enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpx310.conf 6.71 KB
Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
Asn1_verbosity = "none";

eNBs =
    ////////// Identification parameters:
    eNB_ID    =  0xe00;

    cell_type =  "CELL_MACRO_ENB";

    eNB_name  =  "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";

    // Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
    tracking_area_code  =  "1";

    mobile_country_code =  "208";
    mobile_network_code =  "92";

       ////////// Physical parameters:

    component_carriers = (
        frame_type					      = "FDD";
        tdd_config 					      = 3;
        tdd_config_s            			      = 0;
        prefix_type             			      = "NORMAL";
        eutra_band              			      = 7;
        downlink_frequency      			      = 2660000000L;
        uplink_frequency_offset 			      = -120000000;
        Nid_cell					      = 0;
        N_RB_DL                 			      = 50;
        Nid_cell_mbsfn          			      = 0;
        nb_antennas_tx          			      = 1;
        nb_antennas_rx          			      = 1;
        tx_gain                                            = 32;
        rx_gain                                            = 82;
        prach_root              			      = 0;
        prach_config_index      			      = 0;
        prach_high_speed        			      = "DISABLE";
        prach_zero_correlation  			      = 1;
        prach_freq_offset       			      = 2;
        pucch_delta_shift       			      = 1;
        pucch_nRB_CQI           			      = 1;
        pucch_nCS_AN            			      = 0;
        pucch_n1_AN             			      = 32;
        pdsch_referenceSignalPower 			      = -19;
        pdsch_p_b                  			      = 0;
        pusch_n_SB                 			      = 1;
        pusch_enable64QAM          			      = "DISABLE";
        pusch_hoppingMode                                  = "interSubFrame";
        pusch_hoppingOffset                                = 0;
        pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  			      = "ENABLE";
        pusch_groupAssignment      			      = 0;
        pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled		   	      = "DISABLE";
        pusch_nDMRS1                                       = 1;
        phich_duration                                     = "NORMAL";
        phich_resource                                     = "ONESIXTH";
        srs_enable                                         = "DISABLE";
      /*  srs_BandwidthConfig                                =;
        srs_SubframeConfig                                 =;
        srs_ackNackST                                      =;
        srs_MaxUpPts                                       =;*/

        pusch_p0_Nominal                                   = -90;
        pusch_alpha                                        = "AL1";
        pucch_p0_Nominal                                   = -108;
        msg3_delta_Preamble                                = 6;
        pucch_deltaF_Format1                               = "deltaF2";
        pucch_deltaF_Format1b                              = "deltaF3";
        pucch_deltaF_Format2                               = "deltaF0";
        pucch_deltaF_Format2a                              = "deltaF0";
        pucch_deltaF_Format2b		    	      = "deltaF0";

        rach_numberOfRA_Preambles                          = 64;
        rach_preamblesGroupAConfig                         = "DISABLE";
        rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA                      = ;
        rach_messageSizeGroupA                             = ;
        rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB                      = ;
        rach_powerRampingStep                              = 4;
        rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower            = -108;
        rach_preambleTransMax                              = 10;
        rach_raResponseWindowSize                          = 10;
        rach_macContentionResolutionTimer                  = 48;
        rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx                                = 4;

        pcch_default_PagingCycle                           = 128;
        pcch_nB                                            = "oneT";
        bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff			      = 2;
        ue_TimersAndConstants_t300			      = 1000;
        ue_TimersAndConstants_t301			      = 1000;
        ue_TimersAndConstants_t310			      = 1000;
        ue_TimersAndConstants_t311			      = 10000;
        ue_TimersAndConstants_n310			      = 20;
        ue_TimersAndConstants_n311			      = 1;

    srb1_parameters :
        # timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
        timer_poll_retransmit    = 80;

        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
        timer_reordering         = 35;

        # timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
        timer_status_prohibit    = 0;

        # poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
        poll_pdu                 =  4;

        # poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
        poll_byte                =  99999;

        # max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
        max_retx_threshold       =  4;

    # ------- SCTP definitions
    SCTP :
        # Number of streams to use in input/output
        SCTP_INSTREAMS  = 2;
        SCTP_OUTSTREAMS = 2;

    ////////// MME parameters:
    mme_ip_address      = ( { ipv4       = "";
                              ipv6       = "192:168:30::17";
                              active     = "yes";
                              preference = "ipv4";

        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME            = "eth0";
        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME              = "";

        ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U               = "eth0";
        ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U                 = "";
        ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U                         = 2152; # Spec 2152

    log_config :
      global_log_level                      ="debug";
      global_log_verbosity                  ="medium";
      hw_log_level                          ="info";
      hw_log_verbosity                      ="medium";
      phy_log_level                         ="info";
      phy_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
      mac_log_level                         ="info";
      mac_log_verbosity                     ="high";
      rlc_log_level                         ="info";
      rlc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
      pdcp_log_level                        ="info";
      pdcp_log_verbosity                    ="medium";
      rrc_log_level                         ="info";
      rrc_log_verbosity                     ="medium";
