
  Eurecom OpenAirInterface
  Copyright(c) 1999 - 2011 Eurecom

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
  more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
  this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
  51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

  The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in
  the file called "COPYING".

  Contact Information
  Openair Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr
  Openair Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr
  Forums       : http://forums.eurecom.fsr/openairinterface
  Address      : Eurecom, 2229, route des crĂȘtes, 06560 Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, France


/*! \file otg_tx.h
* \brief Data structure and functions for OTG 
* \author N. Nikaein and A. Hafsaoui
* \date 2011
* \version 1.0
* \company Eurecom
* \email: openair_tech@eurecom.fr
* \note
* \warning

#ifndef __OTG_TX_H__
#	define __OTG_TX_H__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "otg.h"
//#include "COMMON/platform_constants.h"

/*! \fn int time_dist(int src, int dst, int state)
* \brief compute Inter Departure Time, in ms
* \param[in] Source, destination, state
* \param[out] Inter Departure Time 
* \note 
* @ingroup  _otg
int time_dist(int src, int dst, int application, int state);

/*! \fn int size_dist(int src, int dst, int state)
* \brief compute the payload size, in bytes 
* \param[in] Source, node_dst, state
* \param[out] size of the payload, in bytes
* \note 
* @ingroup  _otg
int size_dist(int src, int dst, int application, int state);

/*! \fn char *random_string(int size, ALPHABET_GEN mode, ALPHABET_TYPE data_type);
* \brief return a random string[size]
* \param[in] size  of the string to generate, 
* \param[in] ALPHABET_GEN  : static or random string
* \param[in] ALPHABET_TYPE : numeric or letters + numeric
* \param[out] string of a random char
* \note 
* @ingroup  _otg
char * random_string(int size, ALPHABET_GEN mode, ALPHABET_TYPE data_type);
//char *random_string(int size, ALPHABET data_type, char *data_string);

/*! \fn int packet_gen(int src, int dst, int state, int ctime)
* \brief return int= 1 if the packet is generated: OTG header + header + payload, else 0
* \param[in] src source identity 
* \param[in] dst destination id 
* \param[in] application id that might generate the packet
* \param[out] final packet size 
* \param[out] packet_t: the generated packet: otg_header + header + payload
* \note 
* @ingroup  _otg
unsigned char *packet_gen(int src, int dst, int app, int ctime, unsigned int *pkt_size);

/*! \fn int packet_gen(int src, int dst, int state, int ctime)
* \brief return int= 1 if the packet is generated: OTG header + header + payload, else 0
* \param[in] src source identity
* \param[in] dst destination id
* \param[in] application id that might generate the packet
* \param[out] final packet size
* \param[out] packet_t: the generated packet: otg_header + header + payload
* \note
* @ingroup  _otg
unsigned char *packet_gen_multicast(int src, int dst, int ctime, unsigned int * pkt_size);

/*! \fn char *header_gen(int  hdr_size);
* \brief generate IP (v4/v6) + transport header(TCP/UDP) 
* \param[in] int : size 
* \param[out] the payload corresponding to ip version and transport protocol
* \note 
* @ingroup  _otg
unsigned char *header_gen(int hdr_size);

/*! \fn char *payload_pkts(int payload_size);
* \brief generate the payload
* \param[in] int : payload size  
* \param[out] char * payload
* \note 
* @ingroup  _otg
unsigned char *payload_pkts(int payload_size);

/*! \fn 
char * serialize_buffer(char* header, char* payload, unsigned int buffer_size, int flag, int flow_id, int ctime, int seq_num, int hdr_type, int state)
* \brief serilize the packet and add otg control information
* \param[in] char* header pointer to the header
* \param[in] char* payload pointer to the payload
* \param[in] buffer_size size of the serilized tx buffer
* \param[in] flag for regular and background traffic 
* \param[in] flow_id 
* \param[in] ctime time of the transmission 
* \param[in] seq_num sequence number of the packet used to calculate the loss rate
* \param[in] hdr_type indicatting the ip protocol version and transport protocol
* \param[in] state indicate in which state (PU, ED, PE) the packet is generated when generating M2M traffic 
flow id, simulation time, , sequence number, header type (to know the transport/ip version in the RX)  
* \param[out] tx_buffer the serilized packet
* @ingroup  _otg

unsigned char * serialize_buffer(char* header, char* payload, unsigned int buffer_size, int traffic_type, int flag, int flow_id, int ctime, int seq_num, int hdr_type, int state, unsigned int aggregation_level);

/*! \fn int adjust_size(int size);
* \brief adjuste the generated packet size when size<min or size>max   
* \param[in]  size  
* \param[out] modified size in case
* \note 
* @ingroup  _otg
int adjust_size(int size);

/*! \fn int header_size_genint src();
* \brief return the header size corresponding to ip version and transport protocol  
* \param[in]  the sender (src)
* \param[out] size of packet header 
* \note 
* @ingroup  _otg
void header_size_gen(int src, int dst, int application);

void init_predef_multicast_traffic();

/*! \fn void init_predef_traffic();
* \brief initialise OTG with predifined value for pre-configured traffic: cbr, openarena,etc. 
* \param[in]  
* \param[out] 
* \note 
* @ingroup  _otg
void init_predef_traffic(unsigned char nb_ue_local, unsigned char nb_enb_local);

/*! \fn int background_gen(int src, int dst, int ctime);
* \brief manage idt and packet size for the backgrounf traffic. 
* \param[in] src
* \param[in] dst
* \param[in] ctime
* \param[out] 
* \note 
* @ingroup  _otg
int background_gen(int src, int dst, int ctime);

int header_size_gen_background(int src, int dst);

void state_management(int src, int dst,int application, int ctime);

void voip_traffic(int src, int dst, int application, int ctime);

int otg_hdr_size(int src, int dst);

void init_packet_gen(int src, int dst, int ctime);

int check_data_transmit(int src,int dst, int app, int ctime); 

unsigned int get_application_state(int src, int dst, int application, int ctime);

void check_ctime(int ctime);
