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Source      esmData.h

Version     0.1

Date        2012/12/04

Product     NAS stack

Subsystem   EPS Session Management

Author      Frederic Maurel

Description Defines internal private data handled by EPS Session
        Management sublayer.

#include <stdio.h>  // sprintf

#include "networkDef.h"
#include "OctetString.h"
#include "EpsBearerIdentity.h"

#ifndef __ESMDATA_H__
#define __ESMDATA_H__

/*********************  G L O B A L    C O N S T A N T S  *******************/

/* Total number of active EPS bearers */

/************************  G L O B A L    T Y P E S  ************************/

 * Minimal and maximal value of an EPS bearer identity:
 * The EPS Bearer Identity (EBI) identifies a message flow

/* EPS bearer context states */
typedef enum {
  ESM_EBR_INACTIVE,       /* No EPS bearer context exists     */
  ESM_EBR_ACTIVE,     /* The EPS bearer context is active,
                 * in the UE, in the network        */
} esm_ebr_state;

 * -----------------------
 * EPS bearer context data
 * -----------------------
typedef struct esm_ebr_context_s {
  unsigned char ebi;      /* EPS bearer identity          */
  esm_ebr_state status;   /* EPS bearer context status        */
  int is_default_ebr;     /* TRUE if the bearer context is associated
                 * to a default EPS bearer      */
  char cid;           /* Identifier of the PDN context the EPS
                 * bearer context has been assigned to  */
} esm_ebr_context_t;

typedef struct esm_ebr_data_s {
  unsigned char index;    /* Index of the next EPS bearer context
                 * identity to be used */
  esm_ebr_context_t *context[ESM_EBR_DATA_SIZE + 1];
} esm_ebr_data_t;

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Structure of data handled by EPS Session Management sublayer in the UE
 * and in the MME
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Structure of an EPS bearer
 * --------------------------
 * An EPS bearer is a logical concept which applies to the connection
 * between two endpoints (UE and PDN Gateway) with specific QoS attri-
 * butes. An EPS bearer corresponds to one Quality of Service policy
 * applied within the EPC and E-UTRAN.
typedef struct esm_bearer_s {
  int bid;        /* Identifier of the EPS bearer         */
  unsigned int ebi;   /* EPS bearer identity              */
  network_qos_t qos;  /* EPS bearer level QoS parameters      */
  network_tft_t tft;  /* Traffic Flow Template for packet filtering   */
} esm_bearer_t;

 * Structure of a PDN connection
 * -----------------------------
 * A PDN connection is the association between a UE represented by
 * one IPv4 address and/or one IPv6 prefix and a PDN represented by
 * an Access Point Name (APN).
typedef struct esm_pdn_s {
  unsigned int pti;   /* Identity of the procedure transaction executed
             * to activate the PDN connection entry     */
  int is_emergency;   /* Emergency bearer services indicator      */
  OctetString apn;    /* Access Point Name currently in used      */
  int ambr;       /* Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate of this APN   */
  int type;       /* Address PDN type (IPv4, IPv6, IPv4v6)    */
  /* IPv4 PDN address and/or IPv6 prefix      */
  char ip_addr[ESM_DATA_IP_ADDRESS_SIZE+1];
  int addr_realloc;   /* Indicates whether the UE is allowed to subsequently
             * request another PDN connectivity to the same APN
             * using an address PDN type (IPv4 or IPv6) other
             * than the one already activated       */
  int n_bearers;  /* Number of allocated EPS bearers;
             * default EPS bearer is defined at index 0 */
  esm_bearer_t *bearer[ESM_DATA_EPS_BEARER_MAX];
} esm_pdn_t;

 * Structure of the ESM data
 * -------------------------
 * The EPS Session Management sublayer handles data related to PDN
 * connections and EPS bearers. Each active PDN connection has a de-
 * fault EPS bearer. Several dedicated EPS bearers may exist within
 * a PDN connection.
typedef struct esm_data_context_s {
  unsigned int ue_id;

  int n_ebrs;     /* Total number of active EPS bearer contexts   */
  int n_pdns;     /* Number of active PDN connections     */
  int emergency;  /* Indicates whether a PDN connection for emergency
             * bearer services is established       */
#define ESM_DATA_PDN_MAX    4
  struct {
    int pid;     /* Identifier of the PDN connection        */
    int is_active;   /* TRUE/FALSE if the PDN connection is active/inactive
              * or the process to activate/deactivate the PDN
              * connection is in progress           */
    esm_pdn_t *data; /* Active PDN connection data          */
  } pdn[ESM_DATA_PDN_MAX+1];

  esm_ebr_data_t ebr;
} esm_data_context_t;

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  ESM internal data handled by EPS Session Management sublayer in the UE
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Structure of the ESM data
 * -------------------------
typedef esm_data_context_t esm_data_t;

/********************  G L O B A L    V A R I A B L E S  ********************/

 * ESM internal data (used within ESM only)
 * ----------------------------------------
esm_data_t _esm_data;

/******************  E X P O R T E D    F U N C T I O N S  ******************/

extern char ip_addr_str[100];

extern char *esm_data_get_ipv4_addr(const OctetString *ip_addr);

extern char *esm_data_get_ipv6_addr(const OctetString *ip_addr);

extern char *esm_data_get_ipv4v6_addr(const OctetString *ip_addr);

#endif /* __ESMDATA_H__*/