proposal for #428

This implementation forwards the iterators to std::map::insert.
parent 90273e93
#include <json.hpp>
using json = nlohmann::json;
int main()
// create two JSON objects
json j1 = {{"one", "eins"}, {"two", "zwei"}};
json j2 = {{"eleven", "elf"}, {"seventeen", "siebzehn"}};
// output objects
std::cout << j1 << '\n';
std::cout << j2 << '\n';
// insert range from j2 to j1
j1.insert(j2.begin(), j2.end());
// output result of insert call
std::cout << j1 << '\n';
......@@ -5978,6 +5978,52 @@ class basic_json
return result;
@brief inserts elements
Inserts elements from range `[first, last)`.
@param[in] first begin of the range of elements to insert
@param[in] last end of the range of elements to insert
@throw type_error.309 if called on JSON values other than objects; example:
`"cannot use insert() with string"`
@throw invalid_iterator.202 if iterator @a first or @a last does does not
point to an object; example: `"iterators first and last must point to
@throw invalid_iterator.210 if @a first and @a last do not belong to the
same JSON value; example: `"iterators do not fit"`
@complexity Logarithmic: `O(N*log(size() + N))`, where `N` is the number
of elements to insert.
@liveexample{The example shows how `insert()` is used.,insert__range_object}
@since version 3.0.0
void insert(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
// insert only works for objects
if (not is_object())
JSON_THROW(type_error::create(309, "cannot use insert() with " + type_name()));
// check if range iterators belong to the same JSON object
if (first.m_object != last.m_object)
JSON_THROW(invalid_iterator::create(210, "iterators do not fit"));
// passed iterators must belong to objects
if (not first.m_object->is_object() or not first.m_object->is_object())
JSON_THROW(invalid_iterator::create(202, "iterators first and last must point to objects"));
m_value.object->insert(first.m_it.object_iterator, last.m_it.object_iterator);
@brief exchanges the values
......@@ -5978,6 +5978,52 @@ class basic_json
return result;
@brief inserts elements
Inserts elements from range `[first, last)`.
@param[in] first begin of the range of elements to insert
@param[in] last end of the range of elements to insert
@throw type_error.309 if called on JSON values other than objects; example:
`"cannot use insert() with string"`
@throw invalid_iterator.202 if iterator @a first or @a last does does not
point to an object; example: `"iterators first and last must point to
@throw invalid_iterator.210 if @a first and @a last do not belong to the
same JSON value; example: `"iterators do not fit"`
@complexity Logarithmic: `O(N*log(size() + N))`, where `N` is the number
of elements to insert.
@liveexample{The example shows how `insert()` is used.,insert__range_object}
@since version 3.0.0
void insert(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
// insert only works for objects
if (not is_object())
JSON_THROW(type_error::create(309, "cannot use insert() with " + type_name()));
// check if range iterators belong to the same JSON object
if (first.m_object != last.m_object)
JSON_THROW(invalid_iterator::create(210, "iterators do not fit"));
// passed iterators must belong to objects
if (not first.m_object->is_object() or not first.m_object->is_object())
JSON_THROW(invalid_iterator::create(202, "iterators first and last must point to objects"));
m_value.object->insert(first.m_it.object_iterator, last.m_it.object_iterator);
@brief exchanges the values
......@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ TEST_CASE("modifiers")
SECTION("range for array")
json j_other_array = {"first", "second"};
......@@ -631,6 +631,40 @@ TEST_CASE("modifiers")
SECTION("range for object")
json j_object1 = {{"one", "eins"}, {"two", "zwei"}};
json j_object2 = {{"eleven", "elf"}, {"seventeen", "siebzehn"}};
SECTION("proper usage")
j_object1.insert(j_object2.begin(), j_object2.end());
CHECK(j_object1.size() == 4);
SECTION("empty range")
j_object1.insert(j_object2.begin(), j_object2.begin());
CHECK(j_object1.size() == 2);
SECTION("invalid iterators")
json j_other_array2 = {"first", "second"};
CHECK_THROWS_AS(j_array.insert(j_object2.begin(), j_object2.end()), json::type_error);
CHECK_THROWS_AS(j_object1.insert(j_object1.begin(), j_object2.end()), json::invalid_iterator);
CHECK_THROWS_AS(j_object1.insert(j_array.begin(), j_array.end()), json::invalid_iterator);
CHECK_THROWS_WITH(j_array.insert(j_object2.begin(), j_object2.end()),
"[json.exception.type_error.309] cannot use insert() with array");
CHECK_THROWS_WITH(j_object1.insert(j_object1.begin(), j_object2.end()),
"[json.exception.invalid_iterator.210] iterators do not fit");
CHECK_THROWS_WITH(j_object1.insert(j_array.begin(), j_array.end()),
"[json.exception.invalid_iterator.202] iterators first and last must point to objects");
SECTION("initializer list at position")
SECTION("insert before begin()")
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