%% this script generates the signals for the CORRIDOR channel sounding campaing addpath('../../../openair1/SIMULATION/LTE_PHY/') %addpath('../../../openair1/PHY/LTE_ESTIMATION/') addpath('../../../openair1/PHY/LTE_REFSIG/') %addpath('../../../targets/ARCH/EXMIMO/USERSPACE/OCTAVE') rand('seed',42); %make sure seed random numbers are alwyas the same % load the LTE sync sequence primary_synch; nant = 4; %% this generates one LTE frame (10ms) full of OFDM modulated random QPSK symbols %% 20MHz carrier nb_rb = 100; %this can be 25, 50, or 100 num_carriers = 2048/100*nb_rb; num_zeros = num_carriers-(12*nb_rb+1); prefix_length = num_carriers/4; %this is extended CP num_symbols_frame = 120; preamble_length = 120; [s1,f1] = OFDM_TX_FRAME_MIMO(num_carriers,num_zeros,prefix_length,num_symbols_frame,preamble_length,nant); % scale to conserve energy (Matlabs IFFT does not scale) s1=s1*sqrt(num_carriers); % upsample PSS to the right frequency and insert it in the first symbol of the frame pss0_up = interp(primary_synch0_time,num_carriers/128); pss0_up_cp = [pss0_up(num_carriers-prefix_length+1:end) pss0_up]; s1(:,1:num_carriers+prefix_length) = repmat(pss0_up_cp,nant,1); %% 10MHz carrier nb_rb = 50; %this can be 25, 50, or 100 num_carriers = 2048/100*nb_rb; num_zeros = num_carriers-(12*nb_rb+1); prefix_length = num_carriers/4; %this is extended CP [s2,f2] = OFDM_TX_FRAME_MIMO(num_carriers,num_zeros,prefix_length,num_symbols_frame,preamble_length,nant); % scale to conserve energy (Matlabs IFFT does not scale) s2=s2*sqrt(num_carriers); % upsample PSS to the right frequency and insert it in the first symbol of the frame pss0_up = interp(primary_synch0_time,num_carriers/128); pss0_up_cp = [pss0_up(num_carriers-prefix_length+1:end) pss0_up]; s2(:,1:num_carriers+prefix_length) = repmat(pss0_up_cp,nant,1); %% 5MHz carrier nb_rb = 25; %this can be 25, 50, or 100 num_carriers = 2048/100*nb_rb; num_zeros = num_carriers-(12*nb_rb+1); prefix_length = num_carriers/4; %this is extended CP [s3,f3] = OFDM_TX_FRAME_MIMO(num_carriers,num_zeros,prefix_length,num_symbols_frame,preamble_length,nant); % scale to conserve energy (Matlabs IFFT does not scale) s3=s3*sqrt(num_carriers); % upsample PSS to the right frequency and insert it in the first symbol of the frame pss0_up = interp(primary_synch0_time,num_carriers/128); pss0_up_cp = [pss0_up(num_carriers-prefix_length+1:end) pss0_up]; s3(:,1:num_carriers+prefix_length) = repmat(pss0_up_cp,nant,1); %% combine the 10 and 20 MHz carriers f1_shift = -5e6; f2_shift = 10e6; sample_rate = 30.72e6*2; s = zeros(nant,sample_rate/100); for a=1:nant s1_up = interp(s1(a,:),2); s1_shift = s1_up .* exp(2*1i*pi*f1_shift*(0:length(s1_up)-1)/sample_rate); s2_up = interp(s2(a,:),4); s2_shift = s2_up .* exp(2*1i*pi*f2_shift*(0:length(s2_up)-1)/sample_rate); s(a,:) = s1_shift + s2_shift/sqrt(2); end %% figure(1) hold off plot(linspace(-sample_rate/2,sample_rate/2,length(s)),20*log10(abs(fftshift(fft(s,[],2))))) %% save for later use (channel estimation and transmission with the SMBV) save('ofdm_pilots_sync_30MHz.mat','-v7','s1','s2','s3','f1','f2','f3','num_carriers','num_zeros','prefix_length','num_symbols_frame','preamble_length'); s_all = sum(s,1); s_all(1:5120) = s(1,1:5120); mat2wv(s_all, 'ofdm_pilots_sync_30MHz.wv', sample_rate, 1); s_all = sum(s3,1); s_all(1:640) = s3(1,1:640); mat2wv(s_all, 'ofdm_pilots_sync_5MHz.wv', 7.68e6, 1);