diff --git a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.c b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.c
index 67833b442fb4d83d12bd744680a2ac68f8ef8c5d..e44d137213edae19afcabbd7c30a7b62d97e88b9 100644
--- a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.c
+++ b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.c
@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ void configure_nfapi_pnf(char *vnf_ip_addr,
-queue_t dl_config_req_queue;
-queue_t tx_req_pdu_queue;
+queue_t dl_config_req_tx_req_queue;
 queue_t ul_config_req_queue;
 queue_t hi_dci0_req_queue;
@@ -928,194 +927,12 @@ void hi_dci0_req_UE_MAC(int sfn,
-static bool is_my_dl_config_req(const nfapi_dl_config_request_t *req)
-  const rnti_t my_rnti = UE_mac_inst[0].crnti;
-  int num_pdus = req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu;
-  // look through list of pdus for rnti type 1 with my_rnti (normal dlsch case)
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_pdus; i++)
-  {
-    nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *pdu = &req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[i];
-    const int pdu_type = pdu->pdu_type;
-    if (pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)
-    {
-      const rnti_t dci_rnti = pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti;
-      const int rnti_type = pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type;
-      if (rnti_type == 1 && dci_rnti == my_rnti)
-      {
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-    else if(pdu_type != NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DLSCH_PDU_TYPE)
-    {
-      return true; // Because these two pdu_types are coupled and we have to accept all other pdu_types
-    }
-  }
-  // Look for broadcasted rnti types
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_pdus; i++)
-  {
-    nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *pdu = &req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[i];
-    const int pdu_type = pdu->pdu_type;
-    if (pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)
-    {
-      const int rnti_type = pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type;
-      if (rnti_type != 1)
-      {
-        return true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-static int get_dlsch_pdu_indicies(const nfapi_dl_config_request_t *req, int *pdu_indicies, size_t max_pdu_indicies)
-  const rnti_t my_rnti = UE_mac_inst[0].crnti; // This is 0 representing the num_ues is 1
-  int num_pdus = req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu;
-  size_t num_pdu_indicies = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_pdus; i++)
-  {
-    nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *pdu = &req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[i];
-    const int pdu_type = pdu->pdu_type;
-    if (pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)
-    {
-      const rnti_t dci_rnti = pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti;
-      const int rnti_type = pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type;
-      if (rnti_type == 1 && dci_rnti != my_rnti && i + 1 < num_pdus)
-      {
-        if (num_pdu_indicies < max_pdu_indicies)
-        {
-          pdu_indicies[num_pdu_indicies++] = i + 1; // This an index of a dlsch pdu which contains a pdu_index field
-        }
-        i++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return num_pdu_indicies;
-typedef struct dlsch_pdu_indicies_and_request_t
-  size_t num_indicies;
-  int *indicies;
-  nfapi_dl_config_request_t *req;
-static void print_lists(const dlsch_pdu_indicies_and_request_t *dlsch_list, const nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t *tx_pdu_list)
-  const size_t max_result = 1024;
-  uint16_t num_pdus = tx_pdu_list->num_pdus;
-  char dlsch_result[max_result];
-  char tx_pdu_result[max_result];
-  snprintf(dlsch_result, max_result, "dlsch_list::");
-  snprintf(tx_pdu_result, max_result, "tx_pdu_list::");
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_pdus; ++i)
-  {
-    int dlsch_len = strlen(dlsch_result);
-    int tx_pdu_len = strlen(tx_pdu_result);
-    if (tx_pdu_len >= max_result - 1 || dlsch_len >= max_result - 1)
-    {
-      break;
-    }
-    snprintf(dlsch_result + dlsch_len, max_result - dlsch_len, " %d", dlsch_list->indicies[i]);
-    snprintf(tx_pdu_result + tx_pdu_len, max_result - tx_pdu_len, " %d", tx_pdu_list->pdus[i].pdu_index);
-  }
-  LOG_E(MAC, "%s\n", dlsch_result);
-  LOG_E(MAC, "%s\n", tx_pdu_result);
-static bool match_dl_config_req(void *wanted_vp, void *candidate_vp)
-  dlsch_pdu_indicies_and_request_t *wanted = wanted_vp;
-  const nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t *candidate = candidate_vp;
-  int num_pdus = candidate->num_pdus;
-  if (wanted->num_indicies != num_pdus)
-  {
-    LOG_E(MAC, "tx_req_pdus not equal to dlsch_pdus:: %zu != %d\n", wanted->num_indicies, num_pdus);
-    return false;
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < num_pdus; ++i)
-  {
-    bool found = false;
-    const nfapi_tx_request_pdu_t *pdu = &candidate->pdus[i];
-    for (int j = 0; j < num_pdus; ++j)
-    {
-      size_t dlsch_index = wanted->indicies[j];
-      AssertFatal(dlsch_index < wanted->req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu, "dlsch_index is out of range of pdu_list\n");
-      nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *dlsch_pdu = &wanted->req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[dlsch_index];
-      // This may be redundant but wont hurt.
-      AssertFatal(dlsch_pdu->pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DLSCH_PDU_TYPE,
-                  "dlsch_index: %zu does not map to a DLSCH_PDU in dl_config_req sfn.sf = %d.%d pdu_type = %d\n",
-                  dlsch_index, wanted->req->sfn_sf >> 4, wanted->req->sfn_sf & 15, dlsch_pdu->pdu_type);
-      if (pdu->pdu_index == dlsch_pdu->dlsch_pdu.dlsch_pdu_rel8.pdu_index)
-      {
-        found = true;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (!found)
-    {
-      LOG_E(MAC, "Could not find tx_req_pdu index to match dlsch_index for pdu_index: %d\n",
-            pdu->pdu_index);
-      print_lists(wanted, candidate);
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
 // The following set of memcpy functions should be getting called as callback
 // functions from pnf_p7_subframe_ind.
 int memcpy_dl_config_req(L1_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
 			nfapi_pnf_p7_config_t *pnf_p7,
                          nfapi_dl_config_request_t *req) {
-  if (!is_my_dl_config_req(req) && req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu <= 2)
-  {
-    const size_t max_dlsch_pdu_indicies = 1024;
-    int dlsch_pdu_indicies[max_dlsch_pdu_indicies];
-    // Need to remove corresponding tx_req (comes before dl_config_req always)
-    int num_dlsch_pdu_indicies = get_dlsch_pdu_indicies(req, dlsch_pdu_indicies, max_dlsch_pdu_indicies);
-    if (num_dlsch_pdu_indicies == 0)
-    {
-      LOG_E(MAC, "COULD NOT FIND DLSCH_PDU_INDICIES for dl_config_req SFN.SF: %d.%d",
-            req->sfn_sf >> 4, req->sfn_sf & 15);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    dlsch_pdu_indicies_and_request_t wanted =
-    {
-      num_dlsch_pdu_indicies,
-      dlsch_pdu_indicies,
-      req,
-    };
-    nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t *matched =
-      unqueue_matching(&tx_req_pdu_queue, /*max_depth=*/ 2,
-                       match_dl_config_req, &wanted);
-    if (!matched)
-    {
-      LOG_E(MAC, "Could not unqueue_matching\n");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    LOG_I(MAC, "REMOVING.. dl_config_req & tx_req\n");
-    free(matched);
-    return 0;
-  }
   nfapi_dl_config_request_t *p = malloc(sizeof(nfapi_dl_config_request_t));
   // UE_mac_inst[Mod_id].p->header = req->header;
@@ -1139,10 +956,6 @@ int memcpy_dl_config_req(L1_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
-  if (!put_queue(&dl_config_req_queue, p)) {
-    free(p);
-  }
-  LOG_I(MAC, "DL_CONFIG_REQ QUEUE: %zu", dl_config_req_queue.num_items);
   return 0;
@@ -1246,10 +1059,6 @@ int memcpy_tx_req(nfapi_pnf_p7_config_t *pnf_p7, nfapi_tx_request_t *req) {
-  if (!put_queue(&tx_req_pdu_queue, list)) {
-    nfapi_free_tx_req_pdu_list(list);
-  }
   return 0;
@@ -1278,10 +1087,16 @@ static bool is_my_hi_dci0_req(nfapi_hi_dci0_request_t *hi_dci0_req)
 int memcpy_hi_dci0_req (L1_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
 			nfapi_pnf_p7_config_t* pnf_p7,
 			nfapi_hi_dci0_request_t* req) {
-  if (!is_my_hi_dci0_req(req)) return 0;
+  if (!is_my_hi_dci0_req(req))
+  {
+    LOG_W(MAC, "Filtering hi_dci0_req\n");
+    return 0;
+  }
   nfapi_hi_dci0_request_t *p = (nfapi_hi_dci0_request_t *)malloc(sizeof(nfapi_hi_dci0_request_t));
   p->sfn_sf = req->sfn_sf;
   p->vendor_extension = req->vendor_extension;
@@ -1439,6 +1254,9 @@ void *ue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
   int sd = ue_rx_sock_descriptor;
   assert(sd > 0);
+  nfapi_tx_request_t tx_req;
+  bool tx_req_valid = false;
   while (true)
     ssize_t len = recvfrom(sd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&server_address, &addr_len);
@@ -1468,7 +1286,6 @@ void *ue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
         LOG_E(MAC, "Header unpack failed for standalone pnf\n");
       switch (header.message_id)
@@ -1478,32 +1295,51 @@ void *ue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
                                     sizeof(dl_config_req), NULL) < 0)
           LOG_E(MAC, "Message dl_config_req failed to unpack\n");
+          break;
+        }
+        // In multiUE scenario possible to get a dl_config_req before the tx_req? -Melissa
+        // How should we handle this? -Melissa
+        LOG_I(MAC, "dl_config_req Frame: %u Subframe: %u\n", dl_config_req.sfn_sf >> 4,
+              dl_config_req.sfn_sf & 15);
+        if (!tx_req_valid)
+        {
+          LOG_W(MAC, "The tx_req not valid.\n");
+          break;
-        else
+        if (dl_config_req.sfn_sf != tx_req.sfn_sf)
-          // check to see if dl_config_req is null
-          LOG_I(MAC, "dl_config_req Frame: %u Subframe: %u\n", dl_config_req.sfn_sf >> 4,
-                dl_config_req.sfn_sf & 15);
-          memcpy_dl_config_req(NULL, NULL, &dl_config_req);
+          LOG_W(MAC, "sfnsf mismatch. dl_config_req Frame: %u Subframe: %u, tx_req Frame: %u Subframe: %u\n",
+                dl_config_req.sfn_sf >> 4, dl_config_req.sfn_sf & 15,
+                tx_req.sfn_sf >> 4, tx_req.sfn_sf & 15);
+          tx_req_valid = false;
+          break;
+        enqueue_dl_config_req_tx_req(&dl_config_req, &tx_req);
+        tx_req_valid = false;
       case NFAPI_TX_REQUEST:
-        nfapi_tx_request_t tx_req;
         // lock this tx_req
         if (nfapi_p7_message_unpack((void *)buffer, len, &tx_req,
                                     sizeof(tx_req), NULL) < 0)
           LOG_E(MAC, "Message tx_req failed to unpack\n");
+          break;
-        else
+        LOG_I(MAC, "tx_req Frame: %u Subframe: %u\n", tx_req.sfn_sf >> 4,
+              tx_req.sfn_sf & 15);
+        if (tx_req_valid)
-          // check to see if tx_req is null
-          LOG_I(MAC, "tx_req Frame: %u Subframe: %u\n", tx_req.sfn_sf >> 4,
-                tx_req.sfn_sf & 15);
-          memcpy_tx_req(NULL, &tx_req);
+          LOG_W(MAC, "Received consecutive tx_reqs\n");
+        tx_req_valid = true;
       case NFAPI_HI_DCI0_REQUEST:
@@ -1514,12 +1350,12 @@ void *ue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
                                     sizeof(hi_dci0_req), NULL) < 0)
           LOG_E(MAC, "Message hi_dci0_req failed to unpack\n");
+          break;
-        else
-        {
-          // check to see if hi_dci0_req is null
-          memcpy_hi_dci0_req(NULL, NULL, &hi_dci0_req);
-        }
+        // check to see if hi_dci0_req is null
+        memcpy_hi_dci0_req(NULL, NULL, &hi_dci0_req);
@@ -1530,12 +1366,12 @@ void *ue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
                                     sizeof(ul_config_req), NULL) < 0)
           LOG_E(MAC, "Message ul_config_req failed to unpack\n");
+          break;
-        else
-        {
-          // check to see if ul_config_req is null
-          memcpy_ul_config_req(NULL, NULL, &ul_config_req);
-        }
+        // check to see if ul_config_req is null
+        memcpy_ul_config_req(NULL, NULL, &ul_config_req);
@@ -1546,6 +1382,132 @@ void *ue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context)
+void *memcpy_dl_config_req_standalone(nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req)
+  nfapi_dl_config_request_t *p = malloc(sizeof(nfapi_dl_config_request_t));
+  p->sfn_sf = dl_config_req->sfn_sf;
+  p->vendor_extension = dl_config_req->vendor_extension;
+  p->dl_config_request_body.number_dci = dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.number_dci;
+  p->dl_config_request_body.number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols = dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdcch_ofdm_symbols;
+  p->dl_config_request_body.number_pdsch_rnti = dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdsch_rnti;
+  p->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu = dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu;
+  p->dl_config_request_body.tl.tag = dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.tl.tag;
+  p->dl_config_request_body.tl.length = dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.tl.length;
+  p->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list =
+      calloc(dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu,
+             sizeof(nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t));
+  for (int i = 0; i < p->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu; i++) {
+    p->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[i] =
+        dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[i];
+  }
+  return p;
+void *memcpy_tx_req_standalone(nfapi_tx_request_t *tx_req)
+  int num_pdus = tx_req->tx_request_body.number_of_pdus;
+  nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t *list = calloc(1, sizeof(nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t) + num_pdus * sizeof(nfapi_tx_request_pdu_t));
+  list->num_pdus = num_pdus;
+  nfapi_tx_request_pdu_t *p = list->pdus;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_pdus; i++)
+  {
+    p[i].num_segments = tx_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[i].num_segments;
+    p[i].pdu_index = tx_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[i].pdu_index;
+    p[i].pdu_length = tx_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[i].pdu_length;
+    for (int j = 0; j < tx_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[i].num_segments; j++)
+    {
+      p[i].segments[j].segment_length = tx_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[i].segments[j].segment_length;
+      if (p[i].segments[j].segment_length > 0)
+      {
+        p[i].segments[j].segment_data = calloc(
+            p[i].segments[j].segment_length, sizeof(uint8_t));
+        memcpy(p[i].segments[j].segment_data,
+               tx_req->tx_request_body.tx_pdu_list[i].segments[j].segment_data,
+               p[i].segments[j].segment_length);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return list;
+static bool is_my_dl_config_req(const nfapi_dl_config_request_t *req)
+  const rnti_t my_rnti = UE_mac_inst[0].crnti;
+  int num_pdus = req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu;
+  // look through list of pdus for rnti type 1 with my_rnti (normal dlsch case)
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_pdus; i++)
+  {
+    nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *pdu = &req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[i];
+    const int pdu_type = pdu->pdu_type;
+    if (pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)
+    {
+      const rnti_t dci_rnti = pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti;
+      const int rnti_type = pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type;
+      if (rnti_type == 1 && dci_rnti == my_rnti)
+      {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    else if(pdu_type != NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DLSCH_PDU_TYPE)
+    {
+      return true; // Because these two pdu_types are coupled and we have to accept all other pdu_types
+    }
+  }
+  // Look for broadcasted rnti types
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_pdus; i++)
+  {
+    nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *pdu = &req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list[i];
+    const int pdu_type = pdu->pdu_type;
+    if (pdu_type == NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_DCI_DL_PDU_TYPE)
+    {
+      const int rnti_type = pdu->dci_dl_pdu.dci_dl_pdu_rel8.rnti_type;
+      if (rnti_type != 1)
+      {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+void enqueue_dl_config_req_tx_req(nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req, nfapi_tx_request_t *tx_req)
+  if (!is_my_dl_config_req(dl_config_req))
+  {
+    LOG_I(MAC, "Filtering dl_config_req and tx_req\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req_temp = memcpy_dl_config_req_standalone(dl_config_req);
+  nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t *tx_req_temp = memcpy_tx_req_standalone(tx_req);
+  LOG_E(MAC, "This is the num_pdus for tx_req: %d\n", tx_req_temp->num_pdus);
+  LOG_E(MAC, "This is the num_pdus for dl_config_req and the sfn_sf: %d, %d:%d\n", dl_config_req_temp->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu,
+        NFAPI_SFNSF2SFN(dl_config_req_temp->sfn_sf), NFAPI_SFNSF2SF(dl_config_req_temp->sfn_sf));
+  nfapi_dl_config_req_tx_req_t *req = malloc(sizeof(nfapi_dl_config_req_tx_req_t));
+  req->dl_config_req = dl_config_req_temp;
+  req->tx_req_pdu_list = tx_req_temp;
+  if (!put_queue(&dl_config_req_tx_req_queue, req))
+  {
+    free(req->dl_config_req);
+    nfapi_free_tx_req_pdu_list(req->tx_req_pdu_list);
+    free(req);
+  }
 const char *hexdump(const void *data, size_t data_len, char *out, size_t out_len)
     char *p = out;
diff --git a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.h b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.h
index 135d01e977e857f811bd1f25ede6552a8f1f2a93..d1324e4e6f99913747be82260f8797bb1cbbf67d 100644
--- a/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.h
+++ b/openair2/PHY_INTERFACE/phy_stub_UE.h
@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@ typedef struct nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t
     nfapi_tx_request_pdu_t pdus[]; /* see "struct hack" */
 } nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t;
+typedef struct nfapi_dl_config_req_tx_req_t
+    nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req;
+    nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t *tx_req_pdu_list;
+} nfapi_dl_config_req_tx_req_t;
 void nfapi_free_tx_req_pdu_list(nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t *);
 void dl_config_req_UE_MAC_dci(int sfn,
@@ -142,6 +148,10 @@ int memcpy_hi_dci0_req (L1_rxtx_proc_t *proc, nfapi_pnf_p7_config_t* pnf_p7, nfa
 void UE_config_stub_pnf(void);
+void *memcpy_tx_req_standalone(nfapi_tx_request_t *tx_req);
+void *memcpy_dl_config_req_standalone(nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req);
 // open an SCTP socket with a standalone PNF module
 void ue_init_standalone_socket(const char *addr, int tx_port, int rx_port);
@@ -149,6 +159,7 @@ void ue_init_standalone_socket(const char *addr, int tx_port, int rx_port);
 void *ue_standalone_pnf_task(void *context);
 void send_standalone_msg(UL_IND_t *UL, nfapi_message_id_e msg_type);
 void send_standalone_dummy(void);
+void enqueue_dl_config_req_tx_req(nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req, nfapi_tx_request_t *tx_req);
 // Convert downlink nfapi messages to a string.
 // Returned memory is malloc'ed, caller is responsible for freeing.
@@ -160,8 +171,7 @@ char *nfapi_ul_config_req_to_string(nfapi_ul_config_request_t *req);
 const char *dl_pdu_type_to_string(uint8_t pdu_type);
 const char *ul_pdu_type_to_string(uint8_t pdu_type);
-extern queue_t dl_config_req_queue;
-extern queue_t tx_req_pdu_queue; /* items in this queue are nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t* */
+extern queue_t dl_config_req_tx_req_queue;
 extern queue_t ul_config_req_queue;
 extern queue_t hi_dci0_req_queue;
diff --git a/targets/RT/USER/lte-ue.c b/targets/RT/USER/lte-ue.c
index b2030e3cedcdc170c92b2e5edf873027dbfb6ccd..0b95029710d20976e7d7b0737e28a83b771596e9 100644
--- a/targets/RT/USER/lte-ue.c
+++ b/targets/RT/USER/lte-ue.c
@@ -1062,14 +1062,11 @@ static void *UE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
-  int num_pairs = 0;
-  int num_lone = 0;
   int last_sfn_sf = -1;
   LOG_I(MAC, "Clearing Queues\n");
-  reset_queue(&dl_config_req_queue);
+  reset_queue(&dl_config_req_tx_req_queue);
-  reset_queue(&tx_req_pdu_queue);
   while (!oai_exit) {
@@ -1088,51 +1085,13 @@ static void *UE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
     last_sfn_sf = sfn_sf;
-    nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t *tx_req_pdu_list = get_queue(&tx_req_pdu_queue);
-    nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req = get_queue(&dl_config_req_queue);
-    if (tx_req_pdu_list)
-    {
-      uint64_t deadline = clock_usec() + 1000;
-      if (!dl_config_req)
-      {
-        for (;;)
-        {
-          LOG_E(MAC, "Spinning and waiting for corresponding dl_config_req\n");
-          dl_config_req = get_queue(&dl_config_req_queue);
-          if (dl_config_req)
-          {
-            break;
-          }
-          if (clock_usec() >= deadline)
-          {
-            LOG_E(MAC, "Giving up waiting for dl_config_req\n");
-            break;
-          }
-          usleep(1);
-        }
-      }
-    }
+    nfapi_dl_config_req_tx_req_t *dl_config_req_tx_req = get_queue(&dl_config_req_tx_req_queue);
     nfapi_ul_config_request_t *ul_config_req = get_queue(&ul_config_req_queue);
     nfapi_hi_dci0_request_t *hi_dci0_req = get_queue(&hi_dci0_req_queue);
     LOG_I(MAC, "received from proxy frame %d subframe %d\n",
           NFAPI_SFNSF2SFN(sfn_sf), NFAPI_SFNSF2SF(sfn_sf));
-    if (dl_config_req != NULL) {
-      uint16_t dl_num_pdus = dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu;
-      LOG_A(MAC, "(OAI UE) Received dl_config_req from proxy at Frame: %d, Subframe: %d,"
-            " with number of PDUs: %u\n",
-            NFAPI_SFNSF2SFN(dl_config_req->sfn_sf), NFAPI_SFNSF2SF(dl_config_req->sfn_sf),
-            dl_num_pdus);
-      if (dl_num_pdus > 0) {
-        char *dl_str = nfapi_dl_config_req_to_string(dl_config_req);
-        LOG_I(MAC, "dl_config_req: %s\n", dl_str);
-        free(dl_str);
-      }
-    }
-    if (tx_req_pdu_list != NULL) {
-      LOG_D(MAC, "tx_req pdus: %d\n", tx_req_pdu_list->num_pdus);
-    }
     if (ul_config_req != NULL) {
       uint8_t ul_num_pdus = ul_config_req->ul_config_request_body.number_of_pdus;
       if (ul_num_pdus > 0) {
@@ -1147,16 +1106,24 @@ static void *UE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
       NFAPI_SFNSF2SFN(hi_dci0_req->sfn_sf), NFAPI_SFNSF2SF(hi_dci0_req->sfn_sf));
-    if ((dl_config_req != NULL) != (tx_req_pdu_list != NULL)) {
-      num_lone++;
-    } else {
-      num_pairs++;
-    }
+    if (dl_config_req_tx_req != NULL) {
-    if (dl_config_req && tx_req_pdu_list) {
-      if ((num_pairs % 1000) == 0) {
-        LOG_I(MAC, "num_pairs:%d, num_lone:%d\n", num_pairs, num_lone);
+      nfapi_tx_req_pdu_list_t *tx_req_pdu_list = dl_config_req_tx_req->tx_req_pdu_list;
+      nfapi_dl_config_request_t *dl_config_req = dl_config_req_tx_req->dl_config_req;
+      uint16_t dl_num_pdus = dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu;
+      LOG_A(MAC, "(OAI UE) Received dl_config_req from proxy at Frame: %d, Subframe: %d,"
+            " with number of PDUs: %u\n",
+            NFAPI_SFNSF2SFN(dl_config_req->sfn_sf), NFAPI_SFNSF2SF(dl_config_req->sfn_sf),
+            dl_num_pdus);
+      if (dl_num_pdus > 0) {
+        char *dl_str = nfapi_dl_config_req_to_string(dl_config_req);
+        LOG_I(MAC, "dl_config_req: %s\n", dl_str);
+        free(dl_str);
+      LOG_D(MAC, "tx_req pdus: %d\n", tx_req_pdu_list->num_pdus);
+      // Handling dl_config_req and tx_req:
       nfapi_dl_config_request_body_t *dl_config_req_body = &dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body;
       for (int i = 0; i < dl_config_req_body->number_pdu; ++i) {
         nfapi_dl_config_request_pdu_t *pdu = &dl_config_req_body->dl_config_pdu_list[i];
@@ -1345,24 +1312,24 @@ static void *UE_phy_stub_standalone_pnf_task(void *arg)
     // De-allocate memory of nfapi requests copies before next subframe round
-    if (dl_config_req != NULL) {
-      if (dl_config_req->vendor_extension != NULL) {
-        free(dl_config_req->vendor_extension);
-        dl_config_req->vendor_extension = NULL;
+    if (dl_config_req_tx_req != NULL) {
+      if (dl_config_req_tx_req->dl_config_req->vendor_extension != NULL) {
+        free(dl_config_req_tx_req->dl_config_req->vendor_extension);
+        dl_config_req_tx_req->dl_config_req->vendor_extension = NULL;
-      if (dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list != NULL) {
-        free(dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list);
-        dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list = NULL;
+      if (dl_config_req_tx_req->dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list != NULL) {
+        free(dl_config_req_tx_req->dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list);
+        dl_config_req_tx_req->dl_config_req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list = NULL;
+      nfapi_free_tx_req_pdu_list(dl_config_req_tx_req->tx_req_pdu_list);
+      dl_config_req_tx_req->tx_req_pdu_list = NULL;
-      free(dl_config_req);
-      dl_config_req = NULL;
-    }
+      free(dl_config_req_tx_req->dl_config_req);
+      dl_config_req_tx_req->dl_config_req = NULL;
-    if (tx_req_pdu_list != NULL) {
-      nfapi_free_tx_req_pdu_list(tx_req_pdu_list);
-      tx_req_pdu_list = NULL;
+      free(dl_config_req_tx_req);
+      dl_config_req_tx_req = NULL;
     if (ul_config_req != NULL) {
diff --git a/targets/RT/USER/lte-uesoftmodem.c b/targets/RT/USER/lte-uesoftmodem.c
index e162a48726844b6ea05440fbff6f5fbbf6037487..a2b575182b276d4e1522682ad7135b3a25c7bed9 100644
--- a/targets/RT/USER/lte-uesoftmodem.c
+++ b/targets/RT/USER/lte-uesoftmodem.c
@@ -121,7 +121,6 @@ uint64_t                 downlink_frequency[MAX_NUM_CCs][4];
 int32_t                  uplink_frequency_offset[MAX_NUM_CCs][4];
 int UE_scan = 1;
 int UE_scan_carrier = 0;
@@ -280,7 +279,7 @@ void exit_function(const char *file, const char *function, const int line, const
 extern int16_t dlsch_demod_shift;
+uint16_t ue_idx_standalone = 0xFFFF;
 static void get_options(void) {
   int CC_id=0;
   int tddflag=0;
@@ -529,7 +528,7 @@ int restart_L1L2(module_id_t enb_id) {
 void init_pdcp(void) {
+  // Do we need to include standalone mode here? - Andrew
     pdcp_initmask = pdcp_initmask | UE_NAS_USE_TUN_BIT;
@@ -731,8 +730,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
-    init_queue(&dl_config_req_queue);
-    init_queue(&tx_req_pdu_queue);
+    init_queue(&dl_config_req_tx_req_queue);