/******************************************************************************* Eurecom OpenAirInterface 2 Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". Contact Information Openair Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr Openair Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr Forums : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface Address : EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes, CS 50193 06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex, FRANCE *******************************************************************************/ /*! \file rlc_def.h * \brief This file contains constants for RLC internal use. * \author GAUTHIER Lionel * \date 2010-2011 * \version * \company Eurecom * \email: lionel.gauthier@eurecom.fr * \note * \bug * \warning */ #ifndef __RLC_DEF_H__ # define __RLC_DEF_H__ //---------------------------------------------------------- // protocol states typedef enum rlc_protocol_state_e { RLC_NULL_STATE = 0x00, RLC_DATA_TRANSFER_READY_STATE = 0x01, RLC_RESET_PENDING_STATE = 0x12, RLC_RESET_AND_SUSPEND_STATE = 0x14, RLC_LOCAL_SUSPEND_STATE = 0x08 } rlc_protocol_state_t; //---------------------------------------------------------- enum RLC_OPERATION_MODE { TRANSMITTER_ONLY = 0x00, RECEIVER_ONLY = 0x01, TRANSMITTER_AND_RECEIVER = 0x02 }; #define JUMBO_FRAME 1 #ifdef JUMBO_FRAME # define RLC_SDU_MAX_SIZE 9000 # define RLC_SDU_MAX_SIZE_DATA_PLANE 9000 # define RLC_MAX_FLEXIBLE_DATA_PDU_SIZE 8703 #else //---------------------------------------------------------- # define RLC_SDU_MAX_SIZE 1800 # define RLC_SDU_MAX_SIZE_DATA_PLANE 1800 # define RLC_MAX_FLEXIBLE_DATA_PDU_SIZE 1503 #endif # define RLC_SDU_MAX_SIZE_CONTROL_PLANE 2000 //---------------------------------------------------------- // dimensions # define SN_12BITS_MASK 0x0FFF # define RLC_SN_OVERFLOW 0xFFFF //---------------------------------------------------------- // DISCARD //---------------------------------------------------------- enum RLC_SDU_DISCARD_MODE { SDU_DISCARD_MODE_RESET = 0x00, SDU_DISCARD_MODE_TIMER_BASED_EXPLICIT = 0x01, SDU_DISCARD_MODE_MAX_DAT_RETRANSMISSION = 0x04, SDU_DISCARD_MODE_NOT_CONFIGURED = 0x10 }; # define RLC_SDU_NO_DISCARD_MAX_DAT_RETRANSMISSION 0x00 // AM (do not change this value) # define RLC_SDU_DISCARD_TIMER_BASED_EXPLICIT 0x01 // AM (must>0) # define RLC_SDU_DISCARD_TIMER_BASED_NO_EXPLICIT 0x02 // UM, TM (must>0) # define RLC_SDU_DISCARD_MAX_DAT_RETRANSMISSION 0x04 // AM (must>0) # define RLC_SDU_DISCARD_NOT_CONFIGURED 0x10 // UM, TM (must>0) //---------------------------------------------------------- // DATA, CONTROL PDU parameters //---------------------------------------------------------- // D/C field (values shifted 7 bits left) # define RLC_DC_CONTROL_PDU 0 # define RLC_DC_DATA_PDU 128 # define RLC_DC_MASK 128 // HE field # define RLC_HE_SUCC_BYTE_CONTAINS_DATA 0x00 // v9.2 ok # define RLC_HE_SUCC_BYTE_CONTAINS_LI_E 0x01 // v9.2 ok # define RLC_HE_SUCC_BYTE_CONTAINS_DATA_END_PDU_IS_END_SDU 0x02 // v9.2 ok # define RLC_HE_MASK 0x03 // Extension bit /* Section The interpretation of this bit depends on RLC mode and higher layer configuration: - In the UMD PDU, the "Extension bit" in the first octet has either the normal E-bit interpretation or the alternative E-bit interpretation depending on higher layer configuration. The "Extension bit" in all the other octects always has the normal E-bit interpretation. - In the AMD PDU, the "Extension bit" always has the normal E-bit interpretation.*/ # define RLC_E_NEXT_FIELD_IS_COMPLETE_SDU 0x00 // alternative E-bit interpretation v9.2 ok # define RLC_E_NEXT_FIELD_IS_DATA 0x00 // v9.2 ok # define RLC_E_NEXT_FIELD_IS_LI_E 0x01 // v9.2 ok # define RLC_E_MASK 0x01 // li field (values shifted 1 bit left) # define RLC_LI_LAST_PDU_ONE_BYTE_SHORT 0xFFF6 // TO BE REMOVED ONLY FOR COMPILATION # define RLC_LI_LAST_PDU_EXACTLY_FILLED 0x0000 // v9.2 ok # define RLC_LI_1ST_BYTE_PDU_IS_1ST_BYTE_SDU_LAST_BYTE_IGNORED 0xFFF4 // v9.2 ok UM only # define RLC_LI_LAST_PDU_ONE_BYTE_SHORT_FILLED_BY_SDU 0xFFF6 // v9.2 ok # define RLC_LI_1ST_BYTE_SDU_IS_1ST_BYTE_PDU 0xFFF8 // v9.2 ok UM only # define RLC_LI_1ST_BYTE_SDU_IS_1ST_BYTE_PDU_LAST_BYTE_SDU_IS_LAST_BYTE_PDU 0xFFFA // v9.2 ok UM only # define RLC_LI_PDU_PIGGY_BACKED_STATUS 0xFFFC // v9.2 ok AM # define RLC_LI_PDU_NOT_FIRST_NOT_LAST_BYTE_SDU 0xFFFC // v9.2 ok UM only # define RLC_LI_PDU_PADDING 0xFFFE // v9.2 ok # define RLC_LI_UNDEFINED 0xF0F0 # define RLC_LI_MASK 0xFFFE // piggybacked status PDU (values shifted 4 bits left) # define RLC_PIGGY_PDU_TYPE_STATUS 0x00 # define RLC_PDU_TYPE_STATUS 0x00 // v9.2 ok # define RLC_PIGGY_PDU_TYPE_RESET 0x10 # define RLC_PDU_TYPE_RESET 0x10 // v9.2 ok # define RLC_PIGGY_PDU_TYPE_RESET_ACK 0x20 # define RLC_PDU_TYPE_RESET_ACK 0x20 // v9.2 ok # define RLC_PIGGY_PDU_TYPE_MASK 0x70 # define RLC_PDU_TYPE_MASK 0x70 // v9.2 ok # define GUARD_CRC_LIH_SIZE 0x03 // in bytes #endif