#!/bin/bash #/* # * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more # * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under # * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # * except in compliance with the License. # * You may obtain a copy of the License at # * # * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 # * # * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # * limitations under the License. # *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: # * contact@openairinterface.org # */ # \author Navid Nikaein, Rohit Gupta if [ -s $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper ] ; then source $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper else echo "Error: no file in the file tree: is OPENAIR_DIR variable set?" exit 1 fi trap handle_ctrl_c INT source $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/tools/test_helper SUDO="sudo -E -S" tdir=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests rm -fr $tdir/bin mkdir -p $tdir/bin results_file="$tdir/log/results_autotests.xml" updated=$(svn st -q $OPENAIR_DIR) if [ "$updated" != "" ] ; then echo "some files are not in svn:\n $updated" fi cd $tdir #\param $1 -> name of test case #\param $2 -> name of compilation program #\param $3 -> arguments for compilation program #\param $4 -> name of pre-executable to install kernel modules, etc #\param $5 -> arguments of pre-executable #\param $6 -> name of executable #\param $7 -> arguments for running the program #\param $8 -> search expression #\param $9 -> search expression which should NOT be found (for ex. segmentation fault) #\param $10 -> number of runs #\param $11 -> pre_compile program execution #\param $12 -> class of the test case (compilation, execution) #\param $13 -> output of compilation program that needs to be found for test case to pass #\param $14 -> tags to help identify the test case for readability in output xml file function test_compile() { xUnit_start test_case_name=$1 log_dir=$tdir/log/$test_case_name log_file=$log_dir/test.$1.log.txt compile_prog=$2 compile_args=$3 pre_exec_file=$4 pre_exec_args=$5 exec_args=$7 search_expr_array=("${!8}") search_expr_negative=$9 nruns=${10} pre_compile_prog=${11} class=${12} compile_prog_out=${13} tags=${14} xmlfile_testcase=$log_dir/test.$1.xml #build_dir=$tdir/$1/build #exec_file=$build_dir/$6 #compile_prog_out=`eval "echo $compile_prog_out"` #echo "compile_prog_out = $compile_prog_out" read -a compile_prog_out_array <<< "$compile_prog_out" #Temporary log file where execution log is stored. temp_exec_log=$log_dir/temp_log.txt rm -fr $log_dir mkdir -p $log_dir #echo "log_dir = $log_dir" #echo "log_file = $log_file" #echo "exec_file = $exec_file" #echo "exec_args = $exec_args" #echo "search_expr = $search_expr" #echo "pre_exec_file = $pre_exec_file" #echo "nruns = $nruns" echo "class = $class" compile_prog_array=() read -a compile_prog_array <<<"$compile_prog" #tags_array=() #read -a tags_array <<<"$tags" #pre_compile_prog_array=() #readarray -t pre_compile_prog_array <<< "$pre_compile_prog" result=1 result_string="" for (( run_index=1; run_index <= $nruns; run_index++ )) do #tags_array_index=0 #for pre_compile_prog_array_index in "${pre_compile_prog_array[@]}" #do #for compile_prog_array_index in "${compile_prog_array[@]}" #do echo "Compiling test case $test_case_name.${tags} Log file = $log_file" date=`date` echo "<COMPILATION LOG file=$test_case_name.${tags} , Run = $run_index>, Date = $date " >> $log_file #rm -fr $build_dir #mkdir -p $build_dir cd $log_dir { uname -a compile_log_dir=`eval echo \"$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/\"` echo "Removing compilation log files in $compile_log_dir" rm -frv $compile_log_dir echo "Executing $pre_exec_file $pre_exe_args ...." eval $pre_exec_file $pre_exec_args echo "Executing $compile_prog $compile_prog_args ...." eval $compile_prog $compile_prog_args echo "Copying compilation log files to test case log directory: $log_dir" cp -fvr $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/ $log_dir/compile_log }>> $log_file 2>&1 echo "</COMPILATION LOG>" >> $log_file 2>&1 if [ "$class" == "compilation" ]; then for compile_prog_out_index in ${compile_prog_out_array[@]} do if [ -s "$compile_prog_out_index" ]; then let "result = result&1" echo_success "$test_case_name.${tags} RUN = $run_index $compile_prog_out_index = compiled" else let "result = result&0" echo_error "$test_case_name.${tags} RUN = $run_index $compile_prog_out_index failed" fi done #end of for loop compile_prog_out_index if [ "$result" == "1" ]; then result_string=$result_string" Run_$run_index = PASS" else result_string=$result_string" Run_$run_index = FAIL" fi fi #let "tags_array_index++" #done # End of for loop compile_prog_array #done # End of for loop (pre_compile_prog_array_index) done #End of for loop (run_index) #If for for some reason upper for loop does not execute, we fail the test case completely if [ "$result_string" == "" ]; then result=0 fi if [ "$result" == "1" ]; then echo_success "$test_case_name.${tags} PASSED" xUnit_success "compilation" "$test_case_name.$tags" "PASS" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase" else echo_error "$test_case_name.${tags} FAILED" xUnit_fail "compilation" "$test_case_name.$tags" "FAIL" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase" fi } #\param $1 -> name of test case #\param $2 -> name of compilation program #\param $3 -> arguments for compilation program #\param $4 -> name of pre-executable to install kernel modules, etc #\param $5 -> arguments of pre-executable #\param $6 -> name of executable #\param $7 -> arguments for running the program #\param $8 -> search expression #\param $9 -> search expression which should NOT be found (for ex. segmentation fault) #\param $10 -> number of runs #\param $11 -> pre_compile program execution #\param $12 -> class of the test case (compilation, execution) #\param $13 -> output of compilation program that needs to be found for test case to pass #\param $14 -> tags to help identify the test case for readability in output xml file #\param $15 => password for the user to run certain commands as sudo #\param $16 => test config file params to be modified #\param $17 => bypass flag if main_exec if available function test_compile_and_run() { xUnit_start test_case_name=$1 log_dir=$tdir/log/$test_case_name log_file=$log_dir/test.$1.log.txt compile_prog=$2 compile_args=$3 pre_exec_file=$4 pre_exec_args=$5 main_exec=$6 exec_args=$7 search_expr_array=("${!8}") search_expr_negative=$9 nruns=${10} pre_compile_prog=${11} class=${12} compile_prog_out=${13} tags=${14} mypassword=${15} test_config_file=${16} bypass_compile=${17} build_dir=$tdir/$1/build #exec_file=$build_dir/$6 xmlfile_testcase=$log_dir/test.$1.xml #Temporary log file where execution log is stored. temp_exec_log=$log_dir/temp_log.txt export OPENAIR_LOGDIR=$log_dir rm -fr $log_dir mkdir -p $log_dir echo "" > $temp_exec_log echo "" > $log_file #echo "log_dir = $log_dir" #echo "log_file = $log_file" #echo "exec_file = $exec_file" #echo "exec_args = $exec_args" #echo "search_expr = $search_expr" #echo "pre_exec_file = $pre_exec_file" #echo "nruns = $nruns" echo "class = $class" #compile_prog_array=() #read -a compile_prog_array <<<"$compile_prog" #test_config_file=`eval "echo \"$test_config_file\" "` #echo "test_config_file = $test_config_file" tags_array=() read -a tags_array <<<"$tags" main_exec_args_array=() readarray -t main_exec_args_array <<< "$exec_args" REAL_MAIN_EXEC=`eval "echo $main_exec"` if [ "$bypass_compile" == "1" ] && [ -f $REAL_MAIN_EXEC ] then echo "Bypassing compilation for $main_exec" else rm -fr $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log #for search_expr in "${compile_prog_array[@]}" #do echo "Compiling test case $test_case_name Log file = $log_file" echo "<COMPILATION LOG file=$log_file>" >> $log_file #rm -fr $build_dir #mkdir -p $build_dir cd $log_dir { uname -a echo "Executing $pre_compile_prog" eval $pre_compile_prog if [ "$test_config_file" != "" ]; then echo "Modifying test_config_file parameters..." echo "$test_config_file" |xargs -L 1 $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/search_repl.py fi echo "Executing $compile_prog $compile_args" eval "$compile_prog $compile_args" echo "Copying compilation log files to test case log directory: $log_dir" cp -fvr $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/ $log_dir/compile_log }>> $log_file 2>&1 echo "</COMPILATION LOG>" >> $log_file 2>&1 #done fi #process the test case if it is that of execution if [ "$class" == "execution" ]; then tags_array_index=0 for main_exec_args_array_index in "${main_exec_args_array[@]}" do global_result=1 result_string="" for (( run_index=1; run_index <= $nruns; run_index++ )) do temp_exec_log=$log_dir/test.$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}.run_$run_index echo "" > $temp_exec_log echo "Executing test case $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}, Run Index = $run_index, Execution Log file = $temp_exec_log" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $temp_exec_log 2>&1 echo "<EXECUTION LOG Test Case = $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}, Run = $run_index >" >> $temp_exec_log 2>&1 if [ -n "$pre_exec_file" ]; then { echo " Executing $pre_exec_file $pre_exec_args " eval " $pre_exec_file $pre_exec_args " ; }>> $temp_exec_log 2>&1 fi echo "Executing $main_exec $main_exec_args_array_index " echo "Executing $main_exec $main_exec_args_array_index " >> $temp_exec_log { uname -a ; eval "$main_exec $main_exec_args_array_index" ;} >> $temp_exec_log 2>&1 echo "</EXECUTION LOG Test Case = $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}, Run = $run_index >" >> $temp_exec_log 2>&1 cat $temp_exec_log >> $log_file 2>&1 result=1 for search_expr in "${search_expr_array[@]}" do search_result=`grep -E "$search_expr" $temp_exec_log` #echo "search_expr = $search_expr" #echo "search_result = $search_result" if [ -z "$search_result" ]; then let "result = result & 0" else let "result = result & 1" fi done #If we find a negative search result then there is crash of program and test case is failed even if above condition is true search_result=`grep -iE "$search_expr_negative" $temp_exec_log` if [ -n "$search_result" ]; then result=0 fi let "global_result = global_result & result" #echo "result = $result" #this is a result of this run #test_case_result="" if [ "$result" -eq "0" ]; then result_string=$result_string" Run_$run_index =FAIL" echo_error "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} RUN = $run_index Result = FAIL" fi if [ "$result" -eq "1" ]; then result_string=$result_string" Run_$run_index =PASS" echo_success "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} RUN = $run_index Result = PASS" fi done #End of for loop (nindex) echo " Result String = $result_string" if [ "$result_string" == "" ]; then echo_error "execution $test_case_name.$compile_prog.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} Run_Result = \"$result_string\" Result = FAIL" xUnit_fail "execution" "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "FAIL" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase" else if [ "$global_result" == "0" ]; then echo_error "execution $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} Run_Result = \"$result_string\" Result = FAIL" xUnit_fail "execution" "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "FAIL" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase" fi if [ "$global_result" == "1" ]; then echo_success "execution $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} Run_Result = \"$result_string\" Result = PASS " xUnit_success "execution" "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "PASS" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase" fi fi let "tags_array_index++" done fi rm -fr $build_dir } dbin=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/bin dlog=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/log function print_help() { echo_info ' This program runs automated test case system for OpenAirInterface You should have ubuntu 14.xx, updated, and the Linux kernel >= 3.14 Options -h | --help This help -g | --run-group Run test cases in a group. For example, ./run_exec_autotests "0101* 010102" -p Use password for logging -np | --no-password No need for a password -q | --quiet Quiet mode; eliminate informational messages and comment prompts. -b | --bypass-compile Bypass compilation of main-exec if already present ' } function main () { QUIET=0 BYPASS_COMPILE=0 RUN_GROUP=0 SET_PASSWORD=0 passwd="" test_case_group="" test_case_group_array=() test_case_array=() echo_info "Note that the user should be sudoer for executing certain commands, for example loading kernel modules" until [ -z "$1" ] do case "$1" in -g | --run-group) RUN_GROUP=1 test_case_group=$2 test_case_group=`sed "s/\+/\*/g" <<< "${test_case_group}"` # Replace + with * for bash string substituion echo_info "Will execute test cases only in group $test_case_group" shift 2;; -p) SET_PASSWORD=1 passwd=$2 shift 2;; -np|--no-password) SET_PASSWORD=1 shift ;; -q|--quiet) QUIET=1 shift ;; -b|--bypass-compile) BYPASS_COMPILE=1 echo "bypass option ON" shift ;; -h | --help) print_help exit 1;; *) print_help echo_fatal "Unknown option $1" break;; esac done if [ "$SET_PASSWORD" != "1" ]; then read -s -p "Enter Password: " passwd fi tmpfile=`mktemp` echo $passwd | $SUDO echo $HOME > $tmpfile tstsudo=`cat $tmpfile` if [ "$tstsudo" != "$HOME" ]; then echo "$USER might not have sudo privileges. Exiting" exit else echo "$USER has sudo privileges" fi echo "tstsudo = $tstsudo" rm -fr $tmpfile xml_conf="$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml" test_case_list=`xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m /testCaseList/testCase -s A:N:- "@id" -v "@id" -n $xml_conf` test_case_excl_list=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/TestCaseExclusionList" $xml_conf` if [ $QUIET -eq 0 ]; then echo "Test Case Exclusion List = $test_case_excl_list "; fi test_case_excl_list=`sed "s/\+/\*/g" <<< "$test_case_excl_list" ` # Replace + with * for bash string substituion read -a test_case_excl_array <<< "$test_case_excl_list" if [ $QUIET -eq 0 ]; then echo "test_case_list = $test_case_list"; fi if [ $QUIET -eq 0 ]; then echo "Test Case Exclusion List = $test_case_excl_list \n"; fi readarray -t test_case_array <<<"$test_case_list" read -a test_case_group_array <<< "$test_case_group" for search_expr in "${test_case_array[@]}" do flag_run_test_case=0 # search if this test case needs to be executed if [ "$RUN_GROUP" -eq "1" ]; then for search_group in "${test_case_group_array[@]}" do if [[ $search_expr == $search_group ]];then flag_run_test_case=1 echo_info "Test case $search_expr match found in group" break fi done else flag_run_test_case=1 fi for search_excl in "${test_case_excl_array[@]}" do if [[ $search_expr == $search_excl ]];then flag_run_test_case=0 if [ $QUIET -eq 0 ]; then echo_info "Test case $search_expr match found in test case excl group. Will skip the test case for execution..."; fi break fi done #We skip this test case if it is not in the group list if [ "$flag_run_test_case" -ne "1" ]; then continue fi name=$search_expr class=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/class" $xml_conf` desc=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/desc" $xml_conf` pre_compile_prog=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/pre_compile_prog" $xml_conf` compile_prog=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/compile_prog" $xml_conf` compile_prog_args=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/compile_prog_args" $xml_conf` pre_exec=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/pre_exec" $xml_conf` pre_exec_args=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/pre_exec_args" $xml_conf` main_exec=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/main_exec" $xml_conf` main_exec_args=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/main_exec_args" $xml_conf` search_expr_true=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/search_expr_true" $xml_conf` search_expr_false=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/search_expr_false" $xml_conf` nruns=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/nruns" $xml_conf` compile_prog_out=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/compile_prog_out" $xml_conf` tags=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/tags" $xml_conf` test_config_file=`xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/testCaseList/testCase[@id='$search_expr']/test_config_file" $xml_conf` echo "class = $class" echo "name = $name" echo "Description = $desc" echo "pre_compile_prog = $pre_compile_prog" echo "compile_prog = $compile_prog" echo "compile_prog_args = $compile_prog_args" echo "compile_prog_out = $compile_prog_out" echo "pre_exec = $pre_exec" echo "pre_exec_args = $pre_exec_args" echo "main_exec = $main_exec" echo "main_exec_args = $main_exec_args" echo "search_expr_true = $search_expr_true" echo "search_expr_false = $search_expr_false" echo "nruns = $nruns" #eval $pre_exec compile_prog_out=`eval echo \"$compile_prog_out\"` search_array_true=() IFS=\" #set the shell field separator set -f #dont try to glob #set -- $search_expr_true #split on $IFS for i in $search_expr_true do echo "i = $i" if [ -n "$i" ] && [ "$i" != " " ]; then search_array_true+=("$i") #echo "inside i = \"$i\" " fi done unset IFS #echo "arg1 = ${search_array_true[0]}" #echo " arg2 = ${search_array_true[1]}" if [ "$class" == "compilation" ]; then test_compile "$name" "$compile_prog" "$compile_prog_args" "$pre_exec" "$pre_exec_args" "$main_exec" "$main_exec_args" "search_array_true[@]" "$search_expr_false" "$nruns" "$pre_compile_prog" "$class" "$compile_prog_out" "$tags" elif [ "$class" == "execution" ]; then echo \'passwd\' | $SUDO killall -q oaisim_nos1 test_compile_and_run "$name" "$compile_prog" "$compile_prog_args" "$pre_exec" "$pre_exec_args" "$main_exec" "$main_exec_args" "search_array_true[@]" "$search_expr_false" "$nruns" "$pre_compile_prog" "$class" "$compile_prog_out" "$tags" "$mypassword" "$test_config_file" "$BYPASS_COMPILE" else echo "Unexpected class of test case...Skipping the test case $name ...." fi done } uname -a main "$@" xUnit_write "$results_file" echo "Test Results are written to $results_file" exit