Commit 6b7fb39b authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin


parent 5cd37e70
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ $|=1; # Enable AutoFlush (for older versions of Perl)
my %binaryDecoders = (
x509 => { order => 1,
shorder => 11,
shorder => 6,
type => 'X.509 Certificate',
typeExt => 'X.509 Certificate',
description => 'X.509 in DER (not PEM!)',
......@@ -88,74 +88,74 @@ my %binaryDecoders = (
msg => ''
rrcDLCCCH => { order => 5,
mheg5 => { order => 5,
shorder => 5,
type => 'MHEG-5',
typeExt => 'ISO MHEG-5 data',
description => 'ISO MHEG-5 stream file',
exe => 'mheg5dump',
cmdopts => '-x',
msg => ''
ber => { order => 6,
shorder => 1,
type => BER,
typeExt => 'BER encoded data',
description => 'BER/DER/CER binary file',
exe => 'unber',
cmdopts => '',
msg => "<!-- Use 'enber' to convert it back into BER -->\n"
rrcDLCCCH => { order => -1, # Not automatic
shorder => 7,
type => 'RRC DL-CCCH-Message',
typeExt => 'RRC DL-CCCH-Message frame',
description => '3GPP RRC DL-CCCH-Message',
exe => 'rrc-dump',
cmdopts => '-p DL-CCCH-Message',
cmdopts => '-p DL-CCCH-Message -oxer',
msg => ''
rrcULCCCH => { order => 6,
shorder => 6,
rrcULCCCH => { order => -1,
shorder => 8,
type => 'RRC UL-CCCH-Message',
typeExt => 'RRC UL-CCCH-Message frame',
description => '3GPP RRC UL-CCCH-Message',
exe => 'rrc-dump',
cmdopts => '-p UL-CCCH-Message',
cmdopts => '-p UL-CCCH-Message -oxer',
msg => ''
rrcDLDCCH => { order => 7,
shorder => 7,
type => 'RRC DL-DCCH-Message',
rrcDLDCCH => { order => -1,
shorder => 9,
type => 'RRC DL-DCCH-Message -oxer',
typeExt => 'RRC DL-DCCH-Message frame',
description => '3GPP RRC DL-DCCH-Message',
exe => 'rrc-dump',
cmdopts => '-p DL-DCCH-Message',
cmdopts => '-p DL-DCCH-Message -oxer',
msg => ''
rrcULDCCH => { order => 8,
shorder => 8,
rrcULDCCH => { order => -1,
shorder => 10,
type => 'RRC UL-DCCH-Message',
typeExt => 'RRC UL-DCCH-Message frame',
description => '3GPP RRC UL-DCCH-Message',
exe => 'rrc-dump',
cmdopts => '-p UL-DCCH-Message',
cmdopts => '-p UL-DCCH-Message -oxer',
msg => ''
rrcPCCH => { order => 9,
shorder => 9,
rrcPCCH => { order => -1,
shorder => 11,
type => 'RRC PCCH-Message',
typeExt => 'RRC PCCH-Message frame',
description => '3GPP RRC PCCH-Message',
exe => 'rrc-dump',
cmdopts => '-p PCCH-Message',
cmdopts => '-p PCCH-Message -oxer',
msg => ''
mheg5 => { order => 10,
shorder => 10,
type => 'MHEG-5',
typeExt => 'ISO MHEG-5 data',
description => 'ISO MHEG-5 stream file',
exe => 'mheg5dump',
cmdopts => '-x',
msg => ''
ber => { order => 11,
shorder => 1,
type => BER,
typeExt => 'BER encoded data',
description => 'BER/DER/CER binary file',
exe => 'unber',
cmdopts => '',
msg => "<!-- Use 'enber' to convert it back into BER -->\n"
......@@ -550,13 +550,16 @@ if($#gotSafeNames >= 0) {
# Try out several BER decoders.
foreach my $t (sort { $binaryDecoders{$a}{order}
<=> $binaryDecoders{$b}{order} } keys %binaryDecoders) {
next unless ($fType eq 'auto' or $fType eq $t);
my %dec = %{$binaryDecoders{$t}};
next unless ($fType eq 'auto' or $fType eq $t);
next if($fType eq 'auto' and $dec{order} < 0);
$options = $dec{cmdopts};
$options .= "-m"
if($dec{type} eq 'BER' && $optMin eq "on");
$options =~ s/-x/-p/g
if($dec{type} ne 'BER' && $optNoXER eq "on");
if($dec{type} ne 'BER' && $optNoXER eq "on") {
$options =~ s/-x/-p/g; # Old way
$options =~ s/-oxer/-otext/g; # New way
my $ec = system("$SUIDHelper $TMPDIR $inChDir $dec{exe} $options @gotSafeNames > $TMPDIR/$inChDir/+UNBER.tmp 2>&1");
next if ($ec != 0 and $t ne $fType
and (-s "$TMPDIR/$inChDir/+UNBER.tmp" < 1000));
......@@ -603,6 +606,7 @@ if(-f $sessionDir . '/lastText') {
$form = << "EOM";
function fileTypeChanged(s) {
if(s.value == "no") return false;
var options_asn = document.getElementById("options-asn");
var options_bin = document.getElementById("options-bin");
if(s.value == "auto" || s.value == "asn1") {
......@@ -625,6 +629,7 @@ function fileTypeChanged(s) {
pr.value = "Proceed with binary data decoding"; break;
return true;
function formSubmit() {
if(document.form.file.value == ""
......@@ -640,16 +645,26 @@ function formSubmit() {
<FORM METHOD=POST NAME=form ACTION=$myName ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
<DIV STYLE="width: 100%;">
<DIV ID=arrow>&rArr;</DIV><DIV ID=aarr>Pick the ASN.1 module text or binary encoded data file:<BR>
<SELECT NAME=fileType onchange="fileTypeChanged(this);">
<SELECT NAME=fileType onchange="return fileTypeChanged(this);">
<OPTION VALUE=auto>Autodetect file type...
<OPTION VALUE=asn1>ASN.1 specification text ...
my $notauto = 0;
foreach my $t (sort { $binaryDecoders{$a}{shorder}
<=> $binaryDecoders{$b}{shorder} } keys %binaryDecoders) {
my %dec = %{$binaryDecoders{$t}};
my $description = $dec{description};
$form .= "<OPTION VALUE=$t>$description ...\n";
if(!$notauto && $dec{order} < 0) {
$notauto = 1;
$form .= "<OPTION ID=noauto VALUE=no DISABLED=\"disabled\">";
$form .= "--- not autodetectable: ---";
$form .= "\n";
$form .= "<OPTION VALUE=$t>$description";
$form .= " ..." if $dec{order} > 0;
$form .= "\n";
$form .= << "EOM";
......@@ -1000,6 +1015,7 @@ $redirect
font-size: 7pt;
font-family: sans-serif;
padding-left: 1em;
padding-bottom: 5px;
margin-left: 1em;
DIV.options#options-bin {
......@@ -1022,6 +1038,7 @@ $redirect
DIV#aarr {
display: block;
margin-left: 1em;
padding-bottom: 5px;
padding-left: 2pt;
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