-- ************************************************************** -- -- Information Element Definitions -- -- ************************************************************** X2AP-IEs { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) eps-Access (21) modules (3) x2ap (2) version1 (1) x2ap-IEs (2) } DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS id-E-RAB-Item, id-Number-of-Antennaports, id-MBSFN-Subframe-Info, id-PRACH-Configuration, maxnoofBearers, maxCellineNB, maxEARFCN, maxInterfaces, maxnoofBPLMNs, maxnoofCells, maxnoofEPLMNs, maxnoofEPLMNsPlusOne, maxnoofForbLACs, maxnoofForbTACs, maxnoofNeighbours, maxnoofPRBs, maxNrOfErrors, maxPools, maxnoofMBSFN FROM X2AP-Constants Criticality, ProcedureCode, ProtocolIE-ID, TriggeringMessage, maxProtocolExtensions FROM X2AP-CommonDataTypes IE FROM X2AP-PDU; IE-Extensions ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxProtocolExtensions)) OF IE -- A AS-SecurityInformation ::= SEQUENCE { key-eNodeB-star Key-eNodeB-Star, nextHopChainingCount NextHopChainingCount, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { AS-SecurityInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } AllocationAndRetentionPriority ::= SEQUENCE { priorityLevel PriorityLevel, pre-emptionCapability Pre-emptionCapability, pre-emptionVulnerability Pre-emptionVulnerability, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {AllocationAndRetentionPriority-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ActivatedCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellineNB)) OF ActivatedCellList-Item ActivatedCellList-Item::= SEQUENCE { ecgi ECGI, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ActivatedCellList-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } -- B BitRate ::= INTEGER (0..10000000000) BroadcastPLMNs-Item ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxnoofBPLMNs)) OF PLMN-Identity -- C CapacityValue ::= INTEGER (0..100) CellCapacityClassValue ::= INTEGER (1..100, ...) CellToReport-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellineNB)) OF IE CellToReport-Item ::= SEQUENCE { cell-ID ECGI, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CellToReport-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } CellMeasurementResult-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellineNB)) OF IE CellMeasurementResult-Item ::= SEQUENCE { cell-ID ECGI, hWOverLoadIndicator HWLoadIndicator OPTIONAL, s1TNLOverLoadIndicator S1TNLLoadIndicator OPTIONAL, radioResourceStatus RadioResourceStatus OPTIONAL, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CellMeasurementResult-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ReportingPeriodicity ::= ENUMERATED { one-thousand-ms, two-thousand-ms, five-thousand-ms, ten-thousand-ms, ... } Cause ::= CHOICE { radioNetwork CauseRadioNetwork, transport CauseTransport, protocol CauseProtocol, misc CauseMisc, ... } CauseMisc ::= ENUMERATED { control-processing-overload, hardware-failure, om-intervention, not-enough-user-plane-processing-resources, unspecified, ... } CauseProtocol ::= ENUMERATED { transfer-syntax-error, abstract-syntax-error-reject, abstract-syntax-error-ignore-and-notify, message-not-compatible-with-receiver-state, semantic-error, unspecified, abstract-syntax-error-falsely-constructed-message, ... } CauseRadioNetwork ::= ENUMERATED { handover-desirable-for-radio-reasons, time-critical-handover, resource-optimisation-handover, reduce-load-in-serving-cell, partial-handover, unknown-new-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID, unknown-old-eNB-UE-X2AP-ID, unknown-pair-of-UE-X2AP-ID, ho-target-not-allowed, tx2relocoverall-expiry, trelocprep-expiry, cell-not-available, no-radio-resources-available-in-target-cell, invalid-MME-GroupID, unknown-MME-Code, encryption-and-or-integrity-protection-algorithms-not-supported, reportCharacteristicsEmpty, noReportPeriodicity, existingMeasurementID, unknown-eNB-Measurement-ID, measurement-temporarily-not-available, unspecified, ..., load-balancing, handover-optimisation, value-out-of-allowed-range, multiple-E-RAB-ID-instances, switch-off-ongoing, not-supported-QCI-value } CauseTransport ::= ENUMERATED { transport-resource-unavailable, unspecified, ... } Cell-Size ::= ENUMERATED {verysmall, small, medium, large, ... } CellInformation-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellineNB)) OF IE CellInformation-Item ::= SEQUENCE { cell-ID ECGI, ul-InterferenceOverloadIndication UL-InterferenceOverloadIndication OPTIONAL, ul-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo OPTIONAL, relativeNarrowbandTxPower RelativeNarrowbandTxPower OPTIONAL, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CellInformation-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } CellType ::= SEQUENCE { cell-Size Cell-Size, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { CellType-ExtIEs}} OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup ::= SEQUENCE { dL-CompositeAvailableCapacity CompositeAvailableCapacity, uL-CompositeAvailableCapacity CompositeAvailableCapacity, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { CompositeAvailableCapacityGroup-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } CompositeAvailableCapacity ::= SEQUENCE { cellCapacityClassValue CellCapacityClassValue OPTIONAL, capacityValue CapacityValue, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { CompositeAvailableCapacity-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } COUNTvalue ::= SEQUENCE { pDCP-SN PDCP-SN, hFN HFN, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { COUNTvalue-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } CriticalityDiagnostics ::= SEQUENCE { procedureCode ProcedureCode OPTIONAL, triggeringMessage TriggeringMessage OPTIONAL, procedureCriticality Criticality OPTIONAL, iEsCriticalityDiagnostics CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List OPTIONAL, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CriticalityDiagnostics-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfErrors)) OF CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-Elm CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-Elm ::= SEQUENCE { iECriticality Criticality, iE-ID ProtocolIE-ID, typeOfError TypeOfError, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } CRNTI ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) CyclicPrefixDL ::= ENUMERATED { normal, extended, ... } CyclicPrefixUL ::= ENUMERATED { normal, extended, ... } -- D DeactivationIndication::= ENUMERATED { deactivated, ... } DL-Forwarding ::= ENUMERATED { dL-forwardingProposed, ... } -- E E-RABs-Admitted-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxnoofBearers)) OF IE E-RABs-Admitted-Item ::= SEQUENCE { e-RAB-ID E-RAB-ID, uL-GTP-TunnelEndpoint GTPtunnelEndpoint OPTIONAL, dL-GTP-TunnelEndpoint GTPtunnelEndpoint OPTIONAL, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {E-RABs-Admitted-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } E-RABs-ToBeSetup-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxnoofBearers)) OF IE E-RABs-ToBeSetup-Item ::= SEQUENCE { e-RAB-ID E-RAB-ID, e-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters, dL-Forwarding DL-Forwarding OPTIONAL, uL-GTPtunnelEndpoint GTPtunnelEndpoint, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {E-RABs-ToBeSetup-ItemExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxnoofBearers)) OF IE E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-Item ::= SEQUENCE { e-RAB-ID E-RAB-ID, receiveStatusofULPDCPSDUs ReceiveStatusofULPDCPSDUs OPTIONAL, uL-COUNTvalue COUNTvalue, dL-COUNTvalue COUNTvalue, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {E-RABs-SubjectToStatusTransfer-ItemExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } EARFCN ::= INTEGER (0..maxEARFCN) FDD-Info ::= SEQUENCE { uL-EARFCN EARFCN, dL-EARFCN EARFCN, uL-Transmission-Bandwidth Transmission-Bandwidth, dL-Transmission-Bandwidth Transmission-Bandwidth, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {FDD-Info-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } TDD-Info ::= SEQUENCE { eARFCN EARFCN, transmission-Bandwidth Transmission-Bandwidth, subframeAssignment SubframeAssignment, specialSubframe-Info SpecialSubframe-Info, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {TDD-Info-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } EUTRA-Mode-Info ::= CHOICE { fDD FDD-Info, tDD TDD-Info, ... } ECGI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMN-Identity PLMN-Identity, eUTRANcellIdentifier EUTRANCellIdentifier, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ECGI-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ENB-ID ::= CHOICE { macro-eNB-ID BIT STRING (SIZE (20)), home-eNB-ID BIT STRING (SIZE (28)), ... } EncryptionAlgorithms ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (16, ...)) EPLMNs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxnoofEPLMNs)) OF PLMN-Identity E-RAB-ID ::= INTEGER (0..15, ...) E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { qCI QCI, allocationAndRetentionPriority AllocationAndRetentionPriority, gbrQosInformation GBR-QosInformation OPTIONAL, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { E-RAB-Level-QoS-Parameters-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } E-RAB-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxnoofBearers)) OF IE E-RAB-Item ::= SEQUENCE { e-RAB-ID E-RAB-ID, cause Cause, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {E-RAB-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } EUTRANCellIdentifier ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (28)) EUTRANTraceID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) EventType ::= ENUMERATED{ change-of-serving-cell, ... } -- F ForbiddenInterRATs ::= ENUMERATED { all, geran, utran, cdma2000, ..., geranandutran, cdma2000andutran } ForbiddenTAs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxnoofEPLMNsPlusOne)) OF ForbiddenTAs-Item ForbiddenTAs-Item ::= SEQUENCE { pLMN-Identity PLMN-Identity, forbiddenTACs ForbiddenTACs, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ForbiddenTAs-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ForbiddenTACs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxnoofForbTACs)) OF TAC ForbiddenLAs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxnoofEPLMNsPlusOne)) OF ForbiddenLAs-Item ForbiddenLAs-Item ::= SEQUENCE { pLMN-Identity PLMN-Identity, forbiddenLACs ForbiddenLACs, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ForbiddenLAs-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ForbiddenLACs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxnoofForbLACs)) OF LAC Fourframes ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (24)) -- G GBR-QosInformation ::= SEQUENCE { e-RAB-MaximumBitrateDL BitRate, e-RAB-MaximumBitrateUL BitRate, e-RAB-GuaranteedBitrateDL BitRate, e-RAB-GuaranteedBitrateUL BitRate, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { GBR-QosInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } GlobalENB-ID ::= SEQUENCE { pLMN-Identity PLMN-Identity, eNB-ID ENB-ID, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {GlobalENB-ID-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } GTPtunnelEndpoint ::= SEQUENCE { transportLayerAddress TransportLayerAddress, gTP-TEID GTP-TEI, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {GTPtunnelEndpoint-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } GTP-TEI ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) GUGroupIDList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPools)) OF GU-Group-ID GU-Group-ID ::= SEQUENCE { pLMN-Identity PLMN-Identity, mME-Group-ID MME-Group-ID, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {GU-Group-ID-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } GUMMEI ::= SEQUENCE { gU-Group-ID GU-Group-ID, mME-Code MME-Code, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {GUMMEI-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } -- H HandoverReportType ::= ENUMERATED { hoTooEarly, hoToWrongCell, ... } HandoverRestrictionList ::= SEQUENCE { servingPLMN PLMN-Identity, equivalentPLMNs EPLMNs OPTIONAL, forbiddenTAs ForbiddenTAs OPTIONAL, forbiddenLAs ForbiddenLAs OPTIONAL, forbiddenInterRATs ForbiddenInterRATs OPTIONAL, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {HandoverRestrictionList-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } HFN ::= INTEGER (0..1048575) HWLoadIndicator ::= SEQUENCE { dLHWLoadIndicator LoadIndicator, uLHWLoadIndicator LoadIndicator, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { HWLoadIndicator-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } -- I IntegrityProtectionAlgorithms ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (16, ...)) InterfacesToTrace ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (8)) -- J -- K Key-eNodeB-Star ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(256)) -- L LAC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) --(EXCEPT ('0000'H|'FFFE'H)) LastVisitedCell-Item ::= CHOICE { e-UTRAN-Cell LastVisitedEUTRANCellInformation, uTRAN-Cell LastVisitedUTRANCellInformation, gERAN-Cell LastVisitedGERANCellInformation, ... } LastVisitedEUTRANCellInformation ::= SEQUENCE { global-Cell-ID ECGI, cellType CellType, time-UE-StayedInCell Time-UE-StayedInCell, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { LastVisitedEUTRANCellInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } LastVisitedUTRANCellInformation ::= OCTET STRING LastVisitedGERANCellInformation ::= CHOICE { undefined NULL, ... } LoadIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { lowLoad, mediumLoad, highLoad, overLoad, ... } LocationReportingInformation ::= SEQUENCE { eventType EventType, reportArea ReportArea, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {LocationReportingInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } -- M MME-Group-ID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) MME-Code ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) Measurement-ID ::= INTEGER (1..4095, ...) MBSFN-Subframe-Infolist::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1.. maxnoofMBSFN)) OF MBSFN-Subframe-Info MBSFN-Subframe-Info ::= SEQUENCE { radioframeAllocationPeriod RadioframeAllocationPeriod, radioframeAllocationOffset RadioframeAllocationOffset, subframeAllocation SubframeAllocation, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { MBSFN-Subframe-Info-ExtIEs } } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } MobilityParametersModificationRange ::= SEQUENCE { handoverTriggerChangeLowerLimit INTEGER (-20..20), handoverTriggerChangeUpperLimit INTEGER (-20..20), ... } MobilityParametersInformation ::= SEQUENCE { handoverTriggerChange INTEGER (-20..20), ... } -- N Neighbour-Information ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxnoofNeighbours)) OF Neighbour-Information-Elm Neighbour-Information-Elm ::= SEQUENCE { eCGI ECGI, pCI PCI, eARFCN EARFCN, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {Neighbour-Information-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } NextHopChainingCount ::= INTEGER (0..7) Number-of-Antennaports ::= ENUMERATED { an1, an2, an4, ... } -- O Oneframe ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (6)) -- P PDCP-SN ::= INTEGER (0..4095) PCI ::= INTEGER (0..503, ...) PLMN-Identity ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)) PRACH-Configuration ::= SEQUENCE { rootSequenceIndex INTEGER (0..837), zeroCorrelationIndex INTEGER (0..15), highSpeedFlag BOOLEAN, prach-FreqOffset INTEGER (0..94), prach-ConfigIndex INTEGER (0..63) OPTIONAL, -- present for TDD -- -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {PRACH-Configuration-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } Pre-emptionCapability ::= ENUMERATED { shall-not-trigger-pre-emption, may-trigger-pre-emption } Pre-emptionVulnerability ::= ENUMERATED { not-pre-emptable, pre-emptable } PriorityLevel ::= INTEGER { spare (0), highest (1), lowest (14), no-priority (15) } (0..15) -- Q QCI ::= INTEGER (0..255) -- R ReceiveStatusofULPDCPSDUs ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(4096)) Registration-Request ::= ENUMERATED { start, stop, ... } RelativeNarrowbandTxPower ::= SEQUENCE { rNTP-PerPRB BIT STRING (SIZE(6..110, ...)), rNTP-Threshold RNTP-Threshold, numberOfCellSpecificAntennaPorts ENUMERATED {one, two, four, ...}, p-B INTEGER (0..3,...), pDCCH-InterferenceImpact INTEGER (0..4,...), -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { RelativeNarrowbandTxPower-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ReportArea ::= ENUMERATED{ ecgi, ... } ReportCharacteristics ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (32)) RNTP-Threshold ::= ENUMERATED { minusInfinity, minusEleven, minusTen, minusNine, minusEight, minusSeven, minusSix, minusFive, minusFour, minusThree, minusTwo, minusOne, zero, one, two, three, ... } RRC-Context ::= OCTET STRING RadioResourceStatus ::= SEQUENCE { dL-GBR-PRB-usage DL-GBR-PRB-usage, uL-GBR-PRB-usage UL-GBR-PRB-usage, dL-non-GBR-PRB-usage DL-non-GBR-PRB-usage, uL-non-GBR-PRB-usage UL-non-GBR-PRB-usage, dL-Total-PRB-usage DL-Total-PRB-usage, uL-Total-PRB-usage UL-Total-PRB-usage, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {RadioResourceStatus-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } DL-GBR-PRB-usage::= INTEGER (0..100) UL-GBR-PRB-usage::= INTEGER (0..100) DL-non-GBR-PRB-usage::= INTEGER (0..100) UL-non-GBR-PRB-usage::= INTEGER (0..100) DL-Total-PRB-usage::= INTEGER (0..100) UL-Total-PRB-usage::= INTEGER (0..100) RadioframeAllocationPeriod ::= ENUMERATED{ n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32, ... } RadioframeAllocationOffset ::= INTEGER (0..7, ...) -- S S1TNLLoadIndicator ::= SEQUENCE { dLS1TNLLoadIndicator LoadIndicator, uLS1TNLLoadIndicator LoadIndicator, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { S1TNLLoadIndicator-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ServedCellsToActivate::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellineNB)) OF ServedCellsToActivate-Item ServedCellsToActivate-Item::= SEQUENCE { ecgi ECGI, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ServedCellsToActivate-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ServedCellsToModify::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellineNB)) OF IE ServedCellsToModify-Item::= SEQUENCE { old-ecgi ECGI, servedCellInfo ServedCell-Information, neighbour-Info Neighbour-Information OPTIONAL, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ServedCellsToModify-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } Old-ECGIs::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellineNB)) OF ECGI ServedCells ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxCellineNB)) OF ServedCellItem ServedCellItem ::= SEQUENCE { servedCellInfo ServedCell-Information, neighbour-Info Neighbour-Information OPTIONAL, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ServedCell-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ServedCell-Information ::= SEQUENCE { pCI PCI, cellId ECGI, tAC TAC, broadcastPLMNs BroadcastPLMNs-Item, eUTRA-Mode-Info EUTRA-Mode-Info, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ServedCell-Information-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } ShortMAC-I ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(16)) SRVCCOperationPossible ::= ENUMERATED { possible, ... } SubframeAssignment ::= ENUMERATED { sa0, sa1, sa2, sa3, sa4, sa5, sa6, ... } SpecialSubframe-Info ::= SEQUENCE { specialSubframePatterns SpecialSubframePatterns, cyclicPrefixDL CyclicPrefixDL, cyclicPrefixUL CyclicPrefixUL, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { SpecialSubframe-Info-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } SpecialSubframePatterns ::= ENUMERATED { ssp0, ssp1, ssp2, ssp3, ssp4, ssp5, ssp6, ssp7, ssp8, ... } SubscriberProfileIDforRFP ::= INTEGER (1..256) SubframeAllocation ::= CHOICE { oneframe Oneframe, fourframes Fourframes, ... } -- T TAC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) TargeteNBtoSource-eNBTransparentContainer ::= OCTET STRING TimeToWait ::= ENUMERATED { v1s, v2s, v5s, v10s, v20s, v60s, ... } Time-UE-StayedInCell ::= INTEGER (0..4095) TraceActivation ::= SEQUENCE { eUTRANTraceID EUTRANTraceID, interfacesToTrace InterfacesToTrace, traceDepth TraceDepth, traceCollectionEntityIPAddress TraceCollectionEntityIPAddress, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {TraceActivation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } TraceCollectionEntityIPAddress ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(1..160, ...)) TraceDepth ::= ENUMERATED { minimum, medium, maximum, minimumWithoutVendorSpecificExtension, mediumWithoutVendorSpecificExtension, maximumWithoutVendorSpecificExtension, ... } Transmission-Bandwidth ::= ENUMERATED { bw6, bw15, bw25, bw50, bw75, bw100, ... } TransportLayerAddress ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(1..160, ...)) TypeOfError ::= ENUMERATED { not-understood, missing, ... } -- U UE-HistoryInformation ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxnoofCells)) OF LastVisitedCell-Item UE-S1AP-ID ::= INTEGER (0.. 4294967295) UE-X2AP-ID ::= INTEGER (0..4095) -- Value FFS UEAggregateMaximumBitRate ::= SEQUENCE { uEaggregateMaximumBitRateDownlink BitRate, uEaggregateMaximumBitRateUplink BitRate, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {UEAggregate-MaximumBitrate-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } UESecurityCapabilities ::= SEQUENCE { encryptionAlgorithms EncryptionAlgorithms, integrityProtectionAlgorithms IntegrityProtectionAlgorithms, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { UESecurityCapabilities-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } UE-ContextInformation ::= SEQUENCE { mME-UE-S1AP-ID UE-S1AP-ID, uESecurityCapabilities UESecurityCapabilities, aS-SecurityInformation AS-SecurityInformation, uEaggregateMaximumBitRate UEAggregateMaximumBitRate, subscriberProfileIDforRFP SubscriberProfileIDforRFP OPTIONAL, e-RABs-ToBeSetup-List E-RABs-ToBeSetup-List, rRC-Context RRC-Context, handoverRestrictionList HandoverRestrictionList OPTIONAL, locationReportingInformation LocationReportingInformation OPTIONAL, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {UE-ContextInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } UL-InterferenceOverloadIndication ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxnoofPRBs)) OF UL-InterferenceOverloadIndication-Item UL-InterferenceOverloadIndication-Item ::= ENUMERATED { high-interference, medium-interference, low-interference, ... } UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxCellineNB)) OF UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo-Item UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo-Item ::= SEQUENCE { target-Cell-ID ECGI, ul-interferenceindication UL-HighInterferenceIndication, -- iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { UL-HighInterferenceIndicationInfo-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions IE-Extensions OPTIONAL, ... } UL-HighInterferenceIndication ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(1..110, ...)) UE-RLF-Report-Container::= OCTET STRING -- This IE is a transparent container and shall be encoded as the rlfReport field contained in the UEInformationResponse message as defined in TS 36.331 [9] -- V -- W -- X -- Y -- Z END