Commit 557d1271 authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin

new test

parent e0520d3f
#define EMIT_ASN_DEBUG 1
#include <OCTET_STRING.c>
#include <BIT_STRING.c>
#include <xer_decoder.c>
#include <xer_support.c>
#include <ber_decoder.c>
#include <ber_tlv_length.c>
#include <ber_tlv_tag.c>
#include <der_encoder.c>
#include <constraints.c>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define HEX 0
#define BINARY 1
#define UTF8 2
static void
check(int type, char *tagname, char *xmlbuf, char *verify) {
int xmllen = strlen(xmlbuf);
int verlen = verify ? strlen(verify) : 0;
asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td = &asn_DEF_OCTET_STRING;
OCTET_STRING_t *st = 0;
asn_dec_rval_t rc;
xer_type_decoder_f *decoder = 0;
switch(type) {
case HEX: decoder = OCTET_STRING_decode_xer_hex; break;
case BINARY:
td = &asn_DEF_BIT_STRING;
decoder = OCTET_STRING_decode_xer_binary; break;
case UTF8: decoder = OCTET_STRING_decode_xer_utf8; break;
rc = decoder(0, td, (void **)&st, tagname, xmlbuf, xmllen);
printf("[%s] => [%s]:%d vs [%s]:%d, code %d\n",
st ? st->buf : 0, st ? st->size : 0,
verify, verlen, rc.code);
if(verify) {
assert(rc.code == RC_OK);
assert(st->size == verlen);
assert(!memcmp(st->buf, verify, verlen));
} else {
assert(rc.code != RC_OK);
main() {
check(HEX, 0, "<OCTET_STRING>41424</OCTET_STRING>",
check(HEX, 0, "<!--comment--><OCTET_STRING>\n"
check(HEX, 0, "<OCTET_STRING blah blah> 4 1 4 2 4 5 44 </OCTET_STRING>",
/* Some hard cases */
check(HEX, "z", "<z><!-- < -->40</z>", "@");
check(HEX, "z", "<z><!-- <-->40</z>", "@");
check(HEX, "z", "<z><!-- -->>40</z>", 0);
check(HEX, "z", "<z><!-- <some <sometag>-->40</z>", "@");
check(HEX, "z", "<z><!-- <some <sometag-->>40</z>", 0);
check(HEX, "tag", "<tag>4</tag>", "@");
check(BINARY, "tag", "<tag/>", "");
check(BINARY, "tag", "<tag>blah</tag>", 0);
check(BINARY, "tag", "<tag>01000001</tag>", "A");
check(BINARY, "tag", "<tag>01000<!--blah--> 00 101 00001</tag>", "AB");
check(UTF8, 0, "<OCTET_STRING>one, two, three</OCTET_STRING>",
"one, two, three");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z z z>&lt;&amp;&gt;</z z z>", "<&>");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z z z>a&lt;b&amp;c&gt;d</z z z>", "a<b&c>d");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z z z>a&lt</z z z>", "a&lt");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z z z>a&sdfsdfsdf;b</z z z>", "a&sdfsdfsdf;b");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z z z>a&#x20;b</z z z>", "a b");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z z z>a&#32;b</z z z>", "a b");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z>a&#32323;b</z>", "a\347\271\203b");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z>a&#3000000000;b</z>", "a&#3000000000;b");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z>a&#300</z>", "a&#300");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z>a&#-300;</z>", "a&#-300;");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z>a<ff/>b</z>", "a\014b");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z>a<soh/>b</z>", "a\001b");
check(UTF8, "z", "<z>a<bel/></z>", "a\007");
return 0;
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