Commit 923817d8 authored by Cedric Roux's avatar Cedric Roux

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fix-nfapi-L2-emulator' into develop

parents b34e6d45 27a62710
......@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ int config_request(nfapi_pnf_config_t* config, nfapi_pnf_phy_config_t* phy, nfap
uint8_t num_tlv = 0;
//struct PHY_VARS_eNB_s *eNB = RC.eNB[0][0];
// Panos: In the case of nfapi_mode = 3 (UE = PNF) we should not have dependency on any eNB var. So we aim
// In the case of nfapi_mode = 3 (UE = PNF) we should not have dependency on any eNB var. So we aim
// to keep only the necessary just to keep the nfapi FSM rolling by sending a dummy response.
if (nfapi_mode!=3) {
......@@ -1117,7 +1117,6 @@ int start_request(nfapi_pnf_config_t* config, nfapi_pnf_phy_config_t* phy, nfapi
if(phy_info->timing_info_mode & 0x2) {
//printf("Panos-D: start_request () Enabling timing_info_mode_aperiodic \n");
p7_config->timing_info_mode_aperiodic = 1;
......@@ -1185,9 +1184,6 @@ int start_request(nfapi_pnf_config_t* config, nfapi_pnf_phy_config_t* phy, nfapi
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "[PNF] DJP - HACK - Set p7_config global ready for subframe ind%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
p7_config_g = p7_config;
//NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "[PNF] Panos-D: start_request, BUFFER SIZE: %d", p7_config_g->subframe_buffer_size);
//printf("Panos-D: start_request, bUFFER SIZE: %d", p7_config_g->subframe_buffer_size);
// Need to wait for main thread to create RU structures
......@@ -1201,13 +1197,7 @@ int start_request(nfapi_pnf_config_t* config, nfapi_pnf_phy_config_t* phy, nfapi
printf("[PNF] About to call init_eNB_afterRU()\n");
// Panos: Instead
/*if (nfapi_mode == 3) {
if (nfapi_mode != 3) {
// Panos
......@@ -1248,12 +1248,12 @@ void vnf_handle_timing_info(void *pRecvMsg, int recvMsgLen, vnf_p7_t* vnf_p7)
//NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "%s() PNF:SFN/SF:%d VNF:SFN/SF:%d deltaSFNSF:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, NFAPI_SFNSF2DEC(ind.last_sfn_sf), NFAPI_SFNSF2DEC(vnf_p7->p7_connections[0].sfn_sf), vnf_pnf_sfnsf_delta);
// Panos: Careful here!!!
// Panos: Careful here!!! Modification of the original nfapi-code
//if (vnf_pnf_sfnsf_delta>1 || vnf_pnf_sfnsf_delta < -1)
if (vnf_pnf_sfnsf_delta>0 || vnf_pnf_sfnsf_delta < 0)
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "%s() LARGE SFN/SF DELTA between PNF and VNF delta:%d VNF:%d PNF:%d\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", __FUNCTION__, vnf_pnf_sfnsf_delta, NFAPI_SFNSF2DEC(vnf_p7->p7_connections[0].sfn_sf), NFAPI_SFNSF2DEC(ind.last_sfn_sf));
// Panos: Careful here!!!
// Panos: Careful here!!! Modification of the original nfapi-code
vnf_p7->p7_connections[0].sfn_sf = ind.last_sfn_sf;
......@@ -161,12 +161,12 @@ typedef struct {
UE_rxtx_proc_t proc_rxtx[RX_NB_TH];
} UE_proc_t;
/// Panos: Structure holding timer_thread related elements (phy_stub_UE mode)
/// Structure holding timer_thread related elements (phy_stub_UE mode)
typedef struct {
pthread_t pthread_timer;
/// Panos: mutex for waiting SF ticking
/// mutex for waiting SF ticking
pthread_mutex_t mutex_ticking;
/// Panos: \brief ticking var for ticking thread.
/// \brief ticking var for ticking thread.
/// \internal This variable is protected by \ref mutex_ticking.
int ticking_var;
/// condition variable for timer_thread;
......@@ -512,7 +512,6 @@ void ue_compute_srs_occasion(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t eNB_id
int Mod_id = ue->Mod_id;
int CC_id = ue->CC_id;
// Panos: Substitute call to ue_get_SR() with the filled ue_SR_config->SR_payload (0, or 1).
SR_payload = ue_get_SR(Mod_id,
......@@ -2753,7 +2752,6 @@ void ue_pbch_procedures(uint8_t eNB_id,PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc, uin
// Panos: Substitute call to rrc_out_of_sync_ind() with fill_bch_incication(sync=0).
if (ue->mac_enabled == 1) rrc_out_of_sync_ind(ue->Mod_id,frame_rx,eNB_id);
else AssertFatal(ue->pbch_vars[eNB_id]->pdu_errors_conseq<100,
"More that 100 consecutive PBCH errors! Exiting!\n");
......@@ -3428,7 +3426,6 @@ void process_rar(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc, int eNB_id, runmode_t mo
// Panos: Substitute call to ue_process_rar() with call to fill_dlsch_rar_indication()
timing_advance = ue_process_rar(ue->Mod_id,
......@@ -3759,7 +3756,6 @@ void ue_dlsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
switch (pdsch) {
case PDSCH:
// Panos: Substitute call to ue_send_sdu() with call to fill_dlsch_indication()
......@@ -3769,7 +3765,6 @@ void ue_dlsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
case SI_PDSCH:
// Panos: Substitute call with call to fill_dlsch_indication()
......@@ -3778,7 +3773,6 @@ void ue_dlsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
case P_PDSCH:
// Panos: Substitute call with call to fill_dlsch_indication()
......@@ -3787,7 +3781,6 @@ void ue_dlsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,
case RA_PDSCH:
// Panos: Substitute with call to fill_dlsch_rar_indication()
case PDSCH1:
......@@ -230,47 +230,6 @@ void RCconfig_flexran()
/*void UE_config_stub_pnf(void) {
int j;
paramdef_t L1_Params[] = L1PARAMS_DESC;
paramlist_def_t L1_ParamList = {CONFIG_STRING_L1_LIST,NULL,0};
config_getlist( &L1_ParamList,L1_Params,sizeof(L1_Params)/sizeof(paramdef_t), NULL);
if (L1_ParamList.numelt > 0) {
for (j=0; j<L1_ParamList.numelt; j++){
//nb_L1_CC = *(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_CC_IDX].uptr); // Number of component carriers is of no use for the
// phy_stub mode UE pnf. Maybe we can completely skip it.
if (strcmp(*(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_TRANSPORT_N_PREFERENCE_IDX].strptr), "local_mac") == 0) {
sf_ahead = 4; // Need 4 subframe gap between RX and TX
// Panos: Right now that we have only one UE (thread) it is ok to put the eth_params in the UE_mac_inst.
// Later I think we have to change that to attribute eth_params to a global element for all the UEs.
else if (strcmp(*(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_TRANSPORT_N_PREFERENCE_IDX].strptr), "nfapi") == 0) {
stub_eth_params.local_if_name = strdup(*(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_LOCAL_N_IF_NAME_IDX].strptr));
stub_eth_params.my_addr = strdup(*(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_LOCAL_N_ADDRESS_IDX].strptr));
stub_eth_params.remote_addr = strdup(*(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_REMOTE_N_ADDRESS_IDX].strptr));
stub_eth_params.my_portc = *(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_LOCAL_N_PORTC_IDX].iptr);
stub_eth_params.remote_portc = *(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_REMOTE_N_PORTC_IDX].iptr);
stub_eth_params.my_portd = *(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_LOCAL_N_PORTD_IDX].iptr);
stub_eth_params.remote_portd = *(L1_ParamList.paramarray[j][L1_REMOTE_N_PORTD_IDX].iptr);
stub_eth_params.transp_preference = ETH_UDP_MODE;
sf_ahead = 2; // Cannot cope with 4 subframes betweem RX and TX - set it to 2
//configure_nfapi_pnf(UE_mac_inst[0].eth_params_n.remote_addr, UE_mac_inst[0].eth_params_n.remote_portc, UE_mac_inst[0].eth_params_n.my_addr, UE_mac_inst[0].eth_params_n.my_portd, UE_mac_inst[0].eth_params_n.remote_portd);
configure_nfapi_pnf(stub_eth_params.remote_addr, stub_eth_params.remote_portc, stub_eth_params.my_addr, stub_eth_params.my_portd, stub_eth_params.remote_portd);
else { // other midhaul
else {
void RCconfig_L1(void) {
int i,j;
paramdef_t L1_Params[] = L1PARAMS_DESC;
......@@ -338,7 +297,6 @@ void RCconfig_L1(void) {
configure_nfapi_pnf(RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.remote_addr, RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.remote_portc, RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.my_addr, RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.my_portd, RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n .remote_portd);
else { // other midhaul
//printf("Panos-D: RCconfig_L1 12 \n");
}// j=0..num_inst
printf("Initializing northbound interface for L1\n");
......@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ generate_Msg4(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_idP, frame_t frameP,
// This is normal LTE case
LOG_D(MAC, "Panos-D: generate_Msg4 1 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: %d.%d, frameP SFN/SF: %d.%d FOR eNB_Mod: %d \n", ra->Msg4_frame, ra->Msg4_subframe, frameP, subframeP, module_idP);
LOG_D(MAC, "generate_Msg4 1 ra->Msg4_frame SFN/SF: %d.%d, frameP SFN/SF: %d.%d FOR eNB_Mod: %d \n", ra->Msg4_frame, ra->Msg4_subframe, frameP, subframeP, module_idP);
if ((ra->Msg4_frame == frameP) && (ra->Msg4_subframe == subframeP)) {
// Get RRCConnectionSetup for Piggyback
......@@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ check_Msg4_retransmission(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_idP,
ra->rnti, round, frameP, subframeP);
// DLSCH Config
//DJP - fix this pdu_index = -1
LOG_D(MAC, "Panos:D: check_Msg4_retransmission() before fill_nfapi_dlsch_config() with pdu_index = -1 \n");
LOG_D(MAC, "check_Msg4_retransmission() before fill_nfapi_dlsch_config() with pdu_index = -1 \n");
fill_nfapi_dlsch_config(mac, dl_req_body, ra->msg4_TBsize,
/* retransmission, no pdu_index */
......@@ -328,7 +328,6 @@ typedef struct {
uint8_t Buffer_size0:6;
} __attribute__ ((__packed__)) BSR_LONG;
// Panos:
/*!\brief mac control element: sidelink buffer status report */
typedef struct {
uint8_t DST_1:4;
......@@ -1526,13 +1525,13 @@ typedef struct {
time_stats_t rx_si;
/// UE PCCH rx processing time including RLC interface (mac_rrc_data_ind)
time_stats_t rx_p;
/// Panos: Mutex for nfapi UL_INFO
/// Mutex for nfapi UL_INFO
pthread_mutex_t UL_INFO_mutex;
/// Panos: UE_Mode variable should be used in the case of Phy_stub operation since we won't have access to PHY_VARS_UE
/// UE_Mode variable should be used in the case of Phy_stub operation since we won't have access to PHY_VARS_UE
/// where the UE_mode originally is for the full stack operation mode. The transitions between the states of the UE_Mode
/// will be triggered within phy_stub_ue.c in this case
/// Panos: Phy_stub mode: Boolean variable to distinguish whether a Msg3 or a regular ULSCH data pdu should be generated
/// Phy_stub mode: Boolean variable to distinguish whether a Msg3 or a regular ULSCH data pdu should be generated
/// after the reception of NFAPI_UL_CONFIG_ULSCH_PDU_TYPE.
uint8_t first_ULSCH_Tx;
uint8_t SI_Decoded;
......@@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ PRACH_RESOURCES_t *ue_get_rach(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id,
uint8_t Size = 0;
UE_MODE_t UE_mode;
// Panos: Modification for phy_stub_ue operation
if(nfapi_mode == 3) { // Panos: phy_stub_ue mode
// Modification for phy_stub_ue operation
if(nfapi_mode == 3) { // phy_stub_ue mode
UE_mode = UE_mac_inst[module_idP].UE_mode[0];
LOG_D(MAC, "ue_get_rach , UE_mode: %d", UE_mode);
......@@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ ue_send_sdu(module_id_t module_idP,
"[UE %d][RAPROC] Contention detected, RA failed\n",
if(nfapi_mode == 3) { // Panos: phy_stub mode
// Panos: Modification for phy_stub mode operation here. We only need to make sure that the ue_mode is back to
if(nfapi_mode == 3) { // phy_stub mode
// Modification for phy_stub mode operation here. We only need to make sure that the ue_mode is back to
// PRACH state.
LOG_I(MAC, "nfapi_mode3: Setting UE_mode BACK to PRACH 1\n");
UE_mac_inst[module_idP].UE_mode[eNB_index] = PRACH;
......@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ ue_send_sdu(module_id_t module_idP,
RA_contention_resolution_timer_active = 0;
if(nfapi_mode == 3) // phy_stub mode
//Panos: Modification for phy_stub mode operation here. We only need to change the ue_mode to PUSCH
// Modification for phy_stub mode operation here. We only need to change the ue_mode to PUSCH
UE_mac_inst[module_idP].UE_mode[eNB_index] = PUSCH;
else { // Full stack mode
......@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ ue_send_sdu(module_id_t module_idP,
// Panos: Eliminate call to process_timing_advance for the phy_stub UE operation mode. Is this correct?
// Eliminate call to process_timing_advance for the phy_stub UE operation mode. Is this correct?
if (nfapi_mode!=3)
......@@ -881,17 +881,6 @@ void ue_send_sl_sdu(module_id_t module_idP,
} else { //SL_DISCOVERY
uint16_t len = sdu_len;
// Panos: Ask TTN if we should be calling mac_rrc_data_ind_ue() instead of mac_rrc_data_ind() now!
sdu, //(uint8_t*)&UE_mac_inst[Mod_id].SL_Discovery[0].Rx_buffer.Payload[0],
......@@ -1623,7 +1612,6 @@ ue_get_sdu(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP,
uint8_t * ulsch_buffer, uint16_t buflen, uint8_t * access_mode)
//LOG_I(MAC, "Panos-D: UE[%d] In ue_get_sdu() 1 \n", module_idP);
uint8_t total_rlc_pdu_header_len = 0, rlc_pdu_header_len_last = 0;
uint16_t buflen_remain = 0;
uint8_t bsr_len = 0, bsr_ce_len = 0, bsr_header_len = 0;
......@@ -1997,7 +1985,7 @@ ue_get_sdu(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP,
// build PHR and update the timers
if (phr_ce_len == sizeof(POWER_HEADROOM_CMD)) {
if(nfapi_mode ==3){
//Panos: Substitute with a static value for the MAC layer abstraction (phy_stub mode)
//Substitute with a static value for the MAC layer abstraction (phy_stub mode)
phr_p->PH = 40;
......@@ -2212,7 +2200,6 @@ ue_get_sdu(module_id_t module_idP, int CC_id, frame_t frameP,
buflen - sdu_length_total - payload_offset);
// cycle through SDUs and place in ulsch_buffer
if (sdu_length_total) {
//LOG_I(MAC, "Panos-D: [UE %d] ue_get_sdu() 2 before copying to ulsch_buffer, SFN/SF: %d/%d \n \n \n", module_idP, frameP, subframe);
memcpy(&ulsch_buffer[payload_offset], ulsch_buff,
......@@ -2466,8 +2453,8 @@ ue_scheduler(const module_id_t module_idP,
"Module id %u Contention resolution timer expired, RA failed\n",
if(nfapi_mode == 3) { // Panos: phy_stub mode
// Panos: Modification for phy_stub mode operation here. We only need to make sure that the ue_mode is back to
if(nfapi_mode == 3) { // phy_stub mode
// Modification for phy_stub mode operation here. We only need to make sure that the ue_mode is back to
// PRACH state.
LOG_I(MAC, "nfapi_mode3: Setting UE_mode to PRACH 2 \n");
UE_mac_inst[module_idP].UE_mode[eNB_indexP] = PRACH;
......@@ -3201,16 +3188,6 @@ SLDCH_t *ue_get_sldch(module_id_t Mod_id,int CC_id,frame_t frame_tx,sub_frame_t
//UE_MAC_INST *ue = &UE_mac_inst[Mod_id];
SLDCH_t *sldch = &UE_mac_inst[Mod_id].sldch;
// Panos: Ask TTN if we should be calling mac_rrc_data_req_ue() instead of mac_rrc_data_req() now!
/*sldch->payload_length = mac_rrc_data_req(Mod_id,
(char*)(sldch->payload), //&UE_mac_inst[Mod_id].SL_Discovery[0].Tx_buffer.Payload[0],
0, //eNB_indexP
sldch->payload_length = mac_rrc_data_req_ue(Mod_id,
......@@ -491,7 +491,6 @@ int pdcp_fifo_read_input_sdus (const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP)
#if (RRC_VERSION >= MAKE_VERSION(14, 0, 0))
int prose_addr_len;
char send_buf[BUFSIZE], receive_buf[BUFSIZE];
// Panos: Remove the following definitions due to warnings of unused variables.
//int optval;
int bytes_received;
sidelink_pc5s_element *sl_pc5s_msg_recv = NULL;
......@@ -368,19 +368,16 @@ mac_rlc_status_resp_t mac_rlc_status_ind(
} else
//LOG_I(RLC, "Panos-D mac_rlc_status_ind 1 enb_flagP: %d, channel_idP: %d, srb_flag: %d \n", enb_flagP, channel_idP, srb_flag);
key = RLC_COLL_KEY_LCID_VALUE(module_idP, rntiP, enb_flagP, channel_idP, srb_flag);
//LOG_I(RLC, "Panos-D mac_rlc_status_ind 2 enb_flagP: %d, channel_idP: %d, srb_flag: %d \n", enb_flagP, channel_idP, srb_flag);
h_rc = hashtable_get(rlc_coll_p, key, (void**)&rlc_union_p);
if (h_rc == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
rlc_mode = rlc_union_p->mode;
} else {
rlc_mode = RLC_MODE_NONE;
//LOG_D(RLC , "Panos-D: mac_rlc_status_ind() In RLC_MODE_NONE \n");
//LOG_W(RLC , "[%s] RLC not configured lcid %u module %u!\n", __FUNCTION__, channel_idP, module_idP);
//LOG_D(RLC , "[%s] RLC not configured rb id %u lcid %u module %u!\n", __FUNCTION__, rb_id, channel_idP, ue_module_idP);
......@@ -192,14 +192,14 @@ typedef struct{
// Panos: Corresponding to inputs of MAC functions: ue_send_sdu(), ue_decode_si(), ue_decode_p().
// Corresponding to inputs of MAC functions: ue_send_sdu(), ue_decode_si(), ue_decode_p().
typedef struct{
uint8_t* data;
uint16_t data_len;
// Panos: Corresponding to inputs of MAC function: process_rar().
// Corresponding to inputs of MAC function: process_rar().
typedef struct{
rnti_t ra_rnti;
uint8_t* rar_input_buffer; // Originating from PHY
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ UL_IND_t *UL_INFO;
nfapi_tx_request_pdu_t* tx_request_pdu_list;
// New
/// Panos: Pointers to config_request types. Used from nfapi callback functions.
/// Pointers to config_request types. Used from nfapi callback functions.
nfapi_dl_config_request_t* dl_config_req;
nfapi_ul_config_request_t* ul_config_req;
nfapi_hi_dci0_request_t* hi_dci0_req;
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ eth_params_t stub_eth_params;
// Panos: This function should return all the sched_response config messages which concern a specific UE. Inside this
// This function should return all the sched_response config messages which concern a specific UE. Inside this
// function we should somehow make the translation of config message's rnti to Mod_ID.
Sched_Rsp_t get_nfapi_sched_response(uint8_t Mod_id);
......@@ -403,7 +403,6 @@ void rrc_in_sync_ind(module_id_t Mod_idP, frame_t frameP, uint16_t eNB_index)
if (UE_rrc_inst[Mod_idP].Info[eNB_index].T310_active==1) {
LOG_D(RRC, "Panos-D: rrc_in_sync_ind 1 \n");
......@@ -786,7 +786,6 @@ int rrc_ue_decode_ccch( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const SRB_INFO* co
char message_string[10000];
size_t message_string_size;
//LOG_I(RRC, "Panos-D: rrc_ue_decode_ccch, Before xer_sprint() \n");
if ((message_string_size = xer_sprint(message_string, sizeof(message_string), &asn_DEF_DL_CCCH_Message, (void *)dl_ccch_msg)) > 0) {
MessageDef *msg_p;
......@@ -1977,7 +1976,6 @@ rrc_ue_process_securityModeCommand(
char message_string[20000];
size_t message_string_size;
//LOG_I(RRC, "Panos-D: rrc_ue_process_securityModeCommand, Before xer_sprint() \n");
if ((message_string_size = xer_sprint(message_string, sizeof(message_string), &asn_DEF_UL_DCCH_Message, (void *) &ul_dcch_msg)) > 0) {
MessageDef *msg_p;
......@@ -2089,7 +2087,6 @@ rrc_ue_process_ueCapabilityEnquiry(
char message_string[20000];
size_t message_string_size;
//LOG_I(RRC, "Panos-D: rrc_ue_process_ueCapabilityEnquiry, Before xer_sprint() \n");
if ((message_string_size = xer_sprint(message_string, sizeof(message_string), &asn_DEF_UL_DCCH_Message, (void *) &ul_dcch_msg)) > 0) {
MessageDef *msg_p;
......@@ -2484,7 +2481,6 @@ rrc_ue_decode_dcch(
char message_string[30000];
size_t message_string_size;
//LOG_I(RRC, "Panos-D: rrc_ue_decode_dcch, Before xer_sprint() \n");
if ((message_string_size = xer_sprint(message_string, sizeof(message_string), &asn_DEF_DL_DCCH_Message, (void *)dl_dcch_msg)) > 0) {
msg_p = itti_alloc_new_message_sized (TASK_RRC_UE, RRC_DL_DCCH, message_string_size + sizeof (IttiMsgText));
msg_p->ittiMsg.rrc_dl_dcch.size = message_string_size;
......@@ -3020,7 +3016,6 @@ int decode_BCCH_DLSCH_Message(
char message_string[15000];
size_t message_string_size;
//LOG_I(RRC, "Panos-D: decode_BCCH_DLSCH_Message, Before xer_sprint() \n");
if ((message_string_size = xer_sprint(message_string, sizeof(message_string), &asn_DEF_BCCH_DL_SCH_Message, (void *)bcch_message)) > 0) {
MessageDef *msg_p;
......@@ -3046,8 +3041,6 @@ int decode_BCCH_DLSCH_Message(
sizeof(SystemInformationBlockType1_t) );
LOG_D( RRC, "[UE %"PRIu8"] Decoding First SIB1\n", ctxt_pP->module_id );
//LOG_I( RRC, "Panos-D: decode_BCCH_DLSCH_Message1 BEFORE decode_SIB1");
//printf("Panos-D: decode_BCCH_DLSCH_Message1 BEFORE decode_SIB1");
decode_SIB1( ctxt_pP, eNB_index, rsrq, rsrp );
......@@ -3066,8 +3059,6 @@ int decode_BCCH_DLSCH_Message(
LOG_D( RRC, "[UE %"PRIu8"] Decoding SI for frameP %"PRIu32"\n",
ctxt_pP->frame );
//LOG_I( RRC, "Panos-D: decode_BCCH_DLSCH_Message1 BEFORE OTHER decode_SI");
//printf("Panos-D: decode_BCCH_DLSCH_Message1 BEFORE OTHER decode_SI");
decode_SI( ctxt_pP, eNB_index );
//if (nfapi_mode == 3)
UE_mac_inst[ctxt_pP->module_id].SI_Decoded = 1;
......@@ -3915,12 +3906,10 @@ uint64_t arfcn_to_freq(long arfcn) {
int decode_SI( const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, const uint8_t eNB_index )
//LOG_D( RRC, "Panos-D: decode_SI 1 \n");
SystemInformation_t** si = &UE_rrc_inst[ctxt_pP->module_id].si[eNB_index];
int new_sib = 0;
SystemInformationBlockType1_t* sib1 = UE_rrc_inst[ctxt_pP->module_id].sib1[eNB_index];
//LOG_D( RRC, "Panos-D: decode_SI 2 \n");
// Dump contents
......@@ -3929,20 +3918,16 @@ uint64_t arfcn_to_freq(long arfcn) {
LOG_D( RRC, "[UE] (*si)->criticalExtensions.choice.systemInformation_r8.sib_TypeAndInfo.list.count %d\n",
(*si)->criticalExtensions.choice.systemInformation_r8.sib_TypeAndInfo.list.count );
} else {
//LOG_D( RRC, "Panos-D: decode_SI 2.3 \n");
LOG_D( RRC, "[UE] Unknown criticalExtension version (not Rel8)\n" );
return -1;
LOG_D( RRC, "Panos-D: decode_SI 3 \n");
for (int i=0; i<(*si)->criticalExtensions.choice.systemInformation_r8.sib_TypeAndInfo.list.count; i++) {
//LOG_I( RRC, "Panos-D: SI count %d\n", i );
struct SystemInformation_r8_IEs__sib_TypeAndInfo__Member *typeandinfo;
typeandinfo = (*si)->criticalExtensions.choice.systemInformation_r8.sib_TypeAndInfo.list.array[i];
switch(typeandinfo->present) {
case SystemInformation_r8_IEs__sib_TypeAndInfo__Member_PR_sib2:
//LOG_D( RRC, "Panos-D: decode_SI 4 \n");
if ((UE_rrc_inst[ctxt_pP->module_id].Info[eNB_index].SIStatus&2) == 0) {
......@@ -4032,7 +4017,6 @@ uint64_t arfcn_to_freq(long arfcn) {
break; // case SystemInformation_r8_IEs__sib_TypeAndInfo__Member_PR_sib2
case SystemInformation_r8_IEs__sib_TypeAndInfo__Member_PR_sib3:
//LOG_D( RRC, "Panos-D: decode_SI 5 \n");
if ((UE_rrc_inst[ctxt_pP->module_id].Info[eNB_index].SIStatus&4) == 0) {
......@@ -707,7 +707,6 @@ void rrc_eNB_emulation_notify_ue_module_id(
const uint8_t cell_identity_byte2P,
const uint8_t cell_identity_byte3P)
LOG_I(RRC, "Panos-D: rrc_eNB_emulation_notify_ue_module_id 1 \n");
module_id_t enb_module_id;
struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
int CC_id;
......@@ -449,12 +449,14 @@ static void* eNB_thread_rxtx( void* param ) {
exit_fun( "ERROR pthread_cond_signal" );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &proc->mutex_rxtx );
if (nfapi_mode!=2){
if(get_nprocs() >= 8) wakeup_tx(eNB,eNB->proc.ru_proc);
phy_procedures_eNB_TX(eNB, proc, 1);
} // while !oai_exit
......@@ -1013,7 +1015,7 @@ void init_eNB_proc(int inst) {
//pthread_create( &proc_rxtx[0].pthread_rxtx, attr0, eNB_thread_rxtx, proc_rxtx );
// Panos: Should we also include here the case where single_thread_flag = 1 ?
//Should we also include here the case where single_thread_flag = 1 ?
pthread_create( &proc_rxtx[0].pthread_rxtx, attr0, eNB_thread_rxtx, proc );
pthread_create( &proc_rxtx[1].pthread_rxtx, attr1, tx_thread, proc);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
printf("NFAPI_MODE value: %d \n", nfapi_mode);
// Panos: Not sure if the following is needed here
// Not sure if the following is needed here
if (UE_flag == 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Getting configuration failed\n");
......@@ -938,29 +938,6 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
printf("Before CC \n");
// Panos: From old version
/*if (UE_flag==1) {
PHY_vars_UE_g = malloc(sizeof(PHY_VARS_UE**)*NB_UE_INST);
for (int i=0; i<NB_UE_INST; i++) {
for (CC_id=0; CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) {
PHY_vars_UE_g[i] = malloc(sizeof(PHY_VARS_UE*)*MAX_NUM_CCs);
PHY_vars_UE_g[i][CC_id] = init_ue_vars(frame_parms[CC_id], i,abstraction_flag);
UE[CC_id] = PHY_vars_UE_g[i][CC_id];
printf("PHY_vars_UE_g[inst][%d] = %p\n",CC_id,UE[CC_id]);
if (phy_test==1)
UE[CC_id]->mac_enabled = 0;
UE[CC_id]->mac_enabled = 1;
if(nfapi_mode == 3){
......@@ -1093,7 +1070,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
printf("cannot create ITTI tasks\n");
exit(-1); // need a softer mode
if(nfapi_mode==3){ //Panos: Here we should add another nfapi_mode for the case of Supervised LTE-D2D
if(nfapi_mode==3){ // Here we should add another nfapi_mode for the case of Supervised LTE-D2D
printf("ITTI tasks created\n");
......@@ -1101,7 +1078,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
// init UE_PF_PO and mutex lock
pthread_mutex_init(&ue_pf_po_mutex, NULL);
memset (&UE_PF_PO[0][0], 0, sizeof(UE_PF_PO_t)*NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX*MAX_NUM_CCs);
memset (&UE_PF_PO[0][0], 0, sizeof(UE_PF_PO_t)*MAX_MOBILES_PER_ENB*MAX_NUM_CCs);
......@@ -1144,7 +1121,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
//Panos: Temporarily we will be using single set of threads for multiple UEs.
// Temporarily we will be using single set of threads for multiple UEs.
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