_reject_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Authentication Reject message"); /* * Message processing */ /* Execute the authentication procedure not accepted by the network */ rc = emm_proc_authentication_reject(); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_security_mode_command() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Security Mode Command message ** ** ** ** Inputs: msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_security_mode_command(security_mode_command_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Security Mode Command message"); /* * Message processing */ /* Execute the security mode control procedure initiated by the network */ rc = emm_proc_security_mode_command( msg->naskeysetidentifier.tsc != NAS_KEY_SET_IDENTIFIER_MAPPED, msg->naskeysetidentifier.naskeysetidentifier, msg->selectednassecurityalgorithms.typeofcipheringalgorithm, msg->selectednassecurityalgorithms.typeofintegrityalgorithm, msg->replayeduesecuritycapabilities.eea, msg->replayeduesecuritycapabilities.eia); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } #endif // NAS_UE /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Functions executed by the MME upon receiving EMM message from the UE * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef NAS_MME /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_attach_request() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Attach Request message ** ** ** ** Inputs: ueid: UE lower layer identifier ** ** msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_attach_request(unsigned int ueid, const attach_request_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { int rc; emm_proc_attach_type_t type; LOG_FUNC_IN; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Attach Request message"); /* * Message checking */ #if !defined(UPDATE_RELEASE_9) /* SR: In releases 9 and beyond the mandatory ie (old GUTI) has been removed */ if ( (msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti.typeofidentity == EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_GUTI) && !(msg->presencemask & ATTACH_REQUEST_OLD_GUTI_TYPE_PRESENT) ) { /* The Old GUTI type IE shall be included if the type of identity * in the EPS mobile identity IE is set to "GUTI" */ *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_INVALID_MANDATORY_INFO; LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "EMMAS-SAP - [%08x] - Received GUTI identity without " "old GUTI IEI", ueid); } else #endif /* !defined(UPDATE_RELEASE_9) */ if (msg->uenetworkcapability.spare != 0b000) { /* Spare bits shall be coded as zero */ *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_PROTOCOL_ERROR; LOG_TRACE(WARNING, "EMMAS-SAP - [%08x] - Non zero spare bits is suspicious", ueid); } /* Handle message checking error */ if (*emm_cause != EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS) { /* 3GPP TS 24.301, section, case b * Perform protocol error abnormal case on the network side */ rc = emm_proc_attach_reject(ueid, *emm_cause); *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS; LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /* * Message processing */ /* Get the EPS attach type */ if (msg->epsattachtype == EPS_ATTACH_TYPE_EPS) { type = EMM_ATTACH_TYPE_EPS; } else if (msg->epsattachtype == EPS_ATTACH_TYPE_IMSI) { type = EMM_ATTACH_TYPE_IMSI; } else if (msg->epsattachtype == EPS_ATTACH_TYPE_EMERGENCY) { type = EMM_ATTACH_TYPE_EMERGENCY; } else if (msg->epsattachtype == EPS_ATTACH_TYPE_RESERVED) { type = EMM_ATTACH_TYPE_RESERVED; } else { /* All other values shall be interpreted as "EPS attach" */ type = EMM_ATTACH_TYPE_EPS; } /* Get the EPS mobile identity */ GUTI_t guti, *p_guti = NULL; imsi_t imsi, *p_imsi = NULL; imei_t imei, *p_imei = NULL; if (msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti.typeofidentity == EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_GUTI) { /* Get the GUTI */ p_guti = &guti; guti.gummei.plmn.MCCdigit1 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti.mccdigit1; guti.gummei.plmn.MCCdigit2 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti.mccdigit2; guti.gummei.plmn.MCCdigit3 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti.mccdigit3; guti.gummei.plmn.MNCdigit1 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti.mncdigit1; guti.gummei.plmn.MNCdigit2 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti.mncdigit2; guti.gummei.plmn.MNCdigit3 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti.mncdigit3; guti.gummei.MMEgid = msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti.mmegroupid; guti.gummei.MMEcode = msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti.mmecode; guti.m_tmsi = msg->oldgutiorimsi.guti.mtmsi; } else if (msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.typeofidentity == EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_IMSI) { /* Get the IMSI */ p_imsi = &imsi; imsi.u.num.digit1 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit1; imsi.u.num.digit2 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit2; imsi.u.num.digit3 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit3; imsi.u.num.digit4 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit4; imsi.u.num.digit5 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit5; imsi.u.num.digit6 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit6; imsi.u.num.digit7 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit7; imsi.u.num.digit8 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit8; imsi.u.num.digit9 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit9; imsi.u.num.digit10 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit10; imsi.u.num.digit11 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit11; imsi.u.num.digit12 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit12; imsi.u.num.digit13 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit13; imsi.u.num.digit14 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit14; imsi.u.num.digit15 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.digit15; imsi.u.num.parity = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imsi.oddeven; } else if (msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.typeofidentity == EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_IMEI) { /* Get the IMEI */ p_imei = &imei; imei.u.num.digit1 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit1; imei.u.num.digit2 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit2; imei.u.num.digit3 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit3; imei.u.num.digit4 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit4; imei.u.num.digit5 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit5; imei.u.num.digit6 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit6; imei.u.num.digit7 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit7; imei.u.num.digit8 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit8; imei.u.num.digit9 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit9; imei.u.num.digit10 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit10; imei.u.num.digit11 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit11; imei.u.num.digit12 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit12; imei.u.num.digit13 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit13; imei.u.num.digit14 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit14; imei.u.num.digit15 = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.digit15; imei.u.num.parity = msg->oldgutiorimsi.imei.oddeven; } /* TODO: Get the UE network capabilities */ /* Get the Last visited registered TAI */ tai_t tai, *p_tai = NULL; if (msg->presencemask & ATTACH_REQUEST_LAST_VISITED_REGISTERED_TAI_PRESENT) { p_tai = &tai; tai.plmn.MCCdigit1 = msg->lastvisitedregisteredtai.mccdigit1; tai.plmn.MCCdigit2 = msg->lastvisitedregisteredtai.mccdigit2; tai.plmn.MCCdigit3 = msg->lastvisitedregisteredtai.mccdigit3; tai.plmn.MNCdigit1 = msg->lastvisitedregisteredtai.mncdigit1; tai.plmn.MNCdigit2 = msg->lastvisitedregisteredtai.mncdigit2; tai.plmn.MNCdigit3 = msg->lastvisitedregisteredtai.mncdigit3; tai.tac = msg->lastvisitedregisteredtai.tac; } /* Execute the requested UE attach procedure */ rc = emm_proc_attach_request(ueid, type, msg->naskeysetidentifier.tsc != NAS_KEY_SET_IDENTIFIER_MAPPED, msg->naskeysetidentifier.naskeysetidentifier, msg->oldgutitype != GUTI_MAPPED, p_guti, p_imsi, p_imei, p_tai, msg->uenetworkcapability.eea, msg->uenetworkcapability.eia, msg->uenetworkcapability.ucs2, msg->uenetworkcapability.uea, msg->uenetworkcapability.uia, 0x00 | //((msg->uenetworkcapability.spare & 0x7) << 5) | // spare coded as zero ((msg->uenetworkcapability.csfb & 0x1) << 4) | ((msg->uenetworkcapability.lpp & 0x1) << 3) | ((msg->uenetworkcapability.lcs & 0x1) << 2) | ((msg->uenetworkcapability.srvcc & 0x1) << 1) | (msg->uenetworkcapability.nf & 0x1), msg->uenetworkcapability.umts_present, msg->uenetworkcapability.gprs_present, &msg->esmmessagecontainer.esmmessagecontainercontents); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_attach_complete() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Attach Complete message ** ** ** ** Inputs: ueid: UE lower layer identifier ** ** msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_attach_complete(unsigned int ueid, const attach_complete_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Attach Complete message"); /* Execute the attach procedure completion */ rc = emm_proc_attach_complete(ueid, &msg->esmmessagecontainer.esmmessagecontainercontents); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_detach_request() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Detach Request message ** ** ** ** Inputs: ueid: UE lower layer identifier ** ** msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_detach_request(unsigned int ueid, const detach_request_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Detach Request message"); /* * Message processing */ /* Get the detach type */ emm_proc_detach_type_t type; if (msg->detachtype.typeofdetach == DETACH_TYPE_EPS) { type = EMM_DETACH_TYPE_EPS; } else if (msg->detachtype.typeofdetach == DETACH_TYPE_IMSI) { type = EMM_DETACH_TYPE_IMSI; } else if (msg->detachtype.typeofdetach == DETACH_TYPE_EPS_IMSI) { type = EMM_DETACH_TYPE_EPS_IMSI; } else if (msg->detachtype.typeofdetach == DETACH_TYPE_RESERVED_1) { type = EMM_DETACH_TYPE_RESERVED; } else if (msg->detachtype.typeofdetach == DETACH_TYPE_RESERVED_2) { type = EMM_DETACH_TYPE_RESERVED; } else { /* All other values are interpreted as "combined EPS/IMSI detach" */ type = DETACH_TYPE_EPS_IMSI; } /* Get the EPS mobile identity */ GUTI_t guti, *p_guti = NULL; imsi_t imsi, *p_imsi = NULL; imei_t imei, *p_imei = NULL; if (msg->gutiorimsi.guti.typeofidentity == EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_GUTI) { /* Get the GUTI */ p_guti = &guti; guti.gummei.plmn.MCCdigit1 = msg->gutiorimsi.guti.mccdigit1; guti.gummei.plmn.MCCdigit2 = msg->gutiorimsi.guti.mccdigit2; guti.gummei.plmn.MCCdigit3 = msg->gutiorimsi.guti.mccdigit3; guti.gummei.plmn.MNCdigit1 = msg->gutiorimsi.guti.mncdigit1; guti.gummei.plmn.MNCdigit2 = msg->gutiorimsi.guti.mncdigit2; guti.gummei.plmn.MNCdigit3 = msg->gutiorimsi.guti.mncdigit3; guti.gummei.MMEgid = msg->gutiorimsi.guti.mmegroupid; guti.gummei.MMEcode = msg->gutiorimsi.guti.mmecode; guti.m_tmsi = msg->gutiorimsi.guti.mtmsi; } else if (msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.typeofidentity == EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_IMSI) { /* Get the IMSI */ p_imsi = &imsi; imsi.u.num.digit1 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit1; imsi.u.num.digit2 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit2; imsi.u.num.digit3 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit3; imsi.u.num.digit4 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit4; imsi.u.num.digit5 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit5; imsi.u.num.digit6 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit6; imsi.u.num.digit7 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit7; imsi.u.num.digit8 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit8; imsi.u.num.digit9 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit9; imsi.u.num.digit10 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit10; imsi.u.num.digit11 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit11; imsi.u.num.digit12 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit12; imsi.u.num.digit13 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit13; imsi.u.num.digit14 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit14; imsi.u.num.digit15 = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.digit15; imsi.u.num.parity = msg->gutiorimsi.imsi.oddeven; } else if (msg->gutiorimsi.imei.typeofidentity == EPS_MOBILE_IDENTITY_IMEI) { /* Get the IMEI */ p_imei = &imei; imei.u.num.digit1 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit1; imei.u.num.digit2 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit2; imei.u.num.digit3 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit3; imei.u.num.digit4 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit4; imei.u.num.digit5 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit5; imei.u.num.digit6 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit6; imei.u.num.digit7 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit7; imei.u.num.digit8 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit8; imei.u.num.digit9 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit9; imei.u.num.digit10 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit10; imei.u.num.digit11 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit11; imei.u.num.digit12 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit12; imei.u.num.digit13 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit13; imei.u.num.digit14 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit14; imei.u.num.digit15 = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.digit15; imei.u.num.parity = msg->gutiorimsi.imei.oddeven; } /* Execute the UE initiated detach procedure completion by the network */ rc = emm_proc_detach_request(ueid, type, msg->detachtype.switchoff != DETACH_TYPE_NORMAL_DETACH, msg->naskeysetidentifier.tsc != NAS_KEY_SET_IDENTIFIER_MAPPED, msg->naskeysetidentifier.naskeysetidentifier, p_guti, p_imsi, p_imei); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_tracking_area_update_request() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Tracking Area Update Request message ** ** ** ** Inputs: ueid: UE lower layer identifier ** ** msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_tracking_area_update_request(unsigned int ueid, const tracking_area_update_request_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { int rc = RETURNok; LOG_FUNC_IN; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Tracking Area Update Request message"); /* LW: Not completely implemented; send a Received Tracking Area Update Reject to induce a Attach Request from UE! */ rc = emm_proc_tracking_area_update_reject(ueid, EMM_CAUSE_IMPLICITLY_DETACHED); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_identity_response() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Identity Response message ** ** ** ** Inputs: ueid: UE lower layer identifier ** ** msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_identity_response(unsigned int ueid, identity_response_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc = RETURNok; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Identity Response message"); /* * Message processing */ /* Get the mobile identity */ imsi_t imsi, *p_imsi = NULL; imei_t imei, *p_imei = NULL; struct tmsi_struct_t { uint8_t digit1:4; uint8_t digit2:4; uint8_t digit3:4; uint8_t digit4:4; uint8_t digit5:4; uint8_t digit6:4; uint8_t digit7:4; uint8_t digit8:4; } tmsi, *p_tmsi = NULL; if (msg->mobileidentity.imsi.typeofidentity == MOBILE_IDENTITY_IMSI) { /* Get the IMSI */ p_imsi = &imsi; imsi.u.num.digit1 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit1; imsi.u.num.digit2 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit2; imsi.u.num.digit3 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit3; imsi.u.num.digit4 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit4; imsi.u.num.digit5 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit5; imsi.u.num.digit6 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit6; imsi.u.num.digit7 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit7; imsi.u.num.digit8 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit8; imsi.u.num.digit9 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit9; imsi.u.num.digit10 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit10; imsi.u.num.digit11 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit11; imsi.u.num.digit12 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit12; imsi.u.num.digit13 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit13; imsi.u.num.digit14 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit14; imsi.u.num.digit15 = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.digit15; imsi.u.num.parity = msg->mobileidentity.imsi.oddeven; } else if ((msg->mobileidentity.imei.typeofidentity == MOBILE_IDENTITY_IMEI) || (msg->mobileidentity.imeisv.typeofidentity==MOBILE_IDENTITY_IMEISV)) { /* Get the IMEI */ p_imei = &imei; imei.u.num.digit1 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit1; imei.u.num.digit2 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit2; imei.u.num.digit3 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit3; imei.u.num.digit4 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit4; imei.u.num.digit5 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit5; imei.u.num.digit6 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit6; imei.u.num.digit7 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit7; imei.u.num.digit8 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit8; imei.u.num.digit9 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit9; imei.u.num.digit10 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit10; imei.u.num.digit11 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit11; imei.u.num.digit12 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit12; imei.u.num.digit13 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit13; imei.u.num.digit14 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit14; imei.u.num.digit15 = msg->mobileidentity.imei.digit15; imei.u.num.parity = msg->mobileidentity.imei.oddeven; } else if (msg->mobileidentity.tmsi.typeofidentity == MOBILE_IDENTITY_TMSI) { /* Get the TMSI */ p_tmsi = &tmsi; tmsi.digit1 = msg->mobileidentity.tmsi.digit2; tmsi.digit2 = msg->mobileidentity.tmsi.digit3; tmsi.digit3 = msg->mobileidentity.tmsi.digit4; tmsi.digit4 = msg->mobileidentity.tmsi.digit5; tmsi.digit5 = msg->mobileidentity.tmsi.digit6; tmsi.digit6 = msg->mobileidentity.tmsi.digit7; tmsi.digit7 = msg->mobileidentity.tmsi.digit8; tmsi.digit8 = msg->mobileidentity.tmsi.digit9; } /* Execute the identification completion procedure */ rc = emm_proc_identification_complete(ueid, p_imsi, p_imei, (UInt32_t *)(p_tmsi)); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_authentication_response() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Authentication Response message ** ** ** ** Inputs: ueid: UE lower layer identifier ** ** msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_authentication_response(unsigned int ueid, authentication_response_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc = RETURNok; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Authentication Response message"); /* * Message checking */ if (msg->authenticationresponseparameter.res.length == 0) { /* RES parameter shall not be null */ *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_INVALID_MANDATORY_INFO; } /* Handle message checking error */ if (*emm_cause != EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS) { LOG_FUNC_RETURN (RETURNerror); } /* * Message processing */ /* Execute the authentication completion procedure */ rc = emm_proc_authentication_complete(ueid, EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS, &msg->authenticationresponseparameter.res); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_authentication_failure() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Authentication Failure message ** ** ** ** Inputs: ueid: UE lower layer identifier ** ** msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_authentication_failure(unsigned int ueid, authentication_failure_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc = RETURNok; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Authentication Failure message"); /* * Message checking */ if (msg->emmcause == EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS) { *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_INVALID_MANDATORY_INFO; } else if ( (msg->emmcause == EMM_CAUSE_SYNCH_FAILURE) && !(msg->presencemask & AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_PARAMETER_PRESENT) ) { /* AUTS parameter shall be present in case of "synch failure" */ *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_INVALID_MANDATORY_INFO; } /* Handle message checking error */ if (*emm_cause != EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS) { LOG_FUNC_RETURN (RETURNerror); } /* * Message processing */ /* Execute the authentication completion procedure */ rc = emm_proc_authentication_complete(ueid, msg->emmcause, &msg->authenticationfailureparameter.auts); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_security_mode_complete() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Security Mode Complete message ** ** ** ** Inputs: ueid: UE lower layer identifier ** ** msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_security_mode_complete( unsigned int ueid, security_mode_complete_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc = RETURNok; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Security Mode Complete message"); /* * Message processing */ /* Execute the NAS security mode control completion procedure */ rc = emm_proc_security_mode_complete(ueid); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } /**************************************************************************** ** ** ** Name: emm_recv_security_mode_reject() ** ** ** ** Description: Processes Security Mode Reject message ** ** ** ** Inputs: ueid: UE lower layer identifier ** ** msg: The received EMM message ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ** Outputs: emm_cause: EMM cause code ** ** Return: RETURNok, RETURNerror ** ** Others: None ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ int emm_recv_security_mode_reject(unsigned int ueid, security_mode_reject_msg *msg, int *emm_cause) { LOG_FUNC_IN; int rc = RETURNok; LOG_TRACE(INFO, "EMMAS-SAP - Received Security Mode Reject message " "(cause=%d)", msg->emmcause); /* * Message checking */ if (msg->emmcause == EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS) { *emm_cause = EMM_CAUSE_INVALID_MANDATORY_INFO; } /* Handle message checking error */ if (*emm_cause != EMM_CAUSE_SUCCESS) { LOG_FUNC_RETURN (RETURNerror); } /* * Message processing */ /* Execute the NAS security mode commend not accepted by the UE */ rc = emm_proc_security_mode_reject(ueid); LOG_FUNC_RETURN (rc); } #endif // NAS_MME