Commit 80ec40aa authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin

Email notifications and -fcompound-names

parent 4e319f02
......@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ $TMPDIR = '/tmp/asn1c-cgi-jail/';
$SUIDHelper = './asn1c-suid-helper';
$SkeletonsDir = '/usr/local/share/asn1c'; # Will be needed only once
$CompilerLocation = '/usr/local/bin/asn1c'; # asn1c binary location
$HelpDBFile = $TMPDIR . '/var/db/Help-DB'; # Help requests database
$HashProgramPath = 'md5'; # Program to hash the input
$DM = 0750; # Directory mode for all mkdirs.
$DM = 0750; # Directory mode for all mkdirs
$MaxHistoryItems = 5; # Number of items in History
$DynamicHistory = 'yes'; # Full/Short history
$safeFilename = '^[a-z0-9_-]+[.a-z0-9_-]*$'; # Safe filename
......@@ -92,6 +93,8 @@ sub prepareChrootEnvironment() {
mkdir $TMPDIR . 'sessions', $DM or bark($OpEnvFailed, $!); # sessions
mkdir $TMPDIR . 'bin', $DM or bark($OpEnvFailed, $!); # asn1c location
mkdir $TMPDIR . 'skeletons', $DM or bark($OpEnvFailed, $!); # asn1c data
mkdir $TMPDIR . 'var', $DM or bark($OpEnvFailed, $!);
mkdir $TMPDIR . 'var/db', $DM or bark($OpEnvFailed, $!);
if(-d '/lib') {
# Merge in dynamic libc
mkdir $TMPDIR . 'lib', $DM or bark($OpEnvFailed, $!);
......@@ -277,17 +280,28 @@ unless($session) {
$transHelp = param('transHelp');
&& $transHelp =~ /^([0-9]+)--([0-9TZ:+-]{14,})--([_.a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$/) {
open(S, "| sendmail -it") or bark("Cannot perform help request, please email to the address below");
open(S, "| sendmail -it")
or bark("Cannot perform help request, "
. "please email to the address below");
print S "From: $userEmail\n";
print S "To: $HelpEmail\n";
print S "Subject: asn1c help requested for $3 ($1)\n";
print S "Subject: asn1c help requested for $3 ($1) by $userEmail\n";
print S "\n";
print S "User $userEmail requested help with\n$session/$2--$3 ($1)\n";
print S "\n-- \nasn1c\n";
print S "\n-- \n";
print S "User $userEmail requested help with\n";
print S "$session/$2--$3 ($1)\n";
open(S, '>> ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $2 . '--' . $3 . '/+HelpReq');
open(S, '>> ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $2 . '--' . $3 . '/+HelpReq')
or bark("Cannot perform help request, "
. "please email to the address below");
print S "$userEmail\n";
open(S, '>> ' . $HelpDBFile); # Susceptible to race condition.
print S "$session/$2--$1--$3\n";
$content = '<CENTER>Transaction '
. "$1 ($3) is marked for manual processing.<BR>"
. "Results will be mailed to "
......@@ -368,11 +382,13 @@ if($#gotSafeNames >= 0) {
my $optE = param('optE');
my $optEF = param('optEF');
my $optNT = param('optNT');
my $optCN = param('optCN');
$options .= " -Wdebug-lexer"
if(defined($optDebugL) && $optDebugL eq "on");
$options .= " -E" if(defined($optE) && $optE eq "on");
$options .= " -EF" if(defined($optEF) && $optEF eq "on");
$options .= " -fnative-types" if(defined($optNT) && $optNT eq "on");
$options .= " -fcompound-names" if(defined($optCN) && $optNT eq "on");
my $CompileASN = "$TMPDIR/bin/asn1c -v | sed -e 's/^/-- /'"
. " > $sandbox/+Compiler.Log 2>&1"
. "; $SUIDHelper $TMPDIR $inChDir $options @gotSafeNames "
......@@ -413,6 +429,7 @@ $form =
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optE> Just parse and dump (do not compile) (<I>-E</I>)<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optEF> Parse, perform semantic checks, and dump (<I>-E -F</I>)<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optNT CHECKED=on> Employ native machine types (e.g. <b>double</b> instead of <b>REAL_t</b>) (<I>-fnative-types</I>)<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optCN> Prevent name clashes in compiled output (<I>-fcompound-names</I>)<BR>\n"
. "</FONT>"
. "<P>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Proceed with ASN.1 compilation\">"
......@@ -430,6 +447,7 @@ my @transactions = sort { $b cmp $a }
(grep {/^[0-9TZ:+-]{14,}--[_.a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/}
my $CountHistoryItems = 0;
my $fullresp = param("fullresp");
foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
next unless($trans =~ /^([0-9TZ:+-]{14,})--([_.a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$/);
......@@ -492,10 +510,23 @@ foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
. "Fetch results (.tgz)</A></NOBR>"
if $allowFetchResults;
if($ec ne "0") {
local $eml;
local $eml, @resp;
open(H, '< ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $trans . '/+HelpResp')
and @resp = <H>;
open(H, '< ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $trans . '/+HelpReq')
and chomp($eml = <H>);
if(defined($eml)) {
if($#resp >= 0) {
shift(@resp) while($resp[0] =~ /^$/);
if($fullresp eq $tNum) {
$results .= "<P><B>Analysis:</B><BLOCKQUOTE>";
$results .= join("<BR>", @resp);
$results .= "</BLOCKQUOTE>";
$results .= "(<A HREF=\"$myName\">Hide full text</A>)";
} else {
$results .= "<P><B>Analysis:</B> $resp[0]<BR>";
$results .= "(<A HREF=\"$myName?fullresp=$tNum\">Show full text</A>)";
} elsif($eml) {
$results .= "<P><FONT COLOR=darkred Family=Serif><B>"
. "Status: manual help requested<BR>"
. " by <FONT COLOR=black>$eml</FONT>,<BR>"
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