Unverified Commit 78e911b8 authored by Sergey Linev's avatar Sergey Linev Committed by GitHub

Use array_idx as methods args

Avoid mix-up with array_index member
Co-Authored-By: default avatarNiels Lohmann <niels.lohmann@gmail.com>
parent 00049c20
......@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ class json_pointer
@brief append an array index at the end of this JSON pointer
@param[in] array_indx array index to append
@return JSON pointer with @a array_indx appended
@param[in] array_idx array index to append
@return JSON pointer with @a array_idx appended
@liveexample{The example shows the usage of `operator/=`.,json_pointer__operator_add}
......@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ class json_pointer
@since version 3.6.0
json_pointer& operator/=(std::size_t array_indx)
json_pointer& operator/=(std::size_t array_idx)
return *this /= std::to_string(array_indx);
return *this /= std::to_string(array_idx);
......@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ class json_pointer
@brief create a new JSON pointer by appending the array-index-token at the end of the JSON pointer
@param[in] ptr JSON pointer
@param[in] array_indx array index
@return a new JSON pointer with @a array_indx appended to @a ptr
@param[in] array_idx array index
@return a new JSON pointer with @a array_idx appended to @a ptr
@liveexample{The example shows the usage of `operator/`.,json_pointer__operator_add_binary}
......@@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ class json_pointer
@since version 3.6.0
friend json_pointer operator/(const json_pointer& ptr, std::size_t array_indx)
friend json_pointer operator/(const json_pointer& ptr, std::size_t array_idx)
return json_pointer(ptr) /= array_indx;
return json_pointer(ptr) /= array_idx;
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