Commit 81f4b34e authored by Julian Becker's avatar Julian Becker

BSON: Improved documentation and error handling/reporting

parent e8730e5e
......@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ json.exception.parse_error.109 | parse error: array index 'one' is not a number
json.exception.parse_error.110 | parse error at 1: cannot read 2 bytes from vector | When parsing CBOR or MessagePack, the byte vector ends before the complete value has been read.
json.exception.parse_error.112 | parse error at 1: error reading CBOR; last byte: 0xF8 | Not all types of CBOR or MessagePack are supported. This exception occurs if an unsupported byte was read.
json.exception.parse_error.113 | parse error at 2: expected a CBOR string; last byte: 0x98 | While parsing a map key, a value that is not a string has been read.
json.exception.parse_error.114 | parse error: Unsupported BSON record type 0x0F | The parsing of the corresponding BSON record type is not implemented (yet).
@note For an input with n bytes, 1 is the index of the first character and n+1
is the index of the terminating null byte or the end of file. This also
......@@ -126,7 +126,12 @@ class binary_reader
@return whether array creation completed
@brief Parses a C-style string from the BSON input.
@param [out] result A reference to the string variable where the read string
is to be stored.
@return `true` if the \x00-byte indicating the end of the
string was encountered before the EOF.
`false` indicates an unexpected EOF.
bool get_bson_cstr(string_t& result)
......@@ -148,12 +153,112 @@ class binary_reader
return true;
bool parse_bson_entries(bool is_array)
@brief Parses a zero-terminated string of length @a len from the BSON input.
@param [in] len The length (including the zero-byte at the end) of the string to be read.
@param [out] result A reference to the string variable where the read string
is to be stored.
@tparam NumberType The type of the length @a len
@pre len > 0
@return `true` if the string was successfully parsed
template <typename NumberType>
bool get_bson_string(const NumberType len, string_t& result)
return get_string(len - static_cast<NumberType>(1), result)
&& get() != std::char_traits<char>::eof();
@return A hexadecimal string representation of the given @a byte
@param byte The byte to convert to a string
static std::string byte_hexstring(unsigned char byte)
char cr[3];
snprintf(cr, sizeof(cr), "%02hhX", byte);
return std::string{cr};
@brief Read a BSON document element of the given @a element_type.
@param element_type The BSON element type, c.f.
@param element_type_parse_position The position in the input stream, where the `element_type` was read.
@warning Not all BSON element types are supported yet. An unsupported @a element_type will
give rise to a parse_error.114: Unsupported BSON record type 0x...
@return whether a valid BSON-object/array was passed to the SAX parser
bool parse_bson_element_internal(int element_type, std::size_t element_type_parse_position)
while (auto entry_type = get())
switch (element_type)
case 0x01: // double
double number;
return get_number<double, true>(number)
&& sax->number_float(static_cast<number_float_t>(number), "");
case 0x02: // string
std::int32_t len;
string_t value;
return get_number<std::int32_t, true>(len)
&& get_bson_string(len, value)
&& sax->string(value);
case 0x08: // boolean
return sax->boolean(static_cast<bool>(get()));
case 0x10: // int32
std::int32_t value;
return get_number<std::int32_t, true>(value)
&& sax->number_integer(static_cast<std::int32_t>(value));
case 0x12: // int64
std::int64_t value;
return get_number<std::int64_t, true>(value)
&& sax->number_integer(static_cast<std::int64_t>(value));
case 0x0A: // null
return sax->null();
case 0x03: // object
return parse_bson_internal();
case 0x04: // array
return parse_bson_array();
default: // anything else not supported (yet)
auto element_type_str = byte_hexstring(element_type);
return sax->parse_error(element_type_parse_position, element_type_str, parse_error::create(114, element_type_parse_position, "Unsupported BSON record type 0x" + element_type_str));
@brief Read a BSON element list (as specified in the BSON-spec) from the input
and passes it to the SAX-parser.
The same binary layout is used for objects and arrays, hence it must
be indicated with the argument @a is_array which one is expected
(true --> array, false --> object).
@param is_array Determines if the element list being read is to be treated as
an object (@a is_array == false), or as an array (@a is_array == true).
@return whether a valid BSON-object/array was passed to the SAX parser
bool parse_bson_element_list(bool is_array)
while (auto element_type = get())
const std::size_t element_type_parse_position = chars_read;
string_t key;
if (!get_bson_cstr(key))
if (JSON_UNLIKELY(not get_bson_cstr(key)))
return false;
......@@ -163,64 +268,18 @@ class binary_reader
switch (entry_type)
if (JSON_UNLIKELY(not parse_bson_element_internal(element_type, element_type_parse_position)))
case 0x01: // double
double number;
get_number<double, true>(number);
sax->number_float(static_cast<number_float_t>(number), "");
case 0x02: // string
std::int32_t len;
string_t value;
get_number<std::int32_t, true>(len);
get_string(len - 1ul, value);
case 0x08: // boolean
case 0x10: // int32
std::int32_t value;
get_number<std::int32_t, true>(value);
case 0x12: // int64
std::int64_t value;
get_number<std::int64_t, true>(value);
case 0x0A: // null
case 0x03: // object
case 0x04: // array
return false;
return true;
@brief Reads an array from the BSON input and passes it to the SAX-parser.
@return whether a valid BSON-array was passed to the SAX parser
bool parse_bson_array()
std::int32_t documentSize;
......@@ -231,7 +290,7 @@ class binary_reader
return false;
if (!parse_bson_entries(/*is_array*/true))
if (JSON_UNLIKELY(not parse_bson_element_list(/*is_array*/true)))
return false;
......@@ -239,6 +298,10 @@ class binary_reader
return sax->end_array();
@brief Reads in a BSON-object and pass it to the SAX-parser.
@return whether a valid BSON-value was passed to the SAX parser
bool parse_bson_internal()
std::int32_t documentSize;
......@@ -249,7 +312,7 @@ class binary_reader
return false;
if (!parse_bson_entries(/*is_array*/false))
if (JSON_UNLIKELY(not parse_bson_element_list(/*is_array*/false)))
return false;
......@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ class binary_writer
switch (j.type())
JSON_THROW(type_error::create(317, "JSON value cannot be serialized to requested format"));
JSON_THROW(type_error::create(317, "JSON value of type " + std::to_string(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(j.type())) + " cannot be serialized to requested format"));
case value_t::discarded:
......@@ -6591,7 +6591,13 @@ class basic_json
@brief Serializes the given JSON object `j` to BSON and returns a vector
containing the corresponding BSON-representation.
@param j The JSON object to convert to BSON.
@return The BSON representation of the JSON input `j`.
@pre The input `j` shall be an object: `j.is_object() == true`
static std::vector<uint8_t> to_bson(const basic_json& j)
std::vector<uint8_t> result;
......@@ -6599,11 +6605,21 @@ class basic_json
return result;
@brief Serializes the given JSON object `j` to BSON and forwards the
corresponding BSON-representation to the given output_adapter `o`.
@param j The JSON object to convert to BSON.
@param o The output adapter that receives the binary BSON representation.
@pre The input `j` shall be an object: `j.is_object() == true`
static void to_bson(const basic_json& j, detail::output_adapter<uint8_t> o)
@copydoc to_bson(const basic_json&, detail::output_adapter<uint8_t>)
static void to_bson(const basic_json& j, detail::output_adapter<char> o)
......@@ -6804,6 +6820,8 @@ class basic_json
related CBOR format
@sa @ref from_ubjson(detail::input_adapter, const bool, const bool) for
the related UBJSON format
@sa @ref from_bson(detail::input_adapter, const bool, const bool) for
the related BSON format
@since version 2.0.9; parameter @a start_index since 2.1.1; changed to
consume input adapters, removed start_index parameter, and added
......@@ -6889,6 +6907,8 @@ class basic_json
related CBOR format
@sa @ref from_msgpack(detail::input_adapter, const bool, const bool) for
the related MessagePack format
@sa @ref from_bson(detail::input_adapter, const bool, const bool) for
the related BSON format
@since version 3.1.0; added @allow_exceptions parameter since 3.2.0
......@@ -6920,7 +6940,61 @@ class basic_json
@brief Create a JSON value from an input in BSON format
Deserializes a given input @a i to a JSON value using the BSON (Binary JSON)
serialization format.
The library maps BSON record types to JSON value types as follows:
BSON type | BSON marker byte | JSON value type
--------------- | ---------------- | ---------------------------
double | 0x01 | number_float
string | 0x02 | string
document | 0x03 | object
array | 0x04 | array
binary | 0x05 | still unsupported
undefined | 0x06 | still unsupported
ObjectId | 0x07 | still unsupported
boolean | 0x08 | boolean
UTC Date-Time | 0x09 | still unsupported
null | 0x0A | null
Regular Expr. | 0x0B | still unsupported
DB Pointer | 0x0C | still unsupported
JavaScript Code | 0x0D | still unsupported
Symbol | 0x0E | still unsupported
JavaScript Code | 0x0F | still unsupported
int32 | 0x10 | number_integer
Timestamp | 0x11 | still unsupported
128-bit decimal float | 0x13 | still unsupported
Max Key | 0x7F | still unsupported
Min Key | 0xFF | still unsupported
@warning The mapping is **incomplete**. The unsupported mappings
are indicated in the table above.
@param[in] i an input in BSON format convertible to an input adapter
@param[in] strict whether to expect the input to be consumed until EOF
(true by default)
@param[in] allow_exceptions whether to throw exceptions in case of a
parse error (optional, true by default)
@return deserialized JSON value
@throw parse_error.114 if an unsupported BSON record type is encountered
@sa @ref to_bson(const basic_json&, const bool, const bool) for the
analogous serialization
@sa @ref from_cbor(detail::input_adapter, const bool, const bool) for the
related CBOR format
@sa @ref from_msgpack(detail::input_adapter, const bool, const bool) for
the related MessagePack format
@sa @ref from_ubjson(detail::input_adapter, const bool, const bool) for the
related UBJSON format
static basic_json from_bson(detail::input_adapter&& i,
const bool strict = true,
const bool allow_exceptions = true)
......@@ -6931,6 +7005,9 @@ class basic_json
return res ? result : basic_json(value_t::discarded);
@copydoc from_bson(detail::input_adapter&&, const bool, const bool)
template<typename A1, typename A2,
detail::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<detail::input_adapter, A1, A2>::value, int> = 0>
static basic_json from_bson(A1 && a1, A2 && a2,
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -708,3 +708,22 @@ TEST_CASE("Incomplete BSON INPUT 4")
TEST_CASE("Unsupported BSON input")
std::vector<uint8_t> bson =
0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // size (little endian)
0xFF, // entry type: Min key (not supported yet)
'e', 'n', 't', 'r', 'y', '\x00',
0x00 // end marker
"[json.exception.parse_error.114] parse error at 5: Unsupported BSON record type 0xFF");
CHECK(json::from_bson(bson, true, false).is_discarded());
SaxCountdown scp(0);
CHECK(not json::sax_parse(bson, &scp, json::input_format_t::bson));
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