- 05 May, 2020 3 commits
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
- 04 May, 2020 4 commits
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Use external test data
Niels Lohmann authored
- 03 May, 2020 3 commits
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Remove Doozer CI
Niels Lohmann authored
- 02 May, 2020 6 commits
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
fix #1982:json_pointer.contains() exception is incorrectly raised
Niels Lohmann authored
- 01 May, 2020 14 commits
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Merge branches 'develop' and 'external_test_data' of https://github.com/nlohmann/json into external_test_data
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Fix README.md. Missing ```
ArthurSonzogni authored
About pull request: https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/2074 An error has been introduced by accepting the suggestions: https://github.com/ArthurSonzogni/json/commit/4be4a038ccd17aab0a4cc85200a6a0b41e1cccf2 One was about removing ~~~, but it was meant to be replaced by ``` in reality. This caused the README.md to be slightly broken.
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
Fix error message about invalid surrogate pairs
Niels Lohmann authored
Add CMake fetchcontent documentation and tests
- 30 Apr, 2020 3 commits
Rimas Misevičius authored
Rimas Misevičius authored
Rimas Misevičius authored
I tested following strings with invalid surrogate pair and unpaired surrogate in files: 1. `"a\uD800\uD800x"` 2. `"a\uD800x"` The error messge was: "... invalid string: surrogate U+DC00..U+DFFF must be followed by U+DC00..U+DFFF; ..." I think it must be: "... invalid string: surrogate U+D800..U+DBFF must be followed by U+DC00..U+DFFF; ..."
- 29 Apr, 2020 3 commits
Arthur Sonzogni authored
Co-Authored-By: Niels Lohmann <niels.lohmann@gmail.com>
Niels Lohmann authored
Properly pass serialize_binary to dump function
ArthurSonzogni authored
Github issue: https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2073 nlohmann::json documents 2 way of depending on it using CMake 1) Copy-paste the project/source into your own project. 2) Install nlohman::json and then use find_package. (1) pollutes your git repository, (2) requires everyone to install the dependencies themselves. Since 2018, CMake provide some kind of 'package manager' features using [FetchContent](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.17/module/FetchContent.html) It gives the following: ~~~cmake include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare(json GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/nlohmann/json GIT_TAG v3.7.3) FetchContent_GetProperties(json) if(NOT json_POPULATED) FetchContent_Populate(json) add_subdirectory( ${json_SOURCE_DIR} ${json_BINARY_DIR} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) endif() ~~~ Then declares the dependency in the target using it: ~~~cmake target_link_library(my_project PRIVATE nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json ~~~ This patch updates the documentation and provides tests.
- 28 Apr, 2020 1 commit
Niels Lohmann authored
Fix returning reference to local temporary object
- 27 Apr, 2020 2 commits
Niels Lohmann authored
Niels Lohmann authored
- 24 Apr, 2020 1 commit
Niels Lohmann authored
updated wandbox link