s6a.conf.in 1.9 KB
# -------- Local ---------

# Uncomment if the framework cannot resolv it.
Identity = "@HOSTNAME@.eur";
Realm = "eur";

# TLS configuration (see previous section)
TLS_Cred = "/usr/local/etc/freeDiameter/user.cert.pem",
TLS_CA   = "/usr/local/etc/freeDiameter/cacert.pem";

# Disable use of TCP protocol (only listen and connect in SCTP)
# Default : TCP enabled

# Limit the number of SCTP streams
SCTP_streams = 15;

AppServThreads = 1;

ListenOn = "";

# -------- Extensions ---------

# Uncomment (and create rtd.conf) to specify routing table for this peer.
#LoadExtension = "rt_default.fdx" : "rtd.conf";

# Uncomment (and create acl.conf) to allow incoming connections from other peers.
#LoadExtension = "acl_wl.fdx" : "acl.conf";

# Uncomment to display periodic state information
#LoadExtension = "dbg_monitor.fdx";

# Uncomment to enable an interactive Python interpreter session.
# (see doc/dbg_interactive.py.sample for more information)
#LoadExtension = "dbg_interactive.fdx";

# Load the RFC4005 dictionary objects
#LoadExtension = "dict_nasreq.fdx";

LoadExtension = "dict_nas_mipv6.fdx";
LoadExtension = "dict_s6a.fdx";

# Load RFC4072 dictionary objects
#LoadExtension = "dict_eap.fdx";

# Load the Diameter EAP server extension (requires diameap.conf)
#LoadExtension = "app_diameap.fdx" : "diameap.conf";

# Load the Accounting Server extension (requires app_acct.conf)
#LoadExtension = "app_acct.fdx" : "app_acct.conf";

# -------- Peers ---------

# The framework will actively attempt to establish and maintain a connection
# with the peers listed here.
# For only accepting incoming connections, see the acl_wl.fx extension.

# ConnectPeer = "hss.test.fr" { ConnectTo = ""; No_IPv6; No_TCP; Port = 3868; Realm = "test.fr"; };
# ConnectPeer = "hss.test.fr" { ConnectTo = ""; No_TLS; };