#/* # * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more # * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under # * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file # * except in compliance with the License. # * You may obtain a copy of the License at # * # * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 # * # * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # * limitations under the License. # *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: # * contact@openairinterface.org # */ ################################################################################ # file build_oai.bash # brief apply a traffic generator, send traffic and measure the performance of OAI # OTG is mainly used for OASIM and D-ITG (or iperf) for LTE-SOFTMODEM # author Navid Nikaein # company Eurecom # email: navid.nikaein@eurecom.fr # date 2015 #!/bin/bash ################################ # include helper functions ################################ THIS_SCRIPT_PATH=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0)) . $THIS_SCRIPT_PATH/build_helper.bash check_for_root_rights ####################################### # Default PARAMETERS ###################################### #general declare PERF_APP="PING" # ITG, ITG_DECODE, PING, OTG, declare TEST_MODE=0 declare KEEP_LOG_FILESNUM_PKTS=0 declare OWD="rttm" declare DURATION=60000 # ms declare NUM_PKTS=10000 declare KBYTES=1000 # KBYTES declare START=0 declare DST="" declare DPORT="8999" declare TP="UDP" declare IDT_DIST="CONSTANT" declare PS_DIST="CONSTANT" #IDT declare RATE=1000 # pkt / s declare MIN_RATE=100 declare MAX_RATE=1000 ############## script params ##################### until [ -z "$1" ] do case "$1" in -c | --test) TEST_MODE=1; echo_info "enabling the test mode" shift; ;; -l | --perf-app) PERF_APP=$2 echo_info "Setting the performance evaluation APP to $PERF_APP" if [ $PERF_APP = "DITG" ]; then echo_info "you need to run " fi shift 2; ;; -m | --owd) OWD="owdm" echo_info "setting D-ITG one-way-delay meter" shift; ;; -e | --duration) DURATION=$2 echo_info "Setting the traffic duration to $DURATION" shift 2; ;; -n | --num-pkts) NUM_PKTS=$2 echo_info "Setting number of packets to $NUM_PKTS" shift 2; ;; -k | --keep-log-file) KEEP_LOG_FILESNUM_PKTS=1 echo_info "Keep the log files" shift; ;; -i | --idt-dist) IDT_DIST=$2 echo_info "setting IDT distribution to $IDT_DIST" shift 2; ;; -s | --ps-dist) PS_DIST=$2 echo_info "setting PS distribution to $PS_DIST" shift 2; ;; -d | --dst) DST=$2 echo_info "setting the destination address to $DST" shift 2; ;; -p | --dst-port) DPORT=$2 echo_info "setting the destination port to $DPORT" shift 2; ;; -h | --help) print_help_perf exit -1 ;; *) echo "Unknown option $1" break ; # unknown option ;; esac done ##################### # create a bin dir ##################### echo_info "1. Creating the results dir ..." #rm -rf results mkdir -m 777 -p results exp_date=`date +%Y_%m_%d` exp_time=`date +%H_%M_%S` oai_exp_date="exp_date_${exp_date}" touch results/${oai_exp_date} touch results/perf_log.txt chmod -f 777 results/perf_log.txt echo "start experiment at date $exp_date time $exp_time " >> results/${oai_exp_date} ############################################ # setting and printing OAI envs, we should check here ############################################ echo_info "2. Setting the OAI PATHS ..." set_openair_env cecho "OPENAIR_HOME = $OPENAIR_HOME" $green cecho "OPENAIR1_DIR = $OPENAIR1_DIR" $green cecho "OPENAIR2_DIR = $OPENAIR2_DIR" $green cecho "OPENAIR3_DIR = $OPENAIR3_DIR" $green cecho "OPENAIR3_DIR = $OPENAIR3_DIR" $green cecho "OPENAIR_TARGETS = $OPENAIR_TARGETS" $green echo "OPENAIR_HOME = $OPENAIR_HOME" >> results/${oai_exp_date} echo "OPENAIR1_DIR = $OPENAIR1_DIR" >> results/${oai_exp_date} echo "OPENAIR2_DIR = $OPENAIR2_DIR" >> results/${oai_exp_date} echo "OPENAIR3_DIR = $OPENAIR3_DIR" >> results/${oai_exp_date} echo "OPENAIR3_DIR = $OPENAIR3_DIR" >> results/${oai_exp_date} echo "OPENAIR_TARGETS = $OPENAIR_TARGETS" >> results/${oai_exp_date} ################################ # run ITGSEND ################################ itg_send(){ test_install_package d-itg LOG_FILE="itg_log_template.txt" touch results/${LOG_FILE} if [ $TEST_MODE = 0 ] ; then declare -a PS=(32 64 128 256 512 1024 1408) declare -a IDT=(1 5 10 50 100 1000) else declare -a PS=(32 64) declare -a IDT=(1) fi declare PS_LEN=${#PS[@]} declare IDT_LEN=${#IDT[@]} #echo_info "PS_LEN is $PS_LEN, IDT_LEN is $IDT_LEN" declare i=0 declare j=0 declare e=0 # send traffic for idt in ${IDT[@]}; do # echo_info "IDT is set to $idt i is $i" if [ $i -lt $IDT_LEN ]; then let i++; fi if [ $IDT_DIST = "CONSTANT" ]; then IDT_OPT="-C $idt " fi if [ $IDT_DIST = "UNIFORM" ]; then IDT_OPT="-U $idt ${IDT[i]} " fi if [ $IDT_DIST = "EXPONENTIAL" ]; then IDT_OPT="-E $idt " fi for ps in ${PS[@]}; do # echo_info "PS is $ps j is $j" if [ $j -lt $PS_LEN ]; then let j++; fi if [ $PS_DIST = "CONSTANT" ]; then PS_OPT="-c $ps " fi if [ $PS_DIST = "UNIFORM" ]; then PS_OPT="-u $ps ${PS[j]} " fi if [ $PS_DIST = "EXPONENTIAL" ]; then PS_OPT="-e $ps " fi start=$(date +%s) RECV_FILE="recv_log_${IDT_DIST}_idt${idt}_${PS_DIST}_ps${ps}_${OWD}_${TP}" echo_info "Start test_$i.$j:: ITGSend -a $DST $IDT_OPT $PS_OPT -m $OWD -d $START -T $TP -t $DURATION -x $RECV_FILE -l " echo "Start test_$i.$j:: ITGSend -a $DST $IDT_OPT $PS_OPT -m $OWD -d $START -T $TP -t $DURATION -x $RECV_FILE -l " >> results/${oai_exp_date} #sleep 1 ITGSend -a $DST $IDT_OPT $PS_OPT -m $OWD -d $START -T $TP -t $DURATION -x $RECV_FILE -l itg_status=$? end=$(date +%s) diff=$(( $end - $start )) if [ $itg_status = 0 ] ; then echo_success "[$end] test_$i.$j passed" echo "[$end] test_$i.$j passed" >> ./results/$LOG_FILE STATUS="PASSED" else let e++; echo_error "[$end] test_$i.$j failed :: D-ITG return exit code $itg_status" echo "[$end]test_$i.$j failed :: ITG return exit code $itg_status" >> ./results/$LOG_FILE STATUS="FAILED" fi echo_info "End test_$i.$j:: runtime: $diff" echo "End test_$i.$j:: runtime: $diff" >> results/${oai_exp_date} done done } itg_decode(){ declare i=0 declare j=0 if [ $TEST_MODE = 0 ] ; then declare -a PS=(32 64 128 256 512 1024 1408) declare -a IDT=(1 5 10 50 100 1000) else declare -a PS=(32 64) declare -a IDT=(1) fi for idt in ${IDT[@]}; do for ps in ${PS[@]}; do RECV_FILE="recv_log_${IDT_DIST}_idt${idt}_${PS_DIST}_ps${ps}_${OWD}_${TP}" OUTPUT_FILE="results_${IDT_DIST}_idt${idt}_${PS_DIST}_ps${ps}_${OWD}_${TP}.txt" OCTAVE_FILE="results_${IDT_DIST}_idt${idt}_${PS_DIST}_ps${ps}_${OWD}_${TP}.." echo_info "decode test_$i.$j: ITGDec $RECV_FILE -v -t -l $OUTPUT_FILE -o $OCTAVE_FILE" ITGDec $RECV_FILE -v -t -l $OUTPUT_FILE done done } ping_stats(){ status="failed" failedhosts="" # add ip / hostname separated by white space if [ $TEST_MODE = 0 ]; then declare COUNT=100 declare -a HOSTS=($DST) declare -a PS=(64 768 2048 4096 8192) declare -a IDT=(1 .8 .4 .2) else declare COUNT=10 declare -a HOSTS=(localhost) declare -a PS=(64 2048) declare -a IDT=(.5) fi declare i=0 declare j=0 declare k=0 start_exp=$(date +%s) for host in ${HOSTS[@]}; do let i++; let j=0; OUTPUT_FILE="rtt_host${host}.csv" touch results/${OUTPUT_FILE} for idt in ${IDT[@]}; do let j++; let k=0; for ps in ${PS[@]}; do let k++; # | grep 'received' | awk -F',' '{ print $2 }' | awk '{ print $1 }') start=$(date +%s) LOG_FILE="recv_log_host${host}_idt${idt}_ps${ps}.txt" touch results/${LOG_FILE} echo_info "Start test_$i.$j.$k:: ping -c $COUNT -q -U $host -s $ps -i $idt" echo "Start test_$i.$j.$k:: ping -c $COUNT -q -U $host -s $ps -i $idt" >> results/${oai_exp_date} $(ping -c $COUNT -q -U $host -s $ps -i $idt 1>&2 >> ./results/$LOG_FILE ) end=$(date +%s) diff=$(( $end - $start )) count=$(cat ./results/$LOG_FILE | awk -F, '/received/{print $2*1}') latency=$(cat ./results/$LOG_FILE | tail -1 |cut -f2- -d=) MIN=$(cut -f1 -d/ <<< $latency) AVG=$(cut -f2 -d/ <<< $latency) MAX=$(cut -f3 -d/ <<< $latency) MDEV=$(cut -f4 -d/ <<< $latency | cut -f1 -d" ") UNIT=$(cut -f2 -d" " <<< $latency) echo_success "Latency:: count $count min $MIN avg $AVG max $MAX mdev $MDEV ($UNIT)" echo "$idt;$ps;$COUNT;$count;$MIN;$AVG;$MAX;$MDEV;" >> ./results/$OUTPUT_FILE if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then failedhosts="$failedhosts $host" status="failed" else status="passed" fi echo_info "End test_$i.$j.$k:: runtime: $diff :: status $status " echo "End test_$i.$j.$k:: runtime: $diff :; status $status" >> results/${oai_exp_date} done done done end_exp=$(date +%s) diff_exp=$(( $end_exp - $start_exp )) let total_tests=i*j*k; echo_info "total tests: $total_tests for a duration $diff_exp (s)" } oaisim_otg_stats(){ # install the required packages test_install_package octave >> results/perf_log.txt 2>&1 # set paths to the required binaries and check if the required binaries are available OAISIM="bin/oaisim" OTGPLOT="$OPENAIR2_DIR/UTIL/OTG/OTGplot" PS2PDF="ps2pdf" if [ ! -f $OAISIM ]; then echo_info "3.1 compiling OAISIM ($OPENAIR_TARGETS/build_oai.bash -t OAISIM -b -D -c)" ($OPENAIR_TARGETS/build_oai.bash -t OAISIM -b -D -c >> results/perf_log.txt 2>&1 ) build_stats=$? if [ $build_stats != 0 ] ; then echo_error "$OAISIM cannot be built, check results/perf_log.txt file" exit $? fi else echo_info "ensure that OAISIM is not built with the S1 interface" fi (install_nasmesh >> results/perf_log.txt 2>&1 ) if [ ! -f $OTGPLOT ]; then echo_error "$OTGPLOT not found" exit $? fi # Set the default Parameters ABSTRACTION=1 #FRAME_TYPE=0 # FDD=0, TDD =1, 2,3,4,5,6 AGGR_RESULT=1 STATUS="PASSED" EXTRA_STATS=0 declare NUM_UES=7 if [ $TEST_MODE = 0 ]; then declare -a TEMPLATES=(120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130) declare -a FRAME_TYPE=(0 3) declare -a METRICS=(latency jitter goodput) declare -a RB=(25 50 100) else declare -a TEMPLATES=(125) declare -a FRAME_TYPE=(3) declare -a METRICS=(latency) declare -a RB=(25) fi if [ $ABSTRACTION = 1 ]; then OPT="-a " fi declare num_cols=0 let num_cols=NUM_UES+1 if [ $AGGR_RESULT = 1 ]; then COLUMN="[$num_cols:$num_cols]" else COLUMN="[1:$num_cols]" fi declare i=0 declare j=0 declare k=0 declare e=0 start_exp=$(date +%s) for template in ${TEMPLATES[@]}; do let i++; let j=0; for frame in ${FRAME_TYPE[@]}; do let j++; let k=0; if [ $frame = 0 ]; then OPT="$OPT -F " else OPT="$OPT -C $frame " fi for rb in ${RB[@]}; do let k++; start=$(date +%s) LOG_FILE="oaisim_log_template${template}_frame${frame}_rb${rb}.txt" touch results/${LOG_FILE} echo_info "[$start] Start test_$i.$j.$k:: $OAISIM $OPT -R $RB -c $template" echo "Start test_$i.$j.$k:: $OAISIM $OPT -R $RB -c $template" >> results/${oai_exp_date} #sleep 1 $OAISIM $OPT -R $RB -c $template 1>&2 >> ./results/$LOG_FILE # store exit status oai_status=$? end=$(date +%s) diff=$(( $end - $start )) #check the oaisim exit status if [ $oai_status = 0 ] ; then echo_success "[$end] test_$i.$j.$k passed" echo "[$end] test_$i.$j.$k passed" >> ./results/$LOG_FILE STATUS="PASSED" else let e++; echo_error "[$end] test_$i.$j.$k failed :: OAISIM return exit code $oai_status (remove bin/oaisim)" echo "[$end]test_$i.$j.$k failed :: OAISIM return exit code $oai_status" >> ./results/$LOG_FILE STATUS="FAILED" fi # create the curves for metric in ${METRICS[@]}; do if [ $metric = "goodput" ]; then unit="(kB/s)" else unit="(ms)" fi if [ -f /tmp/otg_${metric}.dat ]; then export TITLE="Application $metric $unit" cp /tmp/otg_${metric}.dat ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-frame${frame}-rb${rb}.dat echo_info "$OTGPLOT ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-frame${frame}-rb${rb}.dat $COLUMN" echo "$OTGPLOT ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-frame${frame}-rb${rb}.dat $COLUMN" >> results/${oai_exp_date} $($OTGPLOT ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-frame${frame}-rb${rb}.dat $COLUMN 1>&2 >> ./results/$LOG_FILE ) $($PS2PDF -dOptimize=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true ./otg-${metric}-template${template}-frame${frame}-rb${rb}.eps ) # remove the first line of the file echo "$(tail -n+2 ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-frame${frame}-rb${rb}.dat)" > ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-frame${frame}-rb${rb}.dat else echo_error "file /tmp/otg_${metric}.dat does not exists" fi done if [ $KEEP_LOG_FILESNUM_PKTS = 0 ]; then rm -f ./results/$LOG_FILE fi mv *.eps ./results/ mv *.pdf ./results/ mv /tmp/otg.log ./results/otg-template${template}-frame${frame}-rb${rb}.log echo_info "End test_$i.$j.$k:: runtime: $diff :: status $STATUS" echo "End test_$i.$j.$k:: runtime: $diff :: status $STATUS" >> results/${oai_exp_date} done done done end_exp=$(date +%s) diff_exp=$(( $end_exp - $start_exp )) let total_tests=i*j*k; echo_info "total tests: $total_tests for a duration $diff_exp (s) error ($e)" echo "total tests: $total_tests for a duration $diff_exp (s) error ($e)" >> results/${oai_exp_date} } cba_otg_stats(){ test_install_package octave ABSTRACTION=1 FRAME_TYPE=0 # FDD=0, TDD =1 AGGR_RESULT=1 #OAISIM="$OPENAIR_TARGETS/bin/oaisim" OAISIM="bin/oaisim.cba" # to compile: make cleanall; make Rel10=1 CBA=1 in targets/SIMU/USER OTGPLOT="$OPENAIR2_DIR/UTIL/OTG/OTGplot" PS2PDF="ps2pdf" STATUS="PASSED" EXTRA_STATS=0 declare NUM_UES=7 if [ $TEST_MODE = 0 ]; then declare -a TEMPLATES=(120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130) declare -a CBA=(0 1 2 3 4) declare -a BACKOFF=(0 15 30 60 120) declare -a METRICS=(latency jitter goodput) declare -a RB=(25) else declare -a TEMPLATES=(125) declare -a CBA=(1) declare -a BACKOFF=(0 15 30 60 120) declare -a METRICS=(latency) declare -a RB=(25) fi if [ ! -f $OAISIM ]; then echo_error "$OAISIM not found" exit $? fi if [ ! -f $OTGPLOT ]; then echo_error "$OTGPLOT not found" exit $? fi if [ $ABSTRACTION = 1 ]; then OPT="-a " fi if [ $FRAME_TYPE = 0 ]; then OPT="$OPT -F " fi declare num_cols=0 let num_cols=NUM_UES+1 if [ $AGGR_RESULT = 1 ]; then COLUMN="[$num_cols:$num_cols]" else COLUMN="[1:$num_cols]" fi declare collision=0 declare enb_cba_access=0 declare ue_cba_access=0 declare missed=0 declare unused=0 declare i=0 declare j=0 declare k=0 declare e=0 start_exp=$(date +%s) STATS1="cba_stats1.txt" touch results/${STATS1} for template in ${TEMPLATES[@]}; do let i++; let j=0; for group in ${CBA[@]}; do let j++; let k=0; for backoff in ${BACKOFF[@]}; do let k++; start=$(date +%s) LOG_FILE="oaisim_log_template${template}_group${group}_backoff${backoff}.txt" touch results/${LOG_FILE} echo_info "[$start] Start test_$i.$j.$k:: $OAISIM $OPT -w $group -R $RB --cba-backoff $backoff -c $template" echo "Start test_$i.$j.$k:: $OAISIM $OPT -w $group -R $RB --cba-backoff $backoff -c $template" >> results/${oai_exp_date} #sleep 1 $OAISIM $OPT -w $group -R $RB --cba-backoff $backoff -c $template 1>&2 >> ./results/$LOG_FILE # store exit status oai_status=$? end=$(date +%s) diff=$(( $end - $start )) #check the oaisim exit status if [ $oai_status = 0 ] ; then echo_success "[$end] test_$i.$j.$k passed" echo "[$end] test_$i.$j.$k passed" >> ./results/$LOG_FILE STATUS="PASSED" else let e++; echo_error "[$end] test_$i.$j.$k failed :: OAISIM return exit code $oai_status" echo "[$end]test_$i.$j.$k failed :: OAISIM return exit code $oai_status" >> ./results/$LOG_FILE STATUS="FAILED" fi if [ $group -gt 0 ]; then let ue_cba_access=$(cat ./results/$LOG_FILE | grep -c "CBA transmission oppurtunity" ) let enb_cba_access=$(cat ./results/$LOG_FILE | grep -c "schedule CBA access" ) let missed=$(cat ./results/$LOG_FILE | grep -c "wait for backoff to expire" ) let unused=enb_cba_access-ue_cba_access; let collision=$(cat ./results/$LOG_FILE | grep -c "first CBA collision detected" ) #frame, subframe, ue, group #collision_stats=$(cat ./results/$LOG_FILE | grep "collision" | cut -d " " -f3,5,12,15 ) if [ $EXTRA_STATS = 1 ]; then STATS2="cba_template_${template}_stats2.txt" touch results/${STATS2} while read -r line do SFN=$(cut -f1 -d " " <<< $line) SSFN=$(cut -f2 -d " " <<< $line) UEID=$(cut -f3 -d " " <<< $line) GPID=$(cut -f4 -d " " <<< $line) #echo_success "$SFN;$SSFN;$UEID;$GPID;" echo "$SFN;$SSFN;$UEID;$GPID;" >> ./results/$STATS2 done < <(cat ./results/$LOG_FILE | grep "CBA collision set SR for UE" | cut -d " " -f3,5,13,16 ) fi echo_success "CBA stats:: template $template;group $group; backoff $backoff; enb cba allocation $enb_cba_access; ue cba access $ue_cba_access; collision $collision; missed $missed; unused $unused;" echo "$template;$group;$backoff;$enb_cba_access;$ue_cba_access;$collision;$missed;$unused;" >> ./results/$STATS1 fi # create the curves for metric in ${METRICS[@]}; do if [ $metric = "goodput" ]; then unit="(kB/s)" else unit="(ms)" fi if [ -f /tmp/otg_${metric}.dat ]; then export TITLE="Application $metric $unit" cp /tmp/otg_${metric}.dat ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-group${group}-backoff${backoff}.dat echo_info "$OTGPLOT ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-group${group}-backoff${backoff}.dat $COLUMN" echo "$OTGPLOT ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-group${group}-backoff${backoff}.dat $COLUMN" >> results/${oai_exp_date} $($OTGPLOT ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-group${group}-backoff${backoff}.dat $COLUMN 1>&2 >> ./results/$LOG_FILE ) $($PS2PDF -dOptimize=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true ./otg-${metric}-template${template}-group${group}-backoff${backoff}.eps ) # remove the first line of the file echo "$(tail -n+2 ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-group${group}-backoff${backoff}.dat)" > ./results/otg-${metric}-template${template}-group${group}-backoff${backoff}.dat else echo_error "file /tmp/otg_${metric}.dat does not exists" fi done if [ $KEEP_LOG_FILESNUM_PKTS = 0 ]; then rm -f ./results/$LOG_FILE fi mv *.eps ./results/ mv *.pdf ./results/ mv /tmp/otg.log ./results/otg-template${template}-group${group}-backoff${backoff}.log echo_info "End test_$i.$j.$k:: runtime: $diff :: status $STATUS" echo "End test_$i.$j.$k:: runtime: $diff :: status $STATUS" >> results/${oai_exp_date} # backoff not required when CBA is not used if [ $group -eq 0 ]; then break; fi done done done end_exp=$(date +%s) diff_exp=$(( $end_exp - $start_exp )) let total_tests=i*j*k; echo_info "total tests: $total_tests for a duration $diff_exp (s) error ($e)" echo "total tests: $total_tests for a duration $diff_exp (s) error ($e)" >> results/${oai_exp_date} } case "$PERF_APP" in 'ITGS') echo_info "3. running ITGSend" itg_send ;; 'ITGD') echo_info "running ITGDECODE (ensure that the results are in the current directory)" itg_decode ;; 'PING') echo_info "3. running ping" ping_stats ;; 'OTG-OAISIM') echo_info "3. running OTG on oaisim" oaisim_otg_stats ;; 'OTG-CBA') echo_info "3. running OTG on oaisim with cba" cba_otg_stats ;; 'IPERF') echo_warning "iperf not supported" ;; 'NONE') ;; *) echo_error "Unknown option $RUN_ITG" ;; esac