Unverified Commit bb1b4c93 authored by Théo DELRIEU's avatar Théo DELRIEU Committed by Théo DELRIEU

fix from_json implementation for pair/tuple

Introduced by 6e4910d5

Fixes #707
parent e45eaf6e
......@@ -1235,16 +1235,16 @@ void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, ArithmeticType& val)
template<typename BasicJsonType, typename... Args>
void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, std::pair<Args...>& p)
template<typename BasicJsonType, typename A1, typename A2>
void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, std::pair<A1, A2>& p)
p = {j.at(0), j.at(1)};
p = {j.at(0).template get<A1>(), j.at(1).template get<A2>()};
template<typename BasicJsonType, typename Tuple, std::size_t... Idx>
void from_json_tuple_impl(const BasicJsonType& j, Tuple& t, index_sequence<Idx...>)
t = std::make_tuple(j.at(Idx)...);
t = std::make_tuple(j.at(Idx).template get<typename std::tuple_element<Idx, Tuple>::type>()...);
template<typename BasicJsonType, typename... Args>
......@@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ TEST_CASE("constructors")
json j(p);
CHECK(j.type() == json::value_t::array);
CHECK(j.get<decltype(p)>() == p);
REQUIRE(j.size() == 2);
CHECK(j[0] == std::get<0>(p));
CHECK(j[1] == std::get<1>(p));
......@@ -262,11 +263,12 @@ TEST_CASE("constructors")
const auto t = std::make_tuple(1.0, "string", 42, std::vector<int> {0, 1});
const auto t = std::make_tuple(1.0, std::string{"string"}, 42, std::vector<int> {0, 1});
json j(t);
CHECK(j.type() == json::value_t::array);
REQUIRE(j.size() == 4);
CHECK(j.get<decltype(t)>() == t);
CHECK(j[0] == std::get<0>(t));
CHECK(j[1] == std::get<1>(t));
CHECK(j[2] == std::get<2>(t));
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