################################################################################ # OpenAirInterface # Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom # # OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) anylater version. # # # OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is # included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not, # see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # Contact Information # OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr # OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr # OpenAirInterface Dev : openair4g-devel@eurecom.fr # # Address : Eurecom, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes, CS 50193 - 06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex, FRANCE # ################################################################################ # file build_oai.bash # brief OAI automated build tool that can be used to install, compile, run OAI. # author Navid Nikaein # company Eurecom # email: navid.nikaein@eurecom.fr # #!/bin/bash ################################ # include helper functions ################################ THIS_SCRIPT_PATH=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0)) . $THIS_SCRIPT_PATH/build_helper.bash check_for_root_rights ####################################### # Default PARAMETERS ###################################### #only one could be set at the time declare BUILD_LTE="ENB" # ENB, EPC, HSS, NONE declare HW="EXMIMO" # EXMIMO, USRP, ETHERNET, NONE declare TARGET="ALL" # ALL, SOFTMODEM, OAISIM, UNISIM, NONE declare ENB_S1=1 declare REL="REL8" # REL8, REL10 declare RT="NONE" # RTAI, RT_PREMPT or RT_DISABLED, NONE declare DEBUG=0 declare CONFIG_FILE="" declare EXE_ARGUMENTS="" declare RUN_GDB=0 declare DISABLE_CHECK_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE=0 declare OAI_TEST=0 declare XFORMS=0 # script is not currently handling these params declare EPC=0 # flag to build EPC declare ITTI_ANALYZER=0 declare VCD_TIMING=0 declare WIRESHARK=0 declare TIME_MEAS=0 declare DOXYGEN=0 declare DEV=0 EMULATION_DEV_INTERFACE="eth0" EMULATION_MULTICAST_GROUP=1 EMULATION_DEV_ADDRESS=`ifconfig $EMULATION_DEV_INTERFACE | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'` ############## script params ##################### if [ -f ./.lock_oaibuild ]; then OAI_CLEAN=0 else OAI_CLEAN=1 fi #for i in "$@" #do # echo "i is : $i" # case $i in while true; do case "$1" in -a | --doxygen) DOXYGEN=1 echo "setting doxygen flag to: $DOXYGEN" shift; ;; -b | --disable-s1) ENB_S1=0 echo "disable eNB S1 flag" shift; ;; -c | --clean) rm -rf ./.lock_oaibuild OAI_CLEAN=1 echo "setting clean flag to: $OAI_CLEAN" echo "may check package installation, and recompile OAI" shift; ;; -C | --config-file) CONFIG_FILE=$2 echo "setting config file to: $CONFIG_FILE" EXE_ARGUMENTS ="$EXE_ARGUMENTS -O $CONFIG_FILE" shift 2; ;; -d | --debug) DEBUG=1 echo "setting debug flag to: $DEBUG" shift; ;; -D | --disable-check-installed-software) DISABLE_CHECK_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE=1 echo "disable check installed software" shift; ;; -e | --realtime) RT="$2" echo "setting realtime flag to: $RT" shift 2 ; ;; -g | --run-with-gdb) DEBUG=1 RUN_GDB=1 echo "Running with gdb" shift 2 ; ;; -K | --itti-dump-file) ITTI_ANALYZER=1 ITTI_DUMP_FILE=$2 echo "setting ITTI dump file to: $ITTI_DUMP_FILE" EXE_ARGUMENTS="$EXE_ARGUMENTS -K $ITTI_DUMP_FILE" shift 2; ;; -l | --build-target) BUILD_LTE="$2" echo "setting top-level build target to: $2" shift 2; ;; -h | --help) print_help exit -1 ;; -m | --build-from-makefile) BUILD_FROM_MAKEFILE=1 set_build_from_makefile $BUILD_FROM_MAKEFILE echo "setting a flag to build from makefile to: $BUILD_FROM_MAKEFILE" shift; ;; -r | --3gpp-release) REL="$2" echo "setting release to: $REL" shift 2 ; ;; -s | --check) OAI_TEST=1 echo "setting sanity check to: $OAI_TEST" shift; ;; -t | --enb-build-target) TARGET="$2" echo "setting target to: $TARGET" shift 2; ;; -V | --vcd) echo "setting gtk-wave output" VCD_TIMING=1 EXE_ARGUMENTS="$EXE_ARGUMENTS -V" shift ; ;; -w | --hardware) HW="$2" #"${i#*=}" echo "setting hardware to: $HW" shift 2 ; ;; -x | --xforms) XFORMS=1 echo "setting xforms to: $XFORMS" shift; ;; -z | --defaults) echo "setting all parameters to: default" rm -rf ./.lock_oaibuild OAI_CLEAN=1 HW="EXMIMO" TARGET="ALL" ENB_S1=1 REL="REL8" RT="NONE" DEBUG=0 ENB_CONFIG_FILE=$OPENAIR_TARGETS/"PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.conf" OAI_TEST=0 shift ; ;; ' ') shift ; ;; *) echo "Unknown option $1" break ; # unknown option ;; esac done ##################### # create a bin dir ##################### echo_info "1. Creating the bin dir ..." rm -rf bin mkdir -m 777 -p bin build_date=`date +%Y_%m_%d` oai_build_date="oai_built_${build_date}" touch bin/${oai_build_date} touch bin/install_log.txt ################################ # cleanup first ################################ #echo_info "3. Cleaning ..." #$SUDO kill -9 `ps -ef | grep oaisim | awk '{print $2}'` 2>&1 #$SUDO kill -9 `ps -ef | grep lte-softmodem | awk '{print $2}'` 2>&1 #$SUDO kill -9 `ps -ef | grep dlsim | awk '{print $2}'` 2>&1 #$SUDO kill -9 `ps -ef | grep ulsim | awk '{print $2}'` 2>&1 ############################################ # setting and printing OAI envs, we should check here ############################################ echo_info "2. Setting the OAI PATHS ..." set_openair_env cecho "OPENAIR_HOME = $OPENAIR_HOME" $green cecho "OPENAIR1_DIR = $OPENAIR1_DIR" $green cecho "OPENAIR2_DIR = $OPENAIR2_DIR" $green cecho "OPENAIR3_DIR = $OPENAIR3_DIR" $green cecho "OPENAIRCN_DIR = $OPENAIRCN_DIR" $green cecho "OPENAIR_TARGETS = $OPENAIR_TARGETS" $green echo "OPENAIR_HOME = $OPENAIR_HOME" >> bin/${oai_build_date} echo "OPENAIR1_DIR = $OPENAIR1_DIR" >> bin/${oai_build_date} echo "OPENAIR2_DIR = $OPENAIR2_DIR" >> bin/${oai_build_date} echo "OPENAIR3_DIR = $OPENAIR3_DIR" >> bin/${oai_build_date} echo "OPENAIRCN_DIR = $OPENAIRCN_DIR" >> bin/${oai_build_date} echo "OPENAIR_TARGETS = $OPENAIR_TARGETS" >> bin/${oai_build_date} build_enb(){ ########################################## # process parameters ######################################### echo_info "4. Process the parameters" echo_info "User-defined Parameters : HW=$HW, TARGET=$TARGET, ENB_S1=$ENB_S1, REL=$REL, RT=$RT, DEBUG=$DEBUG XFORMS=$XFORMS" echo "User-defined Parameters : HW=$HW, TARGET=$TARGET, ENB_S1=$ENB_S1, REL=$REL, RT=$RT, DEBUG=$DEBUG XFORMS=$XFORMS" >> bin/${oai_build_date} ############################################ # compilation directives ############################################ echo_info "5. building the compilation directives ..." SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="DEBUG=$DEBUG XFORMS=$XFORMS " OAISIM_DIRECTIVES="DEBUG=$DEBUG XFORMS=$XFORMS " if [ $ENB_S1 = 1 ]; then SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES USE_MME=R10 ENABLE_ITTI=1 LINK_PDCP_TO_GTPV1U=1 SECU=1 " OAISIM_DIRECTIVES="$OAISIM_DIRECTIVES USE_MME=R10 ENABLE_ITTI=1 LINK_PDCP_TO_GTPV1U=1 SECU=1 " fi if [ $DEBUG = 0 ]; then SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES DISABLE_XER_PRINT=1 " OAISIM_DIRECTIVES="$OAISIM_DIRECTIVES DISABLE_XER_PRINT=1 " fi if [ $HW = "USRP" ]; then SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES USRP=1 " fi if [ $HW = "EXMIMO" ]; then SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES EXMIMO=1 " fi if [ $HW = "ETHERNET" ]; then SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES ETHERNET=1 " fi if [ $ENB_S1 -eq 0 ]; then SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES NAS=1 " OAISIM_DIRECTIVES="$OAISIM_DIRECTIVES NAS=1 " fi if [ $REL = "REL8" ]; then SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES Rel8=1 " OAISIM_DIRECTIVES="$OAISIM_DIRECTIVES Rel8=1 " else SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES Rel10=1 " OAISIM_DIRECTIVES="$OAISIM_DIRECTIVES Rel10=1 " fi if [ $RT = "RTAI" ]; then if [ ! -f /usr/realtime/modules/rtai_hal.ko ]; then echo_warning "RTAI doesn't seem to be installed" RT="NONE" SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES RTAI=0 " else SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES HARD_RT=1 " fi else SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES RTAI=0 " RT="NONE" fi if [ $TARGET != "ALL" ]; then if [ $TARGET != "SOFTMODEM" ]; then HW="NONE" fi fi if [ $UBUNTU_REL = "12.04" ]; then output=$(check_for_machine_type 2>&1) MACHINE_ARCH=$? if [ $MACHINE_ARCH -eq 64 ]; then SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES="$SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES LIBCONFIG_LONG=1 " OAISIM_DIRECTIVES="$OASIM_DIRECTIVES LIBCONFIG_LONG=1 " fi fi echo_success "SOFTMODEM Compilation directives: $SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES" echo_success "OAISIM Compilation directives: $OAISIM_DIRECTIVES" echo "SOFTMODEM Compilation directives: $SOFTMODEM_DIRECTIVES" >> bin/${oai_build_date} echo "OAISIM Compilation directive: $OAISIM_DIRECTIVES" >> bin/${oai_build_date} ############################################ # check the installation ############################################ if [ $DISABLE_CHECK_INSTALLED_SOFTWARE -eq 0 ]; then echo_info "6. Checking the the required softwares/packages ..." check_install_oai_software if [ $HW = "USRP" ]; then check_install_usrp_uhd_driver fi check_install_asn1c check_install_nettle else echo_info "6. Not checking the required softwares/packages ..." fi ############################################ # compile ############################################ echo_info "7. compiling and installing the OAI binaries ..." softmodem_compiled=1 oaisim_compiled=1 unisim_compiled=1 if [ $TARGET = "ALL" ]; then echo "############# compile_ltesoftmodem #############" >> bin/install_log.txt output=$(compile_ltesoftmodem >> bin/install_log.txt 2>&1 ) softmodem_compiled=$? check_for_ltesoftmodem_executable echo_info "7.1 finished ltesoftmodem target : check the installation log file bin/install_log.txt" echo "################ compile_oaisim #################" >> bin/install_log.txt output=$(compile_oaisim >> bin/install_log.txt 2>&1 ) oaisim_compiled=$? check_for_oaisim_executable echo_info "7.2 finished oaisim target : check the installation log file bin/install_log.txt" echo "################## compile_unisim ##################" >> bin/install_log.txt output=$(compile_unisim >> bin/install_log.txt 2>&1 ) unisim_compiled=$? check_for_dlsim_executable check_for_ulsim_executable check_for_pucchsim_executable check_for_prachsim_executable check_for_pdcchsim_executable check_for_pbchsim_executable check_for_mbmssim_executable echo_info "7.3 finished unisim target : check the installation log file bin/install_log.txt" else if [ $TARGET = "SOFTMODEM" ]; then echo "############# compile_ltesoftmodem #############" >> bin/install_log.txt output=$(compile_ltesoftmodem >> bin/install_log.txt 2>&1 ) softmodem_compiled=$? check_for_ltesoftmodem_executable echo_info "7.1 finished ltesoftmodem target: check the installation log file bin/install_log.txt" if [ $HW = "EXMIMO" ]; then compile_exmimo2_driver fi fi if [ $TARGET = "OAISIM" ]; then echo "################ compile_oaisim #################" >> bin/install_log.txt output=$(compile_oaisim >> bin/install_log.txt 2>&1 ) oaisim_compiled=$? check_for_oaisim_executable echo_info "7.2 finished oaisim target: check the installation log file bin/install_log.txt" fi if [ $TARGET = "UNISIM" ]; then echo "################## compile_unisim ##################" >> bin/install_log.txt output=$(compile_unisim >> bin/install_log.txt 2>&1 ) unisim_compiled=$? check_for_dlsim_executable check_for_ulsim_executable check_for_pucchsim_executable check_for_prachsim_executable check_for_pdcchsim_executable check_for_pbchsim_executable check_for_mbmssim_executable echo_info "7.3 finished unisim target: check the installation log file bin/install_log.txt" fi fi ############################################ # install ############################################ echo_info "8. Installing ..." if [ $softmodem_compiled = 0 ]; then echo_success "target lte-softmodem built and installed in the bin directory" echo "target lte-softmodem built and installed in the bin directory" >> bin/${oai_build_date} output=$(install_ltesoftmodem $RT $HW $ENB_S1 ) fi if [ $oaisim_compiled = 0 ]; then echo_success "target oaisim built and installed in the bin directory" echo "target oaisim built and installed in the bin directory" >> bin/${oai_build_date} output=$(install_oaisim $ENB_S1 ) fi if [ $unisim_compiled = 0 ]; then echo_success "target unisim built and installed in the bin directory" echo "target unisim built and installed in the bin directory" >> bin/${oai_build_date} fi echo_info "build terminated, binaries are located in bin/" echo_info "build terminated, logs are located in bin/${oai_build_date} and bin/install_log.txt" } build_epc(){ epc_compiled=1 echo_info "Note: this scripts works only for Ubuntu 12.04" ###################################### # CHECK MISC SOFTWARES AND LIBS # ###################################### echo_info "4. check the required packages for HSS" check_install_epc_software check_install_asn1c if [ $OAI_CLEAN = 1 ]; then check_install_freediamter else if [ ! -d /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter ]; then check_install_freediamter fi fi check_s6a_certificate ########################################### # configure and compile ########################################## echo_info "5. configure and compile epc" output=$(compile_epc $OAI_CLEAN >> bin/install_log.txt 2>&1 ) epc_compiled=$? check_for_epc_executable echo_info "finished epc target: check the installation log file bin/install_log.txt" ########################################### # install the binary in bin ########################################## echo_info "6. install the binary file" if [ $epc_compiled = 0 ]; then echo_success "target epc built and installed in the bin directory" echo "target epc built and installed in the bin directory" >> bin/${oai_build_date} cp -f $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/epc.generic.conf $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin cp -f $OPENAIRCN_DIR/objs/UTILS/CONF/s6a.conf $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin fi ###################################### # run ###################################### echo_info "7. run EPC (check the bin/epc.generic.conf params)" cd bin/ $SUDO ./oai_epc -c ./epc.generic.conf -K /tmp/itti.log } build_hss(){ hss_compiled=1 echo_info "Note: this scripts works only for Ubuntu 12.04" ###################################### # CHECK MISC SOFTWARES AND LIBS # ###################################### echo_info "4. check the required packages for HSS" hss_certificate_generated=1; check_install_hss_software if [ $OAI_CLEAN = 1 ]; then check_install_freediamter else if [ ! -d /usr/local/etc/freeDiameter ]; then check_install_freediamter fi fi $(make_certs >> bin/install_log.txt 2>&1) output=$(check_s6a_certificate >> bin/install_log.txt 2>&1) hss_certificate_generated=$? ###################################### # compile HSS # ###################################### echo_info "5. compile HSS" output=$(compile_hss $OAI_CLEAN >> bin/install_log.txt 2>&1 ) hss_compiled=$? check_for_hss_executable echo_info "finished hss target: check the installation log file bin/install_log.txt" ###################################### # fill the HSS DB ###################################### echo_info "6. create HSS database (for EURECOM SIM CARDS)" hss_db_created=1 USER="hssadmin" PW="" output=$(create_hss_database $USER $PW ) hss_db_created=$? if [ $hss_db_created = 0 ]; then echo_warning "hss DB not created" fi ###################################### # install hss ###################################### echo_info "7. install the binary file" if [ $hss_compiled = 0 ]; then echo_success "target hss built, DB created and installed in the bin directory" echo "target hss built, DB created, and installed in the bin directory" >> bin/${oai_build_date} cp -rf $OPENAIRCN_DIR/OPENAIRHSS/conf $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin $SUDO cp $OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin/conf/hss_fd.local.conf /etc/openair-hss fi ###################################### # LAUNCH HSS # ###################################### echo_info "8. run hss in bin/: ./openair-hss -c conf/hss.local.conf" cd bin ./openair-hss -c conf/hss.local.conf } ############################################ # set the build ############################################ echo_info "3. set the top-level build target" case "$BUILD_LTE" in 'ENB') echo_success "build LTE eNB" build_enb ;; 'EPC') echo_warning "build EPC(MME and xGW): Experimental" build_epc ;; 'HSS') echo_warning "build HSS: Experimental" build_hss ;; 'NONE') ;; *) echo_error "Unknown option $BUILD_LTE: do not build" ;; esac # Additional operation ############################################ # Generate doxygen documentation ############################################ if [ $DOXYGEN = 1 ]; then echo_info "9. Generate doxygen documentation ..." doxygen $OPENAIR_TARGETS/DOCS/Doxyfile echo_info "9.1 use your navigator to open $OPENAIR_TARGETS/DOCS/html/index.html " else echo_info "9. Bypassing doxygen documentation ..." fi ############################################ # testing ############################################ if [ $OAI_TEST = 1 ]; then echo_info "10. Testing ..." python $OPENAIR_TARGETS/TEST/OAI/test01.py else echo_info "10. Bypassing the Tests ..." fi ############################################ # run ############################################ echo_info "11. Running ... To be done" if [ $TARGET = "SOFTMODEM" ]; then if [ $HW = "EXMIMO" ]; then bash $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER/init_exmimo2.sh fi echo "############# running ltesoftmodem #############" $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER/lte-softmodem cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER;bash ./init_exmimo2.sh; if [ $RUN_GDB -eq 0 ]; then $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER/lte-softmodem "$EXE_ARGUMENTS" else touch ~/.gdb_lte_softmodem echo "file $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER/lte-softmodem" > ~/.gdb_lte_softmodem echo "set args $EXE_ARGUMENTS" >> ~/.gdb_lte_softmodem echo "run" >> ~/.gdb_lte_softmodem gdb -nh -x ~/.gdb_lte_softmodem 2>&1 fi fi