# * Licensed to Open Source Radio Access Network(OS-RAN) Alliance and OAI
# * Software Alliance under one or more contributor license agreements. The
# * initial OpenXG series projects are derided from OAI projects, the files from
# * OAI projects are all in compliance with OAI Public License, Version 1.1.
# * codes and files developed from OpenXG projects and from OS-RAN Alliance
# * are all under OS-RAN licenses; you may not use this file except in compliance
# * with the license. You may get a copy of the license at:
# * http://www.openxg.org.cn/?falu_69.html
# * For more information about OpenXG, please contact:
# * contact@openxg.org.cn
# */
/inet.*brd/{print "interfaceToUse="$NF"done"}
wu.jing authored01ec201f