Commit 7b1ee53a authored by Xenofon Foukas's avatar Xenofon Foukas

Implemented UE config message (dummy)

parent b6c9a4a7
No related merge requests found
......@@ -293,13 +293,188 @@ int enb_agent_destroy_enb_config_reply(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) {
int enb_agent_ue_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) {
/* TODO: Create a reply progRAN message with the current UE configurations */
xid_t xid;
Protocol__ProgranMessage *input = (Protocol__ProgranMessage *)params;
Protocol__PrpUeConfigRequest *ue_config_request_msg = input->ue_config_request_msg;
xid = (ue_config_request_msg->header)->xid;
int i;
Protocol__PrpHeader *header;
if(prp_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__PRP_TYPE__PRPT_GET_UE_CONFIG_REPLY, &header) != 0)
goto error;
Protocol__PrpUeConfigReply *ue_config_reply_msg;
ue_config_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpUeConfigReply));
if(ue_config_reply_msg == NULL)
goto error;
ue_config_reply_msg->header = header;
//TODO: Fill in the actual number of UEs that are currently connected
ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config = 1;
Protocol__PrpUeConfig **ue_config;
if (ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config > 0) {
ue_config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpUeConfig *) * ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config);
if (ue_config == NULL) {
goto error;
for (i = 0; i < ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config; i++) {
ue_config[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpUeConfig *));
//TODO: Set the RNTI of the ue with id i
ue_config[i]->rnti = 1;
ue_config[i]->has_rnti = 1;
//TODO: Set the DRX configuration (optional)
//Not supported for now, so we do not set it
//TODO: Set the time_alignment_timer
ue_config[i]->time_alignment_timer = 1;
ue_config[i]->has_time_alignment_timer = 1;
//TODO: Set the measurement gap configuration pattern
ue_config[i]->meas_gap_config_pattern = 1;
ue_config[i]->has_meas_gap_config_pattern = 1;
//TODO: Set the measurement gap offset if applicable
ue_config[i]->meas_gap_config_sf_offset = 1;
ue_config[i]->has_meas_gap_config_sf_offset = 1;
//TODO: Set the SPS configuration (Optional)
//Not supported for noe, so we do not set it
//TODO: Set the SR configuration (Optional)
//We do not set it for now
//TODO: Set the CQI configuration (Optional)
//We do not set it for now
//TODO: Set the transmission mode
ue_config[i]->transmission_mode = 1;
ue_config[i]->has_transmission_mode = 1;
//TODO: Set the aggregated bit-rate of the non-gbr bearer (UL)
ue_config[i]->ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul = 1;
ue_config[i]->has_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul = 1;
//TODO: Set the aggregated bit-rate of the non-gbr bearer (DL)
ue_config[i]->ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl = 1;
ue_config[i]->has_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl = 1;
//TODO: Set the UE capabilities
Protocol__PrpUeCapabilities *capabilities;
capabilities = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpUeCapabilities));
//TODO: Set half duplex (FDD operation)
capabilities->has_half_duplex = 1;
capabilities->half_duplex = 1;
//TODO: Set intra-frame hopping flag
capabilities->has_intra_sf_hopping = 1;
capabilities->intra_sf_hopping = 1;
//TODO: Set support for type 2 hopping with n_sb > 1
capabilities->has_type2_sb_1 = 1;
capabilities->type2_sb_1 = 1;
//TODO: Set ue category
capabilities->has_ue_category = 1;
capabilities->ue_category = 1;
//TODO: Set UE support for resource allocation type 1
capabilities->has_res_alloc_type1 = 1;
capabilities->res_alloc_type1 = 1;
//Set the capabilites to the message
ue_config[i]->capabilities = capabilities;
//TODO: Set UE transmission antenna. One of the PRUTA_* values
ue_config[i]->has_ue_transmission_antenna = 1;
ue_config[i]->ue_transmission_antenna = PROTOCOL__PRP_UE_TRANSMISSION_ANTENNA__PRUTA_OPEN_LOOP;
//TODO: Set tti bundling flag (See ts 36.321)
ue_config[i]->has_tti_bundling = 1;
ue_config[i]->tti_bundling = 1;
//TODO: Set the max HARQ retransmission for the UL
ue_config[i]->has_max_harq_tx = 1;
ue_config[i]->max_harq_tx = 1;
//TODO: Fill beta_offset_ack_index (TS 36.213)
ue_config[i]->has_beta_offset_ack_index = 1;
ue_config[i]->beta_offset_ack_index = 1;
//TODO: Fill beta_offset_ri_index (TS 36.213)
ue_config[i]->has_beta_offset_ri_index = 1;
ue_config[i]->beta_offset_ri_index = 1;
//TODO: Fill beta_offset_cqi_index (TS 36.213)
ue_config[i]->has_beta_offset_cqi_index = 1;
ue_config[i]->beta_offset_cqi_index = 1;
//TODO: Fill ack_nack_simultaneous_trans (TS 36.213)
ue_config[i]->has_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans = 1;
ue_config[i]->ack_nack_simultaneous_trans = 1;
//TODO: Fill simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi (TS 36.213)
ue_config[i]->has_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi = 1;
ue_config[i]->simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi = 1;
//TODO: Set PRACRM_* value regarding aperiodic cqi report mode
ue_config[i]->has_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode = 1;
ue_config[i]->aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode = PROTOCOL__PRP_APERIODIC_CQI_REPORT_MODE__PRACRM_RM12;
//TODO: Set tdd_ack_nack_feedback
ue_config[i]->has_tdd_ack_nack_feedback = 1;
ue_config[i]->tdd_ack_nack_feedback = 1;
//TODO: Set ack_nack_repetition factor
ue_config[i]->has_ack_nack_repetition_factor = 1;
ue_config[i]->ack_nack_repetition_factor = 1;
//TODO: Set extended BSR size
ue_config[i]->has_extended_bsr_size = 1;
ue_config[i]->extended_bsr_size = 1;
//TODO: Set carrier aggregation support (boolean)
ue_config[i]->has_ca_support = 1;
ue_config[i]->ca_support = 0;
//TODO: Set cross carrier scheduling support (boolean)
ue_config[i]->has_cross_carrier_sched_support = 1;
ue_config[i]->cross_carrier_sched_support = 0;
//TODO: Set index of primary cell
ue_config[i]->has_pcell_carrier_index = 1;
ue_config[i]->pcell_carrier_index = 1;
//TODO: Set secondary cells configuration
// We do not set it for now. No carrier aggregation support
//TODO: Set deactivation timer for secondary cell
ue_config[i]->has_scell_deactivation_timer = 1;
ue_config[i]->scell_deactivation_timer = 1;
ue_config_reply_msg->ue_config = ue_config;
*msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__ProgranMessage));
if (*msg == NULL)
goto error;
(*msg)->ue_config_reply_msg = ue_config_reply_msg;
return 0;
// TODO: Need to make proper error handling
if (header != NULL)
if (ue_config_reply_msg != NULL)
if(*msg != NULL)
//LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
int enb_agent_destroy_ue_config_reply(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) {
/*TODO: Deallocate memory for a dynamically allocated UE config message */
goto error;
int i, j;
Protocol__PrpUeConfigReply *reply = msg->ue_config_reply_msg;
for(i = 0; i < reply->n_ue_config;i++){
return 0;
//LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__);
return -1;
int enb_agent_lc_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) {
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