			Eurecom OpenAirInterface 3
			Copyright(c) 2012 Eurecom

Source		user_parser.h

Version		0.1

Date		2012/10/09

Product		User simulator

Subsystem	Command line parser

Author		Frederic Maurel

Description	Command line parser of the user simulator process


#ifndef __USER_PARSER_H__
#define __USER_PARSER__H__

/*********************  G L O B A L    C O N S T A N T S  *******************/

/* The default remote hostname the User Simulator must connect to */

/* The default port number used for the internet service delivered by the
 * remote hostname */

/************************  G L O B A L    T Y P E S  ************************/

/********************  G L O B A L    V A R I A B L E S  ********************/

/******************  E X P O R T E D    F U N C T I O N S  ******************/

void user_parser_print_usage(void);
int user_parser_get_options(int argc, const char** argv);

int user_parser_get_nb_options(void);
const char* user_parser_get_host(void);
const char* user_parser_get_port(void);
const char* user_parser_get_devpath(void);
const char* user_parser_get_devattr(void);

#endif /* __USER_PARSER_H__*/