• Javier Morgade's avatar
    M3AP 3GPP TS 36.444 interface implemented: · cd8da5a8
    Javier Morgade authored
            1.MME entity developed to handle M3 side (new dedicated task developed: TASK_MME_APP) (these procedures should be moved to OPENAIR-CN ... just implemented to easy the E-UTRAN MBMS stuff development)
            2.MCE side M3 interface procedures (new dedicated task developed: TASK_M3AP_MCE)
            3.MME side M3 interface procedures (new dedicated task developed: TASK_M2AP_MME) (these procedures should be moved to OPENAIR-CN ... just implemented to easy the E-UTRAN MBMS stuff development)
            4.ASN1 bindings for m3ap-14.0.0.asn1 implemented and tested
            5.MME config parameters
     	1. This commit was developed at Vicomtech (https://www.vicomtech.org) under UE project CDN-X-ALL: "CDN edge-cloud computing for efficient cache and reliable streaming aCROSS Aggregated unicast-multicast LinkS"
     	2. Project funded by Fed4FIRE+ OC5 (https://www.fed4fire.eu)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJavier Morgade <javier.morgade@ieee.org>
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