Unverified Commit e67df7c3 authored by Niels Lohmann's avatar Niels Lohmann

Merge branch 'feature/undo_171' into develop

parents 55262234 566f6dcf
......@@ -4240,74 +4240,6 @@ class basic_json
with range checking
@sa @ref value() for access by value with a default value
@since version 1.0.0
template<typename T, std::size_t n>
reference operator[](T * (&key)[n])
return operator[](static_cast<const T>(key));
@brief read-only access specified object element
Returns a const reference to the element at with specified key @a key. No
bounds checking is performed.
@warning If the element with key @a key does not exist, the behavior is
@note This function is required for compatibility reasons with Clang.
@param[in] key key of the element to access
@return const reference to the element at key @a key
@throw type_error.305 if the JSON value is not an object; in that cases,
using the [] operator with a key makes no sense.
@complexity Logarithmic in the size of the container.
@liveexample{The example below shows how object elements can be read using
the `[]` operator.,operatorarray__key_type_const}
@sa @ref at(const typename object_t::key_type&) for access by reference
with range checking
@sa @ref value() for access by value with a default value
@since version 1.0.0
template<typename T, std::size_t n>
const_reference operator[](T * (&key)[n]) const
return operator[](static_cast<const T>(key));
@brief access specified object element
Returns a reference to the element at with specified key @a key.
@note If @a key is not found in the object, then it is silently added to
the object and filled with a `null` value to make `key` a valid reference.
In case the value was `null` before, it is converted to an object.
@param[in] key key of the element to access
@return reference to the element at key @a key
@throw type_error.305 if the JSON value is not an object or null; in that
cases, using the [] operator with a key makes no sense.
@complexity Logarithmic in the size of the container.
@liveexample{The example below shows how object elements can be read and
written using the `[]` operator.,operatorarray__key_type}
@sa @ref at(const typename object_t::key_type&) for access by reference
with range checking
@sa @ref value() for access by value with a default value
@since version 1.1.0
template<typename T>
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