This is the first official release. Compared to the [prerelease version 1.0.0-rc1](, only a few minor improvements have been made:
### Changes
-*Changed*: A **UTF-8 byte order mark** is silently ignored.
-*Changed*: `sprintf` is no longer used.
-*Changed*: `iterator_wrapper` also works for const objects; note: the name may change!
-*Changed*: **Error messages** during deserialization have been improved.
-*Added*: The `parse` function now also works with type `std::istream&&`.
-*Added*: Function `value(key, default_value)` returns either a copy of an object's element at the specified key or a given default value if no element with the key exists.
-*Added*: Public functions are tagged with the version they were introduced. This shall allow for better **versioning** in the future.
-*Added*: All public functions and types are **documented** (see including executable examples.
-*Added*: Allocation of all types (in particular arrays, strings, and objects) is now exception-safe.
-*Added*: They descriptions of thrown exceptions have been overworked and are part of the tests suite and documentation.