/* mac_lte_logger.c * * Example code for sending MAC LTE frames over UDP * Written by Martin Mathieson, with input from Kiran Kumar * This header file may also be distributed under * the terms of the BSD Licence as follows: * * Copyright (C) 2009 Martin Mathieson. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE */ /*! \file probe.c * \brief * \author navid nikaein * \date 2010-2012 * \version 1.0 * \company Eurecom * \email: navid.nikaein@eurecom.fr */ /** @defgroup _oai System definitions There is different modules: - OAI Address - OAI Components - \ref _frame numbering: -# OAI Address -# OAI Components -# \ref _frame The following diagram is based on graphviz (http://www.graphviz.org/), you need to install the package to view the diagram. * * \dot * digraph group_frame { * node [shape=rect, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=8,style=filled,fillcolor=lightgrey]; * a [ label = " Trace_pdu"]; * b [ label = " dispatcher"]; * c [ label = " send_ul_mac_pdu"]; * D [ label = " send_Dl_mac_pdu"]; * E [ label = " SendFrame"]; * F[ label = " _Send_Ra_Mac_Pdu"]; * a->b; * b->c; * b->d; * label="Architecture" * * } * \enddot \section _doxy Doxygen Help You can use the provided Doxyfile as the configuration file or alternatively run "doxygen -g Doxyfile" to generat the file. You need at least to set the some variables in the Doxyfile including "PROJECT_NAME","PROJECT_NUMBER","INPUT","IMAGE_PATH". Doxygen help and commands can be found at http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/commands.html#cmdprotocol \section _arch Architecture You need to set the IMAGE_PATH in your Doxyfile \image html arch.png "Architecture" \image latex arch.eps "Architecture" \subsection _mac MAC thisis the mac \subsection _rlc RLC this is the rlc \subsection _impl Implementation what about the implementation *@{*/ #include <pthread.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "opt.h" int opt_enabled=0; #define PACKET_MAC_LTE_DEFAULT_UDP_PORT (9999) typedef uint8_t guint8; typedef uint16_t guint16; typedef uint32_t guint32; typedef guint8 gboolean; #include "packet-mac-lte.h" #include "mac_pcap.h" //static unsigned char g_PDUBuffer[1600]; //static unsigned int g_PDUOffset; char in_ip[40]; char in_path[100]; FILE *file_fd = NULL; trace_mode_t opt_type = OPT_NONE; static radio_type_t radio_type; static unsigned int subframesSinceCaptureStart; static int g_socksd = -1;/* UDP socket used for sending frames */ static struct sockaddr_in g_serv_addr; typedef struct { pthread_t thread; int sd; struct sockaddr_in address; } opt_listener_t; opt_listener_t opt_listener; static void SendFrame(guint8 radioType, guint8 direction, guint8 rntiType, guint16 rnti, guint16 ueid, guint16 sysframeNumber, guint8 isPredefinedData, guint8 retx, guint8 crcStatus, guint8 oob_event, guint8 oob_event_value, uint8_t *pdu_buffer, unsigned int pdu_buffer_size); static int MAC_LTE_PCAP_WritePDU(MAC_Context_Info_t *context, const unsigned char *PDU, unsigned int length); static void *opt_listener_thread(void *arg) { ssize_t ret; struct sockaddr_in from_address; socklen_t socklen = sizeof(from_address); memset(&from_address, 0, sizeof(from_address)); while(1) { /* Simply drop packets */ ret = recvfrom(opt_listener.sd, NULL, 0, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&from_address, &socklen); if (ret == 0) { LOG_D(OPT, "Remote host is no more connected, exiting thread\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } else if (ret < 0) { /* Errors */ LOG_E(OPT, "An error occured during recvfrom: %s\n", strerror(errno)); pthread_exit(NULL); } else { /* Normal read -> discard PDU */ LOG_D(OPT, "Incoming data received from: %s:%u with length %d\n", inet_ntoa(opt_listener.address.sin_addr), ntohs(opt_listener.address.sin_port), ret); } } return NULL; } static int opt_create_listener_socket(char *ip_address, uint16_t port) { /* Create an UDP socket and listen on it. * Silently discard PDU received. */ int sd = -1; int ret = -1; memset(&opt_listener, 0, sizeof(opt_listener_t)); sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sd < 0) { LOG_E(OPT, "Failed to create listener socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); sd = -1; opt_type = OPT_NONE; return -1; } opt_listener.sd = sd; opt_listener.address.sin_family = AF_INET; /* Listening only on provided IP address */ opt_listener.address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip_address); opt_listener.address.sin_port = htons(port); ret = bind(opt_listener.sd, (struct sockaddr*) &opt_listener.address, sizeof(opt_listener.address)); if (ret != 0) { LOG_E(OPT, "Failed to bind socket to (%s:%u): %s\n", strerror(errno)); opt_type = OPT_NONE; close(opt_listener.sd); opt_listener.sd = -1; return -1; } ret = pthread_create(&opt_listener.thread, NULL, opt_listener_thread, NULL); if (ret != 0) { LOG_E(OPT, "Failed to create thread for server socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); opt_type = OPT_NONE; close(opt_listener.sd); opt_listener.sd = -1; return -1; } return 0; } //struct mac_lte_info * mac_info; // #define WIRESHARK_DEV /* if you want to define this, then you need to * 1. checkout the wireshark dev at : svn co http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/wireshark/trunk wireshark * 2. copy the local packet-mac-lte.h and packet-mac-lte.c into epan/dissectors/ * 3. install it, read INSTALL * 4. run the wireshark and capture packets from lo interface, and filter out icmp packet (!icmp) * 5. run ./oasim -a -P0 -n 30 | grep OPT */ /* Add framing header to MAC PDU and send. */ static void SendFrame(guint8 radioType, guint8 direction, guint8 rntiType, guint16 rnti, guint16 ueid, guint16 sfnSf, guint8 isPredefinedData, guint8 retx, guint8 crcStatus, guint8 oob_event, guint8 oob_event_value, uint8_t *pdu_buffer, unsigned int pdu_buffer_size) { #ifdef JUMBO_FRAME static unsigned char frameBuffer[9000]; #else static unsigned char frameBuffer[1600]; #endif static unsigned int frameOffset; ssize_t bytesSent; frameOffset = 0; uint16_t tmp16; /********************************************************************/ /* Fixed start to each frame (allowing heuristic dissector to work) */ /* Not NULL terminated */ memset(frameBuffer+frameOffset, 0, sizeof(mac_lte_info)+pdu_buffer_size + 8); memcpy(frameBuffer+frameOffset, MAC_LTE_START_STRING, strlen(MAC_LTE_START_STRING)); frameOffset += strlen(MAC_LTE_START_STRING); /******************************************************************************/ /* Now write out fixed fields (the mandatory elements of struct mac_lte_info) */ frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = radioType; frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = direction; frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = rntiType; /*************************************/ /* Now optional fields */ /* RNTI */ frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = MAC_LTE_RNTI_TAG; tmp16 = htons(rnti); memcpy(frameBuffer+frameOffset, &tmp16, 2); frameOffset += 2; /* UEId */ frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = MAC_LTE_UEID_TAG; tmp16 = htons(ueid); memcpy(frameBuffer+frameOffset, &tmp16, 2); frameOffset += 2; /* Subframe number */ frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = MAC_LTE_SUBFRAME_TAG; tmp16 = htons(sfnSf); // frame counter : this will give an expert info as wireshark expects SF and not F memcpy(frameBuffer+frameOffset, &tmp16, 2); frameOffset += 2; frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = MAC_LTE_CRC_STATUS_TAG; frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = crcStatus; #ifdef WIRESHARK_DEV frameOffset += 2; tmp16 = htons(sfnSf); // subframe memcpy(frameBuffer+frameOffset, &tmp16, 2); frameOffset += 2; #endif /***********************************************************/ /* For these optional fields, no need to encode if value is default */ if (!isPredefinedData) { frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = MAC_LTE_PREDEFINED_DATA_TAG; frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = isPredefinedData; } if (retx != 0) { frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = MAC_LTE_RETX_TAG; frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = retx; } //#ifdef WIRESHARK_DEV /* Relating to out-of-band events */ /* N.B. dissector will only look to these fields if length is 0... */ if (pdu_buffer_size==0) { switch (oob_event) { case ltemac_send_preamble : LOG_D(OPT,"oob ltemac_send_preamble event %02x." //"%02x." "%02x.%02x\n", MAC_LTE_OOB_EVENT_TAG, //ltemac_send_preamble, rnti, oob_event_value); //frameBuffer[frameOffset++]=0; //frameBuffer[frameOffset++]=0; //frameBuffer[frameOffset++]=0; frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = MAC_LTE_OOB_EVENT_TAG; //frameBuffer[frameOffset++]=ltemac_send_preamble; frameBuffer[frameOffset++]=rnti; // is the preamble frameBuffer[frameOffset++]=oob_event_value; break; case ltemac_send_sr: frameBuffer[frameOffset++]=ltemac_send_sr; frameOffset+=2; frameBuffer[frameOffset++]=oob_event_value; break; case ltemac_sr_failure: default: LOG_W(OPT,"not implemeneted yet\n"); break; } } //#endif /***************************************/ /* Now write the MAC PDU */ frameBuffer[frameOffset++] = MAC_LTE_PAYLOAD_TAG; /* Append actual PDU */ //memcpy(frameBuffer+frameOffset, g_PDUBuffer, g_PDUOffset); //frameOffset += g_PDUOffset; if (pdu_buffer != NULL) { memcpy(frameBuffer+frameOffset, (void*)pdu_buffer, pdu_buffer_size); frameOffset += pdu_buffer_size; } /* Send out the data over the UDP socket */ bytesSent = sendto(g_socksd, frameBuffer, frameOffset, 0, (const struct sockaddr *)&g_serv_addr, sizeof(g_serv_addr)); if (bytesSent != frameOffset) { LOG_W(OPT, "sendto() failed (not a thread-safe func)- expected %d bytes, got %d (errno=%d)\n", frameOffset, bytesSent, errno); //exit(1); } } /* Write an individual PDU (PCAP packet header + mac-context + mac-pdu) */ static int MAC_LTE_PCAP_WritePDU(MAC_Context_Info_t *context, const uint8_t *PDU, unsigned int length) { pcaprec_hdr_t packet_header; uint8_t context_header[256]; int offset = 0; unsigned short tmp16; /*****************************************************************/ /* Context information (same as written by UDP heuristic clients */ context_header[offset++] = context->radioType; context_header[offset++] = context->direction; context_header[offset++] = context->rntiType; /* RNTI */ context_header[offset++] = MAC_LTE_RNTI_TAG; tmp16 = htons(context->rnti); memcpy(context_header+offset, &tmp16, 2); offset += 2; /* UEId */ context_header[offset++] = MAC_LTE_UEID_TAG; tmp16 = htons(context->ueid); memcpy(context_header+offset, &tmp16, 2); offset += 2; /* Subframe number */ context_header[offset++] = MAC_LTE_SUBFRAME_TAG; tmp16 = htons(context->subFrameNumber); memcpy(context_header+offset, &tmp16, 2); offset += 2; /* CRC Status */ context_header[offset++] = MAC_LTE_CRC_STATUS_TAG; context_header[offset++] = context->crcStatusOK; /* Data tag immediately preceding PDU */ context_header[offset++] = MAC_LTE_PAYLOAD_TAG; /****************************************************************/ /* PCAP Header */ /* TODO: Timestamp might want to be relative to a more sensible base time... */ #if defined(RTAI) { unsigned long long int current_ns; current_ns = rt_get_time_ns(); packet_header.ts_sec = current_ns / 1000000000UL; packet_header.ts_usec = current_ns % 1000; } #else packet_header.ts_sec = context->subframesSinceCaptureStart / 1000; packet_header.ts_usec = (context->subframesSinceCaptureStart % 1000) * 1000; #endif packet_header.incl_len = offset + length; packet_header.orig_len = offset + length; /***************************************************************/ /* Now write everything to the file */ fwrite(&packet_header, sizeof(pcaprec_hdr_t), 1, file_fd); fwrite(context_header, 1, offset, file_fd); fwrite(PDU, 1, length, file_fd); return 1; } /* Remote serveraddress (where Wireshark is running) */ void trace_pdu(int direction, uint8_t *pdu_buffer, unsigned int pdu_buffer_size, int ueid, int rntiType, int rnti, uint16_t sysFrameNumber, uint8_t subFrameNumber, int oob_event, int oob_event_value) { MAC_Context_Info_t pdu_context; switch (opt_type) { case OPT_WIRESHARK : if (g_socksd == -1) { return; } SendFrame(radio_type, (direction == DIRECTION_DOWNLINK) ? DIRECTION_DOWNLINK : DIRECTION_UPLINK, rntiType, rnti, ueid, (sysFrameNumber<<4) + subFrameNumber, 1, 0, 1, //guint8 isPredefinedData, guint8 retx, guint8 crcStatus oob_event,oob_event_value, pdu_buffer, pdu_buffer_size); break; case OPT_PCAP: if (file_fd == NULL) { return; } pdu_context.radioType = radio_type; pdu_context.direction = (direction == DIRECTION_DOWNLINK) ? DIRECTION_DOWNLINK : DIRECTION_UPLINK; pdu_context.rntiType = rntiType; pdu_context.rnti = rnti; pdu_context.ueid = ueid; pdu_context.isRetx = 0; pdu_context.crcStatusOK =1; pdu_context.sysFrameNumber = sysFrameNumber; pdu_context.subFrameNumber = subFrameNumber; pdu_context.subframesSinceCaptureStart = subframesSinceCaptureStart++; MAC_LTE_PCAP_WritePDU( &pdu_context, pdu_buffer, pdu_buffer_size); break; case OPT_TSHARK: default: break; } } /*---------------------------------------------------*/ int init_opt(char *path, char *ip, char *port, radio_type_t radio_type_p) { uint16_t in_port; subframesSinceCaptureStart = 0; if (path != NULL) { strncpy( in_path, path, sizeof(in_path) ); in_path[sizeof(in_path) - 1] = 0; // terminate string } else { strcpy( in_path, "/tmp/opt.pcap" ); } if (ip != NULL) { strncpy( in_ip, ip, sizeof(in_ip) ); in_ip[sizeof(in_ip) - 1] = 0; // terminate string } else { strcpy( in_ip, "" ); } if (port != NULL) { in_port = atoi(port); } else { in_port = PACKET_MAC_LTE_DEFAULT_UDP_PORT; } radio_type = radio_type_p; // trace_mode switch (opt_type) { case OPT_WIRESHARK: /* Create local server socket only if using localhost address */ if (strcmp(in_ip, "") == 0) { opt_create_listener_socket(in_ip, in_port); } g_socksd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (g_socksd == -1) { LOG_E(OPT, "Error trying to create socket (errno=%d)\n", errno); LOG_E(OPT, "CREATING SOCKET FAILED\n"); return (-1); } /* Get remote IP address from the function argument */ g_serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; g_serv_addr.sin_port = htons(in_port); g_serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(in_ip); break; case OPT_PCAP: file_fd = fopen(in_path, "w"); if (file_fd == NULL) { LOG_D(OPT, "Failed to open file \"%s\" for writing\n", in_path); return (-1); } /* Write the file header */ fwrite(&file_header, sizeof(pcap_hdr_t), 1, file_fd); break; case OPT_TSHARK: LOG_W(OPT, "Tshark is currently not supported\n"); opt_type = OPT_NONE; break; default: opt_type = OPT_NONE; LOG_W(OPT, "supported Option\n"); break; } if ( opt_type == OPT_WIRESHARK ) LOG_G(OPT,"mode Wireshark: ip %s port %d\n", in_ip, in_port); else if (opt_type == OPT_PCAP) LOG_G(OPT,"mode PCAB : path is %s \n",in_path); else LOG_G(OPT,"Unsupported or unknown mode %d \n", opt_type); // mac_info = (mac_info*)malloc16(sizeof(mac_lte_info)); // memset(mac_info, 0, sizeof(mac_lte_info)+pdu_buffer_size + 8); return (1); } void terminate_opt(void) { /* Close local socket */ // free(mac_info); if (opt_type != OPT_NONE) { pthread_cancel(opt_listener.thread); } switch (opt_type) { case OPT_WIRESHARK: close(g_socksd); g_socksd = -1; break; case OPT_PCAP: fclose (file_fd); file_fd = NULL; break; default: break; } }