Commit aed61728 authored by Hongzhi Wang's avatar Hongzhi Wang Committed by Hongzhi Wang

removing hardcoded parameters

parent 6639ad24
......@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ uint8_t count_initdev =0;
#define K0_3_1 56 /* K0 fraction numerator for rv 3 and BG 1 */
#define K0_3_2 43 /* K0 fraction numerator for rv 3 and BG 2 */
static struct test_bbdev_vector test_vector;
static struct test_bbdev_vector test_vector_dec;
struct test_bbdev_vector test_vector;
struct test_bbdev_vector test_vector_dec;
int8_t ldpc_output[22*384];
/* Switch between PMD and Interrupt for throughput TC */
static bool intr_enabled;
......@@ -833,31 +833,32 @@ static int
int ret;
memset(&test_vector, 0, sizeof(test_vector));
ret= init_entry(&test_vector, 0);
ret= init_entry(&test_vector, 2);
memset(&test_vector, 0, sizeof(struct test_bbdev_vector));
struct rte_bbdev_op_ldpc_dec *ldpc_dec = &test_vector.ldpc_dec;
struct rte_bbdev_op_ldpc_dec *ldpc_dec_ref = &test_vector_dec.ldpc_dec;
test_vector.op_type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC; //vector->op_type;
test_vector.expected_status = 0;
//printf("test vector expected status %d\n",test_vector.expected_status);
ldpc_dec->cb_params.e = 2760; //ldpc_dec->cb_params.e;
ldpc_dec->iter_count = 3;
ldpc_dec->basegraph = 2; //ldpc_dec->basegraph;
ldpc_dec->z_c = 72; //ldpc_dec->z_c;
ldpc_dec->q_m = 2; //ldpc_dec->q_m;
ldpc_dec->n_filler = 176; //ldpc_dec->n_filler;
ldpc_dec->n_cb = 3600; //ldpc_dec->n_cb;
ldpc_dec->iter_max = 8; //ldpc_dec->iter_max;
ldpc_dec->rv_index = 0; //ldpc_dec->rv_index;
ldpc_dec->op_flags = RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_ITERATION_STOP_ENABLE; //ldpc_dec->op_flags;
ldpc_dec->code_block_mode = 1; //ldpc_dec->code_block_mode;
//printf("reference bg %d zc %d qm %d nfiller %d, n_cb %d iter max %d rv %d\n", ldpc_dec->basegraph, ldpc_dec->z_c, ldpc_dec->q_m,ldpc_dec->n_filler,ldpc_dec->n_cb,ldpc_dec->iter_max,ldpc_dec->rv_index);
//uint8_t *rv_index = &ldpc_dec_ref->rv_index;
//rv_index = ldpc_dec_ref->rv_index;
ldpc_dec->rv_index = 0; //*rv_index;
ldpc_dec->cb_params.e = ldpc_dec_ref->cb_params.e;
ldpc_dec->iter_count = 3;
ldpc_dec->basegraph = ldpc_dec_ref->basegraph;
ldpc_dec->z_c = ldpc_dec_ref->z_c;
ldpc_dec->q_m = ldpc_dec_ref->q_m;
ldpc_dec->n_filler = ldpc_dec_ref->n_filler;
ldpc_dec->n_cb = ldpc_dec_ref->n_cb;
ldpc_dec->iter_max = ldpc_dec_ref->iter_max;
// ldpc_dec->rv_index = ldpc_dec_ref->rv_index;
ldpc_dec->code_block_mode = 1;
ret= init_entry(&test_vector, 0, ldpc_dec->cb_params.e);
ret= init_entry(&test_vector, 2, ldpc_dec->cb_params.e);
//printf("read test reference bg %d zc %d qm %d nfiller %d, n_cb %d iter max %d rv %d\n", ldpc_dec_ref->basegraph, ldpc_dec_ref->z_c, ldpc_dec_ref->q_m,ldpc_dec_ref->n_filler,ldpc_dec_ref->n_cb,ldpc_dec_ref->iter_max,rv_index);
//printf("read test reference bg %d zc %d qm %d nfiller %d, n_cb %d iter max %d rv %d\n", ldpc_dec_ref->basegraph, ldpc_dec_ref->z_c, ldpc_dec->q_m,ldpc_dec->n_filler,ldpc_dec->n_cb,ldpc_dec->iter_max,ldpc_dec->rv_index);
struct op_data_entries *ref_entries =
......@@ -869,13 +870,11 @@ struct op_data_buf *seg_dec = &ref_entries_dec->segments[0];
//printf("before seg addr %p seg dec addr %p nb segments %d\n",seg->addr,seg_dec->addr,ref_entries->nb_segments);
memcpy(seg->addr, seg_dec->addr, seg->length);
//memcpy(ldpc_dec, ldpc_dec_ref, sizeof(struct rte_bbdev_op_ldpc_dec));
//printf("seg addr %p length %d seg dec addr %p \n",seg->addr,seg->length, seg_dec->addr);
//printf("seg addr %p seg dec addr %p llr %x llr dec %x\n",seg->addr,seg_dec->addr,*(seg->addr), *(seg_dec->addr));
TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(ret, "Failed to parse file %s\n",
......@@ -1725,18 +1724,18 @@ copy_reference_ldpc_dec_op(struct rte_bbdev_dec_op **ops, unsigned int n,
printf("code block ea %d eb %d c %d cab %d r %d\n",ldpc_dec->tb_params.ea,ldpc_dec->tb_params.eb,ldpc_dec->tb_params.c, ldpc_dec->, ldpc_dec->tb_params.r);
} else {
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.cb_params.e = 2760; //ldpc_dec->cb_params.e;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.cb_params.e = ldpc_dec->cb_params.e;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.basegraph = 2; //ldpc_dec->basegraph;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.z_c = 72; //ldpc_dec->z_c;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.q_m = 2; //ldpc_dec->q_m;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.n_filler = 176; //ldpc_dec->n_filler;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.n_cb = 3600; //ldpc_dec->n_cb;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.iter_max = 8; //ldpc_dec->iter_max;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.rv_index = 0; //ldpc_dec->rv_index;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.basegraph = ldpc_dec->basegraph;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.z_c = ldpc_dec->z_c;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.q_m = ldpc_dec->q_m;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.n_filler = ldpc_dec->n_filler;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.n_cb = ldpc_dec->n_cb;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.iter_max = ldpc_dec->iter_max;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.rv_index = ldpc_dec->rv_index;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.op_flags = RTE_BBDEV_LDPC_ITERATION_STOP_ENABLE; //ldpc_dec->op_flags;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.code_block_mode = 1; //ldpc_dec->code_block_mode;
ops[i]->ldpc_dec.code_block_mode = ldpc_dec->code_block_mode;
//printf("reference bg %d zc %d qm %d nfiller n_filler, n_cb %d iter max %d rv %d\n", ldpc_dec->basegraph, ldpc_dec->z_c, ldpc_dec->q_m,ldpc_dec->n_filler,ldpc_dec->n_cb,ldpc_dec->iter_max,ldpc_dec->rv_index);
/*char *data;
......@@ -5142,7 +5141,7 @@ REGISTER_TEST_COMMAND(throughput, bbdev_throughput_testsuite);
/* Switch between PMD and Interrupt for throughput TC */
static bool intr_enabled;
static struct test_bbdev_vector test_vector;
//static struct test_bbdev_vector test_vector;
/* LLR arithmetic representation for numerical conversion */
static int ldpc_llr_decimals;
static int ldpc_llr_size;
......@@ -5464,7 +5463,7 @@ run_parsed_tests(struct test_params *tp)
static int
init_input(uint32_t **data, uint32_t *data_length)
init_input(uint32_t **data, uint32_t data_length)
uint32_t n_values = 0;
uint32_t data_size = 32;
......@@ -5479,11 +5478,10 @@ init_input(uint32_t **data, uint32_t *data_length)
values_resized = NULL;
*data_length = 2760;
n_values = 690;
n_values = data_length>>2;
//printf("data len %d n %d\n",*data_length,n_values);
values_resized = (uint32_t *) rte_realloc(values,
sizeof(uint32_t) * (n_values), 0);
sizeof(uint32_t) * (n_values+1), 0);
//printf("resized values addr %p\n",values_resized);
if (values_resized == NULL) {
......@@ -5497,7 +5495,7 @@ n_values = 690;
static int
init_output(uint32_t **data, uint32_t *data_length)
init_output(uint32_t **data, uint32_t data_length)
uint32_t n_values = 0;
uint32_t data_size = 32;
......@@ -5512,11 +5510,10 @@ init_output(uint32_t **data, uint32_t *data_length)
values_resized = NULL;
*data_length = 2760;
n_values = 690;
n_values = data_length>>2;
//printf("data len %d n %d\n",*data_length,n_values);
values_resized = (uint32_t *) rte_realloc(values,
sizeof(uint32_t) * (n_values), 0);
sizeof(uint32_t) * (n_values+1), 0);
//printf("resized values addr %p\n",values_resized);
if (values_resized == NULL) {
......@@ -5530,10 +5527,9 @@ n_values = 690;
init_entry(struct test_bbdev_vector *vector, enum op_data_type type)
init_entry(struct test_bbdev_vector *vector, enum op_data_type type, uint32_t data_length)
int ret;
uint32_t data_length = 0;
uint32_t *data = NULL;
unsigned int id;
struct op_data_buf *op_data;
......@@ -5557,9 +5553,9 @@ init_entry(struct test_bbdev_vector *vector, enum op_data_type type)
/* Clear new op data struct */
memset(op_data + *nb_ops, 0, sizeof(struct op_data_buf));
if (type == 0)
ret = init_input(&data, &data_length);
ret = init_input(&data, data_length);
ret = init_output(&data, &data_length);
ret = init_output(&data, data_length);
if (!ret) {
op_data[*nb_ops].addr = data;
......@@ -5571,8 +5567,8 @@ else
int count_init = 0;
int32_t nrLDPC_decod_offload(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, t_nrLDPC_time_stats* p_profiler)
//int32_t nrLDPC_decod_offload(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, uint8_t C, uint8_t rv, uint32_t F, int8_t* w, int8_t* p_out)
//int32_t nrLDPC_decod_offload(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out, t_nrLDPC_procBuf* p_procBuf, t_nrLDPC_time_stats* p_profiler)
int32_t nrLDPC_decod_offload(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* p_decParams, uint8_t C, uint8_t rv, uint16_t F, uint32_t E, uint8_t Qm, int8_t* p_llr, int8_t* p_out)
uint32_t numIter = 0;
struct thread_params *t_params_tp;
......@@ -5629,6 +5625,28 @@ argv_re[2] = "../../../targets/ARCH/test-bbdev/test_vectors/"
return 1;
memset(&test_vector_dec, 0, sizeof(struct test_bbdev_vector));
struct rte_bbdev_op_ldpc_dec *ldpc_dec = &test_vector_dec.ldpc_dec;
test_vector.op_type = RTE_BBDEV_OP_LDPC_DEC; //vector->op_type;
test_vector.expected_status = 0;
//printf("test vector expected status %d\n",test_vector.expected_status);
ldpc_dec->cb_params.e = E;
ldpc_dec->iter_count = 3;
ldpc_dec->basegraph = p_decParams->BG;
ldpc_dec->z_c = p_decParams->Z;
ldpc_dec->q_m = Qm;
ldpc_dec->n_filler = F;
ldpc_dec->n_cb = (p_decParams->BG==1)?(66*p_decParams->Z):(50*p_decParams->Z);
ldpc_dec->iter_max = 8;
ldpc_dec->rv_index = rv;
ldpc_dec->code_block_mode = 1;
printf("reference bg %d zc %d qm %d nfiller %d, n_cb %d iter max %d rv %d\n", ldpc_dec->basegraph, ldpc_dec->z_c, ldpc_dec->q_m,ldpc_dec->n_filler,ldpc_dec->n_cb,ldpc_dec->iter_max,ldpc_dec->rv_index);
struct op_data_entries *ref_entries =
ref_entries->segments[0].addr = (int32_t *)p_llr;
......@@ -5649,7 +5667,7 @@ test_params.num_lcores=1;
test_params.num_tests = 1;
char *data = ldpc_output;
memcpy(&p_out[0], data, 2760);
memcpy(&p_out[0], data, E);
//p_out = ldpc_output;
......@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ typedef int(*nrLDPC_encoderfunc_t)(unsigned char **,unsigned char **,int,int,sho
typedef int32_t(*nrLDPC_decoderfunc_t)(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* , int8_t*, int8_t* , t_nrLDPC_procBuf* , t_nrLDPC_time_stats* );
typedef int32_t(*nrLDPC_decoffloadfunc_t)(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* , int8_t*, int8_t* , t_nrLDPC_procBuf* , t_nrLDPC_time_stats* );
//typedef int32_t(*nrLDPC_decoffloadfunc_t)(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* , uint8_t , uint8_t, uint32_t , int8_t*, int8_t* );
//typedef int32_t(*nrLDPC_decoffloadfunc_t)(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* , int8_t*, int8_t* , t_nrLDPC_procBuf* , t_nrLDPC_time_stats* );
typedef int32_t(*nrLDPC_decoffloadfunc_t)(t_nrLDPC_dec_params* , uint8_t , uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, uint8_t, int8_t*, int8_t* );
typedef int32_t(*nrLDPC_dectopfunc_t)(void);
......@@ -384,15 +384,24 @@ printf("input addr p @ %p data %d\n", (pl_ol128), *(pl_ol128));
////////////////////////////////// pl =====> llrProcBuf //////////////////////////////////
no_iteration_ldpc = nrLDPC_decoder_offload(p_decoderParms,
/* no_iteration_ldpc = nrLDPC_decoder_offload(p_decoderParms,
(int8_t*)&pl_ol128[0], //pl_ol,
ulsch_harq->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r],// 3
no_iteration_ldpc = nrLDPC_decoder_offload(p_decoderParms,
/*no_iteration_ldpc = nrLDPC_decoder(p_decoderParms,
no_iteration_ldpc = nrLDPC_decoder(p_decoderParms,
......@@ -415,12 +424,11 @@ printf("input addr p @ %p data %d\n", (pl_ol128), *(pl_ol128));
ulsch_harq->c[r][m]= (uint8_t) llrProcBuf[m];
/*for (int k=0;k<16;k++)
printf("output decoder [%d] = 0x%02x \n", k, ulsch_harq->c[r][k]);
printf("llrprocbuf [%d] = %x adr %p\n", k, llrProcBuf[k+128], llrProcBuf+k+128);
printf("llrprocbuf [%d] = %x adr %p\n", k, llrProcBuf[k], llrProcBuf+k);
printf("no_iterations_ldpc %d \n",no_iteration_ldpc);
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