/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ #include "nr_rlc_entity_am.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "nr_rlc_pdu.h" #include "LOG/log.h" #include "common/utils/time_stat.h" /* for a given SDU/SDU segment, computes the corresponding PDU header size */ static int compute_pdu_header_size(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *sdu) { int header_size = 2; /* one more byte if SN field length is 18 */ if (entity->sn_field_length == 18) header_size++; /* two more bytes for SO if SDU segment is not the first */ if (!sdu->is_first) header_size += 2; return header_size; } /*************************************************************************/ /* PDU RX functions */ /*************************************************************************/ static int modulus_rx(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, int a) { /* as per 38.322 7.1, modulus base is rx_next */ int r = a - entity->rx_next; if (r < 0) r += entity->sn_modulus; return r; } static int modulus_tx(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, int a) { int r = a - entity->tx_next_ack; if (r < 0) r += entity->sn_modulus; return r; } static int sn_in_recv_window(void *_entity, int sn) { nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = _entity; int mod_sn = modulus_rx(entity, sn); /* we simplify rx_next <= sn < rx_next + am_window_size */ return mod_sn < entity->window_size; } static int sn_compare_rx(void *_entity, int a, int b) { nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = _entity; return modulus_rx(entity, a) - modulus_rx(entity, b); } static int sn_compare_tx(void *_entity, int a, int b) { nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = _entity; return modulus_tx(entity, a) - modulus_tx(entity, b); } static int segment_already_received(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, int sn, int so, int size) { nr_rlc_pdu_t *l = entity->rx_list; int covered; while (l != NULL && size > 0) { if (l->sn == sn) { if (l->so <= so && so < l->so + l->size) { covered = l->size - (so - l->so); size -= covered; so += covered; } else if (l->so <= so+size-1 && so+size-1 < l->so + l->size) { covered = size - (l->so - so); size -= covered; } } l = l->next; } return size <= 0; } /* checks that all the bytes of the SDU sn have been received (but SDU * has not been already processed) */ static int sdu_full(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, int sn) { nr_rlc_pdu_t *l = entity->rx_list; int last_byte; int new_last_byte; last_byte = -1; while (l != NULL) { if (l->sn == sn) break; l = l->next; } /* check if the data has already been processed */ if (l != NULL && l->data == NULL) return 0; while (l != NULL && l->sn == sn) { if (l->so > last_byte + 1) return 0; if (l->is_last) return 1; new_last_byte = l->so + l->size - 1; if (new_last_byte > last_byte) last_byte = new_last_byte; l = l->next; } return 0; } /* checks that an SDU has already been delivered */ static int sdu_delivered(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, int sn) { nr_rlc_pdu_t *l = entity->rx_list; while (l != NULL) { if (l->sn == sn) break; l = l->next; } return l != NULL && l->data == NULL; } /* check if there is some missing bytes before the last received of SDU sn */ /* todo: be sure that when no byte was received or the SDU has already been * processed then the SDU has no missing byte */ static int sdu_has_missing_bytes(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, int sn) { nr_rlc_pdu_t *l = entity->rx_list; int last_byte; int new_last_byte; last_byte = -1; while (l != NULL) { if (l->sn == sn) break; l = l->next; } /* check if the data has already been processed */ if (l != NULL && l->data == NULL) return 0; /* data already processed: no missing byte */ while (l != NULL && l->sn == sn) { if (l->so > last_byte + 1) return 1; new_last_byte = l->so + l->size - 1; if (new_last_byte > last_byte) last_byte = new_last_byte; l = l->next; } return 0; } static void reassemble_and_deliver(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, int sn) { nr_rlc_pdu_t *pdu; char sdu[NR_SDU_MAX]; int so = 0; int bad_sdu = 0; /* go to first segment of sn */ pdu = entity->rx_list; while (pdu->sn != sn) pdu = pdu->next; /* reassemble - free 'data' of each segment after processing */ while (pdu != NULL && pdu->sn == sn) { int len = pdu->size - (so - pdu->so); if (so + len > NR_SDU_MAX && !bad_sdu) { LOG_E(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: bad SDU, too big, discarding\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); bad_sdu = 1; } if (!bad_sdu && len > 0) { memcpy(sdu + so, pdu->data + so - pdu->so, len); so += len; } free(pdu->data); pdu->data = NULL; entity->rx_size -= pdu->size; pdu = pdu->next; } if (bad_sdu) return; /* deliver */ entity->common.deliver_sdu(entity->common.deliver_sdu_data, (nr_rlc_entity_t *)entity, sdu, so); entity->common.stats.txsdu_pkts++; entity->common.stats.txsdu_bytes += so; } static void reception_actions(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, nr_rlc_pdu_t *pdu) { int x = pdu->sn; if (sn_compare_rx(entity, x, entity->rx_next_highest) >= 0) entity->rx_next_highest = (x + 1) % entity->sn_modulus; /* todo: room for optimization: we can run through rx_list only once */ if (sdu_full(entity, x)) { reassemble_and_deliver(entity, x); if (x == entity->rx_highest_status) { int rx_highest_status = entity->rx_highest_status; while (sdu_delivered(entity, rx_highest_status)) rx_highest_status = (rx_highest_status + 1) % entity->sn_modulus; entity->rx_highest_status = rx_highest_status; } if (x == entity->rx_next) { /* update rx_next and free all delivered SDUs at the head of the * rx_list */ int rx_next = entity->rx_next; while (entity->rx_list != NULL && entity->rx_list->data == NULL && entity->rx_list->sn == rx_next) { /* free all segments of this SDU */ do { nr_rlc_pdu_t *p = entity->rx_list; entity->rx_list = p->next; free(p); } while (entity->rx_list != NULL && entity->rx_list->sn == rx_next); rx_next = (rx_next + 1) % entity->sn_modulus; } entity->rx_next = rx_next; } } if (entity->t_reassembly_start) { if (entity->rx_next_status_trigger == entity->rx_next || (entity->rx_next_status_trigger == (entity->rx_next + 1) % entity->sn_modulus && !sdu_has_missing_bytes(entity, entity->rx_next)) || (!sn_in_recv_window(entity, entity->rx_next_status_trigger) && entity->rx_next_status_trigger != (entity->rx_next + entity->window_size) % entity->sn_modulus)) { entity->t_reassembly_start = 0; } } if (entity->t_reassembly_start == 0) { if (sn_compare_rx(entity, entity->rx_next_highest, (entity->rx_next + 1) % entity->sn_modulus) > 0 || (entity->rx_next_highest == (entity->rx_next + 1) % entity->sn_modulus && sdu_has_missing_bytes(entity, entity->rx_next))) { entity->t_reassembly_start = entity->t_current; entity->rx_next_status_trigger = entity->rx_next_highest; } } } static int so_overlap(int s1, int e1, int s2, int e2) { if (s1 < s2) { if (e1 == -1 || e1 >= s2) return 1; return 0; } if (e2 == -1 || s1 <= e2) return 1; return 0; } static void process_control_pdu(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, char *buffer, int size) { #define R(d) do { if (nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_in_error(&d)) goto err; } while (0) nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_t decoder; int i; int cpt; int ack_sn; int nack_sn; int e1; int e2; int e3; int so_start; int so_end; int range; int prev_nack_sn = -1; int prev_so_start = 0; int prev_so_end = 0; int tx_next_ack; nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *cur_wait_list; nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *prev_wait_list; nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *end_wait_list = NULL; nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t head_wait_list; nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *cur_retransmit_list; nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *new_retransmit_list; nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t head_retransmit_list; head_wait_list.next = entity->wait_list; cur_wait_list = entity->wait_list; prev_wait_list = &head_wait_list; head_retransmit_list.next = NULL; cur_retransmit_list = entity->retransmit_list; new_retransmit_list = &head_retransmit_list; nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_init(&decoder, buffer, size); nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 1); R(decoder); /* dc */ cpt = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 3); R(decoder); if (cpt != 0) { LOG_E(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: warning: discard PDU, CPT not 0 (%d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, cpt); goto err; } ack_sn = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, entity->sn_field_length); R(decoder); e1 = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 1); R(decoder); /* r bits */ if (entity->sn_field_length == 18) { nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 1); R(decoder); } else { nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 7); R(decoder); } /* 38.322 says to stop t_poll_retransmit if a ACK or NACK is * received for the SN 'poll_sn' - check ACK case (NACK done below) */ if (sn_compare_tx(entity, entity->poll_sn, ack_sn) < 0) entity->t_poll_retransmit_start = 0; while (e1) { nack_sn = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, entity->sn_field_length); R(decoder); e1 = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 1); R(decoder); e2 = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 1); R(decoder); e3 = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 1); R(decoder); /* r bits */ if (entity->sn_field_length == 18) { nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 3); R(decoder); } else { nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 1); R(decoder); } if (e2) { so_start = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 16); R(decoder); so_end = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 16); R(decoder); } else { so_start = 0; so_end = 0xffff; } if (e3) { range = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 8); R(decoder); } else { range = 1; } /* special value 0xffff indicates 'all bytes to the end' */ if (so_end == 0xffff) so_end = -1; /* process nacks */ for (i = 0; i < range; i++) { int cur_nack_sn = (nack_sn + i) % entity->sn_modulus; int cur_so_start = i == 0 ? so_start : 0; int cur_so_end = i == range - 1 ? so_end : -1; /* check that current nack is > previous nack and <= ack * if not then skip it and all following nacks, and * do not touch t_poll_retransmit */ if (prev_nack_sn != -1) { int cmp = sn_compare_tx(entity, cur_nack_sn, prev_nack_sn); if (cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && (prev_so_end == -1 || cur_so_start <= prev_so_end))) { LOG_E(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: bad NACK (nack sn %d so start/end %d/%d, previous nack sn %d so start/end %d/%d), skip it and all following NACKs\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, cur_nack_sn, cur_so_start, cur_so_end, prev_nack_sn, prev_so_start, prev_so_end); goto nacks_done; } } if (sn_compare_tx(entity, cur_nack_sn, ack_sn) > 0) { LOG_E(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: bad NACK (nack %d ack %d), skip it and all following NACKs\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, cur_nack_sn, ack_sn); goto nacks_done; } process_next_pdu: /* process smallest SN either from wait_list or retransmit list */ if (cur_wait_list == NULL && cur_retransmit_list == NULL) goto lists_over; if (cur_wait_list == NULL) goto process_retransmit_list_head; if (cur_retransmit_list == NULL) goto process_wait_list_head; if (cur_wait_list->sdu->sn < cur_retransmit_list->sdu->sn || (cur_wait_list->sdu->sn == cur_retransmit_list->sdu->sn && cur_wait_list->so < cur_retransmit_list->so)) goto process_wait_list_head; goto process_retransmit_list_head; process_wait_list_head: /* if nack overlaps with current segment, put it in retransmit list */ if (cur_wait_list->sdu->sn == cur_nack_sn && so_overlap(cur_so_start, cur_so_end, cur_wait_list->so, cur_wait_list->so + cur_wait_list->size - 1)) { prev_wait_list->next = cur_wait_list->next; if (cur_wait_list == entity->wait_end) end_wait_list = prev_wait_list; cur_wait_list->next = NULL; new_retransmit_list->next = cur_wait_list; new_retransmit_list = cur_wait_list; /* increase retx count. Don't care about segmentation, so maybe we * increase too much. */ cur_wait_list->sdu->retx_count++; /* report max RETX reached for all retx_count >= max_retx_threshold * (specs say to report if retx_count == max_retx_threshold). * Upper layers should react (radio link failure), so no big deal. * We deal with segmentation by requiring * retx_count >= max_retx_threshold * number of segments. * We may report max RETX reached too late/early. To be refined if * this is a problem. */ if (cur_wait_list->sdu->retx_count >= entity->max_retx_threshold * cur_wait_list->sdu->ref_count) entity->common.max_retx_reached(entity->common.max_retx_reached_data, (nr_rlc_entity_t *)entity); /* update buffer status */ entity->common.bstatus.retx_size += compute_pdu_header_size(entity, cur_wait_list) + cur_wait_list->size; /* and go process the next pdu, still for the current nack */ cur_wait_list = prev_wait_list->next; goto process_next_pdu; } /* if current segment SN > current NACK, we can't classify it yet */ if (sn_compare_tx(entity, cur_wait_list->sdu->sn, cur_nack_sn) > 0 || (cur_wait_list->sdu->sn == cur_nack_sn && cur_wait_list->so > cur_so_start)) goto done_nack; /* if current segment is acked, free it, indicate successful delivery * if fully acked */ if (sn_compare_tx(entity, cur_wait_list->sdu->sn, ack_sn) < 0) { int upper_layer_id = cur_wait_list->sdu->upper_layer_id; int sdu_size = cur_wait_list->sdu->size; prev_wait_list->next = cur_wait_list->next; if (cur_wait_list == entity->wait_end) end_wait_list = prev_wait_list; if (nr_rlc_free_sdu_segment(cur_wait_list)) { entity->tx_size -= sdu_size; entity->common.sdu_successful_delivery( entity->common.sdu_successful_delivery_data, (nr_rlc_entity_t *)entity, upper_layer_id); } cur_wait_list = prev_wait_list->next; goto process_next_pdu; } /* if current segment SN > ack_sn, we're done with this list */ if (sn_compare_tx(entity, cur_wait_list->sdu->sn, ack_sn) > 0) { cur_wait_list = NULL; goto process_next_pdu; } /* current segment SN == ack_sn, skip this segment and move to the next. * Not sure if correct, can we get a nack_sn == ack_sn? 38.322 5.3.4 says * "set the ACK_SN to the SN of the next not received RLC SDU which is * not indicated as missing in the resulting STATUS PDU." Is it okay to * receive some NACK for a given SN and an ACK == this SN? I can see a * case where it's possible (only parts of an SN were received and the * TB is too small to report the several NACKs for this SN, then we * can't set ACK = SN+1 but in this case, shouldn't we skip sending * NACKs for this SN and only send ACK = SN? our current implementation * does send both NACKs and ACK, see function generate_status()). */ prev_wait_list = cur_wait_list; cur_wait_list = cur_wait_list->next; goto process_next_pdu; process_retransmit_list_head: /* if nack overlaps with current segment, leave it in retransmit list */ if (cur_retransmit_list->sdu->sn == cur_nack_sn && so_overlap(cur_so_start, cur_so_end, cur_retransmit_list->so, cur_retransmit_list->so + cur_retransmit_list->size - 1)) { new_retransmit_list->next = cur_retransmit_list; cur_retransmit_list = cur_retransmit_list->next; new_retransmit_list = new_retransmit_list->next; new_retransmit_list->next = NULL; /* go process the next pdu, still for the current nack */ goto process_next_pdu; } /* if current segment SN > current NACK, we can't classify it yet */ if (sn_compare_tx(entity, cur_retransmit_list->sdu->sn, cur_nack_sn) > 0 || (cur_retransmit_list->sdu->sn == cur_nack_sn && cur_retransmit_list->so > cur_so_start)) goto done_nack; /* if current segment is acked, free it, indicate successful delivery * if fully acked */ if (sn_compare_tx(entity, cur_retransmit_list->sdu->sn, ack_sn) < 0) { nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *cur = cur_retransmit_list; int upper_layer_id = cur->sdu->upper_layer_id; int sdu_size = cur->sdu->size; cur_retransmit_list = cur_retransmit_list->next; /* update buffer status */ entity->common.bstatus.retx_size -= compute_pdu_header_size(entity, cur) + cur->size; if (nr_rlc_free_sdu_segment(cur)) { entity->tx_size -= sdu_size; entity->common.sdu_successful_delivery( entity->common.sdu_successful_delivery_data, (nr_rlc_entity_t *)entity, upper_layer_id); } goto process_next_pdu; } /* current segment SN >= ack_sn * if the wait list is empty, then put the remaining retransmit list at * the end of the new retransmit list (just a speedup) * if not, put only this segment */ if (cur_wait_list == NULL) { new_retransmit_list->next = cur_retransmit_list; cur_retransmit_list = NULL; goto lists_over; } new_retransmit_list->next = cur_retransmit_list; cur_retransmit_list = cur_retransmit_list->next; new_retransmit_list = new_retransmit_list->next; new_retransmit_list->next = NULL; goto process_next_pdu; done_nack: prev_nack_sn = cur_nack_sn; prev_so_start = cur_so_start; prev_so_end = cur_so_end; } /* for (i = 0; i < range; i++) */ lists_over: /* 38.322 says to stop t_poll_retransmit if a ACK or NACK is * received for the SN 'poll_sn' - check NACK case (ACK done above) */ if (sn_compare_tx(entity, nack_sn, entity->poll_sn) <= 0 && sn_compare_tx(entity, entity->poll_sn, (nack_sn + range) % entity->sn_modulus) < 0) entity->t_poll_retransmit_start = 0; } /* while (e1) */ nacks_done: /* nacks done, finish with ack */ /* we may report successful delivery out of order, if it's a problem * then we can have a single loop and deal with the smallest sn of * the current head of wait list and the current head of retransmit list. * (It's simpler to process those two lists the one after the other.) */ /* deal with wait list */ while (cur_wait_list != NULL && sn_compare_tx(entity, cur_wait_list->sdu->sn, ack_sn) < 0) { /* current segment is acked, free it, indicate successful delivery * if fully acked */ int upper_layer_id = cur_wait_list->sdu->upper_layer_id; int sdu_size = cur_wait_list->sdu->size; prev_wait_list->next = cur_wait_list->next; if (cur_wait_list == entity->wait_end) end_wait_list = prev_wait_list; if (nr_rlc_free_sdu_segment(cur_wait_list)) { entity->tx_size -= sdu_size; entity->common.sdu_successful_delivery( entity->common.sdu_successful_delivery_data, (nr_rlc_entity_t *)entity, upper_layer_id); } cur_wait_list = prev_wait_list->next; } /* deal with retransmit list */ while (cur_retransmit_list != NULL && sn_compare_tx(entity, cur_retransmit_list->sdu->sn, ack_sn) < 0) { /* current segment is acked, free it, indicate successful delivery * if fully acked */ nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *cur = cur_retransmit_list; int upper_layer_id = cur->sdu->upper_layer_id; int sdu_size = cur->sdu->size; cur_retransmit_list = cur_retransmit_list->next; /* update buffer status */ entity->common.bstatus.retx_size -= compute_pdu_header_size(entity, cur) + cur->size; if (nr_rlc_free_sdu_segment(cur)) { entity->tx_size -= sdu_size; entity->common.sdu_successful_delivery( entity->common.sdu_successful_delivery_data, (nr_rlc_entity_t *)entity, upper_layer_id); } } new_retransmit_list->next = cur_retransmit_list; entity->wait_list = head_wait_list.next; entity->retransmit_list = head_retransmit_list.next; if (end_wait_list != NULL) { if (end_wait_list == &head_wait_list) entity->wait_end = NULL; else entity->wait_end = end_wait_list; } /* update tx_next_ack */ /* 38.322 says "set TX_Next_Ack equal to the SN of the RLC SDU * with the smallest SN, whose SN falls within the range * TX_Next_Ack <= SN <= TX_Next and for which a positive acknowledgment * has not been received yet. */ /* let's start from highest possible value and go down as needed */ tx_next_ack = entity->tx_next; if (entity->wait_list != NULL && sn_compare_tx(entity, entity->wait_list->sdu->sn, tx_next_ack) < 0) tx_next_ack = entity->wait_list->sdu->sn; if (entity->retransmit_list != NULL && sn_compare_tx(entity, entity->retransmit_list->sdu->sn, tx_next_ack) < 0) tx_next_ack = entity->retransmit_list->sdu->sn; if (sn_compare_tx(entity, ack_sn, tx_next_ack) < 0) tx_next_ack = ack_sn; entity->tx_next_ack = tx_next_ack; return; err: LOG_E(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: error decoding PDU, NR RLC entity in inconsistent state\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); #undef R } void nr_rlc_entity_am_recv_pdu(nr_rlc_entity_t *_entity, char *buffer, int size) { #define R(d) do { if (nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_in_error(&d)) goto err; } while (0) nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = (nr_rlc_entity_am_t *)_entity; nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_t decoder; nr_rlc_pdu_t *pdu; int dc; int p = 0; int si; int sn; int so = 0; int data_size; int is_first; int is_last; entity->common.stats.rxpdu_pkts++; entity->common.stats.rxpdu_bytes += size; nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_init(&decoder, buffer, size); dc = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 1); R(decoder); if (dc == 0) return process_control_pdu(entity, buffer, size); /* data PDU */ p = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 1); R(decoder); si = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 2); R(decoder); is_first = (si & 0x2) == 0; is_last = (si & 0x1) == 0; if (entity->sn_field_length == 18) { nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 2); R(decoder); } sn = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, entity->sn_field_length); R(decoder); if (!is_first) { so = nr_rlc_pdu_decoder_get_bits(&decoder, 16); R(decoder); if (so == 0) { LOG_E(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: warning: discard PDU, bad so\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); goto discard; } } data_size = size - decoder.byte; /* dicard PDU if no data */ if (data_size <= 0) { LOG_D(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: warning: discard PDU, no data\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); goto discard; } /* dicard PDU if rx buffer is full */ if (entity->rx_size + data_size > entity->rx_maxsize) { LOG_D(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: warning: discard PDU, RX buffer full\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); goto discard; } if (!sn_in_recv_window(entity, sn)) { LOG_D(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: warning: discard PDU, sn out of window (sn %d rx_next %d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, sn, entity->rx_next); entity->common.stats.rxpdu_ow_pkts++; entity->common.stats.rxpdu_ow_bytes += size; goto discard; } /* discard segment if all the bytes of the segment are already there */ if (segment_already_received(entity, sn, so, data_size)) { LOG_D(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: warning: discard PDU, already received\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); entity->common.stats.rxpdu_dup_pkts++; entity->common.stats.rxpdu_dup_bytes += size; goto discard; } /* put in pdu reception list */ entity->rx_size += data_size; pdu = nr_rlc_new_pdu(sn, so, is_first, is_last, buffer + size - data_size, data_size); entity->rx_list = nr_rlc_pdu_list_add(sn_compare_rx, entity, entity->rx_list, pdu); /* do reception actions (38.322 */ reception_actions(entity, pdu); if (p) { /* 38.322 5.3.4 says status triggering should be delayed * until x < rx_highest_status or x >= rx_next + am_window_size. * This is not clear (what is x then? we keep the same?). So let's * trigger no matter what. * todo: delay status triggering properly */ int v = (entity->rx_next + entity->window_size) % entity->sn_modulus; entity->status_triggered = 1; if (!(sn_compare_rx(entity, sn, entity->rx_highest_status) < 0 || sn_compare_rx(entity, sn, v) >= 0)) { LOG_D(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: warning: STATUS trigger should be delayed, according to specs\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); } } return; err: LOG_W(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: error decoding PDU, discarding\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); goto discard; discard: if (p) entity->status_triggered = 1; entity->common.stats.rxpdu_dd_pkts++; entity->common.stats.rxpdu_dd_bytes += size; #undef R } /*************************************************************************/ /* TX functions */ /*************************************************************************/ static int is_window_stalling(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity) { /* we are stalling if tx_next is not: * tx_next_ack <= tx_next < tx_next_ack + window_size */ return !(sn_compare_tx(entity, entity->tx_next_ack, entity->tx_next) <= 0 && sn_compare_tx(entity, entity->tx_next, (entity->tx_next_ack + entity->window_size) % entity->sn_modulus) < 0); } static void include_poll(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, char *buffer) { /* set the P bit to 1 */ buffer[0] |= 0x40; entity->pdu_without_poll = 0; entity->byte_without_poll = 0; /* set POLL_SN to highest SN submitted to lower layer * (this is: entity->tx_next - 1) (todo: be sure of this) */ entity->poll_sn = (entity->tx_next - 1 + entity->sn_modulus) % entity->sn_modulus; /* start/restart t_poll_retransmit */ entity->t_poll_retransmit_start = entity->t_current; } static int check_poll_after_pdu_assembly(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity) { int retransmission_buffer_empty; int transmission_buffer_empty; /* is transmission buffer empty? */ if (entity->tx_list == NULL) transmission_buffer_empty = 1; else transmission_buffer_empty = 0; /* is retransmission buffer empty? */ if (entity->retransmit_list == NULL) retransmission_buffer_empty = 1; else retransmission_buffer_empty = 0; return (transmission_buffer_empty && retransmission_buffer_empty) || is_window_stalling(entity); } static int serialize_sdu(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *sdu, char *buffer, int bufsize, int p) { nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_t encoder; /* generate header */ nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_init(&encoder, buffer, bufsize); nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(&encoder, 1, 1); /* D/C: 1 = data */ nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(&encoder, 0, 1); /* P: reserve, set later */ nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(&encoder, 1-sdu->is_first,1);/* 1st bit of SI */ nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(&encoder, 1-sdu->is_last,1); /* 2nd bit of SI */ if (entity->sn_field_length == 18) nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(&encoder, 0, 2); /* R */ nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(&encoder, sdu->sdu->sn, entity->sn_field_length); /* SN */ if (!sdu->is_first) nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(&encoder, sdu->so, 16); /* SO */ /* data */ memcpy(buffer + encoder.byte, sdu->sdu->data + sdu->so, sdu->size); if (p) include_poll(entity, buffer); return encoder.byte + sdu->size; } /* resize SDU/SDU segment for the corresponding PDU to fit into 'pdu_size' * bytes * - modifies SDU/SDU segment to become an SDU segment * - returns a new SDU segment covering the remaining data bytes */ static nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *resegment(nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *sdu, nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, int pdu_size) { nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *next; int pdu_header_size; int over_size; sdu->sdu->ref_count++; pdu_header_size = compute_pdu_header_size(entity, sdu); next = calloc(1, sizeof(nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t)); if (next == NULL) { LOG_E(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: out of memory\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); exit(1); } *next = *sdu; over_size = pdu_header_size + sdu->size - pdu_size; /* update SDU */ sdu->size -= over_size; sdu->is_last = 0; /* create new segment */ next->size = over_size; next->so = sdu->so + sdu->size; next->is_first = 0; return next; } /*************************************************************************/ /* TX functions - status reporting [begin] */ /*************************************************************************/ typedef struct { /* data for missing bytes */ int sn_start; /* set to -1 when no more missing part to report */ int so_start; int sn_end; int so_end; /* pdu to use for next call to 'next_missing' */ nr_rlc_pdu_t *next; } missing_data_t; /* todo: rewrite this function, too messy */ static missing_data_t next_missing(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, nr_rlc_pdu_t *cur, int check_head) { missing_data_t ret; int cur_max_so; int sn; int max_so = 0; int last_reached = 0; /* special case: missing part before the head of RX list */ if (check_head) { if (cur->sn != entity->rx_next || !cur->is_first) { /* don't report if out of reporting window */ if (sn_compare_rx(entity, entity->rx_highest_status, entity->rx_next) <= 0) { ret.sn_start = -1; return ret; } /* the missing part is starting from rx_next(0) * going to min of: * - cur->sn(cur->so-1) [if cur->sn is not first] * or (cur->sn-1)(0xffff) [if cur->sn is first] * - (entity->rx_highest_status-1)(0xffff) */ ret.sn_start = entity->rx_next; ret.so_start = 0; ret.next = cur; goto set_end_different_sdu; } } next_pdu: sn = cur->sn; cur_max_so = cur->so + cur->size - 1; if (cur_max_so > max_so) max_so = cur_max_so; last_reached = last_reached | cur->is_last; /* no next? */ if (cur->next == NULL) { /* inform the caller that work is over */ ret.next = NULL; /* already processed => next SDU to rx_highest_status - 1 to be nacked */ if (cur->data == NULL) { ret.sn_start = (cur->sn + 1) % entity->sn_modulus; /* don't report if out of reporting window */ if (sn_compare_rx(entity, entity->rx_highest_status, ret.sn_start) <= 0) { ret.sn_start = -1; return ret; } ret.so_start = 0; ret.sn_end = (entity->rx_highest_status - 1 + entity->sn_modulus) % entity->sn_modulus; ret.so_end = 0xffff; return ret; } /* not already processed => all bytes after max_so (if any) then all SDU * to rx_highest_status-1 to be nacked */ if (last_reached) { ret.sn_start = (cur->sn + 1) % entity->sn_modulus; ret.so_start = 0; } else { ret.sn_start = cur->sn; ret.so_start = max_so + 1; } /* don't report if out of reporting window */ if (sn_compare_rx(entity, entity->rx_highest_status, ret.sn_start) <= 0) { ret.sn_start = -1; return ret; } ret.sn_end = (entity->rx_highest_status - 1 + entity->sn_modulus) % entity->sn_modulus; ret.so_end = 0xffff; return ret; } cur = cur->next; /* no discontinuity in data => process to next PDU */ if (cur->sn == sn && max_so >= cur->so - 1) goto next_pdu; if (cur->sn == (sn + 1) % entity->sn_modulus && last_reached && cur->is_first) { last_reached = 0; max_so = 0; goto next_pdu; } /* discontinuity in data */ /* remember where to start from for the next call */ ret.next = cur; /* discontinuity in same SDU */ if (cur->sn == sn) { ret.sn_start = sn; /* don't report if out of reporting window */ if (sn_compare_rx(entity, entity->rx_highest_status, ret.sn_start) <= 0) { ret.sn_start = -1; return ret; } ret.so_start = max_so + 1; ret.sn_end = sn; ret.so_end = cur->so - 1; return ret; } /* discontinuity between different SDUs */ if (last_reached) { ret.sn_start = (sn + 1) % entity->sn_modulus; ret.so_start = 0; } else { ret.sn_start = sn; ret.so_start = max_so + 1; } /* don't report if out of reporting window */ if (sn_compare_rx(entity, entity->rx_highest_status, ret.sn_start) <= 0) { ret.sn_start = -1; return ret; } set_end_different_sdu: /* if cur is the head of a SDU, then use cur-1 */ if (cur->is_first) { ret.sn_end = (cur->sn - 1 + entity->sn_modulus) % entity->sn_modulus; ret.so_end = 0xffff; } else { ret.sn_end = cur->sn; ret.so_end = cur->so - 1; } /* don't go more than rx_highest_status - 1 */ if (sn_compare_rx(entity, entity->rx_highest_status, ret.sn_end) <= 0) { ret.sn_end = (entity->rx_highest_status - 1 + entity->sn_modulus) % entity->sn_modulus; ret.so_end = 0xffff; ret.next = NULL; } return ret; } static int nack_size(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, missing_data_t *m) { int nack_length = 2 + (entity->sn_field_length == 18); if (m->sn_start == m->sn_end) { /* only nack_sn, no so_start/end, no nack range */ if (m->so_start == 0 && m->so_end == 0xffff) return nack_length; /* nack_sn + so_start/end */ return nack_length + 4; } /* nack_sn + nack range, no so_start/end */ if (m->so_start == 0 && m->so_end == 0xffff) return nack_length + 1; /* nack_sn + so_start/end + nack range */ return nack_length + 5; } /* returns the e1 byte/bit position supposing the encoder points at * the beginning of a nack_sn block */ static void get_e1_position(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_t *encoder, int *e1_byte, int *e1_bit) { if (entity->sn_field_length == 18) { *e1_byte = encoder->byte + 2; *e1_bit = 5; } else { *e1_byte = encoder->byte + 1; *e1_bit = 3; } } /* returns the last nack SN generated, -1 if nothing generated. * If there is no more room in the status buffer, * will set m->next = NULL (and may serialize * less nacks than required by 'm'), also * sets *generation_truncated to 1. */ static int generate_missing(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_t *encoder, missing_data_t *m, int *e1_byte, int *e1_bit, int *generation_truncated, unsigned char **so_end_address) { int r_bits = entity->sn_field_length == 18 ? 3 : 1; int last_nack_generated = -1; int sn_start; int so_start; int sn_end; int so_end; int sn_count; missing_data_t m_nack; int e2; int e3; /* be careful to limit a range to 255 SNs, that is: cut if needed */ sn_count = (m->sn_end - m->sn_start + entity->sn_modulus) % entity->sn_modulus + 1; sn_start = m->sn_start; while (sn_count) { int cur_sn_count = sn_count; if (cur_sn_count > 255) cur_sn_count = 255; /* for first range, so_start is the one of the initial range * for the following ones, it is 0 */ if (sn_start == m->sn_start) { /* first range */ so_start = m->so_start; } else { /* following ranges */ so_start = 0; } /* for the last range, sn_end/so_end are the ones of the initial range * for the previous ones, it is sn_start+254/0xffff */ if (cur_sn_count == sn_count) { /* last range */ sn_end = m->sn_end; so_end = m->so_end; } else { /* previous ranges */ sn_end = (sn_start + 254) % entity->sn_modulus; so_end = 0xffff; } /* check that there is room for a nack */ m_nack.sn_start = sn_start; m_nack.so_start = so_start; m_nack.sn_end = sn_end; m_nack.so_end = so_end; if (encoder->byte + nack_size(entity, &m_nack) > encoder->size) { m->next = NULL; *generation_truncated = 1; break; } /* set the previous e1 bit to 1 */ encoder->buffer[*e1_byte] |= 1 << *e1_bit; get_e1_position(entity, encoder, e1_byte, e1_bit); if (sn_start == sn_end) { if (so_start == 0 && so_end == 0xffff) { /* only nack_sn, no so_start/end, no nack range */ e2 = 0; e3 = 0; } else { /* nack_sn + so_start/end, no nack range */ e2 = 1; e3 = 0; } } else { if (so_start == 0 && so_end == 0xffff) { /* nack_sn + nack range, no so_start/end */ e2 = 0; e3 = 1; } else { /* nack_sn + so_start/end + nack range */ e2 = 1; e3 = 1; } } /* nack_sn */ nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(encoder, sn_start, entity->sn_field_length); last_nack_generated = sn_start; /* e1 = 0 (set later if needed) */ nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(encoder, 0, 1); /* e2 */ nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(encoder, e2, 1); /* e3 */ nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(encoder, e3, 1); /* r */ nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(encoder, 0, r_bits); /* so_start/so_end */ if (e2) { nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(encoder, so_start, 16); *so_end_address = (unsigned char *)encoder->buffer + encoder->byte; nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(encoder, so_end, 16); } else *so_end_address = NULL; /* nack range */ if (e3) { nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(encoder, cur_sn_count, 8); last_nack_generated += cur_sn_count - 1; } sn_count -= cur_sn_count; sn_start = (sn_start + cur_sn_count) % entity->sn_modulus; } return last_nack_generated; } static int generate_status(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, char *buffer, int size) { int last_nack; int ack_sn; missing_data_t m; nr_rlc_pdu_t *cur; int check_head = 1; nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_t encoder; int e1_byte; int e1_bit; int generation_truncated; int ln; unsigned char *so_end_address = NULL; /* if not enough room, do nothing */ if (size < 3) return 0; /* initial last_nack is rx_next - 1 */ last_nack = (entity->rx_next - 1 + entity->sn_modulus) % entity->sn_modulus; nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_init(&encoder, buffer, size); /* first 3 bytes, ack_sn and e1 will be set later */ nr_rlc_pdu_encoder_put_bits(&encoder, 0, 8*3); cur = entity->rx_list; /* store the position of the e1 bit to be set if * there is a nack following */ e1_byte = 2; e1_bit = entity->sn_field_length == 18 ? 1 : 7; while (cur != NULL) { m = next_missing(entity, cur, check_head); check_head = 0; /* stop here if no more nack to report */ if (m.sn_start == -1) break; generation_truncated = 0; ln = generate_missing(entity, &encoder, &m, &e1_byte, &e1_bit, &generation_truncated, &so_end_address); /* remember the last nack put, if any */ if (ln != -1) last_nack = ln; /* if generation was truncated and so_end was put, we force its value to * 0xffff (end of SDU) because we don't know what missing nack information * was supposed to be put, so we nack until the end of the PDU to be sure */ if (generation_truncated && so_end_address != NULL) { so_end_address[0] = 0xff; so_end_address[1] = 0xff; } cur = m.next; } /* put ack_sn, which is last_nack + 1 */ ack_sn = (last_nack + 1) % entity->sn_modulus; if (entity->sn_field_length == 12) { buffer[0] = ack_sn >> 8; buffer[1] = ack_sn & 255; } else { buffer[0] = ack_sn >> 14; buffer[1] = (ack_sn >> 6) & 255; buffer[2] |= (ack_sn & 0x3f) << 2; } /* reset the trigger */ entity->status_triggered = 0; /* start t_status_prohibit */ entity->t_status_prohibit_start = entity->t_current; entity->common.stats.txpdu_pkts++; entity->common.stats.txpdu_bytes += encoder.byte; entity->common.stats.txpdu_status_pkts++; entity->common.stats.txpdu_status_bytes += encoder.byte; return encoder.byte; } static int status_to_report(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity) { return entity->status_triggered && (entity->t_status_prohibit_start == 0 || entity->t_current - entity->t_status_prohibit_start > entity->t_status_prohibit); } static int missing_size(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, missing_data_t *m, int *size, int maxsize) { int r_bits = entity->sn_field_length == 18 ? 3 : 1; int range_count = 0; int sn_start; int so_start; int sn_end; int so_end; int sn_count; missing_data_t m_nack; /* be careful to limit a range to 255 SNs, that is: cut if needed */ sn_count = (m->sn_end - m->sn_start + entity->sn_modulus) % entity->sn_modulus + 1; sn_start = m->sn_start; while (sn_count) { int cur_sn_count = sn_count; if (cur_sn_count > 255) cur_sn_count = 255; /* for first range, so_start is the one of the initial range * for the following ones, it is 0 */ if (sn_start == m->sn_start) { /* first range */ so_start = m->so_start; } else { /* following ranges */ so_start = 0; } /* for the last range, sn_end/so_end are the ones of the initial range * for the previous ones, it is sn_start+254/0xffff */ if (cur_sn_count == sn_count) { /* last range */ sn_end = m->sn_end; so_end = m->so_end; } else { /* previous ranges */ sn_end = (sn_start + 254) % entity->sn_modulus; so_end = 0xffff; } /* check that there is room for a nack */ m_nack.sn_start = sn_start; m_nack.so_start = so_start; m_nack.sn_end = sn_end; m_nack.so_end = so_end; if (*size + nack_size(entity, &m_nack) > maxsize) { m->next = NULL; break; } if (sn_start == sn_end) { if (so_start == 0 && so_end == 0xffff) { /* only nack_sn, no so_start/end, no nack range */ *size += (entity->sn_field_length + 3 + r_bits) / 8; } else { /* nack_sn + so_start/end, no nack range */ *size += (entity->sn_field_length + 3 + r_bits + 16*2) / 8; } } else { if (so_start == 0 && so_end == 0xffff) { /* nack_sn + nack range, no so_start/end */ *size += (entity->sn_field_length + 3 + r_bits + 8) / 8; } else { /* nack_sn + so_start/end + nack range */ *size += (entity->sn_field_length + 3 + r_bits + 16*2 + 8) / 8; } } sn_count -= cur_sn_count; sn_start = (sn_start + cur_sn_count) % entity->sn_modulus; range_count++; } return range_count; } static int status_size(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, int maxsize) { missing_data_t m; nr_rlc_pdu_t *cur; int nack_count = 0; int size; /* if not enough room, do nothing */ if (maxsize < 3) return 0; /* minimum 3 bytes */ size = 3; cur = entity->rx_list; while (cur != NULL) { m = next_missing(entity, cur, nack_count == 0); /* stop here if no more nack to report */ if (m.sn_start == -1) break; nack_count += missing_size(entity, &m, &size, maxsize); cur = m.next; } return size; } /*************************************************************************/ /* TX functions - status reporting [end] */ /*************************************************************************/ static int generate_retx_pdu(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, char *buffer, int size) { nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *sdu; int pdu_header_size; int pdu_size; int p; sdu = entity->retransmit_list; pdu_header_size = compute_pdu_header_size(entity, sdu); /* not enough room for at least one byte of data? do nothing */ if (pdu_header_size + 1 > size) return 0; entity->retransmit_list = entity->retransmit_list->next; sdu->next = NULL; pdu_size = pdu_header_size + sdu->size; /* update buffer status */ entity->common.bstatus.retx_size -= pdu_size; /* segment if necessary */ if (pdu_size > size) { nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *next_sdu; next_sdu = resegment(sdu, entity, size); /* put the second SDU back at the head of the retransmit list */ next_sdu->next = entity->retransmit_list; entity->retransmit_list = next_sdu; /* update buffer status */ entity->common.bstatus.retx_size += compute_pdu_header_size(entity, next_sdu) + next_sdu->size; entity->common.stats.txpdu_segmented++; } /* put SDU/SDU segment in the wait list */ /* speedup: check end of wait list, maybe the new sdu comes after */ if (entity->wait_end == NULL || sn_compare_tx(entity, sdu->sdu->sn, entity->wait_end->sdu->sn) > 0 || (sn_compare_tx(entity, sdu->sdu->sn, entity->wait_end->sdu->sn) == 0 && sdu->so > entity->wait_end->so)) nr_rlc_sdu_segment_list_append(&entity->wait_list, &entity->wait_end, sdu); else { entity->wait_list = nr_rlc_sdu_segment_list_add(sn_compare_tx, entity, entity->wait_list, sdu); if (entity->wait_list->next == NULL) entity->wait_end = entity->wait_list; } p = check_poll_after_pdu_assembly(entity); if (entity->force_poll) { p = 1; entity->force_poll = 0; } int ret_size = serialize_sdu(entity, sdu, buffer, size, p); entity->common.stats.txpdu_pkts++; entity->common.stats.txpdu_bytes += ret_size; entity->common.stats.txpdu_retx_pkts++; entity->common.stats.txpdu_retx_bytes += ret_size; return ret_size; // return serialize_sdu(entity, sdu, buffer, size, p); } static int generate_tx_pdu(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity, char *buffer, int size) { nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *sdu; int pdu_header_size; int pdu_size; int p; /* sn out of window (that is: we have window stalling)? do nothing */ if (is_window_stalling(entity)) return 0; if (entity->tx_list == NULL) return 0; sdu = entity->tx_list; pdu_header_size = compute_pdu_header_size(entity, sdu); /* not enough room for at least one byte of data? do nothing */ if (pdu_header_size + 1 > size) return 0; entity->tx_list = entity->tx_list->next; if (entity->tx_list == NULL) entity->tx_end = NULL; sdu->next = NULL; pdu_size = pdu_header_size + sdu->size; /* update buffer status */ entity->common.bstatus.tx_size -= pdu_size; /* assign SN to SDU */ sdu->sdu->sn = entity->tx_next; /* segment if necessary */ if (pdu_size > size) { nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *next_sdu; next_sdu = resegment(sdu, entity, size); /* put the second SDU back at the head of the TX list */ next_sdu->next = entity->tx_list; entity->tx_list = next_sdu; if (entity->tx_end == NULL) entity->tx_end = entity->tx_list; entity->common.stats.txpdu_segmented++; /* update buffer status */ entity->common.bstatus.tx_size += compute_pdu_header_size(entity, next_sdu) + next_sdu->size; } /* update tx_next if the SDU segment is the last */ if (sdu->is_last) entity->tx_next = (entity->tx_next + 1) % entity->sn_modulus; /* put SDU/SDU segment in the wait list */ /* speedup: check end of wait list, probably the new sdu comes after */ if (entity->wait_end == NULL || sn_compare_tx(entity, sdu->sdu->sn, entity->wait_end->sdu->sn) > 0 || (sn_compare_tx(entity, sdu->sdu->sn, entity->wait_end->sdu->sn) == 0 && sdu->so > entity->wait_end->so)) nr_rlc_sdu_segment_list_append(&entity->wait_list, &entity->wait_end, sdu); else { entity->wait_list = nr_rlc_sdu_segment_list_add(sn_compare_tx, entity, entity->wait_list, sdu); if (entity->wait_list->next == NULL) entity->wait_end = entity->wait_list; } /* polling actions for a new PDU */ entity->pdu_without_poll++; entity->byte_without_poll += sdu->size; if ((entity->poll_pdu != -1 && entity->pdu_without_poll >= entity->poll_pdu) || (entity->poll_byte != -1 && entity->byte_without_poll >= entity->poll_byte)) p = 1; else p = check_poll_after_pdu_assembly(entity); if (entity->force_poll) { p = 1; entity->force_poll = 0; } int ret_size = serialize_sdu(entity, sdu, buffer, size, p); entity->common.stats.txpdu_pkts++; entity->common.stats.txpdu_bytes += ret_size; if (sdu->sdu->time_of_arrival) { uint64_t time_now = time_average_now(); uint64_t waited_time = time_now - sdu->sdu->time_of_arrival; /* set time_of_arrival to 0 so as to update stats only once */ sdu->sdu->time_of_arrival = 0; time_average_add(entity->common.txsdu_avg_time_to_tx, time_now, waited_time); } return ret_size; // return serialize_sdu(entity, sdu, buffer, size, p); } nr_rlc_entity_buffer_status_t nr_rlc_entity_am_buffer_status( nr_rlc_entity_t *_entity, int maxsize) { nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = (nr_rlc_entity_am_t *)_entity; nr_rlc_entity_buffer_status_t ret; if (status_to_report(entity)) ret.status_size = status_size(entity, maxsize); else ret.status_size = 0; ret.tx_size = entity->common.bstatus.tx_size; ret.retx_size = entity->common.bstatus.retx_size; return ret; } int nr_rlc_entity_am_generate_pdu(nr_rlc_entity_t *_entity, char *buffer, int size) { nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = (nr_rlc_entity_am_t *)_entity; int ret; if (status_to_report(entity)) { ret = generate_status(entity, buffer, size); if (ret != 0) return ret; } if (entity->retransmit_list != NULL) { ret = generate_retx_pdu(entity, buffer, size); if (ret != 0) return ret; } return generate_tx_pdu(entity, buffer, size); } /*************************************************************************/ /* SDU RX functions */ /*************************************************************************/ void nr_rlc_entity_am_recv_sdu(nr_rlc_entity_t *_entity, char *buffer, int size, int sdu_id) { nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = (nr_rlc_entity_am_t *)_entity; nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *sdu; entity->common.stats.rxsdu_pkts++; entity->common.stats.rxsdu_bytes += size; if (size > NR_SDU_MAX) { LOG_E(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: fatal: SDU size too big (%d bytes)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, size); exit(1); } /* log SDUs rejected, at most once per second */ if (entity->sdu_rejected != 0 && entity->t_current > entity->t_log_buffer_full + 1000) { LOG_E(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: warning: %d SDU rejected, SDU buffer full\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, entity->sdu_rejected); entity->sdu_rejected = 0; entity->t_log_buffer_full = entity->t_current; } if (entity->tx_size + size > entity->tx_maxsize) { entity->sdu_rejected++; return; } entity->tx_size += size; sdu = nr_rlc_new_sdu(buffer, size, sdu_id); LOG_D(RLC, "Created new RLC SDU and append it to the RLC list \n"); nr_rlc_sdu_segment_list_append(&entity->tx_list, &entity->tx_end, sdu); /* update buffer status */ entity->common.bstatus.tx_size += compute_pdu_header_size(entity, sdu) + sdu->size; if (entity->common.avg_time_is_on) sdu->sdu->time_of_arrival = time_average_now(); } /*************************************************************************/ /* time/timers */ /*************************************************************************/ static void check_t_poll_retransmit(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity) { nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *cur; /* 38.322 */ /* did t_poll_retransmit expire? */ if (entity->t_poll_retransmit_start == 0 || entity->t_current <= entity->t_poll_retransmit_start + entity->t_poll_retransmit) return; /* stop timer */ entity->t_poll_retransmit_start = 0; /* 38.322 says: * * - include a poll in a RLC data PDU as described in section * * That does not seem to be conditional. So we forcefully will send * a poll as soon as we generate a PDU. * Hopefully this interpretation is correct. In the worst case we generate * more polling than necessary, but it's not a big deal. When * 't_poll_retransmit' expires it means we didn't receive a status report, * meaning a bad radio link, so things are quite bad at this point and * asking again for a poll won't hurt much more. */ entity->force_poll = 1; LOG_D(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: warning: t_poll_retransmit expired\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); /* do we meet conditions of 38.322 */ if (!check_poll_after_pdu_assembly(entity)) return; /* retransmit the head of wait list, this is the case * "consider any RLC SDU which has not been positively acknowledged for * retransmission" of 36.322 * We don't search for the highest SN, it's simpler to just take the head * of wait list. This can be changed if needed. */ cur = entity->wait_list; /* todo: do we need to for check cur == NULL? * It seems that no, the wait list should not be empty here, but not sure. */ entity->wait_list = cur->next; if (entity->wait_list == NULL) entity->wait_end = NULL; /* 38.322 says "SDU", not "SDU segment", but let's retransmit only * the 'cur' SDU segment. To be changed if needed. (Maybe we have * to retransmit all SDU segments with the same SN that are in the * wait list.) */ /* increase retx count. Don't care about segmentation, so maybe we * increase too much. */ cur->sdu->retx_count++; /* report max RETX reached for all retx_count >= max_retx_threshold * (specs say to report if retx_count == max_retx_threshold). * Upper layers should react (radio link failure), so no big deal. * We deal with segmentation by requiring * retx_count >= max_retx_threshold * number of segments. * We may report max RETX reached too late/early. To be refined if * this is a problem. */ if (cur->sdu->retx_count >= entity->max_retx_threshold * cur->sdu->ref_count) entity->common.max_retx_reached(entity->common.max_retx_reached_data, (nr_rlc_entity_t *)entity); /* update buffer status */ entity->common.bstatus.retx_size += compute_pdu_header_size(entity, cur) + cur->size; /* put in retransmit list */ entity->retransmit_list = nr_rlc_sdu_segment_list_add(sn_compare_tx, entity, entity->retransmit_list, cur); } static void check_t_reassembly(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity) { int sn; /* is t_reassembly running and if yes has it expired? */ if (entity->t_reassembly_start == 0 || entity->t_current <= entity->t_reassembly_start + entity->t_reassembly) return; /* stop timer */ entity->t_reassembly_start = 0; LOG_D(RLC, "%s:%d:%s: t_reassembly expired\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); /* update RX_Highest_Status */ sn = entity->rx_next_status_trigger; while (sdu_delivered(entity, sn)) sn = (sn + 1) % entity->sn_modulus; entity->rx_highest_status = sn; /* trigger status report */ entity->status_triggered = 1; if (sn_compare_rx(entity, entity->rx_next_highest, (entity->rx_highest_status+1) % entity->sn_modulus) > 0 || (entity->rx_next_highest == (entity->rx_highest_status+1) % entity->sn_modulus && sdu_has_missing_bytes(entity, entity->rx_highest_status))) { entity->t_reassembly_start = entity->t_current; entity->rx_next_status_trigger = entity->rx_next_highest; } } void nr_rlc_entity_am_set_time(nr_rlc_entity_t *_entity, uint64_t now) { nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = (nr_rlc_entity_am_t *)_entity; entity->t_current = now; check_t_poll_retransmit(entity); check_t_reassembly(entity); } /*************************************************************************/ /* discard/re-establishment/delete */ /*************************************************************************/ void nr_rlc_entity_am_discard_sdu(nr_rlc_entity_t *_entity, int sdu_id) { /* implements 38.322 5.4 */ nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = (nr_rlc_entity_am_t *)_entity; nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t head; nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *cur; nr_rlc_sdu_segment_t *prev; head.next = entity->tx_list; cur = entity->tx_list; prev = &head; while (cur != NULL && cur->sdu->upper_layer_id != sdu_id) { prev = cur; cur = cur->next; } /* if sdu_id not found or some bytes have already been 'PDU-ized' * then do nothing */ if (cur == NULL || !cur->is_first || !cur->is_last) return; /* remove SDU from tx_list */ prev->next = cur->next; entity->tx_list = head.next; if (entity->tx_end == cur) { if (prev != &head) entity->tx_end = prev; else entity->tx_end = NULL; } /* update buffer status */ entity->common.bstatus.tx_size -= compute_pdu_header_size(entity, cur) + cur->size; entity->tx_size -= cur->sdu->size; nr_rlc_free_sdu_segment(cur); } static void clear_entity(nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity) { nr_rlc_pdu_t *cur_rx; entity->rx_next = 0; entity->rx_next_status_trigger = 0; entity->rx_highest_status = 0; entity->rx_next_highest = 0; entity->status_triggered = 0; entity->tx_next = 0; entity->tx_next_ack = 0; entity->poll_sn = 0; entity->pdu_without_poll = 0; entity->byte_without_poll = 0; entity->force_poll = 0; entity->t_current = 0; entity->t_log_buffer_full = 0; entity->sdu_rejected = 0; entity->t_poll_retransmit_start = 0; entity->t_reassembly_start = 0; entity->t_status_prohibit_start = 0; cur_rx = entity->rx_list; while (cur_rx != NULL) { nr_rlc_pdu_t *p = cur_rx; cur_rx = cur_rx->next; nr_rlc_free_pdu(p); } entity->rx_list = NULL; entity->rx_size = 0; nr_rlc_free_sdu_segment_list(entity->tx_list); nr_rlc_free_sdu_segment_list(entity->wait_list); nr_rlc_free_sdu_segment_list(entity->retransmit_list); entity->tx_list = NULL; entity->tx_end = NULL; entity->tx_size = 0; entity->wait_list = NULL; entity->wait_end = NULL; entity->retransmit_list = NULL; entity->common.bstatus.tx_size = 0; entity->common.bstatus.retx_size = 0; } void nr_rlc_entity_am_reestablishment(nr_rlc_entity_t *_entity) { nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = (nr_rlc_entity_am_t *)_entity; clear_entity(entity); } void nr_rlc_entity_am_delete(nr_rlc_entity_t *_entity) { nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = (nr_rlc_entity_am_t *)_entity; clear_entity(entity); time_average_free(entity->common.txsdu_avg_time_to_tx); free(entity); } int nr_rlc_entity_am_available_tx_space(nr_rlc_entity_t *_entity) { nr_rlc_entity_am_t *entity = (nr_rlc_entity_am_t *)_entity; return entity->tx_maxsize - entity->tx_size; }