/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file common.c * \brief implementation of emultor tx and rx * \author Navid Nikaein, Lionel GAUTHIER, and Raymomd Knopp * \date 2011 * \version 1.0 * \company Eurecom * \email: navid.nikaein@eurecom.fr, lionel.gauthier@eurecom.fr */ #include "local.h" #include "proto_extern.h" //#define NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE 1 //#define NAS_DEBUG_SEND 1 //#define NAS_DEBUG_CLASS 1 //#define NAS_ADDRESS_FIX 1 #include <linux/inetdevice.h> #include <net/tcp.h> #include <net/udp.h> void nas_COMMON_receive(uint16_t dlen, void *pdcp_sdu, int inst, struct classifier_entity *rclass, nasRadioBearerId_t rb_id) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct sk_buff *skb; struct ipversion *ipv; struct nas_priv *gpriv=netdev_priv(nasdev[inst]); //int i; unsigned char protocol; //struct udphdr *uh; //struct tcphdr *th; struct iphdr *network_header; #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("NAS_COMMON_RECEIVE: begin RB %d Inst %d Length %d bytes\n",rb_id,inst,dlen); #endif skb = dev_alloc_skb( dlen + 2 ); if(!skb) { printk("NAS_COMMON_RECEIVE: low on memory\n"); ++gpriv->stats.rx_dropped; return; } skb_reserve(skb,2); memcpy(skb_put(skb, dlen), pdcp_sdu,dlen); skb->dev = nasdev[inst]; skb_reset_mac_header(skb); //printk("[NAC_COMMIN_RECEIVE]: Packet Type %d (%d,%d)",skb->pkt_type,PACKET_HOST,PACKET_BROADCAST); skb->pkt_type = PACKET_HOST; if (rclass->version != NAS_MPLS_VERSION_CODE) { // This is an IP packet skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; ipv = (struct ipversion *)skb->data; switch (ipv->version) { case 6: #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("NAS_COMMON_RECEIVE: receive IPv6 message\n"); #endif skb_reset_network_header(skb); skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IPV6); // printk("Writing packet with protocol %x\n",ntohs(skb->protocol)); break; case 4: #ifdef NAS_ADDRESS_FIX // Make the third byte of both the source and destination equal to the fourth of the destination unsigned char * ifaddr, *saddr, daddr; daddr = (unsigned char *)&((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->daddr; odaddr = ((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->daddr; // sn = addr[3]; saddr = (unsigned char *)&((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->saddr; uint32_t odaddr,osaddr; osaddr = ((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->saddr; if (daddr[0] == saddr[0]) {// same network daddr[2] = daddr[3]; // set third byte of destination to that of local machine so that local IP stack accepts the packet saddr[2] = daddr[3]; // set third byte of source to that of local machine so that local IP stack accepts the packet } else { // get the 3rd byte from device address in net_device structure ifaddr = (unsigned char *)(&(((struct in_device *)((nasdev[inst])->ip_ptr))->ifa_list->ifa_local)); if (saddr[0] == ifaddr[0]) { // source is in same network as local machine daddr[0] += saddr[3]; // fix address of remote destination to undo change at source saddr[2] = ifaddr[2]; // set third byte to that of local machine so that local IP stack accepts the packet } else { // source is remote machine from outside network saddr[0] -= daddr[3]; // fix address of remote source to be understood by destination daddr[2] = daddr[3]; // fix 3rd byte of local address to be understood by IP stack of // destination } } #endif //NAS_ADDRESS_FIX #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE // printk("NAS_TOOL_RECEIVE: receive IPv4 message\n"); addr = (unsigned char *)&((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->saddr; if (addr) { // addr[2]^=0x01; printk("[NAS][COMMON][RECEIVE] Source %d.%d.%d.%d\n",addr[0],addr[1],addr[2],addr[3]); } addr = (unsigned char *)&((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->daddr; if (addr) { // addr[2]^=0x01; printk("[NAS][COMMON][RECEIVE] Dest %d.%d.%d.%d\n",addr[0],addr[1],addr[2],addr[3]); } printk("[NAS][COMMON][RECEIVE] protocol %d\n",((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->protocol); #endif skb_reset_network_header(skb); network_header = (struct iphdr *)skb_network_header(skb); protocol = network_header->protocol; #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE switch (protocol) { case IPPROTO_IP: printk("[NAS][COMMON][RECEIVE] Received Raw IPv4 packet\n"); break; case IPPROTO_IPV6: printk("[NAS][COMMON][RECEIVE] Received Raw IPv6 packet\n"); break; case IPPROTO_ICMP: printk("[NAS][COMMON][RECEIVE] Received Raw ICMP packet\n"); break; case IPPROTO_TCP: printk("[NAS][COMMON][RECEIVE] Received TCP packet\n"); break; case IPPROTO_UDP: printk("[NAS][COMMON][RECEIVE] Received UDP packet\n"); break; default: break; } #endif #ifdef NAS_ADDRESS_FIX #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("NAS_COMMON_RECEIVE: dumping the packet before the csum recalculation (len %d)\n",skb->len); for (i=0; i<skb->len; i++) printk("%2x ",((unsigned char *)(skb->data))[i]); printk("\n"); #endif //NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE network_header->check = 0; network_header->check = ip_fast_csum((unsigned char *) network_header, network_header->ihl); #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("[NAS][COMMON][RECEIVE] IP Fast Checksum %x \n", network_header->check); #endif // if (!(skb->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_OFFSET))) { switch(protocol) { case IPPROTO_TCP: uint16_t *cksum,check; cksum = (uint16_t*)&(((struct tcphdr*)(((char *)network_header + (network_header->ihl<<2))))->check); //check = csum_tcpudp_magic(((struct iphdr *)network_header)->saddr, ((struct iphdr *)network_header)->daddr, tcp_hdrlen(skb), IPPROTO_TCP, ~(*cksum)); #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("[NAS][COMMON] Inst %d TCP packet calculated CS %x, CS = %x (before), SA (%x)%x, DA (%x)%x\n", inst, network_header->check, *cksum, osaddr, ((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->saddr, odaddr, ((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->daddr); #endif check = csum_tcpudp_magic(((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->saddr, ((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->daddr,0,0, ~(*cksum)); *cksum = csum_tcpudp_magic(~osaddr, ~odaddr, 0, 0, ~check); #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("[NAS][COMMON] Inst %d TCP packet NEW CS %x\n", inst, *cksum); #endif break; case IPPROTO_UDP: cksum = (uint16_t*)&(((struct udphdr*)(((char *)network_header + (network_header->ihl<<2))))->check); // check = csum_tcpudp_magic(((struct iphdr *)network_header)->saddr, ((struct iphdr *)network_header)->daddr, udp_hdr(skb)->len, IPPROTO_UDP, ~(*cksum)); #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("[NAS][COMMON] Inst %d UDP packet CS = %x (before), SA (%x)%x, DA (%x)%x\n", inst, *cksum, osaddr, ((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->saddr, odaddr, ((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->daddr); #endif check = csum_tcpudp_magic(((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->saddr, ((struct iphdr *)skb->data)->daddr, 0,0, ~(*cksum)); *cksum= csum_tcpudp_magic(~osaddr, ~odaddr,0,0, ~check); //*cksum= csum_tcpudp_magic(~osaddr, ~odaddr,udp_hdr(skb)->len, IPPROTO_UDP, ~check); #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("[NAS][COMMON] Inst %d UDP packet NEW CS %x\n", inst, *cksum); #endif // if ((check = *cksum) != 0) { // src, dst, len, proto, sum // } break; default: break; } // } #endif //NAS_ADDRESS_FIX skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_IP); // printk("[NAS][COMMON] Writing packet with protocol %x\n",ntohs(skb->protocol)); break; default: printk("NAS_COMMON_RECEIVE: begin RB %d Inst %d Length %d bytes\n",rb_id,inst,dlen); printk("[NAS][COMMON] Inst %d: receive unknown message (version=%d)\n",inst,ipv->version); } } else { // This is an MPLS packet #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("NAS_COMMON_RECEIVE: Received an MPLS packet on RB %d\n",rb_id); #endif skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_MPLS_UC); } ++gpriv->stats.rx_packets; gpriv->stats.rx_bytes += dlen; #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("NAS_COMMON_RECEIVE: sending packet of size %d to kernel\n",skb->len); for (i=0; i<skb->len; i++) printk("%2x ",((unsigned char *)(skb->data))[i]); printk("\n"); #endif //NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE netif_rx_ni(skb); #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("NAS_COMMON_RECEIVE: end\n"); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Delete the data void nas_COMMON_del_send(struct sk_buff *skb, struct cx_entity *cx, struct classifier_entity *sp,int inst,struct nas_priv *gpriv) { struct nas_priv *priv=netdev_priv(nasdev[inst]); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++priv->stats.tx_dropped; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Request the transfer of data (QoS SAP) void nas_COMMON_QOS_send(struct sk_buff *skb, struct cx_entity *cx, struct classifier_entity *gc,int inst, struct nas_priv *gpriv) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct pdcp_data_req_header_s pdcph; struct nas_priv *priv=netdev_priv(nasdev[inst]); #ifdef LOOPBACK_TEST int i; #endif unsigned int bytes_wrote; //unsigned char j; // Start debug information #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_SEND printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_SEND - inst %d begin \n",inst); #endif // if (cx->state!=NAS_STATE_CONNECTED) // <--- A REVOIR // { // priv->stats.tx_dropped ++; // printk("NAS_QOS_SEND: No connected, so message are dropped \n"); // return; // } if (skb==NULL) { #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_SEND printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_SEND - input parameter skb is NULL \n"); #endif return; } if (gc==NULL) { #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_SEND printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_SEND - input parameter gc is NULL \n"); #endif return; } if (cx==NULL) { #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_SEND printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_SEND - input parameter cx is NULL \n"); #endif return; } // End debug information if (gc->rb==NULL) { gc->rb=nas_COMMON_search_rb(cx, gc->rab_id); if (gc->rb==NULL) { ++priv->stats.tx_dropped; printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_SEND: No corresponding Radio Bearer, so message are dropped, rab_id=%u \n", gc->rab_id); return; } } #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_SEND printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_SEND #1 :"); printk("lcr %u, rab_id %u, rab_id %u, skb_len %d\n", cx->lcr, (gc->rb)->rab_id, gc->rab_id,skb->len); nas_print_classifier(gc); #endif pdcph.data_size = skb->len; pdcph.rb_id = (gc->rb)->rab_id; pdcph.inst = inst; #ifdef PDCP_USE_NETLINK bytes_wrote = nas_netlink_send((char *)&pdcph,NAS_PDCPH_SIZE); #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_SEND printk("[NAS] Wrote %d bytes (header for %d byte skb) to PDCP via netlink\n", bytes_wrote,skb->len); #endif #else bytes_wrote = rtf_put(NAS2PDCP_FIFO, &pdcph, NAS_PDCPH_SIZE); #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_SEND printk("[NAS] Wrote %d bytes (header for %d byte skb) to PDCP fifo\n", bytes_wrote,skb->len); #endif #endif //PDCP_USE_NETLINK if (bytes_wrote != NAS_PDCPH_SIZE) { printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_SEND: problem while writing PDCP's header (bytes wrote = %d )\n",bytes_wrote); printk("rb_id %d, Wrote %d, Header Size %lu\n", pdcph.rb_id , bytes_wrote, NAS_PDCPH_SIZE); #ifndef PDCP_USE_NETLINK rtf_reset(NAS2PDCP_FIFO); #endif //PDCP_USE_NETLINK return; } #ifdef PDCP_USE_NETLINK bytes_wrote += nas_netlink_send((char *)skb->data,skb->len); #else bytes_wrote += rtf_put(NAS2PDCP_FIFO, skb->data, skb->len); #endif //PDCP_USE_NETLINK if (bytes_wrote != skb->len+NAS_PDCPH_SIZE) { printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_SEND: Inst %d, RB_ID %d: problem while writing PDCP's data, bytes_wrote = %d, Data_len %d, PDCPH_SIZE %lu\n", inst, pdcph.rb_id, bytes_wrote, skb->len, NAS_PDCPH_SIZE); // congestion #ifndef PDCP_USE_NETLINK rtf_reset(NAS2PDCP_FIFO); #endif //PDCP_USE_NETLINK return; } #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_SEND printk("NAS_SEND: Sending packet of size %d to PDCP \n",skb->len); for (j=0; j<skb->len; j++) printk("%2x ",((unsigned char *)(skb->data))[j]); printk("\n"); #endif priv->stats.tx_bytes += skb->len; priv->stats.tx_packets ++; #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_SEND printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_SEND - end \n"); #endif } #ifndef PDCP_USE_NETLINK //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void nas_COMMON_QOS_receive() { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint8_t sapi; struct pdcp_data_ind_header_s pdcph; unsigned char data_buffer[2048]; struct classifier_entity *rclass; struct nas_priv *priv; int bytes_read; // Start debug information #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_RECEIVE - begin \n"); #endif // End debug information bytes_read = rtf_get(PDCP2PDCP_USE_RT_FIFO,&pdcph, NAS_PDCPH_SIZE); while (bytes_read>0) { if (bytes_read != NAS_PDCPH_SIZE) { printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_RECEIVE: problem while reading PDCP header\n"); return; } priv=netdev_priv(nasdev[pdcph.inst]); rclass = nas_COMMON_search_class_for_rb(pdcph.rb_id,priv); bytes_read+= rtf_get(PDCP2PDCP_USE_RT_FIFO, data_buffer, pdcph.data_size); #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_RECEIVE - Got header for RB %d, Inst %d \n", pdcph.rb_id, pdcph.inst); #endif if (rclass) { #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("[NAS][COMMON] Found corresponding connection in classifier for RAB\n"); #endif //NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE nas_COMMON_receive(pdcph.data_size, (void *)data_buffer, pdcph.inst, rclass, pdcph.rb_id); } bytes_read = rtf_get(PDCP2PDCP_USE_RT_FIFO, &pdcph, NAS_PDCPH_SIZE); } #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("NAS_COMMON_QOS_RECEIVE - end \n"); #endif } #else void nas_COMMON_QOS_receive(struct nlmsghdr *nlh) { struct pdcp_data_ind_header_s *pdcph = (struct pdcp_data_ind_header_s *)NLMSG_DATA(nlh); struct classifier_entity *rclass; struct nas_priv *priv; priv = netdev_priv(nasdev[pdcph->inst]); #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("[NAS][COMMON][NETLINK] QOS receive from PDCP, size %d, rab %d, inst %d\n", pdcph->data_size,pdcph->rb_id,pdcph->inst); #endif //NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE rclass = nas_COMMON_search_class_for_rb(pdcph->rb_id,priv); if (rclass) { #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE printk("[NAS][COMMON][NETLINK] Found corresponding connection in classifier for RAB\n"); #endif //NAS_DEBUG_RECEIVE nas_COMMON_receive(pdcph->data_size, (unsigned char *)NLMSG_DATA(nlh) + NAS_PDCPH_SIZE, pdcph->inst, rclass, pdcph->rb_id); } } #endif //PDCP_USE_NETLINK //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct cx_entity *nas_COMMON_search_cx(nasLocalConnectionRef_t lcr,struct nas_priv *priv) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_CLASS printk("NAS_COMMON_SEARCH_CX - lcr %d\n",lcr); #endif if (lcr<NAS_CX_MAX) return priv->cx+lcr; else return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Search a Radio Bearer struct rb_entity *nas_COMMON_search_rb(struct cx_entity *cx, nasRadioBearerId_t rab_id) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct rb_entity *rb; #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_CLASS printk("NAS_COMMON_SEARCH_RB - rab_id %d\n", rab_id); #endif for (rb=cx->rb; rb!=NULL; rb=rb->next) { #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_CLASS printk("SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS\n"); printk("NAS_COMMON_SEARCH_RB - rab_id %d Comparing rb_entity.rab_id %u \n", rb->rab_id, rab_id); //printk("NAS_COMMON_SEARCH_RB - rab_id %d Comparing rb_entity.sapi %u \n", rb->sapi); //printk("NAS_COMMON_SEARCH_RB - rab_id %d Comparing rb_entity.qos %u \n", rb->qos); //printk("NAS_COMMON_SEARCH_RB - rab_id %d Comparing rb_entity.state %u \n", rb->state); //printk("NAS_COMMON_SEARCH_RB - rab_id %d Comparing rb_entity.retry %u \n", rb->retry); //printk("NAS_COMMON_SEARCH_RB - rab_id %d Comparing rb_entity.countimer %u \n\n", rb->countimer); #endif if (rb->rab_id==rab_id) return rb; } return NULL; } // // Search for a classifier with corresponding radio bearer struct classifier_entity *nas_COMMON_search_class_for_rb(nasRadioBearerId_t rab_id,struct nas_priv *priv) { //struct rb_entity *rb; int dscp; struct classifier_entity *rclass; #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_CLASS printk("[NAS][COMMON] NAS_COMMON_SEARCH_CLASS_FOR_RB - rab_id %d\n", rab_id); #endif for (dscp=0; dscp<NAS_DSCP_MAX; dscp++) { // printk("[NAS][COMMON] priv->rclassifier[%d] = %p\n",dscp,priv->rclassifier[dscp]); for (rclass=priv->rclassifier[dscp]; rclass!=NULL; rclass=rclass->next) { #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_CLASS printk("[NAS][COMMON] NAS_COMMON_SEARCH_CLASS_FOR_RB - dscp %d, rb %d\n", dscp,rclass->rab_id); #endif if (rclass->rab_id==rab_id) return rclass; } } return NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct rb_entity *nas_COMMON_add_rb(struct cx_entity *cx, nasRadioBearerId_t rab_id, nasQoSTrafficClass_t qos) { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct rb_entity *rb; #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_CLASS printk("NAS_COMMON_ADD_RB - begin for rab_id %d , qos %d\n", rab_id, qos ); #endif if (cx==NULL) { #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_CLASS printk("NAS_COMMON_ADD_RB - input parameter cx is NULL \n"); #endif return NULL; } rb=nas_COMMON_search_rb(cx, rab_id); if (rb==NULL) { rb=(struct rb_entity *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct rb_entity), GFP_KERNEL); if (rb!=NULL) { rb->retry=0; rb->countimer=NAS_TIMER_IDLE; rb->rab_id=rab_id; // rb->rab_id=rab_id+(32*cx->lcr); #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_DC printk("NAS_COMMON_ADD_RB: rab_id=%u, mt_id=%u\n",rb->rab_id, cx->lcr); #endif rb->qos=qos; rb->sapi=NAS_RAB_INPUT_SAPI; rb->state=NAS_IDLE; rb->next=cx->rb; cx->rb=rb; ++cx->num_rb; } else printk("NAS_ADD_CTL_RB: no memory\n"); } #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_CLASS printk("NAS_COMMON_ADD_RB - end \n" ); #endif return rb; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void nas_COMMON_flush_rb(struct cx_entity *cx) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct rb_entity *rb; struct classifier_entity *gc; uint8_t dscp; // End debug information #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_CLASS printk("NAS_COMMON_FLUSH_RB - begin\n"); #endif if (cx==NULL) { #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_CLASS printk("NAS_COMMON_FLUSH_RB - input parameter cx is NULL \n"); #endif return; } // End debug information for (rb=cx->rb; rb!=NULL; rb=cx->rb) { printk("NAS_COMMON_FLUSH_RB: del rab_id %u\n", rb->rab_id); cx->rb=rb->next; kfree(rb); } cx->num_rb=0; cx->rb=NULL; for(dscp=0; dscp<NAS_DSCP_MAX; ++dscp) { for (gc=cx->sclassifier[dscp]; gc!=NULL; gc=gc->next) gc->rb=NULL; } #ifdef NAS_DEBUG_CLASS printk("NAS_COMMON_FLUSH_RB - end\n"); #endif }