@@ -73,4 +73,3 @@ The following areas really need contribution:
- Extending the **continuous integration** toward more exotic compilers such as Android NDK, Intel's Compiler, or the bleeding-edge versions of GCC or Clang.
- Improving the efficiency of the **JSON parser**. The current parser is implemented as a naive recursive descent parser with hand coded string handling. More sophisticated approaches like LALR parsers would be really appreciated. That said, parser generators like Bison or ANTLR do not play nice with single-header files -- I really would like to keep the parser inside the `json.hpp` header, and I am not aware of approaches similar to [`re2c`](http://re2c.org) for parsing.
- Extending and updating existing **benchmarks** to include (the most recent version of) this library. Though efficiency is not everything, speed and memory consumption are very important characteristics for C++ developers, so having proper comparisons would be interesting.
- Check the code with [**Coverity**](https://scan.coverity.com).